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Republic of the Philippines

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Accountancy and Finance
First Semester SY 2018-2019

“Barya: A Documentary Film about Jeepney Barkers”

(Barking/Dispatching as a Way of Living)

An Ethnographic Paper
Presented to the class of Mr. Kristoper M. Tarca
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Contemporary World

BSA 1-15:
 Fortuno, Aira Andrea D.
 Jamandre, Marielle M.
 Mampusti, Vienna Louise D.
 Tigas, Jolo Jaimer F.
 Yumul, John Ryan C.
BSA 1-15, GROUP 2:

 Fortuno, Aira Andrea D.  Tigas, Jolo Jaimer F.

 Jamandre, Marielle M.  Yumul, John Ryan C.
 Mampusti, Vienna Louise D.

“BARYA: A Documentary Film about Jeepney Barkers”
(Being a Barker as a way of Living)

1. Thesis Statement
Jeepney is an icon of the Philippines, and a part of ordinary days in people’s daily
routines. In the hustle and bustle of every street, and a little over, comes the screaming
of the “jeepney barkers” trying to be heard over the loud sound of every vehicles and
annoying crowd of passengers. A barker is a person employed to solicit customers by
calling out to passers-by. Although not necessarily needed, this kind of job has
commenced due to a lack of job opportunities and other factors that make settling to
this unusual occupation had become a choice to some people. They are those people
who use their voices as their only capital to earn money and sustain their daily living,
those who wait outside malls, hospitals and schools, and those who face pollution and
stay under the heat or sometimes under unexpected rains are what we called “jeepney
barkers or dispatchers”. Behind those voices of screaming with hand gesture, giving
direction to every passenger which jeepney to go also have a quite lives beyond. This
paper aims to discover why despite of a very hard times being a barker o dispatcher
they still choose to stay on this job. Is it because of poverty, lack of job opportunities,
personal choice or the lack thereof? The researchers seek to answer the questions like
this in regards to the enlightenment and bringing awareness to people concerning the
emergence, several factors that pushed the start of barking/dispatching, and reasons
why it is still spreading all throughout our country.
2. Methodology
In conducting this study, the researchers are seeking for the truths, facts, reliable
and valid information. An informal survey questionnaire was used in the interview that
contains set of questions which is the most-widely used data-gathering technique in
research. Bell (1999) stated that a questionnaire is essentially a structured technique for
collecting primary data. The researchers also used an in-depth observation and one-on-
one interview as methodologies in conducting this study/documentary. Then, a
descriptive analysis was used for the written presentation and output for a better
understanding of the study/documentary’s outcome and result. The researchers tried to
have a first-hand experience of the said job to further understand the subject. These
experiences have helped them in making the study/documentary as factual and
informative as possible. As to the interview, it was divided into two parts: the profile
which includes gathering of primary information such as the names and educational
background of the interviewees; and the series of questions related to the objectives of
this study. A descriptive observation technique was adopted to obtain a general view of
the subject of this ethnographic study. Also, an observation with the ethnographer
participating in the community activities in relation to the focus of the study was done
so that additional data based on first-hand experiences can be added. After the planning
of methods and procedures, the researchers executed the interview from the
respondents, a regular barker from Teresa St., Sta. Mesa, Manila and a
barker/dispatcher who graduate with a degree course in Gen. Trias, Cavite. The data
gathered were all recorded and documented with the use of camera and sound

3. Findings and Interpretation

This documentary/research was accomplished to identify several factors that
affect the emergence of “barking” as a way of living, factors that affect some people in
engaging to this kind of job, and how did it come to a point where it spread all
throughout our country. After the findings, these are the conclusion and interpretation
of the researchers:
 Data Analysis – All throughout this research and documentary about jeepney
barkers, the researchers have gathered useful and relevant information about
jeepney barking/dispatching. These are the data the researchers have found
out: First, the researchers found out that there were no written proofs or
evidences as to when and how the emergence of this kind of job – jeepney
barking/dispatching happened. This kind of job is said to have sprung and
started nowhere due to several factors and reasons. According our findings,
these reasons, first, include poverty. The researchers found out that poverty is
the main reason why this kind of job, jeepney barking/dispatching, has
emerged and started. Due to survival the need to financially support
themselves and their respective families, people decided to engage to this
kind of activity. The second reason the researchers found out as to why
people engage to jeepney barking/dispatching is because of the opportunities
and the lack thereof. All, if not, most of the barkers the researchers
interviewed said that there were no job opportunities for them, and that was
the reason why they decided to engage in the said job. The researchers also
asked them if they would abandon and change their jobs if given the
opportunity and chance, and most of them said yes. The researchers also
found out that most of them do not want what they do. They said that they
were stuck and just get along with it. Lastly, the researchers found out that
although they make enough living or, sometimes, more than the minimum
wage in a day just to make ends meet, they have to sacrifice and compromise
their health and well-being since their job requires shouting and staying under
the sun or rain for too long. This kind of job spreads all throughout our
country due to the rapid growth of unemployment rate, poverty, and
instability of Philippine’s economic growth.
 Evaluation of Research Methodology – The research methodologies used in
conducting this study/documentary by the researchers include an in-depth
observation and one-on-one interview. For the written paper and
presentation, the researchers used a descriptive analysis for a better
understanding of the study/documentary’s outcome and result. Also, the
researchers tried their very best to have a first-hand experience of the said
job to further understand the subject. These experiences have helped them in
making the study/documentary as factual and informative as possible. By
using these several research methods, the researchers was able to
successfully meet their goal/objective in doing this study/documentary which
is to bring the issue of being a barker/dispatcher as a way of living into light,
and also bring awareness to people about this sad reality while
simultaneously making them understand the complexity of today’s societal
problems and how these problems affect certain individuals in our society.
The researchers met their purpose before and after of this
study/documentary which is to identify several factors that affect the
emergence of “barking” as a way of living, factors that affect some people in
engaging to this kind of job, and how did it come to a point where it spread all
throughout our country.

 Muta, A. (2018). The Jeepney Barker: A Voice Away from the Streets - Atenews. [online]
Atenews. Available at: [Accessed
13 Oct. 2018].
 The Manila Times. (2016). Why Do We Need Barkers at Jeepney Terminal. [online]
Available at:
terminals/262231/ [Accessed 13 Oct. 2018].
 Bell, J. (1999). Doing your research project: a guide for first-time researchers in
education and social science (3rd ed.). Buckingham; Philadelphia: Open University Press.
 Bustos, M. (2014). Pinoy Jobs - Jeepney Barker. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2018].
 Juanico, K. (2016). What it’s like to be...a jeepney barker | Coconuts Manila Manila.
[online] Coconuts Manila. Available at:
bea-jeepney-barker/ [Accessed 14 Oct. 2018]

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