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Ilia Villalobos

HR Manager

Minera Escondida

I presented.

Dear Mrs. Villalobos

Along with to greet you attentively, the communist that I am interested in the vacancy of boss
shift mine offered in the newspaper "daily atacama" on June 12, 2018. I get in touch to put at your
disposal my skills and knowledge acquired in my training academic

I have 3 years of experience in mining, during which I always stood out for working in a team, in a
safe way. It is worth mentioning that I have a lot of experience in mining safety, having several
mining safety courses.

I must emphasize that your company is world class in copper production, which is why I would be
interested in joining. Waiting for the present letter to be of your liking and thus be able to
coordinate an interview to extend this information and make known more of my skills, greets you.

Best regards


Sara Richards Toledo

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