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1) RISKIE LUHUR P. (09161067)
2) EKSAN M. (09151013)
3) OLGA DANDI H. (08161059)
4) OPCAN SARAGIH (09161060)
5) RANGGA SATRIA A. (09161063)
6) RIAN F.P (09161065)
7) ROSEMELA D.S (09161069)
8) SITI NOOR R.D (09161071)
9) YOSI M.N. (09161073)

Program Studi Teknik Perkapalan

Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

Ship's Hull Theory One

The main parts of a typical ship together with the terms applied to the
principal parts are illustrated in the below figure.

 Most ships have only one plane of simmetry, called the middle line
plane which becomes the principal plane of reference.
 The middle line plane is also often called the centerplane.
 The shape of the ship cut by this plane is known as the profile.
 A vertical line represents the middle line plane (centerplane) is
called the middle line or centerline, symbolized by CL (see Fig. 3).
 The waterplanes are horizontal planes perpendicular to the middle line plane

 Even when they are not in the water, they are still called waterplanes.
 Planes perpendicular to both the middle line plane and the waterplanes are
called transverse planes and a transverse section of the ship does, normally,
exhibit symmetry about the middle line plane (see Fig. 2 and 7).
 A ship's hull form, represented by its lines (see Fig. 8), helps determine most
of its main attributes; its stability characteristics; its resistance and therefore
the power needed for a given speed; its manoeuvrability and its load carrying
 except in a very few cases, a ship's hull is symmetrical about the middle line
plane (see Fig. 2).
 Throughout this module a symmetrical hull form is assumed.
 The hull shape is defined by its intersection with sets of mutually orthogonal
 As mentioned above, the intersections of the athwartships planes define the
transverse planes (see Fig. 7).
 These planes are also called transverse sections.
 The drawing of transverse sections laid one on top of the other is called the
body plan which, by convention, when the section are symmetrical, shows
only half sections, the forward half section on the right-hand side of the middle
line and the after half sections on the left (see Fig. 3).
 Planes defining the body plan are known as body plan stations (see Fig. 8).
 They are usually spaced equally apart, such that there are 10 spaces – or
multiple thereof – in the length of the ship, but with a few extra stations at the
ends of the ship at one half or one quarter this spacing.
 Below the body plan is the profile or sheer plan (see Fig. 8).
 It shows the hull form intersected by the middle line plane and by buttock
planes which are parallel to it, spaced for convenient definition of the vessel’s
 The buttock planes are identified by their position off the middle line plane or
 In the profile or sheer plan, the molded base line representing the bottom of
the vessel, is shown parallel to the DWL, which means that the vessel is
designed for an “even keel” condition (see Fig. 5).

 Some vessels – especially tugs and fishing

vessels – are often designed with the molded
keel line raked downward aft, giving more draft
at the stern than the bow when floating at the
 Such vessels are said to have a designed drag to
the keel.
 Below the profile is the half-breadth or
waterlines plan, which shows the intersection of
the hull form with planes parallel to the
horizontal base plane (see Fig. 8).
 All such parallel planes are called waterline
planes, or waterplanes (see Fig. 4).
 It is convenient to space most waterplanes
equally by a rational number of meters (or feet
and inches), see Fig. 3, but a closer spacing is often used near the Molded
Base Line (MBL) where the shape of hull form changes rapidly (see Fig. 8).
 In the body plan and sheer plan, the waterplanes are represented by straight
lines called waterlines (see Fig. 4 and 8).
 DWL represents the design waterline, near which the fully loaded ship is
intended to float (see Fig. 6 – 10).

 All waterlines are identified by their height above the baseline (see Fig. 3 and
 The overall drawing is known as lines plan, lines drawing, or simply “the
lines” (see Fig. 8).
 The lines plan defines the hull form of a ship.
 Precise and unambiguous means are needed to describe the hull form,
inasmuch as the ship’s form must be configured to accommodate all internals,
must meet constraints of buoyancy, speed and power, and stability, and must
be “buildable”.
 In Fig. 8 the body plan is shown above the profile or sheer plan, but it may
otherwise be drawn to the right or left of the profile in order to adapt with the
available width of the drawing paper.

 Alternatively, the body plan is sometimes superimposed on the profile, with

the body plan’s centerplane midway between the ends of the ship in profile
 A vertical line in the sheer plan is drawn at the
intersection of the DWL, which is often the
estimated summer load line (defined
subsequently), and the forward side of the stem
(see Fig.5).
 This is known as the forward perpendicular or
fore perpendicular , abbreviated as FP.
 A corresponding vertical line is drawn at the
stern, designated the after perpendicular or AP.

 In Fig. 8 the AP is drawn at the

centerline of the rudder stock, which is the
customary location for merchant ships
without a sternpost (rudder post).
 When there is a rudder post the AP is
located at the after side of the rudder post

 In the case of naval ships, it is

customary to define the AP at
the after end of the vessel on the
 Such a location is also
sometimes chosen for merchant
vessels – especially vessels
with a submerged stern profile
extending well abaft the rudder.
 An important characteristic of a ship is its length between perpendiculars (FP and AP),
abbreviated LBP or Lpp (see Fig. 5).

 The LBP is usually available from the vessel’s plans.

 A plane located at the mid-point between FP and AP is called amidships or midships, which
is regarded as the reference plane of the ship.
 The section of the ship by this plane is called the midship section.
 It may not be the largest section of the ship.

 Its position is usually defined by the symbol .

 The usual practice in modern commercial vessels of most types is to locate halfway
between the perpendiculars, while in naval ships it is usually midway between the ends of
 The LBP or Lpp is generally the same as the length L defined in the ABS Rules for Building
and Classing Steel Vessels.
 However, in the Rules there is included the proviso that L, for use in the Rules, is not to be
less than 96 percent and need not be greater than 97 percent of the length on the summer
load line (also called summer load waterline or summer waterline, and frequently the same
as design waterline, DWL).
 The summer load line is the deepest waterline to which a merchant vessel may legally be
loaded during the summer months in certain specified geographical zones.
 The second length is the the length on the waterline, abbreviated LWL or LWL, which is
the length on the waterline, at which the ship happens to be floating (see Fig. 16).
 Accordingly, it lies between the intersections of the bow and after end with the waterline.
 If not otherwise stated the summer load (or design) waterline is to be understood.

 When the LWL is the same as the summer load (or design) waterline, then the Lpp is not to be
less than 96 percent and need not be greater than 97 percent of the LWL.
0.96 LWL ≤ Lpp ≤ 0.97 LWL

 The third length is the effective length.

 It is the length which is important in resistance considerations.
 The forward end of the effective length for a ship with no bulbous bow is the same as that of
LWL and Lpp, i.e. on the forward perpendicular, yet its after end may be different (see Fig. 17).

 One useful method of determining the after end of effective length is to make use of a sectional
area curve (also frequently called Curve of Sectional Area, abbreviated CSA, see Fig. 18), which
represents the longitudinal distribution of cross sectional area below the DWL (never mislead
CSA with cross sectional area, the two terms are really different things).
 The figure shows the CSA for a ship with parallel middle body, however, not all ships have
parallel middle body, such as the ship in Fig. 8.
 The ordinates of a CSA are plotted in distance-squared units, such as (see Fig. 19).
 Inasmuch as the horizontal scale, ar abscissa, of the CSA represents horizontal distances
along the ship, it is clear that the area under the curve represents the volume of water
displaced by the vessel up to the DWL, or volume of displacement.
 Alternatively, the ordinate and abscissa of the curve may be made non-dimensional by
dividing the midship area and length of ship, respectively.
 The parallel middle body is shown by that portion of the CSA parallel to the baseline of
the curve (see Fig. 18).
 The possession of this region by some ship shows that the ship’s form of cross section
below the DWL amidships extends without change for some distance forward and aft.
 The ship in Fig. 8 has no parallel middle body, since the form of cross section changes
though slightly for small distances forward or abaft the fullest section, which is located
 The centroid of the CSA is at the same longitudinal location as the center of buoyancy,
 Fig. 18 also shows the customary division of the underwater body into forebody and
afterbody, forward of and abaft amidships, respectively.
 Entrance and run, which represent the ends of the vessel forward of and abaft the parallel
middle body, are also shown in the figure.
 Back to the description of ship effective length, the effective length is usually considered
as the overall length of the CSA (see Fig. 20).

 However, if the curve has a concave ending, the after end of the effective length can be
determined by making a straight line from the midship-cross-sectional area tangent to the
curve, as shown in Fig. 21.

 The intersection of this tangent line with the baseline of the graph may then be considered
to represent the after end of the effective length.
 On many single-screw ship designs it has been found that the point so determined is close
to the location of the AP.

 A similar definition for the forward end of effective length might be adopted for ships with
protruding bulbous bows extending forward of the FP (see Fig. 16, note its difference with
Fig. 17, and then see Fig. 22).
 When the LWL is the same as the summer load (or design) waterline, then the Lpp is not
to be less than 96 percent and need not be greater than 97 percent of the LWL..
0.96 LWL ≤ Lpp ≤ 0.97 LWL
 The third length is the effective length.
 It is the length which is important in resistance considerations.
 The forward end of the effective length for a ship with no bulbous bow is the same as that of LWL
and Lpp, i.e. on the forward perpendicular, yet its after end may be different (see Fig. 17).
 The fourth length is the length overall (LOA), which is the distance between the extreme points
forward and aft measured parallel to the summer (or design) waterline.

 The forward point may be on the raked stem or on a bulbous bow.

 LOA is invariably available from the vessel’s plans.
 It is important that in all calculations and measurements relating to length, the method of
determining the length used, and the location of its extremities be clearly defined.
 The lines plan in Fig. 8 represent the molded (sometimes written as “moulded”) surface of the ship,
which is a surface formed by the inside of the “skin”, or the outer edges of the frame, in the case of
steel, aluminum and wooden vessels.

 The shell plating of a steel or aluminum

ship is relatively thin.
 The shell plating constitutes the outer
covering of the molded surface.
 In the case of glass reinforced plastic
vessels, the molded surface is the outside of
the hull (see Fig. 18).

 For wooden boats, the thickness of planking is

relatively larger than the shell thickness of a steel
vessel, and it is the usual practice to draw the lines of
a wooden boat to represent the surface formed by the
outside of the planking, since this gives the true
external form (see
Fig. 19).
 However, for construction purposes it is
necessary to deal with the molded form,
and therefore it is not unusual to find the
molded form of wooden vessels delinea-
ted on a separate lines drawing.
 It can be concluded from the above statements that there is way to draw the lines plan other
than by using the molded hull form, i.e. by using a hull form which involve the thickness
of the ship’s “skin” (see Fig. 20).

 The lines plan delineated by using this way is called displacement lines plan.
 The displacement lines plan depicts the surface of a ship which is wetted by the sea.
 As the consequence, there are two kinds of ship dimensions, i.e. the moulded dimensions
and displacement dimensions.
 The dimensions of primary interest to the theory of naval architecture and the ship design
activity is the displacement dimensions
 The moulded dimensions are used primarily in the shipbuilding activity.
 The next paragraphs contain explanations of each moulded dimensions; it should be kept
in mind that the definitions of displacement dimensions are similar to those which follow
but will differ by plating thicknesses.

a) Moulded draught
- The moulded draught (also frequently called molded draft) is the perpendicular distance in a
transverse plane from the top of the flat keel to the design waterline (see Fig. 21).
- In other words, it refers to the distance
measured vertically from the waterline at which
the vessel is floating to its inner side of bottom
-If unspecified, the moulded draught refers to
amidships (see Fig. 22).
b) Moulded depth
- The moulded depth (also
frequently called molded depth ) is
the perpendicular distance in a
transverse plane from the top of the
flat keel to the underside of main
deck plating at the ship’s side (see
Fig. 21).
- If unspecified, the moulded depth
refers to this dimension to main
deck amidships (see Fig. 22).

c) Moulded depth to second deck

- The moulded depth to second deck is the perpendicular distance in a transverse plane from the
top of the flat keel to the underside of second deck plating at the ship’s side (see Fig. 22).
d) Moulded beam
- The distance from K to B in Fig. 23 is one-half of the important dimension known as the moulded
beam or moulded breadth of the vessel, which is normally a maximum at the midship station.
- This dimension is also frequently called moulded breadth extreme, molded beam, or molded
breadth .

- The terms breadth and beam are synonymous.

- This dimension can
be defined as the
maximum horizontal
breadth of the widest
station in the body
plan (see Fig. 3 and


• The Molded Base Line (MBL), drawn in the sheer plan and body plan as a straight
horizontal line, represents an important reference datum, both for design and
construction purposes (see Fig. 8).
• The line, in fact, represents a plane in space to which many vertical heights are
referred (see Fig. 22).
• It also represents the bottom of the vessel’s molded surface.
• In the event the vessel is designed with an external hanging bar keel, extending
below the shell plating surface, the bottom of keel is drawn in the sheer plan to
complete the lower contour of
the vessel.
• However, on most other
ships, only the bottom of the
molded surface is drawn. • In
the event the keel line of a ship
is straight, but the vessel has a
designed drag to the keel, it
usually slopes downward aft.
• With this definition of the
molded base line, the molded
draft also can be defined as the
distance form the molded base line to the design waterline (see Fig. 21).
• By the same manner, the moulded depth also can be defined as the distance form
the molded base line to the underside of deck plating at the ship’s side (see Fig. 21).


• In order to simplify the calculation of underwater form characteristics, it is
customary to divide the LBP into 10 , 20, or 40 intervals by the body plan planes
(see Fig. 8).
• The locations of these planes are known as body plan stations, or simply stations,
and are indicated by straight lines drawn in the profile and half-breadth plans at right
angles to the vessel’s baseline and centerline, respectively (see Fig.8).
• The intersections of these planes with the molded form appear in their true shape
in the body plan (see Fig. 3).
• Body plan stations are customarily numbered from the bow, with the FP designated
as station 0 (see Fig. 8).
• In Europe and Japan, however, station 0 is often located at the AP, with station
numbering from aft forward (see Fig. 13 and 25).
• It will be noted from Fig. 8 that additional stations are drawn midway between
stations 0 and 1, 1 and 2, 8 and 9, and 9 and 10.
• This is done to better define the vessel’s form near the ends where it may change
rapidly for small longitudinal distances (see Fig. 8).
• Additional stations are often also shown forward of the FP and abaft the AP (see
Fig. 8).
• These may receive distance designations from the perpendiculars, or a continuation
of the numbering system equivalent to that used in the remainder of the ship, as
negative numbers forward of the FP and numbers in excess of 10 (or 20 and 40)
abaft the AP (see Fig. 8).
• The outline of the ship is completed in the sheer plan by showing the line of the
main deck at the side of the ship, and also at the longitudinal centerline plane
whenever, as is usual, the deck surface is crowned or cambered, i.e., curved in an
athwartship direction with convex surface upwards, or sloped by straight lines to a
low point at the deck edge (see Fig. 22, 8 and 25).
• A ship’s deck is
also usually given
longitudinal sheer,
i.e., it is curved
upwards towards
the ends, usually
more at the bow
than at the stern
(see Fig. 27).
• In case the sheer
line of the deck at
side curves
downward at the
ends, the ship is
said to have reverse sheer.
• Similarly, lines are shown for the forecastle and poop decks when these are fitted;
sometimes decks below the main deck are also shown.
• All such deck lines generally designate the molded surface of the respective deck;
i.e., the surface at the top of the deck beams, and are consequently referred to as
molded deck lines at side or at center as the case may be.
• In Fig. 28, the curve of the main deck at the side is projected into the sheer plan as
the curve C’F’J’ and into the body plan as J’D’F’ for the fore body.
• The curve of the main deck is also projected into the half-breadth plan as the curve
C1F1J1, which is known as the half-breadth line of the main deck (see Fig. 29).
• Through the point where the molded sheer line of the main deck at side intersects
the midship station in the sheer plan, there may be drawn a level line called the
molded depth line of main deck at side (see Fig. 27).
• At any particular station, the vertical distance between the molded depth line and
the sheer line of deck at side is known as the sheer of the deck at that station.
• The sheer of a deck would, therefore, be zero at the midship station, and it may be
zero for an appreciable distance either forward of or abaft a midships.
• Of particular interest are the values of sheer at FP and AP.
• The molded lines of the principal transverse bulkheads are sometimes also shown
on final drawings.
• In Fig. 22 from the point A the
molded line of the bottom of the
midship section extends towards the
side in a straight line AC.
• This line often is inclined upwards
slightly and intersects, at the point C,
the vertical line EB drawn tangent to
the widest part of thunderwater
• The line AC is known as the floor
line, and the distance BC is referred to
variously as the deadrise, rise of floor,
or rise of bottom.
• For the ship whose lines plan is
shown in Fig. 8, the dead- rise is 0.305 m
(see Fig. 3).
• The point K in Fig. 22 at the vessel’s centerline is at the lowest part of the
molded surface and the distance KA is the half-side dimension of the flat portion
of the molded surface in the vicinity of the keel, i.e., to the beginning of the
• This half-side dimension does not apply at all to ships with no deadrise.
• The curved portion of the section, as at D, which joins the floor line with the side,
is known as the turn of bilge and may be further descri-
bed as a ”hard” or as an “easy” turn of bilge, where hard refers to a small radius of
• The turn of bilge throughout the parallel middle body is usually, but not necessarily,
a circular arc, and the radius of this curve is known as the bilge radius.
• The molded line of the side above the waterline sometimes extends inboard
somewhat when meet the line of the top of the main deck be-
• In Fig. 22 this intersection is at the point F.
• The horizontal distance EF is known as tumble home at the deck.
• The opposite of tumble home is known as flare, as can be seen in Fig. 30.
• The figure also shows the deck camber or round down, which, as described
previously, is the curve in an athwartship direction with convex surface upwards.
• More about camber can be seen in the
next slide.
• A horizontal line through F in Fig. 31
meets the centerline of the section at P.
• The distance PH is called camber, round
down, or round of beam.
• The camber curve may be an arc of a
circle, a parabola, or several straight lines.
• Standard past practice has been to provide about 1/50 of the total breadth of the
ship as camber amidships, and then to use the camber curve so determined
as applicable to all other fore and aft locations.
• The use of camber accomplishes the important function of assuring that rain
water and water shipped aboard will drain off readily.


• In general, the amount of water a vessel draws, or draft (frequently also called
draught), is the distance measured vertically from the waterline at which the vessel
is floating to its bottom (see Fig. 22).
• Drafts may be measured at different locations along the ship length.
• They are known as molded drafts if measured to the molded baseline, and keel
drafts if measured to the bottom of the keel.
• Mean draft is defined as the average of drafts forward and aft.
• Ships are customarily provided with draft marks at the ends and amidships,
arranged in a plane parallel to station planes and placed as close to the perpendiculars
as practical (see Fig. 32 - 36).
• These draft marks are for the guidance of operating personnel, and therefore the
drafts indicated should be keel drafts.
• The marks are painted in a readily visible color to contrast with the color of the
• Arabic numerals are usually used on merchant vessels, although Roman numerals
also appear on some naval ships, particularly in way of appendages that extend
below the baseline.
• The bottom of the numeral is located at the indicated waterline. • For many years
it has been the practice to use numerals 6 inches high and to mark the drafts in feet
at every foot above the keel.
• Thus, if one were to see the numeral half immersed, the prevailing draft would be
three inches deeper than the half-immersed number in feet.
• For the metric unit, the usual practice would seem to show the drafts in meters at
every meter in Arabic numerals, followed by M.
• Intermediate drafts are shown at every 0.2 m (2 decimeters), but only the numerals
2, 4, 6, and 8 are shown, with no decimeter designation.
For example, draft marks between 11 and 12 meters would show,

All numerals are to be one decimeter high.

• The difference between drafts forward and aft is called trim.

• If the draft aft exceeds that forward, the vessel is said to have trim by the stern.
• An excess of draft forward causes trim by the bow – or trim by the head.
• Some vessels are designed with local projections below the keel of a permanent
nature – for example, sonar tranducer housings (domes), propeller blade tips of
some naval vessels, and Y brackets (see Fig. 37- 40).
• It is important that operating personnel be well aware of the distance below the
keel to which such projections extend.
• Navigational drafts – which represent the minimum depth of water in which the
vessel can float without striking the bottom – would exceed keel drafts by this
• The shape of curves shown by the stations, buttock lines and waterlines
do not always convey the shape of hull form as one might wish to see it,
and the designer need not be limited to the use of these planes (see Fig.
• Additional planes with which the hull form is sometimes intercepted are
diagonal planes (see Fig. 8, 41, 42).
• Diagonal planes are planes normal to station planes, but inclined with
respect to the baseplane and the longitudinal centerplane.
• Such a plane appears as a straight line in the body plan.
• It is customary to show the resulting intercept curve, called a diagonal,
below the half-breadth view in the lines drawing.
• Thus, the expansion of the diagonal is a plot of distance from the point
W on the ship’s C.L. in the body plan to the points where ZW crosses each
station (see Fig. 3 and 8).
• The particular diagonal shown in Fig. 8 is called a bilge diagonal,
inasmuch as it intersects the bilge.
• Point W is at the DWL on the vessels’s centerline, and point Z marks
the intersection of the vessel’s half-beam line and deadrise line.
Main References
• Hamlin, N. A. (1988), “Ship Geometry”, in Principles of Naval
Architecture, ed. Lewis, E. V., SNAME, New Jersey.
• Rawson, K. J., Tupper, E. C. (2001), Basic Ship Theory, Vol. I, 5th
edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.
• In comparing ships’ hull forms, displacements and dimensions, a number of
coefficients are used in naval architecture.
• Displacement is the ship’s total mass, the formula of which can be expressed as

Δ = Displacement or ship’s total mass (ton or kg)
ρ = water density (ton/m3 or kg/m3) =
- for fresh water (pure), ρ = 1,000 kg/m3 or 1.000 ton/m3
- for sea water, ρ is between 1,021.7 kg/m3and 1,028.0 kg/m3,
depending on the temperature (see the table)
= volume of displacement, volume of immersed ship’s body, or = volume of
displaced water (m3)
• The ship form coefficients are useful in ship’s power estimates and in expressing
the fullness of a ship’s overall form and those of the midship section and
• Table 1 lists coefficients and particulars for a number of typical vessels, which will
be found helpful in understanding the significance of the coefficients defined
• Table 1 also gives the general geometrical characteristics of 19 types of ships,
ranging from a large, high-speed passenger liner capable of 33 knots sustained sea
speed to a naval dock ship 171 m (555 ft) in length.
• This module defines and discuss the Block Coefficient, Midship Coefficient,
Prismatic Coefficient, Waterplane Coefficient, Vertical Prismatic Coefficient, and
Volumetric Coefficient.

Table 1. Geometrical Characteristics of Typical Ships

Table 1. Geometrical Characteristics of Typical Ships (Cont’d)
1) Block Coefficient, CB
• This is defined as the ratio of the volume of displacement of the molded form
up to any waterline to the volume of a rectangular prism with length, breadth and
depth equal to the length, breadth and mean draft of the ship, at that waterline.
• Thus,

• Where L is length, B is breadth and T is mean molded draft to the prevailing

• Practice varies regarding L and B. Some authorities take L as Lpp, some as LWL,
and some as an effective length [1].
• However, some references take L as Lpp [3] [4] [5]
• B may be taken as the molded breadth at the design waterline and at amidships,
the maximum molded breadth at a selected waterline (not necessarily at
amidships), or according to another standard.
• Values of CB at design displacement may vary from about 0.36 for a fine high-
speed vessel to about 0.92 for a slow and full Great Lakes bulk carrier (see Table
• Customary values for the block coefficient of several types of vessels are as
follows [4]:
 Tanker 0.80 – 0.90
 Freighter 0.70 – 0.80
 Container Vessel 0.60 – 0.75
 Refrigerated Cargo Ship (Reefer Ship) 0.55 – 0.70
 Frigate 0.50 – 0.55

• Meanwhile the mean values of block coefficient might be 0.88 for a large oil
tanker, 0.60 for an aircraft carrier and 0.50 for a yacht form [3].
2) Midship Coefficient, CM
• The midship section coefficient, CM, sometimes called simply midhip coefficient,
at any draft is the ratio of the immersed area of the midship station to that of a
rectangle of breadth equal to molded breadth and depth equal to the molded draft

• Values of CM may range from about 0.75 to 0.995 for normal ships [1]. \
• For vessels with extreme form the value of CM might be as low as 0.62 [1].
• Other reference mentions that the value of CM usually exceeds 0.85 for ships
other than yachts [3].

3) Prismatic Coefficient, Cp
• The prismatic coefficient, sometimes called longitudinal prismatic coefficient, or
simply longitudinal coefficient, gives the ratio between the volume of displacement
and a prism whose length equals the length of the ship and whose cross section
equals the immersed midship section area (see again the figure representing the CB
to understand the difference).
• Thus,

• Some references say that L in the equation for Cp refers to the Lpp [3] [4].
• The term longitudinal coefficient was originated and used for the reason that this
coefficient is a measure of the longitudinal distribution of a ship’s buoyancy or
upward force (see again Fig. 5).
• If two ships with equal length and displacement have different prismatic
coefficient, the one with the smaller value of Cp will have the larger immersed
midship sectional area (B . T . CM) and hence a larger concentration of the volume
of displacement amidships.

• This is clearly shown by Fig. 6 below, which compares the sectional area curves
for two different vessels.
• The ship with a smaller Cp is also characterized by a protruding bulbous bow,
which causes the swelling in the sectional area curve right at the bow, and its
extension forward of station 0 (see again Fig. 6).
• Prismatic coefficient is a frequently used parameter in studies of speed and power.
• Usual range of values is from about 0.50 to about 0.90 [1].
• A vessel with a low value of Cp (or CB) is said to have a fine hull form, while one
with a high value of Cp has a full hull form.

d) Waterplane Coefficient, CWP

• The waterplane coefficient is defined as the ratio between the area of the
waterplane AWP and the area of a circumscribing rectangle.

• As with the other coefficients, the length and breadth are not always taken in a
standard way.
• The coefficient may be evaluated at any draft, and so L in the equation is not always
• However, the most common use of CWP is for representing the waterplane
coefficient of the waterplane area at the DWL, and so we usually use LWL as L.
• The values of CWP at the DWL range from about 0.66 to 0.95, depending upon
the type of ship, speed, and other factors.
• Reference [5] gives some guidance for determining the value of Cb, CM, Cp and
CWP, the content of which is quoted in the following paragraphs.First of all it must
be remembered that all of these form coefficients will never be more than unity. To
be so is not physically possible. For the Cb values at fully loaded drafts the following
table gives good typical values:

To estimate a value for the Coefficient of Waterplane (Cwp or Cw) for these ship
types at their fully loaded drafts, it is useful to use the following rule-of-thumb

Hence, for the oil tanker, Cw would be 0.867, for the general cargo ship Cw would
be 0.800 and for the tug Cw would be 0.667 in fully loaded conditions, etc.
For merchant ships, the midships coefficient or midship area coefficient is 0.980 to
0.990 at fully loaded draft.
It depends on the rise of floor and the bilge radius.
Rise of floor is almost obsolete nowadays.
As shown before,
Hence for a bulk carrier, if Cb is 0.780 with a Cm of 0.985, the Cp will be:

e) Vertical Prismatic Coefficient, CVP

• This coefficient is the ratio of the volume of a vessel’s displacement to the volume
of a cylindrical solid with a depth equal to the vessel’s molded mean draft and with
a uniform horizontal cross section equal to the area of the vessel’s waterplane at that

• This ratio is analogous to the prismatic or longitudinal coefficient, except that the
draft and area of waterplane have been substituted for the vessel’s length and area
of immersed midship section (see Fig. 9).
• The Vertical Prismatic Coefficient is also called the Vertical Prismatic
Coefficient of Fineness.
f) Volumetric Coefficient, Cv
• This coefficient (or fatness ratio) is defined as the volume of displacement
divided by the cube of one-tenth of the vessel’s length.

• This coefficient express the volume of displacement of a vessel in terms of its

• Ships with low volumetric coefficients might be said to be “thin”, while those with
a high coefficient are “fat”.
• Values of the volumetric coefficient range from about 1.0 for light, long ships
like destroyers, to 15 for short heavy ships like trawlers (see Table 1)

g) Ratios of dimensions
• The principal dimensions L, B, and T of the underwater body are sometimes
referred to in ratio form.
• These are noted below, with approximate range for each [1].

• In view of the confusion which can arise when different definitions of dimensions
– especially length – are used by different designers in forming the above
coefficients and ratios, it is suggested that length between perpendiculars – on single
screw ships – and molded breadth at the design waterline and at amidships be used
in forming these ratios.
• The length on the DWL is preferred for twin-screw ships. • The definitions adopted
should always be specified [1].
1. Hamlin, N. A. (1988), “Ship Geometry”, in Principles of Naval Architecture, ed.
Lewis, E. V., SNAME, New Jersey.
2. Harvald, Sv., Aa., Resistance and Propulsion of Ships, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
3. Rawson, K. J., Tupper, E. C. (2001), Basic Ship Theory, Vol. I, 5th edition,
4. Dokkum, K. V. (2003), Ship Knowledge, a Modern Encyclopedia, Giethoorn Ten
Brink, bv.
5. Barras, B., Derrett, D. R. (2006), Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, 6th edition,

1) Introduction
• The calculation of ship areas and volumes can be performed by several methods,
some of which are the Simpson Rules.
• Simpson Rules may be used to find the areas and volumes of irregular figures.
• The rules are based on the assumption that the boundaries of such figures are curves
which follow a definite mathematical law.
• When applied to ships they give a good approximation of areas and volumes.
• The accuracy of the answers obtained will depend upon the spacing of the ordinates
and upon how near the curve follows the law.

2) Simpson First Rule

• This rule assumes that the curve is a parabola of the second order.
• A parabola of the second order is one whose equation, referred to coordinate
axes, is of the following form:

where a0, a1 and a2 are constants.

• Let the curve in Figure 5.1 be a parabola of the second order.
• Let y1, y2 and y3 be three ordinates equally spaced at ‘h’ units apart.
• The area of the elementary strip is y dx.
• Then the area between the curve and the x-axes, is given by:
Using the equation of the curve and substituting 0, h and 2h for ‘x’ :
• It should be noted that Simpson’s First Rule can also be used to find the area under
a curve of the third order, i.e., a curve whose equation, referred to the coordinate
axes, is of the following form:

where a0, a1, a2 and a3 are constants.

• Summary
A coefficient of 𝟏/3 with multipliers of 1, 4, 1, etc.

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