Wac Annual Report 2018

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Water Ambassadors Canada Annual Report July 2018

As we come to the end of another fiscal year (July 2017 - June 2018) at Water Ambassadors Canada
(WAC), we can honestly look back and see God's goodness in everything as He continued to provide
us with resources, new staff, new partners and more opportunities to provide safe drinking water to
those without in some of the most remote areas of the developing world. To recap, WAC drills and
restores water wells, installs chlorination and filtration systems and teaches health and hygiene.

Last year, we launched a year-long campaign called 150 for Canada 150. In honor of Canada's 150
birthday, we set a target of $150K to continue the ministry we've been called to do. While we didn't
quite meet our target, we did raise $127K! Thanks to all who generously contributed to these funds!

Also, thanks to over 75 volunteers this past year, I'm proud to report that we were able to repair and
restore close to 90 wells; install 9 chlorinator units; complete 2 well drills and distribute about 50
Sawyer Filters. This of course, does not include teaching hygiene; distributing close to 500 health
kits; building 2 homes; crafts and activities for women and children; AND of course, sharing the
gospel message! What another meaningful, fruitful and holistic year of ministry at WAC!

Teaching Hygiene; Preparing Care Kits; Sharing the Gospel

In late February 2018, a team of 7 pastors from around the Greater Toronto Area (representing
various denominations) travelled to Matagalpa, Nicaragua for Water Ambassadors Canada's first
ever Vision Trip to see and experience what WAC was all about. We wanted these pastors to
experience first-hand how we're making a difference in communities that have very limited access
to safe drinking water. In that short week, we repaired 4 broken wells, distributed 100 health kits,
impacted over 1200 lives and opened the eyes of every pastor - all expressing how much we take
clean water for granted here in Canada! I'm excited to see how God will use these pastors to lead
their churches towards a greater understanding and involvement with Water in the years to come!

WAC’s first ever Pastors’ Vision Trip

One area of ministry that has been picking up some momentum is our water chlorination ministry to
prisons in Central America. In November 2016, in partnership with Go And Make Disciples (GAMD-
DR) we successfully installed our first chlorination unit at a local prison in La Vega, Dominican
Republic. In August 2017, we went back and installed another unit in the Moca Prison, which was
close to La Vega in the center of DR, giving safe drinking water to 800 inmates and 200 staff and
volunteers. Then again in February 2018, we went back and installed 2 more chlorination units in 2
separate prisons. One was in Santiago with 500 inmates and 100 staff; the other was in Vista al Valle
San Francisco, with another 500 inmates and 100 staff. Lastly, in April 2018, through our good friend
and Latin American Mission (LAM Canada) partner John Steinmann, we installed another chloro unit
in a Federal Prison in Puerto Lempira, Honduras, providing safe drinking water for 275 inmates.

Installing Chlorination Units in Local Prisons

While there were many things to be grateful for, one very difficult decision we had to make was to
cancel our remaining teams to Nicaragua (summer and fall of 2018). In late April 2018, protests over
government reforms began to escalate and over the next several months (and ongoing as I'm writing
this), Nicaragua has been spiraling into deeper levels of civil unrest, crime, violence, injustice,
shootings and killings. Sadly, we had to make a board decision (and the right decision) to cancel our
teams to Nicaragua. We continue to stay in contact with our in-country partner Rafael Alvarado, his
family and his ministry Puentes De Esperanza (Bridges of Hope). In spite of all the turmoil, Raf (along
with his in-country team) continues to get around to keep wells repaired and functioning as much as
possible. May God show mercy to this country and bring true healing to this nation soon!

Our beloved Nicaraguan In-Country Partners: Puentes De Esperanza

As this door to Nicaragua has been shut for now, God has graciously opened a new door of
opportunity in Honduras. At about the same time this unrest started growing in Nicaragua, we sent a
small exploratory team to Honduras to meet with a new potential partner in Job Gamez and to scout
out the rural communities to assess their water needs. It turns out that there's a huge need in the
areas of Langue and Comayagua and providentially, we are confirmed to send 3 of the 4 teams
(originally scheduled to Nicaragua) to Honduras. An amazing story that came out of this exploratory
team was that they were able to repair two wells while in Comayagua. One of those wells provided
clean water to a primary school in which a teacher of that school (who taught there for 18 years)
said the well was broken even before she arrived! Can you believe it?! Within a week, an entire
school was blessed with clean water which they never had access to for almost 2 decades!
For those countries in which we do not work or have a presence in, we continue to train individuals
and organizations on how to use our chlorinators so that they can take these units back and install
the system themselves. This year, we trained organizations like Enhance a Village and Well of Life to
use these chloros to give safe drinking water to remote villages in the Philippines. In other areas that
we don't serve in, we supplied Sawyer Filters to mission organizations who in turn, were able to
reach rural communities in the DR Congo, Uganda and even Peru along the Amazon River. Finally,
WAC also decided to support a well dig project conducted by Generation With A Mission (GWAM) in
Lwengo, in the district of southern Uganda. In their latest update, we were informed that this
project was suspended until after their rainy season. Hopefully, we will have some good news to
report next year! All this to say, as we face this global water crisis together, WAC will continue to
look for ways to support water needs even though we may not be directly involved.

Working with Enhance A Village (Philippines); Well of Life (Philippines); GWAM (Uganda)

On June 3, 2018, Guatemala's Volcán de Fuego ("volcano of fire") erupted, spewing burning lava,
toxic gas, and volcanic mud and rocks into the villages below and filling the air with thick smoke and
ash. More than 100 lives were lost and many more remain missing. Homes, buildings and
communities have been helplessly devastated. As we did in past years (with the Nepal, Haiti and
Ecuador earthquakes, as well as the Haiyan Typhoon in the Philippines), we sent an urgent message
to our Water Family asking for financial aid and working with our partners at WaterStep in Louisville
KY, WAC committed to sending one of three Portable Water Treatment Systems (PWTS) into the
disaster affected areas. This is a mini water filtration and chlorination system designed to provide
potable water for those affected. Our sincere thanks to all who responded to this terrible disaster.

We continue to spread the word about WAC through local churches, clubs, fairs and radio ads. Again,
we were present at Mission Fest Vancouver, Mission Fest Edmonton, Jesus to the Nations (Halifax),
Ignite Fair (Richmond Hill), the Markham Expo, and various schools throughout the Greater Toronto
Area. Our golf tournament was another huge success at Pinestone Resort (Haliburton) and our
involvement with the Scotia Charity Challenge continues to draw greater attention to the global
need for safe drinking water. Lastly, our annual Water Camp brought in close to 50 campers and
volunteers to train and learn about our various water solutions. Special thanks to all our reps for
faithfully advocating our cause throughout the year!

WAC reps @ MF Vancouver; MF Alberta; J2N; Markham Expo; Wesley Christian Academy
In August 2017, Brenda McKee decided to step down as our beloved Team Coordinator after
faithfully serving WAC for many years. During this transition, WAC decided to fill her one full-time
position with two part-time positions. So in September 2017, we officially welcomed Jeff Merriman
as our Field Director and Bethany Leung as our Trip Coordinator. We wish Brenda all the best as she
begins this new stage in her journey and we warmly welcome Jeff and Bethany into their new roles
as they launch into this adventure we all know as WAC!

On behalf of the board and staff of Water Ambassadors Canada, we want to thank our valuable team
leaders, prayer partners, contract staff and hundreds of volunteers for being our beautiful “hands
and feet” in this most important call of providing safe drinking water to those without! Thank you
for your ongoing support and being part of our precious family!

Blessings to all,

Kinson Leung
July 2018

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