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The Government should encourage industries and business to move out from big cities to regional

areas. TO what extend do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.?

It is past time that the higher authorities bring in policies to shift factories and multinational companies
to the countryside. I strongly advocate to this notion and the argument in favor is discussed below.

One obvious benefit is that it reduces the pollution in big cities. Recently
due to development of industries and companies the city is flooded with the vehicles of their employees
that have contributed to a significant increase in the pollution levels. Moreover the operation of many
big industries has led to the release of toxic gasses into the atmosphere, which can be harmful to health.
For Instance: New Delhi The Capital of India has been affected by the pollution due to the construction

Another benefit is that the population can be balanced between urban and rural areas. Since there are
more job opportunities in the cities people are migrating from the rural areas for the ease and comfort.
Hence towns are finding it difficult to accommodate the excess population. Therefore it is vital for the
government to eradicate some of the Indutries from the Urban areas or to move them to the regional

Nevertheless, there is a downsideof shifting them, that is the accessibility of raw materials and
transportation is reduced. Many industries rely in supply of materials from other companies for the
development of their product which are obtained at a very low cost. Hence if they are moved into
another place they would have to bear extra cost. Threfore the companies my loose their competitive
edge over others on price.

In Conclusion the cities are burden with huge population and is facing pollution in air and noise which
has challenged the government to take initiatives to reduce them.
Essay 2:

Some people think govt should spend more money on measures to save language spoken by few
people from dying out. Others thinks it is a waste of money. Discuss both views before your opinion?

Some claim that initiatives must be taken in order to save language spoken by a minority from being
eliminate completely. I strongly advocate this notion as it vital for preserving culture.

Firstly, Government must spend more as English language is becoming predominant and the minor
languages are dying out, However, there are benefits of having singular language but they donot
outweigh the disadvantages. Language of a nation is related to its culture and tradition, Hence the
eradication of a minor language can tamper the culture of the country. Therefore the government must
take necessary steps to ensure that the culture and history of a country stays intact.

On the Other hand, For most of the developing nations it is vital to reserve money for health, education
and economic development. In developing and under developed countries the government should
spend more to improve the GDP for the betterment of their citizens. Hence it is important to increase
the productivity of a nation rather than to preserve the culture.

Finaly in my opinion I believe minority language must be preserved as it results in tourism. Millions of
people travel across the world to experience the different culture and tradition and tourism can help in
increasing the cash flow. For Instance The tourists are entertained by classical dance such as Kathakali
and Bharathanatyam of Kerala. One Such state that depends on tourism as a revenue source.

In Conclusion different languages are important for cultural diversity, However the government must
prioritize the matter that need more attention for the enhanced living of their citizens.

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