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Name: ________________________________ Age: _____

Gender: __________ Occupation: _______________

INSTRUCTION: Check the space provided that corresponds to your answer.

Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal only under certain circumstances, or illegal in all

___ Always
___ Legal Sometimes
___ Legal Always
___ Illegal Unsure

Do you personally believe that having an abortion is morally acceptable, morally wrong, or is it not a moral issue?

___ Morally
___ Acceptable Morally
___ Wrong Not a Moral
___ Issue Depends

What do you think is the better way to reduce the number of pregnancies among teenagers: by emphasizing sex
education and birth control, or by emphasizing morality and abstinence?

___ Sex Education and Birth Control

___ Morality and
___ Abstinence Unsure

Is abortion ok for rape victims?

___ Yes
___ No
___ Don't know

Which comes closest to your opinion on abortion? Abortion should be . . . .

___ Legal in
___ All Cases Legal in
___ Most Cases Illegal in
___ Most Cases legal in

Would you like to see abortion laws in this country made stricter, less strict, or remain as they are?

___ More Strict

___ Less Strict

Do you personally believe that abortion is wrong?

___ Yes
___ No
___ Don't know

Are you religious, what is your religion, and does your religion support abortion or not?

___ Support
___ Not Support
___ Don't know

Abortion should never be anyone's primary method of birth control. However, it is impossible to legislate the
most moral course of action in every situation. There are cases of incest, cases of rape, and cases of health
dangers, and other cases we have not yet imagined where abortion just might be the only sane option a
woman has.

Those who are so virulent against abortion should campaign for factual education about birth control.
Abstinence only education is scientifically proven to be ineffective. Promise keepers organizations only breed
lies. We need to accept the reality of our sexuality and treat it responsibly so abortions never happen except in
the most extreme scenarios.


Most people who favor permissive abortion laws do so out of ignorance of the facts concerning the issue. This
ignorance is made more severe by euphemistic language, deceitful slogans and false statistics used by the
abortionist lobby. Many political leaders in the past had initially favored abortion and only after it had been
legalized did they discover the true facts of the issue. By that time, although they fought hard against it, they
were unable to do anything to change what they had allowed.

Even for many medical doctors, knowledge is often confined to the everyday cases they deal with and many
are ignorant about the facts of abortion and life in the womb. On social issues, many people have swallowed
false statistics and ideas fed to the press by the pro-abortion movement. On ethical issues, many believe the
abortionist position to be kind and compassionate, not noticing that their arguments rest on the assumption that
the rights of the weak and helpless are unimportant. Many assume that the lack of public protest against the
present law legitimizes it. They forget that those killed by abortion never have the opportunity to speak for
themselves. Many people are against abortion, but do not speak out because they do not know the facts
needed to do so.

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