General Ledger 2017

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13th Month 77
2. Accident/ Pension Plan Insurance 1
3. Accounts Payable – Staff 2
4. Accounts Payable – Supplier 3
5. Accounts Receivable – Banco Filipino 159
6. Accounts Receivable – MBA 93
7. Accounts Receivable – SMPL 57
8. Accounts Receivable – Supplier 94
9. Accounts Receivable- Staff 4
10. Accrued Expense 95
11. Accrued Income 96
12. Accumulated Depreciated – Office Furniture and Fixtures 160
13. Accumulated Depreciation – Office Equipment 97
14. Accumulated Depreciation – Office Improvement 98
15. Accumulated Depreciation – Transportation Equipment 99
16. Admin Fee From Branch 100
17. Admin Fee RL – Current 5
18. Admin Fee Rogationist – Current 148
19. Advances to Officers and Employees 6
20. Advertising and publicity 90

21. Annual Dues 73

22. Appropriated Retained Earnings - Foundation Day 68
23. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Acquisition of Lot 149
24. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Calamity 89
25. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Capital Expenditures 58
26. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Community and Development 67
27. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Expansions 7
28. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Healthcare 81
29. Appropriated Retained Earnings – ISK Charitable 87
30. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Organization 150
31. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Scholar 151
32. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Software 78
33. Appropriated Retained Earnings – Training and Development 152

1. Bank Charges 8
1. Calamity 9
2. Capital Build up 10
3. Cash Bond 11
4. Cash in Bank - Banco De Oro- STI 102
5. Cash in Bank – Allied Bank Iligan 12
6. Cash in Bank – Allied Bank Iligan STI 169
7. Cash in Bank – Banco De Oro – Cash Bond 101
8. Cash in Bank – Banco De Oro – Training Fund 103
9. Cash in Bank – BPI – STI 104
10. Cash In Bank – China Bank – STI 105
11. Cash in Bank – DBP – STI 106
12. Cash in Bank – Metrobank (Rogationist) 13
13. Cash in Bank – Metrobank Savings 154
14. Cash in Bank – PNB STI 155
15. Cash in Bank – RBTC Dollar Account 157
16. Cash in Bank – RCBC Savings 156
17. Cash In Bank – SBTC – EMAF 14
18. Cash in Bank – SBTC – Head Office 15

19. Cash In Bank – SBTC – Retirement 161

20. Cash in Bank – SBTC – Scholar 16
21. Cash in Bank – SBTC – STI 162
22. Cash in Bank – SBTC MIC 59
23. Cash in Bank – SBTC Revolving Fund 60
24. Cash Investment – Time Deposits 107
25. Charitable Contributions 61
26. Christmas Bonus 91
27. COOP 17
1. Death Assistance 82
2. Depreciation – Office Equipment 108
3. Depreciation – Office Furniture and Fixtures 163
4. Depreciation – Office Improvement 109
5. Depreciation – Transportation Equipment 110
6. Development and Trainings – Members 69
7. Development and Trainings – Staff 18
8. Due From Balingasag Branch 19
9. Due From Balingasag Branch - Cash Bond 111
10. Due From Balingasag Branch – Loans 112
11. Due From Balingasag Branch – Monthly Remittances 113
12. Due From Balingasag Branch – Revolving Fund 114
13. Due From Head Office 164
14. Due From Head Office – Cash Bond 165
15. Due From Iligan Branch 20
16. Due From Iligan Branch – Cash Bond 115
17. Due From Iligan Branch – Monthly Remittances 116
18. Due From Iligan Branch – Revolving Fund 117
19. Due From Initao Branch 21
20. Due From Initao Branch - Revolving Fund 121
21. Due From Initao Branch – Cash Bond 118
22. Due From Initao Branch – Loans 119
23. Due From Initao Branch – Monthly Remittances 120
24. Due From Maigo Branch 22
25. Due From Maigo Branch – Cash Bond 122

26. Due From Maigo Branch – Fixed Assets 172

27. Due From Maigo Branch – Monthly Remittances 123
28. Due From Maigo Branch – Revolving Fund 124
29. Due From Malaybalay Branch 23
30. Due From Malaybalay Branch – Cash Bond 125
31. Due From Malaybalay Branch – Loans 126
32. Due From Malaybalay Branch – Monthly Remittances 127
33. Due From Malaybalay Branch – Revolving Fund 128
34. Due From Maranding Branch 24
35. Due From Maranding Branch – Cash Bond 129
36. Due From Maranding Branch – Monthly Remittances 130
37. Due From Maranding Branch – Revolving Fund 131
38. Due From Molave Branch 25
39. Due From Molave Branch – Cash Bond 132
40. Due From Molave Branch – Loans 133
41. Due From Molave Branch – Monthly Remittances 134
42. Due From Molave Branch – Revolving Fund 135
43. Due To Balingasag Branch 136
44. Due to Head Office 170
45. Due To Head Office – Monthly Remittances 166
46. Due To Iligan Branch 137
47. Due To Initao Branch 138
48. Due To Maigo Branch 139
49. Due to Malaybalay Branch 167
50. Due To Maranding Branch 140
51. Due to Molave Branch 153

1. Electricity 26

1. Gasoline 27
1. Health Care Fund 171
2. HealthCare 158
3. Holiday Pay 141
4. Honorarium 70

1. Insurance 62
2. Interest on Bank Deposit 142
3. Internet 28

1. Loans - Rogationist Past Due 72

2. Loans – Rogationist Current 71
3. Loans- Regular Current 29

1. Mailings 83
2. MBA Fund 30
3. Medical Allowance 31
4. Medical Allowance 92
5. Meetings and Representation 32
6. Mercantile 63
7. MIS Software 74
8. Miscellaneous Expense 75
9. Miscellaneous Income Share 76
10. Monetization of Vacation Leave 84

1. Office Equipment 173

2. Office Furniture and Fixtures 64
3. Office Rental 33
4. Office Supplies 34
5. Others 35

1. Pag-Ibig Employer Share 143

2. Pag-Ibig Loan 144
3. Pag-Ibig Payable 36
4. Per Diem 37
5. Personnel Expense – Christmas Bonus 174
6. Personnel Expense – Holiday Pay 175
7. PHIC Employer Share 38
8. PHIlhealth Payable 39
9. Prepaid Expense 145
10. Printing 40
11. Professional/Legal Fees 41

1. Registration Fees 65
2. Repair and Maintenance 42
3. Retirement Fund Payable 79
4. Retirement Premium 88
5. Rice Subsidy 43

1. Salaries and Wages 80

2. Sale of Old Newspaper/Cartridge 66
3. Scholar 44
4. Service Fee 45
5. Solidarity Fund 46
6. Special Deposits Payable – Member 47
7. Special Deposits Payable – Staff 48
8. SSS Employer Share 49
9. SSS Loan 51
10. SSS Members Payable 168
11. SSS Payable 50

1. Taxes and Licenses 52

2. Telephone 53
3. Transportations 54

1. Unappropriated Retained Earnings 146

2. Uniform Allowance 147
3. Unused Supplies 85

1. Water 55
2. Withholding Tax payable 56

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