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Activity: VET: Internationalisation strategies in VET


Educational Sector*: VET

Name of organisation*: IES PASQUAL CALBÓ I CALDÉS

PIC: 943348281





Autonomous Community*:ILLES BALEARS



Legal Representatives First Name*:Ana

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Legal Representatives Family Name*:Azazeta

Profile of applicant organisation (Primary School, Secondary School,

Adult Education Centre, Official School of Languages, VET centre,
University, etc.):Secondary school / VET centre

Short description of applicant organisation *:

The IES Pasqual Calbó i Caldés is one of 3 public institutes of Mahon, the
capital of the island of Menorca. Currently it has about 660 students and
110 teachers, distributed between secondary education and vocational
training. This center is the one that has the largest training offer all
Menorca FP, which trains students from all over the island and even, in
some cases, Mallorca and mainland Spain. In addition to academic
studies we also offer vocational studies of 5 different professional families
: Basic Training - ELE-11 - Professional basic electricity and electronics -
AGA-11 - Basic Professional gardening and floral compositions - FME-11
- Basic Professional manufacture and assembly Technician studies - ELE-
21 - Electrical Installations and Automatic - AGA-23 - Gardening and
flower - FME-21 - Mechanization (Manufacture mechanical parts) - ADG-
21 - Administrative Management Advanced technician studies - ELE-31 -
Automated Systems and Electrotécnicos - ADG-32 - Administration and
Finance This offer is complemented by FP formal vocational training
courses some of these professional families promoted by SOIB
(Employment Service of the Balearic Islands). The IES Pasqual Calbó i
Caldés is characterized by its European vocation and has always
enhanced the mobility of students and teachers. In the section of our
website studies and it indicated that these studies FP offer the possibility
of a traineeship in another European country:
( Our
school has been actively involved in European programs since 2001. We
began through the Leonardo da Vinci program. Then in 2007 we received
the Erasmus Charter extended, which allowed the participation of both
students and teachers of CFGS in the previous Erasmus program. And
since 2014 carries out projects under the program ERASMUS + two
KA103 corresponding to the calls 2014 and 2015, the call KA102 2015
that are developing since the 2015-2016 course and has recently
approved a new project KA102 with which we cover the mobilities of

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students and FP GM Basic current course. In addition, to strengthen its
European projection also among high school students, this center has
participated in two Comenius projects.



Has your organisation participated in other TCAs?*:Yes

(If YES) Please, provide further information (sector, title and date):
Sector: VET; Title: Work-based learning in VET in Europe: Exchanging
ideas, developing projects - A joint contact seminar of seven Erasmus+
National Agencies -; Dates and place: from 1 to 3 December 2014 in
Berlin, Germany

Has your organisation applied for an Erasmus+ KA1 or KA2 grant in

2014, 2015, 2016 or 2017?*:Yes

Was your project(s) selected?*:Yes

If your project was selected, please indicate your project number(s):

2015-1-ES01-KA102-014738; 2016-2-ES01-KA102-035123; 2014-1-
ES01-KA103-001163; 2015-1-ES01-KA103-013414; 2016-1-ES01-
KA103-023300; 2017-1-ES01-KA103-037614

Motivation of your organisation to take part in the event:

We have traineship mobility programs in Finland, UK, Germany, Poland,
Bulgaria, Romania and Austria since 2002. We would like to develop
comprehensive and strategic approaches to internationalisation that
merge teaching, learning and working. opportunity to dive into
'internationalisation strategies'. Through case studies, peer learning and
with the help of experts we will work on a common approach that will help
you set up and/or strengthen you institution's policy on

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internationalisation. opportunity to dive into 'internationalisation strategies'.
Through case studies, peer learning and with the help of experts we will
work on a common approach that will help you set up and/or strengthen
you institution's policy on internationalisation.

Proposals or ideas for projects:

1. Ways to enhance the participation of enterprises in WBL: ways to let
enterprises know the Erasmus+ program for VET traineeship and staff
mobilities (for teaching and training) . 2. Developing measures to improve
the quality of WBL to analyse the work of the intermediate companies and
the efficiency of the collaboration between VET schools, how to provide
an accommodation for the students with a reasonable price for 1,2 or 3

Expectations regarding knowledge and skills to be gained:

We expect to gain knowledge regarding our institutionon's policy on

Plans for ensuring the sustainability of the outcomes of the activity:

1. Identify what is needed to manage and operate the selected activities.
2. Develop a detailed description of what activities are planned. 3.
Conduct an assessment of the current project, and use collected data to
help determine what the future scope of the program will be.

Dissemination plan and measures for evaluating the participation in

the activity :
A presentation from the participant in the activity to the managing school
team. A talk to VET teachers regarding the same subjecst. A presentation
to high school students.


Participants First Name*:SONIA

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Participants Family Name*:AGUT

Contact Email*

Contact Phone number*:971369390

Position and area(s) of responsibility within the organisation*:VET


Participant's knowledge of English*:B2

Participant's knowledge of other foreign languages:Spanish and


Special needs (mobility, medical condition, etc.)If applicable, specify

and justify the amount requested:

Please indicate the profile and contact details (first name, family
name, contact email, contact phone number, position and area,
special needs, etc.) of another person in case the proposed
participant cannot attend the TCA:María José Sanz. 971369390.

Other comments:

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El/la abajo firmante, Representante Legal de la institución solicitante,
Toda la información contenida en el formulario de solicitud de
participación en TCA presentado a través del registro electrónico del
SEPIE es correcta, a su leal saber y entender.

La organización que representa tiene la capacidad legal adecuada para

participar en esta actividad y, en su caso, está al corriente de las
obligaciones tributarias y con la Seguridad Social impuestas por las
disposiciones vigentes en los términos recogidos en los arts. 13 y 14 del
Real Decreto 1098/2001, de 12 de octubre, comprometiéndose a
presentar, en su caso, las correspondientes certificaciones en el plazo
máximo de diez días hábiles contados a partir del siguiente a recibir el
requerimiento de la Administración.
La organización a la que representa no se halla incursa en ninguna de las
situaciones contempladas en el artículo 106, apartado 1, y en el artículo
107 del Reglamento (UE, Euratom) nº 966/2012 del Parlamento Europeo
y del Consejo, de 25 de octubre de 2012, sobre las normas financieras
aplicables al presupuesto general de la Unión y por el que se deroga el
Reglamento (CE, Euratom) nº 1 1605/2002 del Consejo (DO L 298 de
Conoce y asume las normas que rigen la participación en las actividades
TCA en la Agencia Nacional Española para la gestión de programa
Erasmus+ en los ámbitos de la educación y la formación (SEPIE).

En caso de que la solicitud sea seleccionada, la Agencia Nacional tiene

el derecho de publicar el nombre y dirección de esta organización, el
motivo de la ayuda y la cuantía concedida.

En caso de que la solicitud sea seleccionada, SE COMPROMETE a:

Cumplimentar y presentar en tiempo y forma los documentos requeridos
en el procedimiento.
Enviar a la actividad a un profesional vinculado formalmente a la entidad,
comprometido en la difusión y sostenibilidad de los resultados de la TCA

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y con un nivel de conocimiento del idioma en el que va a realizarse la
TCA suficiente y adecuado.
Colaborar, si se le solicitase, en las actividades de difusión y explotación
llevadas a cabo por las Agencias Nacionales, la Agencia Ejecutiva y / o la
Comisión Europea, cuando pueda también ser requerida la participación
de participantes individuales.


Se pueden imponer sanciones administrativas y financieras a la
organización que representa si se demuestra que es responsable de
falsedad o incumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas en previos
contratos o procedimientos de concesión de subvención.

Firma Electrónica Representante Legal:

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