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Data Structures & Algorithm in Java

Robert Lafore

— Provide background in data structures (arrangements of data
in memory) and algorithms (methods for manipulating this
— Why is this important? The answer is there is far more to
programming than finding a solution that will work:
— Execution time
— Memory consumption
— So by the end of the course, you should be more equipped to
not just develop an accurate solution to a problem, but the
best solution possible.

Definition of a Data Structure
— A data structure is an arrangement of data in a computer’s
memory (or disk).
— Questions to ponder:
— What are some examples of data structures you already know
about from your Java course?

— How can the arrangement of data in memory affect


Definition of an Algorithm
— An algorithm provides a set of instructions for manipulating
data in structures.
— Questions to ponder:
— What’s an example of an algorithm?

— How can the design of an algorithm affect performance? How

can it affect memory?

Data Structure or Algorithm?
— Linked List

— Sort

— Search

— Stack

— Vector

Real World Data Storage
— Real-world data: data that describes physical entities external
to the computer. Can we think of some examples?

— What’s an example of non-computer data storage?

— Addresses and phone #s:
— Book names, titles, ISBNs:

— What method do these use?

Real World Data Storage
— Say we wanted to convert one of these systems to a computer
program, what must we consider?
— Memory consumption:

— Scalability:

— Algorithms (which ones do we care about?):

Important: Data Structures can be
— What are some example scenarios where we need large data

— Now the issue of scalability comes into play. Suppose I

design a reusable component for (i.e.) sorting an array of
records by last name. I’m going to distribute this on the
internet. I have to prepare for many more situations now:

Programmer Tools
— Do not store real-world data, but perform some function
internal to the machine.
— Example - A ‘stack’ of data, where I can only insert or
remove elements from the top:

— What programmer tool would this be useful for? Hint:

Think in terms of a variables in a program.

Real World Modeling
— Effectively, ‘simulate’ a real-world situation.
— For example, what could the following represent:

Real World Modeling
— How about airline routes?
— This type of structure is called an ‘undirected graph’

11 — We’ll cover it!!

Real World Modeling
— How about a ‘queue’ of data, where the first element in is the
first element out (termed ‘FIFO’):

— Example applications:
— Grocery store lines
— Traffic (Queues are actually used when determining timing of
traffic lights!! How? Let’s think about it)

Data Structure Trade-offs
— A structure we have dealt with before: arrays
— Requirement that is enforced:
— Arrays store data sequentially in memory.
— Let’s name the advantages (i.e., when is an array efficient?)

— Let’s name the disadvantages

Overall Costs for Structures We’ll Study
Structure Access Search Insert Delete Impl. Memory
Array Low High Med High Low Low
Ord. Array Low Med High High Med Low
Linked List High High Low Low Med Med
Stack Med High Med Med Med Med
Queue Med High Med Med Med Med
Bin.Tree Med Low Low Low High High
R-BTree Med Low Low Low Very High High
234 Tree Med Low Low Low Very High High
Hash Table Med Med Low High Low High
Heap Med Med Low Low High High
Graph High High Med Med Med Med

Point that you should be getting: No ‘universal’ data structure!!!

Algorithms We’ll Study
— Insertion/Searching/Deletion
— Iteration. Java contains data types called iterators which
accomplish this.
— Sorting. Believe it or not, there LOTS of ways to do this! So
much, you get two chapters on it. :p
— Recursion.
— What’s the key attribute of a recursive function in Java?

— This technique will be used to develop some of the afore

mentioned algorithms.

— A database refers to all data that will be dealt with in a
particular situation. We can think of a database as a table of
rows and columns:

— What is the ‘database’ in the case of a collection of index

cards and names/phone #s?

Database Records
— A record is the unit into which a database is divided. How is a
record represented in a table:

— What would be a ‘record’ in a stack of index cards? What

about a banking system? How about a cookbook?
— What basic construct is used to create records in Java?
Database Fields
— A field is the unit into which a record is divided. What
represents a field in our table:

— What would some example fields be for a banking system?

— A clothing catalogue?

Database Keys
— Given a database (a collection of records), a common
operation is obviously searching. In particular we often want
to find a single particular record. But what exactly does this
mean? Each record contains multiple fields, i.e.:

Last First Acct No. City State Zip

Azuma Goro 123456789 St. Pete FL 33712
Smith John 867530912 Clearwater FL 33720
Gunnz JT 102938475 South Bend IN 46545
Zozzfuzzel Ziggy 000000000 St. Pete FL 61589

— So how do we designate a record? We need something

unique to each record, that’s the key. What is the key above?
Database Keys
— So if I wanted to search for a particular record, I would want
to do it by key (i.e. Acct No).
— Note that searching by anything else could yield multiple

Last First Acct No. City State Zip

Azuma Goro 123456789 St. Pete FL 33712
Smith John 867530912 Clearwater FL 33720
Gunnz JT 102938475 South Bend IN 46545
Zozzfuzzel Ziggy 000000000 St. Pete FL 61589

Java.util Package
— Includes Vector, Stack, Dictionary, and Hashtable. We won’t
cover these particular implementations but know they are
there and accessible through:
— import java.util.*;
— You may not use these on homeworks unless I explicitly say you
— Several other third-party libraries available
— A central purpose of Java

Review of Object-Oriented
— Procedural Programming Languages
— Examples: C, Pascal, early BASIC
— What is the main unit of abstraction?
— Object-Oriented Languages:
— Examples: C++, Ada, Java
— What is the main unit of abstraction?
— Obviously procedural languages weren’t good enough in all
cases. Let’s rediscover why.

Main Limitations of Procedural
— 1. Poor Real World Modeling. Let’s discuss why.

— 2. Crude Organization. Let’s discuss why.

Idea of Objects
— A programming unit which has associated:
— Variables (data), and
— Methods (functions to manipulate this data).
— How does this address the two problems on the previous
— Real World Modeling

— Organization

Idea of Classes (Java, C++)
— Objects by themselves can create lots of redundancy. Why?

— With a class, we specify a blueprint for one or more objects. For

example, in Java (cf. book page 16):

class thermostat {
private float currentTemp;
private float desiredTemp;

public void furnaceOn() {

25 }
Instances of a Class
— Java creates objects using the new keyword, and stores a
reference to this instance in a variable:

thermostat therm1;
therm1 = new thermostat();
thermostat therm2 = new thermostat();

Object creation (or instantiation) is done through the

Which constructor did we use here?

Invoking Methods of an Object
— Parts of the program external to the class can access its
methods (unless they are not declared public):
— Dot operator:
— therm2.furnace_on();
— Can I access data members similarly?
— therm2.currentTemp = 77;
— What would I need to change to do so?
— Is this change good programming practice?
— How, ideally, should data members be accessed?

Another Example
— If you have your book, look at the BankAccount class on page
18. If you don’t have it, don’t worry I’ll write it on the
— Look at the output. Let’s go over why this is generated.

— Creation of one class, called the base class
— Creation of another class, called the derived class
— Has all features of the base, plus some additional features.
— Example:
— A base class Animal may have associated methods eat() and
run() and variable name, and a derived class Dog can inherit
from Animal, gaining these methods plus a new method
— If name is private, does Dog have the attribute?
— How do we enforce Dog to also have attribute name?

— Idea: Treat objects of different classes in the same way.
— What’s the requirement?

— Let’s return to an example with Animal and Dog, and

throw in another derived class Cat.

Software Engineering
— Bigger picture. How do the topics of this course fit relate to
software engineering?
— The life cycle of a software project consists of the following:
— Specification – purpose of the software, requirements , etc.
— Design – components and interaction of the software
— Verification – individual components and global functionality
— Coding – actual writing of the software
— Testing – validating proper functionality
— Production – distribution to the community
— Maintenance – updating the software (FYI in a poor design,
these costs can be high!!)

Stage 1: Specification
— Here we answer the questions of what purpose the software
serves, and requirements. Very high level at this stage.
— How do data structures fit in?
— The specification _______________ the data structures.
— Why?

Stage 2: Design
— At this stage, we break software into components and
describe their interaction.
— The data structures help _______________ the design.
— Why?

Stage 3: Verification
— Verification involves a review of all components, studying
their individual inputs and outputs and ensuring functionality
of the design.
— In order to do this, we have to know the expected ________
and __________ of the data structures. Why?

Stage 4: Coding
— Involves the actual writing of the software.
— How can data structures save time at this stage? Think in
terms of reusable components.

Stage 5: Testing
— Involves running the software package through a set of
benchmarks, which make up a testsuite, and verify proper
functionality. You can also test individual components.
— How does understanding a data structure help in terms of

— How does understanding a data structure help in terms of


Stage 6: Production
— Distributing the software to the community.
— If we use reusable components from another source, what
must we do in this case? Think about how Java packages

Stage 7: Maintenance
— Updating the software while keeping the internal design
— How do generic components come in handy here? How
might individual components (and thus their associated data
structures) have to scale with issues such as data size? How
about data types?
— In a simple situation, think about maintenance on a software
package where every data structure was hardcoded to operate
on only integers. What happens when we extend to floats?
— See why these costs can be high? How can software updates
propagate between components?
— Dependencies can grow exponentially!

Final Review of some Java Concepts
— Difference between a value and a reference:
int intVar;
BankAccount bc1;

— Which is a value and which is a reference?

— How did the interpreter know to allocate them differently?

— What does the address stored in bc1 contain right now?

— What must I do before I use bc1?

Java Assignments
— What must be noted about the following code snippet:

int intVar1 = 45;

int intVar2 = 90;
BankAccount bc1(72.45);
BankAccount bc2 = bc1;
intVar1 = intVar2;
intVar1 = 33; // Does this modify intVar2?
bc2.withdraw(30.00); // Does this modify object bc1?

Java Garbage Collection
— When is the memory allocated to an object reclaimed in Java?

— Code like this would leak memory in C++, but does not in Java
because of the garbage collector:

while (true) {
Integer tmp = new Integer();


Passing by Value vs. Reference
— Same idea:
void method1() {
BankAccount ba1 = new BankAccount(350.00);
float num = 4;
void method2(BankAccount acct) { … }
void method3(float f) { … }

— If I change f in method3, does that affect num?

— If I change acct in method2, does that affect object ba1?

== vs. equals()
carPart cp1 = new carPart(“fender”);
carPart cp2 = cp1;
// What’s the difference between this:
if (cp1 == cp2)

// And this:
if (cp1. equals(cp2)
— Does “Same” print twice, once, or not at all?

Primitive Sizes and Value Ranges

44 Source:
Screen Output
— System.out is an output stream which corresponds to
standard output, which is the screen:

int var = 33;

// What’s do these three statements print?
System.out.println(``The answer is `` + var);

Keyboard Input
— Package:
— Read a string: InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String s = br.readLine();

— Read a character: char c = s.charAt(0);

— Read an integer: int i = Integer.parseInt(s);

46 — Read a float: double d = Double.valueOf(s).doubleValue();

Data Structure #2: Arrays

CS221N, Data Structures

The Array
— Most commonly used data structure
— Common operations
— Insertion
— Searching
— Deletion
— How do these differ for an ‘ordered array’?
— How do these differ for an array which does not allow

Array Storage
— An array is a collection of data of the same type
— Stored linearly in memory:

Remember, value vs. reference…
— In Java:
— Data of a primitive type is a ____________.
— All objects are ________________.

— Java arrays are also considered references.

Defining a Java Array
— Say, of 100 integers:
— int[] intArray;
— intArray = new int[100];

— We can combine these statements:

— Or, change the [] to after the variable name

— What do the [] signify?

We said an array was a reference…
— That means if we do this:
— int[] intArray;
— intArray = new int[100];

— What exactly does intArray contain? Let’s look internally.

The Size
— Size of an array cannot change once it’s been declared:
— intArray = new int[100];

— But, one nice thing is that arrays are objects. So you can
access its size easily:
— int arrayLength = intArray.length;

— Getting an array size is difficult in many other languages

— Done by using an index number in square brackets:
— int temp = intArray[3]; // Gets 4th element
— intArray[7] = 66; // Sets 8th element

— How do we access the last element of the array, if we don’t

remember its size?

— What range of indices will generate the IndexOutOfBounds


— The index is an offset. Let’s look at why.

— What do the elements of this array contain:
— int[] intArray = new int[100];
— How about this one:
— BankAccount[] myAccounts = new BankAccount[100];
— What happens if we attempt to access one of these values?

— int[] intArray = {0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24,


— Automatically determines the size

— Can do this with primitives or objects

Look at a book example…
— See the example on p. 41-42, where we do the following:
— Insert 10 elements into an array of integers
— Display them
— Find item with key 66
— Delete item with key 55
— Display them

— Ask ourselves:
— How could we make the initialization shorter?
— How could we save declaring nElems?

This did not use OOP
— So our next task will be to divide it up (p. 45)
— What will we want for the array class? Let’s think about the
purpose of classes. They have data, and functions to manipulate
that data.

— So in this case, what will our data be?

— For functions, we’ll provide:

— A constructor which takes a size and initializes the array
— A function to retrieve a single element
— A function to set a single element
— And then modify main()

The LowArray interface
— Here’s what it looked like:

— What’s inadequate currently in terms of operations?

— How can we improve things?
Further division…
— Let’s make a new HighArray class (p. 49) which includes the
following functions:
— Constructor which takes an integer for the size
— Function to find an element
— Function to insert an element
— Function to delete an element

— One more data member

— nElems, which holds the number of occupied cells

— Then, let’s modify main().

— This illustrates the concept of abstraction
— The way in which an operation is performed inside a class is
— Client of HighArray performs more complex operations
through simple method invocations
— Never directly accesses the private data in the array

— Now we can reuse HighArray much easier

— Note – a client does not even really know about the member
— Hint, we’ll see later how we can change it.

The Ordered Array
— An array in which the data items are arranged in ascending
— Smallest value is at index:
— Largest value is at index:

— Think about what functions we’d have to modify

— Why could this be a nice feature? What operation could be

much faster?

That’s right, searching!
— We can still do a linear search, which is what we’ve seen.
— Step through the elements

— In the average case, would this be faster than an unordered


— We can also do what’s called binary search, which is much

— Especially for large arrays

Binary Search: Idea
— Ever see the Price is Right?
— Guess the price on an item
— If guess is too low, Bob Barker says “higher”
— If guess is too high, Bob Barker says “lower”

— This can work if we are using ordered arrays

— Check the middle element
— If it’s too low, restrict search to the first half of the array
— Otherwise restrict search to the second half of the array
— And repeat.

Note what this can save!
— Let’s take a simple case, where we search for an item in a
100-element array:
— int[] arr = {1,2,3,4,5,6,…..,100}

— For an unordered array where we must use linear search,

how many comparisons on average must we perform?

— How about for binary search on an ordered array? Let’s look

for the element 33.

Binary Search
— Array has values 1-100
— First search: Check element 50
— 50 > 33, so repeat on first half (1-49)
— Second search: Check element 25
— 25 < 33, so repeat on second half (26-49)
— Third search: Check element 37
— 37 > 33, so repeat on first half (26-36)
— Fourth search: Check element 31
— 31 < 33, so repeat on second half (32-36)
— Fifth search: Check element 34
— 34 > 33, so repeat on first half (32-33)
— Sixth search: Check element 32
— 32 < 33, so repeat on second half (33)
— Seventh search: Check element 33! Found.
65 — So 7 comparisons. With linear search, it would’ve been 33.
Affect on Operations
— We saw how binary search sped up the searching operation
— Can it also speed up deletion?

— What about, insertion of a new element into an ordered


— Let’s go through the Java implementation, on pages 56-57.
— At any given time:
— lowerBound holds the lower index of the range we are searching
— upperBound holds the upper index of the range we are
— curIn holds the current index we are looking at
— What if the element is not in the array? What happens?

Now, let’s implement the OrdArray
— Data
— The array itself
— The number of occupied slots
— Methods
— Constructor
— Size
— Find (with binary search)
— Insert (with binary search)
— Delete (with binary search)
— Display

— What have we gained by using ordered arrays?
— Is searching faster or slower?
— Is insertion faster or slower?
— Is deletion faster or slower?

— All in all, ordered arrays would be useful in situations where

insertion/deletion are infrequent, but searching is frequent
— Employee records – hiring/firing is less frequent than accessing
or updating an employee record

Ordered Array: Operation Counts
— Maximum number of comparisons for an ordered array of n elements,
running binary search:

— n Comparisons
— 10 4
— 100 7
— 1000 10
— 10000 14
— 100000 17
— 1000000 20

— How does this compare with linear search, particularly for large arrays?

A Deeper Analysis
— How many comparisons would be required for an array of
256 elements? (2^8)
— What about 512 (2^9)?
— What do you think 1024 would be (2^10)?
— See the pattern?

— So for n values, the number of comparisons is log2(n)+1.

— This is an example of an algorithm which scales
logarithmically with the input size. Linear search, scales

Computing log2n
— On a calculator, if you use the “log” button, usually the base is
10. If you want to convert:
— Multiply by 3.322

— Algorithms that scale logarithmically are preferable to those

that scale linearly, because the log of a function grows much
slower than the function itself.

— So for large input sets, you’ll have a MUCH smaller number

of operations.

Storing Objects
— We’ve seen an example where we used arrays to store
primitive data. Now let’s look at an example which stores
objects. What’s our situation now with values and

— The array itself is still a _________________.

— The elements of the array are ________________.

— Implications?

Person Class
— Let’s go through the Person class on page 65.
— Data:
— First name and last name (String objects), age (integer value)
— Functions
— Constructor which takes two strings and an integer
— Function to display information
— Function to return the last name (we’ll eventually use this for

Adapting our HighArray class
— Rewrite the implementation on page 49
— Change to operate on Persons instead of integers
— Watch out for the ==!
— In main() construct Person objects

Big-Oh Notation
— Provides a metric for evaluating the efficiency of an
— Analogy: Automobiles
— Subcompacts
— Compacts
— Midsize
— etc.

How it’s done
— It’s difficult to simply say: A is twice as fast as B
— We saw with linear search vs. binary search, the comparison
can be different when you change the input size. For
example, for an array of size n:
— n=16, linear search comparisons = 10, binary search
comparisons = 5
— Binary search is 2x as fast
— n=32, linear search comparisons = 32, binary search
comparisons = 6
— Binary search is 5.3x as fast

Example: Insertion into Unordered
— Suppose we just insert at the next available position:
— Position is a[nElems]
— Increment nElems

— Both of these operations are independent of the size of the

array n.

— So they take some time, K, which is not a function of n

— We say this is O(1), or constant time
— Meaning that the runtime is proportional to 1.

Example: Linear search
— You’ll require a loop which runs in the worst case n times
— Each time, you have to:
— Increment a loop counter
— Compare the loop counter to n
— Compare the current element to the key
— Each of these operations take time independent of n, so let’s say
they consume a total time of K.

— Then the algorithm would take K*n total time

— We say this is O(n).

Example: Binary Search
— We’ve already said that for an array of n elements, we need
log(n)+1 comparisons.
— Each comparison takes time independent of n, call it K

— Total time is then: K(log(n)+1) = K*log(n) + K

— For large n, this grows proportional to log(n), i.e. the leading

term dominates.

— We say this is O(log n)

Why this is useful
— Useful to evaluate how well an algorithm scales with input
size n. For example:
— O(1) scales better than…
— O(log n), which scales better than…
— O(n), which scales better than…
— O(n log n), which scales better than…
— O(n^2), etc.

— Each of these successively grows faster with n.

Generally speaking…
— For an input of size n and a function T(n), to compute the
Big-Oh value, you take the leading term and drop the
— Examples – compute Big Oh values of the following
— T(n) = 100*n^2 + n + 70000
— T(n) = (n*log n) / n
— T(n) = n^3 + 754,000*n^2 + 1
— T(n) = (n + 2) * (log n)

But, these large constants must mean
— T(n) = n^3 + 754,000*n^2 + 1

— This huge constant on the n^2 term, has to have some effect,
— The answer is yes and no.

— Yes, if the input size is _________________.

— But for very large values of n, n^3 overtakes the term, even
with the large constant.

Algorithms we’ve discussed…
— Linear search: O(n)
— Binary search: O(log n)
— Insertion, unordered array: O(1)
— Insertion, ordered array: O(n)
— Deletion, unordered array: O(n)
— Deletion, ordered array: O(n)

Graph of Big O times.
— See page 72.

Unordered/Ordered Array Tradeoffs
— Unordered
— Insertion is fast – O(1)
— Searching is slow – O(n)
— Ordered
— Searching is fast – O(log n)
— Insertion is slow – O(n)
— Deletion is even – O(n)
— Memory can be wasted, or even misused. Let’s discuss.

What we will see…
— There are structures (trees) which can insert, delete and
search in O(log n) time
— Of course as you’d expect, they’re more complex
— We will also learn about structures with flexible sizes
— java.util has class Vector – what you should know:
— Array of flexible size
— Some efficiency is lost (why do you think?)
— What happens when we try to go beyond the current size?
— Why is this penalty very large at the beginning of array population?

Data Structure #2: Arrays

CS221N, Data Structures

The Array
— Most commonly used data structure
— Common operations
— Insertion
— Searching
— Deletion
— How do these differ for an ‘ordered array’?
— How do these differ for an array which does not allow

Array Storage
— An array is a collection of data of the same type
— Stored linearly in memory:

Remember, value vs. reference…
— In Java:
— Data of a primitive type is a ____________.
— All objects are ________________.

— Java arrays are also considered references.

Defining a Java Array
— Say, of 100 integers:
— int[] intArray;
— intArray = new int[100];

— We can combine these statements:

— Or, change the [] to after the variable name

— What do the [] signify?

We said an array was a reference…
— That means if we do this:
— int[] intArray;
— intArray = new int[100];

— What exactly does intArray contain? Let’s look internally.

The Size
— Size of an array cannot change once it’s been declared:
— intArray = new int[100];

— But, one nice thing is that arrays are objects. So you can
access its size easily:
— int arrayLength = intArray.length;

— Getting an array size is difficult in many other languages

— Done by using an index number in square brackets:
— int temp = intArray[3]; // Gets 4th element
— intArray[7] = 66; // Sets 8th element

— How do we access the last element of the array, if we don’t

remember its size?

— What range of indices will generate the IndexOutOfBounds


— The index is an offset. Let’s look at why.

— What do the elements of this array contain:
— int[] intArray = new int[100];
— How about this one:
— BankAccount[] myAccounts = new BankAccount[100];
— What happens if we attempt to access one of these values?

— int[] intArray = {0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24,


— Automatically determines the size

— Can do this with primitives or objects

Look at a book example…
— See the example on p. 41-42, where we do the following:
— Insert 10 elements into an array of integers
— Display them
— Find item with key 66
— Delete item with key 55
— Display them

— Ask ourselves:
— How could we make the initialization shorter?
— How could we save declaring nElems?

This did not use OOP
— So our next task will be to divide it up (p. 45)
— What will we want for the array class? Let’s think about the
purpose of classes. They have data, and functions to manipulate
that data.

— So in this case, what will our data be?

— For functions, we’ll provide:

— A constructor which takes a size and initializes the array
— A function to retrieve a single element
— A function to set a single element
— And then modify main()

The LowArray interface
— Here’s what it looked like:

— What’s inadequate currently in terms of operations?

— How can we improve things?
Further division…
— Let’s make a new HighArray class (p. 49) which includes the
following functions:
— Constructor which takes an integer for the size
— Function to find an element
— Function to insert an element
— Function to delete an element

— One more data member

— nElems, which holds the number of occupied cells

— Then, let’s modify main().

— This illustrates the concept of abstraction
— The way in which an operation is performed inside a class is
— Client of HighArray performs more complex operations
through simple method invocations
— Never directly accesses the private data in the array

— Now we can reuse HighArray much easier

— Note – a client does not even really know about the member
— Hint, we’ll see later how we can change it.

The Ordered Array
— An array in which the data items are arranged in ascending
— Smallest value is at index:
— Largest value is at index:

— Think about what functions we’d have to modify

— Why could this be a nice feature? What operation could be

much faster?

That’s right, searching!
— We can still do a linear search, which is what we’ve seen.
— Step through the elements

— In the average case, would this be faster than an unordered


— We can also do what’s called binary search, which is much

— Especially for large arrays

Binary Search: Idea
— Ever see the Price is Right?
— Guess the price on an item
— If guess is too low, Bob Barker says “higher”
— If guess is too high, Bob Barker says “lower”

— This can work if we are using ordered arrays

— Check the middle element
— If it’s too low, restrict search to the first half of the array
— Otherwise restrict search to the second half of the array
— And repeat.

Note what this can save!
— Let’s take a simple case, where we search for an item in a
100-element array:
— int[] arr = {1,2,3,4,5,6,…..,100}

— For an unordered array where we must use linear search,

how many comparisons on average must we perform?

— How about for binary search on an ordered array? Let’s look

for the element 33.

Binary Search
— Array has values 1-100
— First search: Check element 50
— 50 > 33, so repeat on first half (1-49)
— Second search: Check element 25
— 25 < 33, so repeat on second half (26-49)
— Third search: Check element 37
— 37 > 33, so repeat on first half (26-36)
— Fourth search: Check element 31
— 31 < 33, so repeat on second half (32-36)
— Fifth search: Check element 34
— 34 > 33, so repeat on first half (32-33)
— Sixth search: Check element 32
— 32 < 33, so repeat on second half (33)
— Seventh search: Check element 33! Found.
106 — So 7 comparisons. With linear search, it would’ve been 33.
Affect on Operations
— We saw how binary search sped up the searching operation
— Can it also speed up deletion?

— What about, insertion of a new element into an ordered


— Let’s go through the Java implementation, on pages 56-57.
— At any given time:
— lowerBound holds the lower index of the range we are searching
— upperBound holds the upper index of the range we are
— curIn holds the current index we are looking at
— What if the element is not in the array? What happens?

Now, let’s implement the OrdArray
— Data
— The array itself
— The number of occupied slots
— Methods
— Constructor
— Size
— Find (with binary search)
— Insert (with binary search)
— Delete (with binary search)
— Display

— What have we gained by using ordered arrays?
— Is searching faster or slower?
— Is insertion faster or slower?
— Is deletion faster or slower?

— All in all, ordered arrays would be useful in situations where

insertion/deletion are infrequent, but searching is frequent
— Employee records – hiring/firing is less frequent than accessing
or updating an employee record

Ordered Array: Operation Counts
— Maximum number of comparisons for an ordered array of n elements,
running binary search:

— n Comparisons
— 10 4
— 100 7
— 1000 10
— 10000 14
— 100000 17
— 1000000 20

— How does this compare with linear search, particularly for large arrays?

A Deeper Analysis
— How many comparisons would be required for an array of
256 elements? (2^8)
— What about 512 (2^9)?
— What do you think 1024 would be (2^10)?
— See the pattern?

— So for n values, the number of comparisons is log2(n)+1.

— This is an example of an algorithm which scales
logarithmically with the input size. Linear search, scales

Computing log2n
— On a calculator, if you use the “log” button, usually the base is
10. If you want to convert:
— Multiply by 3.322

— Algorithms that scale logarithmically are preferable to those

that scale linearly, because the log of a function grows much
slower than the function itself.

— So for large input sets, you’ll have a MUCH smaller number

of operations.

Storing Objects
— We’ve seen an example where we used arrays to store
primitive data. Now let’s look at an example which stores
objects. What’s our situation now with values and

— The array itself is still a _________________.

— The elements of the array are ________________.

— Implications?

Person Class
— Let’s go through the Person class on page 65.
— Data:
— First name and last name (String objects), age (integer value)
— Functions
— Constructor which takes two strings and an integer
— Function to display information
— Function to return the last name (we’ll eventually use this for

Adapting our HighArray class
— Rewrite the implementation on page 49
— Change to operate on Persons instead of integers
— Watch out for the ==!
— In main() construct Person objects

Big-Oh Notation
— Provides a metric for evaluating the efficiency of an
— Analogy: Automobiles
— Subcompacts
— Compacts
— Midsize
— etc.

How it’s done
— It’s difficult to simply say: A is twice as fast as B
— We saw with linear search vs. binary search, the comparison
can be different when you change the input size. For
example, for an array of size n:
— n=16, linear search comparisons = 10, binary search
comparisons = 5
— Binary search is 2x as fast
— n=32, linear search comparisons = 32, binary search
comparisons = 6
— Binary search is 5.3x as fast

Example: Insertion into Unordered
— Suppose we just insert at the next available position:
— Position is a[nElems]
— Increment nElems

— Both of these operations are independent of the size of the

array n.

— So they take some time, K, which is not a function of n

— We say this is O(1), or constant time
— Meaning that the runtime is proportional to 1.

Example: Linear search
— You’ll require a loop which runs in the worst case n times
— Each time, you have to:
— Increment a loop counter
— Compare the loop counter to n
— Compare the current element to the key
— Each of these operations take time independent of n, so let’s say
they consume a total time of K.

— Then the algorithm would take K*n total time

— We say this is O(n).

Example: Binary Search
— We’ve already said that for an array of n elements, we need
log(n)+1 comparisons.
— Each comparison takes time independent of n, call it K

— Total time is then: K(log(n)+1) = K*log(n) + K

— For large n, this grows proportional to log(n), i.e. the leading

term dominates.

— We say this is O(log n)

Why this is useful
— Useful to evaluate how well an algorithm scales with input
size n. For example:
— O(1) scales better than…
— O(log n), which scales better than…
— O(n), which scales better than…
— O(n log n), which scales better than…
— O(n^2), etc.

— Each of these successively grows faster with n.

Generally speaking…
— For an input of size n and a function T(n), to compute the
Big-Oh value, you take the leading term and drop the
— Examples – compute Big Oh values of the following
— T(n) = 100*n^2 + n + 70000
— T(n) = (n*log n) / n
— T(n) = n^3 + 754,000*n^2 + 1
— T(n) = (n + 2) * (log n)

But, these large constants must mean
— T(n) = n^3 + 754,000*n^2 + 1

— This huge constant on the n^2 term, has to have some effect,
— The answer is yes and no.

— Yes, if the input size is _________________.

— But for very large values of n, n^3 overtakes the term, even
with the large constant.

Algorithms we’ve discussed…
— Linear search: O(n)
— Binary search: O(log n)
— Insertion, unordered array: O(1)
— Insertion, ordered array: O(n)
— Deletion, unordered array: O(n)
— Deletion, ordered array: O(n)

Graph of Big O times.
— See page 72.

Unordered/Ordered Array Tradeoffs
— Unordered
— Insertion is fast – O(1)
— Searching is slow – O(n)
— Ordered
— Searching is fast – O(log n)
— Insertion is slow – O(n)
— Deletion is even – O(n)
— Memory can be wasted, or even misused. Let’s discuss.

What we will see…
— There are structures (trees) which can insert, delete and
search in O(log n) time
— Of course as you’d expect, they’re more complex
— We will also learn about structures with flexible sizes
— java.util has class Vector – what you should know:
— Array of flexible size
— Some efficiency is lost (why do you think?)
— What happens when we try to go beyond the current size?
— Why is this penalty very large at the beginning of array population?

Sorting Algorithms

CS221N, Data Structures

Sorting in Databases
— Many possibilities
— Names in alphabetical order
— Students by grade
— Customers by zip code
— Home sales by price
— Cities by population
— Countries by GNP
— Stars by magnitude

Sorting and Searching
— We saw with arrays they could work in tandem to improve
— What was the search method that required sorting an array?

— How much faster was the search?

— But that means nothing if sorting takes forever!

— For this and its usefulness, sorting algorithms have been heavily

Basic Sorting Algorithms
— Bubble
— Selection
— Insertion

— Although these are:

— Simpler
— Slower

— They sometimes are better than advanced

— And sometimes the advanced methods build on them

— Unordered:

— Ordered:

— Of course, a computer doesn’t have the luxuries we have…

Simple Sorts
— All three algorithms involve two basic steps, which are
executed repeatedly until the data is sorted
— Compare two items
— Either (1) swap two items, or copy one item

— They differ in the details and order of operations

Sort #1: The Bubble Sort
— Way to envision:
— Suppose you’re ‘near sighted’
— You can only see two adjacent players at the same time
— How would you sort them?

— This is how a bubble sort works!

— 1. Start at position i=0
— 2. Compare position i and i+1
— 3. If the player at position i is taller than the one at i+1, swap
— 4. Move one position right

Bubble Sort:
First Pass

Bubble Sort: End of First Pass

— Note: Now the tallest person must be on the end

— Why?
— Do we understand the name ‘bubble sort’ now?
Count Operations
— First Pass, for an array of size n:
— How many comparisons were made?
— How many (worst case) swaps were made?

— Now we have to start again at zero and do the same thing

— Compare
— Swap if appropriate
— Move to the right
— But this time, we can stop one short (why?)

— Keep doing this until all players are in order

Let’s do an example ourselves…
— Use a bubble sort to sort an array of ten integers:

— 30 45 8 204 165 95 28 180 110 40

How many operations total then?
— First pass: n-1 comparisons, n-1 swaps
— Second pass: n-2 comparisons, n-2 swaps
— Third pass: n-3 comparisons, n-3 swaps
— (n-1)th pass: 1 comparison, 1 swap
— Then it’s sorted

— So we have (worst case):

— (n-1)+(n-2)+….+1 comparisons = n(n+1)/2 = 0.5(n2+n)
— (n-1)+(n-2)+….+1 comparisons = n(n+1)/2 = 0.5(n2+n)

— Total: 2*(0.5(n2+n)) = n2+n = O(n2)

Java Implementation
— Let’s go through the example together on page 85
— Zero in on the bubble sort method
— Note how simple it is (4 lines)!
— Also note: the outer loop goes backwards!
— Why is this more convenient? Look where else this loop counter is used.

— We also have a function for swapping

— What’s good about this?
— What’s bad?

— Algorithms tend to have invariants, i.e. facts which are true
all the time throughout its execution
— In the case of the bubble sort, what is always true is….

— Worth thinking about when trying to understand algorithms

Sort #2: Selection Sort
— Purpose:
— Improve the speed of the bubble sort
— Number of comparisons: O(n2)
— Number of swaps: O(n)

— We’ll go back to the baseball team…

— Now, we no longer compare only players next to each other
— Rather, we must ‘remember’ heights
— So what’s another tradeoff of selection sort?

What’s Involved
— Make a pass through all the players
— Find the shortest one
— Swap that one with the player at the left of the line
— At position 0
— Now the leftmost is sorted
— Find the shortest of the remaining (n-1) players
— Swap that one with the player at position 1
— And so on and so forth…

Selection Sort in

Count Operations
— First Pass, for an array of size n:
— How many comparisons were made?
— How many (worst case) swaps were made?

— Now we have to start again at position one and do the same

— Find the smallest
— Swap with position one

— Keep doing this until all players are in order

Let’s do an example ourselves…
— Use a selection sort to sort an array of ten integers:

— 30 45 8 204 165 95 28 180 110 40

How many operations total then?
— First pass: n-1 comparisons, 1 swap
— Second pass: n-2 comparisons, 1 swap
— Third pass: n-3 comparisons, 1 swap
— (n-1)th pass: 1 comparison, 1 swap
— Then it’s sorted

— So we have (worst case):

— (n-1)+(n-2)+….+1 comparisons = n(n-1)/2 = 0.5(n2 - n)
— 1+1+….+1 comparisons = n-1

— Total: 0.5(n2 - n) + (n – 1) = 0.5n2 + 0.5n - 1 = O(n2)

Implementation – page 92
— Let’s go through the function together.
— Things to watch:
— A bit more complex than bubble (6 lines)
— A bit more memory (one extra integer)

A method of an array class…
— See page 93, we’ll go through it.

Sort #3: Insertion Sort
— In most cases, the best one…
— 2x as fast as bubble sort
— Somewhat faster than selection in MOST cases

— Slightly more complex than the other two

— More advanced algorithms (quicksort) use it as a stage

— A subarray to the left is
‘partially sorted’
— Start with the first element
— The player immediately to
the right is ‘marked’.
— The ‘marked’ player is
inserted into the correct
place in the partially sorted
— Remove first
— Marked player ‘walks’ to
the left
— Shift appropriate elements
until we hit a smaller one
Let’s do an example ourselves…
— Use a insertion sort to sort an array of ten integers:

— 30 45 8 204 165 95 28 180 110 40

Count Operations
— First Pass, for an array of size n:
— How many comparisons were made?
— How many swaps were made?
— Were there any? What were there?

— Now we have to start again at position two and do the same

— Move the marked player to the correct spot

— Keep doing this until all players are in order

How many operations total then?
— First pass: 1 comparison, 1 copy
— Second pass: 2 comparisons, 2 copies
— Third pass: 3 comparisons, 3 copies
— (n-1)th pass: n-1 comparison, n-1 copies
— Then it’s sorted

— So we have (worst case):

— (n-1)+(n-2)+….+1 comparisons = n(n-1)/2 = 0.5(n2- n)
— (n-1)+(n-2)+….+1 copies = n(n-1)/2 = 0.5(n2- n)
— Total: 2*(0.5(n2+n)) = n2- n = O(n2)

Why are we claiming it’s better than
selection sort?
— A swap is an expensive operation. A copy is not.
— To see this, how many copies are required per swap?
— Selection/bubble used swaps, insertion used copies.

— Secondly, if an array is sorted or almost sorted, insertion sort

runs in approximately O(n) time. Why is that?
— How many comparisons would you need per iteration? And
how many copies?
— Bubble and selection would require O(n2) comparisons even if
the array was completely sorted initially!


— We’ll write the function (pages 99-100) together
— Use the control flow on the previous slide

And finally…
— Encapsulate the functionality within an array class (p. 101-

Invariant of Insertion Sort
— At the end of each pass, the data items with indices smaller
than __________ are partially sorted.

Sorting Objects
— Let’s modify our insertion sort to work on a Person class,
which has three private data members:
— lastName (String)
— firstName (String)
— age (int)

— What do we need for something like insertion sort to work?

— How do we define that?

Lexicographic Comparison
— For Java Strings, you can lexicographically compare them
through method compareTo():
— s1.compareTo(s2);
— Returns an integer
— If s1 comes before s2 lexicographically, returns a value < 0
— If s1 is the same as s2, return 0
— If s1 comes after s2 lexicographically, returns a value > 0

Stable Object Sorts
— Suppose you can have multiple persons with the same last
— Now given this ordering, sort by something else (first name)

— A stable sort retains the first ordering when the second sort

— All three of these sorts (bubble, selection, insertion) are


Sort Comparison: Summary
— Bubble Sort – hardly ever used
— Too slow, unless data is very small
— Selection Sort – slightly better
— Useful if: data is quite small and swapping is time-consuming
compared to comparisons
— Insertion Sort – most versatile
— Best in most situations
— Still for large amounts of highly unsorted data, there are better
ways – we’ll look at them
— Memory requirements are not high for any of these

Stacks and Queues

CS221N, Data Structures

New Structures
— Stack
— Queue
— Priority Queue

— What’s “new”?
— Contrast with arrays
— Usage
— Access
— Abstraction

— Arrays are conducive for databases
— Data which will be accessed and modified
— Easy operations for insertion, deletion and searching
— Although some of these are time consuming

— Stacks and queues are good for programming tools

— Data will not be touched by the user
— Used and then discarded

— Arrays allow immediate access to any element
— Takes constant time
— Very fast

— Stacks and queues only allow access to one element at a time

— Much more restricted

— A bit higher than arrays. Why?
— When a user indexes an array, they specify a memory address
— Indirectly, because they say:
— Array name -> address of the first element
— Index -> offset from that address * size of array elements
— With stacks and queues, everything is done through methods
— User has no idea what goes on behind the scenes
— Also no initial size needed
— Stacks, queues and priority queues can use arrays as their underlying
— Or linked lists…
— From the user’s perspective, they are one and the same

— A stack only allows access to the last item inserted
— To get the second-to-last, remove the last
— Analogy: US Postal Service

If we receive a stack of mail, we

typically open the top one first,
pay the bill or whatever, then get
rid of it and open the second

Performance Implication
— Note what we can already infer about stack performance!
— It is critical that we are able to process mail efficiently
— Otherwise what happens to the letters on the bottom?

— In other words, what happens to the bills on the bottom if we

never get to them? J

— A stack is what is known as a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) structure

— We can only insert to the top (push)
— We can only access the element on top (peek)
— We can only delete from the top (pop)

— Compilers
— Balancing parentheses, braces, brackets
— Symbol tables
— Parsing arithmetic expressions
— Traversing nodes of trees and graphs
— Invoking methods
— Pocket calculators

The ‘push’ operation
— Pushing involves placing an element on the top of the stack

— Analogy: Workday
— You’re given a long-term project A (push)
— A coworker interrupted for temporary help with project B
— Someone in accounting stops by for a meeting on project C
— Emergency call for help on project D (push)

— At any time, you’re working on the project most recently

The ‘pop’ operation
— Popping involves removing the top element from the stack

— Analogy: Workday
— Finish the emergency call with project D (pop)
— Finish the meeting on project C (pop)
— Finish the help on project B (pop)
— Complete the long-term project A (pop)

— When everything is popped off the stack, it is considered an

empty stack
— Stacks are always initially empty

The ‘peek’ operation
— Peek allows you to view the element on top of the stack
without removing it.

— Side note: Stack sizes often do not need to be too large

— This is because in the applications where stacks will be used,
in most cases you can just discard data after you use it

Stack Class
— Java implementation, page 120

— Let’s go through it
— Note, we have to pick our internal data structure
— For now we’ll stick with what we know: The Array
— And analyze the main()

Stack class methods
— Constructor:
— Accepts a size, creates a new stack
— Internally allocates an array of that many slots
— push()
— Increments top and stores a data item there
— pop()
— Returns the value at the top and decrements top
— Note the value stays in the array! It’s just inaccessible (why?)
— peek()
— Return the value on top without changing the stack
— isFull(), isEmpty()
— Return true or false

Pictorally, let’s view the execution of
— StackX theStack =
new StackX(10);

— theStack.push(20);

— top gets bumped up

— 20 gets stored in the
slot with index top

— theStack.push(40);

— top gets bumped up

— 40 gets stored in the
slot with index top

— theStack.push(60);

— top gets bumped up

— 60 gets stored in the
slot with index top

— theStack.push(80);

— top gets bumped up

— 80 gets stored in the
slot with index top

— while (!theStack.isEmpty())
long value = theStack.pop()

— The element indexed by top

is stored in value
— top is decremented by 1

— while (!theStack.isEmpty())


— while (!theStack.isEmpty())
long value = theStack.pop()

— The element indexed by top

is stored in value
— top is decremented by 1

— while (!theStack.isEmpty())


— while (!theStack.isEmpty())
long value = theStack.pop()

— The element indexed by top

is stored in value
— top is decremented by 1

— while (!theStack.isEmpty())


— while (!theStack.isEmpty())
long value = theStack.pop()

— The element indexed by top

is stored in value
— top is decremented by 1

— while (!theStack.isEmpty())


Error Handling
— When would it be responsible to perform error handling in
the case of the stack?
— What function would we add it?
— And how would we do it?

Example Application: Word Reversal
— Let’s use a stack to take a string and reverse its characters
— How could this work? Let’s look.
— Reminder of the available operations with Strings:
— If I have a string s
— s.charAt(j) <- Return character with index j
— s + “…” <- Append a string (or character to s)
— What would we need to change about our existing stack class?
— Reverser, page 125

Example Application: Delimiter Matching
— This is done in compilers!
— Parse text strings in a computer language
— Sample delimiters in Java:
— {, }
— [, ]
— (, )

— All opening delimiters should be matched by closing ones

— Also, later opening delimiters should be closer before earlier
— See how the stack can help us here?

Example Strings
— c[d]
— a{b[c]d}e
— a{b(c]d}e
— a[b{c}d]e}
— a{b(c)

— Which of these are correct?

— Which of these are incorrect?

— Read each character one at a time
— If an opening delimiter, place on the stack
— If a closing delimiter, pop the stack
— If the stack is empty, error
— Otherwise if the opening delimiter matches, continue
— Otherwise, error
— If the stack is not empty at the end, error

— Let’s look at a stack for a{b(c[d]e)f}

— Character Stack Action

— a x
— { { push ‘{‘
— b { x
— ( {( push ‘(‘
— c {( x
— [ {([ push ‘[‘
— d {([ x
— ] {( pop ‘[‘, match
— e {( x
— ) { pop ‘(‘, match
— f { x
— } pop ‘{‘, match

— Let’s do one that errors: a[b{c}d]e}
— Together on the board

Java Implementation
— Let’s implement the checker together
— Page 129
— We’ll write a function which accepts a string input
— And returns true or false depending on if the string has all
delimiters matching

— We can use the Stack class where the internal array held

Stacks: Evaluation
— For the tools we saw: reversing words and matching
delimiters, what about stacks made things easier?
— i.e. What would have been difficult with arrays?
— Why does using a stack make your program easier to

— Efficiency
— Push -> O(1) (Insertion is fast, but only at the top)
— Pop -> O(1) (Deletion is fast, but only at the top)
— Peek -> O(1) (Access is fast, but only at the top)

— British for “line”
— Somewhat like a stack
— Except, first-in-first-out
— Thus this is a FIFO structure.

— Line at the movie theatre
— Last person to line up is the last person to buy

— Graph searching
— Simulating real-world situations
— People waiting in bank lines
— Airplanes waiting to take off
— Packets waiting to be transmitted over the internet
— Hardware
— Printer queue
— Keyboard strokes
— Guarantees the correct processing order

Queue Operations
— insert()
— Also referred to as put(), add(), or enque()
— Inserts an element at the back of the queue
— remove()
— Also referred to as get(), delete(), or deque()
— Removes an element from the front of the queue
— peekRear()
— Element at the back of the queue
— peekFront()
— Element at the front of the queue

— In terms of memory now, what about the queue do we need
to worry about?
— That we did not have to worry about with the stack
— Hint: Think in terms of the low-level representation

Insert and remove occur at opposite
— Whereas with a stack,
they occurred at the
same end
— That means that if we
remove an element we
can reuse its slot
— With a queue, you
cannot do that
— Unless….

Circular Queue
— Indices ‘wraparound’

Java Implementation
— Page 137-138 in textbook, which again uses an internal array
— We’ll construct that class
— Then analyze the main function pictorally

Queue theQueue = new Queue(5);













Remove and print…
— while (!theQueue.isEmpty())
— long n = theQueue.remove();
— System.out.print(n);

Remove and print…
— while (!theQueue.isEmpty())
— long n = theQueue.remove();
— System.out.print(n);

Remove and print…
— while (!theQueue.isEmpty())
— long n = theQueue.remove();
— System.out.print(n);

Remove and print…
— while (!theQueue.isEmpty())
— long n = theQueue.remove();
— System.out.print(n);

Remove and print…
— while (!theQueue.isEmpty())
— long n = theQueue.remove();
— System.out.print(n);

Queues: Evaluation
— Some implementations remove nItems
— Allow front and rear indices to determine if queue is full or
empty, or size
— Queue can appear to be full and empty (why?)
— Additional overhead when determining size (why?)
— Can remedy these by making array one size larger than the max number
of items
— Efficiency
— Same as stack:
— Push: O(1) only at the back
— Pop: O(1) only at the front
— Access: O(1) only at the front

Priority Queues
— Like a Queue
— Has a front and a rear
— Items are removed from the front
— Difference
— No longer FIFO
— Items are ordered
— We have seen ordered arrays. A priority queue is essentially
an ‘ordered queue’

— Mail analogy: you want to answer the most important first

Priority Queue Implementation
— Almost NEVER use arrays. Why?

— Usually employs a heap (we’ll learn these later)

— Application in Computing
— Programs with higher priority, execute first
— Print jobs can be ordered by priority

— Nice feature: The min (or max) item can be found in O(1)

(Time Pending) Java Implementation
— Page 147
— Biggest difference will be the insert() function

— Analysis
— delete() - O(1)
— insert() - O(n) (again, since arrays are used)
— findMin() - O(1) if arranged in ascending order
— findMax() – O(1) if arranged in descending order

Parsing Arithmetic Expressions
— A task that must be performed by devices such as computers
and calculators
— Parsing is another word for analyzing, that is, piece by piece

— For example, given the expression 2*(3+4)

— We have to know to first evaluate 3+4
— Then multiple the result by 2

How it’s done…
— 1. Transform the arithmetic expression into postfix notation
— Operators follow their two operands, i.e.
— 3+4 = 34+ (in postfix)
— 2*(3+4) = 234+* (in postfix)
— May seem silly, but it makes the expression easier to evaluate
with a stack

— 2. Use a stack and evaluate

Some practice
— Convert the following to postfix:

— 3*5
— 3+8*4 (remember the rules of precedence!)
— (3+4)*(4+6)

Translating infix to postfix
— Think conceptually first. How do we evaluate something
like: 2*(3+4) to get 14?
— Read left to right
— When we’ve read far enough to evaluate two operands and an
operator - in the above case, 3+4
— Evaluate them: 3+4=7
— Substitute the result: 2*7 = 14
— Repeat as necessary

Parsing in our Heads
— 2*(3+4)
— We have to evaluate anything in parentheses before using it
— Read Parsed
— 2 2
— 2* 2*
— 2*( 2*(
— 2*(3 2*(3
— 2*(3+ 2*(3+
— 2*(3+4) 2*(3+4)
— 2*7

— 3+4*5
— Note here we don’t evaluate the ‘+’ until we know what follows
the 4 (a ‘*’)
— So the ‘parsing’ proceeds like this:
— Read Parsed
— 3 3
— + 3+
— 4 3+4
— * 3+4*
— 5 3+4*5
— 3+20
— 23

— We go forward reading operands and operators
— When we have enough information to apply an operator, go
backward and recall the operands, then evaluate
— Sometimes we have to defer evaluation based on precedence

— Think about this when we do the conversion

Infix to Postfix: Algorithm
— Start with your infix expression, and an empty postfix string
— Infix: 2*(3+4) Postfix:
— Go through the infix expression character-by-character
— For each operand:
— Copy it to the postfix string
— For each operator:
— Copy it at the ‘right time’
— When is this? We’ll see

Example: 2*(3+4)
— Read Postfix Comment
— 2 2 Operand
— * 2 Operator
— ( 2 Operator
— 3 23 Operand
— + Operator
— 4 234 Operand
— ) 234+ Saw ), copy +
— 234+* Copy remaining ops

Example: 3+4*5
— Read Postfix Comment
— 3 3 Operand
— + 3 Operator
— 4 34 Operand
— * 34 Operator
— 5 345 Operand
— 345* Saw 5, copy *
— 345*+ Copy remaining ops

Rules on copying operators
— You cannot copy an operator to the postfix string if:
— It is followed by a left parenthesis ‘(‘
— It is followed by an operator with higher precedence (i.e., a ‘+’
followed by a ‘*’)
— If neither of these are true, you can copy an operator once
you have copied both its operands

— We can use a stack to hold the operators before they are

copied. Here’s how:

How can we use a stack?
— Suppose we have our infix expression, empty postfix string
and empty stack S. We can have the following rules:
— If we get an operand, copy it to the postfix string
— If we get a ‘(‘, push it onto S
— If we get a ‘)’:
— Keep popping S and copying operators to the postfix string until either S
is empty or the item popped is a ‘(‘
— Any other operator:
— If S is empty, push it onto S
— Otherwise, while S is not empty and the top of S is not a ‘(‘ or an
operator of lower precedence, pop S and copy to the postfix string
— Push operator onto S

— To convince ourselves, let’s try some of the expressions

Example: 3+4*5
— Read Postfix Stack

Evaluating postfix expressions
— If we go through the trouble of converting to postfix, there’s
got to be a reason, right?
— Well, there is! The resulting expression is much easier to
evaluate, once again using a stack

— Take one example: 345*+

— For every operand push it onto a stack
— Everytime we encounter an operator, apply it to the top two
items and pop them, then push the result on the stack
— We’re done when we have a result and the stack is empty
— Let’s do some examples!
Example: 234*+
— Read Stack Comment
— 2 2 Operand
— 3 23 Operand
— 4 234 Operand
— * 2 12 Apply * to 3 and 4
push result
— + 24 Apply * to 2 and 12
push result

Why easier?
— It is clear what operators go with which operands
— Order of operations is enforced – removed from our concern
— No parentheses to worry about

Java Implementations
— Infix->Postfix, 161-165
— Postfix Evaluator, 169-172
— Time pending, let’s check them out
— Otherwise, please read through them

Linked Lists

CS221N, Data Structures

Recall Arrays
— Advantages
— Access is fast – O(1)
— Insertion is fast in an unordered array O(1)
— Searching is fast in an ordered array – O(log n)
— Because we can apply the binary search

— Disadvantages
— Deletion is slow – O(n)
— Searching is slow in an unordered array – O(n)
— Insertion is slow in an ordered array – O(n)

Recall stacks and queues
— Not generally used for real-world data storage
— Why?

— Operations on the top of the stack are all fast:

— Access – O(1)
— Insertion – O(1)
— Deletion – O(1)

— But on any other element….

A versatile data structure
— The linked list
— Second most commonly used behind arrays

— Used for real-world data storage

— We also saw last week that for stacks and queues, you could use
arrays as an underlying data structure
— You also can use linked lists!

— Good in situations where structure will be frequently modified

— Bad in situations with frequent accesses (we’ll see why)

Several Types
— Simple
— Double-ended
— Sorted
— Doubly-linked
— Lists with iterators

A Link
— Data in linked lists are embedded in links
— Each link consists of:
— The data itself
— A reference to the next link in the list, which is null for the last

The Link class
— It makes sense to make Link its own class, since a list can
then just be a collection of Link objects:
— This is sometimes called a self-referential class. Any theories

class Link {
public int iData;
public Link next; // Does this cause trouble? Why not?

— Remember in Java, all objects are references
— That means that the variable ‘next’, for each link just contains an
integer for a memory address
— A ‘magic number’ which tells us where the object is
— They are always the same size (so no problem)

— Initially, whenever a link object is created its reference is null

— Until we actually say:
— = new Link();
— Even then, next does not contain an object.
— It is still an address!
— It just now is the address of an actual object, as opposed to null

— How would this look in memory then? Let’s draw it on the

Recall the implication!
— Access for linked lists is slow compared to arrays
— Arrays are like rows of houses
— They are arranged sequentially
— So it’s easy to just find, for example, the third house
— With linked lists, you have to follow links in the chain
— The next references
— How do we get the third element here:

Links of Records
— We can have a link of personnel records:

class Link{
public String name;
public String address;
public int ssn;
public Link next;

We can also have a class for PersonnelRecords, and a linked list of

those. Let’s do that together!

— Insertion
— At the beginning (fast)
— In the middle (slower, although still better than arrays)
— Deletion
— At the beginning (fast)
— In the middle (slower, although still better than arrays)
— Search
— Similar to arrays, worst case we have to check all elements

— Let’s construct some of these!

LinkedList class
— Start with:
— A private Link to the first element
— A constructor which sets this reference to null
— A method isEmpty() which returns true if the list is empty

insertFirst(): O(1)
— Accept a new integer (p. 188)
— Create a new link
— Change the new link’s next reference to the current first
— Change first to reference the new link
— We could not execute these last two in reverse. Why?

deleteFirst(): O(1)
— Remove the first integer in the list (p. 188)
— Just reset the first reference to

displayList() – p. 189 O(n)
— Use a reference current to iterate through the elements
— Print the value
— Set current to
— Stop when current becomes null
— Before setting current to

— After setting current to

main() function
LinkedList theList = new LinkedList();


while (!theList.isEmpty())


find() – p. 194 O(n)
— Essentially the same idea as displayList()
— Linearly iterate through the elements with a reference current
— Repeatedly set current to
— Except this time, stop when you find the item!
— Before setting current to

— After setting current to

delete() – p. 194 O(n)
— Pass a value stored in the list, and remove it
— First we have to find it, at that point it will be in current
— Set the previous element’s next reference to
— When we find the value:

— After we delete the value:

main() function - #2
LinkedList theList = new LinkedList();


Link f = theList.find(44);



Double-Ended Lists
— Just like a regular linked list, except there are now two
references kept
— One to the beginning (first)
— And one to the end (last)
— Enables easy insertion at both ends
— You still cannot delete the last element any easier. Why?
— You cannot change find() to start from the end. Why?

insertLast() – p. 199 O(1)
— What does this look like now? Let’s see:
— Create the new link with the new value (next=null)
— Set to reference the new link
— Set last to reference the new link
— Might we also have to set first? When?

main() function - #3
LinkedList theList = new LinkedList();



// Inserting items at the beginning reverses their order

// Inserting items at the end, preserves their order!

Double-Ended Lists
— Would we also have to modify delete()?
— When? Let’s do it.

Efficiency: Summary
— Fast insertion/deletion at ends: O(1)
— Searching: O(n)
— Deleting a specific item: O(n)
— BUT, faster than arrays
— You have equal O(n) for the search
— But then an array requires an O(n) shift, where a list requires
reference copies – O(1)
— Insertion at a specific point can be done, with similar results

Memory: Summary
— A linked list uses (more or less) memory than an array?

— A linked list uses memory more efficiently than an array.

— Size is flexible
— Never have to ‘overcompensate’
— Usually results in empty slots with arrays

Abstract Data Types (ADT)
— A central feature of the Java programming language
— Let’s review
— What is a datatype?
— What do we mean by abstraction?
— What is an interface?

Data Types
— Examples of data types: int, float double
— These are called primitive data types
— When we refer to a datatype:
— Characteristics of the data
— Operations which you can perform on that data
— Object-oriented programming defines classes
— Which are also datatypes. They fit the description above.

— Abstract: Considered apart from detailed specifications or
— Let’s ponder the following questions:
— What is an analogy of abstraction in the English language?
— How does abstraction equate to datatypes and operations?
— How can we describe abstraction in the context of object-
oriented programming?
— What was an example of abstraction that we saw in stacks and

Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
— Idea: Represent a Data Structure by focusing on what it does
and ignoring how it does it.
— We’ve seen this already with stacks and queues
— Internally, they stored data as an array
— But the user didn’t know this! All they saw:
— push(), pop(), peek() in the case of the stack
— insert(), remove(), front(), rear() in the case of the queue
— The set of functions that a client of the class can use, is called
the interface.
— We can represent stacks and queues using linked lists instead
of arrays. Let’s look at how to do it.

Revisiting the stack….
— LIFO structure
— Items are inserted, removed and accessed from the top

— Three operations: push(), pop() and peek()

— Let’s revisit the stack on p. 120, which used an array
— Then rewrite it to use a linked list
277 — Rule: CANNOT change the function names or parameters!
Revisiting the queue…
— FIFO structure
— Items are inserted from the rear and removed from the front

— Four operations: insert(), remove(), front() and rear()

— Let’s look at the implementation with arrays, p.138
— Change it to use linked lists

When to use which?
— List is clearly the better choice when you (know or do not
know?) the number of elements that the stack or queue will
— Analyze: what are the tradeoffs
— In the case of the queue, a linked list saves us the concern of
— Keeping track of two references, front and rear
— Watching if they move too far in one direction

Summary: ADTs
— In Software Engineering
— It’s always important to consider the operations you want before you
determine details, like:
— Memory
— Implementation of functions
— For example, the operations you desire will strongly determine the
data structure you use
— First item? Last item? Item in a certain position?

— This is called decoupling specification and implementation.

— Use this on an interview and they’ll smile! J
— What rewards can this have in terms of client code and portability?

Sorted Lists
— Linked list where the data is maintained in sorted order
— Useful in some applications
— Same applications where you’d use a sorted array
— But, insertion will be faster!
— And, memory will be used more efficiently
— But, a tad more difficult to implement
— Let’s check them out…

insert() p. 214 O(n)
— We haven’t looked at inserting in the middle. Let’s see how
it will be done:

— So for each element, we just insert at the correct spot

— O(n), worst case, to find the spot for insertion
— O(1) for the actual insertion
— Versus O(n) for arrays with the shift

— Would any other operation change (delete, find)?

main() function - #4
LinkedList theList = new LinkedList();





Sorted Linked List: Efficiency
— Insertion and deletion are O(n) for the search worst case
— Cannot do a binary search on a sorted linked list, like we could
with arrays! Why not?
— Minimum value can be found in O(1) time
— If list is double-ended, the maximum can as well (why?)
— Thus, good if an application frequently accesses minimum (or
maximum) item
— For which type of queue would this help us?
— Also good for a sorting algorithm!
— n insertions, each require O(n) comparisons so still O(n2)
— However, O(n) copies as opposed to O(n2) with insertion sort
284 — But twice the memory (why?)
Limitation: Previous element
— Numerous times, we found the inability to access the
previous element inconvenient
— Double-ended list and deleting the last element
— Could not search from both ends

— Doubly linked lists solve this problem

— Allows your to traverse backward and forward
— Each link contains references to previous and next
— Nice!
— But remember, there’s always a catch
— Memory
— Also, straightforward algorithms become slower (guess as to why?)

Our new Link class
class Link
public int iData;
public Link previous;
public Link next;

— next and iData were there before, previous is new

— For the first element, previous is null
— For the last element, next is null

— Single-ended (‘L’ references the List)

— Double-ended (usually done)

— ‘F’ references the First element, ‘L’ the Last

Reverse Traversal O(n)
— Forward traversal is the same as before
— Use current to reference a Link, and repeatedly set it to
— Backward traversal is new
— It can only be done conveniently if the list is double-ended
— Now we repeatedly set current to current.previous
— See page 222

Java Implementation, p. 226
— Methods
— isEmpty(), check if empty
— insertFirst(), insert at beginning
— insertLast(), insert at end
— insertAfter(), insert in the middle
— deleteFirst(), delete at beginning
— deleteLast(), delete at end
— deleteKey(), delete in the middle
— displayForward(), forward traversal
— displayBackward(), backward traversal

isEmpty() O(1)
— Simple function
— Returns true if first is null.

insertFirst() O(1)
— Steps
— Create a new link
— Set its next reference to first
— Set first’s previous reference to the new link
— Set first (and last if empty) to reference the new link
— Before

— After

insertLast() O(1)
— Steps
— Create a new link
— Set it previous reference to last
— Set last’s next reference to the new link
— Set last (and first if empty) to reference the new link
— Before

— After

insertAfter() O(n)
— Steps
— Find the element in the list to insert after (current)
— Set’s previous reference to the new link
— Set link’s next reference to
— Set to the new link
— Set the link’s previous reference to current
— Before

— After

deleteFirst() O(1)
— Steps
— Set’s previous reference to null
— Remember could be null!!
— Set first to

— Before

— After

deleteLast() O(1)
— Steps
— Set last.previous’ next reference to null
— Remember last.previous could be null!!
— Set last to last.previous

— Before

— After

deleteKey() O(n)
— Steps
— Find the key, call it current
— Set current.previous’ next reference to
— Set’s previous reference to current.previous
— Be sure to handle the case when either is null!! This would be equivalent to
deleteFirst() or deleteLast()
— Before

— After

displayForward() O(n)
— Use a reference current to iterate through the elements
— Initially equal to first, print the value
— Set current to
— Stop when current becomes null
— Before setting current to

— After setting current to

displayBackward() O(n)
— Use a reference current to iterate through the elements
— Initially equal to last, print the value
— Set current to current.previous
— Stop when current becomes null
— Before setting current to current.previous:

— After setting current to current.previous:

— What have we seen?
— Ability to linearly traverse a list and find an item
— What have we been missing?
— Control over the items we traverse

— Suppose we wanted to perform an operation on all list

elements which meet a certain criteria. Right now:
— Call find() repeatedly
— Find all unique elements that meet the critera
— Ensure no duplicates
— Perform operations
299 — Iterators make this easier
— Provide a class which:
— Contains a reference to some element in the list
— Can easily increment itself to reference the next element

class ListIterator() {
private Link current;
public ListIterator(Link l) {current = l;}
public Link getCurrent() {return current;}
public void nextLink() {current =;}
main() function - #4
LinkedList theList = new LinkedList();
ListIterator iter = new ListIterator(theList.getFirst());

// This increments every value in the LinkedList

while (iter.getCurrent() != null) {

— I can create multiple instances of ListIterators, and have their
member current reference various points in the list

Bidirectional Iterators
— If we have a doubly-linked list, it’s easy.
— Let’s add two methods to our previous iterator class:
— One to access the previous Link prevLink()

— If we have a singly-linked list, it’s more difficult

— Must add a data member previous

— Let’s connect the components for LinkedList and ListIterator
— I want to be able to construct a LinkedList, and return a
ListIterator referencing itself, through a function
getIterator(), i.e.:

LinkedList myList = new LinkedList();

ListIterator itr = myList.getIterator();
// itr now references the first element of myList

— Why would this help?

— Middle insertion and deletion could be done through the
Looking at LinkedList…
class LinkedList {
private Link first;
public LinkedList() {first=null;}
public Link getFirst() {return first;}
public Link setFirst(Link l) {first = l;}
public boolean isEmpty() {return (first == null);}
public ListIterator getIterator() {return new ListIterator(this); }

// Do we remember what ‘this’ does?

ListIterator: p. 237
— Let’s now change the ListIterator
— Make it bidirectional
— Contain a reference to the list, as opposed to a single link
— Methods
— ListIterator(): Pass a LinkedList reference, and set
— reset(): Reset iterator to the beginning of the list
— atEnd(): Check if we are at the end
— nextLink(): Move to the next link
— getCurrent(): Return the current link
— insertAfter(): Insert a link after the link referenced
— insertBefore(): Insert a link before the element referenced
— deleteCurrent(): Delete the currently referenced link

deleteCurrent(): Notes
— If we delete an item, where should the iterator now point?
— We’ve deleted the item it was pointed to!
— We don’t want to move it to the beginning
— Concept of ‘locality’
— Can’t move it to the previous item
— No way to reset ListIterator.previous
— Could if we had a doubly linked list
— Must move it to the next item

atEnd(): Notes
— Our implementation checks if the iterator points to the last
element. Tradeoffs:
— Looping becomes awkward
— Iterator is always pointing at a valid link, which is good for
— Must be careful with iteration
— Let’s say we used a loop to display data
— First reset, then display, THEN loop:
— Go to the next, and display again
— Need one extra, because if we simply looped till iter.atEnd()
was true, we’d hit a null reference

Another example
— Deleting all links that contain values with multiples of three.
How can we use the iterator to do this?

— Are we seeing now, why doubly linked lists are highly



CS221N, Data Structures

Final Exam
— In case anyone’s making travel plans now…
— Wednesday, December 10
— 12 noon – 3 PM
— Location: TBA

— Definition
— A programming technique where a function calls itself
— Very effective technique in programming

— Used to solve a wide class of problems

— Triangular numbers (3)
— Factorials (12)
— Fibonacci (14)
— Anagrams (15)
— Binary Search (21)
— Towers of Hanoi (28)
312 — Mergesort
Example: Triangular Numbers
— 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, …
— Start with 1, get the next number by adding 2, get the next by
adding 3, the next by adding 4, etc.
— Used to count the number of squares in a triangle:

— Forms an infinite set

Key with Recursion
— Separate the problem into:
— A base case which you know to be true
— A recursive step, which represents the answer to a larger
problem in terms of a smaller one
— Idea, the recursive step will get you closer to the base case.

— Let’s solve triangle(n) in this way, where n is the row of the

— triangle(1) = 1
— triangle(2) = 3
— triangle(3) = 6
— triangle(4) = 10
Triangular Numbers and Recursion
— Note:
— triangle(1) = 1
— triangle(2) = 3
— triangle(3) = 6
— triangle(4) = 10
— We can note that, in general:
— triangle(n) = n + triangle(n-1)
— This can be our recursive step
— Which will carry us to the base case:
— triangle(1) = 1
— This cannot be broken down any further
Triangular Numbers and Recursion
— Here’s our recursive solution:
— triangle(1) = 1, triangle(n) = n + triangle(n-1)

— In Java:

public int triangle(int n) {

if (n == 1) return 1;
else return n + triangle(n-1);

— In Java, each function call
creates a new ‘scope’
— Each of which declares a
new version of n, which is
— Suppose we call triangle(5)

public int triangle(int n) {

if (n == 1) return 1;
else return n + triangle(n-1);

Recursive Methods
— Characteristics:
— They call themselves
— When they call themselves, they do so to solve a smaller
— A base case must exist
— What happens if it doesn’t?

— Therefore, the recursion must be able to stop at some point

— As it did with triangle, at n=1
— triangle(1) = 1

— Anything recursive can be made iterative, using a while or
for loop:

int triangle(int n) {
int total = 0;
while (n > 0) {
total += n;
Efficiency of Recursion
— Recursion is very often simpler and easier to read
— But, often is slower. Why?
— Overhead of function calls
— Sometimes, you can make redundant recursive calls
— We’ll see an example of this with Fibonacci

— Also often uses more memory. Why?

— When we call triangle(1), we’re storing data from the outer
recursive calls

— So the main merit is simplicity.

Mathematical Induction
— This can be a convenient way to represent a recursive

tri(n) = { 1 n=1
{ n*tri(n-1) n>1

Example: Factorials
— Let’s start by representing fact(n) by mathematical induction:

— And, now let’s write the Java function:

Factorial Scope
— In Java, each function call
creates a new ‘scope’
— Each of which declares a
new version of n, which is
— Suppose we call factorial(4)

public int factorial(int n) {

if (n == 0) return 1;
else return n * factorial(n-1);

Fibonacci Numbers
— Mathematical Induction:
— fib(n) = {1 n=0
— {1 n=1
— {fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) n>1

— Produces the sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34….

— Would recursion or iteration be better here? Let’s think.

— Develop Java function
— Draw tree of recursive calls
— What’s bad?
Recall Binary Search: Idea
— Only uses ordered arrays
— Check the middle element
— If it’s too low, restrict search to the first half of the array
— Otherwise restrict search to the second half of the array
— And repeat.

Binary Search
— Array has values 1-100
— First search: Check element 50
— 50 > 33, so repeat on first half (1-49)
— Second search: Check element 25
— 25 < 33, so repeat on second half (26-49)
— Third search: Check element 37
— 37 > 33, so repeat on first half (26-36)
— Fourth search: Check element 31
— 31 < 33, so repeat on second half (32-36)
— Fifth search: Check element 34
— 34 > 33, so repeat on first half (32-33)
— Sixth search: Check element 32
— 32 < 33, so repeat on second half (33)
— Seventh search: Check element 33! Found.
326 — So 7 comparisons. With linear search, it would’ve been 33.
Our implementation before was
public int find(long key) {
int lower = 0;
int upper = nElems-1;
int curIn;

while (true) {
curIn = (lower + upper) / 2;
if (a[curIn] == key) return curIn;
else if (lower > upper) return -1;
else {
if (a[curIn] < key) lower = curIn + 1;
else upper = curIn – 1;
327 }
But we can also do it recursively!
— If we think of binary search in these terms:
— Start lower at 0, and upper at n-1
— Let mid = arr[lower+upper]/2
— If arr[mid] = key, return mid # we’re done
— else if lower > upper, return -1 # not found
— else if arr[mid] > key:
— perform binarysearch on arr[lower…mid-1]
— else if arr[mid] < key:
— perform binarysearch on arr[mid+1…upper]

— So we have TWO base cases. One if the element is found,

and the other if it is not found.
Using this pseudocode, let’s do it in

— Start lower at 0, and upper at n-1

— Let mid = arr[lower+upper]/2
— If arr[mid] = key, return mid # we’re done
— else if lower > upper, return -1 # not found
— else if arr[mid] > key:
— perform binarysearch on arr[lower…mid-1]
— else if arr[mid] < key:
— perform binarysearch on arr[mid+1…upper]

329 — Each call: need key, lower and upper indices

Complexity… say n = 2^i
— We can prove complexity of a recursive function…
— Note, every call to binarysearch had some number of
comparisons and assignments, call it c
— So the first call, we perform on an n-element array:
— c operations
— The second call, we perform on an (n/2)-element array:
— c operations
— The third call, we perform on an (n/4)-element array:
— c operations
— ….
— The (i+1)th call, we perform on an (n/n) element array:
— c operations
Operation Count
— If n=2i, we have (i+1)*c operations
— But i = log2n!

— So the total number of operations is: (log2n + 1)*c

— Which is O(log2n)! So it’s the same complexity as iteration

— Doesn’t mean it runs at the same speed!
— Just means the runtime scales in the same way with the input.

— Involves producing all possible combinations of the letters of
a word.
— Example: Anagram the word cat:
— cat
— cta
— atc
— act
— tca
— tac
— Six possible combinations

Anagrams: General
— In general, for a word of n letters, there will be n!
combinations assuming all letters are distinct
— We saw for cat (3 letters), there were 6 possible
— If some letter(s) repeat themselves, this will reduce the
number of combinations. Example, tat only has 3:
— tat
— att
— tta

Anagram Algorithm
— Anagram a word with n letters:
— Anagram the rightmost n-1 letters
— If n=2, display the word
— Rotate all n letters
— Repeat these steps n times

— Where this is a rotation ->

— Gives every letter a chance

to begin the word
anagrams for

rotate() and doAnagram() function
— Java implementation, page 266
— We will write:
— A rotate() function which moves each character one slot to the
left, and the first character in the last position
— A recursive anagram() function which invokes rotate().
— Base case: n=1, just return
— Recursive step (do n times):
— anagram(n-1)
— display if n=2
— rotate(n)

Output Produced

— cats cast ctsa ctas csat csta

— atsc atcs asct astc acts acst

— tsca tsac tcas tcsa tasc tacs

— scat scta satc sact stca stac

Towers of Hanoi
— An ancient puzzle consisting of disks on pegs A, B and C
— Start all disks on peg A

— Object: Transfer all disks from A to C

— Can only move one at a time
— Cannot place a disk on one that’s smaller
— Note: This algorithm is EXPENSIVE for large # of disks
— With recursion, it’s
always good to break a
problem into smaller,
easier problems
— For example:
— Completing the problem
— Moving the top three disks
to (B)
— Moving the lowermost disk
to (C)
— Moving all three disks from
(B) to (C)
Of course..
— We broke a rule, can’t
move multiple disks
— But, moving top three to
(B) is a smaller problem:
— Move the top two to (C)
— Move the third to (B)
— Move the other two from
(C) to (B)

— Similar for moving top

two to (C)
— 1 disk = base case
— # A is source peg
— # B is intermediate peg
— # C is destination peg
— Solving TOH(n,A,B,C):
— Solve TOH(n-1,A,C,B)
— Move nth to C
— Solve TOH(n-1,B,A,C)

Base Case?
— For TOH(n,A,B,C):
— Well if there’s just one
disk (n=1), move from A
to C!

— Java implementation,
page 278
— Note: It’s just a few lines!

— For n disks:
— (n disks) - 1st call, 2 recursive calls (n disks)
— (n-1 disks) Two 2nd calls, 2 recursive calls
— (n-2 disks) Four 3rd calls, 2 recursive calls
— (1 disk) Many nth calls, base case
— Let’s draw the tree
— See why, this is too expensive for large numbers of disks?
— Old legend: In remote India temple, monks continuously work
at solving this problem with 64 disks and 3 diamond towers
— The world ends when they are finished
— No worries, it will take forever anyway…. J
Number of Operations
— Each recursive call generates two recursive calls, and a
constant number of operations (call it c)
— First call: c
— Two second calls, times c: 2*c
— Four third calls, times c: 4*c
— …
— 2n nth calls, times c: 2n*c

— Complexity: O(2n) – we call this an exponential algorithm

— 4 disks, 16 operations
— 8 disks, 256 operations
— 64 disks, 1.8*1019 operations. We’re safe. J
— This begins our discussion of more advanced sorting
— But it uses recursion
— Complexity
— O(n log n)
— Where the best we’ve seen so far is O(n2)
— An idea of the difference:
— n=10000, 100 million operations for O(n2)
— n=10000, 40 thousand operations for O(n log n)

— Bad thing: Memory

— Requires a temporary array of size n
— Let’s say we have an array of size n
— Suppose we used recursion and solved a smaller problem
(why would we ever do that? I don’t know J) and had two
sorted subarrays:

— We could merge them by repeatedly comparing their first

— Have: two subarrays, and a temporary array of size n
— Compare first elements
— Take the lesser, and put it in the temporary array

— Whichever one we chose, move one spot to the right in that
subarray and repeat

Keep going…

And going…

And going…

And going…

Get the idea?

Few more…

Put in the rest…
— When we get to the end of one subarray, just insert the rest
of the other.

— We’re done when the temporary array is full

So now, we know…
— If we have two sorted subarrays, we can merge them to sort
the entire array. And we can do it in O(n) time.
— Just one comparison for each of the n elements

— Where recursion comes in…

— Say we start with n elements…
— And separate into two subarrays of n/2 elements…
— And separate them into four subarrays of n/4 elements…
— Until we get to subarrays of one element.
— Trivial to merge!


So conceptually, what must we do?
— mergesort(A, n): # Sort an array of size n
— mergesort(first half of A, n/2)
— mergesort(second half of A, n/2)
— merge(first half of A, second half of A)

Let’s add a merge() procedure to
this class. (p. 289)
class DArray {
private long[] theArray;
private int nElems;
public Darray(int max) {
theArray = new long[max];
public void insert(long value) {
theArray[nElems] = value;
360 }
What merge() accepts
— A workspace array of size n
— The lower, middle and upper indices of theArray to merge
— First half is index lower to index (middle-1)
— Second half is index middle to index upper
— So n=upper-lower+1

Now write mergesort()
— Our recursive mergesort will accept:
— Workspace of size n, and lower/upper indices of theArray to
— Initial call will pass an empty workspace, 0, and nElems-1.

— Every call makes two recursive calls, each with n/2 copies
— First call: n copies, and generates:
— Two recursive calls at (n/2) copies each, which generate:
— Four recursive calls at (n/4) copies each
— …
— n recursive calls at (n/n) copies each

— To get the total number of operations, let’s draw a tree.

Total number of operations
— n + 2(n/2) + 4(n/4) +…. + n(n/n)
— = n + n + …. + n
— = (log n + 1) * n
— = n log n + n

— O(n log n)
— Best so far!!

Advanced Sorting

CS221N, Data Structures

— Midterm
— Two weeks from this Friday on 3/27
— In class
— Closed book

Improved Sorting Techniques
— What we have seen
— Bubble, selection and insertion
— Easy to implement
— Slower: O(n2)
— Mergesort
— Faster: O(n log n)
— More memory (temporary array)

— What we’ll now see

— Shellsort, O(n log2 n)
— Quicksort, O(n log n)
— Radix sort, O(k n)
— Limited to integers
— Insertion sort, but adds a new feature
— Not quite as fast as Quicksort and Mergesort
— But:
— Easier to implement
— Still much faster than the basic sorts

— Best: For arrays of a few thousand items

Recall Insertion Sort....
— A subarray to the left is
‘partially sorted’
— Start with the first element
— The player immediately to
the right is ‘marked’.
— The ‘marked’ player is
inserted into the correct
place in the partially sorted
— Remove first
— Marked player ‘walks’ to
the left
— Shift appropriate elements
until we hit a smaller one
The problem
— If a small item is very far
to the right
— Like in this case ->
— You must shift many
intervening large items
one space to the right
— Almost N copies
— Average case N/2
— N items, N2/2 copies
— Better if:
— Move a small item many
spaces, without shifting
— What made insertion
sort the best of the basic
— If the array is almost
sorted, O(n)

— Shellsort has two steps:

— “Almost sort” the array
— Run insertion sort

The “Almost Sort” step
— Say we have a 10-element array:
— 60 30 80 90 0 20 70 10 40 50
— Sort indices 0, 4, and 8:
— 0 30 80 90 40 20 70 10 60 50
— Sort indices 1, 5, and 9:
— 0 20 80 90 40 30 70 10 60 50
— Sort indices 2, 6:
— 0 20 70 90 40 30 80 10 60 50
— Sort indices 3, 7
— 0 20 70 10 40 30 80 90 60 50

The “Almost Sort” step
— This is called a “4-sort”:
—60 30 80 90 0 20 70 10 40 50
—0 30 80 90 40 20 70 10 60 50
—0 20 80 90 40 30 70 10 60 50
—0 20 70 90 40 30 80 10 60 50
—0 20 70 10 40 30 80 90 60 50

— Once we’ve done this, the array is almost sorted, and we can
run insertion sort on the whole thing
— Should be about O(n) time

Interval Sequencing
— 4-sort was sufficient for a 10-element array
— For larger arrays, you’ll want to do many of these to achieve
an array that is really almost sorted. For example for 1000
— 364-sort
— 121-sort
— 40-sort
— 13-sort
— 4-sort
— insertion sort

Knuth’s Interval Sequence
— How to determine?
— Knuth’s algorithm:
— Start at h=1
— Repeatedly apply the function h=3*h+1, until you pass the
number of items in the array:
— h = 1, 4, 13, 40, 121, 364, 1093….
— Thus the previous sequence for a 1000-element array

— So what interval sequences should we use for a 10000

element array?

Why is it better?
— When h is very large, you are sorting small numbers of
elements and moving them across large distances
— Efficient
— When h is very small, you are sorting large numbers of
elements and moving them across small distances
— Becomes more like traditional insertion sort
— But each successive sort, the overall array is more sorted
— So we should be nearing O(n)

— That’s the idea!

Let’s do our own example…
— Sort these fifteen elements:
— 8 10 1 15 7 4 12 13 2 6 11 14 3 9 5

— What sequence of h should we use?

— Let’s do it on the board.

Java Implementation, page 322
— What are function needs to do:
— Initialize h properly
— Have an outer loop start at outer=h and count up
— Have an inner loop which sorts outer, outer-h, outer-2h, etc.

— For example, if h is 4:
— We must sort (8, 4, 0), and (9, 5, 1), etc.

— Let’s check it out

Other Interval Sequences
— Original Shellsort:
— h=h/2
— Inefficient, leads to O(n2)
— Variation:
— h = h / 2.2
— Need extra effort to make sure we eventually hit h=1
— Flamig’s Approach (yields similar to Knuth)
— if (h < 5) h = 1; else h = (5*h-1) / 11;

— Rule of thumb: Values of h should be relatively prime

— More likely that they will intermingle all items on previous pass
Number of Operations
— Too difficult to perform analytically

— Estimates have been made

— Range: O(N3/2) to O(N7/6)
— Accepted: O(n log2 n)
— Even if we assume worst case, it still is much better than
insertion sort
— n=10, Shellsort 32 operations, Insertion Sort 100
— n=100, Shellsort 1000 operations, Insertion Sort 10000
— n=1000, Shellsort 32000 operations, Insertion Sort 1 million
— n=10000, ShellSort 1 million operations, Insertion Sort 100 million
— Optimistic yields 160,000 in the case of n=10000
— This will be the sort that is the most optimal in terms of
performance and memory
— One must exercise care to avoid the worst case, which is still
very expensive

— Central mechanism is partitioning, which we’ll look at first

— Idea: Divide data into two groups, such that:
— All items with a key value higher than a specified amount (the
pivot) are in one group
— All items with a lower key value are in another

— Applications:
— Divide employees who live within 15 miles of the office with
those who live farther away
— Divide households by income for taxation purposes
— Divide computers by processor speed

— Let’s see an example with an array

— Say I have 12 values:
— 175 192 95 45 115 105 20 60 185 5 90 180
— I pick a pivot=104, and partition (NOT sorting yet):
— 95 45 20 60 5 90 | 175 192 115 105 185 180
— Note: In the future the pivot will be an actual element
— Also: Partitioning need not maintain order of elements and
usually won’t
— Although I did in this example

— The partition is the leftmost item in the right array:

— 95 45 20 60 5 90 | 175 192 115 105 185 180
— Which we return to designate where the division is located.
Java Implementation, page 328
— Partition function must:
— Accept a pivot value, and a starting and ending index
— Start an integer left=start-1, and right=end
— Increment left until we find an A[left] bigger than the pivot:
— Then decrement right until we find an A[right] bigger than the pivot.
— Swap A[left] and A[right].
— Stop when left and right cross
— Then left is the partition
— All items smaller are on the left, and larger on the right
— There can’t be anything smaller to the right, because we would’ve

Efficiency: Partitioning
— O(n) time
— left starts at 0 and moves one-by-one to the right
— right starts at n-1 and moves one-by-one to the left
— When left and right cross, we stop.
— So we’ll hit each element just once

— Number of comparisons is n+1

— Number of swaps is worst case n/2
— Worst case, we swap every single time
— Each swap involves two elements
— Usually, it will be less than this
— Since in the random case, some elements will be on the correct side of
the pivot
Modified Parititioning
— In preparation for Quicksort:
— Choose our pivot value to be the rightmost element
— Partition the array around the pivot
— Ensure the pivot is at the location of the partition
— Meaning, the pivot should be the leftmost element of the right subarray

— Example:
— Unpartitioned: 42 89 63 12 94 27 78 10 50 36
— Partitioned around Pivot: 3 27 12 36 63 94 89 78 42 50

— What does this imply about the pivot element after the
Placing the Pivot
— Goal: Pivot must be in the leftmost position in the right
— 3 27 12 36 63 94 89 78 42 50
— Our algorithm does not do this currently.
— It currently will not touch the pivot
— left increments till it finds an element < pivot
— right decrements till it finds an element > pivot
— So the pivot itself won’t be touched, and will stay on the right:
— 3 27 12 63 94 89 78 42 50 36

— We have this:
— 3 27 12 63 94 89 78 42 50 36
— Our goal is the position of 36:
— 3 27 12 36 63 94 89 78 42 50
— We could either:
— Shift every element in the right subarray up (inefficient)
— Just swap the leftmost with the pivot! Better J
— We can do this because the right subarray is not in any
particular order
— 3 27 12 36 94 89 78 42 50 63

Swapping the Pivot
— Just takes one more line to our Java method
— Basically, a single call to swap()
— Swaps A[end-1] (the pivot) with A[left] (the partition index)

— The most popular sorting algorithm
— For most situations, it runs in O(n log n)
— Remember partitioning. It’s the key step. And it’s O(n).

— The basic algorithm (recursive):

— 1. Partition the array into left (smaller keys) and right (larger
keys) groups
— 2. Call ourselves and sort the left group
— 3. Call ourselves and sort the right group

— Base case: We partition just one element, which is just the

element itself
Java Implementation, page 333
— We can probably just do this in our heads:
— 1. Choose the pivot to be the rightmost element
— 2. Partition the array into left (smaller keys) and right (larger
keys) groups
— 3. Call ourselves and sort the left group
— 4. Call ourselves and sort the right group

— Base case: We partition just one element, which is just the

element itself

Shall we try it on an array?
— 10 70 50 30 60 90 0 40 80 20
— Let’s go step-by-step on the board

Best case…
— We partition the array each time into two equal subarrays
— Say we start with array of size n = 2i
— We recurse until the base case, 1 element

— Draw the tree

— First call -> Partition n elements, n operations
— Second calls -> Each partition n/2 elements, 2(n/2)=n operations
— Third calls -> Each partition n/4, 4(n/4) = n operations
— (i+1)th calls -> Each partition n/2i = 1, 2i(1) = n(1) = n ops

— Total: (i+1)*n = (log n + 1)*n -> O(n log n)
The VERY bad case….
— If the array is inversely sorted.
— Let’s see the problem:
— 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
— What happens after the partition? This:
— 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10
— This is almost sorted, but the algorithm doesn’t know it.
— It will then call itself on an array of zero size (the left
subarray) and an array of n-1 size (the right subarray).
— Producing:
— 0 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 20

The VERY bad case…
— In the worst case, we partition every time into an array of 0
elements and an array of n-1 elements
— This yields O(n2) time:
— First call: Partition n elements, n operations
— Second calls: Partition 0 and n-1 elements, n-1 operations
— Third calls: Partition 0 and n-2 elements, n-2 operations
— Draw the tree

— Yielding:
— Operations = n + n-1 + n-2 + … + 1 = n(n+1)/2 -> O(n2)

— What caused the problem was “blindly” choosing the pivot
from the right end.
— In the case of a reverse sorted array, this is not a good choice
at all

— Can we improve our choice of the pivot?

— Let’s choose the middle of three values

Median-Of-Three Partitioning
— Everytime you partition, choose the median value of the left,
center and right element as the pivot

— Example:
— 44 11 55 33 77 22 00 99 101 66 88

— Pivot: Take the median of the leftmost, middle and rightmost

— 44 11 55 33 77 22 00 99 101 66 88 - Median: 44
— Then partition around this pivot:
— 11 33 22 00 44 55 77 99 101 66 88
— Increases the liklihood of an equal partition
— Also, it cannot possibly be the worst case
Let’s see how this fixes the worst
case for Quicksort
— Here’s our array:
— 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

— Let’s see on the board how this fixes things

— In fact in a perfectly reversed array, we choose the middle
element as the pivot!
— Which is optimal
— We get O(n log n)

— Vast majority of the time, if you use QuickSort with a

Median-Of-Three partition, you get O(n log n) behavior
One final optimization…
— After a certain point, just doing insertion sort is faster than
partitioning small arrays and making recursive calls

— Once you get to a very small subarray, you can just sort with
insertion sort
— You can experiment a bit with ‘cutoff’ values
— Knuth: n=9

(Time Pending) Java
— QuickSort with maximum optimization
— Median-Of-Three Partitioning
— Insertion Sort on arrays of size less than 9

Operation Count Estimates
— For QuickSort
— n=8: 30 comparisons, 12 swaps
— n=12: 50 comparisons, 21 swaps
— n=16: 72 comparisons, 32 swaps
— n=64: 396 comparisons, 192 swaps
— n=100: 678 comparisons, 332 swaps
— n=128: 910 comparisons, 448 swaps

— The only competitive algorithm is mergesort

— But, takes much more memory like we said.
Radix Sort
— Idea: Disassemble elements into individual digits
— Sort digit by digit

— Does not require any comparisons

— Arrange data items according to digit values

— Makes sense:
— Arrange by the least significant digit first
— Then the second least, etc.

— Assumptions
— The assumption is: base 10, positive integers!

— If we can do that, we can assemble 10 groups of values

— Group array values by 1s digit
— Then reassemble by 10s digit, using group 0 first and group 9
— So sort by 10s digit, without losing the order of the sort by 1s
— So within each group by 10s, the elements are still sorted by 1s
— Then reassemble by 100s digit, same process
— Repeat for all digits

Example: On the Board
— 421 240 35 532 305 430 124
— Remember: 35 has a 100s digit of zero!

— n Elements
— Copy each element once to a group, and once back again:
— 2n copies -> O(n)
— Then you have to copy k times, where k is the maximum
number of digits in any value
— So, 2*k*n copies -> O(kn)
— Zero comparisons

— What will k typically be?

— For n=100 (unique values), you have at least 3 digits
— For n=1000 (unique values), you have at least 4 digits
— Generally, for n = 10i, you have (i+1) digits or log10n
— Independently of the base, logarithmic functions grow at
about the same rate
— So really, you are dealing with roughly O(n log n) complexity
— Plus Houston, you’ve got memory…
— Need to store extra space for the groups!
— Like mergesort, double the memory
— So a solid argument can be made that Quicksort is still better
— Best case:
— Small numbers of digits
— And remember underlying assumption: Positive integers
Java Implementation
— Not in the book; will be left as an exercise
— This is your two-week assignment! Implement the entire
Radix Sort.

Binary Trees

CS221N, Data Structures

Binary Trees
— A fundamental data structure
— Combines advantages of arrays and linked lists
— Fast search time
— Fast insertion
— Fast deletion
— Moderately fast access time

— Of course, they’re a bit more complex to implement

Recall Ordered Arrays…
— Their search time is faster, because there is some ‘ordering’
to the elements.
— We can do binary search, O(log n)
— Instead of linear search, O(n)

— Their insertion time is slower, because you have to find the

correct position to insert first
— That takes O(log n) time
— Instead of just dropping the element at the end, O(1)

— Trees provide ‘somewhat’ of an ordering

410 — Each of these algorithms will be O(log n)
Recall Linked Lists…
— Insertion and deletion are fast
— O(1) on the end
— In the middle, O(n) to find the position, but O(1) to
— Better than the expensive shifting in arrays
— Finding is slower, O(n)

— Trees perform insertion/deletion similarly, by changing

— But they provide shorter paths for finds that are log n in
411 length, as opposed to a linked list which could be length n
Trees: General
— A tree consists of nodes, connected by edges
— Trees cannot have cycles
— Otherwise, it’s a graph
— Here’s a general tree:

Traversing a Tree
— Start at the root and traverse downward along its edges
— Typically, edges represent some kind of relationship
— We represent these by references
— Just as in linked lists:
class Link {
int data;
Link next;
— In a tree:
class Node {
int data;
Node child1;
Node child2;
413 …
Size of a Tree
— Increases as you go down
— Opposite of nature. J

Binary Trees
— A special type of tree
— With this tree, nodes had varying numbers of children:

— With binary trees, nodes can have a maximum of two

— The tree above is called a multiway tree
A Binary Tree
— For now, note each node has no more than two children

A Binary Tree
— Each node thus has a left and right child
— What would the Java class look like?

Binary Trees: Terms
— Path: Sequence of nodes connected by edges
— Green line is a path from A to J

Binary Trees: Terms
— Root: The node at the top of the tree
— Can be only one (in this case, A)

Binary Trees: Terms
— Parent: The node above. (B is the parent of D, A is the
parent of B, A is the grandparent of D)

Binary Trees: Terms
— Child: A node below. (B is a child of A, C is a child of A, D
is a child of B and a grandchild of A)

Binary Trees: Terms
— Leaf: A node with no children
— In this graph: H, E, I, J, and G

Binary Trees: Terms
— Subtree: A node’s children, it’s children’s children, etc.
— The hilited example is just one, there are many in this tree

Binary Trees: Terms
— Visit: Access a node, and do something with its data
— For example we can visit node B and check its value

Binary Trees: Terms
— Traverse: Visit all the nodes in some specified order.
— One example: A, B, D, H, E, C, F, I, J, G

Binary Trees: Terms
— Levels: Number of generations a node is from the root
— A is level 0, B and C are at level 1, D, E, F, G are level 2, etc.

Binary Trees: Terms
— Key: The contents of a node

A Binary Search Tree
— A binary tree, with the following characteristics:
— The left child is always smaller than its parent
— The right child is always larger than its parent
— All nodes to the right are bigger than all nodes to the left

Integer Tree
— Will use this class for individual nodes:

class Node {
public int data;
public Node left;
public Node right;

— Let’s sketch the Java template for a binary search tree (page

Example main() function
— Page 275, with a slight tweak
— Insert three elements: 50, 25, 75
— Search for node 25
— If it was found, print that we found it
— If it was not found, print that we did not find it

Finding a node
— What do we know?
— For all nodes:
— All elements in the left subtree are smaller
— All elements in the right subtree are larger

Searching for a KEY
— We’ll start at the root, and check its value
— If the value = key, we’re done.
— If the value is greater than the key, look at its left child
— If the value is less than the key, look at its right child
— Repeat.


Searching for
element 57

Java Implementation – find()
— Pages 377-378

Number of operations: Find
— Typically about O(log n). Why?

— What’s a case where it won’t be?

435 — How can we guarantee O(log n)?
Inserting a node
— What must we do?
— Find the place to insert a node (similar to a find, except we
go all the way till there are no more children)
— Put it there



Java Implementation – insert()
— Page 380

Traversing a Tree
— Three Ways:
— Inorder (most common)
— Preorder
— Postorder

Inorder Traversal
— Visits each node of the tree in ascending order:

— In this tree, an inorder traversal produces:

440 — 9 14 23 30 34 39 47 53 61 72 79 84
Inorder Traversal
— Ascending Order

— Implies: We have to print a node’s left child before the node

441 itself, and the node itself before its right child
Inorder Traversal
— Ascending Order

— We can think of this recursively: start at the root, inorder

traverse the left subtree, print the root, inorder traverse the
right subtree
Java Implementation
— Page 382
— A recursive function
— Let’s try it with a simple example

Preorder Traversal
— Prints all parents before children
— Prints all left children before right children. So with this tree:

— A preorder traversal produces:

444 — 53 30 14 9 23 39 34 47 72 61 84 79
Preorder Traversal
— Order: Root, left, right

— We can again do this recursively: print the root, preorder

445 traverse the left subtree, preorder traverse the right subtree
Java Implementation
— Not in the book
— But we should be able to do it!

Postorder Traversal
— Prints all children before parents
— Prints all left children before right children. So with this tree:

— A postorder traversal produces:

447 — 9 23 14 34 46 39 30 61 79 84 72 53
Preorder Traversal
— Order: Left, right, root

— We can again do this recursively: postorder traverse the left

448 subtree, postorder traverse the right subtree, print the root
Java Implementation
— Not in the book
— But again, we should be able to do it!

Finding the Minimum
— In a binary search tree, this is always the leftmost child of the
tree! Easy. Java?
— Start at the root, and traverse until you have no more left children

Finding the Maximum
— In a binary search tree, this is also easy – it’s the rightmost
child in the tree
— Start at the root, traverse until there are no more right children
— Java?

— This is the challenging one
— First, find the element you want to delete
— Once you’ve found it, one of three cases:
— 1. The node has no children (easy)
— 2. The node has one child (decently easy)
— 3. The node has two children (difficult)

Case 1: No Children
— To delete a node with no children:
— Find the node
— Set the appropriate child field in its parent to null
— Example: Removing 7 from the tree below

Java Implementation
— Start from page 390-391
— Find the node first
— As we go through, keep track of:
— The parent
— Whether the node is a left or right child of its parent

— Then, handle the case when both children are null

— Set either the left or right child of the parent to null
— Unless it’s the root, in which case the tree is now empty

Case 2: One Child
— Assign the deleted node’s
child as the child of its
— Essentially, ‘snip out’ the
deleted node from the
— Example, deleting 71
from this tree:

Java Implementation
— Pages 392-393
— Two cases to handle. Either:
— The right child is null
— If the node is a left child, set its parent’s left child to the node’s left child
— If the node is a right child, set its parent’s right child to the node’s left
— The left child is null
— If the node is a left child, set its parent’s left child to the node’s right child
— If the node is a right child, set its parent’s right child to the node’s right

Case 3: Two Children
— Here’s the tough case.
— Let’s see an example of why it’s complicated…

Case 3: Two Children
— What we need is the next highest node to replace 25.
— For example, if we replaced 25 by 30, we’re set.

Case 3: Two Children
— We call this the inorder successor of the deleted node
— i.e., 30 is the inorder successor of 25. This replaces 25.

Inorder successor
— The inorder successor is
always going to be the
smallest element in the
right subtree
— In other words, the
smallest element that is
larger than the deleted

Finding the inorder successor
— Algorithm to find the inorder
successor of some node X:
— First go to the right child of X
— Then keep moving to left
— Until there are no more
— Then we are at the inorder

— This is what should replace X

Removing the successor
— We must remove the
successor from its current
spot, and place it in the spot
of the deleted node

— If the successor is the

deleted node’s right child:
— Set the successor’s left to
the deleted node’s left
— Replace deleted node by

— If the successor is not the deleted node’s right child, tougher
— We must add two steps:
— 1. Set the successor’s parent’s left to the successor’s right
— 2. Set the successor’s right to the deleted node’s right
— 3. Set the successor’s left to the deleted node’s left (as before)
— 4. Replace the deleted node by the successor (as before)

Java Implementation (Time
— getSuccessor() function, page 396
— Accepts a node
— First goes to its right child
— Then goes to the left child
— Does this until no more left children

— Also removes successor

— Rest of delete(), page 398

Efficiency: Binary Search Trees
— Note that:
— Insertion, deletion, searching all involved visiting nodes of the
tree until we found either:
— The position for insertion
— The value for deletion
— The value we were searching for

— For any of these, we would not visit more than the number of
levels in the tree
— Because for every node we visit, we check its value, and if we’re
not done, we go to one of its children

Efficiency: Binary Search Trees
— So for a tree of n nodes, how many levels are there:

— Nodes Levels
— 1 1
— 3 2
— 7 3
— 15 4
— 31 5
— ….
— 1,073,741,824 30
466 — It’s actually log(n) + 1!
— All three of our algorithms: insertion, deletion, and
searching take O(log n) time
— We go through log n + 1 levels, each time with one
— At the point of insertion or deletion, we just manipulate a
constant number of references (say, c)
— That’s independent of n

— So the number of operations is log n + 1 + c, or O(log n)

Compare to Arrays
— Take 1 million elements and delete an element in the middle
— Arrays -> Average case, 500 thousand shifts
— Binary Search Trees -> 20 or fewer comparisons
— Similar case when comparing with insertion into an ordered

— What is slow for a binary search tree is traversal

— Going through all elements in the entire tree
— But for a large database, this probably will never be necessary

Huffman Codes
— An algorithm to ‘compress’ data
— Purpose:
— Apply a compression algorithm to take a large file and store it as
a smaller set of data
— Apply a decompression algorithm to take the smaller
compressed data, and get the original back

— So, you only need to store the smaller compressed version, as

long as you have a program to compress/decompress
— Compression Examples: WinZip, MP3

Quick Lesson In Binary
— Generally for an n-digit number in binary:
— bn-1 … b2b1b0 = bn-12n-1 + … + b222 + b121 + b020

— Assume unsigned bytes, convert these:

— 01011010
— 10000101
— 00101001
— 10011100
— 11111111

— Everything internally is stored in binary

— Take one byte of memory (8 bits)
— All files are just sequences of characters

— Internal storage (ASCII Codes):

A 65 01000001
B 66 01000010
C 67 01000011
Y 89 01011001
471 Z 90 01011010
Example File
— (ASCII: I=73, L=76, O=79, V=86,E=69,T=84,R=82,S=83)

— Internal Storage
— 01001001 01001100 01001111 01010110 01000101
01010100 01010010 01000101 01000101 01010011

— All characters take one byte (8 bits) of storage, and those 8

bits correspond to the ASCII values

Underlying Motivation
— Why use the same number of bits to store all characters?
— For example, E is used much more often than Z
— So what if we only used two bits to store E
— And still used the eight to store Z
— We should save space.

— For example, with ILOVETREES, if we change E’s to 01:

— We save 6*3 = 18 bits

— For large files, we could start saving a significant amount of

One thing we must watch
— When choosing shorter codes, we cannot use any code that is
the prefix of another code. For example, we could not have:
— E: 01
— X: 01011000

— Why? Because if we come across this in the file:

— …….010110000
— We don’t know if it’s an E followed by something else,
— Or an X.

Most Used Characters
— The most used characters will vary by file
— Computing Huffman Codes first requires computing the
frequency of each character, for example for “SUSIE SAYS IT
A 2
E 2
I 3
S 6
T 1
U 1
Y 2
Space 4
475 Linefeed 1
Computing Huffman Codes
— Huffman Codes are varying bit lengths depending on
frequency (remember S had the highest freq at 6):

A 010
E 1111
I 110
S 10
T 0110
U 01111
Y 1110
Space 00
476 Linefeed 01110
A 010
E 1111
I 110
S 10
T 0110
U 01111
Y 1110
Space 00
Linefeed 01110
— 10 01111 10 110 1111 00 10 010 1110 10 00 110 0110 00
110 10 00 1111 010 10 1110 01110 (65 bits)
477 — Before, it would’ve been (21*8=168 bits!)
A Huffman Tree
— Idea:
— Each character appears as
a leaf in the tree
— The higher the frequency
of a character, the higher
up in the tree it is
— Number outside a leaf is
its frequency
— Number outside a non-
leaf is the sum of all child

A Huffman Tree
— Decoding a message:
— For each bit, go right (1)
or left (0)
— Once you hit a character,
print it, go back to the
root and repeat
— Example: 0100110
— Start at root:
— Go L(0), R(1), L(0), get A
— Go back to root
— Go L(0), R(1), R(1), L(0),
get T
— Decoding is thus easy
when you have this tree

— However, we must
produce the tree

— The idea will be to start

with just characters and
frequencies (the leaves),
and then grow the tree

First step
— Start from the leaves, which contain single characters and
their associated frequencies
— Store these nodes in a priority queue, ordered by frequency

— Take the left two elements, and form a subtree
— The two leaves are the two characters
— The parent is empty, with a frequency as the sum of its two
— Put this back in the priority queue, in the right spot

Continue this process…
— Again, adjoin the leftmost two elements (now we actually
adjoin a leaf and a subtree):

Keep going…
— Adjoin leaves Y (2) and E (2), this forms a subtree with root
frequency of 4

Continue until we have one tree…

Continue until we have one tree…

Continue until we have one tree…

Continue until we have one tree…

Our final tree
— Note we were able to construct this from the frequency table

Obtaining the Huffman Code from
the tree
— Once we construct the tree,
we still need the Huffman
Code to encode the file
— No way around this: we
have to start from the root
and traverse all possible
paths to leaf nodes
— As we go along, keep track
of if we go left (0) or right
— So A went left (0), then
right (1), then left (0)
Code Table
— When we get the Huffman
Code for each character,
we insert them into a Code
Table, as to the right

— Now encoding becomes

— For each character, lookup
in the code table and store
those binary digits
— For decoding, just use the
491 tree
“Official Steps”
— Encoding a File
— Obtain a frequency table (count each character’s frequency)
— Make the Huffman Tree
— Make the Code Table
— Store each character as its Huffman Code from the Code Table

— Decoding a File
— Read the compressed file bit-by-bit
— Use the Huffman Tree to get each character

Red-Black Trees

CS221N, Data Structures

Recall Binary Trees
— What were the advantages?

— We could perform the following operations quickly:

— Insertion
— Deletion
— Searching

— Because for n nodes:

— Height of the binary tree was log(n)+1
— Each operation involved iteratively searching child nodes

Unbalanced binary trees
— Let’s form two binary search trees
— One inserting this sequence:
— 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
— Another inserting this sequence:
— 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

— What happens? Are insertion, deletion and searching still


— What’s the underlying problem?

Red-Black Trees
— Binary search trees, with some added features
— These ‘added features’ make sure that the tree is balanced
— Which we’re never guaranteed with binary search trees!
— Thus keeping:
— Insertion
— Deletion
— Searching

— Fast under all circumstances

— Note: Code is complex! We will learn by examples.

The concept of rotation (ignore
— Rotation involves three nodes:
— A parent and its two children
— For a right rotation, a node’s left child becomes its parent:

497 — Left rotation is just the opposite. We’ll need these.

Rotations help balance a tree
— For example if the left side of a tree is “heavy”, doing a right
rotation would help balance things

— Rotations, in general:
— Raise some nodes and lower others to help balance the tree
— Ensure that we do not violate any characteristics of a binary
search tree
— Thus all nodes to the left must still have values smaller
— All nodes to the right must still have values larger

Rotations Involving Many Nodes
— A three node rotation was easy.
— Let’s look at a more complicated one.

— Let’s say we wanted to rotate the following tree, with 50 as

our “top node”. Which node becomes the root?

Literally, this is what we must do…
— For a right rotation, the
top node must have a left

— Then we deal with a

‘crossover node’, which
must be moved to the
opposite side.
500 — In this case, (37)
Who is this oddball?
— A rotation involves a top
node, in this case (50)
— The crossover node (37)
is the right child of the
left child of (50)
— For a right rotation, this
will always be the case
— Also known as the inside
— Everybody else moves
right, (37) moves across
— ALWAYS reconnects to
501 the top node (50)
So the steps of a right rotation..
— Rotate every node,
except the crossover, to
the right.
— After this happens, the
top node will have a null
left child
— Move the crossover there

— To gain more practice,

let’s try a left rotation.
Rotating with
— Same principle. If we right
rotate with (50) as the top
node, we do the same thing
but move subtrees

— (25) becomes the root

— The subtree with (37) is the

‘crossover’, and is moved to
the left child of (50)
More Practice…

— Do a left-rotation on this tree, with (50) as the top node

— Do a right-rotation on this tree, with (25) as the top node
504 — Do a left-rotation on this tree, with (25) as the top node
Red-Black Trees: Characteristics
— Nodes are colored, either red or black
— During insertion and deletion, rules are followed that make
sure the tree is balanced

Color? Really?
— How would we include ‘color’ as a characteristic of a Node?

506 — Let’s construct the Java class for a single Node.

Red-Black Rules: #1
— Every node is either red or black.

Red-Black Rules: #2
— The root of the tree MUST be black.

Red-Black Rules: #3
— If a node is red, its children MUST be black
— The converse is NOT true; black nodes can have black or red

Red-Black Rules: #4
— Every path from the root to a leaf or null child must have the
same number of black nodes.

— These are the four rules:
— All nodes are either red or black.
— The root must be black.
— A red node can only have black children.
— All paths to leaf or null have the same number of black children

— How do we uphold these rules? There are only two things we

can do:
— Change node colors (color ‘flip’)
— Perform node rotations (we’ll see how)
— Note we only have to do these on insertion and deletion!! Because those
are the only operations that change the structure of the tree.
Inserting a new node
— When we insert a new node, it’s always red by default unless
it’s the root. Why is this a good idea?

— Remember the rules:

— 1. All nodes are either red or black.
— 2. The root must be black.
— 3. A red node can only have black children.
— 4. All paths to leaf or null have the same number of black

— If it’s red, which rule could be violated?

512 — If it’s black, which rule WOULD be violated?
For example..
— Insert 13 (it’s the root, so

— Insert 8 (initially red):

— Insert 17 (initially red):

Color Flip
— Now suppose we insert 15
(initially red). What rule is

— We can fix it through a

color flip:
— Change the colors of (8)
and (17) to black
— Note: This is not too tough
514 to fix.
But color flips can’t fix everything…
— For example, what if we inserted (16) into this tree

— We already said, it’s initially red.

— What rule gets violated?
— Let’s look: Why will a color flip not fix it?
Putting in (16)…
— We initially have this
situation ->

— Clearly, this violates

rule (3)
— We have a red node,
(15) with a red
child, (16)

Putting in (16)…
— We initially have this
situation ->

— If we make (16)
black, what is

Putting in (16)…
— We initially have this
situation ->

— If we make (15)
black, what is

Putting in (16)…
— We initially have this
situation ->

— Can we make (17)

red and (15) black?
What rule is violated

Need rotations
— To fix this situation:
— We have to color flip, to get rid of the rule (3) violation
— But we also have to rotate to fix other problems
— So, we need both color flips and rotations.

How do we do it?
— Let’s reduce it to a general case
— We initially insert (16) as red

— General:
— Let X be a node that causes a rule violation
— Let P be the parent of X
— Let G be the grandparent of X (the parent of P)
This Example

— X is (16)
— P is (15) - the parent of X (16)
— G is (17) – the grandparent of X (16), parent of P (15)
Insertion: Color Flips
— To find the point of insertion, you have to start at the root
and go down the tree
— If you encounter a black node with two red children:
— Flip both children’s color to black
— Flip the black node to red, unless it’s the root (then keep it

— At the point of insertion:

— Remember the new node is initially red
— If the new node’s parent is black, just put the new node there
— If the new node’s parent is red, we must rotate

Color Flip: Revisit
— Again, let’s look at
inserting (15), red
— We start at (13) which is
black, and see it has two
red children (8) and (17)
— Flip (8) and (17) to black
— Normally we’d flip (13) to
red, but it’s the root
— Now go right to (17)
— Go left, that’s for (15)
— (17) is black, so we can just
524 pop it in
Color Flip: Revisit
— Again, let’s look at
inserting (16), red
— Start at (13), go right
— At (17), go left
— At (15), go right – that’s
for (16)

— But now (15), the parent of

(16), is red – so we must
solve this with rotations

When must we rotate…
— So we’ve gone down the tree, flipped colors as necessary, and
gotten to the point of insertion for our new node, X
— X is red
— Call its parent P

— We don’t have to do anything if P is black

— If P is red, two possibilities, both requiring rotations:

— X is an outside grandchild of G
— X is an inside grandchild of G

Inside vs. Outside Grandchildren
— X is an outside grandchild if:
— X is a left child of P, and P is a left child of G, or…
— X is a right child of P, and P is a right child of G
— X is an inside grandchild if:
— X is a right child of P, and P is a left child of G, or…
— X is a left child of P, and P is a right child of G

Rotations Required
— If X is an inside grandchild:
— Flip the color of G
— Flip the color of X
— Rotate with P at the top, in the direction that raises X
— Rotate with G at the top, in the direction that raises X
— This is a perfect example, (16) is an inside grandchild of (17)

— X is (16)
— P is (15)
— G is (17)

Step 1: Color Flips
— Flip the color of X (16)
— Flip the color of G (17)

Step 2: Rotate with P as the top
— Rotate with P (15) as the top, in the direction that raises X
(16). In this case, it’s to the left

Step 3: Rotate with G as the top
— Rotate with G (17) as the top, in the direction that raises X
(16). In this case, it’s to the right

531 — Now we’re good!

Rotations Required
— If X is an outside grandchild (easier):
— Flip the color of G
— Flip the color of P
— Rotate with G as the top, in the direction that raises X

Summary: Insertion
— Start at the root, and find the point of insertion
— Go right or left, just like an ordinary binary search tree
— But as you descend, if you find a black node with two red children,
flip color
— At the point of insertion,
— You’ll insert some node X as the child of P and grandchild of G
— If P is black, done
— If P is red, then:
— If X is an outside grandchild, flip the colors of G and P and rotate with G as the
top in the direction that raises X
— If X is an inside grandchild, flip the colors of G and X, and:
— Rotate with P as the top in the direction that raises X
— Rotate with G as the top in the direction that raises X
— Construct the red-black tree that results from inserting the
following elements:
— 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
— Remember with binary search tree, this results in maximum

— Let’s go back to the previous slide and look at the rules.

Another Example
— Draw the red-black tree that results from inserting the
following elements:
— 1 6 8 11 13 15 17 22 25 27

Deletion: Red-Black Trees
— This is very difficult to do
— Remember: Deletion from a plain binary search tree is hard!
— In Red-Black Trees:
— You must delete just as you would from a binary search tree
— PLUS, uphold the properties of Red-Black Trees

— The code is long and complex

— Book skips it, so will I

— Some people don’t even do it. They just mark nodes as

deleted or not, and interpret ‘deleted’ nodes as null
— Do Red-Black Trees take more or less memory than a binary
search tree? Specifically, how much more?

Efficiency: Searching
— Because of the extra effort that we take with insertion and
deletion, a red black tree will always be balanced
— For n nodes, no more than log(n)+1 levels

— So the total number of operations for a search: log(n)+1

worst case
— And we’re secured O(log n) runtime
— Instead of with binary search trees, we had O(log n) ONLY IF
the tree was balanced

Efficiency: Insertion
— Note: Insertion into a red-black tree will be (faster or
slower?) than a regular binary search tree

— However, we’re still doing a constant amount of work! It’s

just slightly more
— Find the point of insertion –> log(n)+1
— As we go down, worst case we’ll flip three colors each time, so
— At the point of insertion:
— We may have to rotate, but we manipulate a constant number of
references in either case, call it c
— Total number of operations:
539 — 3(log(n)+1) + c -> O(log n)
Efficiency: Deletion
— This is also O(log n), for the same argument as insertion
— You find the node to delete
— Then, you manipulate a constant number of references to
uphold the properties of a red-black tree

Final Comparison
— Compare to binary search trees:
— If your data is fairly random, a binary search tree will likely be
— Of course, you’re playing the odds
— But there is a penalty for inserting and deleting into a red-black tree, once
the point of insertion is found
— Thus if the data would be fairly balanced in a binary search tree, it’s better
— If your data is fairly sorted, a red-black tree will likely be better
— May ask: why would our data ever be sorted?
— What would be a structure for which a red-black tree would be good?

Other Balanced Trees
— Just to be aware
— AVL Trees
— Instead of a color, each node stores the difference between the heights of
its left and right subtrees
— This difference cannot be greater than 1
— Similar penalties, advantages vs. binary search trees
— A bit slower than red-black trees actually, so rarely used
— Multiway or 2-3-4 Tree
— Each node has left children and right children, with the same properties
as a binary search tree
— Easier to keep balanced, but requires linear search through left children
when for example we ‘branch left’
— However, if the number of left (or right) children is restricted to a
small number, not too bad
Hash Tables

CS221N, Data Structures

Hash Tables: Overview
— Provide very fast insertion and searching
— Both are O(1)
— Is this too good to be true?

— Disadvantages
— Based on arrays, so the size must be known in advance
— Performance degrades when the table becomes full
— No convenient way to sort data

— Summary
— Best structure if you have no need to visit items in order and
544 you can predict the size of your database in advance.
— Let’s suppose we want to insert a key into a data structure,
where the key can fall into a range from 0 to m, where m is
very large
— And we want to be able to find the key quickly

— Clearly, one option is to use an array of size m+1

— Put each key into its corresponding slot (0 to m)
— Searching is then constant time

— But we may only have n keys, where n <<< m

— So we waste a ton of space!
— Moreover, we may not be storing integers
— For example, if we store words of the dictionary
— Our ‘range’ is ‘a’ to ‘zyzzyva’
— And we’re talking hundreds of thousands of words in between

— So the ‘mapping’ is not necessarily clear

— For example, we won’t know immediately that the word
‘frog’ is at 85,467th word in the dictionary
— And btw I’m not claiming that is right. J

Hash Table
— Idea
— Provide easy searching and insertion by mapping keys to
positions in an array
— This mapping is provided by a hash function
— Takes the key as input
— Produces an index as output

— The array is called a hash table.

Hash Function: Example
— The easiest hash function Index Value
is the following: 0
— H(key) = key % tablesize 1 2001
— H(key) now contains a 2
value between 0 and 3 13
tablesize-1 4
— So if we inserted the 5
following keys into a table 6 11456
of size 10: 13,11456, 7 157
2001, 157 8
— You probably already see 9
potential for collisions
— Patience, we’ll come to it!
What have we accomplished?
— We have stored keys of an Index Value
unpredictable large range 0
into a smaller data 1 2001
structure 2
— And searching and 3 13
inserting becomes easy! 4

— To find a key k, just 6 11456

retrieve table[H(k)] 7 157

— To insert a key k, just set
table[H(k)] = k
549 — Both are O(1)!
What’s our price?
— Of course, you’ve probably Index Value
already realized, multiple 0
values in our range could 1 2001
map to the same hash table 2
index 3 13
— For example, if we used: 4
— H(k) = k % 10 5
6 11456
— Then, tried to insert 207 7 157

— H(207) = 7 8

— We have a collision at 9

550 position 7
What have we learned?
— If we use hash tables, we need the following:
— Some way of handling collisions. We’ll study a couple ways:
— Open addressing
— Which has 3 kinds: linear probing, quadratic probing, and double
— Separate chaining

— Also, the choice of the hash function is delicate

— We can produce hash functions which are more or less likely to
have high collision frequencies
— We’ll look at potential options

Linear Probing
— Presumably, you will have define your hash table size to be
— As in, larger than the maximum amount of items you expect to
— As a result, there should be some available cells

— In linear probing, if an insertion results in a collision, search

sequentially until a vacant cell is found
— Use wraparound if necessary

Linear Probing: Example
— Again, say we insert Index Value
element 207 0
— H(207) = 207 % 10 = 7 1 2001
3 13
— This results in a collision
with element 157 4
— So we search linearly for
6 11456
the next available cell,
7 157
which is at position 8
8 207
— And put 207 there

Linear Probing
— Note: This complicates Index Value
insertion and searching a 0
bit! 1 2001
— For example, if we then 2
inserted element 426, we 3 13
would have to check three 4
cells before finding a vacant 5
one at position 9 6 11456
7 157

— And searching, is not simply 8 207

a matter of applying H(k) 9 426

— You apply H(k), and probe!
Linear Probing: Clusters
— As the table to the right Index Value
illustrates, linear probing 0
also tends to result in the 1 2001
formation of clusters. 2
— Where large amounts of 3 13
cells in a row are populated 4
— And large amounts of cells 5
are sparse
6 11456
7 157
— This becomes worse as the 8 207
table fills up 9 426
— Degrades performance
Linear Probing: Clusters
— LaFore: A cluster is like a Index Value
‘faint scene’ at a mall 0
— Initially, the first arrivals 1 2001
come 2
— Later arrivals come because 3 13
they wonder why everyone 4
was in one place 5
— As the crowd gets bigger, 6 11456
more are attracted 7 157
8 207
— Same thing with clusters! 9 426
— Items that hash to a value in
the cluster will add to its size
Index Value

Linear Probing 1

— One option: If the table 4

becomes full enough, double 5

6 426
its size 7 207

— Note this is not quite as 8

simple as it seems 10

— Because for every value 11

inside, you have to 13 13
recompute its hash value 14

— The hash function is 15

necessarily different: 16 11456

17 157
— H(k) = k % 20
— But, less clustering 19
557 20
Linear Probing
— Linear probing is the simplest way to handle collisions, and is
thus worthy of explanation
— Let’s look at the Java implementation on page 533
— This assumes a class with member variables:
— hashArray (the hash table)
— arraySize (the size of the hash table)
— Assume an empty slot contains -1

— We’ll construct:
— hashFunc()
— find()
— insert()
— delete()
Quadratic Probing
— The main problem with linear probing was its potential for
— Quadratic probing attempts to address this
— Instead of linearly searching for these next available cell
— i.e. for hash x, search cell x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4….
— Search quadratically
— i.e. for hash x, search cell x+1, x+4, x+9, x+16, x+25…

— Idea
— On a collision, initially assume a small cluster and go to x+1
— If that’s occupied, assume a larger cluster and go to x+4
— If that’s occupied assume an even larger cluster, and go to x+9
Quadratic Probing: Example
— Returning to our old Index Value
example with inserting 207 0
— H(207) = 207 % 10 = 7 1 2001
3 13
— This results in a collision
with element 157 4
— In this case, slot 7 is
6 11456
occupied but slot 7+1=8 is
7 157
open, so we put it there

Quadratic Probing
— Now, if we insert 426 Index Value
— H(426) = 426 % 10 = 6 0
— Which is occupied 1 2001

— Slot 6+1=7 is also occupied 2

3 13
— So we check slot:
— 6+4=10
6 11456
— This passes the end, so we
7 157
wraparound to slot 0 and
8 207
insert there

Quadratic Probing
— We have achieved a decrease Index Value
in the cluster count 0 426
— Clusters will tend to be 1 2001
smaller and more sparse 2
— Instead of having large 3 13
clusters 4
— And largely sparse areas 5
6 11456
— Thus quadratic probing got 7 157
rid of what we call primary 8 207
clustering. 9

Quadratic Probing
— Quadratic probing does, Index Value
however, suffer from 0 426
secondary clustering 1 2001
— Where, if you have several 3 13
keys hashing to the same 4
value 5
— The first collision requires 6 11456
one probe 7 157
— The second requires four 8 207
— The third requires nine 9
— The fourth requires sixteen
Quadratic Probing
— Secondary clustering would Index Value
happen if we inserted for 0 426
example: 1 2001
— 827, 10857, 707 1117 2
— Because they all hash to 7 3 13
— Not as serious a problem as 5
primary clustering 6 11456
7 157
8 207
— But there is a better solution
that avoids both. 9

Double Hashing
— The problem thus far is that the probe sequences are always
the same
— For example: linear probing always generates x+1, x+2, x+3...
— Quadratic probing always generates x+1, x+4, x+9…

— Solution: Make both the hash location and the probe

dependent upon the key
— Hash the key once to get the location
— Hash the key a second time to get the probe

— This is called double hashing.

Second Hash Function
— Characteristics of the hash function for the probe
— It cannot be the same as the first hash function
— It can NEVER hash to zero
— Why not?

— Experts have discovered, this type of hash function works

good for the probe:
— probe = c – (key % c)

— Where c is a prime number that is smaller than the array size

Double Hashing: Example
— Returning to our old Index Value
example with inserting 207 0
— H(207) = 207 % 10 = 7 1 2001
3 13
— This results in a collision
with element 157 4
— So we hash again, to get the
6 11456
7 157
— Suppose we choose c=5
— Then:
— P(207) = 5 – (207 % 5)

567 — P(207) = 5 – 2 = 3
Double Hashing: Example
— So we insert 207 at Index Value
position: 0 207
— H(207) + P(207) = 1 2001
— 7+3 = 2
— 10 3 13
— Wrapping around, this will 5
put 207 at position 0 6 11456
7 157

Double Hashing: Example
— Now, let’s again insert Index Value
value 426 0 207
— We run the initial hash: 1 2001
— H(426) = 426 % 10 = 6 2

— We get a collision, so we 3 13

probe: 4

—P(426) = 5 – (426 % 5) 5

—=5–1=4 6 11456
7 157
— And insert at location:
— H(426) + P(426) = 10
— Wrapping around, we get
569 0. Another collision!
Double Hashing: Example
— So, we probe again Index Value
— P(426) = 4 0 207
— So we insert at location 1 2001
0+4 = 4, and this time 2
there is no collision 3 13
4 426

— Double hashing will in 5

general produce the fewest 6 11456

clusters 7 157

— Because both the hash and 8

probe are key-dependent 9

Java Implementation, page 547
— Let’s try this again:
— Again, we have our hash table stored in hashArray
— And arraySize as the size of the hash table
— Again, assume positive integers and all entries are initially -1

— Let’s construct
— hashFunc()
— hashFunc2()
— find()
— insert()
— delete()

— What is a potential problem with choosing a hash table of size
10 and a c of 5 for the probe, as we just did?

— Suppose we had a value k where H(k) = 0 and P(k) = 5

— i.e., k = 0

— What would the probe sequence be?

— What’s the problem?

Probe Sequence
— The probe sequence may never find an open cell!
— Because H(0) = 0, we’ll start at hash location 0
— If we have a collision, P(0) = 5 so we’ll next check 0+5=5
— If we have a collision there, we’ll next check 5+5=10, with
wraparound we get 0
— We’ll infinitely check 0 and 5, and never find an open cell!

Double Hashing Requirement
— The root of the problem is that the table size is not prime!
— For example if the size were 11:
— 0, 5, 10, 4, 9, 3, 8, 2, 7, 1, 6
— If there is even one open cell, the probing is guaranteed to find

— Thus, very important – a requirement of double hashing

is that the table size is prime.
— So our previous table size of 10 is not a good idea
— We would want 11, or 13, etc.

— Generally, for open addressing, double hashing is best
Separate Chaining
— The alternative to open
— Does not involve probing
to different locations in the
hash table
— Rather, every location in
the hash table contains a
linked list of keys

Separate Chaining
— Simple case, 7 element
hash table
— H(k) = k % 7
— So:
— 21, 77 each hash to
location 0
— 72 hashes to location 2
— 75, 5, 19 hash to location 5

— Each is simply appended to

the correct linked list
Separate Chaining
— In separate chaining,
trouble happens when a list
gets too full
— Generally, we want to keep
the size of the biggest list,
call it M, much smaller
than N
— Searching and insertion
will then take O(M) time
in the worst case

Java Implementation
— Let’s look at pages 555-557
— Note: We will need a linked list and the hash table!
— Will take a little time

— I’m going to use an unsorted list for simplicity

— A sorted list will speed up searching, slow down insertion

A Good Hash Function
— Has two properties:
— Is computable quickly; so as not to degrade performance of
insertion and searching
— Can take a range of key values and transform them into indices
such that the key values are distributed randomly across the
hash table

— For random keys, the modulo (%) operator is good

— It is not always an easy task!

For example…
— Data can be highly non-random
— For example, a car-part ID:
— 033-400-03-94-05-0-535

— For each set of digits, there can be a unique range or set of

— i.e. Digits 3-5 could be a category code, where the only
acceptable values are 100, 150, 200, 250, up to 850.
— Digits 6-7 could be a month of introduction (0-12)
— Digit 12 could be “yes” or “no” (0 or 1)
— Digits 13-15 could be a checksum, a function of all the other

digits in the code
Rule #1: Don’t Use Non-Data
— Compress the key fields down enough until every bit counts
— For example:
— The category (bits 3-5, with restricted values 100, 150, 200, …
, 850) counting by 50s needs to be compressed down to run
from 0 to 15
— The checksum is not necessary, and should be removed. It is a
function of the rest of the code and thus redundant with respect
to the hash table

Rule #2: Use All of the Data
— Every part of the key should contribute to the hash function
— More data portions that contribute to the key, more likely it
will be that the keys hash evenly
— Saving collisions, which cause trouble no matter what the
algorithm you use

Rule #3: Use a Prime Number for
Modulo Base
— This is a requirement for double hashing
— Important for quadratic probing
— Especially important if the keys may not be randomly
— The more keys that share a divisor with the array size, the more
— Example, non-random data which are multiples of 50
— If the table size is 50, they all hash to the same spot
— If the table size is 10, they all hash to the same pot
— If the table size is 53, no keys divide evenly into the table size. Better!

Hashing Efficiency
— Insertion and Searching are O(1) in the best case
— This implies no collisions
— If you minimize collisions, you can approach this runtime

— If collisions occur:
— Access times depend on resulting probe lengths
— Every probe equals one more access
— So every worst case insertion or search time is proportional to:
— The number of required probes if you use open addressing
— The number of links in the longest list it you use separate chaining

Efficiency: Linear Probing
— Let’s assume a load factor L,
where L is the percentage of
hash table slots which are

— Knuth showed that, for a

successful search:
— P = (1 + 1 / (1 – L)2 ) / 2

— For an unsuccessful search:

— P = (1 + 1 / (1 – L) ) / 2
Efficiency: Linear Probing
— What’s the ideal load factor?
— At L=0.5:
— Successful search takes 1.5
— Unsuccessful takes 2.5

— At L = 2/3:
— Successful: 2.0
— Unsuccessful: 5.0

— Good to keep load factor

586 under 0.5!
Efficiency: Quadratic Probing and
Double Hashing
— Again, assume a load factor
L, where L is the percentage
of hash table slots which are

— Knuth showed that, for a

successful search:
— P = 1 / (1 – L)
— For an unsuccessful search:
— P = -log(1-L) / L
— Can tolerate somewhat
587 higher L
Efficiency: Separate Chaining
— Here L is a bit more
— For N elements
— And an array of size S

— Successful (average):
— 1 + (L/2)

— Unsuccessful:
— 1+L
Summary: When to use What
— If the number of items that will be inserted is uncertain, use
separate chaining
— Must create a LinkedList class
— But performance degrades only linearly
— With open addressing, major penalties

— Otherwise, use double hashing, unless…

— Plenty of memory available
— Low load factors
— Then linear or quadratic probing should be done for ease of
(Time Pending)
— Application to Disk Storage


CS221N, Data Structures

Heaps: Motivation
— Recall priority queues. What were they?
— An ordered queue
— Offered us O(1) removal, searching of:
— The largest element if ordered from highest to lowest
— The smallest element if ordered from lowest to highest
— Insertion still takes O(n) time

— Heaps attempt to accomplish the same thing with a tree

where a node is always larger than its children
— Enforce balancing
— O(log n) insertion, O(log n) deletion
— O(1) searching of maximum element (max-heap)
— You could trivially accomplish O(1) for the minimum as well
Heap: Binary tree
— Note: A heap is NOT a binary search tree.
— Each node has two children
— Instead of the left child being smaller and the right child larger,
both children are smaller (heap condition)

— A heap is a complete binary tree
— In that, each row is completely filled in reading from left to right
— The last row need not be

Array Implementation
— Heaps are usually implemented with arrays
— It will become clear why

— Note: An inorder traversal of the heap is very difficult!
— Because the elements are weakly ordered
— The heap condition is not as strong as the organizing principle
in the binary search tree
— Thus this operation is not supported by heaps

Arbitrary search and deletion
— Searching and deleting any element other than the maximum
is also not supported
— For the same reasons, they are difficult and expensive
— There are actually only two operations that a heap

Supported Operations
— A heap only supports two operations:
— Deletion of the maximum element
— Insertion of a new element
— These are actually the two required operations for a priority

Operation 1: Removing the max
— We already know that the maximum element is:
— At the root of the heap
— At position 0 of the heap array
— Generally, follow these steps:
— Remove the root
— Move the last node into the root
— Trickle the last node down until it’s below a larger node and
above a smaller one

— Delete node 95 (the max) from the following heap:

Step 1
— Remove the root and replace it by the last node

Step 2
— Trickle the node down the tree, swap until it lies between
larger and smaller nodes

Step 2
— Trickle the node down the tree, swap until it lies between
larger and smaller nodes

Step 2
— Trickle the node down the tree, swap until it lies between
larger and smaller nodes

Step 2
— Trickle the node down the tree, swap until it lies between
larger and smaller nodes

— Assuming we know the current size of the array (call it n),
removing the root and replacing it with the last node is easy
— Just set heapArray[0] equal to heapArray[n-1]
— And decrement n

Trickling Down
— Once we’ve moved the last element to the root, if either or
both children are larger:
— Find the bigger child and swap

Trickling Down
— Note, given a node at index x:
— Its parent is at (x-1)/2
— Its children are at 2x+1 and 2x+2

Trickling Down
— So generally, for trickling down:
— Start x at 0
— while (heapArray[x] < heapArray[2x+1] or
heapArray[x] < heapArray[2x+2])
largerChild = max(heapArray[2x+1], heapArray[2x+2])
swap(heapArray[x], largerChild)
if (largerChild was left child)
x = 2x+1
x = 2x+2

Of course, we need checks if we are at the bottom…
Java Implementation, page 592
— We’ll avoid the extra Node class and just use integers
— Let’s construct
— A constructor, which takes a maximum heap size
— A function to check if the heap is empty
— A function to accept an index and perform a trickle down
— A function to perform the deletion of the maximum element

Operation 2: Insertion
— Generally, follow the following steps:
— Insert the new node at the next available spot in the bottom row
— If it violates the heap condition (translation: it’s bigger than its
— Trickle the node upwards, until it’s smaller than the parent

— Add node 95 to the following tree:

Step 1
— Put the new node in the next empty spot

Step 2
— If the node is larger than the parent, swap it

Step 2
— If the node is larger than the parent, swap it

Step 2
— If the node is larger than the parent, swap it

Step 2
— We’re done! We actually added a new maximum.

— Once again, step 1 is easy
— If the current size of the heap is n
— Set heapArray[n] to the new key
— Increment n

Trickling Up
— Again, given a node at index x:
— Its parent is at (x-1)/2
— Its children are at 2x+1 and 2x+2

Trickling Up
— General approach will be:
—while (heapArray[(x-1)/2] < heapArray[x] and we’re not at the
— swap(heapArray[x], heapArray[(x-1)/2]
— x = (x-1)/2

— Let’s look at the implementation..

Java Implementation, page 592
— Again, we’re avoiding the Node class and just using integers
— Let’s implement
— Constructor
— Function to check if the heap is empty
— A function which takes an index and trickles that node up
— A function which performs the insertion

Let’s do our own example…
— Begin with an initially empty heap, with a maximum size of
10. Perform the following operations, showing both the
array contents and the corresponding heap:
— Insert 64
— Insert 91
— Insert 80
— Insert 21
— Insert 45
— Remove the max
— Insert 110
— Insert 35
— Remove the max
— Remove the max
622 — Insert 204
— Swapping just takes O(1) time
— Trickle up and trickle down each take O(log n) time
— They each iteratively examine parent nodes
— A heap is necessarily balanced because of its completeness

— Resizing the array is not overly difficult, although is not a

desirable operation and should be done minimally
— O(n) copies!

Why use arrays?
— Actually you can use trees if you want to
— This is called a tree heap
— Let’s construct the Node class… will look similar to the binary
search tree (but remember the properties are different!)

— Difficult to implement however

— If you know how many elements are in the tree, you can find
the last element by converting the size to binary
— For example, if there are 29 nodes:
— 29 = 11101 in binary. Remove the first digit, get 1101
— Go right (1), right (1), left (0) and right(1) to get to the 29th node
— Once you find the last node, our operations become relatively easy
624 — But you’re adding an O(log n) operation just to find the last element. L
— If I had a collection of n integers that I wanted to sort:
— Insert all n into the heap
— Remove the maximum element n times
— Really? That easy?

— Yes!

Heapsort Efficiency
— Let’s look at each operation:
— Insert all n into the heap
— Remove the maximum element n times
— Really? That easy?

— So we perform n insertions and each are O(log n) -> O(n

log n)
— And we perform n removals of the max, each are O(log n) -
> O(n log n)

— So our heapsort is O(n log n) and ties quicksort?!?

Actually, not quite…
— But it is pretty good!
— It is not quite as fast as quicksort, because…
— In the inner loop of trickling down, there are more operations
than in the inner loop of quicksort
— Many assignments and comparisons
— To see this, just look at the implementation on page 594

— We can make heapsort more efficient, however!

New Insertion Process
— The one we learned:
— For each new node we insert:
— Place it in the last available position O(1)
— Trickle up O(log n)
— Overall, O(n log n)

— The new one

— Insert all elements randomly
— Apply trickle down to any non-leaf nodes
— This saves an O(log n) process for n/2 of the nodes

— Let’s see how this saves us

Revisiting Trickle Down…
— To the right, you can see the trickling down of the root node 30:

— Continue to swap positions until 30 is between a smaller and

larger node

What we can note…
— Trickling down
requires correct

What we can note…
— However, the leaf
nodes in the bottom
row, already must be
correct heaps

— So we don’t have to
apply trickle down to

— These comprise
roughly half the nodes
631 in the tree
So, summary with insertion
— So with insertion, we actually can save operations
— Instead of n operations of trickle up, we have n/2 operations of
trickle down

— Overall
— Randomly insert n elements -> n*O(1) = O(n)
— Trickle down n/2 elements -> (n/2)*O(log n) = O(n log n)

— So it’s still O(n log n), but you’re doing half as many trickles
— Not a huge savings, but well worth it!

One way: Iteratively
— Note that, the bottom row of nodes begins at index n/2
— So, apply trickle down to nodes (n/2)-1 to 0 (the root)
— Note we have to go in reverse, because trickle down works
properly only if subtrees are correct heaps

Second Way: Recursion
— Called ‘heapify’, and pass a
node index
— Envision as:
— If the index is larger than
(n/2)-1, do nothing
— Otherwise:
— Heapify the left subtree
— Heapify the right subtree
— Trickle down this node

— Java implementation, page

— Heapsort, as it is currently designed, requires two arrays
— One to hold the current heap
— One for temporary data that is removed

— However, this does not have to be the case!

— Let’s recall the operations for insertion

— Insert n elements in random order
— Apply trickle down (n/2) times
— Remove the maximum element n times

Sharing Space
— Note: We don’t necessarily
need two arrays for
— n/2 trickle down
operations can be easily
done on the same array, it’s
just swapping contents of

Sharing Space
— When we remove the
maximum element, one
slot becomes open at the
end of the subarray we are
— We can just insert the
maximum element there!
— The result will be a sorted

(Time Pending)
— Java Implementation, page 605

— Summary:
— Get the array size from the user -> 1
— Fill with random data -> n
— Turn array into a heap with n/2 applications of trickle down ->
(n/2)*(log n)
— Remove items from the heap -> n log n
— Write back to the end of the array -> n

— Total: (3n/2)*(log n) + 2n + 1 -> O(n log n)


CS221N, Data Structures

— Graphs are a data structure which represent relationships
between entities
— Vertices represent entities
— Edges represent some kind of relationship

— The graph on the previous page could be used to model San
Jose freeway connections:

— Two vertices are adjacent to one another if they are
connected by a single edge

— For example:
— I and G are adjacent
— A and C are adjacent
— I and F are not adjacent

— Two adjacent nodes are

considered neighbors

— A path is a sequence of edges

— Paths in this graph include:

Connected Graphs
— A graph is connected if there is at least one path from every
vertex to every other vertex

Unconnected Graph
— An unconnected graph consists of several connected

— Connected components of this graph are:

— AB, and CD
— We’ll be working with connected graphs
Directed Graphs
— A graph where edges have directions
— Usually designated by an arrow

Weighted Graphs
— A graph where edges have weights, which quantifies the
— For example, you may assign path distances between cities
— Or airline costs
— These graphs can be directed or undirected

Vertices: Java Implementation
— We can represent a vertex as a Java class with:
— Character data
— A boolean data member to check if it has been visited

— Now we need to specify edges.

— But in a graph, we don’t know how many there will be!

— We can do this using either an adjacency matrix or an

adjacency list. We’ll look at both.

Adjacency Matrix
— An adjacency matrix for a graph with n nodes, is size n x n
— Position (i, j) contains a 1 if there is an edge connecting node i
with node j
— Zero otherwise
— For example, here is a graph and its adjacency matrix:

— This may seem a bit redundant:

— Why store two pieces of information for the same edge?

— i.e., (A, B) and (B, A)
— Unfortunately, there’s no easy way around it
— Because edges have no direction
— No concept of ‘parents’ and ‘children’
Adjacency List
— An array of linked lists
— Index by vertex, and obtain a linked list of neighbors
— Here is the same graph, with its adjacency list:

Application: Searches
— A fundamental operation for a graph is:
— Starting from a particular vertex
— Find all other vertices which can be reached by following paths

— Example application
— How many towns in the US can be reached by train from

— Two approaches
— Depth first search (DFS)
— Breadth first search (BFS)
Depth First Search (DFS)
— Idea
— Pick a starting point
— Follow a path to unvisited
vertices, as long as you can
until you hit a dead end
— When you hit a dead end,
go back to a previous spot
and hit unvisited vertices
— Stop when every path is a
dead end

Depth First Search (DFS)
— Algorithm
— Pick a vertex (call it A) as your starting point
— Visit this vertex, and:
— Push it onto a stack of visited vertices
— Mark it as visited (so we don’t visit it again)
— Visit any neighbor of A that hasn’t yet been visited
— Repeat the process
— When there are no more unvisited neighbors
— Pop the vertex off the stack
— Finished when the stack is empty

— Note: We get as far away from the starting point until we

654 reach a dead end, then pop (can be applied to mazes)
— Start from A, and execute depth first search on this graph,
showing the contents of the stack at each step
— Every step, we’ll either have a visit or pop

Depth First Search: Complexity
— Let |V| be the number of vertices in a graph
— And let |E| be the number of edges

— In the worst case, we visit every vertex and every edge:

— O(|V| + |E|) time

— At first glance, this doesn’t look too bad

— But remember a graph can have lots of edges!
— Worst case, every vertex is connected to every other:
— (n-1) + (n-2) + … + 1 = O(n2)
— So it can be expensive if the graph has many edges
Breadth First Search (BFS)
— Same application as DFS;
we want to find all vertices
which we can get to from a
starting point, call it A
— However this time, instead
of going as far as possible
until we find a dead end,
like DFS
— We visit all the closest
vertices first
— Then once all the closest
vertices are visited, branch
657 further out
Breadth First Search (BFS)
— We’re going to use a queue instead of a stack!
— Algorithm
— Start at a vertex, call it current
— If there is an unvisited neighbor, mark it, and insert it into the
— If there is not:
— If the queue is empty, we are done, otherwise:
— Remove a vertex from the queue and set current to that vertex, and
repeat the process

— Start from A, and execute breadth first search on this graph,
showing the contents of the queue at each step
— Every step, we’ll either have a visit or a removal

Breadth First Search: Complexity
— Let |V| be the number of vertices in a graph
— And let |E| be the number of edges

— In the worst case, we visit every vertex and every edge:

— O(|V| + |E|) time
— Same as DFS

— Again, if the graph has lots of edges, you approach quadratic

run time which is the worst case

Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs)
— On that note of large numbers of edges slowing down our
precious search algorithms:
— Let’s look at MSTs, which can help ameliorate this problem
— It would be nice to take a graph and reduce the number of
edges to the minimum number required to span all vertices:

What’s the
number of

We’ve done it already…
— Actually, if you execute DFS you’ve already computed the

— Think about it: you follow a path for as long as you can, then
backtrack (visit every vertex at most once)
— You just have to save edges as you go
Directed Graphs
— A directed graph is a graph where the edges have direction,
signified by arrows:

— This will simplify the adjacency matrix a bit…

Adjacency Matrix
— The adjacency matrix for this graph does not contain
redundant entries
— Because now each edge has a source and a sink
— So entry (i, j) is only set to 1 if there is an edge going from i to j
— 0 otherwise

Topological Sort
— Only works with DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs)
— That is if the graph has a cycle, this will not work

— Idea: Sort all vertices such that if a vertex’s successor always

appears after it in a list (application: course prerequisites)
Topological Sort
— Algorithm
— Find a vertex that has no successors
— Delete this vertex from the graph, and insert its label at the
beginning of a list
— Repeat until every vertex is gone

— Works because if a vertex has no successors, it must be the

last one (or tied for last) in the topological ordering
— As soon as it’s removed, at least one of the remaining vertices
must not have successors
— Because there are no cycles!
— Graph does NOT have to be fully connected for this to work!
Weighted Graphs
— Once again, a graph where edges have weights, which
quantifies the relationship
— These graphs can be directed or undirected

Weighted Graph: Adjacency List
— The adjacency list for a weighted graph contains edge weights
— Instead of 0 and 1

— If there is no edge connecting vertices i and j, a weight of

INFINITY is used (not 0!)
— Because ‘0’ can also be a weight
— Also most applications of weighted graphs are to find minimum
spanning trees or shortest path (we’ll look at this)

— Also remember if the graph is undirected, redundant

information should be stored
Weighted Graph: Adjacency List

B 0.3 INF 0.3 0.4 INF INF
E 0.55 INF INF INF INF 0.45
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
— Given a weighted graph, find the shortest path (in terms of
edge weights) between two vertices in the graph
— Numerous applications
— Cheapest airline fare between departure and arrival cities
— Shortest driving distance in terms of mileage

Dijkstra’s Algorithm
— Suppose in the graph below, we wanted the shortest path
from B to F

— Idea: Maintain a table of the current shortest paths from B to

all other vertices (and the route it takes)
— When finished, the table will hold the shorest path from B to all
other vertices
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
— Here is our initial graph:

— And here is our table:


Step 1
— Take all edges leaving B,
and put their weights in
the table
Along with the source

— And here is our table:

0.3 (B) 0.3 (B) 0.4 (B) INF INF

Step 2
— Pick the edge with
the smallest weight
and mark it as the shortest
path from B
(How do we know that?)

— And here is our table:

0.3* (B) 0.3 (B) 0.4 (B) INF INF

Step 3
— Now choose one of the
edges with minimal weight
and repeat the process
(explore adj. vertices and
mark their total weight)

— And here is our table:

0.3* (B) 0.3 (B) 0.4 (B) INF INF

Step 4
— In this case, we’ll look at A
— Explore adjacent vertices
— Enter the total weight
from B to those vertices
— IF that weight is smaller than
— the current entry in the table
— Ignore the ones marked (*)

— So here is our table:

0.3* (B) 0.3 (B) 0.4 (B) 0.4 (A) 1.2 (A)

Step 5
— Now, A is marked and
— we’ve visited its neighbors
— So pick the lowest entry
in the table (in this case C)
and repeat the process

— So here is our table:

0.3* (B) 0.3* (B) 0.4 (B) 0.4 (A) 1.2 (A)

Step 6
— Visit C’s neighbors that
— are unmarked
— Insert their total weight
— into the table, IF it’s
— smaller than the current
— entry

— So in fact, nothing changes in the table:

0.3* (B) 0.3* (B) 0.4 (B) 0.4 (A) 1.2 (A)

Step 7
— Now we visit D
— Which only contains
— one edge to E

— 0.4+1 = 1.4, which

— is larger than 0.4

— So again, nothing changes in the table:

0.3* (B) 0.3* (B) 0.4* (B) 0.4 (A) 1.2 (A)

Step 8
— Now we visit E
— Has two outgoing edges
— One to A (marked, ignore)
— One to F, which changes
— the table to
— 0.4 + 0.45 = 0.85
— Which is smaller than the
— current entry, 1.2

— So the table changes, we found a shorter path to F:

0.3* (B) 0.3* (B) 0.4* (B) 0.4* (A) 0.85 (E)

Step 9
— Only one vertex left, so
— we’re actually finished
— Shortest path can be
— obtained by starting from
— the destination entry and
— working backwards
— F <- E <- A <- B

— Shortest path from B to F is: B -> A -> E -> F

— Total weight: 0.85
681 0.3* (B) 0.3* (B) 0.4* (B) 0.4* (A) 0.85* (E)
— Let’s try this example with train costs:


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