An Interview With A Lawyer

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An Interview with a Lawyer

Law 104
Legal Writing

Submitted by:
Dante Anhao
Christen Niňa Bermejo
Ariel P. Ramada

Submitted to:
Atty. Pablito J. Benedian
An Interview with a Lawyer
Fiscal Eliezer A Escorial, age 65, was just an average student way back in his undergraduate
years. His father was a farmer in their town. They own 150 hectares area of land located at
Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental where he was born. His mother was a businesswoman and their living
was sustained by his father’s farming and her mother’s business. There were no problems during his
study because he was financially equipped.

He never really wanted to be a lawyer. Before his parents induced him to the knowledge of
studying law, he wanted to be an agriculturist to help his father manage their own farm. However, his
father being only an elementary graduate insisted the he should take up law, because he wanted him to
achieve more than he could. Following his father’s wishes, he took up A.B. Political Science in Silliman
University and then took bachelor of laws.

He has a lot of inspirations when he attended law school; he was deeply moved by the people in
his hometown. He said, he met a lot of people who were oppressed and deprived of their rights. He was
a witness to this and he said, he wanted to change and did his best to be the man who could do it.

When ask about his challenges during his law school years, he said, he never really had a serious
one. During his study of law in Silliman University, he never had problems as he was financially and
emotionally provided. He even mentioned that we would go out at night with friends and get home then
studied even when he was drunk. He also added that, all the kinds of support came from his family,
family income from his father’s farm and mother’s business, as well as from the love of his life who was
also his childhood sweetheart and later married. He said, his wife was behind all his success. He never
doubted nor had second thoughts about law school.

The Bar review in San Beda was pretty much the same thing with his undergraduate and law
school years. He never had major problems or hindrances in terms of finances that derail him from such
dream. He advised us that, even if we are faced with many challenges, if we really aspire for it we need
to take the extra mile to achieve it.

After the Bar examination, he went back to Dumaguete. A week before the Bar Examinations
results was posted he went to visit his hometown, and while he was there he helped his father managed
their farm. At the time when the results came out, his wife got angry because he was still in
Vallehermoso enjoying the things he also loved doing. With the help of the fastest and most reliable way
to send information, the telegram and through the efforts of his wife he received the news that he was
one of the men and women who passed the Bar exam and Boom his family and friends were so proud of

Fiscal Escorial a Vice Mayor of the Municipality of Vallehermoso at the age of 26, after politics,
he was then appointed as assistant City prosecutor III in the City of Dumaguete. For 34 years he was
with Branch 34 to 44 as Prosecutor. In the course of his work as a Prosecutor, he mentioned that he had
met dangerous people, especially in controversial cases. However never receive any death threats. He
said he was never afraid as long as he can serve justice.
For his social and community involvement, he has been engaged in activities on charities,
connected to NGOs such as Dumaguete City Foster Care Incorporated. He channeled donations to
schools and is also involved in Environmental projects as an advocate and President of the Rotary Club
of Dumaguete South District, Rotary year2015 – 2016.

Before ending our interview, we asked Fiscal Escorial for some thoughts and advice for the class
who are aspiring Lawyers. According to him we should keep on going for that extra mile, he also added a
wonderful principle and teaching that is very easy to remember and effective he said, The “5 Ps” First
PLANNING – We should know what we want in life and plan,: PURSUING- Whether or not the plan is
sensible or worthy to continue: PATIENCE - everyone of us must have this virtue, that we may have faith
that in God’s clock will strike at the right time. PERSEVERANCE – we must persevere and be optimistic in
face of difficulty for our plan to succeed. PRAYER – Our best weapon of all.

And lastly, according to him we should always THINK nicely.. T – we should be TRUE to our
actions. H – we should be HONEST; I – we should always consider if the thing we intend to do INPIRES
others. N –is for us to consider if it is NECESSARY and K – that our KINDNESS not only to oneself but to
everyone around us.

It is indeed truly worth the hour spent with Fiscal Elizier Escorial. He provided us the wisdom
and the knowledge in the field we chose to take. The decision whether to keep the ball of our ambition
rolling or to stop and keep it in a safe forever, lies in our hands.

Thank you.

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