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2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay


BATANES 17,246

BASCO (Capital) 8,579

Ihubok II (Kayvaluganan) 2,344
Ihubok I (Kaychanarianan) 1,822
San Antonio 1,969
San Joaquin 384
Chanarian 360
Kayhuvokan 1,700

Raele 465
San Rafael (Idiang) 745
Santa Lucia (Kauhauhasan) 422
Santa Maria (Marapuy) 463
Santa Rosa (Kaynatuan) 772

IVANA 1,327
Radiwan 365
Salagao 349
San Vicente (Igang) 264
Tuhel (Pob.) 349

Hanib 365
Kaumbakan 425
Panatayan 449
Uvoy (Pob.) 316

Chavayan 157
Malakdang (Pob.) 234
Nakanmuan 142
Savidug 201
Sinakan (Pob.) 509
Sumnanga 378

Philippine Statistics Authority 1

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

UYUGAN 1,297
Kayvaluganan (Pob.) 339
Imnajbu 164
Itbud 482
Kayuganan (Pob.) 312

CAGAYAN 1,199,320

ABULUG 32,497
Alinunu 1,230
Bagu 1,765
Banguian 1,940
Calog Norte 902
Calog Sur 2,527
Canayun 1,327
Centro (Pob.) 2,395
Dana-Ili 1,317
Guiddam 3,317
Libertad 3,874
Lucban 2,800
Pinili 645
Santa Filomena 995
Santo Tomas 1,027
Siguiran 1,407
Simayung 1,363
Sirit 802
San Agustin 811
San Julian 680
Santa Rosa 1,373

ALCALA 38,883
Abbeg 799
Afusing Bato 379
Afusing Daga 2,970
Agani 1,206
Baculod 2,222

2 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Baybayog 2,043
Cabuluan 1,130
Calantac 2,865
Carallangan 999
Centro Norte (Pob.) 1,966
Centro Sur (Pob.) 2,795
Dalaoig 2,560
Damurog 1,119
Jurisdiction 1,393
Malalatan 1,131
Maraburab 1,165
Masin 1,134
Pagbangkeruan 679
Pared 593
Piggatan 1,544
Pinopoc 1,731
Pussian 1,213
San Esteban 1,308
Tamban 1,642
Tupang 2,297

Bessang 1,243
Binobongan 683
Bulo 1,171
Burot 914
Capagaran (Brigida) 955
Capalutan 700
Capanickian Norte 1,257
Capanickian Sur 1,696
Cataratan 2,040
Centro East (Pob.) 1,667
Centro West (Pob.) 2,040
Daan-Ili 1,702
Dagupan 1,420
Dalayap 596
Gagaddangan 199
Iringan 1,801

Philippine Statistics Authority 3

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Labben 1,754
Maluyo 1,607
Mapurao 1,669
Matucay 2,415
Nagattatan 1,523
Pacac 851
San Juan (Maguininango) 454
Silangan 584
Tamboli 869
Tubel 522
Utan 1,239

AMULUNG 47,860
Abolo 793
Agguirit 311
Alitungtung 453
Annabuculan 607
Annafatan 1,433
Anquiray 1,684
Babayuan 641
Baccuit 454
Bacring 613
Baculud 1,947
Balauini 891
Bauan 312
Bayabat 1,463
Calamagui 1,769
Calintaan 899
Caratacat 1,319
Casingsingan Norte 611
Casingsingan Sur 712
Catarauan 549
Centro 2,495
Concepcion 1,131
Cordova 1,558
Dadda 2,128
Dafunganay 101
Dugayung 1,370

4 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Estefania 2,456
Gabut 1,016
Gangauan 847
Goran 407
Jurisdiccion 763
La Suerte 993
Logung 613
Magogod 934
Manalo 1,162
Marobbob 925
Masical 1,722
Monte Alegre 1,209
Nabbialan 1,370
Nagsabaran 371
Nangalasauan 1,614
Nanuccauan 706
Pacac-Grande 849
Pacac-Pequeño 925
Palacu 190
Palayag 1,424
Tana 435
Unag 685

APARRI 65,649
Backiling 1,208
Bangag 1,716
Binalan 2,122
Bisagu 1,708
Centro 1 (Pob.) 911
Centro 2 (Pob.) 418
Centro 3 (Pob.) 58
Centro 4 (Pob.) 82
Centro 5 (Pob.) 149
Centro 6 (Pob.) 164
Centro 7 (Pob.) 279
Centro 8 (Pob.) 168
Centro 9 (Pob.) 1,043
Centro 10 (Pob.) 125

Philippine Statistics Authority 5

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Centro 11 (Pob.) 176

Centro 12 (Pob.) 95
Centro 13 (Pob.) 68
Centro 14 (Pob.) 273
Bukig 788
Bulala Norte 763
Bulala Sur 765
Caagaman 1,547
Centro 15 (Pob.) 12
Dodan 2,699
Fuga Island 2,015
Gaddang 2,893
Linao 1,747
Mabanguc 942
Macanaya (Pescaria) 5,561
Maura 7,115
Minanga 1,923
Navagan 900
Paddaya 3,769
Paruddun Norte 1,480
Paruddun Sur 1,123
Plaza 809
Punta 4,665
San Antonio 3,877
Tallungan 3,329
Toran 3,433
Sanja 1,620
Zinarag 1,111

BAGGAO 82,782
Adaoag 1,012
Agaman (Proper) 957
Alba 1,658
Annayatan 1,235
Asassi 2,245
Asinga-Via 2,168
Awallan 2,321
Bacagan 1,145

6 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Bagunot 1,244
Barsat East 1,258
Barsat West 1,062
Bitag Grande 3,000
Bitag Pequeño 1,623
Bunugan 1,289
Canagatan 484
Carupian 1,353
Catugay 877
Poblacion (Centro) 3,296
Dabbac Grande 718
Dalin 1,165
Dalla 1,602
Hacienda Intal 5,661
Ibulo 304
Imurong 3,824
J. Pallagao 879
Lasilat 1,287
Masical 1,408
Mocag 2,870
Nangalinan 1,612
Remus 2,671
San Antonio 442
San Francisco 2,241
San Isidro 937
San Jose 4,375
San Miguel 1,602
San Vicente 503
Santa Margarita 4,862
Santor 1,140
Taguing 2,190
Taguntungan 1,458
Tallang 3,113
Temblique 893
Taytay 1,400
Tungel 1,104
Mabini 1,100
Agaman Norte 1,610

Philippine Statistics Authority 7

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Agaman Sur 944

C. Verzosa (Valley Cove) 640

Ammubuan 1,550
Baran 830
Cabaritan East 1,801
Cabaritan West 2,844
Cabayu 922
Cabuluan East 1,115
Cabuluan West 1,269
Centro East (Pob.) 3,960
Centro West (Pob.) 2,075
Fugu 2,678
Mabuttal East 1,359
Mabuttal West 1,066
Nararagan 1,877
Palloc 1,788
Payagan East 1,755
Payagan West 606
San Juan 1,447
Santa Cruz 3,649
Zitanga 1,708

BUGUEY 30,175
Ballang 493
Balza 309
Cabaritan 874
Calamegatan 744
Centro (Pob.) 2,012
Centro West 675
Dalaya 841
Fula 832
Leron 1,549
Antiporda 624
Maddalero 1,652
Mala Este 379
Mala Weste 1,006

8 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Minanga Este 1,372

Paddaya Este 714
Pattao 3,295
Quinawegan 861
Remebella 670
San Isidro 971
Santa Isabel 924
Santa Maria 668
Tabbac 1,046
Villa Cielo 834
Alucao Weste (San Lorenzo) 934
Minanga Weste 1,608
Paddaya Weste 973
San Juan 380
San Vicente 1,325
Villa Gracia 858
Villa Leonora 752

CALAYAN 16,702
Cabudadan 888
Balatubat 1,673
Dadao 1,853
Dibay 1,854
Dilam 1,690
Magsidel 1,652
Naguilian 1,483
Poblacion 920
Babuyan Claro 1,571
Centro II 735
Dalupiri 472
Minabel 1,911

Abagao 401
Afunan Cabayu 494
Agusi 1,067
Alilinu 1,407
Baggao 622

Philippine Statistics Authority 9

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Bantay 907
Bulala 1,567
Casili Norte 1,145
Catotoran Norte 1,088
Centro Norte (Pob.) 1,127
Centro Sur (Pob.) 908
Cullit 541
Dacal-Lafugu 1,061
Dammang Norte (Joaquin de la Cruz) 715
Dugo 1,995
Fusina 711
Gang-ngo 1,311
Jurisdiction 653
Luec 376
Minanga 1,853
Paragat 209
Tagum 251
Tuluttuging 279
Ziminila 1,208
Casili Sur 645
Catotoran Sur 1,106
Dammang Sur (Felipe Tuzon) 249
Sapping 1,027

Alimoan 548
Bacsay Cataraoan Norte 343
Bacsay Mapulapula 437
Bilibigao 613
Buenavista 295
Cadcadir East 597
Capanikian 633
Centro I (Pob.) 1,804
Centro II (Pob.) 632
Culao 1,084
Dibalio 821
Kilkiling 944
Lablabig 374

10 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Luzon 470
Mabnang 538
Magdalena 856
Centro VII (Malasin East) 932
Malilitao 696
Centro VI (Minanga) 1,742
Nagsabaran 495
Centro IV (Nangasangan) 929
Pata East 1,063
Pinas 641
Santiago 354
Santo Tomas 402
Santa Maria (Surngot) 450
Tabbugan 487
Taggat Norte 1,192
Union 642
Bacsay Cataraoan Sur 510
Cadcadir West 620
Camalaggoan/D Leaño 360
Centro III 1,169
Centro V (Mina) 1,090
Centro VIII (Malasin West) 879
Pata West 1,004
San Antonio (Sayad/Bimekel) 308
San Isidro 261
San Vicente 340
Santo Niño (Barbarnis) 291
Taggat Sur 2,075

ENRILE 35,834
Alibago (Villa Maria) 2,032
Barangay I (Pob.) 1,019
Barangay II (Pob.) 2,695
Barangay III (San Roque) 2,540
Divisoria 2,331
Inga 1,192
Lanna 2,092
Lemu Norte 1,230

Philippine Statistics Authority 11

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Liwan Norte 2,687

Liwan Sur 1,111
Maddarulug Norte 1,282
Magalalag East 1,393
Maracuru 868
Barangay IV (Pob.) 1,116
Roma Norte 1,553
Barangay III-A 2,766
Batu 1,018
Lemu Sur 888
Maddarulug Sur 2,736
Magalalag West (San Nicolas) 1,233
Roma Sur 1,321
San Antonio 731

Abra 981
Aguiguican 1,699
Bangatan Ngagan 921
Baracaoit 3,120
Baraoidan 952
Barbarit 937
Basao 1,261
Cabayu 381
Calaoagan Bassit 1,232
Calaoagan Dackel 1,214
Capiddigan 634
Capissayan Norte 2,477
Capissayan Sur 1,143
Casicallan Sur 644
Casicallan Norte 801
Centro Norte (Pob.) 1,388
Centro Sur (Pob.) 1,911
Cullit 916
Cumao 1,335
Cunig 762
Dummun 1,266
Fugu 423

12 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Ganzano 720
Guising 1,106
Langgan 166
Lapogan 1,862
L. Adviento 855
Mabuno 3,380
Nabaccayan 1,805
Naddungan 1,530
Nagatutuan 548
Nassiping 1,090
Newagac 2,219
Palagao Norte 1,968
Palagao Sur 1,064
Piña Este 1,202
Piña Weste 1,462
San Vicente 1,528
Santa Maria 850
Sidem 420
Santa Ana 330
Tagumay 881
Takiki 564
Taligan 707
Tanglagan 1,409
T. Elizaga (Mabirbira) 256
Tubungan Este 339
Tubungan Weste 195
Bolos Point 841
San Carlos 966

GONZAGA 38,892
Amunitan 1,645
Batangan 1,894
Baua 2,155
Cabanbanan Norte 668
Cabanbanan Sur 549
Cabiraoan 3,519
Callao 327
Calayan 1,802

Philippine Statistics Authority 13

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Caroan 1,116
Casitan 870
Flourishing (Pob.) 1,874
Ipil 1,955
Isca 1,327
Magrafil 1,056
Minanga 1,614
Rebecca (Nagbabalacan) 985
Paradise (Pob.) 1,641
Pateng 1,094
Progressive (Pob.) 2,259
San Jose 1,481
Santa Clara 2,413
Santa Cruz 1,013
Santa Maria 1,418
Smart (Pob.) 1,352
Tapel 2,865

IGUIG 27,862
Ajat (Pob.) 1,399
Atulu 1,216
Baculud 1,696
Bayo 1,736
Campo 223
San Esteban (Capitan) 1,207
Dumpao 951
Gammad 1,860
Santa Teresa (Gammad Sur) 2,765
Garab 437
Malabbac 1,612
Manaoag (Aquiliquilao) 969
Minanga Norte 1,028
Minanga Sur 1,162
Nattanzan (Pob.) 1,549
Redondo 1,347
Salamague 1,473
San Isidro (Ugac West) 1,156
San Lorenzo 400

14 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Santa Barbara 1,502

Santa Rosa 683
Santiago 230
San Vicente (Ugac East) 1,261

LAL-LO 44,506
Abagao 394
Alaguia 1,088
Bagumbayan 2,128
Bangag 1,046
Bical 718
Bicud 715
Binag 777
Cabayabasan (Capacuan) 1,202
Cagoran 705
Cambong 1,157
Catayauan 3,694
Catugan 1,465
Centro (Pob.) 1,548
Cullit 912
Dagupan 1,074
Dalaya 1,009
Fabrica 438
Fusina 456
Jurisdiction 1,012
Lalafugan 1,409
Logac 2,232
Magallungon (Sta. Teresa) 870
Magapit 3,324
Malanao 1,271
Maxingal 2,316
Naguilian 1,411
Paranum 664
Rosario 202
San Antonio (Lafu) 782
San Jose 1,392
San Juan 785
San Lorenzo 1,272

Philippine Statistics Authority 15

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

San Mariano 1,521

Santa Maria 2,247
Tucalana 1,270

LASAM 39,135
Aggunetan 1,231
Alannay 2,042
Battalan 1,194
Calapangan Norte 869
Calapangan Sur 792
Callao Norte 929
Callao Sur 934
Cataliganan 396
Finugo Norte 445
Gabun 1,180
Ignacio Jurado (Finugu Sur) 1,657
Magsaysay 1,573
Malinta 1,162
Minanga Sur 837
Minanga Norte 484
Nicolas Agatep 912
Peru 1,803
Centro I (Pob.) 1,938
San Pedro 1,859
Sicalao 1,812
Tagao 442
Tucalan Passing 863
Viga 711
Cabatacan East (Duldugan) 1,811
Cabatacan West 1,787
Nabannagan East 1,390
Nabannagan West 2,726
Centro II (Pob.) 2,072
Centro III (Pob.) 2,038
New Orlins 1,246

Abanqueruan 938

16 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Allasitan 1,112
Bagu 2,229
Balingit 872
Bidduang 2,115
Cabaggan 723
Capalalian 734
Casitan 833
Centro (Pob.) 1,074
Curva 3,964
Gattu 391
Masi 1,998
Nagattatan 1,504
Nagtupacan 616
San Juan 698
Santa Cruz 2,532
Tabba 598
Tupanna 665

Aggugaddan 2,729
Alimanao 3,117
Baliuag 2,162
Bical 1,696
Bugatay 1,371
Buyun 965
Cabasan 1,098
Cabbo 1,803
Callao 1,554
Camasi 3,593
Centro (Pob.) 3,141
Dodan 3,739
Lapi 2,879
Malibabag 1,339
Manga 2,249
Minanga 1,875
Nabbabalayan 771
Nanguilattan 2,082
Nannarian 1,784

Philippine Statistics Authority 17

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Parabba 1,577
Patagueleg 790
Quibal 3,003
San Roque (Litto) 1,511
Sisim 1,756

PIAT 23,597
Apayao 870
Aquib 1,078
Dugayung 858
Gumarueng 2,074
Macapil 613
Maguilling 3,130
Minanga 938
Poblacion I 1,294
Santa Barbara 1,656
Santo Domingo 3,349
Sicatna 547
Villa Rey (San Gaspar) 1,028
Warat 736
Baung 1,372
Calaoagan 926
Catarauan 867
Poblacion II 1,509
Villa Reyno 752

RIZAL 17,994
Anagguan 728
Anurturu 153
Anungu 176
Balungcanag 830
Batu 626
Cambabangan 440
Capacuan 403
Dunggan 454
Duyun 1,068
Gaddangao 1,096
Gaggabutan East 837

18 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Illuru Norte 685

Lattut 767
Linno (Villa Cruz) 489
Liwan 397
Mabbang 510
Mauanan 891
Masi (Zinundungan) 686
Minanga 110
Nanauatan 400
Nanungaran 532
Pasingan 296
Poblacion 634
San Juan (Zinundungan) 654
Sinicking 453
Battut 485
Bural (Zinundungan) 683
Gaggabutan West 1,283
Illuru Sur 1,228

Bangan 1,938
Callungan 1,734
Centro I (Pob.) 2,462
Centro II (Pob.) 2,333
Dacal 743
Dagueray 727
Dammang 796
Kittag 247
Langagan 2,162
Magacan 851
Marzan 891
Masisit 1,712
Nagrangtayan 798
Namuac 3,372
San Andres 1,269
Santiago 480
Santor 992
Tokitok 1,034

Philippine Statistics Authority 19

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

SANTA ANA 32,906

Casagan 605
Casambalangan (Port Irene) 4,561
Centro (Pob.) 5,674
Diora-Zinungan 1,321
Dungeg 746
Kapanikian 658
Marede 1,390
Palawig 2,677
Batu-Parada 907
Patunungan 1,444
Rapuli (Punti) 2,884
San Vicente (Fort) 4,856
Santa Clara 916
Santa Cruz 837
Visitacion (Pob.) 1,359
Tangatan 2,071


Cadongdongan 563
Capacuan 530
Centro I (Pob.) 921
Centro II (Pob.) 810
Macatel 128
Portabaga 264
San Juan 488
San Miguel 189
Salungsong 157
Sicul 104


Alucao 1,512
Buyun 1,887
Centro East (Pob.) 1,803
Dungeg 623
Luga 1,629
Masi 1,188

20 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Mission 1,707
Simpatuyo 2,572
Villa 1,938
Aridawen 1,288
Caniugan 741
Centro West 1,541
Simbaluca 609


Abariongan Ruar 1,205
Abariongan Uneg 1,027
Balagan 513
Balanni 715
Cabayo 165
Calapangan 721
Calassitan 1,136
Campo 1,278
Centro Norte (Pob.) 2,808
Centro Sur (Pob.) 2,411
Dungao 1,290
Lattac 1,532
Lipatan 771
Lubo 1,099
Mabitbitnong 333
Mapitac 252
Masical 409
Matalao 914
Nag-uma 638
Namuccayan 1,054
Niug Norte 732
Niug Sur 708
Palusao 432
San Manuel 850
San Roque 52
Santa Felicitas 450
Santa Maria 326
Sidiran 539
Tabang 1,458

Philippine Statistics Authority 21

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Tamucco 649
Virginia 752

SOLANA 82,502
Andarayan North 2,398
Lannig 1,634
Bangag 4,200
Bantay 1,597
Basi East 1,747
Bauan East 2,156
Cadaanan 2,438
Calamagui 1,987
Carilucud 1,831
Cattaran 2,597
Centro Northeast (Pob.) 1,082
Centro Northwest (Pob.) 1,731
Centro Southeast (Pob.) 800
Centro Southwest (Pob.) 1,095
Lanna 3,835
Lingu 2,000
Maguirig 2,733
Nabbotuan 1,392
Nangalisan 2,824
Natappian East 2,038
Padul 1,836
Palao 1,437
Parug-parug 1,579
Pataya 504
Sampaguita 5,602
Maddarulug (Santo Domingo) 1,088
Ubong 1,474
Dassun 4,000
Furagui 1,701
Gadu 3,414
Iraga 4,265
Andarayan South 1,775
Basi West 2,181
Bauan West 2,585

22 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Calillauan 1,058
Gen. Eulogio Balao 1,604
Natappian West 2,663
Malalam-Malacabibi 1,621

TUAO 61,535
Accusilian 2,450
Alabiao 1,426
Alabug 3,229
Angang 1,101
Bagumbayan 4,084
Barancuag 1,308
Battung 2,359
Bicok 1,465
Bugnay 1,989
Balagao 3,649
Cagumitan 1,735
Cato 2,301
Culong 2,130
Dagupan 2,021
Fugu 1,838
Lakambini 1,065
Lallayug 2,368
Malumin 1,686
Mambacag 1,241
San Vicente (Maleg) 1,019
Mungo 4,709
Naruangan 2,135
Palca 1,770
Pata 2,207
San Juan 1,104
San Luis (Gurengad) 2,369
Santo Tomas 1,537
Taribubu 1,626
Villa Laida 956
Poblacion I (Ward I Centro) 945
Poblacion II (Ward II Centro) 829
Malalinta 884

Philippine Statistics Authority 23

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

TUGUEGARAO CITY (Capital) 153,502

Annafunan East 4,207
Atulayan Norte 3,578
Bagay 3,638
Centro 1 (Pob.) 1,158
Centro 4 (Pob.) 566
Centro 5 (Pob.) 1,126
Centro 6 (Pob.) 195
Centro 7 (Pob.) 262
Centro 8 (Pob.) 125
Centro 9 (Pob.) 969
Centro 10 (Pob.) 2,282
Centro 11 (Pob.) 2,990
Buntun 4,373
Caggay 7,261
Capatan 3,337
Carig 4,536
Caritan Norte 3,093
Caritan Sur 1,833
Cataggaman Nuevo 8,161
Cataggaman Viejo 4,246
Gosi Norte 1,016
Larion Alto 1,856
Larion Bajo 2,345
Libag Norte 2,384
Linao East 6,939
Nambbalan Norte 1,433
Pallua Norte 2,450
Pengue (Pengue-Ruyu) 5,629
Tagga 1,346
Tanza 5,665
Ugac Norte 9,615
Centro 2 (Pob.) 553
Centro 3 (Pob.) 339
Centro 12 (Pob.) 2,391
Annafunan West 3,310
Atulayan Sur 4,404

24 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Caritan Centro 4,872

Cataggaman Pardo 3,292
Dadda 1,167
Gosi Sur 1,297
Leonarda 2,503
Libag Sur 2,708
Linao Norte 3,005
Linao West 1,665
Nambbalan Sur 746
Pallua Sur 2,683
Reyes 2,267
San Gabriel 6,828
Ugac Sur 10,858

ISABELA 1,593,566

ALICIA 71,504
Amistad 1,786
Antonino (Pob.) 4,007
Apanay 1,328
Aurora 4,029
Bagnos 2,364
Bagong Sikat 803
Bantug-Petines 2,210
Bonifacio 953
Burgos 2,479
Calaocan (Pob.) 3,998
Callao 2,058
Dagupan 1,192
Inanama 1,191
Linglingay 2,734
M.H. del Pilar 4,014
Mabini 2,004
Magsaysay (Pob.) 1,144
Mataas na Kahoy 847
Paddad 5,616
Rizal 4,146

Philippine Statistics Authority 25

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Rizaluna 1,669
Salvacion 1,664
San Antonio (Pob.) 2,100
San Fernando 1,530
San Francisco 1,383
San Juan 1,781
San Pablo 1,014
San Pedro 2,202
Santa Cruz 2,046
Santa Maria 696
Santo Domingo 1,589
Santo Tomas 2,060
Victoria 1,817
Zamora 1,050

Allangigan 667
Aniog 1,050
Baniket 466
Bannawag 505
Bantug 463
Barangcuag 786
Baui 374
Bonifacio 439
Buenavista 1,026
Bunnay 631
Calabayan-Minanga 1,802
Calaccab 1,246
Calaocan 863
Kalusutan 244
Campanario 286
Canangan 706
Centro I (Pob.) 1,437
Centro II (Pob.) 1,828
Centro III (Pob.) 1,104
Consular 578
Cumu 964
Dalakip 785

26 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Dalenat 1,513
Dipaluda 571
Duroc 598
Lourdes (El Escaño) 752
Esperanza 288
Fugaru 927
Liwliwa 319
Ingud Norte 753
Ingud Sur 455
La Suerte 2,062
Lomboy 485
Loria 1,231
Mabuhay 575
Macalauat 705
Macaniao 610
Malannao 235
Malasin 292
Mangandingay 356
Minanga Proper 769
Pappat 542
Pissay 464
Ramona 710
Rancho Bassit 479
Rang-ayan 1,021
Salay 661
San Ambrocio 450
San Guillermo 214
San Isidro 531
San Marcelo 501
San Roque 509
San Vicente 538
Santo Niño 684
Saranay 240
Sinabbaran 361
Victory 396
Viga 1,775
Villa Domingo 1,239

Philippine Statistics Authority 27

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

AURORA 35,017
Apiat 568
Bagnos 1,599
Bagong Tanza 2,622
Ballesteros 1,298
Bannagao 1,154
Bannawag 337
Bolinao 1,369
Caipilan 743
Camarunggayan 805
Dalig-Kalinga 1,071
Diamantina 976
Divisoria 556
Esperanza East 1,205
Esperanza West 952
Kalabaza 1,867
Rizaluna (Lapuz) 880
Macatal 907
Malasin 1,698
Nampicuan 859
Villa Nuesa 280
Panecien 402
San Andres 579
San Jose (Pob.) 484
San Rafael 572
San Ramon 1,045
Santa Rita 2,050
Santa Rosa 966
Saranay 535
Sili 814
Victoria 565
Villa Fugu 1,006
San Juan (Pob.) 1,718
San Pedro-San Pablo (Pob.) 2,535


Andabuen 2,730
Ara 625

28 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Binogtungan 285
Capuseran (Capurocan) 919
Dagupan 305
Danipa 683
District II (Pob.) 2,080
Gomez 715
Guilingan 576
La Salette 543
Makindol 550
Maluno Norte 1,153
Maluno Sur 1,305
Nacalma 965
New Magsaysay 814
District I (Pob.) 3,495
Punit 849
San Carlos 406
San Francisco 549
Santa Cruz 1,133
Sevillana 295
Sinipit 459
Lucban 439
Villaluz 2,218
Yeban Norte 2,238
Yeban Sur 1,584
Santiago 412
Placer 544
Balliao 755

BURGOS 23,784
Bacnor East 952
Bacnor West 1,351
Caliguian (Pob.) 6,433
Catabban 1,626
Cullalabo Del Norte 1,349
Cullalabo San Antonio 3,103
Cullalabo Del Sur 1,126
Dalig 1,128
Malasin 1,222

Philippine Statistics Authority 29

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Masigun 464
Raniag 700
San Bonifacio 1,285
San Miguel 1,395
San Roque 1,650

CABAGAN 50,174
Aggub 1,714
Anao 3,460
Angancasilian 1,155
Balasig 2,163
Cansan 1,448
Casibarag Norte 3,543
Casibarag Sur 2,883
Catabayungan 4,745
Cubag 2,528
Garita 801
Luquilu 2,261
Mabangug 489
Magassi 2,410
Ngarag 1,162
Pilig Abajo 926
Pilig Alto 1,480
Centro (Pob.) 1,134
San Bernardo 2,369
San Juan 2,246
Saui 509
Tallag 1,952
Ugad 2,434
Union 785
Masipi East 2,120
Masipi West 1,767
San Antonio 1,690

Rang-ay (Caggong) 1,878
Calaocan 1,410
Canan 1,921

30 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Centro (Pob.) 1,311

Culing Centro 527
Culing East 437
Culing West 977
Del Corpuz 717
Del Pilar 2,003
Diamantina 2,817
La Paz 4,299
Luzon 1,950
Macalaoat 1,148
Magdalena 2,159
Magsaysay 703
Namnama 1,797
Nueva Era 1,685
Paraiso 1,126
Sampaloc 2,974
San Andres (Teodoro Abad) 2,018
Saranay 3,704
Tandul 1,852


Alicaocao 1,564
Alinam 1,167
Amobocan 1,151
Andarayan 426
Baculod 1,679
Baringin Norte 231
Baringin Sur 1,118
Buena Suerte 1,126
Bugallon 553
Buyon 1,255
Cabaruan 7,150
Cabugao 782
Carabatan Chica 617
Carabatan Grande 291
Carabatan Punta 475
Carabatan Bacareno 243
Casalatan 644

Philippine Statistics Authority 31

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

San Pablo (Casap Hacienda) 1,736

Cassap Fuera 111
Catalina 106
Culalabat 898
Dabburab 1,117
De Vera 822
Dianao 675
Disimuray 1,052
District I (Pob.) 10,662
District II (Pob.) 1,817
District III (Pob.) 5,465
Duminit 1,514
Faustino (Sipay) 1,442
Gagabutan 492
Gappal 2,616
Guayabal 1,275
Labinab 2,161
Linglingay 724
Mabantad 1,192
Maligaya 2,273
Manaoag 1,666
Marabulig I 3,993
Marabulig II 1,713
Minante I 6,276
Minante II 2,642
Nagcampegan 307
Naganacan 1,338
Nagrumbuan 3,693
Nungnungan I 1,989
Nungnungan II 943
Pinoma 3,606
Rizal 650
Rogus 1,528
San Antonio 2,988
San Fermin 10,856
San Francisco 2,322
San Isidro 1,120
San Luis 2,367

32 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Santa Luciana (Daburab 2) 2,013

Santa Maria 905
Sillawit 2,885
Sinippil 306
Tagaran 4,271
Turayong 3,198
Union 1,407
Villa Concepcion 3,647
Villa Luna 1,863
Villaflor 409

CORDON 42,926
Aguinaldo (Rizaluna Este) 909
Calimaturod 393
Capirpiriwan 3,775
Caquilingan (San Luis) 2,604
Dallao 2,111
Gayong 2,315
Laurel (Centro Norte) 1,109
Magsaysay (Centro Sur Oeste) 514
Malapat 2,071
Osmena (Centro Sur Este) 1,091
Quezon (Centro Norte Este) 921
Quirino (Manasin) 2,164
Rizaluna (Rizaluna Oeste) 2,646
Roxas Pob. (Centro Sur) 941
Sagat 1,813
San Juan (San Juan Este) 669
Taliktik 1,600
Tanggal 1,027
Tarinsing 1,448
Turod Norte 1,230
Turod Sur 3,811
Villamiemban 788
Villamarzo 1,885
Anonang (Balitoc) 1,692
Camarao 938
Wigan 2,461

Philippine Statistics Authority 33

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Ayod 242
Bucal Sur 729
Bucal Norte 234
Dibulo 1,135
Digumased (Pob.) 2,396
Dimaluade 269

Dicambangan 349
Dicaroyan 333
Dicatian 392
Bicobian 688
Dilakit 436
Dimapnat 1,072
Dimapula (Pob.) 930
Dimasalansan 344
Dipudo 319
Dibulos 206
Ditarum 337
Sapinit 281

ECHAGUE 79,094
Angoluan 786
Annafunan 2,466
Arabiat 1,309
Aromin 929
Babaran 1,391
Bacradal 397
Benguet 486
Buneg 1,304
Busilelao 1,030
Caniguing 725
Carulay 1,176
Castillo 1,057
Dammang East 1,233
Dammang West 1,403

34 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Dicaraoyan 410
Dugayong 717
Fugu 1,000
Garit Norte 1,185
Garit Sur 604
Gucab 2,710
Gumbauan 1,946
Ipil 2,168
Libertad 1,846
Mabbayad 708
Mabuhay 699
Madadamian 888
Magleticia 641
Malibago 1,538
Maligaya 2,196
Malitao 1,731
Narra 2,072
Nilumisu 1,001
Pag-asa 1,664
Pangal Norte 1,467
Pangal Sur 1,324
Rumang-ay 537
Salay 816
Salvacion 709
San Antonio Ugad 618
San Antonio Minit 971
San Carlos 1,086
San Fabian 3,363
San Felipe 1,337
San Juan 1,103
San Manuel 1,308
San Miguel 669
San Salvador 581
Santa Ana 916
Santa Cruz 636
Santa Maria 1,240
Santa Monica 948
Santo Domingo 1,285

Philippine Statistics Authority 35

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Silauan Sur (Pob.) 1,730

Silauan Norte (Pob.) 1,665
Sinabbaran 1,342
Soyung 2,875
Taggappan 1,774
Tuguegarao 2,168
Villa Campo 871
Villa Fermin 980
Villa Rey 501
Villa Victoria 390
Cabugao (Pob.) 1,752
Diasan 716

GAMU 29,904
Barcolan 940
Buenavista 999
Dammao 623
Furao 2,522
Guibang 2,802
Lenzon 1,001
Linglingay 1,345
Mabini 4,608
Pintor 1,366
District I (Pob.) 969
District II (Pob.) 1,984
District III (Pob.) 2,704
Rizal 366
Songsong 1,514
Union 1,065
Upi 5,096

ILAGAN CITY (Capital) 1 145,568

Cabeseria 27 (Abuan) 897
Aggasian 3,629
Alibagu 6,928
Allinguigan 1st 1,896
Allinguigan 2nd 2,914
Allinguigan 3rd 1,229

36 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Arusip 919
Baculod (Pob.) 4,090
Bagumbayan (Pob.) 2,286
Baligatan 2,104
Ballacong 764
Bangag 1,219
Cabeseria 5 (Baribad) 832
Batong-Labang 2,314
Bigao 1,590
Cabeseria 4 (San Manuel) 604
Cabannungan 1st 756
Cabannungan 2nd 1,822
Cabeseria 6 & 24 (Villa Marcos) 1,126
Cabeseria 19 (Villa Suerte) 818
Cabeseria 25 (Sta. Lucia) 995
Cabeseria 3 (San Fernando) 851
Cabeseria 23 (San Francisco) 943
Cadu 562
Calamagui 1st 3,619
Calamagui 2nd 3,109
Camunatan 922
Capellan 2,942
Capo 992
Cabeseria 9 and 11 (Capogotan) 1,431
Carikkikan Norte 457
Carikkikan Sur 173
Cabeseria 14 and 16 (Casilagan) 2,530
Cabeseria 2 (Dappat) 1,125
Fugu 1,582
Fuyo 850
Gayong-Gayong Norte 792
Gayong-Gayong Sur 1,204
Guinatan 1,654
Lullutan 2,340
Cabeseria 10 (Lapigui) 1,960
Malalam 1,839
Malasin (Angeles) 1,251
Manaring 2,399

Philippine Statistics Authority 37

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Mangcuram 973
Villa Imelda (Maplas) 1,095
Marana I 1,551
Marana II 582
Marana III 619
Minabang 1,505
Morado 972
Naguilian Norte 2,808
Naguilian Sur 1,231
Namnama 1,095
Nanaguan 477
Cabeseria 7 (Nangalisan) 810
Osmeña (Sinippil) 3,347
Paliueg 1,449
Pasa 1,021
Pilar 819
Quimalabasa 368
Rang-ayan (Bintacan) 1,353
Rugao 1,211
Cabeseria 22 (Sablang) 914
Salindingan 1,312
San Andres (Angarilla) 1,072
Centro - San Antonio 4,143
San Felipe 996
San Ignacio (Canapi) 2,923
San Isidro 1,415
San Juan 1,906
San Lorenzo 1,187
San Pablo 362
Cabeseria 17 and 21 (San Rafael) 1,235
San Vicente (Pob.) 2,439
Santa Barbara (Pob.) 1,102
Santa Catalina 891
Santa Isabel Norte 2,296
Santa Isabel Sur 4,612
Santa Victoria 1,561
Santo Tomas 893
Siffu 1,482

38 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Sindon Bayabo 2,132

Sindon Maride 688
Sipay 645
Tangcul 1,154
Centro Poblacion 497
Bagong Silang 578
Imelda Bliss Village 6,135
San Rodrigo 1,221
Santa Maria (Cabeseria 8) 1,232

JONES 45,666
Abulan 1,026
Addalam 541
Arubub 454
Bannawag 604
Bantay 274
Barangay I (Pob.) 2,296
Barangay II (Pob.) 3,345
Barangcuag 509
Dalibubon 1,049
Daligan 851
Diarao 1,690
Dibuluan 2,114
Dicamay I 1,318
Dicamay II 1,477
Dipangit 563
Disimpit 561
Divinan 765
Dumawing 1,126
Fugu 1,339
Lacab 678
Linamanan 875
Linomot 1,893
Malannit 1,010
Minuri 2,601
Namnama 847
Napaliong 1,652
Palagao 531

Philippine Statistics Authority 39

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Papan Este 736

Papan Weste 349
Payac 1,427
Pongpongan 495
San Antonio 749
San Isidro 1,145
San Jose 441
San Roque 235
San Sebastian 878
San Vicente 2,309
Santa Isabel 576
Santo Domingo 1,427
Tupax 588
Usol 1,725
Villa Bello 597

LUNA 19,326
Bustamante 940
Centro 1 (Pob.) 764
Centro 2 (Pob.) 1,562
Centro 3 (Pob.) 646
Concepcion 754
Dadap 1,113
Harana 1,528
Lalog 1 1,277
Lalog 2 776
Luyao 527
Macañao 875
Macugay 392
Mambabanga 2,344
Pulay 1,021
Puroc 1,323
San Isidro 361
San Miguel 1,397
Santo Domingo 1,263
Union Kalinga 463


40 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Diana 165
Eleonor (Pob.) 244
Fely (Pob.) 813
Lita (Pob.) 292
Reina Mercedes 646
Minanga 535
Malasin 558
Canadam 227
Aplaya 338
Santa Marina (Dianggo) 435


Aga 897
Andarayan 1,310
Aneg 1,555
Bayabo 987
Calinaoan Sur 445
Capitol 797
Carmencita 1,355
Concepcion 408
Maui 794
Quibal 427
Ragan Almacen 314
Ragan Norte 599
Ragan Sur (Pob.) 1,809
Rizal (Ragan Almacen Alto) 1,379
San Andres 505
San Antonio 2,977
San Isidro 533
San Jose 1,050
San Juan 1,790
San Macario 552
San Nicolas (Fusi) 803
San Patricio 535
San Roque 324
Santo Rosario 837
Santor 742
Villa Luz 966

Philippine Statistics Authority 41

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Villa Pereda 759

Visitacion 478
Caloocan 687

MALLIG 30,459
San Pedro (Barucbuc Sur) 1,388
Binmonton 1,737
Casili 1,277
Centro I (Pob.) 2,015
Holy Friday 1,727
Maligaya 2,336
Manano 1,947
Olango 2,129
Centro II (Pob.) 1,280
Rang-ayan 1,616
San Jose Norte I 2,244
San Jose Sur 1,911
Siempre Viva Norte 1,972
Trinidad 449
Victoria 1,049
San Jose Norte II 2,301
San Ramon 806
Siempre Viva Sur 2,275

Aguinaldo 343
Bagong Sikat 752
Burgos 1,984
Cabaruan 1,539
Flores 912
La Union 785
Magsaysay (Pob.) 2,846
Manaring 289
Mansibang 697
Minallo 2,742
Minanga 1,487
Palattao 2,473
Quezon (Pob.) 1,567

42 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Quinalabasa 613
Quirino (Pob.) 2,259
Rangayan 750
Rizal 421
Roxas (Pob.) 1,928
San Manuel 2,300
Santo Tomas 701
Sunlife 578
Surcoc 1,542
Tomines 323
Villa Paz 1,521
Santa Victoria (Villa Capuchino) 550

PALANAN 17,260
Bisag 864
Dialaoyao 1,080
Dicadyuan 785
Didiyan 1,544
Dimalicu-licu 448
Dimasari 779
Dimatican 862
Maligaya 1,748
Marikit 761
Dicabisagan East (Pob.) 1,105
Dicabisagan West (Pob.) 2,336
Santa Jacinta 883
Villa Robles 809
Culasi 1,219
Alomanay 657
Diddadungan 580
San Isidro 800

QUEZON 25,860
Abut 2,568
Alunan (Pob.) 1,406
Arellano (Pob.) 2,877
Aurora 444
Barucboc Norte 3,303

Philippine Statistics Authority 43

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Estrada 751
Santos (Pob.) 3,192
Lepanto 1,624
Mangga 822
Minagbag 3,326
Samonte (Pob.) 1,865
Turod 915
Dunmon 606
Calangigan (Calamagui) 729
San Juan 1,432

QUIRINO 24,501
Binarzang 1,041
Cabaruan 530
Camaal 1,343
Dolores 1,334
Luna 1,960
Manaoag 878
Rizal 853
San Isidro 400
San Jose 870
San Juan 2,199
San Mateo 1,554
San Vicente 790
Santa Catalina 871
Santa Lucia (Pob.) 2,098
Santiago 1,774
Santo Domingo 2,745
Sinait 443
Suerte 715
Villa Bulusan 372
Villa Miguel (Ugak) 741
Vintar 990

RAMON 52,707
Ambatali 3,537
Bantug 1,211
Bugallon Norte 5,344

44 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Burgos 2,820
Nagbacalan 1,404
Oscariz 3,345
Pabil 841
Pagrang-ayan 2,183
Planas 2,819
Purok ni Bulan 656
Raniag 5,337
San Antonio 1,873
San Miguel 4,884
San Sebastian 1,453
Villa Beltran 879
Villa Carmen 1,435
Villa Marcos 902
General Aguinaldo 4,747
Bugallon Proper (Pob.) 7,037


Banquero 2,392
Binarsang 431
Cutog Grande 1,029
Cutog Pequeño 548
Dangan 2,854
District I (Pob.) 1,378
District II (Pob.) 2,034
Labinab Grande (Pob.) 927
Labinab Pequeño (Pob.) 1,161
Mallalatang Grande 631
Mallalatang Tunggui 742
Napaccu Grande 1,167
Napaccu Pequeño 1,447
Salucong 475
Santor 1,401
Sinippil 1,302
Tallungan (Pob.) 1,894
Turod 2,907
Villador 1,184
Santiago 1,094

Philippine Statistics Authority 45

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

ROXAS 61,773
Anao 833
Imbiao 1,627
Lanting 1,195
Lucban 811
Marcos 1,431
Masigun 858
Rizal (Pob.) 6,026
Vira (Pob.) 3,546
Bantug (Pob.) 5,834
Luna (Pob.) 1,666
Quiling 1,443
Rang-ayan 1,283
San Antonio 3,454
San Jose 1,448
San Pedro 1,300
San Placido 3,121
San Rafael 3,694
Simimbaan 3,114
Sinamar 1,640
Sotero Nuesa 6,139
Villa Concepcion 1,206
Matusalem 2,342
Muñoz East 2,077
Muñoz West 3,623
Doña Concha 661
San Luis 1,401


Bautista 1,226
Calaocan 525
Dabubu Grande 1,396
Dabubu Pequeño 554
Dappig 555
Laoag 1,100
Mapalad 1,670
Masaya Centro (Pob.) 1,585

46 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Masaya Norte 1,211

Masaya Sur 2,499
Nemmatan 616
Palacian 1,391
Panang 875
Quimalabasa Norte 654
Quimalabasa Sur 509
Rang-ay 413
Salay 1,189
San Antonio 594
Santo Niño 1,480
Santos 555
Sinaoangan Norte 613
Sinaoangan Sur 609
Virgoneza 1,061


Anonang 481
Aringay 458
Centro 1 (Pob.) 2,518
Centro 2 (Pob.) 2,332
Colorado 1,130
Dietban 744
Dingading 992
Dipacamo 822
Estrella 456
Guam 1,059
Nakar 760
Palawan 486
Progreso 575
Rizal 1,429
San Francisco Sur 400
San Mariano Norte 249
San Mariano Sur 644
Sinalugan 657
Villa Remedios 288
Villa Rose 726
Villa Sanchez 559

Philippine Statistics Authority 47

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Villa Teresita 370

Burgos 912
San Francisco Norte 514
Calaoagan 411
San Rafael 228


Camarag 1,672
Cebu 2,753
Gomez 2,517
Gud 1,607
Nagbukel 1,790
Patanad 732
Quezon 3,499
Ramos East 1,563
Ramos West 1,891
Rizal East (Pob.) 1,948
Rizal West (Pob.) 973
Victoria 1,785
Villaflor 2,131


Agliam 393
Babanuang 2,757
Cabaritan 808
Caraniogan 877
Eden 2,143
Malalinta 1,797
Mararigue 1,486
Nueva Era 1,952
Pisang 660
District 1 (Pob.) 2,839
District 2 (Pob.) 2,420
District 3 (Pob.) 2,710
District 4 (Pob.) 2,264
San Francisco 585
Sandiat Centro 1,704
Sandiat East 1,247

48 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Sandiat West 2,165

Santa Cruz 1,729
Villanueva 1,360


Alibadabad 2,001
Binatug 2,003
Bitabian 1,948
Buyasan 722
Cadsalan 1,486
Casala 1,507
Cataguing 1,810
Daragutan East 1,326
Daragutan West 1,740
Del Pilar 1,623
Dibuluan 1,505
Dicamay 1,918
Dipusu 764
Disulap 2,412
Disusuan 580
Gangalan 1,649
Ibujan 814
Libertad 1,122
Macayucayu 748
Mallabo 838
Marannao 1,012
Minanga 4,114
Old San Mariano 2,164
Palutan 1,011
Panninan 682
Zone I (Pob.) 1,584
Zone II (Pob.) 2,345
Zone III (Pob.) 3,394
San Jose 2,331
San Pablo 856
San Pedro 527
Santa Filomina 2,271
Tappa 944

Philippine Statistics Authority 49

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Ueg 1,944
Zamora 417
Balagan 1,258

SAN MATEO 64,505

Bacareña 926
Bagong Sikat 2,358
Bella Luz 1,411
Daramuangan Sur 1,475
Estrella 1,538
Gaddanan 2,312
Malasin 2,393
Mapuroc 682
Marasat Grande 1,261
Marasat Pequeño 2,012
Old Centro I 2,002
Old Centro II 1,025
Barangay I (Pob.) 1,851
Barangay II (Pob.) 2,011
Barangay III (Pob.) 2,197
Barangay IV (Pob.) 3,130
Salinungan East 2,742
Salinungan West 5,450
San Andres 1,053
San Antonio 1,137
San Ignacio 1,068
San Manuel 1,727
San Marcos 1,622
San Roque 1,115
Sinamar Norte 4,549
Sinamar Sur 2,056
Victoria 4,944
Villafuerte 2,021
Villa Cruz 1,327
Villa Magat 1,059
Villa Gamiao (Buyon) 793
Dagupan 1,302
Daramuangan Norte 1,956

50 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

SAN PABLO 25,384

Annanuman 1,080
Auitan 1,287
Ballacayu 2,242
Binguang 2,443
Bungad 1,918
Dalena 2,069
Caddangan/Limbauan 1,614
Calamagui 1,387
Caralucud 571
Guminga 607
Minanga Norte 1,090
Minanga Sur 1,300
San Jose 1,402
Poblacion 890
Simanu Norte 2,360
Simanu Sur 883
Tupa (San Vicente) 2,241


Bangad 2,760
Buenavista 784
Calamagui North 1,443
Calamagui East 934
Calamagui West 935
Divisoria 963
Lingaling 1,108
Mozzozzin Sur 1,721
Mozzozzin North 1,201
Naganacan 2,018
Poblacion 1 1,586
Poblacion 2 598
Poblacion 3 2,144
Quinagabian 1,262
San Antonio 1,371
San Isidro East 1,160
San Isidro West 1,072

Philippine Statistics Authority 51

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

San Rafael West 763

San Rafael East 623
Villabuena 936


Abra 1,756
Ambalatungan 1,547
Balintocatoc 3,777
Baluarte 5,225
Bannawag Norte 1,436
Batal 8,461
Buenavista 4,010
Cabulay 3,320
Calao East (Pob.) 3,259
Calao West (Pob.) 1,411
Calaocan 6,496
Villa Gonzaga 1,723
Centro East (Pob.) 1,223
Centro West (Pob.) 1,185
Divisoria 4,373
Dubinan East 1,888
Dubinan West 3,103
Luna 1,100
Mabini 6,223
Malvar 3,508
Nabbuan 3,417
Naggasican 5,560
Patul 5,459
Plaridel 6,245
Rizal 13,803
Rosario 11,441
Sagana 4,473
Salvador 1,991
San Andres 1,747
San Isidro 1,050
San Jose 1,195
Sinili 1,469
Sinsayon 3,172

52 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Santa Rosa 703

Victory Norte 4,707
Victory Sur 2,348
Villasis 1,026


Ammugauan 571
Antagan 491
Bagabag 798
Bagutari 1,235
Balelleng 1,791
Barumbong 1,198
Bubug 1,185
Bolinao-Culalabo 1,612
Cañogan Abajo Norte 588
Calinaoan Centro 703
Calinaoan Malasin 442
Calinaoan Norte 587
Cañogan Abajo Sur 773
Cañogan Alto 742
Centro 2,728
Colunguan 1,184
Malapagay 347
San Rafael Abajo 590
San Rafael Alto 630
San Roque 1,026
San Vicente 1,238
Uauang-Tuliao 165
Uauang-Galicia 0
Biga Occidental 744
Biga Oriental 665
Calanigan Norte 445
Calanigan Sur 527

Annafunan 1,754
Antagan I 3,004
Antagan II 1,537

Philippine Statistics Authority 53

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Arcon 2,178
Balug 1,202
Banig 995
Bantug 1,053
Bayabo East 1,468
Caligayan 1,763
Camasi 2,390
Carpentero 1,055
Compania 1,254
Cumabao 2,404
Fugu Abajo 1,133
Fugu Norte 805
Fugu Sur 156
Fermeldy (Hcda. San Francisco) 2,244
Lalauanan 784
Lanna 3,135
Lapogan 2,504
Lingaling 1,387
Liwanag 1,810
Santa Visitacion (Maggayu) 1,091
Malamag East 1,037
Malamag West 1,176
Maligaya 2,464
Minanga 1,360
Namnama 1,384
Paragu 1,240
Pilitan 1,683
Barangay District 1 (Pob.) 844
Barangay District 2 (Pob.) 700
Barangay District 3 (Pob.) 1,156
Barangay District 4 (Pob.) 974
San Mateo 2,539
San Pedro 2,868
San Vicente 1,321
Santa 1,159
Santa Catalina 772
Santo Niño 1,314
Sinippil 242

54 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Sisim Abajo 147

Sisim Alto 1,070
Tunggui 737
Ugad 2,836
Moldero 1,521

Converted into a city under Republic Act No. 10169; ratified on August 11, 2012.


Ammueg 2,110
Camandag a 1,540
Labang 1,826
Napo 1,760
Poblacion 2,758
Salingsingan 1,366
Tiblac 2,123
Dulli 1,767

ARITAO 37,225
Banganan 2,788
Beti 2,033
Bone North 2,337
Bone South 3,866
Calitlitan 2,030
Comon 3,831
Cutar 1,956
Darapidap 2,151
Kirang 2,525
Nagcuartelan 1,189
Poblacion 4,030
Santa Clara 1,100
Tabueng 610
Tucanon 1,226
Anayo 522
Baan 525

Philippine Statistics Authority 55

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Balite 684
Canabuan 721
Canarem 919
Latar-Nocnoc-San Francisco 509
Ocao-Capiniaan 888
Yaway 785

BAGABAG 35,501
Bakir 1,008
Baretbet 4,846
Careb 2,241
Lantap 2,593
Murong 2,711
Nangalisan 1,297
Paniki 1,858
Pogonsino 1,656
San Geronimo (Pob.) 1,546
San Pedro (Pob.) 2,171
Santa Cruz 931
Santa Lucia 2,635
Tuao North 1,717
Villa Coloma (Pob.) 2,739
Quirino (Pob.) 1,526
Villaros 1,629
Tuao South 2,397

BAMBANG 53,433
Abian 1,890
Abinganan 1,151
Aliaga 1,846
Almaguer North 2,148
Almaguer South 1,953
Banggot (Pob.) 4,405
Barat 1,819
Buag (Pob.) 3,688
Calaocan (Pob.) 3,336
Dullao 1,355
Homestead 3,555

56 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Indiana 2,059
Mabuslo 2,720
Macate 1,548
Manamtam 855
Mauan 1,115
Salinas 2,840
San Antonio North 1,992
San Antonio South 1,609
San Fernando 2,395
San Leonardo 1,907
Santo Domingo (Tabangan) 3,206
Pallas 1,153
Magsaysay Hills 1,679
Santo Domingo West 1,209

BAYOMBONG (Capital) 61,512

Bonfal East 2,547
Bonfal Proper 4,793
Bonfal West 4,484
Buenavista (Vista Hills) 2,943
Busilac 3,101
Casat 1,688
La Torre North 1,865
Magapuy 1,104
Magsaysay 4,721
Masoc 3,357
Paitan 1,762
Don Domingo Maddela Pob. (District I) 1,335
Don Tomas Maddela Pob. (District II) 1,050
District III Pob. (Don M. Perez) 2,215
District IV (Pob.) 3,424
Bansing 920
Cabuaan 1,003
Don Mariano Marcos 2,230
Ipil-Cuneg 582
La Torre South 2,136
Luyang 1,231
Salvacion 4,394

Philippine Statistics Authority 57

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

San Nicolas North (Luyang) 2,290

Santa Rosa 2,443
Vista Alegre (B. Baringin) 3,894

DIADI 18,122
Arwas 814
Balete 1,314
Bugnay 1,334
Decabacan 703
Duruarog 924
Escoting 983
Nagsabaran 1,276
Namamparan 1,321
Pinya 665
Poblacion 3,320
Ampakling 759
Butao 1,076
Langca 259
Lurad 526
Rosario 313
San Luis 580
San Pablo 829
Villa Aurora 457
Villa Florentino 669


Belance 2,748
Bulala 721
Inaban 2,042
Ineangan 3,357
Lamo 1,660
Mabasa 2,319
Malasin (Pob.) 3,972
Munguia 1,032
Oyao 2,215
New Gumiad 324
Yabbi 549
Binnuangan 1,846

58 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Bitnong 2,641
Macabenga 1,307
Parai 781


Abaca 571
Banila 728
Carolotan 1,016
Gabut 1,268
Ganao (Lingad) 1,045
Lukidnon 369
Mangayang 2,140
Palabotan 1,083
Biruk 926
Bagumbayan 788
Balsain 609
Canabay 1,039
Domang 1,449
Dopaj 1,722
Kimbutan 1,240
Kinabuan 1,059
Sanguit 1,033
Santa Maria 555
Talbek 471

KASIBU 37,705
Antutot 1,469
Alimit 1,057
Poblacion (Alloy) 2,092
Bilet 420
Binogawan 799
Bua 1,422
Biyoy 1,906
Capisaan 1,046
Cordon 1,274
Didipio 3,233
Dine 997
Kakiduguen 817

Philippine Statistics Authority 59

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Lupa 1,048
Macalong 1,552
Malabing 755
Muta 1,927
Pao 1,170
Papaya 1,195
Pudi 1,361
Tokod 304
Seguem 801
Tadji 844
Wangal 1,091
Watwat 1,319
Camamasi 429
Catarawan 804
Nantawacan 1,703
Alloy 1,167
Kongkong 2,401
Pacquet (Ilongot Res.) 1,302

KAYAPA 23,714
Acacia 865
Amilong Labeng 224
Ansipsip 204
Baan 847
Babadi 1,135
Balangabang 529
Banao 753
Binalian 746
Besong 921
Cabalatan-Alang 181
Cabanglasan 676
Kayapa Proper East 252
Kayapa Proper West 1,239
Mapayao 1,775
Nansiakan 1,635
Pampang (Pob.) 987
Pangawan 632
Pinayag 2,004

60 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Pingkian 1,508
San Fabian 825
Talecabcab 333
Tubongan 629
Alang-Salacsac 590
Balete 674
Buyasyas 406
Cabayo 725
Castillo Village 567
Latbang 880
Lawigan 580
Tidang Village 392

QUEZON 21,056
Aurora 1,578
Baresbes 1,419
Buliwao 2,723
Bonifacio 855
Calaocan 1,090
Caliat (Pob.) 1,875
Darubba 1,581
Maddiangat 2,353
Nalubbunan 1,604
Runruno 3,771
Maasin 953
Dagupan 1,254

SANTA FE 16,180
Bacneng 1,428
Baliling 1,980
Bantinan 1,310
Baracbac 693
Buyasyas 921
Imugan 751
Poblacion 1,084
Sinapaoan 1,087
Tactac 1,274
Villa Flores 2,077

Philippine Statistics Authority 61

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Atbu 448
Balete 716
Canabuan 1,650
Malico 226
Santa Rosa 209
Unib 326

SOLANO 59,517
Aggub 2,881
Bangaan 1,185
Bangar 1,112
Bascaran 3,388
Curifang 3,756
Dadap 993
Lactawan 1,354
Osmeña 5,343
Poblacion North 1,085
Poblacion South 1,184
Quezon 5,009
Quirino 6,220
Roxas 7,954
San Juan 1,690
San Luis 2,405
Tucal 1,151
Uddiawan 3,712
Wacal 1,283
Bagahabag 3,219
Communal 2,179
Concepcion (Calalabangan) 1,401
Pilar D. Galima 1,013

Bintawan Sur 2,895
Ibung 4,334
Cabuluan 1,658
Nagbitin 2,233
Ocapon 970
Pieza 1,396

62 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Sawmill 1,577
Poblacion (Turod) 946
Bintawan Norte 2,498


Abuyo 1,521
Galintuja 770
Cauayan 415
Lipuga 410
Lublub (Pob.) 3,634
Pelaway 1,190

With boundary dispute with barangay Camandag, municipality of Asipulo, Ifugao.

QUIRINO 188,991

AGLIPAY 27,787
Dagupan 1,090
Dumabel 1,160
Dungo (Osmeña) 896
Guinalbin 823
Ligaya 1,844
Palacian 1,988
Pinaripad Sur 1,242
Progreso (Pob.) 1,192
Ramos 768
Rang-ayan 273
San Antonio 551
San Francisco 1,836
San Leonardo (Cabarroguis) 2,352
San Ramon 706
Victoria 1,295
Villa Pagaduan 818
Villa Santiago 1,452
Alicia 1,325
Cabugao 468
Diodol 891

Philippine Statistics Authority 63

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Nagabgaban 651
Pinaripad Norte 1,152
San Benigno 1,343
San Manuel 853
Villa Ventura 818

CABARROGUIS (Capital) 30,582

Banuar 473
Burgos 3,591
Calaocan 777
Del Pilar 561
Dibibi 2,618
Eden 1,180
Gundaway (Pob.) 4,188
Mangandingay (Pob.) 3,448
San Marcos 2,506
Villamor 2,279
Zamora 3,105
Villarose 735
Villa Peña (Capellangan) 708
Dingasan 1,283
Tucod 1,956
Gomez 522
Santo Domingo 652

DIFFUN 52,569
Andres Bonifacio (Pob.) 3,740
Aurora East (Pob.) 1,658
Aurora West (Pob.) 2,652
Baguio Village 949
Balagbag 1,730
Bannawag 2,126
Cajel 2,089
Campamento 1,517
Diego Silang 1,852
Don Mariano Perez, Sr. 792
Doña Imelda 605
Dumanisi 1,957

64 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Gabriela Silang 2,150

Gulac 1,770
Guribang 1,350
Ifugao Village 1,506
Isidro Paredes 1,800
Rizal (Pob.) 3,674
Liwayway 2,542
Luttuad 1,989
Magsaysay 940
Makate 681
Maria Clara 1,505
Rafael Palma (Don Sergio Osmeña) 786
Ricarte Norte 1,588
Ricarte Sur 698
San Antonio 1,542
San Isidro 1,940
San Pascual 698
Villa Pascua 1,491
Aklan Village 909
Gregorio Pimentel 830
Don Faustino Pagaduan 513

MADDELA 38,499
Abbag 856
Balligui 2,250
Divisoria Sur (Bisangal) 999
Buenavista 1,262
Cabaruan 1,731
Cabua-an 806
Cofcaville 688
Diduyon 854
Dipintin 2,929
Divisoria Norte 616
Dumabato Norte 1,498
Dumabato Sur 1,422
Lusod 2,061
Manglad 684
Pedlisan 638

Philippine Statistics Authority 65

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2015 Census of Population

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Poblacion Norte 3,111

San Bernabe 953
San Dionisio I 595
San Martin 1,084
San Pedro 1,133
San Salvador 509
Santo Niño 1,052
Santo Tomas 588
Villa Gracia 942
Villa Hermosa Sur 2,075
Villa Hermosa Norte 1,568
Ysmael 616
Villa Agullana 415
Poblacion Sur 2,220
Villa Jose V Ylanan 480
Jose Ancheta 1,120
Santa Maria 744

SAGUDAY 16,070
Dibul 1,376
La Paz 2,984
Magsaysay (Pob.) 2,867
Rizal (Pob.) 3,211
Salvacion 1,405
Santo Tomas 1,328
Tres Reyes 909
Cardenas 961
Gamis 1,029

Anak 1,680
Dipantan 1,415
Dissimungal 1,954
Guino (Giayan) 1,741
La Conwap (Guingin) 523
Landingan 1,868
Mataddi 531
Matmad 431

66 Philippine Statistics Authority

2015 Census of Population REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY

Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay:

as of August 1, 2015

Province, City, Municipality and Barangay

Old Gumiad 845

Ponggo 3,081
San Dionisio II 3,795
San Pugo 431
San Ramos 829
Sangbay 1,900
Wasid 1,208
Asaklat 1,252

Philippine Statistics Authority 67

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