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IDAS | Institute of Design and Building Theory

Prof. Almut Grüntuch-Ernst

IAD | Institute for Design and Space Composition

Prof. Volker Staab

IEX | Institute for Experimental Design

Prof. Berthold Penkhues

IGS | Institute of Building and Solar Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Norbert fish
Institute of Building and Solar Technology | Institute of Building Services and Energy Design
Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Norbert fish

Mühlenpfordtstraße 23
38106 Braunschweig

tel: +49 531 391 3555

fax: +49 531 391 8125

Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Norbert fish

After studying mechanical engineering in Gießen and Stuttgart, M. Norbert Fisch completed his doctorate in
1984 as Dr.-Ing. (Energy Engineering) at the University of Stuttgart. Until 1996 he was head of the department
"Rational Energy Use and Solar Technology" at the ITW, University of Stuttgart. Since the call to the TU
Braunschweig in 1996 he is director of the institute for building and solar technology. In 1996 he founded the
Steinbeis Transfer Center Energy, Building and Solar Technology, 2001 the EGS-plan engineering company
for energy, building and solar technology, 2005 the Energydesign Braunschweig Ing. MbH and 2007 the
Energydesign Asia Ing. MbH. In 2013, the Steinbeis Innovation Center Energie + was founded, which since
2015 has been run as an affiliated institute of the TU Braunschweig.

Photo: Sascha Gramann

GTAS | History + Theory of Architecture and Urban

Dr. Martin Peschken

IIKE | Institute for Industrial Construction and Constructive Design

Prof. Carsten Roth

ILA | Institute of Landscape Architecture

Prof. Gabriele G. Kiefer

IMD | Institute for Medial Design

Prof. Matthias Karch

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