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Supervision Agreement for the master’s project

Deadline for Master of Performance 1 June second semester

Deadline other Master Programmes 1 December first semester

The Supervision Agreement must be signed by your supervisor before it is submitted to the Student
Administration. Do remember to make a copy.

Please attach the Project Proposal – see guide lines in your course description.

Name of student ________________________________________________________________

Principal Supervisor ________________________________________________________________

Co-Supervisor ________________________________________________________________

Study Programme ________________________________________________________________

Master’s Project
Thesis topic / question for the Master’s Project:

Schedule for the Master’s Project

Provide an outline of the progress plan, keywords may include: thesis question; literature review;
data gathering; text production/written work; repertoire studies; analysis; interpretation; concert
production/completion. Planned exchange periods and/or temporary leaves of absence should also
be included here (NOTE: this does not substitute or in any way exempt students from submitting an
application for leaves of absence).
Rights and Responsibilities
The Master’s Project should be an independent work, in its entirety devised and run by the student.
This entails that the student is responsible for the initiation and completion of the work necessary
to progress according to the stated project plan. The student should meet regularly with her/his
supervisor to report on project developments and advancements, and be well-prepared for
discussion on the project status.

Together, the supervisor and student(s) should delineate and set down in their agreement how the
supervision should be organized and conducted during the supervision agreement period.
Supervisor responsibilities include: helping the student(s) become familiar with relevant
literature/repertoire; discussing and advising the student(s) regarding the project plan and outline;
being well-prepared for student-supervisor meetings; keeping informed about the progress of each
student’s work; and, regularly assessing the project according to the laid out project plan (see pt. 4

Both parties of the agreement, student/ensemble and supervisor, are responsible for notifying each
other as soon as possible of any agreement cancellations/changes, and of any longer terms of
absence. If changes affect the project progress plan set down in this Supervisor Agreement, a new
agreement must be made.
For additional information and details about program contents and requirements, see the
appropriate program curriculum and course descriptions.

Date of entering the Agreement: __________________________________________________________________

Place Date Student’s signature

Place Date Supervisor’s signature

Place Date Co-/Secondary Supervisor’s signature

Place Date For The Norwegian Academy of Music

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