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Second Quarter Examination

School Year 2018-2019
Name: Score: Recorded:

Date: Parent’s Signature:

A. Directions: Draw a line under the right answer. (10 points)

1. Whosoever shall (show, deny, live) me before men, him will I also deny before

my Father.

2. “Fear him which is able to destroy both (life, soul, thee) and body.”

3. “He that receiveth me receiveth him that (loves, sent, saw) me. “

4. Come unto me, all ye that (stand, walk , labour) and are heavy laden.

5. I am (meek, tired, weary) and lowly in heart.”

6. He that received seed into the (wet, good, hard) ground is he that heareth the


7. A good man out of the good treasure of the earth bringeth forth good (flavor,

favor, things)

8. He that received the (rocks, sand, seed) into (wet, dry, stony) places the same is

he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it.

9. The (light, gift, kingdom) of (God, heaven, son) is likened unto a man which

sowed good seed.

10.The (seeds, tares, fruit) are gathered and (planted, burned, eaten) in the fire; so

shall it be in the end of the world.

B.1. Directions: Fill in the blanks. (5 points)

freely given sheep revealed numbered foxes spirit

1. I send you forth as a _____________________ in the midst of wolves.

2. The _____________________ of your Father …. speaketh in you.

3. There is nothing covered, that shall not be _____________________.

4. The very hairs of your head are all _____________________

5. It shall be _____________________ you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

B.1. Directions: Fill in the blanks. (7 points)

seed idle ground mouth burned kingdom tares fruit farmers

1. Out of the abundance of the heart the _____________________ speaketh.

2. Every _____________________ word that men shall speak, they shall give


3. He that received seed into the good _____________________ is he that heareth

the word.

4. The _____________________ are gathered and _____________________ in

the fire; so shall it be in the end of the world.

5. The _____________________ of God is likened unto a man which sowed good

B. Directions: Complete the verse below. (10 points)

In me [Jesus] ye . . . _________________ __________________. John 16:33a

Seek ye _________________ the ______________ of God and His

righteousness. And all this _________________ shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33

For _________________ __________________ not _________________ us

the spirit of fear; but . . . of love. II Timothy 1:7a

And . . . they teach my people the _________________ between the

_________________ and profane. Ezekiel 44:23

C. Directions: Write sentences using the pictures. Your sentences must be related to
our past lessons. (15 points)

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