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Roll num: 311016101001 to 311016101016

(Don’t solve by using Gas Table, use formulae only)

1. An incident shock wave with wave angle=35 degree impinges on a straight wall. If the
upstream flow properties are M1 = 3, P1 =1 atm, T1 =300 K, calculate the reflected shock
wave angle with respect to the wall.
2. An oblique shock in air causes an entropy increase of 11.5 J/kgK. If the shock angle is 25֯.
Determine the Mach number ahead of the shock and the flow deflection angle.
3. If a compression corner of angle 20֯ is allowed to encounter a uniform stream of
supersonic flow at Mach 5. Calculate the shock wave angle and pressure and Mach
number behind the shock wave.
4. The flow Mach number, pressure and temperature ahead of Normal shock wave are 2,
0.5 atm and 300K respectively. Determine M2, p2, T2 and V2 behind the wave.
5. A supersonic flow with Mach number 1.5. Pressure 1 atm, temperature 288K is
expanded around a sharp corner through a deflection angle of 15֯. Calculate Mach
number, static and stagnation pressure & temperature and the angles that the forward
and rearward Mach lines makes with respect to the upstream flow direction.

(Solve by using Gas Table or Formulas)

6. M1=1, θ1=28֯, θ2=12֯ , Find M3 from the given figure

7. Find M3, p3, T3, m2, m3

8. M2, p2, T2

9. A supersonic flow at Mach number 3, temperature as 285K and pressure 1atm is

deflected upward through a compression corner with Ө=30° and then subsequently
expanded around a corner of the same angle such that the flown direction is the same
as its original direction. Calculate Mach number, pressure and temperature downstream
of the expansion corner.
10. Consider an oblique shock wave generated by a compression corner with a 10°
deflection angle. The Mach number of the flow ahead of the corner is 3.6; the flow
pressure and temperature are standard sea level conditions. The oblique shock wave
subsequently impinges on a straight wall opposite to the compression corner. Calculate
the angle of the deflected shock wave relative to the straight wall. Also obtain the
pressure, temperature and Mach number behind the reflected shock.

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