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Chapter: One


1.1Origin of the Report:

The internship program is full credit subject of the BBA program of the University of

Asia Pacific, Which constructs a relation between the real life state of affairs and

theoretical concepts. As a student of Business Administration of BBA program I prefer to

prepare a report on banking sector rather than other product and service. This internship

report of my BBA program that performed by me as a student of University of Asia

Pacific, Department of Business Administration. In a way I select the banking sector and

my supervisor Mrs. Jesmin Sultana offered me prepare the report on title as “Internship

Report on Customer Satisfaction of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd”.

1.2 Background of the Study:

I’ve started my internship at the Bangladesh Commerce Bank ltd, Zigatola Branch. The

duration of this period started from 15th May 2014 to 15th August 2014 and at the end of

the program an internship report focusing on the overall banking performance

concentrate in marketing department has been submitted. From this topic I have tried to

find out mainly customer satisfaction level and which types of services they provide to

attract customers.

The opportunity to work different departments with different officers helped me

to learn partial activities of all department and gathered knowledge from different level of

jobs. Now these days the competition in banking sector is too high. Especially

commercial banks survive based on their number of customers and number of customer’s

investment. So in this situation my supervisor ask me to do a report where we can see

which types of steps banks can adopt for making satisfied customer and attract new

customers who can make the bank best.

1.3Objective of the Report:

General objectives:

This study is intended for providing me individual practical knowledge about banking

operation system in Bangladesh. The prime objective of the study is to examine the

overall performance and customer satisfaction of the Bangladesh Commerce Bank ltd.

Specific Objective:

 To find out the customer satisfaction level.

 To analyze industry framework through Porters five forces model.

 To analyze the BCG matrices.

 To have an exposure of the banking environment of Bangladesh.

 To review the customer banking service and operating system of Bangladesh

Commerce Bank ltd.

 To evaluate the focus effecting performance of bank.

1.4 Scope of the Report:

Sample size of this survey was 100 and in our area there are more than thousand

customers are dealing in Zigatola branch, so it becomes easy to get the required

respondent. Some customers of this bank are also my relative and neighbor so they

helped me to conduct this survey.

1.5Limitations of the Study:

There are some limitations in every analysis. I have also faced some problems at the time

analyzing the performance of the bank. The limitations of my analysis are given below:

1. Time is limited (3 month)

2. Insufficiency of information.

3. The bank personnel are very busy.

4. It was very difficult to collect the information from various personnel for their job


5. As some of the fields of banking are still not covered by our courses, there was

difficulty in understanding some activities.

6. Another limitation of this report is Bank’s policy of not disclosing some data and

information for obvious reason, which could very much useful.

7. All customers are not educated so getting information from customers was highly


8. I carried out such a study for the first time, so inexperience is one of the main

constraints of the study.

1.6 Structure of the Report:
Report is organized as follows:

The introductory part of the report includes the Banking industry overview, overall

organization; which describes the history, background, operations & activities, financial

conditions of the BCBL at a glance.

The later part is the main project part, which describe and analyze the customer

satisfaction level, overall performance, employee customer relationships and promotional

changes which attract more customers for BCBL. At the end there are some

recommendation to improve the relationship between the customer and employee. This

report includes five chapters such as,






Chapter: Two
Overview of the Industry and BCBL

2.1 Overview of the Banking Industry:

The Bangladesh Bank is the country’s central bank and is responsible for issuing and

maintaining the value of the currency. It oversees the banking system and implements the

government’s financial and monetary policies. With the exception of foreign banks,

Bangladesh’s banking system was government-owned until 1982. The government is

increasingly allowing more private commercial and investment banks to increase

competition. Of the 52 licensed banks in June 2001, four were nationalized commercial

banks, five were specialized banks, 30 were private commercial banks, and 13 were

foreign banks. The functions and responsibilities of the Bangladesh Bank are not clearly

defined, and it lacks autonomy in such core areas as the licensing of new banks, monetary

and exchange rate policies, and supervision of the nationalized commercial banks, which

together account for over 50% of both total deposits and lending. Although major policy

reforms have been undertaken during the past few years, including deregulation of

interest rates, strengthening of standards of loan classification and provisioning, and

elimination of the Bangladesh Bank’s control over most financial transactions, the

financial sector continues to be underdeveloped and inefficient.

Banking Industry of Bangladesh
State-owned Commercial Banks Private Commercial Banks
Foreign Commercial Banks Specialized Banks

9% 7%


Figure: Number of banks in sector wise

It shows that there are only four state-owned commercial banks (Government Banks),

five specialized banks, thirty nine private commercial banks, and nine foreign

commercial banks in our banking industry.

2.2 Industry Framework With The Degree of Impact:

Michael E. Porter argues that the stronger each of these forces is, the more limited is the

ability of established companies to raise prices and earn greater profits. Thus, a strong

competitive force can be regarded as a threat since it depresses profit. Similarly, a weak

competitive force can be viewed as an opportunity, for it allows a company to earn

greater profits.

So, the model focuses on Porter’s five forces that shape competition within an

1. The Risk of New Entry.

2. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers

3. The Bargaining Power of Buyers

4. The Threat of Substitute Products

5. The Degree of Rivalry among Established Companies.

The Risk of New


The Degree of Rivalry

The Bargaining among Establish The Bargaining
Power of Buyers Companies Power of

The Threat of
Substitute Products

Figure: Diagram of Potters Five Forces

2.2.1 The Risk of New Entry:

Whenever a new firms can easily enter a particular industry, the intensity of

competitiveness among firm increases. New Entrants are companies that are not currently

competing in an industry but have the capability to do so if they choose. The banking

industry in our country is still in its growth stage. So the threat of potential New Entrants

is quite high because in our country 58 banks having more than 2500 branches

(approximate). Usually the existing companies try to deter potential competitors by

setting certain entry barriers. Barriers to entry are factors that make it costly for

companies to enter an industry. The barriers to entry are so high in banking sector, so

the risk of new entry is low in banking industry. There are some new banks entering in

this industry such as

 NRB Commercial Bank

 Meghna Bank

 Modhumoti Bank

2.2.2 The Bargaining Power of Suppliers:

Capital is the primary resource on any bank and there are four major suppliers of capital

in the industry.

1. Bangladesh Bank

2. Loans from other financial institutions.

By utilizing these four major suppliers, the bank can be sure that they have the necessary

resources required to service their customers' borrowing needs while maintaining enough

capital to meet withdrawal expectations. The power of the suppliers is largely based on

the market, their power is often considered to fluctuate between medium to high.

2.2.3 The Bargaining Power of Buyers:

When customers are concentrated or large or buy the products services in volume, their

bargaining power represents a major force affecting the intensity of competition in an

industry. Rival firms may offer extended warranties or special services to gain customer

loyalty whenever the bargaining power of consumers is substantial. Bargaining power of

consumers also is higher when the products being purchased are standard or

undifferentiated. Bargaining power of the buyer can be viewed as a competitive threat

when they are in a position to demand lower prices from the company or when they are in

a position to demand better service that can increase operating costs. On the other hand,

when buyers are weak, a company can raise its prices and earn greater profits. For the

banking industry buyer means customers who take loan from the banks. In banking

industry the bargaining power of buyer is not high, means lower.

2.2.4 The Threat of Substitute Products:

A substitute product can be regarded as something that meets the same need. Threat of

substitute product is very much high in this industry. For example for Banking Industry

their most important substitute product is different Non Banking Financial institutions


1. Uttara Finance and Investments Limited.

2. MIDAS Financing Ltd.

3. IDLC Finance Limited.

There is another substitute product like different organization of rural area called

“grammen Somite” etc. So now this day degree substitute product is high.

2.2.5 The Degree of Rivalry Among Establishes Company:

The intensity of rivalry among competing firms tends to increase as the number of

competitors increases. Such as the case for the banks in Bangladesh, where the

competition is having effect on the banking industry and this environment is growing day

by day. As the emergence of many new commercial banks has taken place, therefore the

banks are trying to get the competitive advantage over their rival banks. By introducing

new schemes and attracting customers through promotional activities, the banks are

having a close and interactive competition in the industry. The degree of rivalry in

banking sector is also high.

Such is the case for Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. also. In the years of

operation, since its establishment, the bank has faced stiff competition from the

competing banks. To stay in the market, BCBL has to concentrate on improving the

quality of service and introduce attractive schemes and packages to attract new and retail

the existing clients. Therefore continuous development and market research regarding the

services offered has to be conducted.

2.3 Overview of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.:

2.3.1 Background of BCBL:

Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd incorporated in Bangladesh on 1 June 1998 as a

banking company, it started banking operations on 16 September 1999 with an authorized

and paid up capital of Tk 2,000 million and Tk 920 million respectively. The share of the

government of Bangladesh in the bank’s paid up capital is Tk 300 million while

depositors of the former Bangladesh Commerce and Investment Limited (BCIL)

contributed Tk 520 million. The balance of Tk 100 million is to be subscribed by banks

and financial institutions under guidance and supervision by Bangladesh bank.

The former BCIL was set up on 27 January 1986 as a non-bank financial

institution. It continued its business till April 1992. Consequent upon its liquidity crisis,

Bangladesh Bank suspended its operations in April 1992. As a result, the investors of the

company suffered a lot and its employees became jobless. Both the depositors and the

jobless employees launched a movement for reopening the company in some form or

other and demanded return of their money and dues.

Subsequently, the government on 8 February 1998 constituted a 10-member board

of directors to organize and transform BCIL into BCBL and to administer the affairs of

the bank. The 24 branches of BCIL were reopened as full-fledged branches of BCBL.

The broad objective of the bank is to carry out all kinds of commercial banking activities

and to respond quickly to the changing demands for modern banking products.

From beginning of the operation the bank was managed by a 9-member board of

directors appointed by the government. A total of 590 officers and other staff worked in

the head office and the 24 branches of the bank. It has inherited a training institute from

BCIL. This institute is being reorganized to provide training to its employees in modern

banking services.

2.3.2 Vision:
To become a Bank of first choice by the customers with meaningful contributions to the

2.3.3 Mission:
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. is committed to fulfill its customer needs and become

their first choice in banking so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and

contribution to the development of the country can be ensured with a motivated and

professional work force.

2.3.4 Strategies:

 To maintain a healthy growth of business in all core activities with desired image.

 To acquire state-of –the art technologies and adopt innovative ideas for financial


 To strengthen the risk management technique and compliance culture.

 To expand the customer base and maintain an incremental deposit & reduce the

non-performing assets.

 To develop appropriate corporate governance system and culture with best


 To establish relationship banking & continuously improve service quality.

 To extend banking services to all classes of people.

 To ensure environment friendly investment in line with the “Green Banking

Guideline” issued by Bangladesh Bank.

 To take effective measures to increase capital base and provision shortfall.

 To enrich management capacity & human resources quality and develop a pro-

active work force with a suitable compensation package.

 To be a trend-setter in the socio-economic development of the country.

2.3.5 Objectives of BCBL:

The main objectives of Commerce Bank are:

 To increase customer services through qualified employee.

 To introduce a higher promotional activity for attract customers.

 To establish relationship banking and improve service quality through-

development of strategies marketing plans.

 To introduce fully automated system through integration of Information


 To maintain a healthy growth of business with desired image.

 To ensure the quality service for increase deposits.

2.3.6 Product and Services:

BCBL provides several deposit and credit facilities to the customer.

The major product and services are as follows:

 Savings Deposit (SD).

 Fixed Deposit Scheme.

 Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS).

 Special Notice Deposit (SND).

 Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR).

 Pension Savings Scheme.

 Millionaire Deposit Scheme (MDS).

 Marriage Scheme.

 Lakhpati Deposit Scheme.

 Kotipoti Deposit Scheme.

 Double Benefit Scheme.

 Triple Benefit Scheme.

 Monthly Profit Savings Scheme.

 Locker Service.

 Counter for Payment of Bill (WASA, Titas, TnT, DPDC).

 Credit Card.

 Debit card.

 Mobile Banking.

2.3.7 Branches of BCBL:

The Bank has 42 branches across the country and a wide network of correspondents all

over the world. The Bank has plans to open more branches in the current fiscal year to

expand the network.

Division No of Branch

Dhaka 22

Chittagong 9

Khulna 4

Sylhet 2

Rangpur 1

Barisal 2

Rajshahi 2

2.3.8 Management Hierarchy of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.:

BCBL is managed by highly professional people. The present Managing Director of the

Bank is a forward looking senior banker having decades of experience and multi

discipline of knowledge to his credit both at home and abroad. He is supported by an

educated and skilled professional team with diversified experience in finance and

banking. The management of the bank constantly focuses on the understanding and

anticipating customers’ needs and offer solution thereof. Here is the management

organogram of BCBL…..

2.4 BCG Matrix:

Companies that are large enough to be organized into strategic business units face the

challenge of allocating resources among those units. In the early 1970's the Boston

Consulting Group developed a model for managing a portfolio of different business units

(or major product lines). The BCG growth-share matrix displays the various business

units on a graph of the market growth rate vs. market share relative to competitors:

High Low

Question Marks Stars

 sCash  Double benefit
 Triple benefit
 locker service

Market Growth Rate

Cash Cow Dogs

 Fixed Deposit  Marriage Scheme
Receipt (FDR)
 Monthly Savings  Pension Saving
Scheme (MSS) Scheme

Relative Market Share

Fig: BCG Matrix

2.4.1 Question Marks: Sometimes it called problem children. W hen a company business

that operates in a low relative market share and have high growth market. Most business

starts off as question marks, in that they enter a high growth market in which there is

already a market leader. It has to keep adding plant, equipment and personnel to keep up

with the fast growing market.

In BCBL mobile banking is becoming popular. It called S-cash. But there are

already had a market leader like bKash, mCash, Duch Bangla mobile banking etc. Now

these days there are 15 banks already start mobile banking service, so S-cash need more

investment to go for stars.

2.4.2 Stars: One of the four categories (quadrants) of the BCG growth-share matrix that

represents the division within a company that has a large market share in a rapidly

expanding industry. They may generate cash but because of fast growing market, stars

require huge investments to maintain their lead.

Double benefit, Triple benefit and their locker service is very popular and for this

sort of service they generate huge cash but for holding the leader position it requires huge


2.4.3 Cash Cow: When their annual growth rate is less than 10% but that still have a huge

market share. A Cash Caw is so called, because it produces a lot of cash for organization.

The organization doesn’t have finance a great deal of expansion because the market

growth rate is low.

Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR), Savings Deposit (SD), Fixed Deposit Scheme,

Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS) are in cash cow. These types of service generate more

cash but for this services there have no need to finance or not required any investments.

2.4.4 Dogs: Weak market share in low growth markets. They typically generate low

profits or losses. Such businesses frequently consume more management time than they

are worth and need to be phased out. An organization has some good reasons to hold onto

a dog.

Pension Saving Scheme and Marriage Scheme are generating few cash but

sometimes it grabs a long time to management for managing this.

2.5 SWOT Analysis:

SWOT is an acronym for the internal Strength and Weakness of the firm and the

environmental Opportunity and Threat facing the firm. So if we consider BCBL as a firm

and analyze its Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat the scenario will be as


 Good management.

 Cooperation with each other.

 Usage of faster pc bank software.

 Membership of SWIFT.

 Online banking services.

 Energetic as well as smart teamwork.


 Lack of customer satisfaction

 Lack to effective communication of customers.

 Lack of proper training, motivation and job rotation.

 Lack of experienced employee in junior of level.

 Lack of own ATM services.

 Expand Market.

 Change in political environment.

 Lunching own ATM card


 Lots of strong competitors.

 Different services of FCB’s (phone banking/home banking)

 Infrastructure conditions in branches.

Chapter: Three

For achieving the objectives of this study data were collected from both primary and

secondary sources.

3.1 Research Design:

This report is based mainly on direct from of questionnaire that I done during the

internship period. My sample size was 100 customers. Data required for this report were

collected from the annual report of BCBL. Apart from these, helpful information was

collected from online resources.

3.2 Data collection procedure:

The Procedure of collecting data is showing below-

 Primary source.

 Secondary source.

3.2.1 Primary Source:

 Face to face conservation with clients and customers of BCBL.

 Interview with the responsible officers and employees who directly communicate

with customers.

 Personal diary (That contains every day experience in bank while undergoing

practical orientation).

3.2.2 Secondary Source:

 Annual Report, Service Manual and Training Manual of BCBL.

 Different text books and journals.

 Various reports and articles related to study.

 Web base support from the internet.

3.3Analysis of Data:

A survey has been done on customer satisfaction of BCBL bank. The questions are divided

into four sections such as; represents service, management’s service, branch condition and

loan & mortgage related help service. After conducting the survey, below are the following

findings. Collected data are analyzed by using table and graphical charts to draw the

conclusion. All the data have shown in tabular form.

Chapter: Four
Findings and Discussions

4.1 Customer Satisfaction:

Customer satisfactions are an important aspect of doing business, and few businesses can

survive without establishing solid relationships with their customers. Although the

marketing literature suggests that personal relationships can be important to service firms,

little specificity has been provided as to which relational aspects should receive attention.

Today, many businesses such as banks, insurance companies, and other service

providers realize the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its

potential to help them acquire new customers retain existing ones and maximize their

lifetime value.

The idea of Customer Satisfaction helps businesses use technology and human

resources gain insight into the behavior of customers. If it works as hoped, a business

can provide better customer service, make call centers more efficient, cross sell products

more effectively, help sales staff close deals faster, simplify marketing and sales

processes, discover new customers, and increase customer revenues. It doesn't happen by

simply buying software and installing it.

Customer satisfaction depend some sort of variables. In my study I am going to

show how satisfied customers can increase profits. For this reason I am select some

variables to measure customer satisfaction. These are…

Customer service representatives, supervisors, branch facility and loan and mortgage

related help facilities.

4.1.1 Representatives Services:

This table show how many customers are satisfied or dissatisfied the service given from

the representatives. My sample size was 100 customers. So here I am going to

highlighted the parentages of customers are very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied

and very dissatisfied.


Friendly and courteous manner 5 10 56 9 20

Knowledge of bank's products & Services 20 10 10 15 45

Willingness to listen and respond to your 0 10 05 60 25

Fast and efficient service 0 15 5 65 10

Total 6.25% 11.25% 19% 37.25% 25%

Representatives Services

In this table here 37.25% customers are dissatisfied the service which is given

from representatives. 25% customers are felling very dissatisfied from their services.

19% customers are show they are felling neutral from their services. 11.25% and 6.25%

customers are satisfied and very satisfied to their services. So it is easy to find most of the

customers are not satisfied from representative’s services.

Friendly and
60 courteous
Knowledge of
40 bank's products &
Willingness to
20 listen and
respond to your
10 need
Fast and efficient
0 service
Very Satisfied Satisfied Nutral DissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied

Form my calculation it is easy to say that from the service customer get from

BCBL representative, customers are completely dissatisfy.

4.1.2 Supervisors/ Management Services:

Customer satisfaction depend not only the behavior of representatives but also the

supervisors or managements. For example when some customers need to discuss any

serious matter with supervisor but he/she is not their cabin it can make a bad impression

or make the customer unhappy. So under this table I am going to show how many

customers are satisfied or dissatisfied for management’s services.


Friendly and courteous manner 35 25 25 15 0

Willingness to listen and respond to your 25 39 20 10 6

Fast and efficient service 10 35 30 10 15

Recognition of you as valued customer 27 32 26 15 0

Available to customers when needed 19 39 28 9 5

Total 23.2% 34% 25.8% 11.8% 5.2%

Supervisor and Management Services

Here we can see, customers are comparatively satisfied with the services of

management. 34% customers are satisfied the service given by management, 27.2%

customers are very satisfied, these customers think that they get high respect and value

from the management instead of representatives. 25.8% customers are hiding their filings

and only 11.8% and 5.2% customer filling dissatisfaction and very dissatisfaction.



35 Friendly and courteous manner

Willingness to listen and
25 respond to your need

20 Fast and efficient service

15 Recognition of you as valued

Available to customers when
5 needed

Very Satisfied Nutral Dissatisfied Very
Satisfied Dissatisfied

This graph clearly shows that, the service customers get from management they are


4.1.3 Branch Facility:

Branch facility is one of the variables which can satisfy a customer. For example, when a

branch is neat and clean, well décor, small crowed than a customer willing to come here

and started dealing with them.


Clean & well cared facilities 3 12 25 55 5

Efficient, no wait service 7 9 20 35 29

No long line ups at counter 5 4 9 52 30

Pleasant & attractive decor 0 2 0 93 3

Total 3.75% 6.75% 13.5% 58.75% 16.75%

Branch Facilities

In Zigatola Branch there is little facility. Like they have long lines for billing and cash

payment counter, this place is so crowed and not sufficient decoration to attract

customers. When I am doing internship I assume that the branch facility must be increase

for customers. What I am said, in this table it shows that 58.75% customers are

dissatisfied with branch condition, 16.75% customers are very dissatisfied. Only of few

are satisfied with this condition, 13.5% customers have no effects for branch condition.





Clean & well cared facilities
50 Efficient, no wait service
40 No long line ups at counter
30 Pleasant & attractive decor



Vary Satisfied Nutral Dissatisfied Very
Satisfied Dissatisfied

When I was doing internship program in BCBL I also notice their branch

condition which was not so neat, clean and not enough decorated. This is also comes

from their customers. They also dissatisfied with the environment of BCBL’s condition

of ZIgatola branch.

4.1.4 Loan, Mortgages Related Help Service:

Lone and mortgages facility in most common terms in banking sector. So when customer

cannot get their desire services for mortgage and loan related help than customers cannot

want to start business with them. For example, if the employee don’t know about the

terms and conditions of mortgage and loan procedure than customer also unaware for this

so at a time it can create misunderstanding with bank and customer. Sometimes it causes

the huge loss of bank.


Friendly and courteous manner 10 22 45 10 13

Knowledge of bank's products & 17 10 49 18 6

Willingness to listen and respond to your 13 12 51 24 0
Fast and efficient service 20 12 47 8 13

Available to customers when needed 17 13 53 10 7

Offer of other services or alternative 20 22 35 17 6

means to meet your needs
Total 16.17% 15.17% 46.67% 14.5% 7.5%

Loan and Mortgage Related Help Services

In this table we show that 15.17% customers are happy with the mortgage related

help and support. They think they get sufficient help form the loan and mortgage section.

16.17% customer felling very satisfied, 46.67% customer felling nothing about this

service and only few customers are dissatisfied.

Friendly and courteous manner

Knowledge of bank's products &

40 Services

30 Willingness to listen and respond

to your need

Fast and efficient service

Available to customers when
0 needed
Very Satisfied Nutral Dissatisfied Very
Satisfied Dissatisfied

This chart clearly shows us from the service customers get from mortgage and

lone related help they fill not too much nor less.

4.2 Finding from Discussions:

From this above discussion it is easy to say that, customer is the main element of any

business, especially for banking sector. If customers are not fully satisfy than it is

difficult to survive. Here some major findings are,

1. Customers think that some representatives have not enough experience for dealing

with customers.

2. Representatives have less knowledge about regular or important customers.

3. Sometime takes too much time for a simple job.

4. Zigatola branch cannot serve pleasant and attractive decoration.

5. Customers wait in a long line up for billing and cash section.

6. Some customers also complain they cannot get sufficient information through

telephone calling.

7. Dissatisfied employees can the causes make dissatisfied customer.

8. Some employees are not present when customers need them.

9. Some Customers are move from BCBL to another.

10. Lack of female employs in several branches. Sometimes female customers are

felling uncomfortable with male employee.

11. BCBL have no ATM services which is available in other banks.

Though there are a few numbers of customers who are dissatisfied with the service of

BCBL Zigatola branch. But this few customer also be a part of BCBL. They can prove a

huge loss for BCBL. So BCBL must have to take some steps for satisfy those dissatisfied


Chapter: Five
Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion:
During the three months internship program in BCBL in Zigatola branch at Dhaka,

almost all the desk have been observed more or less. This internship program, in first, has

been arranged for gaining knowledge of practical banking and to compare this practical

knowledge with theoretical knowledge. All departments and sections are not covered in

the internship program; so it is not possible to go to the depth of each activities of

branch because of time limitation.However, highest effort has been given to achieve the o

bjectives of the internship program.

In this report, as my supervisor advised me, I’ve discussed about BCBL’s position

in the banking sector through porters five forces model, BCG matrix, SWOT analysis and

find the customers satisfaction level in the banking industry. A survey was conducted

with the sample of 100 they given their opinion. Some respondents did not answer all the

questions. Some respondent also answered in hurry so that they made mistakes and

answer question without reading.

From this survey it was found that most of the customers are more or less satisfied

with the services given by BCBL. A small number of people who are showing their

negative feelings about this organization, they are not satisfied. Also there is a noticeable

number of people who are in neutral position they answered somewhat agree in most of

the questions. They give their opinion about representative service, management service;

branch facilities and loan/mortgage help service. The organization should take care about

the problem of the customers, because this negative attitude of a customer may cause the

huge loss in business. When a customer is not satisfied, they will not recommend this

bank to their friends, relative or family. This customer also can tell everyone not to go


5.2 Recommendations:

After conducting a survey and getting the real life experience from the Bangladesh

Commerce Bank ltd. the recommendation for the commercial banks will be,

1. They should think about their customer satisfaction and their personal needs.

2. Previously we see that 37.35% customer is dissatisfied with the representative’s

knowledge so BCBL should appoint some employee who has much experience

with dealing customers.

3. BCBL always appoint some knowledgeable employee but if they provide proper

training for handling customer, than customer will be satisfied.

4. 58.75% customers are dissatisfied with branch condition so, for attracting

customer arrange some attractive decoretions and furniture’s.

5. Introduce different counter for billing and cash collection.

6. BCBL first must satisfy the employee, because when they satisfy the employs this

satisfied employee can make a large number of satisfied customers.

7. BCBL can introduce some strict rules and regulations for employee, so that when

customer needs them employee will present their station.

8. In a competitive financial market, the customers have more demand so they can

move from one bank to another with good offer at that time the bank will face a

big problem, retaining the customer take some managerial steps.

9. Appoint some female employs for female customer.

10. Introduce some new technologies like ATM service, like BRAC bank or Islamic


11. The organization must take care about their Customers because customers are the

life blood of an organization, without them the organization has no meaning.


1. Annual Report of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. 2012.

2. Hill & Jones, 13th edition .Strategic Management.

3. Kotler, 2003 Principle of Marketing.


5. Naresh K. Malhotra, David F. Birks, Peter A. Wills Maeketing Research .

Bank Customer Survey
Bangladesh Commerce Bank, Zigatola Branch.
Dear respondent, I am the student of University of Asia Pacific, department of Business

Administration. Now I am doing my internship program in Bangladesh Commerce Bank,

Zigatola Branch. I need some information for complete my report. Please help me to

develop a report which also presented in BCBL and this will be help them to increase

their service facility for you.


In terms of the service you received from the customer service representatives how

satisfied were you with the following? (Put a tic mark for you choosing option)

Very Very
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
Friendly and
courteous manner
Knowledge of bank's
products & Services
Willingness to listen
and respond to your
Fast and efficient

In terms of the service you received from the Supervisors and Management of the branch,
how satisfied were you with the following?

Very Very
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
Friendly and courteous
Willingness to listen and
respond to your need
Fast and efficient service

Recognition of you as
valued customer
Available to customers
when needed


How satisfied were you with the following aspects of the branch facility?

Very Very
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
Clean & well cared
Efficient, no wait service

No long line ups at

Pleasant & attractive


4.1 Have you applied for credit (a loan, line of credit or mortgage) in the last year?

 Yes  No
4.2 In terms of the service you received from the lending officer(s), how satisfied

were you with the following?

Very Very
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
Friendly and courteous
Knowledge of bank's
products & Services
Willingness to listen and
respond to your need
Fast and efficient service

Available to customers
when needed
Offer of other services or
alternative means to meet
your needs


5.1. Would you like to be contacted by a bank representative?

 Yes  No

5.2. Would you recommend this branch to a friend or business associate?

 Yes  Maybe  No

If answer is no…………………………………………………………………………….

5.3 Your contact Information (optional)

Name : ……………

Mobile No: ……………

Thank You


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