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2/10/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

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In a bag there are three types of colored balls of red, white and Blue colors. The probability of
selecting one red ball out of the total balls is 1/2 and the probability of selecting one blue ball out
of the total balls is 2/7.The number of white balls in the bag is 6.

If all the ball are numbered starting from 1, 2, 3, …………….and so on then what is the probability of
selecting one ball which is numbered as a multiple of 3 or 7 out of the total balls.

A. 3/7

B. 5/14

C. 1/12

D. 6/11

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 3/7


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In a bag there are three types of colored balls of red, white and Blue colors. The probability of
selecting one red ball out of the total balls is 1/2 and the probability of selecting one blue ball out
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of the total balls is 2/7.The number of white balls in the bag is 6.

What are the total number of balls in the bag?

A. 28

B. 30

C. 35

D. 40

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 28


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Given that D is the midpoint of AC and BC is diameter of circle, and circumference of circle is






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A.


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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B.


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Speed of a boat in still water and speed of current is in ratio 6 : 1. If the di򕄱erence between
distance covered by boat in 2 hours upstream and in 2 hours downstream is 8 km.






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B.
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In the following line graphs, ᨾrst line graph shows the percent marked up price with respect to the
cost price of the products and the second line graph shows the discount percentage given on the
marked up price with the help of the given information answer the following questions.

If the cost price of the product P and R is equal then the selling price of product P is how much %
more than the selling price of product R.

A. 50%

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B. 150%

C. 250%

D. 200%

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 150%


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In the following line graphs, ᨾrst line graph shows the percent marked up price with respect to the
cost price of the products and the second line graph shows the discount percentage given on the
marked up price with the help of the given information answer the following questions.

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If the cost price of product R is increased by 10% and other prices(marked price /S.P) remain
same, then how much more percent loss will be there as compared to previous loss ?

A. 4.36%

B. 7.36%

C. 8.36%

D. 9.36%

E. 10.36%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 4.36%

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
In the following line graphs, ᨾrst line graph shows the percent marked up price with respect to the
cost price of the products and the second line graph shows the discount percentage given on the
marked up price with the help of the given information answer the following questions.

If selling price of Q and T are equal, then ᨾnd the ratio of cost price of T to the cost price of Q.

A. 49 : 44

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B. 46 : 49

C. 39 : 47

D. 47 : 39

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 49 : 44


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In the following line graphs, ᨾrst line graph shows the percent marked up price with respect to the
cost price of the products and the second line graph shows the discount percentage given on the
marked up price with the help of the given information answer the following questions.

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Which of the following product have the highest proᨾt or loss percentage?

A. P

B. Q

C. R

D. S

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. R

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
In the following line graphs, ᨾrst line graph shows the percent marked up price with respect to the
cost price of the products and the second line graph shows the discount percentage given on the
marked up price with the help of the given information answer the following questions.

If marked price of all the items is same, then which of the following item would have second
highest cost price?

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A. P

B. Q

C. R

D. S

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Q

If MP is some, then the item whose marked up % with respect to CP is lowest, will have highest CP,
So the item with 2nd highest CP is the item with second lowest marked up % with respect to CP i.e.

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In the given pie chart, in a state there are two types of tourist, Domestic and international tourist.
Graph shows the percentage wise breakup of these tourists in a given year. There are 4 quarters
in a year and graph shows the information for three quarters.

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If we include the 4th quarter of the year, percentage of domestic tourist in 3rd quarter will
become 25% of the total domestic tourist of the year. Then what is the number of domestic tourist
in 4th quarter?

A. 600

B. 750

C. 900

D. 1000

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. 600


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

In the given pie chart, in a state there are two types of tourist, Domestic and international tourist.
Graph shows the percentage wise breakup of these tourists in a given year. There are 4 quarters
in a year and graph shows the information for three quarters.

If the international tourists visited in quarter is 150 more than the international tourist visited
in IInd quarter. Then international tourists visited in quarter is what percent of total number of
international tourists.

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A. 25%

B. 35%

C. 45%

D. 50%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 25%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

In the given pie chart, in a state there are two types of tourist, Domestic and international tourist.
Graph shows the percentage wise breakup of these tourists in a given year. There are 4 quarters
in a year and graph shows the information for three quarters.

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Total no of domestic tourist who visited in quarter is what percent of total no. of the
international tourist in quarter?

A. 139%

B. 149%

C. 159%

D. 169%

E. 179%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 149%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

In the given pie chart, in a state there are two types of tourist, Domestic and international tourist.
Graph shows the percentage wise breakup of these tourists in a given year. There are 4 quarters
in a year and graph shows the information for three quarters.

Average number of domestic tourist from quarter is how much percent more than the
number of international tourist from quarter?

A. 66.67%

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B. 75%

C. 80%

D. 85%

E. 90%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 66.67%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

In the given pie chart, in a state there are two types of tourist, Domestic and international tourist.
Graph shows the percentage wise breakup of these tourists in a given year. There are 4 quarters
in a year and graph shows the information for three quarters.

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If the total number of international tourist in next year increases by 25% while the number of
international tourist of quarter increase by Then ᨾnd the new percentage of
international tourists of quarter over total international tourist in the new year.

A. 30%

B. 35%

C. 36%

D. 40%

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 36%


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Ritu’s expense out of her total expenditure in a trip is in between travel expenses, Accommodation
expenses and shopping expenses are in the ratio of 5 : 4 : 3. Out of the travel expenses he spent
25% on bus tickets, 60% on air tickets and remaining travel expenses are saved. All of the
accommodation expenses are spent on hotels. And out of the total expenses on shopping
expenses 50% spent on tax free products, spent on footpath shopping and remaining are
The total amount saved is 17500.

From the above information, what is the total amount on accommodation expense?

A. Rs75000

B. Rs84000

C. Rs90000

D. Rs95000

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rs84000

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Ritu’s expense out of her total expenditure in a trip is in between travel expenses, Accommodation
expenses and shopping expenses are in the ratio of 5 : 4 : 3. Out of the travel expenses he spent
25% on bus tickets, 60% on air tickets and remaining travel expenses are saved. All of the
accommodation expenses are spent on hotels. And out of the total expenses on shopping
expenses 50% spent on tax free products, spent on footpath shopping and remaining are
The total amount saved is 17500.

Ritu’s total amount on the trip is.

A. Rs242000

B. Rs252000

C. Rs262000

D. Rs275000

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rs252000

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Given below is the percentage distribution of number of students from 5 di򕄱erent colleges
attended di򕄱erent number of seminars.
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If the number of students from college R who attended at most 3 seminars is equal to number of
students from college S who attended at least 3 seminars and the total number of students from
College S is 114. Then ᨾnd the number of students from college R who attended 3 seminars.

A. 37

B. 41

C. 45

D. 48

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 37


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Given below is the percentage distribution of number of students from 5 di򕄱erent colleges
attended di򕄱erent number of seminars.

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Total no. of students from college P who attended atmost 2 seminars is equal to the sum of
number of students from college T who attended 1 seminar and the number of students from the
same college who attended 6 seminars. Then the total number of students from college P is what
percent of total no. of student from college T ?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A.


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Given below is the percentage distribution of number of students from 5 di򕄱erent colleges
attended di򕄱erent number of seminars.

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The number of students from college P who attended more than 2 seminars is approximate what
percent less than the number of students from college S who attended at least 3 seminars if the
number of student who attended 2 seminars from college P is 48. And the number of students of
college S who attended 6 seminars is 14 more than the number of students from college P, who
attended 1 seminar ?

A. 57%

B. 44%

C. 60%

D. 48%

E. 52%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 57%


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Given below is the percentage distribution of number of students from 5 di򕄱erent colleges
attended di򕄱erent number of seminars.

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If the di򕄱erence between number of students from college T who attended 3 seminars and
students who attended 5 seminars is 22, and the total students from college R is 60% of the total
students from college T then ᨾnd the number of students of college R who are attending 2

A. 32

B. 35

C. 33

D. 38

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 33


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Given below is the percentage distribution of number of students from 5 di򕄱erent colleges
attended di򕄱erent number of seminars.

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If the ratio between the no. of students who attended 1 seminar and the no. of students who
attend 2 seminars from college S is 9 : 4, and the di򕄱erence between the same is 35 Then ᨾnd the
persons from this college who attended at most 4 seminars.

A. 237

B. 234

C. 231

D. 240

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 231


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2/10/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
The following bar graph shows the percentage break-up of a person’s salary from year 2001 to
2005. With the given information, answer the following questions.

If the ratio on saving in the year 2002 and 2005 are in the ratio 7 : 5. Then what is the ratio of EMI
expenses in the year 2002 and 2005.

A. 6:7

B. 8:9

C. 8:7

D. can’t determined

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 8:7

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The following bar graph shows the percentage break-up of a person’s salary from year 2001 to
2005. With the given information, answer the following questions.

If the saving in of the saving in 2004. Then what is the total expenditure spent on
transport in 2002. (Given that total salary in 2004 is Rs. 1,75,000 Rs.)

A. 31100 Rs.

B. 26100 Rs.

C. 21100 Rs.

D. 15100 Rs.

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E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 26100 Rs.


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The following bar graph shows the percentage break-up of a person’s salary from year 2001 to
2005. With the given information, answer the following questions.

In every year there is an increase of 100% in monthly salary as compared to previous year’s
monthly salary then what is the ratio of monthly salary in 2005 to the expenses on transport in

A. 8:1

B. 1:8

C. 4:1
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D. 1:4

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 8:1


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The following bar graph shows the percentage break-up of a person’s salary from year 2001 to
2005. With the given information, answer the following questions.

In which year the ratio of EMI expanses to saving is 3rd highest?

A. 2001

B. 2002
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C. 2003

D. 2004

E. Cant be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 2002


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The following bar graph shows the percentage break-up of a person’s salary from year 2001 to
2005. With the given information, answer the following questions.

Find the average percentage of transport expanses over the years.

A. 32%

B. 34%
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C. 35%

D. 36%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 32%


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24 men can do a work in X days and 32 women can do the same work in (X + 8) days. The ratio of
work done by 15 men and 12 women in the same time is 3 : 1.

Find the value of X ?

A. 8

B. 10

C. 12

D. 11

E. 5

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 10

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24 men can do a work in X days and 32 women can do the same work in (X + 8) days. The ratio of
work done by 15 men and 12 women in the same time is 3 : 1.

10 men and 24 women works for 6 days on the same work and the remaining work is done by 18
boys in 18 days. Then ᨾnd the number of days in which 12 boys completed the whole work.

A. 54

B. 48

C. 45

D. 58

E. None of the above

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 54


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24 men can do a work in X days and 32 women can do the same work in (X + 8) days. The ratio of
work done by 15 men and 12 women in the same time is 3 : 1.

The no. of days taken by 1 man to complete the same work is less than by the no. of days taken by
1 women to do this work ,by :-

A. 340 days

B. 325 days

C. 324 days

D. 320 days

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(s) is/are necessary/suͭcient to answer the question.

In how many days men and women can do the work when working together ?
A. The ratio between the eͭciency of men and women is 3 : 1.
B. Men and child can do 1/3 rd work in 9 days and the child and women can do 2/3 rd work in 12
C. Women can do 2/3 rd of the work in 14 days.

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A. Only A and C together

B. any 2 of the three statements

C. C and either A or B.

D. Question can't be answered even after using all the statements

E. All statements are required

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. any 2 of the three statements

From I, M : W = 3 : 1
From III, W days, M=7days, so question can be answered from I and III
Also from II ,the eͭciency of man or woman can be calculated using either I or III with II.
So any 2 of the 3 statements are suͭcient to answer the question.

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The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(s) is/are necessary/suͭcient to answer the question.

What will be the share of R in the proᨾt earned by V, R and A together?

I. They together earned a proᨾt of Rs. 54000 for a period of 1 yr.
II. R’s investment was 25% less than V’s and 50% more than A’s.
III. The proᨾt of V is Rs. 4000 more than that of A.

A. Only I and II together

B. II and either I or III only

C. Only II

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D. Only II and III together

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. II and either I or III only


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The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(s) is/are necessary/suͭcient to answer the question.

A boat takes 2 hours to travel from point A to B in still water. To ᨾnd out the speed upstream,
which of the following information is/are required?
A. Distance between point A and B.
B. Time taken to travel downstream from B to A.
C. Speed of the stream of water.

A. All are required

B. Any one pair of A and B, B and C or C and A is suͭcient.

C. Only A and B

D. Only A and C

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. Any one pair of A and B, B and C or C and A is suͭcient.


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The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(s) is/are necessary/suͭcient to answer the question.

What is the cost of ꌎooring a rectangular hall?

I. The length and the breadth of the hall are in the ratio 3 : 2.
II. The length of the hall is 48 m and the cost of ꌎooring is Rs. 850 per sq m.
III. The perimeter of the hall is 160 m and the cost of ꌎooring is Rs. 850 per sq m.

A. Only I and II

B. Only I and III

C. Only III

D. Any two of the three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Any two of the three

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The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(s) is/are necessary/suͭcient to answer the question.

Find the two-digit number.

I. The sum of the squares of the two digits is 26.
II. The ratio between the two-digit number and the sum of the digit of that number is 5.2.
III. The digit in ten’s place is 4 less than the digit in unit place.

A. Any one of them

B. Only I and II together are suͭcient

C. only I and III are suͭcient

D. Any two of the three together are suͭcient

E. None of the above

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Any two of the three together are suͭcient

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The following graph shows the percentage increase in population of village A and village B in each
year in comparison to previous year.
Population of A in 2002=10 million
Population of B in 2002=12 million

Population of state A in year 2005 and in 2007 together is how much more/less than the
population of state B in year 2004 and in 2008 together? (approximate)

A. 45.61 million

B. 38.64 million

C. 54.63 million

D. 48.64 million

E. 43.11 million

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 38.64 million

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The following graph shows the percentage increase in population of village A and village B in each
year in comparison to previous year.
Population of A in 2002=10 million
Population of B in 2002=12 million

By what average quantity (per year), population of B is increasing from year 2005 to 2007?(round
o᥄ to nearest integer)

A. 13961452

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B. 15972656

C. 15432256

D. 15172646

E. 16433266

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 15972656


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The following graph shows the percentage increase in population of village A and village B in each
year in comparison to previous year.
Population of A in 2002=10 million
Population of B in 2002=12 million

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Population of state A in year 2004 is by what per cent more or less then the population of state B
in 2006? (round o᥄ to 2 decimal places)

A. 64.21%

B. 63.22%

C. 65.31%

D. 64.31%

E. 63.31%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 63.22%


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The following graph shows the percentage increase in population of village A and village B in each
year in comparison to previous year.
Population of A in 2002=10 million

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Population of B in 2002=12 million

If the female population of state A is 27% of whole population of state A in 2008 and female
population of state B is 3/7 of the whole population of state B in 2008. Find the sum of female
population in 2008. (calculate upto two decimal digits)

A. 46.68 million

B. 48.24 million

C. 46.24 million

D. 48.68 million

E. 45.56 million

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 48.68 million


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The following graph shows the percentage increase in population of village A and village B in each
year in comparison to previous year.
Population of A in 2002=10 million
Population of B in 2002=12 million

Find the di᥄erence between population of both states in 2006?

A. 12431750

B. 12431250

C. 12431760

D. 12441260

E. 12562250

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 12431250


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Study the given table carefully to answer the following questions.

What is the cost of ᥄ooring of A ?

A. Rs. 4000

B. Rs. 4600

C. Rs. 4800

D. Rs. 5000

E. Rs. 4400

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Rs. 4800


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Study the given table carefully to answer the following questions.

What is the di᥄erence between the cost of fencing of C and that of B ?

A. Rs. 180

B. Rs. 120

C. Rs. 240

D. Rs. 360

E. Rs. 480

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Rs. 180


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Study the given table carefully to answer the following questions.

What is the ratio of the cost of ᥄ooring to that of fencing of ᤬eld D ?

A. 4 : 1

B. 6 : 1

C. 8 : 1

D. 9 : 1

E. 5 : 1

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 9 : 1


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Study the given table carefully to answer the following questions.

The cost of fencing of ᤬eld E is approximately what percent of the cost of ᥄ooring of ᤬eld C ?

A. 10.5%

B. 19.46%

C. 18.71%

D. 15.36%

E. 13.82%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 15.36%


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Study the given table carefully to answer the following questions.

The cost of fencing of ᤬eld C is what percent of the cost of fencing of ᤬eld D ?

A. 87.54%

B. 67.5%

C. 72.13%

D. 54.36%

E. 46.5%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 67.5%


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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A college o᥄ers graduation in three streams ,the number of students applied for each particular
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stream over the ᤬ve years given in Bar-graph and the percentage of female applicant is shown in
radar graph.

For how many years di᥄erence between number of female applicants of Art and Science is more
than the average of this di᥄erence over the years?

A. Zero

B. One

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C. Two

D. Three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Two


Di᥄erence between number of female applicants of Art and Science

For year 2001, 175 – 80 = 95
For year 2002, 202.5 – 60 = 142.5
For year 2003, 220 – 105 = 115
For year 2004, 292.5 – 192.5 = 100
For year 2005, 225 – 157.5 = 67.5

Only year 2002 and 2003 have di᥄erence between female applicant Art and Science more than the
average of this di᥄erence for given ᤬ve years.

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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A college o᥄ers graduation in three streams ,the number of students applied for each particular
stream over the ᤬ve years given in Bar-graph and the percentage of female applicant is shown in
radar graph.

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For which year, the ratio of di᥄erence between number of female applicant for Art and Science to
di᥄erence between number of male applicant for Art and the Commerce is less than 0.75?

A. 2002, 2003

B. 2001, 2005

C. 2001, 2004

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D. 2003, 2004

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 2001, 2005


For 2001,
di᥄erence between number of female applicants for Art and Science
= 175 – 80 = 95
di᥄erence between number of male applicants for Art and Commerce
=325 – 187.5 = 137.5

For year 2002,

di᥄erence between number of female applicants for Art and Science =202.5-60=142.5
di᥄erence between number of male applicants for Art and Commerce =247.5-227.5=20

For year 2003,

di᥄erence between number of female applicants for Art and Science = 220 – 105 = 115
di᥄erence between number of male applicants for Art and Commerce =180-70=110

For year 2004,

di᥄erence between number of female applicants for Art and Science = 292.5 – 192.5 = 100
di᥄erence between number of male applicants for Art and Commerce = 357.5-255=102.5

For year 2005,

di᥄erence between number of female applicants for Art and Science =225-157.5=67.5
di᥄erence between number of male applicants for Art and Commerce = 275 – 137.5 = 137.5

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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A college o᥄ers graduation in three streams ,the number of students applied for each particular
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stream over the ᤬ve years given in Bar-graph and the percentage of female applicant is shown in
radar graph.

Number of female candidates applied for Art and Commerce in year 2002,2004 and 2005 is by
what percentage more or less than the number of male candidates for Art and Science in year
2001 and 2003?

A. 9.68%

B. 12.54%

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C. 10.84%

D. 11.76%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 11.76%


Number of female candidates applied for Art and Commerce

in year 2002 = 202.5 + 122.5 = 325
in year 2004 = 192.5 + 45 = 237.5
in year 2005 = 225 + 112.5 = 337.5
Total female = 900
Number of male candidates applied for Art and Science
in year 2001 = 320 + 325 = 645
in year 2003 = 195 + 180 = 375
Total male = 645 + 375 = 1020

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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A college o᥄ers graduation in three streams ,the number of students applied for each particular
stream over the ᤬ve years given in Bar-graph and the percentage of female applicant is shown in
radar graph.

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For which year percentage increase in the total number of applicants over previous year is

A. 2004

B. 2002

C. 2003

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D. 2005

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 2004


Total number of applicants

in year 2001 = 500 + 400 + 250 = 1150
in year 2002 = 450 + 400 + 350 = 1200
in year 2003 = 400 + 300 + 200 = 900
in year 2004 = 550 + 450 + 300 = 1300
in year 2005 = 500 + 350 + 250 = 1100

In 2005 number of applicants decreased.

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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A college o᥄ers graduation in three streams ,the number of students applied for each particular
stream over the ᤬ve years given in Bar-graph and the percentage of female applicant is shown in
radar graph.

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What is the ratio of total number of males applied in 2002 to total number of females applied in

A. 99 : 163

B. 161 : 97

C. 97 : 161

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D. 163 :99

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 163 :99


Total number of males applied in 2002 = 227.5 + 340 + 247.5 = 815

total number of females applied in 2005 = 112.5 + 157.5 + 225 = 495

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In each of these questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve both the
equations and give answer






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A.

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In each of these questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve both the
equations and give answer






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C.

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In each of these questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve both the
equations and give answer






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A.


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The following pie charts show the percentage of appeared and percentage of quali᤬ed candidates
in an entrance test from di᥄erent states, read the data carefully and answer the following
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What is the ratio of the number of appeared candidate from state D and F together to that of the
quali᤬ed candidates from state C and G.

A. 37 : 4

B. 35 : 4

C. 31 : 4

D. 33 : 4

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 35 : 4


Number of candidates appeared from D and F =7650+8100=15750

Number of candidates quali᤬ed from State C and G =630+1170=1800

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The following pie charts show the percentage of appeared and percentage of quali᤬ed candidates
in an entrance test from di᥄erent states, read the data carefully and answer the following

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For which state, the percentage of quali᤬ed candidates with respect to that of appeared
candidates is minimum?

A. F

B. G

C. C

D. A

E. D

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. G


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The following pie charts show the percentage of appeared and percentage of quali᤬ed candidates
in an entrance test from di᥄erent states, read the data carefully and answer the following

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What is the percentage of quali᤬ed candidates with respect to appeared candidates from states A,
B and E taken together ? (round o᥄ to 2 decimal places)

A. 25.42%

B. 37.42%

C. 27.43%

D. 39.42%

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 27.43%


Total number of appeared students from states A, B and E =6750+4950+4050=15750

Total number of selected students from States A, B and E =1620+1440+1260=4320
Required percentage =27.42%

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The following pie charts show the percentage of appeared and percentage of quali᤬ed candidates
in an entrance test from di᥄erent states, read the data carefully and answer the following

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What is the ratio between the number of candidates quali᤬ed from states B, D and G together to
the number of candidates appeared from state A and G together ?

A. 10:37

B. 11:37

C. 10:39

D. 11:39

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 10:37


Number of candidates quali᤬ed from states B, D and G =1440+1890+1170=4500

Number of candidates appeared from state A and G =6750+9900=16650

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In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find
out the wrong number.

8.1, 9.2, 17.3, 26.5, 43.8, 71.5, 114.1

A. 17.3

B. 26.5

C. 43.8

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D. 9.2

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find
out the wrong number.

4, 10, 22, 46, 96, 190, 382

A. 8

B. 10

C. 96

D. 382

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 96

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find
out the wrong number.

380, 188, 92, 48, 20, 8, 2

A. 8

B. 20

C. 48

D. 188

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 48


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The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(S) is/are necessary/su᥄cient to answer the question.

What will be the average of three numbers?

A. The largest number is greater than the smallest by 20.
B. The sum of the largest and smallest number is equal to twice the middle one.
C. The di᥄erence of the ᤬rst two numbers is 10.

A. Only A and C together

B. Only B and C together

C. Any two of them

D. Question can't be answered even after using all the statements

E. All statements are required

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Question can't be answered even after using all the statements


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The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(S) is/are necessary/su᥄cient to answer the question.

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What is the cost price of a table?
A. By selling the table for Rs. 600 instead of Rs. 500, loss per cent decreases by 10%.
B. When the cost price of the table increases by 10% and then decreases by 10%, it reduces by Rs.
C. By selling the table and a chair for Rs. 1500 a net pro᤬t of 25% is made.

A. Only A or B alone

B. Only B or C alone

C. Only A and C together

D. Any two of them together

E. Either B alone or A and C together are su᥄cient

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Only A or B alone


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine
which statement(S) is/are necessary/su᥄cient to answer the question.

A bag contains balls of three di᥄erent colours ie, red, yellow and green. 3 balls are drawn
randomly. What is the probability that the balls drawn are of three di᥄erent colours?
A. The no. of yellow balls is two more than the no. of red balls.
B. The Sum of the no. of yellow and green balls is three times the no. of red balls.
C. The ratio of the no. of red balls to that of green balls is 3 : 4.

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A. A and either B or C

B. Any two of them

C. Only A and C together

D. Question can't be answered even after using all the information

E. All statements are required

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. All statements are required


To determine the required probability, total number of balls can be determined by using all the

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If a dealer wants to earn 15% pro᤬t on an article after o᥄ering 25% discount to the customer, at
what percent above the cost price he should mark the price of this article ?





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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D.


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Study the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
A committee of ᤬ve members is to be formed out of 3 trainees, 4 professors and 6 research
associates. In how many di᥄erent ways can this be done if—

The committee should have all 4 professors and 1 research associate or all 3 trainees and 2

A. 12

B. 13

C. 24

D. 52

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. 12


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Study the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
A committee of ᤬ve members is to be formed out of 3 trainees, 4 professors and 6 research
associates. In how many di᥄erent ways can this be done if—

The committee should have 2 trainees and 3 research associates?

A. 15

B. 45

C. 60

D. 9

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 60


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A contractor undertook to complete a project in 90 days and employed 60 men on it. After 60
days, he found that 3/4 of the work has already been completed. How many men can he discharge
so that the project may be completed exactly on time?
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A. 40

B. 20

C. 30

D. 15

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 20


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A student ᤬nds the average of ten 2-digit numbers. While copying numbers, by mistake, he writes
one number with its digits interchaged. As a result his answer is 1.8 less than the correct answer.
The diference of the digits of the number, in which he made mistake, is

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 6

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 2


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A and B entered into partnership with Rs 700 and Rs 600 respectively. After 3 months A withdrew
2/7 of his stock but after 3 months more he put back 3/5 of what he had withdrawn. The pro᤬ts at
the end of the year are Rs 726, how much of this should A receive?

A. Rs 633

B. Rs 336

C. Rs 663

D. Rs 366

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Rs 366


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A man deposited 14% of the initial amount to his locker. And again after some time he deposited
45% of the increased amount. Now the amount becomes Rs 16530. How much was the initial

A. Rs 10500

B. Rs 10000

C. Rs 9500

D. Rs 9000

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rs 10000


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Following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of total items (Software and Hardware)
produced by six companies (TCS, HCL,INFOSYS, WIPRO, COGNIZANT and SYNTEL) and the table
shows the ratio of Software to Hardware and percentage sale of Software and Hardware.

What is the di幉�erence between the total items produced by Company TCS and HCL together and
the total items produced by Company WIPRO and Syntel together?

A. 3.84 lakh

B. 3.06 lakh

C. 2.96 lakh

D. 2.24 lakh

E. 0.96 lakh

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: E. 0.96 lakh


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Following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of total items (Software and Hardware)
produced by six companies (TCS, HCL,INFOSYS, WIPRO, COGNIZANT and SYNTEL) and the table
shows the ratio of Software to Hardware and percentage sale of Software and Hardware.

What is the di幉�erence between the total number of Software items and the total number of
Hardware items produced by Company SYNTEL and HCL respectively?

A. 0.572 lakh

B. 0.672 lakh

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C. 0.472 lakh

D. 0.372 lakh

E. 0.172 lakh

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 0.672 lakh


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Following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of total items (Software and Hardware)
produced by six companies (TCS, HCL,INFOSYS, WIPRO, COGNIZANT and SYNTEL) and the table
shows the ratio of Software to Hardware and percentage sale of Software and Hardware.

What is the average number of Software items sold by all six companies together?

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A. 0.8948 lakh

B. 0.8958 lakh

C. 0.8968 lakh

D. 0.8978lakh

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 0.8968 lakh


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Following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of total items (Software and Hardware)
produced by six companies (TCS, HCL,INFOSYS, WIPRO, COGNIZANT and SYNTEL) and the table
shows the ratio of Software to Hardware and percentage sale of Software and Hardware.

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What is the di幉�erence between the number of Software items sold and the number of Hardware,
items sold by Company COGNIZANT, TCS and Wipro together?

A. 0.9528 lakh

B. 0.1428 lakh

C. 0.0428 lakh

D. 0.1528 lakh

E. 0.0528 lakh

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 0.0528 lakh

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Following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of total items (Software and Hardware)
produced by six companies (TCS, HCL,INFOSYS, WIPRO, COGNIZANT and SYNTEL) and the table
shows the ratio of Software to Hardware and percentage sale of Software and Hardware.

The number of Software, items sold by Company TCS, HCL and Infosys together is approximate
what percentage of the number of Software, items sold by Company SYNTEL and Cognizant

A. 300%

B. 350%

C. 400%

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D. 450%

E. 500%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 400%


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Read the following table carefully and answer the questions given below.
Percentage increase in population of six villages from 2000 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2002

Actual population of these villages in 3 di幉�erent years.

What is the ratio of population of village E in 2002 to village A in 2000?

A. 41:50

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B. 37:45

C. 48:31

D. 44:53

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Read the following table carefully and answer the questions given below.
Percentage increase in population of six villages from 2000 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2002

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Actual population of these villages in 3 di幉�erent years.

Population of village A in 2000 is what percent more than population of village C in 2000?(round
o幉� to 2 decimal

A. 129.27%

B. 127.27%

C. 135%

D. 123.37%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 127.27%


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Read the following table carefully and answer the questions given below.
Percentage increase in population of six villages from 2000 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2002

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Actual population of these villages in 3 di幉�erent years.

Ratio of Population of village C and D in 2000 is 22:27 respectively, what will be population of
village D in 2002?

A. 1350

B. 2108

C. 1250

D. 2106

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 2106

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Read the following table carefully and answer the questions given below.
Percentage increase in population of six villages from 2000 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2002

Actual population of these villages in 3 di幉�erent years.

The population of village F in 2000 is what percent of the population of the same village in 2002?
(round o幉� to 2 decimal places)

A. 53.26

B. 59.38

C. 49.38

D. 57.38

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E. 59.26

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 59.26


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Read the following table carefully and answer the questions given below.
Percentage increase in population of six villages from 2000 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2002

Actual population of these villages in 3 di幉�erent years.

Total population in 2000 is approximate what percent less than the total population in 2002?(
Ratio of Population of village C and D in 2000 is 22:27 respectively)

A. 33

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B. 39

C. 37

D. 35

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 33


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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below Production of tea and
co幉�ee by a factory in di幉�erent years

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What was approximate percentage increase in quantity of exported tea in 2009 in comparison to
previous year?

A. 42

B. 37

C. 35

D. 45

E. 49

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. 45


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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below Production of tea and
co幉�ee by a factory in di幉�erent years

What is the average quantity of exported co幉�ee in 2008 and 2010 together?(in kg)

A. 975

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B. 965

C. 935

D. 948

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 975


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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below Production of tea and
co幉�ee by a factory in di幉�erent years

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The quantity of exported co幉�ee in 2007 is approximately what percent of quantity of exported tea
in the same year?

A. 57

B. 53

C. 66

D. 70

E. 60

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 66


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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below Production of tea and
co幉�ee by a factory in di幉�erent years

What is the di幉�erence between total quantity of exported tea in 2007 and 2008 and total quantity
of exported co幉�ee in both the same years?

A. 408
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B. 412

C. 416

D. 422

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Exported tea in 2007 = 1671 kg

exported tea in 2008 = 1014 kg
exported tea in 2007 and 2008 together = 1671 + 1014 = 2685 kg
exported co幉�ee in 2007 = 1104 kg
exported co幉�ee in 2008 = 1115 kg
exported co幉�ee in 2007 and 2008 together = 1104 + 1115
= 2219 kg
Di幉�erence = 2685 – 2219 = 466 kg

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Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below Production of tea and
co幉�ee by a factory in di幉�erent years

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What is the total quantity of exported co幉�ee in all the years?(in kg).

A. 9330

B. 9545

C. 9214

D. 9528

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 9545

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Total exported co幉�ee in all years together = 1926 + 1104 + 1115 + 1140 + 835 + 3425
= 9545 kg

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Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below.
Income of two plastic manufacturing companies ONGC and BHEL over the years (in Rs lakh)

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If the per cent prot earned by both the companies ONGC and BHEL in 2007 are equal and the
expenditure of company BHEL in 2007 is Rs 50 lakh, what approximately is the amount of prot
earned by company ONGC in 2007?

A. Rs 6.2 lakh

B. Rs 5 lakh

C. Rs 7.45 lakh

D. Rs 9.17 lakh

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Rs 9.17 lakh


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Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below.
Income of two plastic manufacturing companies ONGC and BHEL over the years (in Rs lakh)

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For which of the following combinations of company and year is the percentage increase in
income from the previous year the maximum among all such given combinations?

A. ONGC – 2003

B. BHEL - 2003

C. BHEL – 2005

D. ONGC – 2004

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. BHEL - 2003

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From the chart we can easily see that there is a huge % increase for Bhel – 2003

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Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below.
Income of two plastic manufacturing companies ONGC and BHEL over the years (in Rs lakh)

If company ONGC had a loss of 15% in year 2002, what approximately was its expenditure in that

A. Rs 47 lakh

B. Rs 39 lakh

C. Rs 22 lakh

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D. Rs 40 lakh

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Rs 47 lakh


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Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below.
Income of two plastic manufacturing companies ONGC and BHEL over the years (in Rs lakh)

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Average income of company ONGC per year is approximately what percentage of the average
income of company BHEL per year?

A. 113%

B. 110%

C. 80%

D. 88%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 113%


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Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below.
Income of two plastic manufacturing companies ONGC and BHEL over the years (in Rs lakh)

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If the prot % of BHEL in 2006 was 25% then what is the amount of prot earning by BHEL in 2006.

A. 8 lakhs

B. 15 lakhs

C. 18 lakh

D. 51 lakhs

E. 10 lakhs

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 10 lakhs

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=10 lakhs

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The following graph show the Trade Growth (in $ billion) of world and India from the previous year
for the year 1977 to 1985. Refer to the graph to answer the questions that follow.

If the total trade of world in the year 1976 $ 5267 billion, what it will be in the year 1985?

A. $ 6176 billion

B. $ 6967 billion

C. $ 6965 billion

D. $ 6987 billion

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. $ 6967 billion


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The following graph show the Trade Growth (in $ billion) of world and India from the previous year
for the year 1977 to 1985. Refer to the graph to answer the questions that follow.

If the total trade of India in the year 1979 is $ 1200 billion, what it will be in the year 1985?

A. $ 3456 billion

B. $ 3786 billion

C. $ 3954 billion

D. $ 3450 billion

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. $ 3450 billion


Total trade of India in the year 1979 = $ 1200 billion

Trade of India in 1985 = 1200 + 275+275 + 300 + 350 + 500 + 550 = $ 3450 billion

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The following graph show the Trade Growth (in $ billion) of world and India from the previous year
for the year 1977 to 1985. Refer to the graph to answer the questions that follow.

What is the Approx ratio of the total World trade to total trade of India in the year 1985, if the total
trade of world in 1976 is $ 5267 billion and total trade of India in 1979 is $ 1200 billion?

A. 2 : 1

B. 3 : 1

C. 2 : 3

D. 3 : 2

E. 4:3

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. 2 : 1


Required ratio = 2 : 1

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The following graph show the Trade Growth (in $ billion) of world and India from the previous year
for the year 1977 to 1985. Refer to the graph to answer the questions that follow.

Average world trade growth is how much per cent more or less than the average trade growth of
India during the entire shown period?

A. more, 25 %

B. less, 30 %

C. less, 39%

D. 80 %

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. less, 39%

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The following graph show the Trade Growth (in $ billion) of world and India from the previous year
for the year 1977 to 1985. Refer to the graph to answer the questions that follow.

What is the per cent increase in trade growth of India in the year 1980 over that of the same in

A. 70 %

B. 10 %

C. 17 %

D. more, 35%

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 10 %


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Study the following line graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
% of literacy rate increased from 1951 to 2001

What is the approx di幉�erence between the percentage literacy rate increased in male from 1951
to 1991 and percentage literacy rate increased in female from 1971 to 2001.

A. 15 %

B. 10 %

C. 5%

D. 20%

E. 2%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 10 %


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Study the following line graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
% of literacy rate increased from 1951 to 2001

In which of the census years percentage increase given in male literacy rate was the highest with
respect to previous census year?

A. 1981

B. 1991

C. 2001

D. 1961

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. 1961


Percentage increase in the literacy rate of male in

1961 = 48.74%
1971 = 13.76%
1981 = 22.67%
1991 = 13.74%
2001 = 17.35%
∴ Required year = 1961

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Study the following line graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
% of literacy rate increased from 1951 to 2001

In which of the given census years was the percentage increase in the literacy rate of females the
lowest with respect to that of previous census year?

A. 1981

B. 1991

C. 2001

D. Data inadequate

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 1991


Percentage increase in the literacy rate of female

In 1961 = 73.25%
In 1971 = 43.12%
In 1981 = 35.45%
In 1991 = 32.02%
In 2001 = 37.36%

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Study the following line graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
% of literacy rate increased from 1951 to 2001

In which of the given census years was the percentage increase in the number of males the
highest with respect to the previous census year?

A. 1981

B. 1991

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C. 2001

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Data inadequate


Since the number of males are not specied, we can not get the required value.

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Study the following line graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
% of literacy rate increased from 1951 to 2001

What is the ratio of percentage literacy rate increased of male from (1961-1981) to literacy rate
increased of person in 1971?

A. 1 : 1

B. 1 : 2

C. 2 : 1

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D. 1 : 3

E. 3 : 1

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 1 : 1


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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In a sports event there are three categories of race (100 m, 200 m, 400 m). Total 200 athletes
participated in that event. The number of athletes who participated only in 100m race is 30% of
total number of athletes, and among them 1/3rd are females. Number of athletes who
participated in 200m race only is 15% of total number of athletes and among them 40% are
females. Number of athletes who participated only in 400m race is 1/4 of total number of athletes
and among them half are females. Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 200m race
but not in 400m race is 1/10 of total number of athletes and among them 1/4 are females.
Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 400 m race but not in 200 m is 7.5% of total
number of athletes and among them 8/15 are females. Number of athletes who participated in all
three categories is 1/20 of total number of athletes and among them 1/5 are females. Number of
female atheletes who participate 200m and 400 m race but not in 100m race is 8/15 of rest.

What is the number of female athletes who participated in exactly two categories of race?

A. 20

B. 21

C. 23

D. 24

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E. 25

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 21



Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In a sports event there are three categories of race (100 m, 200 m, 400 m). Total 200 athletes
participated in that event. The number of athletes who participated only in 100m race is 30% of
total number of athletes, and among them 1/3rd are females. Number of athletes who
participated in 200m race only is 15% of total number of athletes and among them 40% are
females. Number of athletes who participated only in 400m race is 1/4 of total number of athletes
and among them half are females. Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 200m race
but not in 400m race is 1/10 of total number of athletes and among them 1/4 are females.
Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 400 m race but not in 200 m is 7.5% of total
number of athletes and among them 8/15 are females. Number of athletes who participated in all
three categories is 1/20 of total number of athletes and among them 1/5 are females. Number of
female atheletes who participate 200m and 400 m race but not in 100m race is 8/15 of rest.

What is the di幉�erence between the total number of male athletes and the number of female
athletes who participated in exactly one category?

A. 61

B. 63

C. 65

D. 67

E. 69

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 63


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In a sports event there are three categories of race (100 m, 200 m, 400 m). Total 200 athletes
participated in that event. The number of athletes who participated only in 100m race is 30% of
total number of athletes, and among them 1/3rd are females. Number of athletes who
participated in 200m race only is 15% of total number of athletes and among them 40% are
females. Number of athletes who participated only in 400m race is 1/4 of total number of athletes
and among them half are females. Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 200m race
but not in 400m race is 1/10 of total number of athletes and among them 1/4 are females.
Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 400 m race but not in 200 m is 7.5% of total
number of athletes and among them 8/15 are females. Number of athletes who participated in all
three categories is 1/20 of total number of athletes and among them 1/5 are females. Number of
female atheletes who participate 200m and 400 m race but not in 100m race is 8/15 of rest.

What is the ratio of the total number of athletes who participated in 200m and 400m race but not
in 100m race to the male athletes among them?

A. 15 : 11

B. 15 : 8

C. 15 : 7

D. 15 : 13

E. 8 : 7

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 15 : 7


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In a sports event there are three categories of race (100 m, 200 m, 400 m). Total 200 athletes
participated in that event. The number of athletes who participated only in 100m race is 30% of
total number of athletes, and among them 1/3rd are females. Number of athletes who
participated in 200m race only is 15% of total number of athletes and among them 40% are
females. Number of athletes who participated only in 400m race is 1/4 of total number of athletes
and among them half are females. Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 200m race
but not in 400m race is 1/10 of total number of athletes and among them 1/4 are females.
Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 400 m race but not in 200 m is 7.5% of total
number of athletes and among them 8/15 are females. Number of athletes who participated in all
three categories is 1/20 of total number of athletes and among them 1/5 are females. Number of
female atheletes who participate 200m and 400 m race but not in 100m race is 8/15 of rest.

What is the number of male athletes who participated in at most two categories of race?

A. 104

B. 106

C. 108

D. 110

E. 112

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 112

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In a sports event there are three categories of race (100 m, 200 m, 400 m). Total 200 athletes
participated in that event. The number of athletes who participated only in 100m race is 30% of
total number of athletes, and among them 1/3rd are females. Number of athletes who
participated in 200m race only is 15% of total number of athletes and among them 40% are
females. Number of athletes who participated only in 400m race is 1/4 of total number of athletes
and among them half are females. Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 200m race
but not in 400m race is 1/10 of total number of athletes and among them 1/4 are females.
Number of athletes who participated in 100m and 400 m race but not in 200 m is 7.5% of total
number of athletes and among them 8/15 are females. Number of athletes who participated in all
three categories is 1/20 of total number of athletes and among them 1/5 are females. Number of
female atheletes who participate 200m and 400 m race but not in 100m race is 8/15 of rest.

The number of male athletes who participated in all three categories of race is what percentage of
total number of female athletes?

A. 10%

B. 20%

C. 30%

D. 40%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 10%

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Study the data given below and answer the given questions.
Production of di䟀�erent plastics materials

The average production of polypropylene in 2010-11 is approximate what percent of the average
production of Nylon �ament yarn in 2009-10.

A. 0.4%

B. 0.8%

C. 0.1%

D. 1.2%

E. 1.6%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 0.8%

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Study the data given below and answer the given questions.
Production of di䟀�erent plastics materials

In 2009-10, the ratio of the di䟀�erence between the maximum and the minimum production of
Polypropylene, to the di䟀�erence between the maximum and minimum production of
Polyethylene, is nearly

A. 0.05

B. 0.90

C. 0.09

D. 0.50

E. 0.4

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 0.05


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Study the data given below and answer the given questions.
Production of di䟀�erent plastics materials

Total production of all three products from 2010-11 is maximum from which month?

A. January

B. February

C. March

D. October

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E. November

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. January


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Study the data given below and answer the given questions.
Production of di䟀�erent plastics materials

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Production of polyethelene from 2009-10 in June, October and January together is approximately
what percent of the production of polyproylene from 2010-11 in October, November and February

A. 350%

B. 450%

C. 300%

D. 400%

E. 500%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 450%


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Study the data given below and answer the given questions.
Production of di䟀�erent plastics materials

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The minimum production of Nylon �lament yarn in 2010-11 is how many times of the di䟀�erence
between the maximum production of Polypropylene in 2010-11 and the minimum production of
polyethylene in 2009-10?

A. 800

B. 750

C. 700

D. 850

E. 600

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 750


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Study the pie chart carefully to answer the questions that follow.
Breakup of number of employees working in di䟀�erent departments of an organization, the
number of males and the number of employees who recently got promoted in each department
from each department.
Breakup of employees working in di䟀�erent departments
Total number of employees = 3600

Breakup number of male in each department

Total number of males in the organization = 2040

Breakup number of employees who recently got promoted in each department

Total number of employees who got promoted = 1200

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The number of employees who got promoted from the HR department what per cent of the total
number of employees working in that department?

A. 36.18%

B. 30.56%

C. 47.22%

D. 25.16%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 30.56%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the pie chart carefully to answer the questions that follow.
Breakup of number of employees working in di䟀�erent departments of an organization, the
number of males and the number of employees who recently got promoted in each department
from each department.
Breakup of employees working in di䟀�erent departments
Total number of employees = 3600

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Breakup number of male in each department

Total number of males in the organization = 2040

Breakup number of employees who recently got promoted in each department

Total number of employees who got promoted = 1200

The total number of employees who got promoted from all the departments together was
approximately what per cent of the total number of employees working in all the departments

A. 56%

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B. 21%

C. 45%

D. 33%

E. 33%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 33%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the pie chart carefully to answer the questions that follow.
Breakup of number of employees working in di䟀�erent departments of an organization, the
number of males and the number of employees who recently got promoted in each department
from each department.
Breakup of employees working in di䟀�erent departments
Total number of employees = 3600

Breakup number of male in each department

Total number of males in the organization = 2040

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Breakup number of employees who recently got promoted in each department

Total number of employees who got promoted = 1200

What is the total number of females working in the production and marketing departments

A. 468

B. 812

C. 582

D. 972

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 582

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Total no. of employee working in production and marketing dept. together

Total no. of male employee working in production and marketing dept.

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Study the pie chart carefully to answer the questions that follow.
Breakup of number of employees working in di䟀�erent departments of an organization, the
number of males and the number of employees who recently got promoted in each department
from each department.
Breakup of employees working in di䟀�erent departments
Total number of employees = 3600

Breakup number of male in each department

Total number of males in the organization = 2040

Breakup number of employees who recently got promoted in each department

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Total number of employees who got promoted = 1200

If half of the number of employees who got promoted from the IT department were males, what
was the approximate percentage of males who got promoted from the IT department?

A. 61%

B. 29%

C. 54%

D. 42%

E. 38%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 38%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the pie chart carefully to answer the questions that follow.
Breakup of number of employees working in di䟀�erent departments of an organization, the
number of males and the number of employees who recently got promoted in each department
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from each department.
Breakup of employees working in di䟀�erent departments
Total number of employees = 3600

Breakup number of male in each department

Total number of males in the organization = 2040

Breakup number of employees who recently got promoted in each department

Total number of employees who got promoted = 1200

How many females work in the accounts department?

A. 618

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B. 592

C. 566

D. 624

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 618


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Korona electronics sells only 5 types of products mobile ,modem, router, laptop and printer.The
total revenue generated in 1 year is 500 Cr. Given below is the percentage breakup of revenue
earned by di䟀�erent products.

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Percentage distribution of revenue of each product in di䟀�erent quarters of the year

Revenue earned by laptop in 3rd quarter is what percent more than revenue of printer in 2nd and
4th quarter Together? (round o䟀� to two decimal places)

A. 36.36

B. 34.21

C. 38.86

D. 32.54

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 36.36


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Korona electronics sells only 5 types of products mobile ,modem, router, laptop and printer.The
total revenue generated in 1 year is 500 Cr. Given below is the percentage breakup of revenue
earned by di䟀�erent products.

Percentage distribution of revenue of each product in di䟀�erent quarters of the year

Find the respective ratio of revenue earned from mobiles in 2nd and 3rd quarter to revenue Of
printer from 1st and 2nd quarter?

A. 283:744

B. 744:283

C. 285:744

D. 744:285

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 285:744


Revenue from mobile in 2nd and 3rd quarter = 28.5 cr

Revenue of printer from 1st and 2nd quarter = 74.4 cr
Ratio = 285 : 744

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Korona electronics sells only 5 types of products mobile ,modem, router, laptop and printer.The
total revenue generated in 1 year is 500 Cr. Given below is the percentage breakup of revenue
earned by di䟀�erent products.

Percentage distribution of revenue of each product in di䟀�erent quarters of the year

What is the di䟀�erence between total revenue in quarter 2 and total revenue in quarter 3 ?

A. 16.85

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B. 17.65

C. 19.25

D. 23.15

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Korona electronics sells only 5 types of products mobile ,modem, router, laptop and printer.The
total revenue generated in 1 year is 500 Cr. Given below is the percentage breakup of revenue
earned by di䟀�erent products.

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Percentage distribution of revenue of each product in di䟀�erent quarters of the year

Revenue from Sales of printer in 1st 3rd and 4th quarter is approximately what times of revenue
from sale of laptop in 2nd and 4th quarter?

A. 2.05

B. 1.85

C. 1.95

D. 3.22

E. 2.35

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 2.05


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Korona electronics sells only 5 types of products mobile ,modem, router, laptop and printer.The
total revenue generated in 1 year is 500 Cr. Given below is the percentage breakup of revenue
earned by di䟀�erent products.

Percentage distribution of revenue of each product in di䟀�erent quarters of the year

Revenue from sales of laptop and printer in quarter 1 is approximately what percent of revenue
from sales of all Products together in quarter 2?

A. 80%

B. 83%

C. 63%

D. 71%

E. 86%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. 80%


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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the number of cars of di䟀�erent models produced
by a Company in 2005 and 2010.

What is the di䟀�erence between the central angle made by cars of Model D, E and F in the year
2005 and central angle made by cars of Model A, C and G in the year 2010?

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E.


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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the number of cars of di䟀�erent models produced
by a Company in 2005 and 2010.

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What is the percentage increase in number of Model A and B cars produced by the company from
2005 to year 2010?

A. 75%

B. 90%

C. 112.5%

D. 66.67%

E. 137.5%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. 66.67%


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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the number of cars of di䟀�erent models produced
by a Company in 2005 and 2010.

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What is the ratio of the number of cars of model D,E and F in the year 2005 to the number of cars
of model F,G and C in the year 2010?

A. 164:225

B. 225:164

C. 150:38

D. 16:450

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 164:225


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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the number of cars of di䟀�erent models produced
by a Company in 2005 and 2010.

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The number of cars of Model A,B and D in the year 2010 is approximately what percentage of the
number of Model C, G and H
cars in the year 2005?

A. 122.5%

B. 131.25%

C. 137.2%

D. 150%

E. 152.25%

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 137.2%


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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the number of cars of di䟀�erent models produced
by a Company in 2005 and 2010.

The number of cars of Model G and C in the year 2005 is what percentage more than the number
of same-model cars in 2010?

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A. 12%

B. 17%

C. 24%

D. 28%

E. 35%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 28%


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Given below is the line graph showing percentage pro�t of 2 companies in di䟀�erent years. Study
the following graph carefully and answer the following questions

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If income of company A in 2010 is equal to income of company B in 2014. Then expenditure of

company A in 2010 is what percent more than expenditure of company B in 2014?

A. 20

B. 24

C. 30

D. 35

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Given below is the line graph showing percentage pro�t of 2 companies in di䟀�erent years. Study
the following graph carefully and answer the following questions

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If income of company B in 2012 is 165 cr. and expenditure of the same in 2012 was increased by
25% as compared to the expenditure of previous year. Then �nd the expenditure of company B in

A. 101.625 cr.

B. 102.325 cr.

C. 101.325 cr.

D. 103.125 cr

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 103.125 cr


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Given below is the line graph showing percentage pro�t of 2 companies in di䟀�erent years. Study
the following graph carefully and answer the following questions

Percentage increase in pro�t percent of a company A from 2009 to 2010 is what% more or less
than percentage increase in pro�t percentage of same company from 2012 to 2013?

A. 22% more

B. 18 % less

C. 18% more

D. 26% more

E. 8% less

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 18% more

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percent increase in pro�t percent of company A from 2009 to 2010

Percent increase in pro�t percent of company A from 2012 to 2013

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Given below is the line graph showing percentage pro�t of 2 companies in di䟀�erent years. Study
the following graph carefully and answer the following questions

Average pro�t percent of company A over the years is what percent more or less than average
percent of company B?





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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B.


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Given below is the line graph showing percentage pro�t of 2 companies in di䟀�erent years. Study
the following graph carefully and answer the following questions

If expenditures of company B in 2009 and 2011 are equal and total income of company B in both
the years together is 335 cr. Then �nd the expenditure of the same in each year. (round o䟀� to 2
decimal places).

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A. 133.37 Cr

B. 131.37 Cr

C. 132.55 Cr

D. 134.53 Cr

E. 135.25 Cr

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 131.37 Cr


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Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Number of candidates appeared and quali�ed for a test (in hundreds) in six di䟀�erent years from
�ve di䟀�erence zones

Total percentage quali�ed candidates from zone P over all the years together are approximately
what percent to the percent quali�ed candidates from zone S over all years together?

A. 115%
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B. 120%

C. 95%

D. 108%

E. 102%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 108%


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Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Number of candidates appeared and quali�ed for a test (in hundreds) in six di䟀�erent years from
�ve di䟀�erence zones

The number of candidates who quali�ed the test from zone R in the year 2010 was approximately
what percentage of the number of candidates who appeared form Zone Q in the year 2008?

A. 152

B. 147

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C. 142

D. 132

E. 137

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 137


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Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Number of candidates appeared and quali�ed for a test (in hundreds) in six di䟀�erent years from
�ve di䟀�erence zones

What was the average number of candidates not quali�ed from Zone T over all the years together?

A. 260

B. 253

C. 250

D. 237

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E. 210

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 237


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Number of candidates appeared and quali�ed for a test (in hundreds) in six di䟀�erent years from
�ve di䟀�erence zones

What was the approximate ratio of the average number of candidates appeared from Zone P over
all the years together to the average number of candidates quali�ed from Zone S over all the
years together?

A. 22:19

B. 14 : 19

C. 9 : 4

D. 8 : 13

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. 22:19


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Number of candidates appeared and quali�ed for a test (in hundreds) in six di䟀�erent years from
�ve di䟀�erence zones

Which candidate quali�ed the test, the second highest in the year 2009 and 2010 together?

A. P

B. Q

C. R

D. S

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. T
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Study the given graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the average number of people using mobile service M for all the years together?






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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C.


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Study the given graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

The total number of people using all the three mobile services in the year 2007 is what per cent of
the total number of people using all the three mobile services in the year 2008? (rounded o䟀� to
two digits after decimal)

A. 89.72

B. 93.46

C. 88.18

D. 91.67

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 91.67


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Study the given graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

The number of people using mobile service N in the year 2006 forms approximately what per cent
of the total number of people using all the three mobile services in that year?

A. 18

B. 26

C. 11

D. 23

E. 29

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 18


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Study the given graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the ratio of the number of people using mobile service L in the year 2005 to that of those
using the same service in the year 2004?

A. 8 : 7

B. 3 : 2

C. 19 : 13

D. 15 : 11

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 3 : 2


Req. Ratio = 15 : 10 = 3 : 2

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Study the given graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the total number of people using mobile service M in the years 2008 and 2009 together?

A. 35,000

B. 30,000

C. 45,000

D. 25,000

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Given below is the table showing the number of quali៯�ed candidates in the written
Exam of a bank exam from 4 districts in di៛�erent years and the radar graph

shows the number of candidates selected for the job. Study the table and graph carefully and
answer the following question:

If 27% of the total appeared candidates from Hisar in 2011 quali៯�ed the written exam. Then ៯�nd
how much percent of appeared candidates selected for the job from Hisar in 2011.




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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B.


Let the no. of total appeared candidates from Hisar in 2011

Candidates selected for job = 180 ,required percentage

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Given below is the table showing the number of quali៯�ed candidates in the written
Exam of a bank exam from 4 districts in di៛�erent years and the radar graph

shows the number of candidates selected for the job. Study the table and graph carefully and

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answer the following question:

Find the ratio of average number of candidates selected for the job from Kurukshetra to the same
from Ambala over the years.

A. 97 : 69

B. 69 : 97

C. 93 : 67

D. 67 : 93

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 69 : 97


Average no. of candidates selected from Kurukshtra

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Given below is the table showing the number of quali៯�ed candidates in the written
Exam of a bank exam from 4 districts in di៛�erent years and the radar graph

shows the number of candidates selected for the job. Study the table and graph carefully and
answer the following question:

How much percentage of quali៯�ed candidates selected for the job from Panipat, taking all years
together. (round o៛� to 2 decimal places)

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A. 8.73%

B. 7.73%

C. 6.63%

D. 4.52%

E. 6.52%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 7.73%


Required percentage

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Given below is the table showing the number of quali៯�ed candidates in the written
Exam of a bank exam from 4 districts in di៛�erent years and the radar graph

shows the number of candidates selected for the job. Study the table and graph carefully and

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answer the following question:

What is the di៛�erence between number of candidates selected for the job from Kurukshetra in
year 2010, 2012 and 2014 together and the candidates selected for the job from Hisar in 2011,
2013 and 2015 together.

A. 240

B. 260

C. 280

D. 300

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


No. of candidates selected from Kurukshetra in 2010, 2012 and 2014 together =80+160+80=320

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No. of candidates selected from Hisar in 2011, 2013 and 2015 together =180+200+190=570
Required di៛�erence =570-320=250

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Given below is the table showing the number of quali៯�ed candidates in the written
Exam of a bank exam from 4 districts in di៛�erent years and the radar graph

shows the number of candidates selected for the job. Study the table and graph carefully and
answer the following question:

If 30% of the total selected candidates in 2015 were found to be not eligible for the job. Then ៯�nd
the ratio between candidates who ៯�nally got the job in 2015 to total number of candidates
selected for the job in 2014.

A. 49 : 60

B. 47 : 60
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C. 51 : 61

D. 52 : 59

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 49 : 60


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Given below is the radar graph showing the production(in lakhs) of three types of tyres type 1,
type 2 and type 3 by a company in di៛�erent years.

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Find the total number of defective tyres produced in 2003.

A. 39000

B. 3900000

C. 380000

D. 3800000

E. none of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 3900000


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Given below is the radar graph showing the production(in lakhs) of three types of tyres type 1,
type 2 and type 3 by a company in di៛�erent years.

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Defective tyres of type 1 produced in 2001 is what percent of non defective tyres of type 2
produced in 2002 ?

A. 31. 75%

B. 33.25%

C. 31. 25%

D. 28.25%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 31. 25%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Given below is the radar graph showing the production(in lakhs) of three types of tyres type 1,
type 2 and type 3 by a company in di៛�erent years.

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What is the ratio of defective tyres of type 1 produced in 2001 and 2002 to the defective tyres of
type 3 produced in 2004 and 2005.

A. 69 : 65

B. 71 : 67

C. 69 : 64

D. 69 : 61

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 69 : 64


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Given below is the radar graph showing the production(in lakhs) of three types of tyres type 1,
type 2 and type 3 by a company in di៛�erent years.

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If only 64% of the total defective tyres produced in 2005 were rejected during the quality check.
Then ៯�nd the number of defective tyres sold out in 2005.

A. 1400400

B. 1404000

C. 1400040

D. 1440000

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 1400400


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Given below is the radar graph showing the production(in lakhs) of three types of tyres type 1,
type 2 and type 3 by a company in di៛�erent years.

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In which year the total production of tyres of all types together is minimum ?

A. 2005

B. 2001

C. 2002

D. 2004

E. 2003

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 2004


Total production in 2001 =40+60+90=190 lakh

Total production in 2002 =60+70+80=210 lakh
Total production in 2003 =90+70+50= 210 lakh
Total production in 2004 =80+50+50= 180 lakh
Total production in 2005= 40+60+90 = 190 lakh
So the total production is minimum in 2004.

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Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage pro៯�t of 2 companies from year 2006 to
2010(Ex- The pro៯�t % of companyA in 2010 is 28%). The pie charts show the percentage
distribution of total income of each company in di៛�erent years. Study the data carefully and
answer the following questions.

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Expenditure of Company A in 2007 is approximately what % of expenditure of company B in 2006.

A. 82%

B. 84%

C. 86%

D. 88%

E. 90%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 84%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage pro៯�t of 2 companies from year 2006 to
2010(Ex- The pro៯�t % of companyA in 2010 is 28%). The pie charts show the percentage
distribution of total income of each company in di៛�erent years. Study the data carefully and
answer the following questions.

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The expenditure of company A is maximum in:-

A. 2006

B. 2007

C. 2008

D. 2009

E. 2010

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. 2006


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Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage pro៯�t of 2 companies from year 2006 to
2010(Ex- The pro៯�t % of companyA in 2010 is 28%). The pie charts show the percentage
distribution of total income of each company in di៛�erent years. Study the data carefully and
answer the following questions.

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What is the overall pro៯�t percentage of company A, taking the total income and total expenditure
of all the years together ? (approximate)

A. 15%

B. 26%

C. 20%

D. 23%

E. 12%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. 23%


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage pro៯�t of 2 companies from year 2006 to
2010(Ex- The pro៯�t % of companyA in 2010 is 28%). The pie charts show the percentage
distribution of total income of each company in di៛�erent years. Study the data carefully and
answer the following questions.

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Find the di៛�erence in expenditure of both companies in 2010. (round o៛� to 2 decimal places)

A. 384.81 cr

B. 386.81 cr

C. 388.42 cr

D. 390.92 cr

E. 378.74 cr

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 386.81 cr


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage pro៯�t of 2 companies from year 2006 to
2010(Ex- The pro៯�t % of companyA in 2010 is 28%). The pie charts show the percentage
distribution of total income of each company in di៛�erent years. Study the data carefully and
answer the following questions.

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If there is 20% increase in pro៯�t percent of company B in 2011, but there is 60% decrease in
income of 2011 as compared to previous year. Then ៯�nd the approximate expenditure of
company B in 2011.

A. 172 cr

B. 177 cr

C. 182 cr

D. 187 cr

E. 194 cr

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 194 cr


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Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage of students of di៛�erent departments
passed in the annual examination of college A and college B . The boys to girls ratio for each
department of college A and college B is given in the table.
Study the data carefully and answer the following question:

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If number of failed students of civil in college B =605. Then ៯�nd the di៛�erence between number of
boys and number of girls in civil in the same college.

A. 400

B. 450

C. 550

D. 650

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage of students of di៛�erent departments
passed in the annual examination of college A and college B . The boys to girls ratio for each
department of college A and college B is given in the table.
Study the data carefully and answer the following question:

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If the number of boys in mechanical in college A = 400. Then ៯�nd the number of failed students in
the same department in same college.

A. 307

B. 308

C. 309

D. 310

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 308


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Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage of students of di៛�erent departments
passed in the annual examination of college A and college B . The boys to girls ratio for each
department of college A and college B is given in the table.
Study the data carefully and answer the following question:

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If there are 250 girls in IT branch of college A, then ៯�nd the di៛�erence between passed and failed
students in IT department in college A.

A. 5

B. 50

C. 25

D. 40

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 50


No. of students of IT in college A

Di៛�erence between passed and failed students

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Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage of students of di៛�erent departments
passed in the annual examination of college A and college B . The boys to girls ratio for each
department of college A and college B is given in the table.
Study the data carefully and answer the following question:

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If there are 450 boys more than girls in civil in college A, then ៯�nd the number of failed students in
civil in college A.

A. 484

B. 485

C. 486

D. 494

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 486


Let no. of boys and girls in civil in college A, 7x and 2x

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Given below is the radar graph showing the percentage of students of di៛�erent departments
passed in the annual examination of college A and college B . The boys to girls ratio for each
department of college A and college B is given in the table.
Study the data carefully and answer the following question:

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If the number of boys in CSc in college A are 150 and 25% of the girls are passed, then ៯�nd the
percent boys passed in the same department in college A.

A. 35%

B. 37.5%

C. 37.75%

D. 38%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 38%


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Given below is the radar graph showing the percent increase in production as compared to
previous year ,of 2 automobile companies from2001 to 2006. Read the graph carefully and answer

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the following question.

If the total production of Yamaha and Hero are in ratio 5 : 7 in year 2004, then production of
Yamaha in 2006 is approximately what percent of production of Hero in 2006?

A. 65%

B. 72%

C. 79%

D. 69%

E. 85%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 69%

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Given below is the radar graph showing the percent increase in production as compared to
previous year ,of 2 automobile companies from2001 to 2006. Read the graph carefully and answer
the following question.

If 64000 units were produced by Yamaha in year 2000, and production of Hero in 2002 is
less then the production of Yamaha in 2002, then ៯�nd the number of units produced by hero in

A. 75942

B. 77952

C. 78761

D. 89088
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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 77952


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Given below is the radar graph showing the percent increase in production as compared to
previous year ,of 2 automobile companies from2001 to 2006. Read the graph carefully and answer
the following question.

Percent increase in production of Hero in 2006 is what percent more/less than the percent
increase in production of the same company in 2003.

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E.


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Given below is the radar graph showing the percent increase in production as compared to
previous year ,of 2 automobile companies from2001 to 2006. Read the graph carefully and answer

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the following question.

If production of both companies together in 2005 was 207312 and of the units produced
in 2005 were by Hero company, then ៯�nd the number of units produced by Yamaha in 2004.

A. 93132

B. 93124

C. 94256

D. 92954

E. 93324

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 93132

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Given below is the radar graph showing the percent increase in production as compared to
previous year ,of 2 automobile companies from2001 to 2006. Read the graph carefully and answer
the following question.

If the average price per unit of Hero and Yamaha are in ratio 7: 9 in year 2003 and the units
produced of Hero and Yamaha are in ratio 6 : 5 in the same year. Then ៯�nd the ratio of total
income of Hero and Yamaha in 2002.

A. 12 : 11

B. 11 : 12

C. 5 : 6

D. 8 : 9
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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 11 : 12


Let the average price per unit of Hero and Yamaha are 7x and 9x and the units produced are 6 y
and 5y

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A team of 5 players Anil, Bablu, Chirag, Dikshant and Eshan participated in a cricket tournament
and played four matches (1 to 4). The below table give partial information about their individual
scores and total runs scored by team in each match.
Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by two lowest scores in that
match (NOTE : no two players have scored equal runs in the same match). None of the 2 missing
values is more than 10% of total runs scored in that match.

Minimum possible score of Anil in Match1 is what percent of minimum possible score of Anil in
Match 3 ?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C.


Minimum possible score of Anil in match 1 = 270-88-72-60-27=23

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Minimum possible score of Anil in match 3 = 13

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A team of 5 players Anil, Bablu, Chirag, Dikshant and Eshan participated in a cricket tournament
and played four matches (1 to 4). The below table give partial information about their individual
scores and total runs scored by team in each match.
Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by two lowest scores in that
match (NOTE : no two players have scored equal runs in the same match). None of the 2 missing
values is more than 10% of total runs scored in that match.

If Chirag is the lowest scorer in Match 4, then what is his percentage contribution in total runs in
the same Match?

A. 9.5

B. 38

C. 10

D. Can’t be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 9.5

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Scores of Chirag and Eshan will be 19 and 20

Chirag is the lowest scorer so his score will be 19

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A team of 5 players Anil, Bablu, Chirag, Dikshant and Eshan participated in a cricket tournament
and played four matches (1 to 4). The below table give partial information about their individual
scores and total runs scored by team in each match.
Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by two lowest scores in that
match (NOTE : no two players have scored equal runs in the same match). None of the 2 missing
values is more than 10% of total runs scored in that match.

If score of Anil and Bablu in Match 3 are in ratio 7 : 9, then ៯�nd the di៛�erence between average
score of Bablu and average score of Dikshant in all 4 matches?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 3

D. 5

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 0
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Sum of scores of Anil and Bablu in match 3 =230-(100+20+78)=32

Di៛�erence = 0

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A team of 5 players Anil, Bablu, Chirag, Dikshant and Eshan participated in a cricket tournament
and played four matches (1 to 4). The below table give partial information about their individual
scores and total runs scored by team in each match.
Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by two lowest scores in that
match (NOTE : no two players have scored equal runs in the same match). None of the 2 missing
values is more than 10% of total runs scored in that match.

If Chirag has scored 4 runs more than Anil in Match 1, then runs scored by Anil in Match 1 is
approximate what percent of runs scored by Anil in Match 4 ?

A. 43

B. 47

C. 440

D. 36

E. 51

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 43


Sum of score of Chirag and Anil in match 1 =270-(88+72+60)=50

Di៛�erence = 4

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A team of 5 players Anil, Bablu, Chirag, Dikshant and Eshan participated in a cricket tournament
and played four matches (1 to 4). The below table give partial information about their individual
scores and total runs scored by team in each match.
Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by two lowest scores in that
match (NOTE : no two players have scored equal runs in the same match). None of the 2 missing
values is more than 10% of total runs scored in that match.

What is the maximum possible average score of Bablu in all 4 mathces?

A. 52

B. 53

C. 54

D. 55

E. 56

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 56


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Given below is the table showing income, expenditure and pro៯�t percentage of company A from

If percentage increase in pro៯�t percent in year 2012 in comparison to previous year is

Then ៯�nd the expenditure of the company in 2012.

A. 94 million

B. 95 million

C. 99 million

D. 81 million

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 95 million

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Given below is the table showing income, expenditure and pro៯�t percentage of company A from

Expenditure in 2007 is what percent more or less then the expenditure in 2010? (round o៛� to 2
decimal places)

A. 1.6% more

B. 1.6% less

C. 1.8% more

D. 1.8% less

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 1.8% less

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Given below is the table showing income, expenditure and pro៯�t percentage of company A from

What is average expenditure of the company from year 2007 to 2011?

A. 91.98 million

B. 92.88 million

C. 93.98 million

D. 90.88 million

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Average expenditure from 2007 to 2011

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Given below is the table showing income, expenditure and pro៯�t percentage of company A from

Find the approx percent pro៯�t of company till 2011 taking total expenditure and total income till
the end of 2011 together.

A. 15

B. 18

C. 25

D. 28

E. 31

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 18

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Given below is the table showing income, expenditure and pro៯�t percentage of company A from

If expenditure was increased by 20% in year 2007 in comparison to previous year, and pro៯�t
percentage in the previous year was 25% less than the pro៯�t percentage in 2007 then ៯�nd the
income in 2006.

A. 84.2025 million

B. 85.625 million

C. 81.2425 million

D. 83.225 million

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 84.2025 million

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Given below is the percentage of marks obtained by di៛�erent students in di៛�erent subjects.

If the total marks obtained by Deepak are 496 and ratio between marks obtained in Math and
marks obtained in Marathi is 3 : 1. Then marks obtained by Deepak in Marathi is what percent of
marks obtained by Vikas in Marathi?

A. 87.5%

B. 92.5%

C. 90%

D. 82.5%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 92.5%

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Let marks obtained by Deepak in Maths and in Marathi

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Given below is the percentage of marks obtained by di៛�erent students in di៛�erent subjects.

If marks obtained by Vivek in English is 8 marks less than marks obtained by Varun in English,
Then ៯�nd the total marks percentage of Vivek.

A. 82.4%

B. 86.2%

C. 86.4%

D. 88.4%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 86.4%


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Given below is the percentage of marks obtained by di៛�erent students in di៛�erent subjects.

If score of Sangam in S.S.T. would have been 25% more, then it would be 140 marks. Find the
average score of all the students in S.S.T.






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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A.


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Given below is the percentage of marks obtained by di៛�erent students in di៛�erent subjects.

If Deepak has scored 96% in Maths and 64% in Marathi. Then ៯�nd his total marks?

A. 534

B. 484

C. 564

D. 498

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Given below is the percentage of marks obtained by di៛�erent students in di៛�erent subjects.

Marks obtained by Sanjay is S.S.T., Math and Science together is what percent more/less than
marks obtained by Vivek in S.S.T., Science and Marathi? (approximate)

A. 36% more

B. 38% more

C. 36% less

D. 39% less

E. 40% more

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. 36% more


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A person purchased 6 old smartphones of 6 di៛�erent companies from a shop and sold them
online. Given below is the data showing cost price, selling price and pro៯�t/loss percentage.

Cost price of Micromax smartphone is what percent of selling price of Samsung smartphone?

A. 38%

B. 40%

C. 42%

D. 44%

E. 46%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 40%


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A person purchased 6 old smartphones of 6 di៛�erent companies from a shop and sold them
online. Given below is the data showing cost price, selling price and pro៯�t/loss percentage.

If there have been a pro៯�t of 18% on Samsung smartphone instead of 18% loss. Then the new S.P.
is how much more than the original S.P. ?

A. 4439

B. 4429

C. 4427

D. 4437

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. 4437


Di៛�erence = 4437

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A person purchased 6 old smartphones of 6 di៛�erent companies from a shop and sold them
online. Given below is the data showing cost price, selling price and pro៯�t/loss percentage.

Pro៯�t percentage on Xiomi smartphone is what percent more/less than pro៯�t percentage on
Apple smartphone?

A. 50% more

B. 150% more

C. 250% more

D. 50% less

E. 150% less

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 150% more


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A person purchased 6 old smartphones of 6 di៛�erent companies from a shop and sold them
online. Given below is the data showing cost price, selling price and pro៯�t/loss percentage.

What is the ratio between loss percentage of HTC smartphone to loss percentage of Nokia
smartphone ?

A. 2 : 3

B. 3 : 2

C. 3 : 5

D. 2 : 5

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 2 : 3

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A person purchased 6 old smartphones of 6 di៛�erent companies from a shop and sold them
online. Given below is the data showing cost price, selling price and pro៯�t/loss percentage.

What is the overall pro៯�t/loss percentage? (approximate)

A. 2.1% pro៯�t

B. 3.1% pro៯�t

C. 4.1% pro៯�t

D. 3.1% loss

E. 2.1% loss

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 3.1% pro៯�t

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Given below is the table showing expenditure distribution of a company from year 2010 to year
2015. Study the table carefully and answer the following questions.
Note : All values are in lakh Rupees

If expenditure on salary of employees in 2010 and the same in 2015 are in ratio 72 : 113. Then ៯�nd
the percentage increase in expenditure on salary of employees from 2014 to 2015. (Round o៛� to 2
decimal places)

A. 6.62%

B. 7.12%

C. 7.62%

D. 8.12%

E. 8.62%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 7.62%


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Given below is the table showing expenditure distribution of a company from year 2010 to year
2015. Study the table carefully and answer the following questions.
Note : All values are in lakh Rupees

If the ratio between expenditure on transport and expenditure on Interest of loans in 2013 is 3 : 1,
then ៯�nd out the expenditure on transport in 2011.

A. 102 lakh

B. 105 lakh

C. 107 lakh

D. 111 lakh

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Sum of expenditure on transport and expenditure on interest in 2013

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Given below is the table showing expenditure distribution of a company from year 2010 to year
2015. Study the table carefully and answer the following questions.
Note : All values are in lakh Rupees

Expenditure on bonus in 2012 is approximately what percent less than expenditure on bonus in

A. 29%

B. 30%

C. 31%

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D. 32%

E. 33%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 30%


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Given below is the table showing expenditure distribution of a company from year 2010 to year
2015. Study the table carefully and answer the following questions.
Note : All values are in lakh Rupees

Average expenditure on “interest on loans” from 2011 to 2012 is how much more or less than
average expenditure on “interest on loans” from 2014 to 2015?

A. Rs. 5420000

B. Rs. 5380000

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C. Rs. 542000

D. Rs. 538000

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rs. 5380000


Average expenditure on”interest on loans”from 2010 to 2012

Average expenditure on “Interest on loans” from 2013 to 2015

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Given below is the table showing expenditure distribution of a company from year 2010 to year
2015. Study the table carefully and answer the following questions.
Note : All values are in lakh Rupees

If the forcast for expenditure on taxes in 2016 is expected to be 20% more than the expenditure
on taxes in 2015. Then ៯�nd the expected expenditure on taxes in 2016. (The ratio between
expenditure on taxes in 2011 and 2015 is 75:103)

A. Rs. 1,23,60,000

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B. Rs. 12,36,000

C. Rs. 1,21,60,000

D. Rs. 1,24,60,000

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Rs. 1,23,60,000


Expenditure on taxes in 2015

= 103 lakh

Expected expenditure on taxes in 2016

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the question that follow:
The premises of a bank are to be renovated. The renovation is in terms of ᵄooring. Certain areas
are to be ᵄoored either with marble or wood. All rooms/halls and pantry are rectangular. The area
to be renovated comprises a hall for customer transaction measuring 23m by 29m, the branch
manager’s room measuring 13m by 17m, a pantry measuring 14m by 13m, a record keeping-cum-
server room measuring 21m by 13m and locker area measuring 29m by 21m. The total area of the
bank is 2000 square metres. The cost of wooden ᵄooring is Rs 170 per square metre and the cost
of marble ᵄooring is Rs 190 per square metre. The locker area, record keeping-cum-server room
and pantry are to be ᵄoored with marble. The branch manager’s room and the hall for customer
transaction are to be ᵄoored with wood. No other area is to be renovated in terms of ᵄooring.

What is the ratio of the total cost of wooden ᵄooring to the total cost of marble ᵄooring?

A. 1879 : 2527

B. 1887 : 2386

C. 1887 : 2527

D. 1829 : 2527

E. 1887 : 2351

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 1887 : 2527


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Wooden ᵄooring = Branch manager room and customer transaction room

Marble ᵄooring = locker area, record keeping cum server room & Pantry

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information and answer the question that follow:
The premises of a bank are to be renovated. The renovation is in terms of ᵄooring. Certain areas
are to be ᵄoored either with marble or wood. All rooms/halls and pantry are rectangular. The area
to be renovated comprises a hall for customer transaction measuring 23m by 29m, the branch
manager’s room measuring 13m by 17m, a pantry measuring 14m by 13m, a record keeping-cum-
server room measuring 21m by 13m and locker area measuring 29m by 21m. The total area of the
bank is 2000 square metres. The cost of wooden ᵄooring is Rs 170 per square metre and the cost
of marble ᵄooring is Rs 190 per square metre. The locker area, record keeping-cum-server room
and pantry are to be ᵄoored with marble. The branch manager’s room and the hall for customer
transaction are to be ᵄoored with wood. No other area is to be renovated in terms of ᵄooring.

If the four walls and ceiling of the branch manager’s room (the height of the room is 12 metres)
are to be painted at the cost of Rs 190 per square metre, how much will be the total cost of
renovation of the branch manager’s room, including the cost of ᵄooring?

A. Rs 1,36,800

B. Rs 2,16,660

C. Rs 1,78,790

D. Rs 2,11,940

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: E. None of these


Wooden ᵄooring = Branch manager room and customer transaction room

Marble ᵄooring = locker area, record keeping cum server room & Pantry

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the question that follow:
The premises of a bank are to be renovated. The renovation is in terms of ᵄooring. Certain areas
are to be ᵄoored either with marble or wood. All rooms/halls and pantry are rectangular. The area
to be renovated comprises a hall for customer transaction measuring 23m by 29m, the branch
manager’s room measuring 13m by 17m, a pantry measuring 14m by 13m, a record keeping-cum-
server room measuring 21m by 13m and locker area measuring 29m by 21m. The total area of the
bank is 2000 square metres. The cost of wooden ᵄooring is Rs 170 per square metre and the cost
of marble ᵄooring is Rs 190 per square metre. The locker area, record keeping-cum-server room
and pantry are to be ᵄoored with marble. The branch manager’s room and the hall for customer
transaction are to be ᵄoored with wood. No other area is to be renovated in terms of ᵄooring.

If the remaining area of the bank is to be carpeted at the rate of Rs 110 per square metre, how
much will be the increment in the total cost of renovation of bank premises?

A. Rs 5,820

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B. Rs 4,848

C. Rs 3,689

D. Rs 6,690

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Wooden ᵄooring = Branch manager room and customer transaction room

Marble ᵄooring = locker area, record keeping cum server room & Pantry

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information and answer the question that follow:
The premises of a bank are to be renovated. The renovation is in terms of ᵄooring. Certain areas
are to be ᵄoored either with marble or wood. All rooms/halls and pantry are rectangular. The area
to be renovated comprises a hall for customer transaction measuring 23m by 29m, the branch
manager’s room measuring 13m by 17m, a pantry measuring 14m by 13m, a record keeping-cum-
server room measuring 21m by 13m and locker area measuring 29m by 21m. The total area of the
bank is 2000 square metres. The cost of wooden ᵄooring is Rs 170 per square metre and the cost
of marble ᵄooring is Rs 190 per square metre. The locker area, record keeping-cum-server room
and pantry are to be ᵄoored with marble. The branch manager’s room and the hall for customer
transaction are to be ᵄoored with wood. No other area is to be renovated in terms of ᵄooring.

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What is the percentage area of the bank that is not to be renovated?

A. 2.2%

B. 2.4%

C. 4.2%

D. 4.4%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 2.4%


Wooden ᵄooring = Branch manager room and customer transaction room

Marble ᵄooring = locker area, record keeping cum server room & Pantry

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the question that follow:
The premises of a bank are to be renovated. The renovation is in terms of ᵄooring. Certain areas
are to be ᵄoored either with marble or wood. All rooms/halls and pantry are rectangular. The area
to be renovated comprises a hall for customer transaction measuring 23m by 29m, the branch
manager’s room measuring 13m by 17m, a pantry measuring 14m by 13m, a record keeping-cum-
server room measuring 21m by 13m and locker area measuring 29m by 21m. The total area of the

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bank is 2000 square metres. The cost of wooden ᵄooring is Rs 170 per square metre and the cost
of marble ᵄooring is Rs 190 per square metre. The locker area, record keeping-cum-server room
and pantry are to be ᵄoored with marble. The branch manager’s room and the hall for customer
transaction are to be ᵄoored with wood. No other area is to be renovated in terms of ᵄooring.

What is the total cost of renovation of the hall for customer transaction and the locker area?

A. Rs 2,29,100

B. Rs 2,30,206

C. Rs 2,16,920

D. Rs 2,42,440

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Rs 2,29,100


Wooden ᵄooring = Branch manager room and customer transaction room

Marble ᵄooring = locker area, record keeping cum server room & Pantry

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Study the following information carefully to answer the following question:
There are two trains, Train A and B Train B. Both trains have four diᵄerent types of coaches, viz
General, Sleeper, First Class and AC. In Train A, there are total 700 passengers. Train B has thirty
per cent more passengers than Train A. Twenty per cent of the passengers of Train A are in
General Coach. One-fourth of the total number of passengers of Train A are in AC coach. Twenty
three per cent of the passengers of Train A are in Sleeper Coach. Remaining passengers of Train A
are in First Class Coach. The total number of passengers in AC Coach in both the trains together is
480. Thirty per cent of the number of passengers of Train B are in Sleeper Coach. Ten per cent of
the total passengers of Train B are in First Class Coach. The remaining passengers of Train B are in
General Coach.

What is the ratio of the number of passengers in First Class Coach of Train A to the number of
passengers in Sleeper Coach of Train B?

A. 13 : 7

B. 7 : 13

C. 32 : 39

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 32 : 39


Number of passenger in Ist class coach in train A = 224

Passenger in sleeper coach in train B = 273

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully to answer the following question:
There are two trains, Train A and B Train B. Both trains have four diᵄerent types of coaches, viz
General, Sleeper, First Class and AC. In Train A, there are total 700 passengers. Train B has thirty
per cent more passengers than Train A. Twenty per cent of the passengers of Train A are in
General Coach. One-fourth of the total number of passengers of Train A are in AC coach. Twenty
three per cent of the passengers of Train A are in Sleeper Coach. Remaining passengers of Train A
are in First Class Coach. The total number of passengers in AC Coach in both the trains together is
480. Thirty per cent of the number of passengers of Train B are in Sleeper Coach. Ten per cent of
the total passengers of Train B are in First Class Coach. The remaining passengers of Train B are in
General Coach.

Passengers in the General Coach of Train A and the AC Coach of Train B together is what percent
of passenger of general coach of train B and AC coach of train A together?(round oᵄ to 2 decimal

A. 106.97%

B. 108.96%

C. 94.48%

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D. 93.68%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 106.97%


Passengers in general coach of train A and AC coach of train B =140+305=445

Passenger in general coach of train B And AC coach of train A=241+175=416

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully to answer the following question:
There are two trains, Train A and B Train B. Both trains have four diᵄerent types of coaches, viz
General, Sleeper, First Class and AC. In Train A, there are total 700 passengers. Train B has thirty
per cent more passengers than Train A. Twenty per cent of the passengers of Train A are in
General Coach. One-fourth of the total number of passengers of Train A are in AC coach. Twenty
three per cent of the passengers of Train A are in Sleeper Coach. Remaining passengers of Train A
are in First Class Coach. The total number of passengers in AC Coach in both the trains together is
480. Thirty per cent of the number of passengers of Train B are in Sleeper Coach. Ten per cent of
the total passengers of Train B are in First Class Coach. The remaining passengers of Train B are in
General Coach.
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Number of passengers in the AC Coach of Train A is what percent less than the total number of
passengers in Sleeper and First Class Coach together of Train B?(round oᵄ to 2 decimal places)

A. 51.92%

B. 51.42%

C. 49.92%

D. 53.92%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 51.92%


Passangers in AC coach of train A = 175

Passanger in Sleeper and ᵄrst class coach of train B =273+91=364

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Study the following information carefully to answer the following question:
There are two trains, Train A and B Train B. Both trains have four diᵄerent types of coaches, viz
General, Sleeper, First Class and AC. In Train A, there are total 700 passengers. Train B has thirty
per cent more passengers than Train A. Twenty per cent of the passengers of Train A are in
General Coach. One-fourth of the total number of passengers of Train A are in AC coach. Twenty
three per cent of the passengers of Train A are in Sleeper Coach. Remaining passengers of Train A
are in First Class Coach. The total number of passengers in AC Coach in both the trains together is
480. Thirty per cent of the number of passengers of Train B are in Sleeper Coach. Ten per cent of
the total passengers of Train B are in First Class Coach. The remaining passengers of Train B are in
General Coach.

The total number of passengers in General Coaches of both the trains together is approximately
what percentage of the total number of passengers in Train B?

A. 40

B. 42

C. 44

D. 38

E. 31

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 42


Total number of passengers in general coaches of both trains =140+241=381

Total number of passengers in B = 910

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully to answer the following question:
There are two trains, Train A and B Train B. Both trains have four diᵄerent types of coaches, viz
General, Sleeper, First Class and AC. In Train A, there are total 700 passengers. Train B has thirty
per cent more passengers than Train A. Twenty per cent of the passengers of Train A are in
General Coach. One-fourth of the total number of passengers of Train A are in AC coach. Twenty
three per cent of the passengers of Train A are in Sleeper Coach. Remaining passengers of Train A
are in First Class Coach. The total number of passengers in AC Coach in both the trains together is
480. Thirty per cent of the number of passengers of Train B are in Sleeper Coach. Ten per cent of
the total passengers of Train B are in First Class Coach. The remaining passengers of Train B are in
General Coach.

If the cost per ticket of First Class coach is Rs 450 and cost per ticket for genral class coach is 70%
less than cost per ticket of ᵄrst class ticket what will be the total amount generated from genral
Class Coach of Train B?

A. Rs 33535

B. Rs 34325

C. Rs 35325

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D. Rs 33325

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below it.
Out of the 15,000 candidates eligible for an Oᵄcer’s post in a Public Sector Bank, 3% of the total
candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in rural areas only. 25% of the
total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in urban areas
only. 12% of the total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Private Sector
Banks in urban areas only. 2% of the total number of candidates have prior Experience of working
in Private Sector banks in rural areas only. 24 % of the total candidates have worked in both Public
and Private Sector Banks in urban areas only. 4% of the total candidates have worked in both
Public and private Sector Banks in rural areas only. The remaining candidates have no prior
experience of working in the Banking industry.

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Candidates have prior experience of working in rural areas is what percent of candidates having
experience of working in urban areas?(round oᵄ to 2 decimal places)

A. 13.75%

B. 13.25%

C. 14.25%

D. 15.75%

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. none of these


Candidates having experience in rural areas =450+300+600=1350

Candidates having experience in urban areas =3600+3750+1800=9150

Candidates having no. experience

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Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below it.
Out of the 15,000 candidates eligible for an Oᵄcer’s post in a Public Sector Bank, 3% of the total

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candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in rural areas only. 25% of the
total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in urban areas
only. 12% of the total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Private Sector
Banks in urban areas only. 2% of the total number of candidates have prior Experience of working
in Private Sector banks in rural areas only. 24 % of the total candidates have worked in both Public
and Private Sector Banks in urban areas only. 4% of the total candidates have worked in both
Public and private Sector Banks in rural areas only. The remaining candidates have no prior
experience of working in the Banking industry.

What percent of total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector
Banks ?

A. 83%

B. 56%

C. 67%

D. 71%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 56%


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Candidates having no. experience

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below it.
Out of the 15,000 candidates eligible for an Oᵄcer’s post in a Public Sector Bank, 3% of the total
candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in rural areas only. 25% of the
total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in urban areas
only. 12% of the total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Private Sector
Banks in urban areas only. 2% of the total number of candidates have prior Experience of working
in Private Sector banks in rural areas only. 24 % of the total candidates have worked in both Public
and Private Sector Banks in urban areas only. 4% of the total candidates have worked in both
Public and private Sector Banks in rural areas only. The remaining candidates have no prior
experience of working in the Banking industry.

What is ratio of the candidates who have a prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in
rural areas only to the candidates who have a prior experience of working in Private Sector Banks
in rural areas only?

A. 4 : 3

B. 3 : 2

C. 2 : 3

D. 3 : 4

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 3 : 2


Candidates having no. experience

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below it.
Out of the 15,000 candidates eligible for an Oᵄcer’s post in a Public Sector Bank, 3% of the total
candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in rural areas only. 25% of the
total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in urban areas
only. 12% of the total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Private Sector
Banks in urban areas only. 2% of the total number of candidates have prior Experience of working
in Private Sector banks in rural areas only. 24 % of the total candidates have worked in both Public
and Private Sector Banks in urban areas only. 4% of the total candidates have worked in both
Public and private Sector Banks in rural areas only. The remaining candidates have no prior
experience of working in the Banking industry.

Candidates who have worked in Private Sector Banks in urban areas is what percent less than the
number of candidates who have worked in public sector banks in urban areas?

A. 28.53%

B. 28.73%

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C. 24.43%

D. 26.73%

E. 26.53%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 26.53%


Candidates with experience in Private sector (urban) =1800+3600=5400

Public sector (urban) =3600+3750=7350

Candidates having no. experience

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below it.
Out of the 15,000 candidates eligible for an Oᵄcer’s post in a Public Sector Bank, 3% of the total
candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in rural areas only. 25% of the
total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in urban areas
only. 12% of the total number of candidates have prior experience of working in Private Sector
Banks in urban areas only. 2% of the total number of candidates have prior Experience of working
in Private Sector banks in rural areas only. 24 % of the total candidates have worked in both Public
and Private Sector Banks in urban areas only. 4% of the total candidates have worked in both

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Public and private Sector Banks in rural areas only. The remaining candidates have no prior
experience of working in the Banking industry.

If 37% of inexperienced candidates are post graduate then ᵄnd the ratio between total number of
experienced candidates to the number of inexperienced candidates who are not postgraduate?

A. 27:100

B. 100:27

C. 100:63

D. 63:100

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 100:27


Candidates having no. prior experience = 4500

Unexperienced candidates who are not post graduate
Total experienced candidates = 10500

Candidates having no. experience

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has boys and girls in the ratio of 7 : 5. All the
students are enrolled in diᵄerent types of hobby classes, viz. Singing, Dancing and Painting. One-
ᵄfth of the boys are enrolled in only Dancing classes. Twenty per cent of the girls are enrolled in
only Painting classes. Ten per cent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing classes. Twenty four per
cent of the girls are enrolled in both Singing and Dancing classes together. The number of girls
enrolled in only Singing classes is two hundred per cent of the boys enrolled in the same. One
thirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all the three classes together. The ratio of boys enrolled in
Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls enrolled in the same is 2 : 1. Ten per cent of the
girls are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight per cent of the girls are enrolled in both
Dancing and Painting classes together. The remaining girls are enrolled in all three classes
together. The number of boys enrolled in singing and dancing together is ᵄfty per cent of the
number of girls enrolled in the same. The remaining boys are enrolled in only Painting classes.

What is the total number of boys who are enrolled in Dancing?

A. 318

B. 364

C. 292

D. 434

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 434


total number of boys enrolled in Dancing =182+70+104+78=434

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has boys and girls in the ratio of 7 : 5. All the
students are enrolled in diᵄerent types of hobby classes, viz. Singing, Dancing and Painting. One-
ᵄfth of the boys are enrolled in only Dancing classes. Twenty per cent of the girls are enrolled in
only Painting classes. Ten per cent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing classes. Twenty four per
cent of the girls are enrolled in both Singing and Dancing classes together. The number of girls
enrolled in only Singing classes is two hundred per cent of the boys enrolled in the same. One
thirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all the three classes together. The ratio of boys enrolled in
Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls enrolled in the same is 2 : 1. Ten per cent of the
girls are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight per cent of the girls are enrolled in both
Dancing and Painting classes together. The remaining girls are enrolled in all three classes
together. The number of boys enrolled in singing and dancing together is ᵄfty per cent of the
number of girls enrolled in the same. The remaining boys are enrolled in only Painting classes.

Total number of girls enrolled in Singing is approximately what per cent of the total number of
students in the school?

A. 37

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B. 19

C. 32

D. 14

E. 26

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 26


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has boys and girls in the ratio of 7 : 5. All the
students are enrolled in diᵄerent types of hobby classes, viz. Singing, Dancing and Painting. One-
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ᵄfth of the boys are enrolled in only Dancing classes. Twenty per cent of the girls are enrolled in
only Painting classes. Ten per cent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing classes. Twenty four per
cent of the girls are enrolled in both Singing and Dancing classes together. The number of girls
enrolled in only Singing classes is two hundred per cent of the boys enrolled in the same. One
thirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all the three classes together. The ratio of boys enrolled in
Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls enrolled in the same is 2 : 1. Ten per cent of the
girls are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight per cent of the girls are enrolled in both
Dancing and Painting classes together. The remaining girls are enrolled in all three classes
together. The number of boys enrolled in singing and dancing together is ᵄfty per cent of the
number of girls enrolled in the same. The remaining boys are enrolled in only Painting classes.

What is the number of students enrolled in all the three classes together?

A. 135

B. 164

C. 187

D. 142

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 135


Number of student in all 3 activities =70+65=135

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has boys and girls in the ratio of 7 : 5. All the
students are enrolled in diᵄerent types of hobby classes, viz. Singing, Dancing and Painting. One-
ᵄfth of the boys are enrolled in only Dancing classes. Twenty per cent of the girls are enrolled in
only Painting classes. Ten per cent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing classes. Twenty four per
cent of the girls are enrolled in both Singing and Dancing classes together. The number of girls
enrolled in only Singing classes is two hundred per cent of the boys enrolled in the same. One
thirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all the three classes together. The ratio of boys enrolled in
Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls enrolled in the same is 2 : 1. Ten per cent of the
girls are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight per cent of the girls are enrolled in both
Dancing and Painting classes together. The remaining girls are enrolled in all three classes
together. The number of boys enrolled in singing and dancing together is ᵄfty per cent of the
number of girls enrolled in the same. The remaining boys are enrolled in only Painting classes.

Number of girls enrolled in only Dancing classes is what percent of the boys enrolled in the same?

A. 38.67

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B. 35.71

C. 41.83

D. 28.62

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 35.71


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has boys and girls in the ratio of 7 : 5. All the
students are enrolled in diᵄerent types of hobby classes, viz. Singing, Dancing and Painting. One-
ᵄfth of the boys are enrolled in only Dancing classes. Twenty per cent of the girls are enrolled in
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only Painting classes. Ten per cent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing classes. Twenty four per
cent of the girls are enrolled in both Singing and Dancing classes together. The number of girls
enrolled in only Singing classes is two hundred per cent of the boys enrolled in the same. One
thirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all the three classes together. The ratio of boys enrolled in
Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls enrolled in the same is 2 : 1. Ten per cent of the
girls are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight per cent of the girls are enrolled in both
Dancing and Painting classes together. The remaining girls are enrolled in all three classes
together. The number of boys enrolled in singing and dancing together is ᵄfty per cent of the
number of girls enrolled in the same. The remaining boys are enrolled in only Painting classes.

What is the ratio of the number of girls enrolled in only Painting classes to the number of boys
enrolled in the same?

A. 77 : 26

B. 21 : 73

C. 26 : 77

D. 73 : 21

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 26 : 77


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
On the occasion of an opening ceremony of a sports event, in a stadium there are 600 players in
all who are participating in four diᵄerent events, viz Athletics, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho and Lawn
Tennis. The ratio of male of female players is 11 : 4. 30% of the female players are participating in
Athletics. 10% of the female players are participating in Table Tennis. The remaining female
players are participating in Kho-Kho and Lawn Tennis in the ratio of 1 : 3. The ratio of male players
who are participating in Athletics and other events together is 3 : 5. 4% of those male players who
are not participating in Athletics are participating in Lawn Tennis. Remaining male players are
participating in Table Tennis and Kho-Kho in the ratio of 5 : 3.

What is the ratio of the male players participating in Lawn tennis to the female players
participating in TableTennis?

A. 11 : 72

B. 11 : 38

C. 11 : 16

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D. 16 : 13

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 11 : 16


Male in Lawn tennis = 11

Female in Table tennis = 16
Ratio = 11 : 16

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
On the occasion of an opening ceremony of a sports event, in a stadium there are 600 players in
all who are participating in four diᵄerent events, viz Athletics, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho and Lawn
Tennis. The ratio of male of female players is 11 : 4. 30% of the female players are participating in
Athletics. 10% of the female players are participating in Table Tennis. The remaining female
players are participating in Kho-Kho and Lawn Tennis in the ratio of 1 : 3. The ratio of male players
who are participating in Athletics and other events together is 3 : 5. 4% of those male players who

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are not participating in Athletics are participating in Lawn Tennis. Remaining male players are
participating in Table Tennis and Kho-Kho in the ratio of 5 : 3.

What is the total number of players (both males and females together) participating in Table
Tennis and Athletics together?

A. 360

B. 358

C. 374

D. 396

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Players in Table Tennis & Athletics =48+16+165+165=394

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
On the occasion of an opening ceremony of a sports event, in a stadium there are 600 players in
all who are participating in four diᵄerent events, viz Athletics, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho and Lawn
Tennis. The ratio of male of female players is 11 : 4. 30% of the female players are participating in
Athletics. 10% of the female players are participating in Table Tennis. The remaining female
players are participating in Kho-Kho and Lawn Tennis in the ratio of 1 : 3. The ratio of male players
who are participating in Athletics and other events together is 3 : 5. 4% of those male players who
are not participating in Athletics are participating in Lawn Tennis. Remaining male players are
participating in Table Tennis and Kho-Kho in the ratio of 5 : 3.

What is the ratio of the female players participating in Lawn Tennis to those participating in Table

A. 9 : 5

B. 4 : 7

C. 7 : 4

D. 9 : 2

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 9 : 2


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
On the occasion of an opening ceremony of a sports event, in a stadium there are 600 players in
all who are participating in four diᵄerent events, viz Athletics, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho and Lawn
Tennis. The ratio of male of female players is 11 : 4. 30% of the female players are participating in
Athletics. 10% of the female players are participating in Table Tennis. The remaining female
players are participating in Kho-Kho and Lawn Tennis in the ratio of 1 : 3. The ratio of male players
who are participating in Athletics and other events together is 3 : 5. 4% of those male players who
are not participating in Athletics are participating in Lawn Tennis. Remaining male players are
participating in Table Tennis and Kho-Kho in the ratio of 5 : 3.

What is the diᵄerence between the male players participating in Kho-Kho and the female players
participating in Lawn Tennis?

A. 27

B. 31

C. 83

D. 76

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 27


Male in kho kho = 99, female in lawn tennis=72, diᵄerence=27

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
On the occasion of an opening ceremony of a sports event, in a stadium there are 600 players in
all who are participating in four diᵄerent events, viz Athletics, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho and Lawn
Tennis. The ratio of male of female players is 11 : 4. 30% of the female players are participating in
Athletics. 10% of the female players are participating in Table Tennis. The remaining female
players are participating in Kho-Kho and Lawn Tennis in the ratio of 1 : 3. The ratio of male players
who are participating in Athletics and other events together is 3 : 5. 4% of those male players who
are not participating in Athletics are participating in Lawn Tennis. Remaining male players are
participating in Table Tennis and Kho-Kho in the ratio of 5 : 3.

What is the total number of female players who are participating in Athletics and Kho-Kho

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A. 68

B. 72

C. 58

D. 67

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 72


Female in Athletics and Kho-kho =48+24=72

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following pie-charts carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the total number of boys enrolled Management and IT together?

A. 1050

B. 810

C. 1120

D. 980

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 810


Total number of student in Management and IT = (16 + 20)% of 3500

= 36% of 3500
= 1260
Total number of girls in Management and I.T.
= (12 + 18)% of 1500
= 30% of 1500
= 450
Total number of boys = 1260 – 450
= 810

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What is the ratio of the number of girls enrolled in Arts to the number of boys enrolled in Science?

A. 14 : 23

B. 2 : 3

C. 114 : 121

D. 53 : 65

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 114 : 121


Number of boys enrolled in Science = Total student enrolled in Science – Total girls enrolled in
= 22% of 3500 – 11% of 1500
= 770 – 165
= 605
Number of girls enrolled in Arts = 38% of 1500
= 570
Req. Ratio = 570 : 605 = 114 : 121

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Study the following pie-charts carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the total number of girls enrolled in Science and Commerce together is approximately
what percent of total student in Arts and IT?

A. 35%

B. 49%

C. 45%

D. 30%

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E. 40%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 30%


Total number of girls enrolled in Science and commerce = (11 + 21)% of 1500
= 33% of 1500
= 495
Total students in Arts and I.T.
= (30 + 20)% of 3500
= 1750

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If 20% of the girls enrolled in Science change their stream to Management then what will be the
new number of Management students altogether?

A. 593

B. 733

C. 453

D. 1003

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 593


New Number of Management student = 20% of 11% of 1500 + 10% of 3500

= 33 + 560
= 593

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Study the following pie-charts carefully to answer the questions that follow:

The number of boys enrolled in Arts, Science and Commerce forms what per cent of total number
of students in the college?

A. 25

B. 40

C. 60

D. 75

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Total number of boys in Arts, Science and Commerce

= Total students – Girls student
= (30 + 22 + 12)% of 3500 – ( 38 + 11 + 21)% of 1500
= 2240 – 1050

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Study the information in the following pie-charts to answer these questions:

How many females are working in Scale II, Scale III and scale IV ?

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A. 320

B. 300

C. 360

D. 280

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 300


Female in scale II = 15% of 1500 – 18% of 800

= 225 – 144
= 81
Female in scale III = 19% of 1500 – 16% of 800
= 285 – 128
= 157
Female in scale IV = 10% of 1500 – 11% of 800
= 150 – 88
= 62
Total = 300
Shortcut: -
Total female = Total employees – Total Male

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What is the ratio of male to female employees working in Scale V and Scale VII together?

A. 31 : 44

B. 44 : 13

C. 44 : 31

D. 30 : 41

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 44 : 31

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Study the information in the following pie-charts to answer these questions:

What is the average number of female employees working in Scales III and IV together?

A. 109.5

B. 110
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C. 110.5

D. 105.9

E. 219

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 109.5


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The number of male employees working in Scale IV and female employees working in scale V
together is what per cent of the total number of employees in these scales?
(rounded oඌ to the nearest integer)

A. 45

B. 30

C. 20

D. 55

E. 52

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 52

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Study the information in the following pie-charts to answer these questions:

The number of female employees in scale VI and VII is approximately what percent less or more
than the number of male employees in scale IV and V?

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A. 3% (more)

B. 3%(less)

C. 6%(more)

D. 6% (less)

E. 5%(more)

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 3%(less)


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Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Percentage of employees in various departments of an organization and the male-female ratio

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What is the ratio of male employees in I.T to female employees in Accounts Departments?

A. 4 : 3

B. 4 : 7

C. 3 : 4

D. 4 : 5

E. 5 : 4

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 5 : 4

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Percentage of employees in various departments of an organization and the male-female ratio

What is the average number of female employees in HR, Marketing, IT and printing Department?

A. 160

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B. 200

C. 170

D. 150

E. 140

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 150


Total female in HR, marketing, IT and printing.

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Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Percentage of employees in various departments of an organization and the male-female ratio

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What is the ratio of the total number of males in HR and Marketing to the total number of females
in these two departments?

A. 13 : 15

B. 15 : 13

C. 13 : 17

D. 17 : 14

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 17 : 14
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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Percentage of employees in various departments of an organization and the male-female ratio

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How many male employees are there in the Accounts, Operations and logistics Department?

A. 500

B. 840

C. 480

D. 460

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 480

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Percentage of employees in various departments of an organization and the male-female ratio

The number of male employees in Administration and Marketing together is approximately what
percent of total female employees in Logistics and Printing Department?

A. 100

B. 150
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C. 250

D. 200

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 200


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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

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What is the diඌerence between the Graduate male population and XII Std male population from
State ‘A’?

A. 24,000

B. 14,000

C. 28,000

D. 36,000

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 14,000

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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

What is the ratio of the Graduate female population of State E to Std XII female population of State

A. 7 : 5

B. 5 : 7
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C. 16 : 15

D. 15 : 16

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 15 : 16


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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

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The Graduate female population of State C is what per cent of the Std XII female population of
that State?

A. 40

B. 62.5

C. 50

D. 52.5

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 50

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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

The Std XII male population of State C is what per cent of the Std XII male population of state D ?

A. 180%

B. 120%

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C. 110%

D. 190%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

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What is the ratio of the Graduate male population of State E to the Std XII female population of
that State?

A. 28 : 35

B. 35 : 28

C. 32 : 45

D. 45 : 32

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

Total Graduate population of State F is what per cent of the total Std XII population of State A?

A. 56

B. 72
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C. 68

D. 76

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

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Std XII male population of State E is what per cent of the std XII male population of State F?

A. 70

B. 75

C. 68

D. 72

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 75

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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

What is the ratio of the total Graduate and Std XII male population of State A to the total Graduate
and Std XII female population of that State?

A. 215 : 216

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B. 214 : 215

C. 217 : 215

D. 215 : 217

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 217 : 215


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Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

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What is the ratio of the total Graduate population of State D to the total Std XII population of that

A. 17 : 16

B. 16 : 17

C. 64 : 51

D. 51 : 64

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 17 : 16

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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.
Statewise Details of the adult population of a country

The Graduate female population of State B is what percent of the Graduate female population of
State E? (rounded oඌ to the nearest integer)

A. 129

B. 82

C. 77

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D. 107

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 77


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Study the following graph and answer the questions that follow.

The amount spent by Country C in 2004, 2005 and 2008 is approximately what per cent of the
amount spent by countries A in all the year together?

A. 30%

B. 40%

C. 50%

D. 60%

E. 45%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 40%

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Study the following graph and answer the questions that follow.

What is the respective ratio between the amount spent by Country C in the year 2005 and 2006
together to the amount spent by Country A in the same years?

A. 17 : 12

B. 31 : 15

C. 23 : 14

D. 11 : 7

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 23 : 14


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Study the following graph and answer the questions that follow.

What is the average amount spent by Country C over all the years together?

A. $309 million

B. $3093.75 million

C. $310 million

D. $30.9375 million

E. $ 3.09375 millions

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. $3093.75 million

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Study the following graph and answer the questions that follow.

The amount spent by B in 2006,2007 and 2008 is approximately what percent more or less the
amount spent by A in the same year

A. 28%

B. 38%

C. 25%

D. 22%

E. 32%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 28%

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Study the following graph and answer the questions that follow.

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Country A spends minimum amount of its budget on
2. Country B has spent the maximum amount on arms every year.
3. An examination of the information for the rst three years reveals that generally all three
countries are reducing their expenditure on arms.

A. Only I

B. Only II

C. Only III

D. II and III

E. None is true
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None is true


Also, for the rst three years, all the countries not generally reducing their expenditure on arms.
Hence, none is true.

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In the following multiple graphs production of rice (in quintals) by three countries – India, China
and U.S.A has been given. Study the following graphs carefully to answer the questions.

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If the production of rice by India in the years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2007 increase by 30%, 40%,
45% and 40% respectively, what will be the overall approximate percentage increase in the
production of rice in the state in the given years?

A. 40%

B. 50%

C. 60%

D. 45%

E. 55%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 40%


Increase in Rice Production

Year 2003 = 130% of 2800 = 3640
Year 2004 = 140% of 3800 = 5320
Year 2005 = 145% of 2100 = 3045
Year 2007 = 140% of 3600 = 5040
Total earlier production = 2800 + 3800 + 2100 + 3600 = 12300
Now wheat production = 3640 + 5320 + 3045 + 5040 = 17045

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In the following multiple graphs production of rice (in quintals) by three countries – India, China
and U.S.A has been given. Study the following graphs carefully to answer the questions.

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What was the average production of rice by all three states in the year 2007? (in quintals)

A. 3400

B. 3300

C. 3200

D. 3100

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 3300


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In the following multiple graphs production of rice (in quintals) by three countries – India, China
and U.S.A has been given. Study the following graphs carefully to answer the questions.

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In the given years, what is the average production of rice in U.S.A? (in quintals)





E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D.


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In the following multiple graphs production of rice (in quintals) by three countries – India, China
and U.S.A has been given. Study the following graphs carefully to answer the questions.

If the productions of rice in U.S.A in the years 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 increase by 20%, 25%,
28% and 35% respectively; what will be the approximate percentage increase in the average
production of the countries for the given years?

A. 22%

B. 25%

C. 27%

D. 28%

E. 30%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 27%

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In the following multiple graphs production of rice (in quintals) by three countries – India, China
and U.S.A has been given. Study the following graphs carefully to answer the questions.

By what per cent is the total production of rice by three countries in the years 2002,2003, and
2004 more or less than that in the years 2005, 2006 and 2007?

A. 2.5%

B. 2.6%

C. 2.9%

D. 1.8%

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 1.8%


Total production of Rice by three countries in the year 2002, 2003 and 2004
Total production of Rice by Three countries in the year 2005, 2006 and 2007

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Study the following charts carefully and answer accordingly:
The following charts show the number of students appearing in IIT examination from di erent
states in two successive years. The total no. of students appearing in 2001 and 2002 was 2.50
lakhs and 2.40 lakhs respectively.

In which of the following states we get to see the maximum di erence betweenthe number of
students appearing in 2001 to that in 2002?



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C. Rest

D. Bihar

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Rest


Di erence between the number of students appearing in 2001 to that in 2002

In Bihar = 18% of 2.5 – 20% of 2.4
=-0.03 lakh
Di erence = 3000
In UP = 12% of 2.5 – 18% of 2.4
Di erence = 13200
In Delhi = 15% of 2.5 – 14% of 2.4
=0.375 –0.336
= – 0.039

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Study the following charts carefully and answer accordingly:
The following charts show the number of students appearing in IIT examination from di erent
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states in two successive years. The total no. of students appearing in 2001 and 2002 was 2.50
lakhs and 2.40 lakhs respectively.

The number of students appearing from Delhi in 2002 was what per cent of that from WB in 2001?

A. 66.2%

B. 67.2%

C. 68.2%

D. 62.7%

E. 69.2 %

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 67.2%


Number of students appearing from Delhi in 2002 = 14% of 2.4 = 0.336 lakh
Number of student appearing from WB in 2001 = 20% of 2.5 = 0.5 lakh

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Study the following charts carefully and answer accordingly:
The following charts show the number of students appearing in IIT examination from di erent
states in two successive years. The total no. of students appearing in 2001 and 2002 was 2.50
lakhs and 2.40 lakhs respectively.

The total number of students appearing from Bihar and UP together in 2001 is approximately
equal to that from which of the following pairs of states in 2002?

A. Delhi, Tamil Nadu

B. Delhi, Rest


D. UP, Rest

E. UP, Delhi

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. UP, Rest


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following charts carefully and answer accordingly:
The following charts show the number of students appearing in IIT examination from di erent
states in two successive years. The total no. of students appearing in 2001 and 2002 was 2.50
lakhs and 2.40 lakhs respectively.

The number of students appearing form Delhi and Rest in 2002 is what percent more or less than
the number of students appearing form U.P and W.B in 2001.

A. 12.16%

B. 12.14%

C. 12.13%

D. 12.15%

E. 12.17%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 12.16%


Number of student appear from Delhi and Bihar in 2002 = (14 + 13)% of 2.4 = 0.648 lakh

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Number of student appearing from U.P. and W.B. in 2001 = (12 + 20)% of 2.5 = 0.8 lakh

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Study the following charts carefully and answer accordingly:
The following charts show the number of students appearing in IIT examination from di erent
states in two successive years. The total no. of students appearing in 2001 and 2002 was 2.50
lakhs and 2.40 lakhs respectively.

What is the total number of student appearing form Delhi in 2001, and from TN in 2002.

A. 66400

B. 66500

C. 63600

D. 66700

E. 66300

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 66300

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Following line graph shows the percentage increase in the salaries of four persons during the
years 2003 to 2008 with respect to previous year.

[Given that, increment in salary was implemented from January of every year]

If the ratio of the salaries of A and B at the end of the year 2002 was 3 : 4, then what was the ratio
of their salaries at the end of the year 2008?

A. 2 : 33

B. 2 :42

C. 5 : 66

D. 4 : 51

E. 75 : 104

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: E. 75 : 104


Let the salary of A and B at the end of year 2002 be 3x and 4x respectively.
Ratio of their salary in 2008

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Following line graph shows the percentage increase in the salaries of four persons during the
years 2003 to 2008 with respect to previous year.

[Given that, increment in salary was implemented from January of every year]

If the ratio of the salaries of A, B, C and D at the end of the year 2003 was 22 : 13 : 7 : 13, then what
was the ratio of their salaries at the end of the year 2006?

A. 20 : 12 : 7 : 11

B. 25 : 12 : 7 : 11

C. 25 : 12 : 7 : 13

D. 25 : 7 : 12 : 11

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E. 25 : 7 : 11 : 12

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 25 : 12 : 7 : 11


Ratio of salaries of A, B, C and D in 2006

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Following line graph shows the percentage increase in the salaries of four persons during the
years 2003 to 2008 with respect to previous year.

[Given that, increment in salary was implemented from January of every year]

If the salaries of B and C were equal at the end of the year 2004, then what was the ratio of the
salaries of B and C at the end of the year 2005?

A. 2 : 1

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B. 12 : 13

C. 12 : 11

D. 13 : 12

E. 13 : 14

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 12 : 13


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Following line graph shows the percentage increase in the salaries of four persons during the
years 2003 to 2008 with respect to previous year.

[Given that, increment in salary was implemented from January of every year]

If the salary of A at the end of the year 2002 was Rs 20000, then what was his salary at the end of
the year 2008?

A. Rs 36628
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B. Rs 56628

C. Rs 43000

D. Rs 56826

E. Rs 51268

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rs 56628


Salary at the end 2008

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Following line graph shows the percentage increase in the salaries of four persons during the
years 2003 to 2008 with respect to previous year.

[Given that, increment in salary was implemented from January of every year]

Which of the following shows the approximate average percentage increase in the salary of B
during the six years?

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A. 20%

B. 27.71%

C. 32.41%

D. 49.07%

E. 41.32%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 20%


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The following graph shows the total number of readers (in thousands) of two magazines X and Y in
six di erent cities in year 2013 and the table shows the percentage rise in the number of readers
of these two magazines from year 2013 to 2014.

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What is the total number of readers of Magazine X from City A and City B together in 2014?

A. 142340

B. 146960

C. 148520

D. 152150

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 146960

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The following graph shows the total number of readers (in thousands) of two magazines X and Y in
six di erent cities in year 2013 and the table shows the percentage rise in the number of readers
of these two magazines from year 2013 to 2014.

What is the di erence between the total no. of readers of Magazine X from City D in 2014 and the
total number of readers of Magazine Y from the same city in the same year?

A. 7035

B. 7085

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C. 7115

D. 7165

E. 7205

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 7035


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The following graph shows the total number of readers (in thousands) of two magazines X and Y in
six di erent cities in year 2013 and the table shows the percentage rise in the number of readers
of these two magazines from year 2013 to 2014.

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The total number of readers of Magazine X from City F in 2014 is approximately what per cent of
the total number of readers of Magazine Y from the same city in the same year?

A. 87.5%

B. 92.6%

C. 108%

D. 112.8%

E. 125.4%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 125.4%

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number of readers of Magazine X from City F in 2014

= 69600
total number of readers of Magazine Y from City F in 2014


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The following graph shows the total number of readers (in thousands) of two magazines X and Y in
six di erent cities in year 2013 and the table shows the percentage rise in the number of readers
of these two magazines from year 2013 to 2014.

What is the average number of readers of Magazine Y from all the cities together in 2014?

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A. 71075

B. 72050

C. 73025

D. 74550

E. 75125

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 73025


number of readers of Magazine Y from city A in 2014

= 118% of 61000 = 71980
Similarly form city B = 74750
Similarly form city C = 61820
Similarly form city D = 84900
Similarly form city E = 89200
Similarly form city F = 55500
SUM = 71980+ 74750+61820+84900+89200+55500 = 438150

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The following graph shows the total number of readers (in thousands) of two magazines X and Y in
six di erent cities in year 2013 and the table shows the percentage rise in the number of readers
of these two magazines from year 2013 to 2014.

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The total number of readers of Magazine X from City B in 2014 is approximately what per cent
more than the total number of readers of the same magazine from City F in 2013?

A. 39.6%

B. 40.4%

C. 42.2%

D. 44.5%

E. 47.8%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 40.4%

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total number of readers of Magazine X from City B in 2014

the total number of readers of magazine X from City F in 2013= 60000

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Study the following bar diagram carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Following bar diagram represents the total pro ts (in Rs crore) and per cent pro t of four
companies during the four years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

(ii) Income = Expenditure + Pro t

What is the sum of expenditure of all the four companies in the year 2005?

A. Rs 900 crore

B. Rs 800 crore

C. Rs 700 crore

D. Rs 1000 crore

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. Rs 900 crore


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Study the following bar diagram carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Following bar diagram represents the total pro ts (in Rs crore) and per cent pro t of four
companies during the four years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

(ii) Income = Expenditure + Pro t

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What is the sum of incomes of all the four companies in the year 2006?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B.


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Study the following bar diagram carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Following bar diagram represents the total pro ts (in Rs crore) and per cent pro t of four
companies during the four years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

(ii) Income = Expenditure + Pro t

The total pro t obtained by all the four companies in the year 2007 is approximately what per cent
of the sum of their expenditure in the same year?

A. 15%

B. 18%

C. 20%

D. 22%

E. 25%

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 20%


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Study the following bar diagram carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Following bar diagram represents the total pro ts (in Rs crore) and per cent pro t of four
companies during the four years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

(ii) Income = Expenditure + Pro t

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What is the ratio of the sum of the expenditures of the companies P and Q during the given years?

A. 29 : 49

B. 87 : 49

C. 78 : 79

D. 98 : 87

E. 123 : 98

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 123 : 98

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Study the following bar diagram carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Following bar diagram represents the total pro ts (in Rs crore) and per cent pro t of four
companies during the four years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

(ii) Income = Expenditure + Pro t

What is the ratio of the sum of the incomes of the company R in years 2007 and 2008 to that of S
during the same year i.e., 2007 and 2008 ?

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A. 11 : 24

B. 15 : 17

C. 17 : 59

D. 582 : 173

E. 173 : 582

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 173 : 582


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A soft drink company prepares drinks of three di erent avours X, Y and Z. The production of
three avours over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below.

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The total production of avour Z in 2011 and 2012 is what per cent of the total production of
avour X in 2009 and 2010?

A. 96.67%

B. 102.25%

C. 115.57%

D. 133.33%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 133.33%


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A soft drink company prepares drinks of three di erent avours X, Y and Z. The production of
three avours over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below.

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For which avor was the average annual production maximum in the given period?

A. Only X

B. Only Y

C. Only Z

D. X and Y

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Only Y


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A soft drink company prepares drinks of three di erent avours X, Y and Z. The production of
three avours over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below.

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What is the di erence between the average production of avour X in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and
the average production of avor Y in 2012, 2013 and 2014?

A. 50000 bottles

B. 80000 bottles

C. 240000 bottles

D. 500000 bottles

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 500000 bottles


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A soft drink company prepares drinks of three di erent avours X, Y and Z. The production of
three avours over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below.

What was the approximate decline in the production of avor Z in 2014 as compared to the
production in 2012?

A. 50%

B. 42%

C. 33%

D. 25%

E. 40%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 33%


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A soft drink company prepares drinks of three di erent avours X, Y and Z. The production of
three avours over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below.

For which of the following years the percentage rise/fall in production from the previous year is
the maximum for the avor Y?

A. 2010

B. 2011

C. 2012

D. 2013

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 2011


Percentage rise/ fall in production from the previous year for avor Y

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Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions.
The following bar graph shows the budget allocation (in Rs crore) for eduation in three states A, B
and C from year 2008 – 12.

What per cent is the average budget of B during 2008 to 2012, to that of average budget of A
through all these years?

A. 118%

B. 85%

C. 98%

D. 102%

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 102%


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Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions.
The following bar graph shows the budget allocation (in Rs crore) for eduation in three states A, B
and C from year 2008 – 12.

In 2012, state B allocated 35% of the budget for boys. In 2013, this was proposed to be increased
by 35% of the allocation for boys in 2012. With no other change, what is the per cent increase in
budget allocation for 2013 with reference to 2012?

A. 35%

B. 12.25%
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C. 75%

D. 50%

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 12.25%


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Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions.
The following bar graph shows the budget allocation (in Rs crore) for eduation in three states A, B

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and C from year 2008 – 12.

In 2011, state A spent three-fourth of the allocated budget for girls. From this amount, money
spent for school education and higher education of girls was in the ratio 20 : 21. How much money
was spent for higher education of girls?

A. Rs 60 crore

B. Rs 78.75 crore

C. Rs 63 crore

D. Rs 42 crore

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rs 78.75 crore


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Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions.
The following bar graph shows the budget allocation (in Rs crore) for eduation in three states A, B
and C from year 2008 – 12.

Budget allocation of C in 2013 is 13% more than the average budget allocation from 2009 to 2012.
Find increase/decrease in the allocation from 2012?

A. Decrease by Rs 2.1925 crore

B. increase by Rs 2.1925 crore

C. Decrease by Rs 8.464 crore

D. increase by Rs 3.1925 crore

E. None of theses

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Decrease by Rs 2.1925 crore

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Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions.
The following bar graph shows the budget allocation (in Rs crore) for eduation in three states A, B
and C from year 2008 – 12.

A total of Rs 67.3 crore was spent on primary education in B in 2008. This included 23% of the total
allocated amount for 2008 and the remaining amount was borne by NGOs. The amount shared by
NGOs is 116% of its previous years share. About how much did the NGOs contribute in the
previous year?

A. Rs 47.11 crore

B. Rs 33 crore

C. Rs 28 crore

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D. Rs 36.25 crore

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rs 33 crore


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Following bar graph shows the percentage of total number of students admitted in di erent
streams in a college during the period of 2012-2016. The table shows the total number of
admitted students during this period.

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What is the average number of students admitted in Biology stream?

A. 353

B. 335

C. 347

D. 343

E. 360

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 353

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Total number of students admitted in biology stream

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Following bar graph shows the percentage of total number of students admitted in di erent
streams in a college during the period of 2012-2016. The table shows the total number of
admitted students during this period.

What is the ratio between total number of Chemistry students and total number of Biology
students admitted in the year 2015 and 2016 together?

A. 3 : 7

B. 43 : 75

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C. 47 : 75

D. 47 : 45

E. 47 : 57

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 47 : 75


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Following bar graph shows the percentage of total number of students admitted in di erent
streams in a college during the period of 2012-2016. The table shows the total number of
admitted students during this period.

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The number of students admitted in Chemistry stream in year 2016 is how much per cent more or
less than that of total number of students admitted in Physics in year 2015?

A. 25%

B. 26%

C. 28%

D. 24%

E. 27%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 24%

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Following bar graph shows the percentage of total number of students admitted in di erent
streams in a college during the period of 2012-2016. The table shows the total number of
admitted students during this period.

Total number of students admitted in Physics stream in 2015 is what per cent of students
admitted in the same stream in 2016?

A. 120%

B. 100%

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C. 90%

D. 75%

E. 60%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 60%


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Following bar graph shows the percentage of total number of students admitted in di erent
streams in a college during the period of 2012-2016. The table shows the total number of
admitted students during this period.

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In which year the number of student admitted in Physics is maximum?

A. 2012

B. 2013

C. 2014

D. 2015

E. 2016

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 2014

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Study the following graph carefully and answer accordingly.
Scores made by di erent cricket players in ODI and T-20 in year 2011

The di erence of scores made by Joe Root in ODI and T-20 is what percentage more or less than
the di erence of scores made by Kane Williamson in ODI and T-20 is

A. 70% less

B. 40% more

C. 70% more

D. 80% less

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. 70% more


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Study the following graph carefully and answer accordingly.
Scores made by di erent cricket players in ODI and T-20 in year 2011

Total scores made by all given players in ODI matches is approximately what percentage of total
scores made by them in T-20?

A. 95 %

B. 80 %

C. 105 %

D. 90 %

E. 85 %

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 90 %


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Study the following graph carefully and answer accordingly.
Scores made by di erent cricket players in ODI and T-20 in year 2011

If Joe Root and Kane Williamson both played 25 ODI matches in this year, then average score of
which player is better?

A. Joe Root

B. Kane Williams

C. Both have equal average

D. Can’t be determined

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Kane Williams


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Study the following graph carefully and answer accordingly.
Scores made by di erent cricket players in ODI and T-20 in year 2011

How many players in ODI made score higher than the average score made by all players shown in
the graph?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 3


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Study the following graph carefully and answer accordingly.
Scores made by di erent cricket players in ODI and T-20 in year 2011

Total score made by Virat Kohli, Joe Root and Martin Guptil in T-20 is what percentage more/less
by score made by Aaron Finch, Kane Williamsonand Francosis du Plessis in ODI matches?

A. 15% more

B. 15% less

C. 20% more

D. 10% more

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E. 10% less

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 10% less


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Study the table and answer the given questions.
Data related to human resource of a multinational company (X) which has 145 o ces across 8

If the number of male post graduate employees in country H is 1800, what per cent of female
employees in that particular country is post graduate?

A. 76%

B. 74%

C. 72%

D. 64%

E. 68%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 74%


Total number of post graduate in H = 80% of 3360

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= 2688
Number of female post graduate = 2688 – 1800
= 888

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Study the table and answer the given questions.
Data related to human resource of a multinational company (X) which has 145 o ces across 8

In which of the given countries, is percentage of women employees to number of employees (both
male and female) in that country is the second lowest?

A. G

B. B

C. E

D. H

E. D

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. H


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Study the table and answer the given questions.
Data related to human resource of a multinational company (X) which has 145 o ces across 8

What is the respective ratio between total number of male employees in countries B and H
together and total number of female employees in countries C and D together?

A. 63 : 52

B. 51 : 38

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C. 77 : 64

D. 69 : 44

E. 57 : 40

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 69 : 44


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Study the table and answer the given questions.
Data related to human resource of a multinational company (X) which has 145 o ces across 8

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What is the di erence between average number of post graduate employees in countries A, B and
D together and average number of post graduate employees in countries F, G and H together?

A. 282

B. 276

C. 316

D. 342

E. 294

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 294


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Study the table and answer the given questions.
Data related to human resource of a multinational company (X) which has 145 o ces across 8

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Which of the given countries has the highest number of average employees per o ce?

A. F

B. H

C. B

D. C

E. D

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. C


Average employees per o ce in country A

Similarly In B = 160
in C = 165
in D = 162.5
in E = 158

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in F = 164
in G = 155
in H = 160
Highest is in C.

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The following table shows the percentage of marks obtained by ve students in six di erent
subjects. Answer the following questions based on the this table.

What is the average marks scored by all students in physics?

A. 50

B. 52

C. 51

D. 54

E. 53

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 51


Average marks by all the student in physics

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The following table shows the percentage of marks obtained by ve students in six di erent
subjects. Answer the following questions based on the this table.

What is the total marks scored by Rohit in all subjects together?

A. 409

B. 411

C. 412

D. 410

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 409

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The following table shows the percentage of marks obtained by ve students in six di erent
subjects. Answer the following questions based on the this table.

What is the overall percentage of marks scored by Mamta?

A. 61%

B. 63%

C. 60%

D. 62%

E. 64%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 61%

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Total marks scored by Mamta.

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The following table shows the percentage of marks obtained by ve students in six di erent
subjects. Answer the following questions based on the this table.

What is the di erence between the total marks obtained by Neeraj in Chemistry, Hindi and Maths
and that obtained by Ajay in the same subjects?

A. 40

B. 60

C. 30

D. 50

E. 20

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 20

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The following table shows the percentage of marks obtained by ve students in six di erent
subjects. Answer the following questions based on the this table.

The marks scored by Rohit in Physics is approximately what per cent of the marks scored by him
in Hindi?

A. 119%

B. 117%

C. 118%

D. 120%

E. 116%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 117%

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The following table shows the total number of students appeared in an entrance exam from six
di erent schools in di erent years, and the ratio of passed to failed students among them.
Answer the given questions based on this table.

What is the di erence between the total number of passed students from School D in the year
2010 and the total number of failed students from School B in the year 2012?

A. 56

B. 60

C. 63

D. 68

E. 72

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 63

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The following table shows the total number of students appeared in an entrance exam from six
di erent schools in di erent years, and the ratio of passed to failed students among them.
Answer the given questions based on this table.

What is the total number of failed students from School F in all three years together?

A. 1145

B. 1235

C. 1325

D. 1415

E. 1505

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. 1235


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

The following table shows the total number of students appeared in an entrance exam from six
di erent schools in di erent years, and the ratio of passed to failed students among them.
Answer the given questions based on this table.

What is the total number of passed students from all six schools in the year 2011?

A. 2850

B. 2940

C. 2990

D. 3010

E. 3060

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 3010

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The following table shows the total number of students appeared in an entrance exam from six
di erent schools in di erent years, and the ratio of passed to failed students among them.
Answer the given questions based on this table.

What is the average number of failed students from School C in all three years together?

A. 311

B. 312

C. 313

D. 314

E. 315

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 313

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The following table shows the total number of students appeared in an entrance exam from six
di erent schools in di erent years, and the ratio of passed to failed students among them.
Answer the given questions based on this table.

The total number of passed students from School E in the year 2010 is approximately what
percentage of the total number of failed students from School A in the year 2011?

A. 66.66%

B. 80%

C. 112.5%

D. 125%

E. 150%

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 150%

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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the total population of six cities and the table
shows the percentage of adults in these cities and the ratio of males to females among these adult

The adults population of City D is approximately what per cent of the adult population of City A ?

A. 74%

B. 70%

C. 76%

D. 84%

E. 90 %

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 74%

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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the total population of six cities and the table
shows the percentage of adults in these cities and the ratio of males to females among these adult

What is the di erence between the total adult population of City C and the total population of City

A. 26500

B. 15000

C. 25500

D. 24500

E. 35500

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 25500

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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the total population of six cities and the table
shows the percentage of adults in these cities and the ratio of males to females among these adult

What is the di erence between the adult male population of city B and the adult female
population of City C ?

A. 40500

B. 30800

C. 40600

D. 40800

E. 40900

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. 40800


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the total population of six cities and the table
shows the percentage of adults in these cities and the ratio of males to females among these adult

The adult female population of City A is approximately what per cent of adult male population of
city E?

A. 104%

B. 103%

C. 102%

D. 105%

E. 101%

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 105%


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The following pie-chart shows the distribution of the total population of six cities and the table
shows the percentage of adults in these cities and the ratio of males to females among these adult

The adult male population of City B is approximately what percentage more or less than its adult
female population?

A. 35%

B. 40%

C. 50%

D. 55%

E. 60%
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. 60%


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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

What is the ratio between total strength of Companies A, B and C together in 2003 and the total
strength of Companies E, F and G together in 2005 respectively?

A. 103 : 101

B. 101 : 103

C. 51 : 53

D. 53 : 51

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 101 : 103

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

If in 2002, the overall percentage of employees who get increment from all the Companies is 70%,
total how many employees get increment in 2002 from all the Companies together?

A. 3402

B. 3420

C. 3422

D. 3382

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 3402

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

If from Company D, overall 80% employees got increment for all the given years, approximately
what is the average number of employees who got increment?

A. 740

B. 460

C. 640

D. 540

E. 604

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 640

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Strength of Company F in 2002 was what percent of the total strength of that Company for all
seven years together? (Rounded o to two digits after decimal)

A. 14.28

B. 14.98

C. 12.90

D. 14.75

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 14.28

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

What is the di erence between the total number of employees in 2006 for all the Companies
together and total number of employees in 2008 for all the Companies together?

A. 50

B. 70

C. 10

D. 30

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 10

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Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Akash, Deepti, Charu and Mukesh are
sitting around a square table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the
table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Members sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite each other.
Akash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately right to Garima. Dhruv
and Mukesh are sitting on the same side. Mukesh is exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the
immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is towards right of Deepti.

Which of the following statements is de៯�nitely true?

A. Charu is opposite Varsha.

B. Deepti is to the left of Garima.

C. Avinash is towards the right of Akash.

D. Mukesh is sitting opposite Dhruv

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Avinash is towards the right of Akash.


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Akash, Deepti, Charu and Mukesh are
sitting around a square table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the
table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Members sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite each other.
Akash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately right to Garima. Dhruv
and Mukesh are sitting on the same side. Mukesh is exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the
immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is towards right of Deepti.

Who is sitting opposite Dhruv?

A. Charu

B. Deepti

C. Varsha

D. Mukesh

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Varsha


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Akash, Deepti, Charu and Mukesh are
sitting around a square table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the
table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Members sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite each other.
Akash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately right to Garima. Dhruv
and Mukesh are sitting on the same side. Mukesh is exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the
immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is towards right of Deepti.

Who is sitting opposite Deepti?

A. Mukesh

B. Charu

C. ) Varsha

D. Charu or Varsha

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Charu


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Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Akash, Deepti, Charu and Mukesh are
sitting around a square table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the
table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Members sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite each other.
Akash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately right to Garima. Dhruv
and Mukesh are sitting on the same side. Mukesh is exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the
immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is towards right of Deepti.

Who is next to Varsha in anti clockwise direction?

A. Garima

B. Avinash

C. Dhruv

D. Deepti

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Garima


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Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Akash, Deepti, Charu and Mukesh are
sitting around a square table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the
table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Members sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite each other.
Akash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately right to Garima. Dhruv
and Mukesh are sitting on the same side. Mukesh is exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the
immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is towards right of Deepti.

Which of the following pairs of person is such way that ៯�rst person sitting to the left of second

A. Akash- Charu

B. Mukesh - Charu

C. Dhruv- Akash

D. Avinash- Charu

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Mukesh - Charu


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Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Akash, Deepti, Charu and Mukesh are
sitting around a square table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the
table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Members sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite each other.
Akash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately right to Garima. Dhruv
and Mukesh are sitting on the same side. Mukesh is exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the
immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is towards right of Deepti.

Which of the following statements is de៯�nitely false?

A. Charu is opposite Garima.

B. Deepti is to the left of Garima.

C. Avinash is towards the right of Charu.

D. Mukesh is sitting opposite Dhruv

E. more than one is false.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. more than one is false.


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Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Akash, Deepti, Charu and Mukesh are
sitting around a square table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the
table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Members sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite each other.
Akash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately right to Garima. Dhruv
and Mukesh are sitting on the same side. Mukesh is exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the
immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is towards right of Deepti.

Who is sitting third to the right of Dhruv?

A. Charu

B. Deepti

C. Varsha

D. Mukesh

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


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Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that two
persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Persons sitting on opposite
sides are exactly opposite to each other.
D faces north and sits exactly opposite to H. E is to the immediate left of H. A and G sit on the
same side. G is exactly opposite to B who is to the immediate right of C. A is next to the left of D.

Who is sitting opposite to A?

A. G

B. D

C. E

D. A

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that two
persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Persons sitting on opposite
sides are exactly opposite to each other.

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D faces north and sits exactly opposite to H. E is to the immediate left of H. A and G sit on the
same side. G is exactly opposite to B who is to the immediate right of C. A is next to the left of D.

Who is next to E in clockwise direction?

A. G

B. B

C. F

D. A or F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that two
persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Persons sitting on opposite
sides are exactly opposite to each other.
D faces north and sits exactly opposite to H. E is to the immediate left of H. A and G sit on the
same side. G is exactly opposite to B who is to the immediate right of C. A is next to the left of D.

Which of the following pairs of persons has both the persons sitting on the same side with ៯�rst
person sitting to the right of second person?
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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. AG


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that two
persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Persons sitting on opposite
sides are exactly opposite to each other.
D faces north and sits exactly opposite to H. E is to the immediate left of H. A and G sit on the
same side. G is exactly opposite to B who is to the immediate right of C. A is next to the left of D.

Who is sitting opposite to E?

A. D

B. A
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C. F

D. A or D

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that two
persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Persons sitting on opposite
sides are exactly opposite to each other.
D faces north and sits exactly opposite to H. E is to the immediate left of H. A and G sit on the
same side. G is exactly opposite to B who is to the immediate right of C. A is next to the left of D.

Which of the following statements is de៯�nitely true?

A. A is facing north

B. E is sitting opposite to F

C. F is to the left of G

D. C is to the left of A

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. E is sitting opposite to F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Among Eight friends there are four males W, X, Y, Z and four females M, N, O, P. They all are
seated around a square table in such a way that two are on each side with equal distance. A
combination of one male and one female are seated on each four sides. All are facing the centre
of the table. Z is seated third to the right of P, who is not near to W. Y is seated second to the left
of M. N is seated third to the left of O.

Who is seated opposite to Y?

A. N

B. O

C. W

D. P

E. Cannot be determined.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. W
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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Among Eight friends there are four males W, X, Y, Z and four females M, N, O, P. They all are
seated around a square table in such a way that two are on each side with equal distance. A
combination of one male and one female are seated on each four sides. All are facing the centre
of the table. Z is seated third to the right of P, who is not near to W. Y is seated second to the left
of M. N is seated third to the left of O.

Who is seated immediate right of X?

A. P

B. Z

C. N

D. Y

E. O

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. P

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Among Eight friends there are four males W, X, Y, Z and four females M, N, O, P. They all are
seated around a square table in such a way that two are on each side with equal distance. A
combination of one male and one female are seated on each four sides. All are facing the centre
of the table. Z is seated third to the right of P, who is not near to W. Y is seated second to the left
of M. N is seated third to the left of O.

Which of the following statement is true?

A. N and X are adjacent to each other.

B. W and O are adjacent to each other.

C. P and Z are adjacent to each other.

D. M and Y are adjacent to each other.

E. None is true.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. N and X are adjacent to each other.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Among Eight friends there are four males W, X, Y, Z and four females M, N, O, P. They all are
seated around a square table in such a way that two are on each side with equal distance. A
combination of one male and one female are seated on each four sides. All are facing the centre
of the table. Z is seated third to the right of P, who is not near to W. Y is seated second to the left
of M. N is seated third to the left of O.

What is the position of W with respect to O ?

A. Diagonally Opposite

B. Opposite

C. Immediate left

D. Immediate right

E. Second to the right.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Diagonally Opposite

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Among Eight friends there are four males W, X, Y, Z and four females M, N, O, P. They all are
seated around a square table in such a way that two are on each side with equal distance. A
combination of one male and one female are seated on each four sides. All are facing the centre
of the table. Z is seated third to the right of P, who is not near to W. Y is seated second to the left
of M. N is seated third to the left of O.

How many friends are seated between P and X?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. Four.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. None

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight Friends Kumar, Randhir, Meena, Prabhu, Ajay, Reena, Shikha and Radhey are sitting around
square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners of square, while other four sit
in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces outside while
those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table.
Prabhu sits third to the right of Shikha. Shikha faces the centre. Ajay sits third to the left of Meena.
Meena does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Ajay and Reena.
Reena is not an immediate neighbor of Meena. Radhey faces the centre. Kumar is not an
immediate neighbor of Reena.

Who amongst the following sits diagonally opposite to Meena?

A. Kumar

B. Randhir

C. Shikha

D. Prabhu

E. Reena.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Prabhu

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight Friends Kumar, Randhir, Meena, Prabhu, Ajay, Reena, Shikha and Radhey are sitting around
square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners of square, while other four sit
in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces outside while
those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table.
Prabhu sits third to the right of Shikha. Shikha faces the centre. Ajay sits third to the left of Meena.
Meena does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Ajay and Reena.
Reena is not an immediate neighbor of Meena. Radhey faces the centre. Kumar is not an
immediate neighbor of Reena.

Who among the following represent the immediate neighbours of Reena?

A. Randhir and Prabhu

B. Shikha and Prabhu

C. Ajay and Meena

D. Kumar and Radhey

E. Cannot be determined.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Randhir and Prabhu

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight Friends Kumar, Randhir, Meena, Prabhu, Ajay, Reena, Shikha and Radhey are sitting around
square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners of square, while other four sit
in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces outside while
those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table.
Prabhu sits third to the right of Shikha. Shikha faces the centre. Ajay sits third to the left of Meena.
Meena does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Ajay and Reena.
Reena is not an immediate neighbor of Meena. Radhey faces the centre. Kumar is not an
immediate neighbor of Reena.

Who among the following sits Exactly between Shikha and Ajay?

A. Radhey

B. Randhir

C. Kumar

D. Meena

E. Prabhu

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Kumar

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight Friends Kumar, Randhir, Meena, Prabhu, Ajay, Reena, Shikha and Radhey are sitting around
square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners of square, while other four sit
in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces outside while
those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table.
Prabhu sits third to the right of Shikha. Shikha faces the centre. Ajay sits third to the left of Meena.
Meena does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Ajay and Reena.
Reena is not an immediate neighbor of Meena. Radhey faces the centre. Kumar is not an
immediate neighbor of Reena.

Which of the following is true regarding Radhey?

A. Radhey is one of the immediate neighbours of Prabhu.

B. Immediate neighbors' of Radhey faces the Centre..

C. Radhey faces the centre.

D. Radhey sits immediate right of Prabhu.

E. Radhey sits diagonally opposite to Kumar..

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Radhey faces the centre.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight Friends Kumar, Randhir, Meena, Prabhu, Ajay, Reena, Shikha and Radhey are sitting around
square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners of square, while other four sit
in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces outside while
those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table.
Prabhu sits third to the right of Shikha. Shikha faces the centre. Ajay sits third to the left of Meena.
Meena does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Ajay and Reena.
Reena is not an immediate neighbor of Meena. Radhey faces the centre. Kumar is not an
immediate neighbor of Reena.

Who sits Third to the right of Kumar?

A. Randhir

B. Prabhu

C. Reena

D. Shikha

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight Friends Kumar, Randhir, Meena, Prabhu, Ajay, Reena, Shikha and Radhey are sitting around
square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners of square, while other four sit
in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces outside while
those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table.
Prabhu sits third to the right of Shikha. Shikha faces the centre. Ajay sits third to the left of Meena.
Meena does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Ajay and Reena.
Reena is not an immediate neighbor of Meena. Radhey faces the centre. Kumar is not an
immediate neighbor of Reena.

Who amongst the following sits diagonally opposite to Prabhu?

A. Kumar

B. Randhir

C. Shikha

D. Other than given options.

E. Reena.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Other than given options.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Four males and females namely P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W are sitting around square table in such a way
that four of them sit at the corners of the table, while other four sits in the middle of each of four
sides, the ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the
sides face outside.
Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. P sits second to the left of V. V
sits on the middle of one of the sides. R sits fourth to the right of his wife and his wife is not an
immediate neighbor of P or V. Q sits third to the right of her husband. Q does not sit at any of the
corners. Only S sits between Q and W. W is the husband of P. Both V and T are males.

Who amongst the following represents the married couple?

A. R and P

B. R and S

C. R and Q

D. T and W

E. Cannot be determined.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. R and S

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Four males and females namely P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W are sitting around square table in such a way
that four of them sit at the corners of the table, while other four sits in the middle of each of four
sides, the ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the
sides face outside.
Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. P sits second to the left of V. V
sits on the middle of one of the sides. R sits fourth to the right of his wife and his wife is not an
immediate neighbor of P or V. Q sits third to the right of her husband. Q does not sit at any of the
corners. Only S sits between Q and W. W is the husband of P. Both V and T are males.

Who among the following represent the Female members group?

A. P,Q,S,U

B. R,S,T,W

C. P,S,T,W

D. T,R,S,Q

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. P,Q,S,U

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Four males and females namely P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W are sitting around square table in such a way
that four of them sit at the corners of the table, while other four sits in the middle of each of four
sides, the ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the
sides face outside.
Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. P sits second to the left of V. V
sits on the middle of one of the sides. R sits fourth to the right of his wife and his wife is not an
immediate neighbor of P or V. Q sits third to the right of her husband. Q does not sit at any of the
corners. Only S sits between Q and W. W is the husband of P. Both V and T are males.

Who among the following sits Exactly between Q and V?

A. R

B. U

C. P

D. S

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. U

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Four males and females namely P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W are sitting around square table in such a way
that four of them sit at the corners of the table, while other four sits in the middle of each of four
sides, the ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the
sides face outside.
Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. P sits second to the left of V. V
sits on the middle of one of the sides. R sits fourth to the right of his wife and his wife is not an
immediate neighbor of P or V. Q sits third to the right of her husband. Q does not sit at any of the
corners. Only S sits between Q and W. W is the husband of P. Both V and T are males.

Which of the following is true regarding T?

A. All are true.

B. Q is the immediate neighbour of T

C. T is the husband of Q.

D. T sits second to the right of V

E. None is true.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. T is the husband of Q.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Four males and females namely P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W are sitting around square table in such a way
that four of them sit at the corners of the table, while other four sits in the middle of each of four
sides, the ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the
sides face outside.
Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. P sits second to the left of V. V
sits on the middle of one of the sides. R sits fourth to the right of his wife and his wife is not an
immediate neighbor of P or V. Q sits third to the right of her husband. Q does not sit at any of the
corners. Only S sits between Q and W. W is the husband of P. Both V and T are males.

Who sits diognally oppossite to R?

A. Q

B. U

C. T

D. S

E. V

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. S

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Twelve friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and R were born in diರerent months of the same year. A
was born in the month of August. J was born in the month immediately preceding the month in
which K was born and immediately succeeding the month in which C was born. J was not born in
the month of October nor in February. There is the gap of two months between the birthdays of R
and B. There were 30 days in the month in which R was born. D was born in the month
immediately after the month I was born. There were 31 days in the month in which D was born.
There is a gap of one month between the birthdays of B and F. E and H were born in that months
which had 31 days each. K was born immediately after the month which is less than 30 days.

In which of the following month B was born?

A. December

B. June

C. March

D. November

E. September

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. September


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Twelve friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and R were born in diರerent months of the same year. A
was born in the month of August. J was born in the month immediately preceding the month in
which K was born and immediately succeeding the month in which C was born. J was not born in
the month of October nor in February. There is the gap of two months between the birthdays of R
and B. There were 30 days in the month in which R was born. D was born in the month
immediately after the month I was born. There were 31 days in the month in which D was born.
There is a gap of one month between the birthdays of B and F. E and H were born in that months
which had 31 days each. K was born immediately after the month which is less than 30 days.

Four of the following ರve are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the
following does not belong to that group?

A. E

B. A

C. J

D. K

E. B

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. E

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Twelve friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and R were born in diರerent months of the same year. A
was born in the month of August. J was born in the month immediately preceding the month in
which K was born and immediately succeeding the month in which C was born. J was not born in
the month of October nor in February. There is the gap of two months between the birthdays of R
and B. There were 30 days in the month in which R was born. D was born in the month
immediately after the month I was born. There were 31 days in the month in which D was born.
There is a gap of one month between the birthdays of B and F. E and H were born in that months
which had 31 days each. K was born immediately after the month which is less than 30 days.

Who among the following was born in the month of February?

A. J

B. K

C. E or H

D. G

E. I

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. G

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Twelve friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and R were born in diರerent months of the same year. A
was born in the month of August. J was born in the month immediately preceding the month in
which K was born and immediately succeeding the month in which C was born. J was not born in
the month of October nor in February. There is the gap of two months between the birthdays of R
and B. There were 30 days in the month in which R was born. D was born in the month
immediately after the month I was born. There were 31 days in the month in which D was born.
There is a gap of one month between the birthdays of B and F. E and H were born in that months
which had 31 days each. K was born immediately after the month which is less than 30 days.

How many friends did celebrate their birthdays after F?

A. None

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

E. Six

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. Five


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Twelve friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and R were born in diರerent months of the same year. A
was born in the month of August. J was born in the month immediately preceding the month in
which K was born and immediately succeeding the month in which C was born. J was not born in
the month of October nor in February. There is the gap of two months between the birthdays of R
and B. There were 30 days in the month in which R was born. D was born in the month
immediately after the month I was born. There were 31 days in the month in which D was born.
There is a gap of one month between the birthdays of B and F. E and H were born in that months
which had 31 days each. K was born immediately after the month which is less than 30 days.

In which of the following month D was born?

A. December

B. June

C. March

D. November

E. September

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. December


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject.
D’s Optional subject was Biology while three others have it as Compulsory subject. E and F have
Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. Biology and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and
optional subjects, they are just reversed of those of D’s . Chemistry is an optional subject of only
one of them. The only Female teacher in the School has English as her compulsory subject.

What is the Optional subject of D?

A. English

B. Maths

C. Chemistry

D. Biology

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. Biology


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject.
D’s Optional subject was Biology while three others have it as Compulsory subject. E and F have
Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. Biology and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and
optional subjects, they are just reversed of those of D’s . Chemistry is an optional subject of only
one of them. The only Female teacher in the School has English as her compulsory subject.

In which of the following who is the Female teacher?

A. C

B. D

C. B


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. D

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject.
D’s Optional subject was Biology while three others have it as Compulsory subject. E and F have
Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. Biology and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and
optional subjects, they are just reversed of those of D’s . Chemistry is an optional subject of only
one of them. The only Female teacher in the School has English as her compulsory subject.

who among all the teachers has Chemistry as an Optional subject ?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject.
D’s Optional subject was Biology while three others have it as Compulsory subject. E and F have
Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. Biology and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and
optional subjects, they are just reversed of those of D’s . Chemistry is an optional subject of only
one of them. The only Female teacher in the School has English as her compulsory subject.

which pair of the teachers have Biology as Compulsory Subject?

A. A-B-C

B. B-C-D

C. D-E-F

D. A-C-E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A-B-C

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject.
D’s Optional subject was Biology while three others have it as Compulsory subject. E and F have
Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. Biology and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and
optional subjects, they are just reversed of those of D’s . Chemistry is an optional subject of only
one of them. The only Female teacher in the School has English as her compulsory subject.

Which of the following Cobination is True regarding Teacher- Compulsory Subject- Optional

A. A-English-Maths

B. D-English-Biology

C. E- English- Biology

D. C-Biology-Maths

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. D-English-Biology

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject.
D’s Optional subject was Biology while three others have it as Compulsory subject. E and F have
Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. Biology and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and
optional subjects, they are just reversed of those of D’s . Chemistry is an optional subject of only
one of them. The only Female teacher in the School has English as her compulsory subject.

In which of the following who is the teacher whose optional subject is English?

A. C

B. D

C. B


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject.
D’s Optional subject was Biology while three others have it as Compulsory subject. E and F have
Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. Biology and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and
optional subjects, they are just reversed of those of D’s . Chemistry is an optional subject of only
one of them. The only Female teacher in the School has English as her compulsory subject.

Who among all the teachers has Biology as an Optional subject ?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. D

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G based in Delhi. Each of them is from a diರerent
state, has a diರerent profession and plays a diರerent instrument.
C, a doctor, is from Bihar. E and F play mandolin and violin, though not necessarily in that order. A
is not from Kerala. The person from Kerala is an engineer and plays guitar. The lawyer plays sitar.
The businessman from UP plays violin. The teacher and the cricketer play ರute and piano, though
not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The Maharashtrian is a teacher. The Gujarati plays piano.
G, a Punjabi, does not play Sarod. B is a cricketer. A is not from Rajasthan.

Which state does A belong to?

A. Gujarat

B. Kerala

C. Maharashtra

D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Maharashtra

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G based in Delhi. Each of them is from a diರerent
state, has a diರerent profession and plays a diರerent instrument.
C, a doctor, is from Bihar. E and F play mandolin and violin, though not necessarily in that order. A
is not from Kerala. The person from Kerala is an engineer and plays guitar. The lawyer plays sitar.
The businessman from UP plays violin. The teacher and the cricketer play ರute and piano, though
not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The Maharashtrian is a teacher. The Gujarati plays piano.
G, a Punjabi, does not play Sarod. B is a cricketer. A is not from Rajasthan.

Which instrument does B play?

A. Flute

B. Piano

C. Sarod

D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Piano

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G based in Delhi. Each of them is from a diರerent
state, has a diರerent profession and plays a diರerent instrument.
C, a doctor, is from Bihar. E and F play mandolin and violin, though not necessarily in that order. A
is not from Kerala. The person from Kerala is an engineer and plays guitar. The lawyer plays sitar.
The businessman from UP plays violin. The teacher and the cricketer play ರute and piano, though
not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The Maharashtrian is a teacher. The Gujarati plays piano.
G, a Punjabi, does not play Sarod. B is a cricketer. A is not from Rajasthan.

Which instrument does C play?

A. Mandolin

B. Sitar

C. Violin

D. Sarod

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Sarod

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G based in Delhi. Each of them is from a diರerent
state, has a diರerent profession and plays a diರerent instrument.
C, a doctor, is from Bihar. E and F play mandolin and violin, though not necessarily in that order. A
is not from Kerala. The person from Kerala is an engineer and plays guitar. The lawyer plays sitar.
The businessman from UP plays violin. The teacher and the cricketer play ರute and piano, though
not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The Maharashtrian is a teacher. The Gujarati plays piano.
G, a Punjabi, does not play Sarod. B is a cricketer. A is not from Rajasthan.

What is D’s profession?

A. Engineer

B. Lawyer

C. Teacher

D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Engineer

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G based in Delhi. Each of them is from a diರerent
state, has a diರerent profession and plays a diರerent instrument.
C, a doctor, is from Bihar. E and F play mandolin and violin, though not necessarily in that order. A
is not from Kerala. The person from Kerala is an engineer and plays guitar. The lawyer plays sitar.
The businessman from UP plays violin. The teacher and the cricketer play ರute and piano, though
not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The Maharashtrian is a teacher. The Gujarati plays piano.
G, a Punjabi, does not play Sarod. B is a cricketer. A is not from Rajasthan.

Which state does E belong to?

A. Gujarat

B. Kerala


D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. UP

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G based in Delhi. Each of them is from a diರerent
state, has a diರerent profession and plays a diರerent instrument.
C, a doctor, is from Bihar. E and F play mandolin and violin, though not necessarily in that order. A
is not from Kerala. The person from Kerala is an engineer and plays guitar. The lawyer plays sitar.
The businessman from UP plays violin. The teacher and the cricketer play ರute and piano, though
not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The Maharashtrian is a teacher. The Gujarati plays piano.
G, a Punjabi, does not play Sarod. B is a cricketer. A is not from Rajasthan.

Which state does F belong to?

A. Kerala


C. Punjab

D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G based in Delhi. Each of them is from a diರerent
state, has a diರerent profession and plays a diರerent instrument.
C, a doctor, is from Bihar. E and F play mandolin and violin, though not necessarily in that order. A
is not from Kerala. The person from Kerala is an engineer and plays guitar. The lawyer plays sitar.
The businessman from UP plays violin. The teacher and the cricketer play ರute and piano, though
not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The Maharashtrian is a teacher. The Gujarati plays piano.
G, a Punjabi, does not play Sarod. B is a cricketer. A is not from Rajasthan.

What is G’s profession?

A. Engineer

B. Lawyer

C. Teacher

D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Lawyer

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and M six houses of diರerent heights and diರerent colours of red, blue, white, orange,
yellow and green are located on either sides of the road with three on each side. T, the tallest
house is exactly opposite the red-coloured house. The shortest house is exactly opposite the
green coloured house. M is the orange coloured house and is located between P and S. R, the
yellow coloured house is exactly opposite P. Q, the green coloured house, is exactly opposite M.P,
the white coloured house, is taller than house R but shorter than houses S and Q.

What is the colour of house S?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Red or Blue

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Red

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and M six houses of diರerent heights and diರerent colours of red, blue, white, orange,
yellow and green are located on either sides of the road with three on each side. T, the tallest
house is exactly opposite the red-coloured house. The shortest house is exactly opposite the
green coloured house. M is the orange coloured house and is located between P and S. R, the
yellow coloured house is exactly opposite P. Q, the green coloured house, is exactly opposite M.P,
the white coloured house, is taller than house R but shorter than houses S and Q.

What is the position of house P from top when the houses are arranged in descending order of
their heights?

A. Third

B. Second

C. Fourth

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D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Fourth


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and M six houses of diರerent heights and diರerent colours of red, blue, white, orange,
yellow and green are located on either sides of the road with three on each side. T, the tallest
house is exactly opposite the red-coloured house. The shortest house is exactly opposite the
green coloured house. M is the orange coloured house and is located between P and S. R, the
yellow coloured house is exactly opposite P. Q, the green coloured house, is exactly opposite M.P,
the white coloured house, is taller than house R but shorter than houses S and Q.

Which of the following is the second in height?

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A. S

B. Q

C. S or Q

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. S or Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and M six houses of diರerent heights and diರerent colours of red, blue, white, orange,
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
yellow and green are located on either sides of the road with three on each side. T, the tallest
house is exactly opposite the red-coloured house. The shortest house is exactly opposite the
green coloured house. M is the orange coloured house and is located between P and S. R, the
yellow coloured house is exactly opposite P. Q, the green coloured house, is exactly opposite M.P,
the white coloured house, is taller than house R but shorter than houses S and Q.

Which of the following houses is located immediately next to the yellow house?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Green

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Green

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and M six houses of diರerent heights and diರerent colours of red, blue, white, orange,
yellow and green are located on either sides of the road with three on each side. T, the tallest
house is exactly opposite the red-coloured house. The shortest house is exactly opposite the
green coloured house. M is the orange coloured house and is located between P and S. R, the
yellow coloured house is exactly opposite P. Q, the green coloured house, is exactly opposite M.P,
the white coloured house, is taller than house R but shorter than houses S and Q.

What is the colour of the tallest house?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Red or Blue

D. Data inadequate
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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Blue


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D, and E are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent companies P,Q,R,S, and T and they earn
di៛�erent salaries i.e. Rs. 9000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs. 21000 and they all are of
di៛�erent ages i.e. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 yrs. Not necessarily in same order.
• Person who is 29 yrs old earns highest salary but does not work at P and Q.
• E does not work at S and T and his age is not 30.
• The salary of D is less than Rs. 15000.
• The person who is 27 yrs old earns Rs. 18000 per month.
• A earns Rs. 11000 per month but does not work at Q and S.
• B works at P and earns more than Rs. 15000.
• Person who is 28 yrs old works at T.
• 30 yrs old person earns at least Rs. 15000.

what is the salary of B?

A. 9000

B. 18000

C. 11000

D. 21000

E. 15000

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 18000


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D, and E are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent companies P,Q,R,S, and T and they earn
di៛�erent salaries i.e. Rs. 9000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs. 21000 and they all are of
di៛�erent ages i.e. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 yrs. Not necessarily in same order.
• Person who is 29 yrs old earns highest salary but does not work at P and Q.
• E does not work at S and T and his age is not 30.
• The salary of D is less than Rs. 15000.
• The person who is 27 yrs old earns Rs. 18000 per month.
• A earns Rs. 11000 per month but does not work at Q and S.
• B works at P and earns more than Rs. 15000.
• Person who is 28 yrs old works at T.
• 30 yrs old person earns at least Rs. 15000.

In which of the following Companies C belongs ?

A. P

B. Q

C. R

D. Either Q or S

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D, and E are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent companies P,Q,R,S, and T and they earn
di៛�erent salaries i.e. Rs. 9000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs. 21000 and they all are of
di៛�erent ages i.e. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 yrs. Not necessarily in same order.
• Person who is 29 yrs old earns highest salary but does not work at P and Q.
• E does not work at S and T and his age is not 30.
• The salary of D is less than Rs. 15000.
• The person who is 27 yrs old earns Rs. 18000 per month.
• A earns Rs. 11000 per month but does not work at Q and S.
• B works at P and earns more than Rs. 15000.
• Person who is 28 yrs old works at T.
• 30 yrs old person earns at least Rs. 15000.

Which of the following Person- Salary- Age combination is true ?

A. D-21000-26

B. A-11000-28

C. B-18000-30

D. C-11000-29

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. A-11000-28


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D, and E are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent companies P,Q,R,S, and T and they earn
di៛�erent salaries i.e. Rs. 9000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs. 21000 and they all are of
di៛�erent ages i.e. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 yrs. Not necessarily in same order.
• Person who is 29 yrs old earns highest salary but does not work at P and Q.
• E does not work at S and T and his age is not 30.
• The salary of D is less than Rs. 15000.
• The person who is 27 yrs old earns Rs. 18000 per month.
• A earns Rs. 11000 per month but does not work at Q and S.
• B works at P and earns more than Rs. 15000.
• Person who is 28 yrs old works at T.
• 30 yrs old person earns at least Rs. 15000.

What is the Salary of C?

A. 11000

B. 9000

C. 21000

D. 15000

E. 18000

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 15000


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D, and E are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent companies P,Q,R,S, and T and they earn
di៛�erent salaries i.e. Rs. 9000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs. 21000 and they all are of
di៛�erent ages i.e. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 yrs. Not necessarily in same order.
• Person who is 29 yrs old earns highest salary but does not work at P and Q.
• E does not work at S and T and his age is not 30.
• The salary of D is less than Rs. 15000.
• The person who is 27 yrs old earns Rs. 18000 per month.
• A earns Rs. 11000 per month but does not work at Q and S.
• B works at P and earns more than Rs. 15000.
• Person who is 28 yrs old works at T.
• 30 yrs old person earns at least Rs. 15000.

What is the Correct age and salary combination of E?

A. 28-11000

B. 30-9000

C. 29-21000

D. 26-11000

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 29-21000


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D, and E are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent companies P,Q,R,S, and T and they earn
di៛�erent salaries i.e. Rs. 9000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs. 21000 and they all are of
di៛�erent ages i.e. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 yrs. Not necessarily in same order.
• Person who is 29 yrs old earns highest salary but does not work at P and Q.
• E does not work at S and T and his age is not 30.
• The salary of D is less than Rs. 15000.
• The person who is 27 yrs old earns Rs. 18000 per month.
• A earns Rs. 11000 per month but does not work at Q and S.
• B works at P and earns more than Rs. 15000.
• Person who is 28 yrs old works at T.
• 30 yrs old person earns at least Rs. 15000.

What is the age of the person whose salary is 21000?

A. 26

B. 28

C. 30

D. 29

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 29


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D, and E are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent companies P,Q,R,S, and T and they earn
di៛�erent salaries i.e. Rs. 9000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs. 21000 and they all are of
di៛�erent ages i.e. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 yrs. Not necessarily in same order.
• Person who is 29 yrs old earns highest salary but does not work at P and Q.
• E does not work at S and T and his age is not 30.
• The salary of D is less than Rs. 15000.
• The person who is 27 yrs old earns Rs. 18000 per month.
• A earns Rs. 11000 per month but does not work at Q and S.
• B works at P and earns more than Rs. 15000.
• Person who is 28 yrs old works at T.
• 30 yrs old person earns at least Rs. 15000.

What is the Salary of B?

A. 11000

B. 9000

C. 21000

D. 15000

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven professionals Anshika, Anamika, Disha, Nikhil, Navjeet, Rudra and Vansh are
practicising their professions in di៛�erent cities Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar but not necessarily in the same order. Each has a di៛�erent
profession -Doctor, Engineer, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Counselor, Professor and Artist not necessarily
in the same order.
Anamika is pharmacist and practises in Bhubaneswar. Nikhil practicising in Bangalore but is not a
Doctor or an Artist. The one who practices in Hyderabad is a Professor. Vansh is a Counselor and
does not practise in Mumbai and Chennai. Navjeet is a Lawyer and Practices in Ahmedabad. Rudra
practices in Chennai but is not an Artist. Disha practices in Mumbai.

What is the Nikhil's Profession?

A. Doctor

B. Professor

C. Engineer


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Engineer


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven professionals Anshika, Anamika, Disha, Nikhil, Navjeet, Rudra and Vansh are
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practicising their professions in di៛�erent cities Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar but not necessarily in the same order. Each has a di៛�erent
profession -Doctor, Engineer, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Counselor, Professor and Artist not necessarily
in the same order.
Anamika is pharmacist and practises in Bhubaneswar. Nikhil practicising in Bangalore but is not a
Doctor or an Artist. The one who practices in Hyderabad is a Professor. Vansh is a Counselor and
does not practise in Mumbai and Chennai. Navjeet is a Lawyer and Practices in Ahmedabad. Rudra
practices in Chennai but is not an Artist. Disha practices in Mumbai.

Who is the professor?

A. Anshika

B. Disha

C. Nikhil

D. Navjeet

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Anshika


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven professionals Anshika, Anamika, Disha, Nikhil, Navjeet, Rudra and Vansh are
practicising their professions in di៛�erent cities Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar but not necessarily in the same order. Each has a di៛�erent
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profession -Doctor, Engineer, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Counselor, Professor and Artist not necessarily
in the same order.
Anamika is pharmacist and practises in Bhubaneswar. Nikhil practicising in Bangalore but is not a
Doctor or an Artist. The one who practices in Hyderabad is a Professor. Vansh is a Counselor and
does not practise in Mumbai and Chennai. Navjeet is a Lawyer and Practices in Ahmedabad. Rudra
practices in Chennai but is not an Artist. Disha practices in Mumbai.

Which of the combination of the profession and place is correct ?

A. Pharmacist- Jaipur

B. Engineer- Chennai

C. Doctor- Banglore

D. Artist- Mumbai

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Artist- Mumbai


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven professionals Anshika, Anamika, Disha, Nikhil, Navjeet, Rudra and Vansh are
practicising their professions in di៛�erent cities Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar but not necessarily in the same order. Each has a di៛�erent
profession -Doctor, Engineer, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Counselor, Professor and Artist not necessarily
in the same order.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Anamika is pharmacist and practises in Bhubaneswar. Nikhil practicising in Bangalore but is not a
Doctor or an Artist. The one who practices in Hyderabad is a Professor. Vansh is a Counselor and
does not practise in Mumbai and Chennai. Navjeet is a Lawyer and Practices in Ahmedabad. Rudra
practices in Chennai but is not an Artist. Disha practices in Mumbai.

Which of the following persons work in Jaipur?

A. Anshika

B. Vansh

C. Disha

D. Anshika or Vansh

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Vansh


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven professionals Anshika, Anamika, Disha, Nikhil, Navjeet, Rudra and Vansh are
practicising their professions in di៛�erent cities Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar but not necessarily in the same order. Each has a di៛�erent
profession -Doctor, Engineer, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Counselor, Professor and Artist not necessarily
in the same order.
Anamika is pharmacist and practises in Bhubaneswar. Nikhil practicising in Bangalore but is not a
Doctor or an Artist. The one who practices in Hyderabad is a Professor. Vansh is a Counselor and
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does not practise in Mumbai and Chennai. Navjeet is a Lawyer and Practices in Ahmedabad. Rudra
practices in Chennai but is not an Artist. Disha practices in Mumbai.

Who is the Doctor?

A. Nikhil

B. Anshika

C. Disha

D. Anshika or Disha

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
There are seven professionals Anshika, Anamika, Disha, Nikhil, Navjeet, Rudra and Vansh are
practicising their professions in di៛�erent cities Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar but not necessarily in the same order. Each has a di៛�erent
profession -Doctor, Engineer, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Counselor, Professor and Artist not necessarily
in the same order.
Anamika is pharmacist and practises in Bhubaneswar. Nikhil practicising in Bangalore but is not a
Doctor or an Artist. The one who practices in Hyderabad is a Professor. Vansh is a Counselor and
does not practise in Mumbai and Chennai. Navjeet is a Lawyer and Practices in Ahmedabad. Rudra
practices in Chennai but is not an Artist. Disha practices in Mumbai.
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Which of the following persons work in Bangalore?

A. Nikhil

B. Vansh

C. Disha

D. Anshika

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Nikhil


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Who is the Engineer?

A. vansh

B. Anshika

C. Nikhil

D. Disha

E. None of these.
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Nikhil


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Four married couples live on a street in four di៛�erent coloured houses. One of the houses is red.
B, a male, does not live in the white house. H, a female, is not married to A. C lives in the yellow
house. D is not married to E. B does not live in the blue house. H lives in the blue house. E is
married to B. G, a female, is not married to C. F is one of the wives.

Which of the following represents the group of males?

A. A, B, C and D

B. A, B, C and E

C. A, B, D and E

D. Can’t say these

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A, B, C and D

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Four married couples live on a street in four di៛�erent coloured houses. One of the houses is red.
B, a male, does not live in the white house. H, a female, is not married to A. C lives in the yellow
house. D is not married to E. B does not live in the blue house. H lives in the blue house. E is
married to B. G, a female, is not married to C. F is one of the wives.

Which of the following represents the colour of E’s house?

A. Yellow

B. Red

C. White

D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Red


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Four married couples live on a street in four di៛�erent coloured houses. One of the houses is red.
B, a male, does not live in the white house. H, a female, is not married to A. C lives in the yellow
house. D is not married to E. B does not live in the blue house. H lives in the blue house. E is
married to B. G, a female, is not married to C. F is one of the wives.

Who among the following lives in the white-colored house?

A. E

B. B or C

C. C or F

D. Can’t say

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Four married couples live on a street in four di៛�erent coloured houses. One of the houses is red.
B, a male, does not live in the white house. H, a female, is not married to A. C lives in the yellow
house. D is not married to E. B does not live in the blue house. H lives in the blue house. E is
married to B. G, a female, is not married to C. F is one of the wives.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Which of the following statements is/are not true?
(A) D is the husband of H.
(B) G is the wife of A.
(C) C lives in the yellow-coloured house.
(D) F lives in the yellow-coloured house.
(E) None of these.

A. Either (C) or (D)

B. Only (A) and (C)

C. Only (A) and (D)

D. All are true

E. None is true

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. All are true


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Four married couples live on a street in four di៛�erent coloured houses. One of the houses is red.
B, a male, does not live in the white house. H, a female, is not married to A. C lives in the yellow
house. D is not married to E. B does not live in the blue house. H lives in the blue house. E is
married to B. G, a female, is not married to C. F is one of the wives.

Which of the following is D’s house colour?

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A. Yellow

B. Red

C. White.


E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten Businessman P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are travelling by ten di៛�erent airlines to ten di៛�erent
destinations. The airlines are- Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines, British Airways, Go Air, Qatar
Airways, Cathay Paci៯�c, Thai Airways, Fly Emirates and Air Arabia. The Ten destinations are- Brazil,
South Africa, Sydney, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Myanmar, Durban, Dubai and Paris , but not
necessarily in the same order.
• Q is travelling to South Africa.
• T is travelling by Go Air and going to Hong Kong.
• The person travelling by Air Arabia is going to Paris.
• V is travelling by Cathay Paci៯�c.
• X is travelling to Dubai.
• W is travelling to Durban.
• U is travelling to Seoul by Qatar Airways.
• S is travelling to New York by British Airways.

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• Neither P nor Q is travelling by Fly Emirates.
• X is not travelling by Air India or Lufthansa.
• P travels neither by Air India nor by Thai Airways.
• The person who travels to Sydney is using Virgin Airlines.
• P is travelling to Brazil.
• R is travelling by Virgin Airlines and W by Thai Airways.

X is travelling by which airline?

A. Thai airways

B. GoAir

C. Air India

D. Virgin Airlines

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten Businessman P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are travelling by ten di៛�erent airlines to ten di៛�erent
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
destinations. The airlines are- Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines, British Airways, Go Air, Qatar
Airways, Cathay Paci៯�c, Thai Airways, Fly Emirates and Air Arabia. The Ten destinations are- Brazil,
South Africa, Sydney, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Myanmar, Durban, Dubai and Paris , but not
necessarily in the same order.
• Q is travelling to South Africa.
• T is travelling by Go Air and going to Hong Kong.
• The person travelling by Air Arabia is going to Paris.
• V is travelling by Cathay Paci៯�c.
• X is travelling to Dubai.
• W is travelling to Durban.
• U is travelling to Seoul by Qatar Airways.
• S is travelling to New York by British Airways.
• Neither P nor Q is travelling by Fly Emirates.
• X is not travelling by Air India or Lufthansa.
• P travels neither by Air India nor by Thai Airways.
• The person who travels to Sydney is using Virgin Airlines.
• P is travelling to Brazil.
• R is travelling by Virgin Airlines and W by Thai Airways.

V is travelling to which destination ?

A. Myanmar

B. Dubai

C. Paris

D. South Africa

E. Hong Kong

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Myanmar

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten Businessman P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are travelling by ten di៛�erent airlines to ten di៛�erent
destinations. The airlines are- Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines, British Airways, Go Air, Qatar
Airways, Cathay Paci៯�c, Thai Airways, Fly Emirates and Air Arabia. The Ten destinations are- Brazil,
South Africa, Sydney, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Myanmar, Durban, Dubai and Paris , but not
necessarily in the same order.
• Q is travelling to South Africa.
• T is travelling by Go Air and going to Hong Kong.
• The person travelling by Air Arabia is going to Paris.
• V is travelling by Cathay Paci៯�c.
• X is travelling to Dubai.
• W is travelling to Durban.
• U is travelling to Seoul by Qatar Airways.
• S is travelling to New York by British Airways.
• Neither P nor Q is travelling by Fly Emirates.
• X is not travelling by Air India or Lufthansa.
• P travels neither by Air India nor by Thai Airways.
• The person who travels to Sydney is using Virgin Airlines.
• P is travelling to Brazil.
• R is travelling by Virgin Airlines and W by Thai Airways.

Which of the following pairs is correct?

A. Y- Air Arabia- Hong Kong

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B. W- Thai Airways- Sydney

C. R- British Airways- Sydney

D. U- Qatar Airways- Seoul

E. V- GoAir- Myanmar.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. U- Qatar Airways- Seoul


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten Businessman P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are travelling by ten di៛�erent airlines to ten di៛�erent
destinations. The airlines are- Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines, British Airways, Go Air, Qatar
Airways, Cathay Paci៯�c, Thai Airways, Fly Emirates and Air Arabia. The Ten destinations are- Brazil,
South Africa, Sydney, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Myanmar, Durban, Dubai and Paris , but not
necessarily in the same order.
• Q is travelling to South Africa.
• T is travelling by Go Air and going to Hong Kong.
• The person travelling by Air Arabia is going to Paris.
• V is travelling by Cathay Paci៯�c.
• X is travelling to Dubai.
• W is travelling to Durban.
• U is travelling to Seoul by Qatar Airways.
• S is travelling to New York by British Airways.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
• Neither P nor Q is travelling by Fly Emirates.
• X is not travelling by Air India or Lufthansa.
• P travels neither by Air India nor by Thai Airways.
• The person who travels to Sydney is using Virgin Airlines.
• P is travelling to Brazil.
• R is travelling by Virgin Airlines and W by Thai Airways.

Q is travelling by which Airlines?

A. Air India

B. Lufthansa

C. Thai Airways

D. Fly Emirates

E. Either Air India or Lufthansa.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Air India


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten Businessman P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are travelling by ten di៛�erent airlines to ten di៛�erent
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
destinations. The airlines are- Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines, British Airways, Go Air, Qatar
Airways, Cathay Paci៯�c, Thai Airways, Fly Emirates and Air Arabia. The Ten destinations are- Brazil,
South Africa, Sydney, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Myanmar, Durban, Dubai and Paris , but not
necessarily in the same order.
• Q is travelling to South Africa.
• T is travelling by Go Air and going to Hong Kong.
• The person travelling by Air Arabia is going to Paris.
• V is travelling by Cathay Paci៯�c.
• X is travelling to Dubai.
• W is travelling to Durban.
• U is travelling to Seoul by Qatar Airways.
• S is travelling to New York by British Airways.
• Neither P nor Q is travelling by Fly Emirates.
• X is not travelling by Air India or Lufthansa.
• P travels neither by Air India nor by Thai Airways.
• The person who travels to Sydney is using Virgin Airlines.
• P is travelling to Brazil.
• R is travelling by Virgin Airlines and W by Thai Airways.

P is travelling by which Airline and to Which destination?

A. Qatar Airways- Seoul

B. British Airways- New York

C. Lufthansa- Sydney

D. Lufthansa- Brazil

E. Virgin Airlines- Sydney.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Lufthansa- Brazil

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten Businessman P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are travelling by ten di៛�erent airlines to ten di៛�erent
destinations. The airlines are- Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines, British Airways, Go Air, Qatar
Airways, Cathay Paci៯�c, Thai Airways, Fly Emirates and Air Arabia. The Ten destinations are- Brazil,
South Africa, Sydney, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Myanmar, Durban, Dubai and Paris , but not
necessarily in the same order.
• Q is travelling to South Africa.
• T is travelling by Go Air and going to Hong Kong.
• The person travelling by Air Arabia is going to Paris.
• V is travelling by Cathay Paci៯�c.
• X is travelling to Dubai.
• W is travelling to Durban.
• U is travelling to Seoul by Qatar Airways.
• S is travelling to New York by British Airways.
• Neither P nor Q is travelling by Fly Emirates.
• X is not travelling by Air India or Lufthansa.
• P travels neither by Air India nor by Thai Airways.
• The person who travels to Sydney is using Virgin Airlines.
• P is travelling to Brazil.
• R is travelling by Virgin Airlines and W by Thai Airways.

R is travelling to which destination ?

A. Myanmar

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B. Dubai

C. Paris

D. South Africa

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten Businessman P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are travelling by ten di៛�erent airlines to ten di៛�erent
destinations. The airlines are- Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines, British Airways, Go Air, Qatar
Airways, Cathay Paci៯�c, Thai Airways, Fly Emirates and Air Arabia. The Ten destinations are- Brazil,
South Africa, Sydney, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Myanmar, Durban, Dubai and Paris , but not
necessarily in the same order.
• Q is travelling to South Africa.
• T is travelling by Go Air and going to Hong Kong.
• The person travelling by Air Arabia is going to Paris.
• V is travelling by Cathay Paci៯�c.
• X is travelling to Dubai.
• W is travelling to Durban.
• U is travelling to Seoul by Qatar Airways.
• S is travelling to New York by British Airways.
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• Neither P nor Q is travelling by Fly Emirates.
• X is not travelling by Air India or Lufthansa.
• P travels neither by Air India nor by Thai Airways.
• The person who travels to Sydney is using Virgin Airlines.
• P is travelling to Brazil.
• R is travelling by Virgin Airlines and W by Thai Airways.

V is travelling by which Airlines?

A. Air India

B. Lufthansa

C. Thai Airways

D. Fly Emirates

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven conferences on Marketing, Finance, HR, Real estate, Hospitality, Management and Banking
were scheduled to be held in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Bhopal and Chennai. On
one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.
Conference on hospitality was held in Hyderabad on Friday. Only one conference was held
between conference on Hospitality and Finance. Conference on management was held
immediately after HR but immediately before Banking. Conference on management was not held
in Indore. The conference held on Monday was held in Delhi. Only one conference was held
between conferences on Banking and the conference held in Mumbai. The conference on HR was
not held in Mumbai. Conference in Pune was held immediately before conference in Indore.
Conference on Real estate was not held on Monday. Conference in Chennai was not held before
conference in Mumbai.

If Delhi is related to Pune and Banking is related to Real estate in a certain way, then to which of
the following would Indore be related to, following the same pattern?

A. Bhopal

B. Chennai

C. Mumbai

D. Delhi

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Mumbai


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven conferences on Marketing, Finance, HR, Real estate, Hospitality, Management and Banking
were scheduled to be held in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Bhopal and Chennai. On
one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.
Conference on hospitality was held in Hyderabad on Friday. Only one conference was held
between conference on Hospitality and Finance. Conference on management was held
immediately after HR but immediately before Banking. Conference on management was not held
in Indore. The conference held on Monday was held in Delhi. Only one conference was held
between conferences on Banking and the conference held in Mumbai. The conference on HR was
not held in Mumbai. Conference in Pune was held immediately before conference in Indore.
Conference on Real estate was not held on Monday. Conference in Chennai was not held before
conference in Mumbai.

In which of the following cities was conference on Banking held?

A. Chennai

B. Mumbai

C. Delhi

D. Bhopal

E. Indore

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Indore

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven conferences on Marketing, Finance, HR, Real estate, Hospitality, Management and Banking
were scheduled to be held in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Bhopal and Chennai. On
one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.
Conference on hospitality was held in Hyderabad on Friday. Only one conference was held
between conference on Hospitality and Finance. Conference on management was held
immediately after HR but immediately before Banking. Conference on management was not held
in Indore. The conference held on Monday was held in Delhi. Only one conference was held
between conferences on Banking and the conference held in Mumbai. The conference on HR was
not held in Mumbai. Conference in Pune was held immediately before conference in Indore.
Conference on Real estate was not held on Monday. Conference in Chennai was not held before
conference in Mumbai.

How many conferences were held between conferences on Marketing and Real estate?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. four

E. three

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. four

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven conferences on Marketing, Finance, HR, Real estate, Hospitality, Management and Banking
were scheduled to be held in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Bhopal and Chennai. On
one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.
Conference on hospitality was held in Hyderabad on Friday. Only one conference was held
between conference on Hospitality and Finance. Conference on management was held
immediately after HR but immediately before Banking. Conference on management was not held
in Indore. The conference held on Monday was held in Delhi. Only one conference was held
between conferences on Banking and the conference held in Mumbai. The conference on HR was
not held in Mumbai. Conference in Pune was held immediately before conference in Indore.
Conference on Real estate was not held on Monday. Conference in Chennai was not held before
conference in Mumbai.

On which of the following days was the conference on HR held?

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

E. Friday

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. Tuesday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven conferences on Marketing, Finance, HR, Real estate, Hospitality, Management and Banking
were scheduled to be held in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Bhopal and Chennai. On
one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.
Conference on hospitality was held in Hyderabad on Friday. Only one conference was held
between conference on Hospitality and Finance. Conference on management was held
immediately after HR but immediately before Banking. Conference on management was not held
in Indore. The conference held on Monday was held in Delhi. Only one conference was held
between conferences on Banking and the conference held in Mumbai. The conference on HR was
not held in Mumbai. Conference in Pune was held immediately before conference in Indore.
Conference on Real estate was not held on Monday. Conference in Chennai was not held before
conference in Mumbai.

Which of the following conferences was held on Monday?

A. Banking

B. Management


D. Marketing

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: D. Marketing


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P,K,L,M,N,O and G are seven di៛�erent boxes of di៛�erent colours i. e.
Red,Orange,Silver,Pink,Yellow,White,and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
Box which is of Red colour is immediately above P. there are Only two box between M and the box
which is of Red colour and Box M is above the Red colour box. Box which is of Silver colour is
above M but not immediately above M. Only three box are between L and the box which is of
Silver colour. The box which is of Green colour is immediately above L. the box which is of Pink
colour is immediately above box G. Only one box is there between K and N. Box K is above N.
Neither box K nor P is of Yellow colour. P is not of Orange colour.

In which of the following Box which is of white colour ?

A. P

B. K

C. M

D. L

E. Other than given options.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. P
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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P,K,L,M,N,O and G are seven di៛�erent boxes of di៛�erent colours i. e.
Red,Orange,Silver,Pink,Yellow,White,and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
Box which is of Red colour is immediately above P. there are Only two box between M and the box
which is of Red colour and Box M is above the Red colour box. Box which is of Silver colour is
above M but not immediately above M. Only three box are between L and the box which is of
Silver colour. The box which is of Green colour is immediately above L. the box which is of Pink
colour is immediately above box G. Only one box is there between K and N. Box K is above N.
Neither box K nor P is of Yellow colour. P is not of Orange colour.

How many Boxes are there between Green coloured box and M ?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. more than three.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. None

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P,K,L,M,N,O and G are seven di៛�erent boxes of di៛�erent colours i. e.
Red,Orange,Silver,Pink,Yellow,White,and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
Box which is of Red colour is immediately above P. there are Only two box between M and the box
which is of Red colour and Box M is above the Red colour box. Box which is of Silver colour is
above M but not immediately above M. Only three box are between L and the box which is of
Silver colour. The box which is of Green colour is immediately above L. the box which is of Pink
colour is immediately above box G. Only one box is there between K and N. Box K is above N.
Neither box K nor P is of Yellow colour. P is not of Orange colour.

In which of the following Box which is at the top ?

A. P

B. O

C. M

D. L

E. Other than given options.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. O

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P,K,L,M,N,O and G are seven di៛�erent boxes of di៛�erent colours i. e.
Red,Orange,Silver,Pink,Yellow,White,and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
Box which is of Red colour is immediately above P. there are Only two box between M and the box
which is of Red colour and Box M is above the Red colour box. Box which is of Silver colour is
above M but not immediately above M. Only three box are between L and the box which is of
Silver colour. The box which is of Green colour is immediately above L. the box which is of Pink
colour is immediately above box G. Only one box is there between K and N. Box K is above N.
Neither box K nor P is of Yellow colour. P is not of Orange colour.

How many Boxes are above pink coloured box ?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. more than three.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. more than three.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P,K,L,M,N,O and G are seven di៛�erent boxes of di៛�erent colours i. e.
Red,Orange,Silver,Pink,Yellow,White,and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
Box which is of Red colour is immediately above P. there are Only two box between M and the box
which is of Red colour and Box M is above the Red colour box. Box which is of Silver colour is
above M but not immediately above M. Only three box are between L and the box which is of
Silver colour. The box which is of Green colour is immediately above L. the box which is of Pink
colour is immediately above box G. Only one box is there between K and N. Box K is above N.
Neither box K nor P is of Yellow colour. P is not of Orange colour.

which of the following box is immediately above N ?

A. Yellow

B. Red

C. Orange

D. Silver

E. none of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Yellow

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D and E like ៯�ve di៛�erent types of watches viz. Titan, Sonata, Q&Q, HMT, and
Fastrack, ៯�ve di៛�erent cars, viz. WagonR, Alto, Breeza, Swift and Micra and also have di៛�erent
types of pens, viz. Linc, Reynolds, Parker, Cello and Montex.
• D likes WagonR but does not like Parker or HMT.
• A likes Sonata and Reynolds but he does not like Micra, B likes Micra and Q&Q.
• E likes Breeza and Cello.
• The person who likes WagonR also likes Fastrack.
• Linc pen is liked by the one who likes Swift and HMT.

Who among the following likes Montex pen?

A. C

B. D

C. E

D. B

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. D

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D and E like ៯�ve di៛�erent types of watches viz. Titan, Sonata, Q&Q, HMT, and
Fastrack, ៯�ve di៛�erent cars, viz. WagonR, Alto, Breeza, Swift and Micra and also have di៛�erent
types of pens, viz. Linc, Reynolds, Parker, Cello and Montex.
• D likes WagonR but does not like Parker or HMT.
• A likes Sonata and Reynolds but he does not like Micra, B likes Micra and Q&Q.
• E likes Breeza and Cello.
• The person who likes WagonR also likes Fastrack.
• Linc pen is liked by the one who likes Swift and HMT.

Which of the following cars is liked by A?

A. Alto

B. Micra

C. Santro

D. Swift

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Alto

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D and E like ៯�ve di៛�erent types of watches viz. Titan, Sonata, Q&Q, HMT, and
Fastrack, ៯�ve di៛�erent cars, viz. WagonR, Alto, Breeza, Swift and Micra and also have di៛�erent
types of pens, viz. Linc, Reynolds, Parker, Cello and Montex.
• D likes WagonR but does not like Parker or HMT.
• A likes Sonata and Reynolds but he does not like Micra, B likes Micra and Q&Q.
• E likes Breeza and Cello.
• The person who likes WagonR also likes Fastrack.
• Linc pen is liked by the one who likes Swift and HMT.

Who among the following like Parker pen and Fastrack respectively?

A. A,D

B. E,C

C. B,D

D. B,E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. B,D

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D and E like ៯�ve di៛�erent types of watches viz. Titan, Sonata, Q&Q, HMT, and
Fastrack, ៯�ve di៛�erent cars, viz. WagonR, Alto, Breeza, Swift and Micra and also have di៛�erent
types of pens, viz. Linc, Reynolds, Parker, Cello and Montex.
• D likes WagonR but does not like Parker or HMT.
• A likes Sonata and Reynolds but he does not like Micra, B likes Micra and Q&Q.
• E likes Breeza and Cello.
• The person who likes WagonR also likes Fastrack.
• Linc pen is liked by the one who likes Swift and HMT.

Titan is liked by whom?

A. A

B. B

C. D

D. E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. E

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five friends A,B,C,D and E like ៯�ve di៛�erent types of watches viz. Titan, Sonata, Q&Q, HMT, and
Fastrack, ៯�ve di៛�erent cars, viz. WagonR, Alto, Breeza, Swift and Micra and also have di៛�erent
types of pens, viz. Linc, Reynolds, Parker, Cello and Montex.
• D likes WagonR but does not like Parker or HMT.
• A likes Sonata and Reynolds but he does not like Micra, B likes Micra and Q&Q.
• E likes Breeza and Cello.
• The person who likes WagonR also likes Fastrack.
• Linc pen is liked by the one who likes Swift and HMT.

Which of the following combination is/are true?

A. E- HMT- Swift- Linc

B. D-Fastrack- WagonR- Montex

C. B-Q&Q- Santro- Cello

D. Only (A) and (C) are true

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. D-Fastrack- WagonR- Montex

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Griraj, Pappu, Ranjeet, Surajbhan,Anant, Rajiv and Lalan are famous politician and have liking for
di៛�erent games viz. Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football and Lawn Tennis
but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them has also liking for di៛�erent musical
instrument viz. Sitar, Tabla, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute, Banjo and Santoor not necessarily in the
same order.
Pappu likes Carrom and Banjo. Anant likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or Tabla. The one
who plays Hockey plays Sitar. Rajiv plays Guitar but not Table Tennis or Lawn Tennis. Griraj plays
Badminton and Flute. The one who plays Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. Ranjeet plays
Harmonium and Lalan plays Hockey.

Who plays Santoor?

A. Surajbhan

B. Griraj

C. Anant

D. either Surajbhan or Anant

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Anant

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Griraj, Pappu, Ranjeet, Surajbhan,Anant, Rajiv and Lalan are famous politician and have liking for
di៛�erent games viz. Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football and Lawn Tennis
but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them has also liking for di៛�erent musical
instrument viz. Sitar, Tabla, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute, Banjo and Santoor not necessarily in the
same order.
Pappu likes Carrom and Banjo. Anant likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or Tabla. The one
who plays Hockey plays Sitar. Rajiv plays Guitar but not Table Tennis or Lawn Tennis. Griraj plays
Badminton and Flute. The one who plays Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. Ranjeet plays
Harmonium and Lalan plays Hockey.

Surajbhan plays which game?

A. Table Tennis

B. Lawn Tennis

C. Football


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Table Tennis

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Griraj, Pappu, Ranjeet, Surajbhan,Anant, Rajiv and Lalan are famous politician and have liking for
di៛�erent games viz. Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football and Lawn Tennis
but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them has also liking for di៛�erent musical
instrument viz. Sitar, Tabla, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute, Banjo and Santoor not necessarily in the
same order.
Pappu likes Carrom and Banjo. Anant likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or Tabla. The one
who plays Hockey plays Sitar. Rajiv plays Guitar but not Table Tennis or Lawn Tennis. Griraj plays
Badminton and Flute. The one who plays Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. Ranjeet plays
Harmonium and Lalan plays Hockey.

Which of the following combinations of Game- Person- Musical Instrument is de៯�nitely correct?

A. Badminton- Pappu- Flute

B. Table Tennis- Anant- Santoor

C. Lawn Tennis- Surajbhan- Tabla

D. Table Tennis- Ranjeet- Tabla

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Griraj, Pappu, Ranjeet, Surajbhan,Anant, Rajiv and Lalan are famous politician and have liking for
di៛�erent games viz. Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football and Lawn Tennis
but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them has also liking for di៛�erent musical
instrument viz. Sitar, Tabla, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute, Banjo and Santoor not necessarily in the
same order.
Pappu likes Carrom and Banjo. Anant likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or Tabla. The one
who plays Hockey plays Sitar. Rajiv plays Guitar but not Table Tennis or Lawn Tennis. Griraj plays
Badminton and Flute. The one who plays Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. Ranjeet plays
Harmonium and Lalan plays Hockey.

Who plays Football?

A. Ranjeet

B. Rajiv

C. Lalan

D. Surajbhan

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Rajiv

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Griraj, Pappu, Ranjeet, Surajbhan,Anant, Rajiv and Lalan are famous politician and have liking for
di៛�erent games viz. Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football and Lawn Tennis
but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them has also liking for di៛�erent musical
instrument viz. Sitar, Tabla, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute, Banjo and Santoor not necessarily in the
same order.
Pappu likes Carrom and Banjo. Anant likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or Tabla. The one
who plays Hockey plays Sitar. Rajiv plays Guitar but not Table Tennis or Lawn Tennis. Griraj plays
Badminton and Flute. The one who plays Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. Ranjeet plays
Harmonium and Lalan plays Hockey.

Who plays Table Tennis?

A. Ranjeet

B. Rajiv

C. Surajbhan


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Surajbhan

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G are having di៛�erent hobbies viz. , travelling, reading, dancing,
painting, sculpting, singing and pottery making but not necessarily in the same order. Each of
them belong to di៛�erent state viz. , Punjab, Odisha, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
Karnataka but not necessarily In the same order. A belongs to Maharashtra. D likes pottery
making. The person who likes sculpting is from the state of Odisha. The person who likes dancing
is from the state of Gujarat. F does not belong to Gujarat, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. F does not
like singing, reading or painting. B does not belong to Kerala, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. B does
not like painting, travelling, reading or singing. C does not like sculpting and he is not from
Rajasthan or Punjab. Neither D nor G belongs to Punjab. A does not like reading. The person from
Kerala likes singing.

Who among the following likes singing?

A. A

B. C

C. E

D. G

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. C

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G are having di៛�erent hobbies viz. , travelling, reading, dancing,
painting, sculpting, singing and pottery making but not necessarily in the same order. Each of
them belong to di៛�erent state viz. , Punjab, Odisha, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
Karnataka but not necessarily In the same order. A belongs to Maharashtra. D likes pottery
making. The person who likes sculpting is from the state of Odisha. The person who likes dancing
is from the state of Gujarat. F does not belong to Gujarat, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. F does not
like singing, reading or painting. B does not belong to Kerala, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. B does
not like painting, travelling, reading or singing. C does not like sculpting and he is not from
Rajasthan or Punjab. Neither D nor G belongs to Punjab. A does not like reading. The person from
Kerala likes singing.

Which one of the following combinations is true according to the given information?

A. A – Travelling – Maharashtra

B. C – Dancing – Gujarat

C. E – Reading – Karnataka

D. D – Pottery making – Rajasthan

E. All are true

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. D – Pottery making – Rajasthan

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G are having di៛�erent hobbies viz. , travelling, reading, dancing,
painting, sculpting, singing and pottery making but not necessarily in the same order. Each of
them belong to di៛�erent state viz. , Punjab, Odisha, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
Karnataka but not necessarily In the same order. A belongs to Maharashtra. D likes pottery
making. The person who likes sculpting is from the state of Odisha. The person who likes dancing
is from the state of Gujarat. F does not belong to Gujarat, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. F does not
like singing, reading or painting. B does not belong to Kerala, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. B does
not like painting, travelling, reading or singing. C does not like sculpting and he is not from
Rajasthan or Punjab. Neither D nor G belongs to Punjab. A does not like reading. The person from
Kerala likes singing.

Who among the following belongs to the state of Karnataka?

A. B

B. D

C. F

D. E

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. F

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G are having di៛�erent hobbies viz. , travelling, reading, dancing,
painting, sculpting, singing and pottery making but not necessarily in the same order. Each of
them belong to di៛�erent state viz. , Punjab, Odisha, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
Karnataka but not necessarily In the same order. A belongs to Maharashtra. D likes pottery
making. The person who likes sculpting is from the state of Odisha. The person who likes dancing
is from the state of Gujarat. F does not belong to Gujarat, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. F does not
like singing, reading or painting. B does not belong to Kerala, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. B does
not like painting, travelling, reading or singing. C does not like sculpting and he is not from
Rajasthan or Punjab. Neither D nor G belongs to Punjab. A does not like reading. The person from
Kerala likes singing.

Which of the following combinations is true about G?

A. Sculpting – Odisha

B. Pottery making – Karnataka

C. Dancing – Gujarat

D. Singing – Kerala

E. Travelling – Karnataka

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Sculpting – Odisha

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G are having di៛�erent hobbies viz. , travelling, reading, dancing,
painting, sculpting, singing and pottery making but not necessarily in the same order. Each of
them belong to di៛�erent state viz. , Punjab, Odisha, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
Karnataka but not necessarily In the same order. A belongs to Maharashtra. D likes pottery
making. The person who likes sculpting is from the state of Odisha. The person who likes dancing
is from the state of Gujarat. F does not belong to Gujarat, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. F does not
like singing, reading or painting. B does not belong to Kerala, Odisha, Punjab or Rajasthan. B does
not like painting, travelling, reading or singing. C does not like sculpting and he is not from
Rajasthan or Punjab. Neither D nor G belongs to Punjab. A does not like reading. The person from
Kerala likes singing.

The person who belongs to Punjab, likes-

A. Travelling

B. Sculpting

C. Painting

D. Pottery making

E. Reading

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: E. Reading


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are travelling in three di�erent cars namely X, Y and Z but not
necessarily in the same order. There are at least two persons in each car and each car has persons
of both the sexes. Not more than three people in any car. Out of eight persons three are females.
All of them like di�erent colours viz., red, green, yellow, blue, black, white, grey and purple but not
necessarily in the same order. One female does not like grey or white colour. D is travelling with G
in the car Z. G likes black colour. The persons who like red and purple colours are travelling in the
same car. E does not like purple colour and he is not travelling with D in the same car. A does not
like purple nor red colour. H is travelling in the car Y with only A. B, C and H are females in the
group. B likes blue colour and travels with the person who likes black colour. Red and green
colours are liked by female members. The person, who is travelling with H, likes grey colour. One
of the persons travelling in car Z likes yellow colour.

In which of the following cars only two persons are travelling?

A. Car X

B. Car Y

C. Car Z

D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Car Y

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are travelling in three di�erent cars namely X, Y and Z but not
necessarily in the same order. There are at least two persons in each car and each car has persons
of both the sexes. Not more than three people in any car. Out of eight persons three are females.
All of them like di�erent colours viz., red, green, yellow, blue, black, white, grey and purple but not
necessarily in the same order. One female does not like grey or white colour. D is travelling with G
in the car Z. G likes black colour. The persons who like red and purple colours are travelling in the
same car. E does not like purple colour and he is not travelling with D in the same car. A does not
like purple nor red colour. H is travelling in the car Y with only A. B, C and H are females in the
group. B likes blue colour and travels with the person who likes black colour. Red and green
colours are liked by female members. The person, who is travelling with H, likes grey colour. One
of the persons travelling in car Z likes yellow colour.

The female member who is travelling in the car X likes which colour?

A. Green

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. Red

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Red


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are travelling in three di�erent cars namely X, Y and Z but not
necessarily in the same order. There are at least two persons in each car and each car has persons
of both the sexes. Not more than three people in any car. Out of eight persons three are females.
All of them like di�erent colours viz., red, green, yellow, blue, black, white, grey and purple but not
necessarily in the same order. One female does not like grey or white colour. D is travelling with G
in the car Z. G likes black colour. The persons who like red and purple colours are travelling in the
same car. E does not like purple colour and he is not travelling with D in the same car. A does not
like purple nor red colour. H is travelling in the car Y with only A. B, C and H are females in the
group. B likes blue colour and travels with the person who likes black colour. Red and green
colours are liked by female members. The person, who is travelling with H, likes grey colour. One
of the persons travelling in car Z likes yellow colour.

Who among the following likes yellow colour?

A. D

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B. E

C. A

D. F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. D


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are travelling in three di�erent cars namely X, Y and Z but not
necessarily in the same order. There are at least two persons in each car and each car has persons
of both the sexes. Not more than three people in any car. Out of eight persons three are females.
All of them like di�erent colours viz., red, green, yellow, blue, black, white, grey and purple but not
necessarily in the same order. One female does not like grey or white colour. D is travelling with G
in the car Z. G likes black colour. The persons who like red and purple colours are travelling in the
same car. E does not like purple colour and he is not travelling with D in the same car. A does not
like purple nor red colour. H is travelling in the car Y with only A. B, C and H are females in the
group. B likes blue colour and travels with the person who likes black colour. Red and green
colours are liked by female members. The person, who is travelling with H, likes grey colour. One
of the persons travelling in car Z likes yellow colour.

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Who among the following are travelling with female member C?

A. E and G

B. A and D

C. E and F

D. D and E

E. F and G

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. E and F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are travelling in three di�erent cars namely X, Y and Z but not
necessarily in the same order. There are at least two persons in each car and each car has persons
of both the sexes. Not more than three people in any car. Out of eight persons three are females.
All of them like di�erent colours viz., red, green, yellow, blue, black, white, grey and purple but not
necessarily in the same order. One female does not like grey or white colour. D is travelling with G
in the car Z. G likes black colour. The persons who like red and purple colours are travelling in the
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
same car. E does not like purple colour and he is not travelling with D in the same car. A does not
like purple nor red colour. H is travelling in the car Y with only A. B, C and H are females in the
group. B likes blue colour and travels with the person who likes black colour. Red and green
colours are liked by female members. The person, who is travelling with H, likes grey colour. One
of the persons travelling in car Z likes yellow colour.

Which of the following combinations of person – car – colour is not correct?

A. C – X – Red

B. F – X – Purple

C. G – Z – Black

D. D – Z – Yellow

E. E – Y – Grey

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. E – Y – Grey


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following instructions and answer the following questions.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Eight students M,N,P,Q,E,F,G and H study in class VI, VII and VIII, with not more than three students
in any class. Each of them has one favourite subject physics, Geography, English, Marathi,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Economics.
Q likes Zoology and studies in class VIII with only H. N does not study in class VII. E and M study in
the same class but not with N. P and F study in the same class. Those who study in class VI, do not
like Mathematics and Biology. F likes Physics. The one who studies in class VIII like English. P does
not likes Geography. M likes Marathi. G does not likes Biology.

In which of the following standard only two persons are studying?




D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. VIII


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com


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Study the following instructions and answer the following questions.

Eight students M,N,P,Q,E,F,G and H study in class VI, VII and VIII, with not more than three students
in any class. Each of them has one favourite subject physics, Geography, English, Marathi,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Economics.
Q likes Zoology and studies in class VIII with only H. N does not study in class VII. E and M study in
the same class but not with N. P and F study in the same class. Those who study in class VI, do not
like Mathematics and Biology. F likes Physics. The one who studies in class VIII like English. P does
not likes Geography. M likes Marathi. G does not likes Biology.

H likes which subject?

A. English

B. Maths

C. Physics

D. Biology

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. English


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following instructions and answer the following questions.

Eight students M,N,P,Q,E,F,G and H study in class VI, VII and VIII, with not more than three students
in any class. Each of them has one favourite subject physics, Geography, English, Marathi,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Economics.
Q likes Zoology and studies in class VIII with only H. N does not study in class VII. E and M study in
the same class but not with N. P and F study in the same class. Those who study in class VI, do not
like Mathematics and Biology. F likes Physics. The one who studies in class VIII like English. P does
not likes Geography. M likes Marathi. G does not likes Biology.

Who among the following likes Economics?

A. P

B. E

C. M

D. F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. P

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following instructions and answer the following questions.

Eight students M,N,P,Q,E,F,G and H study in class VI, VII and VIII, with not more than three students
in any class. Each of them has one favourite subject physics, Geography, English, Marathi,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Economics.
Q likes Zoology and studies in class VIII with only H. N does not study in class VII. E and M study in
the same class but not with N. P and F study in the same class. Those who study in class VI, do not
like Mathematics and Biology. F likes Physics. The one who studies in class VIII like English. P does
not likes Geography. M likes Marathi. G does not likes Biology.

Who among the following are studying with E?

A. P and G

B. M and Q

C. P and F

D. Q and M

E. M and G

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: E. M and G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following instructions and answer the following questions.

Eight students M,N,P,Q,E,F,G and H study in class VI, VII and VIII, with not more than three students
in any class. Each of them has one favourite subject physics, Geography, English, Marathi,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Economics.
Q likes Zoology and studies in class VIII with only H. N does not study in class VII. E and M study in
the same class but not with N. P and F study in the same class. Those who study in class VI, do not
like Mathematics and Biology. F likes Physics. The one who studies in class VIII like English. P does
not likes Geography. M likes Marathi. G does not likes Biology.

Which of the following combinations of person – Standard – Subject is not correct?

A. P – VI – Economics

B. F – VI – Physics

C. G – VII – Maths

D. Q – VI – Biology

E. H – VIII – English

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Q – VI – Biology


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, K, M, F, G and H are eight person works in three di�erent companies P, Q and R with not
more than three in any company.
There are two ladies who work in di�erent companies and their specialization is also di�erent.
• Two of them have specialization in HR , two have specialization in marketing and two of them
have specialization in production , one is engineer and one of them is specialist in computer.
• K is a specialist in HR working in company P while her friend G is a production specialist and
works in company R.
• The two person with same specialization do not work together.
• H is a HR who works with Marketing specialist B but does not work in company Q.
• Marketing specialist F works in company Q and his friend A who is production specialist work in
company P with only one other specialist.
• C is a engineer and his sister works in company R. No lady is an Engineer , Computer specialist or
Production specialist.

Who is computer specialist ?

A. M

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B. C

C. H

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. M


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, K, M, F, G and H are eight person works in three di�erent companies P, Q and R with not
more than three in any company.
There are two ladies who work in di�erent companies and their specialization is also di�erent.
• Two of them have specialization in HR , two have specialization in marketing and two of them
have specialization in production , one is engineer and one of them is specialist in computer.
• K is a specialist in HR working in company P while her friend G is a production specialist and
works in company R.
• The two person with same specialization do not work together.
• H is a HR who works with Marketing specialist B but does not work in company Q.
• Marketing specialist F works in company Q and his friend A who is production specialist work in
company P with only one other specialist.

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• C is a engineer and his sister works in company R. No lady is an Engineer , Computer specialist or
Production specialist.

In which two companies HR specialist work ?

A. P and R

B. P and Q

C. Q and R

D. data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. P and R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, K, M, F, G and H are eight person works in three di�erent companies P, Q and R with not
more than three in any company.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
There are two ladies who work in di�erent companies and their specialization is also di�erent.
• Two of them have specialization in HR , two have specialization in marketing and two of them
have specialization in production , one is engineer and one of them is specialist in computer.
• K is a specialist in HR working in company P while her friend G is a production specialist and
works in company R.
• The two person with same specialization do not work together.
• H is a HR who works with Marketing specialist B but does not work in company Q.
• Marketing specialist F works in company Q and his friend A who is production specialist work in
company P with only one other specialist.
• C is a engineer and his sister works in company R. No lady is an Engineer , Computer specialist or
Production specialist.

The two ladies are ?

A. K and H

B. K and B

C. F and C

D. H and B

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. K and B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, K, M, F, G and H are eight person works in three di�erent companies P, Q and R with not
more than three in any company.
There are two ladies who work in di�erent companies and their specialization is also di�erent.
• Two of them have specialization in HR , two have specialization in marketing and two of them
have specialization in production , one is engineer and one of them is specialist in computer.
• K is a specialist in HR working in company P while her friend G is a production specialist and
works in company R.
• The two person with same specialization do not work together.
• H is a HR who works with Marketing specialist B but does not work in company Q.
• Marketing specialist F works in company Q and his friend A who is production specialist work in
company P with only one other specialist.
• C is a engineer and his sister works in company R. No lady is an Engineer , Computer specialist or
Production specialist.

What is specialization of B ?

A. Marketing

B. Production


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D. Computer

E. data inadequate

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Marketing


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, K, M, F, G and H are eight person works in three di�erent companies P, Q and R with not
more than three in any company.
There are two ladies who work in di�erent companies and their specialization is also di�erent.
• Two of them have specialization in HR , two have specialization in marketing and two of them
have specialization in production , one is engineer and one of them is specialist in computer.
• K is a specialist in HR working in company P while her friend G is a production specialist and
works in company R.
• The two person with same specialization do not work together.
• H is a HR who works with Marketing specialist B but does not work in company Q.
• Marketing specialist F works in company Q and his friend A who is production specialist work in
company P with only one other specialist.
• C is a engineer and his sister works in company R. No lady is an Engineer , Computer specialist or
Production specialist.

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In which company does F works?

A. P

B. Q

C. R

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and G are eight friends studying in three di�erent engineering colleges. X, Y and Z
in three disciplines- Mechanical, Civil and Electronics with not less than two and not more than
three in any college. Not more than three of them study in any of the three disciplines. W studies
Civil in college Y with only T, who studies Mechanical, P and G do not study in college Z and study
in the same discipline but not Civil. R studies Mechanical with V, who studies Civil. S studies
Mechanical and does not study in the same college where R studies. Q does not study Electronics.

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Which of the following combinations of college- student- specialization is correct?

A. Z- R- Electronics

B. X- G -Civil

C. Y- W -Electronics

D. Y- W- Civil

E. Y- G- Electronics

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Y- W- Civil


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and G are eight friends studying in three di�erent engineering colleges. X, Y and Z
in three disciplines- Mechanical, Civil and Electronics with not less than two and not more than
three in any college. Not more than three of them study in any of the three disciplines. W studies
Civil in college Y with only T, who studies Mechanical, P and G do not study in college Z and study
in the same discipline but not Civil. R studies Mechanical with V, who studies Civil. S studies
Mechanical and does not study in the same college where R studies. Q does not study Electronics.

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In which of the following colleges do two students study in Civil disciplines?

A. X only

B. Y only

C. Z only

D. cannot be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Z only


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and G are eight friends studying in three di�erent engineering colleges. X, Y and Z
in three disciplines- Mechanical, Civil and Electronics with not less than two and not more than
three in any college. Not more than three of them study in any of the three disciplines. W studies
Civil in college Y with only T, who studies Mechanical, P and G do not study in college Z and study
in the same discipline but not Civil. R studies Mechanical with V, who studies Civil. S studies
Mechanical and does not study in the same college where R studies. Q does not study Electronics.

Who among the following likes Electronics?

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A. S, T

B. W, S

C. P, G

D. R, Q

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. P, G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and G are eight friends studying in three di�erent engineering colleges. X, Y and Z
in three disciplines- Mechanical, Civil and Electronics with not less than two and not more than
three in any college. Not more than three of them study in any of the three disciplines. W studies
Civil in college Y with only T, who studies Mechanical, P and G do not study in college Z and study
in the same discipline but not Civil. R studies Mechanical with V, who studies Civil. S studies
Mechanical and does not study in the same college where R studies. Q does not study Electronics.

W likes which subject?

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A. Mechanical

B. Civil

C. Electronics

D. Either Civil or Electronics

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Civil


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and G are eight friends studying in three di�erent engineering colleges. X, Y and Z
in three disciplines- Mechanical, Civil and Electronics with not less than two and not more than
three in any college. Not more than three of them study in any of the three disciplines. W studies
Civil in college Y with only T, who studies Mechanical, P and G do not study in college Z and study
in the same discipline but not Civil. R studies Mechanical with V, who studies Civil. S studies
Mechanical and does not study in the same college where R studies. Q does not study Electronics.

Which of the following pairs of persons study in College Z ?

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A. W, T and R

B. W and T

C. P, G and V

D. R, V and Q

E. Cannot be determined.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. R, V and Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information I answer the given questions:

Six friends Pinki, Chinki, Rinki, Sonu, Monu and Anu are working in a di�erent company each viz.
Titan, Honda, Airtel, Nestle, Bata and Nikon, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them
belongs to three di�erent states, viz. Kerela, Haryana and Assam, but not more than two belong to
a single state.
Sonu belongs to Kerela and does not work in Nestle. Chinki works in Titan and belongs to Haryana
with only Anu, who works in Honda. Rinki belong to Assam and does not work in Airtel. Monu
works in Bata and does not belong to Kerela. One of the persons who belongs to Kerela works in

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Which of the following pairs belongs to Assam?

A. Chinki, Anu

B. Monu, Rinki

C. Anu, Pinki

D. Sonu, Monu

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Monu, Rinki


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information I answer the given questions:

Six friends Pinki, Chinki, Rinki, Sonu, Monu and Anu are working in a di�erent company each viz.
Titan, Honda, Airtel, Nestle, Bata and Nikon, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them
belongs to three di�erent states, viz. Kerela, Haryana and Assam, but not more than two belong to
a single state.
Sonu belongs to Kerela and does not work in Nestle. Chinki works in Titan and belongs to Haryana
with only Anu, who works in Honda. Rinki belong to Assam and does not work in Airtel. Monu
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works in Bata and does not belong to Kerela. One of the persons who belongs to Kerela works in

Which of the following combinations of person, place and company is correct?

A. Pinki- Kerela- Nestle

B. Anu- Assam- Nikon

C. Monu- Assam- Titan

D. Sonu- Haryana- Honda

E. Rinki- Kerela- Airtel

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Pinki- Kerela- Nestle


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information I answer the given questions:

Six friends Pinki, Chinki, Rinki, Sonu, Monu and Anu are working in a di�erent company each viz.
Titan, Honda, Airtel, Nestle, Bata and Nikon, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them
belongs to three di�erent states, viz. Kerela, Haryana and Assam, but not more than two belong to
a single state.
Sonu belongs to Kerela and does not work in Nestle. Chinki works in Titan and belongs to Haryana
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with only Anu, who works in Honda. Rinki belong to Assam and does not work in Airtel. Monu
works in Bata and does not belong to Kerela. One of the persons who belongs to Kerela works in

Rinki works with which of the following companies?

A. Bata

B. Nestle

C. Nikon

D. Titan

E. None of the above

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Nikon


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information I answer the given questions:

Six friends Pinki, Chinki, Rinki, Sonu, Monu and Anu are working in a di�erent company each viz.
Titan, Honda, Airtel, Nestle, Bata and Nikon, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them
belongs to three di�erent states, viz. Kerela, Haryana and Assam, but not more than two belong to
a single state.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Sonu belongs to Kerela and does not work in Nestle. Chinki works in Titan and belongs to Haryana
with only Anu, who works in Honda. Rinki belong to Assam and does not work in Airtel. Monu
works in Bata and does not belong to Kerela. One of the persons who belongs to Kerela works in

Who among the following works with Airtel?

A. Anu

B. Monu

C. Pinki

D. Sonu

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Sonu


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information I answer the given questions:

Six friends Pinki, Chinki, Rinki, Sonu, Monu and Anu are working in a di�erent company each viz.
Titan, Honda, Airtel, Nestle, Bata and Nikon, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them
belongs to three di�erent states, viz. Kerela, Haryana and Assam, but not more than two belong to
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a single state.
Sonu belongs to Kerela and does not work in Nestle. Chinki works in Titan and belongs to Haryana
with only Anu, who works in Honda. Rinki belong to Assam and does not work in Airtel. Monu
works in Bata and does not belong to Kerela. One of the persons who belongs to Kerela works in

Pinki belongs to which of the following states?

A. Assam

B. Haryana

C. Either Haryana or Assam


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I go to Mathura by three Buses- X, Y and Z. Each Bus is

occupied by three friends.
• H does not travel with C and G.
• E travels in Bus Y but not with A or F.
• D either travels with B or H.
• In car X, Neither A nor G travels.
• F either travels with C or G.
• B travels in Bus Z.

Who of the following are seated in Bus X?

A. C, D, F

B. D, F, H

C. D, H, I

D. C, F, I

E. H, F, C

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. C, F, I

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I go to Mathura by three Buses- X, Y and Z. Each Bus is

occupied by three friends.
• H does not travel with C and G.
• E travels in Bus Y but not with A or F.
• D either travels with B or H.
• In car X, Neither A nor G travels.
• F either travels with C or G.
• B travels in Bus Z.

Who is seated with E?

A. C

B. I

C. G

D. H and D


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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. H and D


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I go to Mathura by three Buses- X, Y and Z. Each Bus is

occupied by three friends.
• H does not travel with C and G.
• E travels in Bus Y but not with A or F.
• D either travels with B or H.
• In car X, Neither A nor G travels.
• F either travels with C or G.
• B travels in Bus Z.

In which Bus H travels?

A. X

B. Y

C. Z

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D. Either Y or Z

E. Either X or Y.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Y


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I go to Mathura by three Buses- X, Y and Z. Each Bus is

occupied by three friends.
• H does not travel with C and G.
• E travels in Bus Y but not with A or F.
• D either travels with B or H.
• In car X, Neither A nor G travels.
• F either travels with C or G.
• B travels in Bus Z.

G is seated with ____ and ___?

A. E, H

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B. D, H

C. A, B

D. A, D

E. B, H

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. A, B


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I go to Mathura by three Buses- X, Y and Z. Each Bus is

occupied by three friends.
• H does not travel with C and G.
• E travels in Bus Y but not with A or F.
• D either travels with B or H.
• In car X, Neither A nor G travels.
• F either travels with C or G.
• B travels in Bus Z.

Which of the following statement is true?

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A. C travels with I.

B. G travels with E

C. A travels with D

D. F travels with G

E. B travels with I.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. C travels with I.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, W and Z are seven students studying in three di erent institutes - A, B and C. There
are three girls who study in each of the three institutes. Not more than three of them study in any
of the three institute. Two of the seven students study BCA, two study medicine and one each
studies Aviation Technology, Journalism and MBA. R studies only with P, who studies MBA in
college B. No girl studies Journalism or MBA. T studies BCA in college C and his brother W studies
Aviation Technology. S studies Journalism in the same college as Q. Neither R nor Z studies BCA.

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The girl who studies BCA does not study in college C.

Which of the following pairs of student study medicine?





E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, W and Z are seven students studying in three di erent institutes - A, B and C. There
are three girls who study in each of the three institutes. Not more than three of them study in any
of the three institute. Two of the seven students study BCA, two study medicine and one each
studies Aviation Technology, Journalism and MBA. R studies only with P, who studies MBA in
college B. No girl studies Journalism or MBA. T studies BCA in college C and his brother W studies
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Aviation Technology. S studies Journalism in the same college as Q. Neither R nor Z studies BCA.
The girl who studies BCA does not study in college C.

In which college does Q study?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, W and Z are seven students studying in three di erent institutes - A, B and C. There
are three girls who study in each of the three institutes. Not more than three of them study in any
of the three institute. Two of the seven students study BCA, two study medicine and one each
studies Aviation Technology, Journalism and MBA. R studies only with P, who studies MBA in
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college B. No girl studies Journalism or MBA. T studies BCA in college C and his brother W studies
Aviation Technology. S studies Journalism in the same college as Q. Neither R nor Z studies BCA.
The girl who studies BCA does not study in college C.

In which of the colleges do three of them study?

A. A

B. B

C. A and B

D. C

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. C


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, W and Z are seven students studying in three di erent institutes - A, B and C. There
are three girls who study in each of the three institutes. Not more than three of them study in any
of the three institute. Two of the seven students study BCA, two study medicine and one each
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studies Aviation Technology, Journalism and MBA. R studies only with P, who studies MBA in
college B. No girl studies Journalism or MBA. T studies BCA in college C and his brother W studies
Aviation Technology. S studies Journalism in the same college as Q. Neither R nor Z studies BCA.
The girl who studies BCA does not study in college C.

What is the eld of study of Z?

A. Aviation Technology



D. Medicine

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Medicine


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, W and Z are seven students studying in three di erent institutes - A, B and C. There
are three girls who study in each of the three institutes. Not more than three of them study in any
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
of the three institute. Two of the seven students study BCA, two study medicine and one each
studies Aviation Technology, Journalism and MBA. R studies only with P, who studies MBA in
college B. No girl studies Journalism or MBA. T studies BCA in college C and his brother W studies
Aviation Technology. S studies Journalism in the same college as Q. Neither R nor Z studies BCA.
The girl who studies BCA does not study in college C.

Which of the following three represents girls?



C. SQZ adequate

D. Data Inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. QRZ


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends travelling in three di erent cars viz., X, Y and Z with at
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least two in one car to three di erent places viz., Mathura, Chandigarh and Agra.
There is at least one female member in each car. D is travelling with G to Mathura but not in car Y.
A is travelling with only H in car Z but not to Chandigarh. C is not travelling with either D or E. F
and D are studying in the girls’ Hostel. H, B and G are studying in the boys’ Hostel.

Which of the following represents the group of females among them?

A. F, C, A

B. F, G, A

C. D, C, A

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Data inadequate


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends travelling in three di erent cars viz., X, Y and Z with at
least two in one car to three di erent places viz., Mathura, Chandigarh and Agra.
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There is at least one female member in each car. D is travelling with G to Mathura but not in car Y.
A is travelling with only H in car Z but not to Chandigarh. C is not travelling with either D or E. F
and D are studying in the girls’ Hostel. H, B and G are studying in the boys’ Hostel.

Which of the following combinations is true?

A. Mathura - X - C

B. Chandigarh – X - F

C. Agra – Z – E

D. Mathura– Y – E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends travelling in three di erent cars viz., X, Y and Z with at
least two in one car to three di erent places viz., Mathura, Chandigarh and Agra.
There is at least one female member in each car. D is travelling with G to Mathura but not in car Y.
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A is travelling with only H in car Z but not to Chandigarh. C is not travelling with either D or E. F
and D are studying in the girls’ Hostel. H, B and G are studying in the boys’ Hostel.

In which car are four of them travelling?

A. X or Z

B. Y

C. X or Y

D. Z

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends travelling in three di erent cars viz., X, Y and Z with at
least two in one car to three di erent places viz., Mathura, Chandigarh and Agra.
There is at least one female member in each car. D is travelling with G to Mathura but not in car Y.
A is travelling with only H in car Z but not to Chandigarh. C is not travelling with either D or E. F
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and D are studying in the girls’ Hostel. H, B and G are studying in the boys’ Hostel.

In which of the following cars is C travelling?

A. X

B. Y

C. Z

D. Either X or Y

E. data inadequate

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Y


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends travelling in three di erent cars viz., X, Y and Z with at
least two in one car to three di erent places viz., Mathura, Chandigarh and Agra.
There is at least one female member in each car. D is travelling with G to Mathura but not in car Y.
A is travelling with only H in car Z but not to Chandigarh. C is not travelling with either D or E. F

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and D are studying in the girls’ Hostel. H, B and G are studying in the boys’ Hostel.

Passangers in which car are travelling to Chandigarh?

A. Y

B. X

C. Either X or Y

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Y


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

A, B, F, G, H, K and J are employees of a company. Each of them works in his own cabin numbered
IV to X, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears a shirt of a di erent colour, viz.
Blue, Green, Yellow, Sky Blue, Purple, Red and Pink but not necessarily in the same order.
• B sits in cabin VII but he does not wear either Purple or Sky Blue shirt. F wears Blue Shirt but he
does not sit in cabin V or IX. H sits in cabin VIII and he wears a Red shirt. The one who wears a
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Green shirt sits in cabin X. G sits in cabin IV. J wears a Pink shirt. A does not sit in cabin X. The one
who wears Sky Blue sits in cabin V.

J sits in which of the following cabin numbers

A. V



D. X

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. IX


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

A, B, F, G, H, K and J are employees of a company. Each of them works in his own cabin numbered
IV to X, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears a shirt of a di erent colour, viz.
Blue, Green, Yellow, Sky Blue, Purple, Red and Pink but not necessarily in the same order.
• B sits in cabin VII but he does not wear either Purple or Sky Blue shirt. F wears Blue Shirt but he
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does not sit in cabin V or IX. H sits in cabin VIII and he wears a Red shirt. The one who wears a
Green shirt sits in cabin X. G sits in cabin IV. J wears a Pink shirt. A does not sit in cabin X. The one
who wears Sky Blue sits in cabin V.

Who is in cabin VII ?

A. B

B. K

C. G

D. H


Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. B


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

A, B, F, G, H, K and J are employees of a company. Each of them works in his own cabin numbered
IV to X, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears a shirt of a di erent colour, viz.
Blue, Green, Yellow, Sky Blue, Purple, Red and Pink but not necessarily in the same order.
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• B sits in cabin VII but he does not wear either Purple or Sky Blue shirt. F wears Blue Shirt but he
does not sit in cabin V or IX. H sits in cabin VIII and he wears a Red shirt. The one who wears a
Green shirt sits in cabin X. G sits in cabin IV. J wears a Pink shirt. A does not sit in cabin X. The one
who wears Sky Blue sits in cabin V.

A wears a shirt of which of the following colours?

A. Sky Blue

B. Blue

C. Purple

D. Yellow

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Sky Blue


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

A, B, F, G, H, K and J are employees of a company. Each of them works in his own cabin numbered
IV to X, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears a shirt of a di erent colour, viz.
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Blue, Green, Yellow, Sky Blue, Purple, Red and Pink but not necessarily in the same order.
• B sits in cabin VII but he does not wear either Purple or Sky Blue shirt. F wears Blue Shirt but he
does not sit in cabin V or IX. H sits in cabin VIII and he wears a Red shirt. The one who wears a
Green shirt sits in cabin X. G sits in cabin IV. J wears a Pink shirt. A does not sit in cabin X. The one
who wears Sky Blue sits in cabin V.

Which of the following combinations is true?

A. K- Yellow- X

B. G- Purple- IV

C. A- Green- IV

D. Only one and three.

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. G- Purple- IV


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

A, B, F, G, H, K and J are employees of a company. Each of them works in his own cabin numbered
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IV to X, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears a shirt of a di erent colour, viz.
Blue, Green, Yellow, Sky Blue, Purple, Red and Pink but not necessarily in the same order.
• B sits in cabin VII but he does not wear either Purple or Sky Blue shirt. F wears Blue Shirt but he
does not sit in cabin V or IX. H sits in cabin VIII and he wears a Red shirt. The one who wears a
Green shirt sits in cabin X. G sits in cabin IV. J wears a Pink shirt. A does not sit in cabin X. The one
who wears Sky Blue sits in cabin V.

Who among the following wears a shirt of Green colour?

A. A

B. K

C. G


E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. K


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
A, B, F, G, H, K and J are employees of a company. Each of them works in his own cabin numbered
IV to X, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears a shirt of a di erent colour, viz.
Blue, Green, Yellow, Sky Blue, Purple, Red and Pink but not necessarily in the same order.
• B sits in cabin VII but he does not wear either Purple or Sky Blue shirt. F wears Blue Shirt but he
does not sit in cabin V or IX. H sits in cabin VIII and he wears a Red shirt. The one who wears a
Green shirt sits in cabin X. G sits in cabin IV. J wears a Pink shirt. A does not sit in cabin X. The one
who wears Sky Blue sits in cabin V.

Who among the following sits in cabin V?

A. K

B. F

C. A

D. J

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. A


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com


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Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven o cers L, M, N, P, Q, R & S work in three di erent shifts I, II, III with at least two persons
working in each shift. Each one of them has a di erent weekly o from Monday to Sunday not
necessarily in the same order.
M works in second shift only with R, whose weekly o is on Friday. O’s weekly o is on the next
day of L's weekly o and both of them work in di erent shifts. P works in third shift and his weekly
o is on Saturday. S has a weekly o on Monday and he works in rst shift. The one who has a
weekly o on Sunday works in rst shift. L and P do not work in the same shift. L's weekly o is on

Whose weekly o is on Sunday?

A. L

B. M

C. N

D. Q

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Q

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven o cers L, M, N, P, Q, R & S work in three di erent shifts I, II, III with at least two persons
working in each shift. Each one of them has a di erent weekly o from Monday to Sunday not
necessarily in the same order.
M works in second shift only with R, whose weekly o is on Friday. O’s weekly o is on the next
day of L's weekly o and both of them work in di erent shifts. P works in third shift and his weekly
o is on Saturday. S has a weekly o on Monday and he works in rst shift. The one who has a
weekly o on Sunday works in rst shift. L and P do not work in the same shift. L's weekly o is on

Which of the following group of o cers works in shift 1st?

A. L, N, S

B. L, S

C. N, S

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D. L, P, Q

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven o cers L, M, N, P, Q, R & S work in three di erent shifts I, II, III with at least two persons
working in each shift. Each one of them has a di erent weekly o from Monday to Sunday not
necessarily in the same order.
M works in second shift only with R, whose weekly o is on Friday. O’s weekly o is on the next
day of L's weekly o and both of them work in di erent shifts. P works in third shift and his weekly
o is on Saturday. S has a weekly o on Monday and he works in rst shift. The one who has a
weekly o on Sunday works in rst shift. L and P do not work in the same shift. L's weekly o is on

On which day is O’s weekly o ?

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A. Tuesday

B. Wednesday

C. Sunday

D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Wednesday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven o cers L, M, N, P, Q, R & S work in three di erent shifts I, II, III with at least two persons
working in each shift. Each one of them has a di erent weekly o from Monday to Sunday not
necessarily in the same order.
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M works in second shift only with R, whose weekly o is on Friday. O’s weekly o is on the next
day of L's weekly o and both of them work in di erent shifts. P works in third shift and his weekly
o is on Saturday. S has a weekly o on Monday and he works in rst shift. The one who has a
weekly o on Sunday works in rst shift. L and P do not work in the same shift. L's weekly o is on

Which of the following combinations of shift, person and weekly o is de nitely correct?

A. II, M, Sunday

B. III, N. Sunday

C. II, P, Sunday

D. I, L, Tuesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. I, L, Tuesday

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven o cers L, M, N, P, Q, R & S work in three di erent shifts I, II, III with at least two persons
working in each shift. Each one of them has a di erent weekly o from Monday to Sunday not
necessarily in the same order.
M works in second shift only with R, whose weekly o is on Friday. O’s weekly o is on the next
day of L's weekly o and both of them work in di erent shifts. P works in third shift and his weekly
o is on Saturday. S has a weekly o on Monday and he works in rst shift. The one who has a
weekly o on Sunday works in rst shift. L and P do not work in the same shift. L's weekly o is on

Whose weekly o falls on Thursday?

A. L

B. N

C. Q

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D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in college X, Y and Z and are currently in di䫊erent
profession namely Medicines, Fashion Designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and
Architecture. At least two or not more than three friends had studied in the same college.
C is an Architect and studied in college Y. E is not a Businessman. Only G amongst the seven
friends studied in college X along with E. F is an Engineer and does not study in college Y. B is an
Actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in
college X are neither Fashion Designers nor Teachers. None of those studied in college Y is a

Who amongst the following have studied in college Z?

A. B, A

B. C, F

C. B, D, F

D. A, D

E. D, F

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. D, F

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in college X, Y and Z and are currently in di䫊erent
profession namely Medicines, Fashion Designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and
Architecture. At least two or not more than three friends had studied in the same college.
C is an Architect and studied in college Y. E is not a Businessman. Only G amongst the seven
friends studied in college X along with E. F is an Engineer and does not study in college Y. B is an
Actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in
college X are neither Fashion Designers nor Teachers. None of those studied in college Y is a

Which of the following groups represents the students of college Y?

A. C, E, G

B. A, C, D

C. A, B, C

D. D, B, C

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. A, B, C


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in college X, Y and Z and are currently in di䫊erent
profession namely Medicines, Fashion Designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and
Architecture. At least two or not more than three friends had studied in the same college.
C is an Architect and studied in college Y. E is not a Businessman. Only G amongst the seven
friends studied in college X along with E. F is an Engineer and does not study in college Y. B is an
Actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in
college X are neither Fashion Designers nor Teachers. None of those studied in college Y is a

What is the profession of F?

A. Engineering

B. Business

C. Medicine

D. Acting

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Engineering


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in college X, Y and Z and are currently in di䫊erent
profession namely Medicines, Fashion Designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and
Architecture. At least two or not more than three friends had studied in the same college.
C is an Architect and studied in college Y. E is not a Businessman. Only G amongst the seven
friends studied in college X along with E. F is an Engineer and does not study in college Y. B is an
Actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in
college X are neither Fashion Designers nor Teachers. None of those studied in college Y is a

Who amongst the following is in the profession of Medicines?

A. E

B. G

C. A

D. D

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. E


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in college X, Y and Z and are currently in di䫊erent
profession namely Medicines, Fashion Designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and
Architecture. At least two or not more than three friends had studied in the same college.
C is an Architect and studied in college Y. E is not a Businessman. Only G amongst the seven
friends studied in college X along with E. F is an Engineer and does not study in college Y. B is an
Actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in
college X are neither Fashion Designers nor Teachers. None of those studied in college Y is a

What is the profession of A?

A. Teaching

B. Medicines

C. Business

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D. Fashion designing

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Fashion designing


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in college X, Y and Z and are currently in di䫊erent
profession namely Medicines, Fashion Designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and
Architecture. At least two or not more than three friends had studied in the same college.
C is an Architect and studied in college Y. E is not a Businessman. Only G amongst the seven
friends studied in college X along with E. F is an Engineer and does not study in college Y. B is an
Actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in
college X are neither Fashion Designers nor Teachers. None of those studied in college Y is a

Which of the following combinations of person, college and profession is de硏nitely correct?

A. E – X- Fashion designing

B. F-X- Engineering

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C. A-Y- Businessman

D. D-Z- Teaching

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. D-Z- Teaching


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in college X, Y and Z and are currently in di䫊erent
profession namely Medicines, Fashion Designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and
Architecture. At least two or not more than three friends had studied in the same college.
C is an Architect and studied in college Y. E is not a Businessman. Only G amongst the seven
friends studied in college X along with E. F is an Engineer and does not study in college Y. B is an
Actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in
college X are neither Fashion Designers nor Teachers. None of those studied in college Y is a

Who amongst the following is a teacher?

A. A

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B. D

C. E

D. G

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. D


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

B, C, D, F, G, H and J are seven students studying in three colleges P, Q and R. there are three boys
and four girls. There are at least one boy and one girl in each college. Three of them are in
Commerce discipline and two each in Arts and Science. B and her sister G are in Science discipline
but in di䫊erent colleges. F studies arts in college Q and he does not study with either J or C.
D is not in commerce and he studies in college R only with B. All of three from Commerce
discipline do not study in the same college. H studies in the same college with her friend G.

In which college do only commerce students study?

A. None

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B. Q

C. R

D. P

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. P


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

B, C, D, F, G, H and J are seven students studying in three colleges P, Q and R. there are three boys
and four girls. There are at least one boy and one girl in each college. Three of them are in
Commerce discipline and two each in Arts and Science. B and her sister G are in Science discipline
but in di䫊erent colleges. F studies arts in college Q and he does not study with either J or C.
D is not in commerce and he studies in college R only with B. All of three from Commerce
discipline do not study in the same college. H studies in the same college with her friend G.

If C and B interchange their colleges satisfying all other condition, which of the following will
de硏nitely represent the girls?

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. BCHG


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

B, C, D, F, G, H and J are seven students studying in three colleges P, Q and R. there are three boys
and four girls. There are at least one boy and one girl in each college. Three of them are in
Commerce discipline and two each in Arts and Science. B and her sister G are in Science discipline
but in di䫊erent colleges. F studies arts in college Q and he does not study with either J or C.
D is not in commerce and he studies in college R only with B. All of three from Commerce
discipline do not study in the same college. H studies in the same college with her friend G.

Which of the following represents the three in Commerce discipline?

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D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. HJC


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

B, C, D, F, G, H and J are seven students studying in three colleges P, Q and R. there are three boys
and four girls. There are at least one boy and one girl in each college. Three of them are in
Commerce discipline and two each in Arts and Science. B and her sister G are in Science discipline
but in di䫊erent colleges. F studies arts in college Q and he does not study with either J or C.
D is not in commerce and he studies in college R only with B. All of three from Commerce
discipline do not study in the same college. H studies in the same college with her friend G.

In which college do three of them study?

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A. P

B. R

C. P or Q

D. Q

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

B, C, D, F, G, H and J are seven students studying in three colleges P, Q and R. there are three boys
and four girls. There are at least one boy and one girl in each college. Three of them are in
Commerce discipline and two each in Arts and Science. B and her sister G are in Science discipline
but in di䫊erent colleges. F studies arts in college Q and he does not study with either J or C.
D is not in commerce and he studies in college R only with B. All of three from Commerce
discipline do not study in the same college. H studies in the same college with her friend G.

Which of the following represents the three boys?

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D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. DFJ or DFC

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, V and W study in Amity school. They are in three di䫊erent classes such
as VI, VII and VIII. They wear shirts of di䫊erent colors such as Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black,
Orange and Violet.

At least two students study in the same standard. S wears Violet shirt and studies in class VI. the
one who wears yellow shirt does not study in class VIII. V wears orange shirt and studies in class
VII with only Q. P neither wears black nor studies in class VI. T wears red but is not in class VI. W
wears green shirt but does not study in class VI. No one studying in class VI wears either blue or

In which of the following standard three persons are studying?




D. Cannot be determined

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. VIII


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, V and W study in Amity school. They are in three di䫊erent classes such
as VI, VII and VIII. They wear shirts of di䫊erent colors such as Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black,
Orange and Violet.

At least two students study in the same standard. S wears Violet shirt and studies in class VI. the
one who wears yellow shirt does not study in class VIII. V wears orange shirt and studies in class
VII with only Q. P neither wears black nor studies in class VI. T wears red but is not in class VI. W
wears green shirt but does not study in class VI. No one studying in class VI wears either blue or

Who among the following likes yellow color?

A. R

B. Q

C. S

D. W

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, V and W study in Amity school. They are in three di䫊erent classes such
as VI, VII and VIII. They wear shirts of di䫊erent colors such as Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black,
Orange and Violet.

At least two students study in the same standard. S wears Violet shirt and studies in class VI. the
one who wears yellow shirt does not study in class VIII. V wears orange shirt and studies in class
VII with only Q. P neither wears black nor studies in class VI. T wears red but is not in class VI. W
wears green shirt but does not study in class VI. No one studying in class VI wears either blue or

P likes which color?

A. Yellow

B. Violet

C. Blue

D. Green

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Blue


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, V and W study in Amity school. They are in three di䫊erent classes such
as VI, VII and VIII. They wear shirts of di䫊erent colors such as Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black,
Orange and Violet.

At least two students study in the same standard. S wears Violet shirt and studies in class VI. the
one who wears yellow shirt does not study in class VIII. V wears orange shirt and studies in class
VII with only Q. P neither wears black nor studies in class VI. T wears red but is not in class VI. W
wears green shirt but does not study in class VI. No one studying in class VI wears either blue or

Which of the following pairs of person study in VI standard?

A. T and P

B. P and S

C. T and V

D. S and R

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E. V and W

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. S and R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, V and W study in Amity school. They are in three di䫊erent classes such
as VI, VII and VIII. They wear shirts of di䫊erent colors such as Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black,
Orange and Violet.

At least two students study in the same standard. S wears Violet shirt and studies in class VI. the
one who wears yellow shirt does not study in class VIII. V wears orange shirt and studies in class
VII with only Q. P neither wears black nor studies in class VI. T wears red but is not in class VI. W
wears green shirt but does not study in class VI. No one studying in class VI wears either blue or

Which of the following combinations of person – class – colour is correct?

A. R – VI – Red

B. V – VII – Orange

C. W – VII – Black

D. S – VII – Yellow

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E. T – VII – Green

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. V – VII – Orange


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are seven friends A, B, C, D, E, I and G who studies in three di䫊erent standards, namely 5th,
6th and 7th; such that not less than two friend studies in the same standard. Each friend has a
di䫊erent favourite Subject, namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and Economics
also but not necessarily in the same order.
A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one another friend who likes Marathi. I
studies with two other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here languages
include only Hindi, Marathi, and English). D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and
they do not like Civics. E studies with only one friend. The one who likes history does not study in
the 5th standard. E does not like languages. C does not like English, Hindi or Civics.

Which combination represents E’s favourite subject and the standard in which he studies?

A. Civics and 7th

B. Economics and 5th

C. Civics and 6th

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D. History and 7th

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are seven friends A, B, C, D, E, I and G who studies in three di䫊erent standards, namely 5th,
6th and 7th; such that not less than two friend studies in the same standard. Each friend has a
di䫊erent favourite Subject, namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and Economics
also but not necessarily in the same order.
A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one another friend who likes Marathi. I
studies with two other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here languages
include only Hindi, Marathi, and English). D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and
they do not like Civics. E studies with only one friend. The one who likes history does not study in
the 5th standard. E does not like languages. C does not like English, Hindi or Civics.

Which of the following is I’s favourite subject?

A. History

B. Civics

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C. Marathi

D. Either English or Marathi

E. Either English or Hindi

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Civics


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are seven friends A, B, C, D, E, I and G who studies in three di䫊erent standards, namely 5th,
6th and 7th; such that not less than two friend studies in the same standard. Each friend has a
di䫊erent favourite Subject, namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and Economics
also but not necessarily in the same order.
A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one another friend who likes Marathi. I
studies with two other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here languages
include only Hindi, Marathi, and English). D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and
they do not like Civics. E studies with only one friend. The one who likes history does not study in
the 5th standard. E does not like languages. C does not like English, Hindi or Civics.

who among the following studies in 7th standard?

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A. G

B. C

C. E

D. D

E. Either D or B.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are seven friends A, B, C, D, E, I and G who studies in three di䫊erent standards, namely 5th,
6th and 7th; such that not less than two friend studies in the same standard. Each friend has a
di䫊erent favourite Subject, namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and Economics
also but not necessarily in the same order.
A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one another friend who likes Marathi. I
studies with two other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here languages
include only Hindi, Marathi, and English). D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and
they do not like Civics. E studies with only one friend. The one who likes history does not study in
the 5th standard. E does not like languages. C does not like English, Hindi or Civics.

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Which of the combination is de硏nitely correct?

A. I and Hindi

B. G and English

C. C and Marathi

D. B and Hindi

E. E and Economics

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. C and Marathi


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are seven friends A, B, C, D, E, I and G who studies in three di䫊erent standards, namely 5th,
6th and 7th; such that not less than two friend studies in the same standard. Each friend has a
di䫊erent favourite Subject, namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and Economics
also but not necessarily in the same order.
A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one another friend who likes Marathi. I
studies with two other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here languages
include only Hindi, Marathi, and English). D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and
they do not like Civics. E studies with only one friend. The one who likes history does not study in

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the 5th standard. E does not like languages. C does not like English, Hindi or Civics.

Which of the following subject does G like?

A. Either Maths or Marathi

B. Either Hindi or English

C. Either Hindi or Civics

D. Either Hindi or Marathi

E. Either Civics or Economics

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Either Hindi or English


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Shukla, Mishra, Singh, Kulkarni, Rao, Joshi and Nair are to conduct interviews simultaneously
either alone or in pairs at four di䫊erent locations- Surat, Faidabad, Delhi and Lucknow. Only one
wants to travel by Rail, two prefer travelling by Car and the rest travel by Air.
• Only Shukla is going to Lucknow but neither by Car nor by Air.
• Mishra prefers to travel by Car.

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• Neither Joshi nor Nair is going to Delhi.
• Only those going to Surat travel by Road.
• Kulkarni will assist his friend Mishra.
• The two managers who go to Delhi travel by Air.

which of the following Persons is travelling by Car?

A. Mishra- Kulkarni

B. Shukla- Kulkarni

C. Rao-Nair


E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Mishra- Kulkarni


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Shukla, Mishra, Singh, Kulkarni, Rao, Joshi and Nair are to conduct interviews simultaneously
either alone or in pairs at four di䫊erent locations- Surat, Faidabad, Delhi and Lucknow. Only one

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wants to travel by Rail, two prefer travelling by Car and the rest travel by Air.
• Only Shukla is going to Lucknow but neither by Car nor by Air.
• Mishra prefers to travel by Car.
• Neither Joshi nor Nair is going to Delhi.
• Only those going to Surat travel by Road.
• Kulkarni will assist his friend Mishra.
• The two managers who go to Delhi travel by Air.

Which of the following Person is travelling by Rail?

A. Mishra

B. Joshi

C. Rao

D. Shukla

E. Singh

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Shukla


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Shukla, Mishra, Singh, Kulkarni, Rao, Joshi and Nair are to conduct interviews simultaneously
either alone or in pairs at four di䫊erent locations- Surat, Faidabad, Delhi and Lucknow. Only one
wants to travel by Rail, two prefer travelling by Car and the rest travel by Air.
• Only Shukla is going to Lucknow but neither by Car nor by Air.
• Mishra prefers to travel by Car.
• Neither Joshi nor Nair is going to Delhi.
• Only those going to Surat travel by Road.
• Kulkarni will assist his friend Mishra.
• The two managers who go to Delhi travel by Air.

Who among the following is going to Delhi?

A. Rao

B. Singh

C. Shukla

D. Both Rao and Singh

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Both Rao and Singh


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Shukla, Mishra, Singh, Kulkarni, Rao, Joshi and Nair are to conduct interviews simultaneously
either alone or in pairs at four di䫊erent locations- Surat, Faidabad, Delhi and Lucknow. Only one
wants to travel by Rail, two prefer travelling by Car and the rest travel by Air.
• Only Shukla is going to Lucknow but neither by Car nor by Air.
• Mishra prefers to travel by Car.
• Neither Joshi nor Nair is going to Delhi.
• Only those going to Surat travel by Road.
• Kulkarni will assist his friend Mishra.
• The two managers who go to Delhi travel by Air.

Which of the combination is de硏nitely correct?

A. Mishra-Nair

B. Joshi-Nair

C. Joshi-Shukla

D. Rao-Kulkarni

E. Singh-Kulkarni

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Joshi-Nair

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

Shukla, Mishra, Singh, Kulkarni, Rao, Joshi and Nair are to conduct interviews simultaneously
either alone or in pairs at four di䫊erent locations- Surat, Faidabad, Delhi and Lucknow. Only one
wants to travel by Rail, two prefer travelling by Car and the rest travel by Air.
• Only Shukla is going to Lucknow but neither by Car nor by Air.
• Mishra prefers to travel by Car.
• Neither Joshi nor Nair is going to Delhi.
• Only those going to Surat travel by Road.
• Kulkarni will assist his friend Mishra.
• The two managers who go to Delhi travel by Air.

Which of the following is going to Faridabad?

A. Joshi

B. Rao

C. Singh

D. Shukla

E. Kulkarni

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Joshi


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family. Each one of them has a di៛�erent profession-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, chartered accountant and banker and their incomes
are di៛�erent.
There are two married couples in the group.
R is the doctor and he earns more than the engineer and the lawyer.
T is married to the chartered accountant and she earns the least.
No lady is lawyer . T is not an engineer.
Q, the teacher, earns less than P, the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
V is not the lawyer. The chartered accountant earns less than the lawyer but more than the
banker. S is a female. Engineer earns more than architect.

Who earns the maximum in the family?

A. V

B. W

C. R

D. S

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. R

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family. Each one of them has a di៛�erent profession-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, chartered accountant and banker and their incomes
are di៛�erent.
There are two married couples in the group.
R is the doctor and he earns more than the engineer and the lawyer.
T is married to the chartered accountant and she earns the least.
No lady is lawyer . T is not an engineer.
Q, the teacher, earns less than P, the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
V is not the lawyer. The chartered accountant earns less than the lawyer but more than the
banker. S is a female. Engineer earns more than architect.

Which of the following is a pair of married couple?




D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. VT


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family. Each one of them has a di៛�erent profession-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, chartered accountant and banker and their incomes
are di៛�erent.
There are two married couples in the group.
R is the doctor and he earns more than the engineer and the lawyer.
T is married to the chartered accountant and she earns the least.
No lady is lawyer . T is not an engineer.
Q, the teacher, earns less than P, the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
V is not the lawyer. The chartered accountant earns less than the lawyer but more than the
banker. S is a female. Engineer earns more than architect.

What is P’s position from the top when they are arranged in descending order of their incomes?

A. Second

B. Fourth

C. Third

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D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Fourth


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family. Each one of them has a di៛�erent profession-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, chartered accountant and banker and their incomes
are di៛�erent.
There are two married couples in the group.
R is the doctor and he earns more than the engineer and the lawyer.
T is married to the chartered accountant and she earns the least.
No lady is lawyer . T is not an engineer.
Q, the teacher, earns less than P, the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
V is not the lawyer. The chartered accountant earns less than the lawyer but more than the
banker. S is a female. Engineer earns more than architect.

What is the profession of V?

A. Engineer

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B. Chartered accountant

C. Engineer or Chartered accountant

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Chartered accountant


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family. Each one of them has a di៛�erent profession-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, chartered accountant and banker and their incomes
are di៛�erent.
There are two married couples in the group.
R is the doctor and he earns more than the engineer and the lawyer.
T is married to the chartered accountant and she earns the least.
No lady is lawyer . T is not an engineer.
Q, the teacher, earns less than P, the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
V is not the lawyer. The chartered accountant earns less than the lawyer but more than the
banker. S is a female. Engineer earns more than architect.

At least how many male members are there in the family?

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A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family. Each one of them has a di៛�erent profession-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, chartered accountant and banker and their incomes
are di៛�erent.
There are two married couples in the group.
R is the doctor and he earns more than the engineer and the lawyer.
T is married to the chartered accountant and she earns the least.
No lady is lawyer . T is not an engineer.
Q, the teacher, earns less than P, the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
V is not the lawyer. The chartered accountant earns less than the lawyer but more than the
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banker. S is a female. Engineer earns more than architect.

Who earns the minimum in the family?

A. V

B. W

C. R

D. S

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family. Each one of them has a di៛�erent profession-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, chartered accountant and banker and their incomes
are di៛�erent.
There are two married couples in the group.
R is the doctor and he earns more than the engineer and the lawyer.
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T is married to the chartered accountant and she earns the least.
No lady is lawyer . T is not an engineer.
Q, the teacher, earns less than P, the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
V is not the lawyer. The chartered accountant earns less than the lawyer but more than the
banker. S is a female. Engineer earns more than architect.

Who is the Chartered Accountant in the family?

A. V

B. W

C. R

D. S

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. V


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P,Q,R,S,T, and W are six members of a group of which there are three males and three females.
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There are two Singers, two Lawyers, one Teacher and one doctor in the group. Q,T,P and R are two
married couples and no person in this group has the same profession. T, a teacher with Blue
dress, married a ,male lawyer with brown dress. Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and
that of both the wives is the same. Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the
remaining, one each has Black and Green. P is a male singer whose sister S is also a Singer. Q is a
doctor. W’s colour is not green.

Who is the wife of P?

A. Q

B. R

C. S

D. T

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P,Q,R,S,T, and W are six members of a group of which there are three males and three females.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
There are two Singers, two Lawyers, one Teacher and one doctor in the group. Q,T,P and R are two
married couples and no person in this group has the same profession. T, a teacher with Blue
dress, married a ,male lawyer with brown dress. Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and
that of both the wives is the same. Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the
remaining, one each has Black and Green. P is a male singer whose sister S is also a Singer. Q is a
doctor. W’s colour is not green.

Which of the following is a group of female members?

A. Q,S,R

B. Q,S,T

C. Q,S,W

D. Q,T,W

E. W,S,T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Q,S,T


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P,Q,R,S,T, and W are six members of a group of which there are three males and three females.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
There are two Singers, two Lawyers, one Teacher and one doctor in the group. Q,T,P and R are two
married couples and no person in this group has the same profession. T, a teacher with Blue
dress, married a ,male lawyer with brown dress. Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and
that of both the wives is the same. Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the
remaining, one each has Black and Green. P is a male singer whose sister S is also a Singer. Q is a
doctor. W’s colour is not green.

Which of the following is a pair of married ladies?

A. P,R

B. T,S

C. Q,T

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Q,T


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P,Q,R,S,T, and W are six members of a group of which there are three males and three females.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
There are two Singers, two Lawyers, one Teacher and one doctor in the group. Q,T,P and R are two
married couples and no person in this group has the same profession. T, a teacher with Blue
dress, married a ,male lawyer with brown dress. Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and
that of both the wives is the same. Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the
remaining, one each has Black and Green. P is a male singer whose sister S is also a Singer. Q is a
doctor. W’s colour is not green.

What is the colour of W’s dress?

A. Black.

B. Green.

C. Black or Green.

D. Data inadequate.

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Black.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P,Q,R,S,T, and W are six members of a group of which there are three males and three females.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
There are two Singers, two Lawyers, one Teacher and one doctor in the group. Q,T,P and R are two
married couples and no person in this group has the same profession. T, a teacher with Blue
dress, married a ,male lawyer with brown dress. Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and
that of both the wives is the same. Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the
remaining, one each has Black and Green. P is a male singer whose sister S is also a Singer. Q is a
doctor. W’s colour is not green.

How is W related to T?

A. Brother

B. Father

C. Cousin

D. Cannot be determined..

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Cannot be determined..


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. E, a Teacher

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
is married to the Doctor who is mother of C and F. B, the lawyer is married to A. A has one Son and
one Grand Son. Of the two married ladies, one is House-wife. There is also one Student and one
male Engineer in the family.

How is A related to C?

A. Grand Father

B. Mother

C. Sister

D. Grand Mother

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Grand Mother


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. E, a Teacher
is married to the Doctor who is mother of C and F. B, the lawyer is married to A. A has one Son and
one Grand Son. Of the two married ladies, one is House-wife. There is also one Student and one
male Engineer in the family.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Who among the following is the House-wife?

A. A

B. B

C. D

D. E

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. E, a Teacher
is married to the Doctor who is mother of C and F. B, the lawyer is married to A. A has one Son and
one Grand Son. Of the two married ladies, one is House-wife. There is also one Student and one
male Engineer in the family.

How is C related to F?

A. Brother

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B. Sister

C. Brother or Sister


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Brother or Sister


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. E, a Teacher
is married to the Doctor who is mother of C and F. B, the lawyer is married to A. A has one Son and
one Grand Son. Of the two married ladies, one is House-wife. There is also one Student and one
male Engineer in the family.

Which of the following represents the group of females in the family?

A. A, D, C

B. A, D, F

C. B, E, C

D. Data Inadequate
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E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Data Inadequate


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. E, a Teacher
is married to the Doctor who is mother of C and F. B, the lawyer is married to A. A has one Son and
one Grand Son. Of the two married ladies, one is House-wife. There is also one Student and one
male Engineer in the family.

Which of the following is true about the Grand Daughter in the family?

A. She is Lawyer

B. She is Student

C. She is an Engineer

D. data Inadequate

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. She is Student


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling in a bus. There are two Reporters, Two Technicians, One Singer
and One Writer in the group.
The Singer A is married to D, who is a Reporter.
The Writer is married to B, who is of the same profession as that of F.
A,C,B,D are two married couples and nobody in the group has same profession.
F is the brother of C.

Which of the following is a pair of Technician?

A. C, D

B. D, F

C. A, E

D. B, F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. B, F

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling in a bus. There are two Reporters, Two Technicians, One Singer
and One Writer in the group.
The Singer A is married to D, who is a Reporter.
The Writer is married to B, who is of the same profession as that of F.
A,C,B,D are two married couples and nobody in the group has same profession.
F is the brother of C.

Which of the following is a pair of Reporters?

A. A, B

B. C, E

C. D, E

D. D, F

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. D, E

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling in a bus. There are two Reporters, Two Technicians, One Singer
and One Writer in the group.
The Singer A is married to D, who is a Reporter.
The Writer is married to B, who is of the same profession as that of F.
A,C,B,D are two married couples and nobody in the group has same profession.
F is the brother of C.

How is C related to F?

A. Brother

B. Sister

C. Uncle


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. CND

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling in a bus. There are two Reporters, Two Technicians, One Singer
and One Writer in the group.
The Singer A is married to D, who is a Reporter.
The Writer is married to B, who is of the same profession as that of F.
A,C,B,D are two married couples and nobody in the group has same profession.
F is the brother of C.

Which of the following pairs is a couple?

A. A, B

B. B, C

C. B, D

D. A, E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B, C

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling in a bus. There are two Reporters, Two Technicians, One Singer
and One Writer in the group.
The Singer A is married to D, who is a Reporter.
The Writer is married to B, who is of the same profession as that of F.
A,C,B,D are two married couples and nobody in the group has same profession.
F is the brother of C.

Which of the following is a pair of Husband?

A. A, B

B. A, C

C. B, D


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. CND

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling in a bus. There are two Reporters, Two Technicians, One Singer
and One Writer in the group.
The Singer A is married to D, who is a Reporter.
The Writer is married to B, who is of the same profession as that of F.
A,C,B,D are two married couples and nobody in the group has same profession.
F is the brother of C.

Who among the following is Writer?

A. A

B. B

C. C


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. C

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Five boys Ram, Shyam, Amit, Ajay and Radhey are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent banks. Bank of
India(BOI), Punjab National Bank(PNB), Indian Overseas Bank(IOB), Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)
and Canara Bank(CB). Five girls Neha, Anu, Priya, Shalu and Chinu are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent
banks Bank of Baroda(BOB), Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC), Union Bank of India(UBI), Central
bank of India(CBI) and Industrial development bank of India(IDBI). These ៯�ve boys are married to
these ៯�ve girls but not necessarily in that order.
Shalu is either working in BOB or in IDBI but does not married to the one who works in PNB. Ram
does not work in PNB or in BOI but married to the one who works in IDBI. The one who works in
UBI, is married to Radhey. The boy who works in BOI is either married to Shalu or Chinu. Radhey is
not married to Neha, who works either in UBI or CBI. Ajay does not work in IOB or Canara Bank
but married to the one who works in OBC.
Amit is married to Priya but not work with Canara Bank or PNB. Priya does not married to the one
who works in PNB. Anu is married to one who works in IOB.

Who is married to Shalu?

A. Ram

B. Shiyam

C. Amit

D. Ajay

E. Radhey

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Ram

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Five boys Ram, Shyam, Amit, Ajay and Radhey are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent banks. Bank of
India(BOI), Punjab National Bank(PNB), Indian Overseas Bank(IOB), Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)
and Canara Bank(CB). Five girls Neha, Anu, Priya, Shalu and Chinu are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent
banks Bank of Baroda(BOB), Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC), Union Bank of India(UBI), Central
bank of India(CBI) and Industrial development bank of India(IDBI). These ៯�ve boys are married to
these ៯�ve girls but not necessarily in that order.
Shalu is either working in BOB or in IDBI but does not married to the one who works in PNB. Ram
does not work in PNB or in BOI but married to the one who works in IDBI. The one who works in
UBI, is married to Radhey. The boy who works in BOI is either married to Shalu or Chinu. Radhey is
not married to Neha, who works either in UBI or CBI. Ajay does not work in IOB or Canara Bank
but married to the one who works in OBC.
Amit is married to Priya but not work with Canara Bank or PNB. Priya does not married to the one
who works in PNB. Anu is married to one who works in IOB.

Who is the employee of BOM?

A. Ram

B. Shyam

C. Amit

D. Ajay

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E. Radhey

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Amit


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Five boys Ram, Shyam, Amit, Ajay and Radhey are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent banks. Bank of
India(BOI), Punjab National Bank(PNB), Indian Overseas Bank(IOB), Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)
and Canara Bank(CB). Five girls Neha, Anu, Priya, Shalu and Chinu are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent
banks Bank of Baroda(BOB), Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC), Union Bank of India(UBI), Central
bank of India(CBI) and Industrial development bank of India(IDBI). These ៯�ve boys are married to
these ៯�ve girls but not necessarily in that order.
Shalu is either working in BOB or in IDBI but does not married to the one who works in PNB. Ram
does not work in PNB or in BOI but married to the one who works in IDBI. The one who works in
UBI, is married to Radhey. The boy who works in BOI is either married to Shalu or Chinu. Radhey is
not married to Neha, who works either in UBI or CBI. Ajay does not work in IOB or Canara Bank
but married to the one who works in OBC.
Amit is married to Priya but not work with Canara Bank or PNB. Priya does not married to the one
who works in PNB. Anu is married to one who works in IOB.

In which of the following banks the wife of Radhey is working?


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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. UBI


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Five boys Ram, Shyam, Amit, Ajay and Radhey are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent banks. Bank of
India(BOI), Punjab National Bank(PNB), Indian Overseas Bank(IOB), Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)
and Canara Bank(CB). Five girls Neha, Anu, Priya, Shalu and Chinu are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent
banks Bank of Baroda(BOB), Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC), Union Bank of India(UBI), Central
bank of India(CBI) and Industrial development bank of India(IDBI). These ៯�ve boys are married to
these ៯�ve girls but not necessarily in that order.
Shalu is either working in BOB or in IDBI but does not married to the one who works in PNB. Ram
does not work in PNB or in BOI but married to the one who works in IDBI. The one who works in
UBI, is married to Radhey. The boy who works in BOI is either married to Shalu or Chinu. Radhey is
not married to Neha, who works either in UBI or CBI. Ajay does not work in IOB or Canara Bank
but married to the one who works in OBC.
Amit is married to Priya but not work with Canara Bank or PNB. Priya does not married to the one
who works in PNB. Anu is married to one who works in IOB.

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Who works with OBC?

A. Wife of Amit.

B. Neha

C. Anu

D. Chinu

E. Wife of the one who works with PNB.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Chinu


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Five boys Ram, Shyam, Amit, Ajay and Radhey are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent banks. Bank of
India(BOI), Punjab National Bank(PNB), Indian Overseas Bank(IOB), Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)
and Canara Bank(CB). Five girls Neha, Anu, Priya, Shalu and Chinu are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent
banks Bank of Baroda(BOB), Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC), Union Bank of India(UBI), Central
bank of India(CBI) and Industrial development bank of India(IDBI). These ៯�ve boys are married to
these ៯�ve girls but not necessarily in that order.
Shalu is either working in BOB or in IDBI but does not married to the one who works in PNB. Ram
does not work in PNB or in BOI but married to the one who works in IDBI. The one who works in

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
UBI, is married to Radhey. The boy who works in BOI is either married to Shalu or Chinu. Radhey is
not married to Neha, who works either in UBI or CBI. Ajay does not work in IOB or Canara Bank
but married to the one who works in OBC.
Amit is married to Priya but not work with Canara Bank or PNB. Priya does not married to the one
who works in PNB. Anu is married to one who works in IOB.

Who is married to the one who works with Canara Bank?

A. The one who works with CBI.

B. The one who works with BOB.

C. The one who works with UBI.

D. The one who works with IDBI.

E. Cannot be determined.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. The one who works with IDBI.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Five boys Ram, Shyam, Amit, Ajay and Radhey are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent banks. Bank of
India(BOI), Punjab National Bank(PNB), Indian Overseas Bank(IOB), Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
and Canara Bank(CB). Five girls Neha, Anu, Priya, Shalu and Chinu are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent
banks Bank of Baroda(BOB), Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC), Union Bank of India(UBI), Central
bank of India(CBI) and Industrial development bank of India(IDBI). These ៯�ve boys are married to
these ៯�ve girls but not necessarily in that order.
Shalu is either working in BOB or in IDBI but does not married to the one who works in PNB. Ram
does not work in PNB or in BOI but married to the one who works in IDBI. The one who works in
UBI, is married to Radhey. The boy who works in BOI is either married to Shalu or Chinu. Radhey is
not married to Neha, who works either in UBI or CBI. Ajay does not work in IOB or Canara Bank
but married to the one who works in OBC.
Amit is married to Priya but not work with Canara Bank or PNB. Priya does not married to the one
who works in PNB. Anu is married to one who works in IOB.

Who is married to Neha?

A. The one who works with Canara Bank.

B. The one who works with IOB.

C. The one who works with BOB.


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Five boys Ram, Shyam, Amit, Ajay and Radhey are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent banks. Bank of
India(BOI), Punjab National Bank(PNB), Indian Overseas Bank(IOB), Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)
and Canara Bank(CB). Five girls Neha, Anu, Priya, Shalu and Chinu are working in ៯�ve di៛�erent
banks Bank of Baroda(BOB), Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC), Union Bank of India(UBI), Central
bank of India(CBI) and Industrial development bank of India(IDBI). These ៯�ve boys are married to
these ៯�ve girls but not necessarily in that order.
Shalu is either working in BOB or in IDBI but does not married to the one who works in PNB. Ram
does not work in PNB or in BOI but married to the one who works in IDBI. The one who works in
UBI, is married to Radhey. The boy who works in BOI is either married to Shalu or Chinu. Radhey is
not married to Neha, who works either in UBI or CBI. Ajay does not work in IOB or Canara Bank
but married to the one who works in OBC.
Amit is married to Priya but not work with Canara Bank or PNB. Priya does not married to the one
who works in PNB. Anu is married to one who works in IOB.

Who is married to Priya?

A. Amit

B. Radhey

C. Shivam


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Amit

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. S is the
brother of U. Both S and U are lighter than Q. Q is mother of S and lighter than T. R, a lady is
neither heaviest nor the lightest in the family. T is lighter than R. The Grand Father in the family is
the heaviest.

How is T related to U?

A. Grand Mother

B. Brother

C. Data Inadequate

D. Father

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Father

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. S is the
brother of U. Both S and U are lighter than Q. Q is mother of S and lighter than T. R, a lady is
neither heaviest nor the lightest in the family. T is lighter than R. The Grand Father in the family is
the heaviest.

Which of the following is a pair of Married Couples?





E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. QT

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. S is the
brother of U. Both S and U are lighter than Q. Q is mother of S and lighter than T. R, a lady is
neither heaviest nor the lightest in the family. T is lighter than R. The Grand Father in the family is
the heaviest.

How many male members are there in the family?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Data Inadequate

D. Four

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Data Inadequate

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. S is the
brother of U. Both S and U are lighter than Q. Q is mother of S and lighter than T. R, a lady is
neither heaviest nor the lightest in the family. T is lighter than R. The Grand Father in the family is
the heaviest.

Who among the following will be in the second place if all the members in the family are arranged
in the descending order of their weights?

A. P

B. R

C. S

D. Data Inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. R

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members in a family in which there are two married couples. S is the
brother of U. Both S and U are lighter than Q. Q is mother of S and lighter than T. R, a lady is
neither heaviest nor the lightest in the family. T is lighter than R. The Grand Father in the family is
the heaviest.

How is R related to S?

A. Grand Mother

B. Cousin

C. Sister

D. Mother

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Grand Mother

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are ៯�ve persons A, B, R, S, and T, are seven members of a family. one of them is a Volleyball
player, one is chess player and one is hockey player. A and S are unmarried ladies and do not
participate in any game. None of the ladies plays chess or volleyball. There is a married couple in
which T is the husband. B is the brother of R and is neither a chess player nor a hockey player.

Who is the volleyball player?

A. A

B. B

C. R

D. S

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are ៯�ve persons A, B, R, S, and T, are seven members of a family. one of them is a Volleyball
player, one is chess player and one is hockey player. A and S are unmarried ladies and do not
participate in any game. None of the ladies plays chess or volleyball. There is a married couple in
which T is the husband. B is the brother of R and is neither a chess player nor a hockey player.

Who is the hockey player?

A. A

B. B

C. R

D. S

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. R

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are ៯�ve persons A, B, R, S, and T, are seven members of a family. one of them is a Volleyball
player, one is chess player and one is hockey player. A and S are unmarried ladies and do not
participate in any game. None of the ladies plays chess or volleyball. There is a married couple in
which T is the husband. B is the brother of R and is neither a chess player nor a hockey player.

Who is the chess player?

A. A

B. B

C. R

D. S

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. T

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are ៯�ve persons A, B, R, S, and T, are seven members of a family. one of them is a Volleyball
player, one is chess player and one is hockey player. A and S are unmarried ladies and do not
participate in any game. None of the ladies plays chess or volleyball. There is a married couple in
which T is the husband. B is the brother of R and is neither a chess player nor a hockey player.

Who is the wife of T?

A. A

B. B

C. R

D. S

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. R

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

There are ៯�ve persons A, B, R, S, and T, are seven members of a family. one of them is a Volleyball
player, one is chess player and one is hockey player. A and S are unmarried ladies and do not
participate in any game. None of the ladies plays chess or volleyball. There is a married couple in
which T is the husband. B is the brother of R and is neither a chess player nor a hockey player.

The three ladies are?

A. A,B,R

B. B,R,S

C. A,B,S

D. A,R,S

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. A,R,S

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family belonging to three generations. There are two
married couples- one each of ៯�rst and second generations respectively. They travel in three
di៛�erent cars P, Q and R so that no car has more than three members and there is at least one
female in each car. C, who is a granddaughter, does not travel with her grandfather and
grandmother. B travels with his father E in car Q. F travels with her granddaughter D in car P. A
travels with her daughter in car R. F is the mother of G.

How many female members are there in the family?

A. Three

B. Four

C. Five

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Five

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family belonging to three generations. There are two
married couples- one each of ៯�rst and second generations respectively. They travel in three
di៛�erent cars P, Q and R so that no car has more than three members and there is at least one
female in each car. C, who is a granddaughter, does not travel with her grandfather and
grandmother. B travels with his father E in car Q. F travels with her granddaughter D in car P. A
travels with her daughter in car R. F is the mother of G.

Which of the following is one of the married couples?




D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. EF


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family belonging to three generations. There are two
married couples- one each of ៯�rst and second generations respectively. They travel in three
di៛�erent cars P, Q and R so that no car has more than three members and there is at least one
female in each car. C, who is a granddaughter, does not travel with her grandfather and
grandmother. B travels with his father E in car Q. F travels with her granddaughter D in car P. A
travels with her daughter in car R. F is the mother of G.

In which car are three members travelling?

A. P

B. Q

C. Either P or Q

D. R

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family belonging to three generations. There are two
married couples- one each of ៯�rst and second generations respectively. They travel in three
di៛�erent cars P, Q and R so that no car has more than three members and there is at least one
female in each car. C, who is a granddaughter, does not travel with her grandfather and
grandmother. B travels with his father E in car Q. F travels with her granddaughter D in car P. A
travels with her daughter in car R. F is the mother of G.

How is D related to E?

A. Daughter

B. Niece

C. Granddaughter
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D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Granddaughter


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family belonging to three generations. There are two
married couples- one each of ៯�rst and second generations respectively. They travel in three
di៛�erent cars P, Q and R so that no car has more than three members and there is at least one
female in each car. C, who is a granddaughter, does not travel with her grandfather and
grandmother. B travels with his father E in car Q. F travels with her granddaughter D in car P. A
travels with her daughter in car R. F is the mother of G.

How is G related to A?

A. Daughter

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B. Sister

C. Mother-in-law

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

M, N, P, Q, E, F, G, H,K and J are family members. There are three generation in the family. Each
member likes a di៛�erent Games VIZ, cricket, Hockey, Polo, Rugby, Football, Kabaddi, Table tennis,
Badminton, Shooting and swimming, but not necessarily in the same order. There are ៯�ve females
in the family.
K is the father-in-law of F and likes Football. G, who likes Kabaddi, is son-in low of N. The mother of
P likes Hockey. Q, who likes Cricket, is the unmarried sister of E, who does not likes Table tennis. P
is sister-in-low of F, but she does not likes Football, Swimming or Hockey. In the family each
female member, except N and H, has two sisters and one unmarried brother. N has no sister-in-
law. M does not like Hockey. The grandson of J does not like Badminton. No male member likes
table tennis, Swimming or Hockey. E is brother –in- low of G. the father of N is husband of H and
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he does not like Shooting. The grandparents do not like any game expect Polo and Shooting. P is a
married sister of M.

Who among the following likes Table tennis?

A. N

B. P

C. F

D. E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. P

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

M, N, P, Q, E, F, G, H,K and J are family members. There are three generation in the family. Each
member likes a di៛�erent Games VIZ, cricket, Hockey, Polo, Rugby, Football, Kabaddi, Table tennis,
Badminton, Shooting and swimming, but not necessarily in the same order. There are ៯�ve females
in the family.
K is the father-in-law of F and likes Football. G, who likes Kabaddi, is son-in low of N. The mother of
P likes Hockey. Q, who likes Cricket, is the unmarried sister of E, who does not likes Table tennis. P
is sister-in-low of F, but she does not likes Football, Swimming or Hockey. In the family each
female member, except N and H, has two sisters and one unmarried brother. N has no sister-in-
law. M does not like Hockey. The grandson of J does not like Badminton. No male member likes
table tennis, Swimming or Hockey. E is brother –in- low of G. the father of N is husband of H and
he does not like Shooting. The grandparents do not like any game expect Polo and Shooting. P is a
married sister of M.

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F likes which of the following Game?

A. Swimming

B. Polo

C. Badminton

D. Rugby

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Badminton


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

M, N, P, Q, E, F, G, H,K and J are family members. There are three generation in the family. Each
member likes a di៛�erent Games VIZ, cricket, Hockey, Polo, Rugby, Football, Kabaddi, Table tennis,
Badminton, Shooting and swimming, but not necessarily in the same order. There are ៯�ve females
in the family.
K is the father-in-law of F and likes Football. G, who likes Kabaddi, is son-in low of N. The mother of
P likes Hockey. Q, who likes Cricket, is the unmarried sister of E, who does not likes Table tennis. P
is sister-in-low of F, but she does not likes Football, Swimming or Hockey. In the family each
female member, except N and H, has two sisters and one unmarried brother. N has no sister-in-
law. M does not like Hockey. The grandson of J does not like Badminton. No male member likes
table tennis, Swimming or Hockey. E is brother –in- low of G. the father of N is husband of H and
he does not like Shooting. The grandparents do not like any game expect Polo and Shooting. P is a
married sister of M.

How many granddaughters does H have?

A. Two

B. Four

C. One

D. Three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Three

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

M, N, P, Q, E, F, G, H,K and J are family members. There are three generation in the family. Each
member likes a di៛�erent Games VIZ, cricket, Hockey, Polo, Rugby, Football, Kabaddi, Table tennis,
Badminton, Shooting and swimming, but not necessarily in the same order. There are ៯�ve females
in the family.
K is the father-in-law of F and likes Football. G, who likes Kabaddi, is son-in low of N. The mother of
P likes Hockey. Q, who likes Cricket, is the unmarried sister of E, who does not likes Table tennis. P
is sister-in-low of F, but she does not likes Football, Swimming or Hockey. In the family each
female member, except N and H, has two sisters and one unmarried brother. N has no sister-in-
law. M does not like Hockey. The grandson of J does not like Badminton. No male member likes
table tennis, Swimming or Hockey. E is brother –in- low of G. the father of N is husband of H and
he does not like Shooting. The grandparents do not like any game expect Polo and Shooting. P is a
married sister of M.

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How is M related to H?

A. Granddaughter

B. Daughter

C. Son

D. Daughter-in-low

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Granddaughter


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

M, N, P, Q, E, F, G, H,K and J are family members. There are three generation in the family. Each
member likes a di៛�erent Games VIZ, cricket, Hockey, Polo, Rugby, Football, Kabaddi, Table tennis,
Badminton, Shooting and swimming, but not necessarily in the same order. There are ៯�ve females
in the family.
K is the father-in-law of F and likes Football. G, who likes Kabaddi, is son-in low of N. The mother of
P likes Hockey. Q, who likes Cricket, is the unmarried sister of E, who does not likes Table tennis. P
is sister-in-low of F, but she does not likes Football, Swimming or Hockey. In the family each
female member, except N and H, has two sisters and one unmarried brother. N has no sister-in-
law. M does not like Hockey. The grandson of J does not like Badminton. No male member likes
table tennis, Swimming or Hockey. E is brother –in- low of G. the father of N is husband of H and
he does not like Shooting. The grandparents do not like any game expect Polo and Shooting. P is a
married sister of M.

Who among the following is father of E?

A. H

B. N

C. K

D. F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. K

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven People Lovely, Swati, Kirti, Mansi, Sakshi, Chaya and Shashi have a seminar but not
necessarily in the same order in seven di༐erent months (of the same year), namely January,
February, March, June, August, October and December and each of them likes a di༐erent colour
namely Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, White, Red and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Kirti has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a Seminaar
between Kirti and Mansi. The one who likes Yellow has a seminar immediately before Mansi. Only
one person has the seminar before the one who likes Black. Swati has a seminar immediately
after the one who likes Black. Only three people have a seminar between Swati and the one who
likes White. Sakshi likes neither White nor Black. Lovely has a seminar immediately before Sakshi.
Shashi likes Pink. The one who likes Green has a seminar in the month which has less than 31
days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

In which of the following months does Mansi have a seminar?

A. January


C. October

D. December

E. June

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. December


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven People Lovely, Swati, Kirti, Mansi, Sakshi, Chaya and Shashi have a seminar but not
necessarily in the same order in seven di༐erent months (of the same year), namely January,
February, March, June, August, October and December and each of them likes a di༐erent colour
namely Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, White, Red and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Kirti has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a Seminaar
between Kirti and Mansi. The one who likes Yellow has a seminar immediately before Mansi. Only
one person has the seminar before the one who likes Black. Swati has a seminar immediately
after the one who likes Black. Only three people have a seminar between Swati and the one who
likes White. Sakshi likes neither White nor Black. Lovely has a seminar immediately before Sakshi.
Shashi likes Pink. The one who likes Green has a seminar in the month which has less than 31
days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

Who among the following have seminars in January and June respectively?

A. Shashi, Mansi

B. Chaya, Mansi

C. Swati, Sakshi

D. Shashi, Kirti

E. Chaya, Kirti

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Shashi, Kirti


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven People Lovely, Swati, Kirti, Mansi, Sakshi, Chaya and Shashi have a seminar but not
necessarily in the same order in seven di༐erent months (of the same year), namely January,
February, March, June, August, October and December and each of them likes a di༐erent colour
namely Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, White, Red and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Kirti has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a Seminaar
between Kirti and Mansi. The one who likes Yellow has a seminar immediately before Mansi. Only
one person has the seminar before the one who likes Black. Swati has a seminar immediately
after the one who likes Black. Only three people have a seminar between Swati and the one who
likes White. Sakshi likes neither White nor Black. Lovely has a seminar immediately before Sakshi.
Shashi likes Pink. The one who likes Green has a seminar in the month which has less than 31
days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

How many people has/have a seminar between the month in which Shashi and Kirti have
seminars ?

A. None

B. Two

C. Three

D. One

E. More than Three

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Two


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven People Lovely, Swati, Kirti, Mansi, Sakshi, Chaya and Shashi have a seminar but not
necessarily in the same order in seven di༐erent months (of the same year), namely January,
February, March, June, August, October and December and each of them likes a di༐erent colour
namely Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, White, Red and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Kirti has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a Seminaar
between Kirti and Mansi. The one who likes Yellow has a seminar immediately before Mansi. Only
one person has the seminar before the one who likes Black. Swati has a seminar immediately
after the one who likes Black. Only three people have a seminar between Swati and the one who
likes White. Sakshi likes neither White nor Black. Lovely has a seminar immediately before Sakshi.
Shashi likes Pink. The one who likes Green has a seminar in the month which has less than 31
days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

Which of the following fruits does Chaya like?

A. Orange

B. Black

C. White

D. Yellow

E. Green.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Black


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven People Lovely, Swati, Kirti, Mansi, Sakshi, Chaya and Shashi have a seminar but not
necessarily in the same order in seven di༐erent months (of the same year), namely January,
February, March, June, August, October and December and each of them likes a di༐erent colour
namely Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, White, Red and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Kirti has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a Seminaar
between Kirti and Mansi. The one who likes Yellow has a seminar immediately before Mansi. Only
one person has the seminar before the one who likes Black. Swati has a seminar immediately
after the one who likes Black. Only three people have a seminar between Swati and the one who
likes White. Sakshi likes neither White nor Black. Lovely has a seminar immediately before Sakshi.
Shashi likes Pink. The one who likes Green has a seminar in the month which has less than 31
days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

As per the given arrangement, Kirti is related to Yelllow and Swati is related to Orange in a certain
way. Which of the following is Shashi related to in the same way?

A. White

B. Red

C. Pink

D. Black

E. Green.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Red

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven People Lovely, Swati, Kirti, Mansi, Sakshi, Chaya and Shashi have a seminar but not
necessarily in the same order in seven di༐erent months (of the same year), namely January,
February, March, June, August, October and December and each of them likes a di༐erent colour
namely Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, White, Red and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Kirti has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a Seminaar
between Kirti and Mansi. The one who likes Yellow has a seminar immediately before Mansi. Only
one person has the seminar before the one who likes Black. Swati has a seminar immediately
after the one who likes Black. Only three people have a seminar between Swati and the one who
likes White. Sakshi likes neither White nor Black. Lovely has a seminar immediately before Sakshi.
Shashi likes Pink. The one who likes Green has a seminar in the month which has less than 31
days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

On which month of the year does Swati has a seminar?

A. June

B. March

C. October

D. August

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. March

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven People Lovely, Swati, Kirti, Mansi, Sakshi, Chaya and Shashi have a seminar but not
necessarily in the same order in seven di༐erent months (of the same year), namely January,
February, March, June, August, October and December and each of them likes a di༐erent colour
namely Yellow, Green, Black, Orange, White, Red and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Kirti has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a Seminaar
between Kirti and Mansi. The one who likes Yellow has a seminar immediately before Mansi. Only
one person has the seminar before the one who likes Black. Swati has a seminar immediately
after the one who likes Black. Only three people have a seminar between Swati and the one who
likes White. Sakshi likes neither White nor Black. Lovely has a seminar immediately before Sakshi.
Shashi likes Pink. The one who likes Green has a seminar in the month which has less than 31
days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

Which of the following fruits does Kirti like?

A. Orange

B. Black

C. White

D. Yellow

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends Shelly, Akansha, Deepti, Priya, Nicky, Vaishali and Jyoti attend di༐erent language
classes, namely French, English, Spanish, Sanskrit, Chinese, German and Japanese, but not
necessarily in the same order, from Monday to Sunday( of the same week ).
Shelly attends a class on Friday. Only two persons attend classes between Shelly and the one who
is learning Sanskrit. Vaishali attends a class immediately before Priya. Neither Vaishali nor Priya is
learning Sanskrit. Only one person attends a class between Vaishali and the one who is learning
Spanish. The one who is learning Spanish does not have a class on Monday. Akansha attends a
class immediately before the one who is learning French. Shelly is not learning French. Only one
person who has a class between Vaishali and Nicky. Deepti is learning German. Only two persons
have classes between Deepti and the one who is learning Chinese. Nicky is not learning Japanese.

Which of the following represents those who have language classes immediately before and
immediately after Akansha ?

A. Priya, Shelly

B. Nicky, Shelly

C. Nicky, Vaishali

D. Other than those given as options.

E. Vaishali, Priya.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Nicky, Vaishali

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends Shelly, Akansha, Deepti, Priya, Nicky, Vaishali and Jyoti attend di༐erent language
classes, namely French, English, Spanish, Sanskrit, Chinese, German and Japanese, but not
necessarily in the same order, from Monday to Sunday( of the same week ).
Shelly attends a class on Friday. Only two persons attend classes between Shelly and the one who
is learning Sanskrit. Vaishali attends a class immediately before Priya. Neither Vaishali nor Priya is
learning Sanskrit. Only one person attends a class between Vaishali and the one who is learning
Spanish. The one who is learning Spanish does not have a class on Monday. Akansha attends a
class immediately before the one who is learning French. Shelly is not learning French. Only one
person who has a class between Vaishali and Nicky. Deepti is learning German. Only two persons
have classes between Deepti and the one who is learning Chinese. Nicky is not learning Japanese.

Which of the following languages is Nicky learning ?

A. Other than options.

B. Chinese

C. English

D. Spanish

E. Sanskrit.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. English

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends Shelly, Akansha, Deepti, Priya, Nicky, Vaishali and Jyoti attend di༐erent language
classes, namely French, English, Spanish, Sanskrit, Chinese, German and Japanese, but not
necessarily in the same order, from Monday to Sunday( of the same week ).
Shelly attends a class on Friday. Only two persons attend classes between Shelly and the one who
is learning Sanskrit. Vaishali attends a class immediately before Priya. Neither Vaishali nor Priya is
learning Sanskrit. Only one person attends a class between Vaishali and the one who is learning
Spanish. The one who is learning Spanish does not have a class on Monday. Akansha attends a
class immediately before the one who is learning French. Shelly is not learning French. Only one
person who has a class between Vaishali and Nicky. Deepti is learning German. Only two persons
have classes between Deepti and the one who is learning Chinese. Nicky is not learning Japanese.

Four of the following ༐ve form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does
not belong to that group?

A. Nicky- Tuesday.

B. Akansha- Thursday.

C. Jyoti- Sunday.

D. Shelly- Saturday.

E. Priya- Friday.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Akansha- Thursday.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends Shelly, Akansha, Deepti, Priya, Nicky, Vaishali and Jyoti attend di༐erent language
classes, namely French, English, Spanish, Sanskrit, Chinese, German and Japanese, but not
necessarily in the same order, from Monday to Sunday( of the same week ).
Shelly attends a class on Friday. Only two persons attend classes between Shelly and the one who
is learning Sanskrit. Vaishali attends a class immediately before Priya. Neither Vaishali nor Priya is
learning Sanskrit. Only one person attends a class between Vaishali and the one who is learning
Spanish. The one who is learning Spanish does not have a class on Monday. Akansha attends a
class immediately before the one who is learning French. Shelly is not learning French. Only one
person who has a class between Vaishali and Nicky. Deepti is learning German. Only two persons
have classes between Deepti and the one who is learning Chinese. Nicky is not learning Japanese.

On Which of the following days Priya has a class?

A. Monday

B. Thursday

C. Wednesday

D. Tuesday

E. Sunday.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Thursday

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends Shelly, Akansha, Deepti, Priya, Nicky, Vaishali and Jyoti attend di༐erent language
classes, namely French, English, Spanish, Sanskrit, Chinese, German and Japanese, but not
necessarily in the same order, from Monday to Sunday( of the same week ).
Shelly attends a class on Friday. Only two persons attend classes between Shelly and the one who
is learning Sanskrit. Vaishali attends a class immediately before Priya. Neither Vaishali nor Priya is
learning Sanskrit. Only one person attends a class between Vaishali and the one who is learning
Spanish. The one who is learning Spanish does not have a class on Monday. Akansha attends a
class immediately before the one who is learning French. Shelly is not learning French. Only one
person who has a class between Vaishali and Nicky. Deepti is learning German. Only two persons
have classes between Deepti and the one who is learning Chinese. Nicky is not learning Japanese.

As per the given arrangement Nicky is related to Chinese and Vaishali is related to Japanese in a
certain way. To Which of the following is Priya related to in the same way?

A. Sanskrit

B. None of these

C. Spanish

D. English

E. French.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. None of these

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends Shelly, Akansha, Deepti, Priya, Nicky, Vaishali and Jyoti attend di༐erent language
classes, namely French, English, Spanish, Sanskrit, Chinese, German and Japanese, but not
necessarily in the same order, from Monday to Sunday( of the same week ).
Shelly attends a class on Friday. Only two persons attend classes between Shelly and the one who
is learning Sanskrit. Vaishali attends a class immediately before Priya. Neither Vaishali nor Priya is
learning Sanskrit. Only one person attends a class between Vaishali and the one who is learning
Spanish. The one who is learning Spanish does not have a class on Monday. Akansha attends a
class immediately before the one who is learning French. Shelly is not learning French. Only one
person who has a class between Vaishali and Nicky. Deepti is learning German. Only two persons
have classes between Deepti and the one who is learning Chinese. Nicky is not learning Japanese.

Which of the following languages is Vaishali learning ?

A. Other than options.

B. Chinese

C. English

D. Spanish

E. Sanskrit.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Other than options.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends Shelly, Akansha, Deepti, Priya, Nicky, Vaishali and Jyoti attend di༐erent language
classes, namely French, English, Spanish, Sanskrit, Chinese, German and Japanese, but not
necessarily in the same order, from Monday to Sunday( of the same week ).
Shelly attends a class on Friday. Only two persons attend classes between Shelly and the one who
is learning Sanskrit. Vaishali attends a class immediately before Priya. Neither Vaishali nor Priya is
learning Sanskrit. Only one person attends a class between Vaishali and the one who is learning
Spanish. The one who is learning Spanish does not have a class on Monday. Akansha attends a
class immediately before the one who is learning French. Shelly is not learning French. Only one
person who has a class between Vaishali and Nicky. Deepti is learning German. Only two persons
have classes between Deepti and the one who is learning Chinese. Nicky is not learning Japanese.

On Which of the following days Nicky has a class?

A. Monday

B. Thursday

C. Wednesday

D. Tuesday

E. Other than given options.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Monday

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven
days of week, starting from Monday ending on Sunday.
Botany is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held
between Botany and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and
computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when
lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics.
Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.

Which of the following lectures is scheduled for Thursday?

A. Mathematics

B. English

C. Physics

D. Biology

E. Computers

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Computers

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven
days of week, starting from Monday ending on Sunday.
Botany is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held
between Botany and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and
computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when
lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics.
Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.

Which of the following combinations of day-lecture is correct?

A. Saturday - Physics

B. Monday – Biology

C. Tuesday – English

D. Thursday – English

E. Sunday- Computer

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Saturday - Physics

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven
days of week, starting from Monday ending on Sunday.
Botany is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held
between Botany and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and
computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when
lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics.
Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.

How many lectures are scheduled between Botany and Physics?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. Five

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Two

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven
days of week, starting from Monday ending on Sunday.
Botany is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held
between Botany and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and
computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when
lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics.
Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.

If Botany is related to Biology and Psychology is related to Computers in a certain way based upon
the given lecture schedule, then Biology will be related to which of the following based upon the
same relationship?

A. English

B. Mathematics

C. Physics

D. Botany

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. English

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven
days of week, starting from Monday ending on Sunday.
Botany is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held
between Botany and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and
computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when
lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics.
Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.

On which of the following days is the lecture of Psychology scheduled?

A. Friday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

D. Thursday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Tuesday

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven
days of week, starting from Monday ending on Sunday.
Botany is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held
between Botany and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and
computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when
lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics.
Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.

Which of the following lecture/s is/ are scheduled to be held between the lectures on Botany and

A. No lecture is scheduled

B. Only Computers

C. Computers and Psychology

D. Computers and Biology

E. English and Mathematics

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Computers and Biology

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven
days of week, starting from Monday ending on Sunday.
Botany is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held
between Botany and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and
computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when
lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics.
Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday.

How many lectures are scheduled to be held between English and Mathematics?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. Five

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Five

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Five persons V,W,X,Y and Z have visited six di༐erent cities- Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Mathura, Noida
and Jaipur one by one from Monday to Saturday. None of them visits any city on Sunday. Each of
them visits only one city in a day. No two persons visit the same city on any day.
X visits Delhi on Friday. V visits Jaipur on Tuesday. Neither W nor Y visit Mathura or Agra on
Monday or Saturday. X and Z visits Noida on Tuesday and Saturday respectively. W does not visit
Delhi on Tuesday. Y visits Jaipur on Thursday and V does not visit Agra on Monday or Friday. Z
visits Agra on Wednesday. V visits Meerut on Saturday. No one visit Mathura on Wednesday and
Jaipur on Friday. W visits Noida on Monday and Y visit Mathura on Friday. Z does not visit Delhi on

On which day No one has visited Delhi?

A. Saturday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

D. Thursday


Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Monday

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Five persons V,W,X,Y and Z have visited six di༐erent cities- Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Mathura, Noida
and Jaipur one by one from Monday to Saturday. None of them visits any city on Sunday. Each of
them visits only one city in a day. No two persons visit the same city on any day.
X visits Delhi on Friday. V visits Jaipur on Tuesday. Neither W nor Y visit Mathura or Agra on
Monday or Saturday. X and Z visits Noida on Tuesday and Saturday respectively. W does not visit
Delhi on Tuesday. Y visits Jaipur on Thursday and V does not visit Agra on Monday or Friday. Z
visits Agra on Wednesday. V visits Meerut on Saturday. No one visit Mathura on Wednesday and
Jaipur on Friday. W visits Noida on Monday and Y visit Mathura on Friday. Z does not visit Delhi on

On which day X has visited Meerut?

A. Monday

B. Wednesday

C. Thursday

D. Saturday


Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Thursday

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Five persons V,W,X,Y and Z have visited six di༐erent cities- Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Mathura, Noida
and Jaipur one by one from Monday to Saturday. None of them visits any city on Sunday. Each of
them visits only one city in a day. No two persons visit the same city on any day.
X visits Delhi on Friday. V visits Jaipur on Tuesday. Neither W nor Y visit Mathura or Agra on
Monday or Saturday. X and Z visits Noida on Tuesday and Saturday respectively. W does not visit
Delhi on Tuesday. Y visits Jaipur on Thursday and V does not visit Agra on Monday or Friday. Z
visits Agra on Wednesday. V visits Meerut on Saturday. No one visit Mathura on Wednesday and
Jaipur on Friday. W visits Noida on Monday and Y visit Mathura on Friday. Z does not visit Delhi on

Who visited Agra on Saturday?

A. W

B. X

C. Y

D. No One


Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. No One

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Five persons V,W,X,Y and Z have visited six di༐erent cities- Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Mathura, Noida
and Jaipur one by one from Monday to Saturday. None of them visits any city on Sunday. Each of
them visits only one city in a day. No two persons visit the same city on any day.
X visits Delhi on Friday. V visits Jaipur on Tuesday. Neither W nor Y visit Mathura or Agra on
Monday or Saturday. X and Z visits Noida on Tuesday and Saturday respectively. W does not visit
Delhi on Tuesday. Y visits Jaipur on Thursday and V does not visit Agra on Monday or Friday. Z
visits Agra on Wednesday. V visits Meerut on Saturday. No one visit Mathura on Wednesday and
Jaipur on Friday. W visits Noida on Monday and Y visit Mathura on Friday. Z does not visit Delhi on

Which of the following is true?

A. Z- Mathura- Tuesday

B. W- Agra- Wednesday

C. Y- Mathura- Monday

D. X- Agra- Thursday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Five persons V,W,X,Y and Z have visited six di༐erent cities- Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Mathura, Noida
and Jaipur one by one from Monday to Saturday. None of them visits any city on Sunday. Each of
them visits only one city in a day. No two persons visit the same city on any day.
X visits Delhi on Friday. V visits Jaipur on Tuesday. Neither W nor Y visit Mathura or Agra on
Monday or Saturday. X and Z visits Noida on Tuesday and Saturday respectively. W does not visit
Delhi on Tuesday. Y visits Jaipur on Thursday and V does not visit Agra on Monday or Friday. Z
visits Agra on Wednesday. V visits Meerut on Saturday. No one visit Mathura on Wednesday and
Jaipur on Friday. W visits Noida on Monday and Y visit Mathura on Friday. Z does not visit Delhi on

Who has visited Delhi and then Jaipur in Consecutive days?

A. Y

B. V

C. Z

D. X

E. No One

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. No One

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Five persons V,W,X,Y and Z have visited six di༐erent cities- Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Mathura, Noida
and Jaipur one by one from Monday to Saturday. None of them visits any city on Sunday. Each of
them visits only one city in a day. No two persons visit the same city on any day.
X visits Delhi on Friday. V visits Jaipur on Tuesday. Neither W nor Y visit Mathura or Agra on
Monday or Saturday. X and Z visits Noida on Tuesday and Saturday respectively. W does not visit
Delhi on Tuesday. Y visits Jaipur on Thursday and V does not visit Agra on Monday or Friday. Z
visits Agra on Wednesday. V visits Meerut on Saturday. No one visit Mathura on Wednesday and
Jaipur on Friday. W visits Noida on Monday and Y visit Mathura on Friday. Z does not visit Delhi on

Which of the following is true?

A. X visits Jaipur on last day.

B. W visits Jaipur on Wednesday.

C. Z visits Delhi on Tuesday.

D. All is true

E. None is true.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Z visits Delhi on Tuesday.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five Persons W,K,R,T, and M are working overtime only on one of the days from Monday to
Saturday with one of the days being a holiday.
The overtime work done on the previous day of the holiday was by R. K worked over time the next
day after the holiday. There was a two days gap between the days on which W and K worked over
time. W worked over time the next day of the over time of T. R and M did not work over time on
the ༐rst day.

Which day of the week is o༐ day?

A. Monday

B. Saturday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Thursday

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five Persons W,K,R,T, and M are working overtime only on one of the days from Monday to
Saturday with one of the days being a holiday.
The overtime work done on the previous day of the holiday was by R. K worked over time the next
day after the holiday. There was a two days gap between the days on which W and K worked over
time. W worked over time the next day of the over time of T. R and M did not work over time on
the ༐rst day.

Who works overtime on Friday?

A. T

B. W

C. K

D. M

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. K


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five Persons W,K,R,T, and M are working overtime only on one of the days from Monday to
Saturday with one of the days being a holiday.
The overtime work done on the previous day of the holiday was by R. K worked over time the next
day after the holiday. There was a two days gap between the days on which W and K worked over
time. W worked over time the next day of the over time of T. R and M did not work over time on
the ༐rst day.

On which day of the week R works overtime?

A. Tuesday

B. Thursday

C. Monday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Wednesday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five Persons W,K,R,T, and M are working overtime only on one of the days from Monday to
Saturday with one of the days being a holiday.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
The overtime work done on the previous day of the holiday was by R. K worked over time the next
day after the holiday. There was a two days gap between the days on which W and K worked over
time. W worked over time the next day of the over time of T. R and M did not work over time on
the ༐rst day.

Which of the following combination of person-Days is not correct?

A. R-Wednesday

B. W-Tuesday

C. K-Thursday

D. M- Saturday

E. All are correct

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. K-Thursday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Five Persons W,K,R,T, and M are working overtime only on one of the days from Monday to
Saturday with one of the days being a holiday.
The overtime work done on the previous day of the holiday was by R. K worked over time the next
day after the holiday. There was a two days gap between the days on which W and K worked over
time. W worked over time the next day of the over time of T. R and M did not work over time on
the ༐rst day.

Who works overtime on Tuesday?

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A. T

B. W

C. R

D. M

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. W


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
World Cup is being organized by India. Di៛�erent teams are participating in the world cup. Seven
teams which are Participating are- Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, South Africa and
West Indies. They will be playing there matches at di៛�erent places, namely Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai,
Nagpur, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Mumbai, but not necessarily in the same order, on di៛�erent
days of the week, starting from Monday.
• Pakistan will be playing at Ranchi but neither on Friday nor on Monday.
• The host Country will be playing on Thursday at Nagpur.
• There is a gap of one day between Pakistan and India match.
• South Africa will be playing match before West Indies but after Kenya. Kenya at Cuttack on
• West Indies will be playing on the last day of the week.
• Australia will be playing at Mumbai.
• No match will be played at Delhi on Monday.
• The match at Chandigarh will be played on the last day of the week.
• The match at Chennai will be played on Tuesday.
• No match will be played at Mumbai on Tuesday and Friday.

On which day of the week match of Pakistan was organised?

A. Sunday

B. Saturday

C. Monday

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Saturday

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
World Cup is being organized by India. Di៛�erent teams are participating in the world cup. Seven
teams which are Participating are- Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, South Africa and
West Indies. They will be playing there matches at di៛�erent places, namely Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai,
Nagpur, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Mumbai, but not necessarily in the same order, on di៛�erent
days of the week, starting from Monday.
• Pakistan will be playing at Ranchi but neither on Friday nor on Monday.
• The host Country will be playing on Thursday at Nagpur.
• There is a gap of one day between Pakistan and India match.
• South Africa will be playing match before West Indies but after Kenya. Kenya at Cuttack on
• West Indies will be playing on the last day of the week.
• Australia will be playing at Mumbai.
• No match will be played at Delhi on Monday.
• The match at Chandigarh will be played on the last day of the week.
• The match at Chennai will be played on Tuesday.
• No match will be played at Mumbai on Tuesday and Friday.

The match at Cuttack was played by which team? ?

A. India

B. West Indies

C. Australia

D. South Africa

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
World Cup is being organized by India. Di៛�erent teams are participating in the world cup. Seven
teams which are Participating are- Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, South Africa and
West Indies. They will be playing there matches at di៛�erent places, namely Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai,
Nagpur, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Mumbai, but not necessarily in the same order, on di៛�erent
days of the week, starting from Monday.
• Pakistan will be playing at Ranchi but neither on Friday nor on Monday.
• The host Country will be playing on Thursday at Nagpur.
• There is a gap of one day between Pakistan and India match.
• South Africa will be playing match before West Indies but after Kenya. Kenya at Cuttack on
• West Indies will be playing on the last day of the week.
• Australia will be playing at Mumbai.
• No match will be played at Delhi on Monday.
• The match at Chandigarh will be played on the last day of the week.
• The match at Chennai will be played on Tuesday.
• No match will be played at Mumbai on Tuesday and Friday.

On which day of the week the match at Chennai was played?

A. Tuesday

B. Thursday

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C. Sunday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Tuesday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
World Cup is being organized by India. Di៛�erent teams are participating in the world cup. Seven
teams which are Participating are- Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, South Africa and
West Indies. They will be playing there matches at di៛�erent places, namely Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai,
Nagpur, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Mumbai, but not necessarily in the same order, on di៛�erent
days of the week, starting from Monday.
• Pakistan will be playing at Ranchi but neither on Friday nor on Monday.
• The host Country will be playing on Thursday at Nagpur.
• There is a gap of one day between Pakistan and India match.
• South Africa will be playing match before West Indies but after Kenya. Kenya at Cuttack on
• West Indies will be playing on the last day of the week.
• Australia will be playing at Mumbai.
• No match will be played at Delhi on Monday.
• The match at Chandigarh will be played on the last day of the week.
• The match at Chennai will be played on Tuesday.
• No match will be played at Mumbai on Tuesday and Friday.

Which of the following combination of Team-Place is not correct?

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A. Australia-Mumbai

B. India-Nagpur

C. South Africa-Cuttack

D. Pakistan-Ranchi

E. All are correct

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. South Africa-Cuttack


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
World Cup is being organized by India. Di៛�erent teams are participating in the world cup. Seven
teams which are Participating are- Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, South Africa and
West Indies. They will be playing there matches at di៛�erent places, namely Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai,
Nagpur, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Mumbai, but not necessarily in the same order, on di៛�erent
days of the week, starting from Monday.
• Pakistan will be playing at Ranchi but neither on Friday nor on Monday.
• The host Country will be playing on Thursday at Nagpur.
• There is a gap of one day between Pakistan and India match.
• South Africa will be playing match before West Indies but after Kenya. Kenya at Cuttack on
• West Indies will be playing on the last day of the week.
• Australia will be playing at Mumbai.
• No match will be played at Delhi on Monday.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
• The match at Chandigarh will be played on the last day of the week.
• The match at Chennai will be played on Tuesday.
• No match will be played at Mumbai on Tuesday and Friday.

Which team did play on Tuesday?

A. Australia

B. India

C. Kenya

D. Pakistan

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
World Cup is being organized by India. Di៛�erent teams are participating in the world cup. Seven
teams which are Participating are- Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, South Africa and
West Indies. They will be playing there matches at di៛�erent places, namely Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai,
Nagpur, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Mumbai, but not necessarily in the same order, on di៛�erent
days of the week, starting from Monday.
• Pakistan will be playing at Ranchi but neither on Friday nor on Monday.
• The host Country will be playing on Thursday at Nagpur.
• There is a gap of one day between Pakistan and India match.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
• South Africa will be playing match before West Indies but after Kenya. Kenya at Cuttack on
• West Indies will be playing on the last day of the week.
• Australia will be playing at Mumbai.
• No match will be played at Delhi on Monday.
• The match at Chandigarh will be played on the last day of the week.
• The match at Chennai will be played on Tuesday.
• No match will be played at Mumbai on Tuesday and Friday.

On which day of the week match of India was organised?

A. Sunday

B. Saturday

C. Monday

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
World Cup is being organized by India. Di៛�erent teams are participating in the world cup. Seven
teams which are Participating are- Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, South Africa and
West Indies. They will be playing there matches at di៛�erent places, namely Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai,
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Nagpur, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Mumbai, but not necessarily in the same order, on di៛�erent
days of the week, starting from Monday.
• Pakistan will be playing at Ranchi but neither on Friday nor on Monday.
• The host Country will be playing on Thursday at Nagpur.
• There is a gap of one day between Pakistan and India match.
• South Africa will be playing match before West Indies but after Kenya. Kenya at Cuttack on
• West Indies will be playing on the last day of the week.
• Australia will be playing at Mumbai.
• No match will be played at Delhi on Monday.
• The match at Chandigarh will be played on the last day of the week.
• The match at Chennai will be played on Tuesday.
• No match will be played at Mumbai on Tuesday and Friday.

The match at Nagpur was played by which team ?

A. India

B. West Indies

C. Australia

D. South Africa

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. India


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six Lectures P,Q,R,S,T and U are to be organised in a span of seven days- from Sunday to Saturday,
only one lecture on each day in accordance with the following:-
(i) P should not be organised on Thursday and Friday.
(ii) R should be organised immediately after T.
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no lecture (Friday is not that day), just before that day S will be
(v) Q should be organised on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.

On which day of the week there is no lecture?

A. Monday

B. Friday

C. Sunday


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Monday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six Lectures P,Q,R,S,T and U are to be organised in a span of seven days- from Sunday to Saturday,
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
only one lecture on each day in accordance with the following:-
(i) P should not be organised on Thursday and Friday.
(ii) R should be organised immediately after T.
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no lecture (Friday is not that day), just before that day S will be
(v) Q should be organised on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.

How many days are there between R and S?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Three


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six Lectures P,Q,R,S,T and U are to be organised in a span of seven days- from Sunday to Saturday,
only one lecture on each day in accordance with the following:-
(i) P should not be organised on Thursday and Friday.
(ii) R should be organised immediately after T.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no lecture (Friday is not that day), just before that day S will be
(v) Q should be organised on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.

Which day will the lecture T be organised?

A. Thursday

B. Friday

C. Saturday

D. Sunday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six Lectures P,Q,R,S,T and U are to be organised in a span of seven days- from Sunday to Saturday,
only one lecture on each day in accordance with the following:-
(i) P should not be organised on Thursday and Friday.
(ii) R should be organised immediately after T.
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no lecture (Friday is not that day), just before that day S will be

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(v) Q should be organised on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.

How many lectures are scheduled between Q and T?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. None


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six Lectures P,Q,R,S,T and U are to be organised in a span of seven days- from Sunday to Saturday,
only one lecture on each day in accordance with the following:-
(i) P should not be organised on Thursday and Friday.
(ii) R should be organised immediately after T.
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no lecture (Friday is not that day), just before that day S will be
(v) Q should be organised on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Which of the following is the last lecture in the series?

A. P

B. Q

C. R


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. P


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A,B,C,D,E,F and G are the seven members of a club. Each of them likes one day of the week viz.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, not necessarily in the
same order. Each of them owns a di៛�erent car viz. Swift, S-cross, Boleno, Beat, SX4, Estillo and
Optra not necessarily in the same order.
C likes Wednesday and his favourite Car is neither SX4 nor Optra. E does not like Monday and his
favourite Car is Beat. The favourite car of the one who likes Friday is Boleno. The one whose
favourite car is Estillo likes Tuesday. D likes Saturday and D’s favourite car is not SX4. G’s favourite
car is S-cross. F likes Thursday. B does not like Estillo.

Which day of the week is liked by B?

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A. Sunday

B. Saturday

C. Monday

D. Friday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Friday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A,B,C,D,E,F and G are the seven members of a club. Each of them likes one day of the week viz.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, not necessarily in the
same order. Each of them owns a di៛�erent car viz. Swift, S-cross, Boleno, Beat, SX4, Estillo and
Optra not necessarily in the same order.
C likes Wednesday and his favourite Car is neither SX4 nor Optra. E does not like Monday and his
favourite Car is Beat. The favourite car of the one who likes Friday is Boleno. The one whose
favourite car is Estillo likes Tuesday. D likes Saturday and D’s favourite car is not SX4. G’s favourite
car is S-cross. F likes Thursday. B does not like Estillo.

Who likes SX4?

A. A

B. D
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C. F

D. E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A,B,C,D,E,F and G are the seven members of a club. Each of them likes one day of the week viz.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, not necessarily in the
same order. Each of them owns a di៛�erent car viz. Swift, S-cross, Boleno, Beat, SX4, Estillo and
Optra not necessarily in the same order.
C likes Wednesday and his favourite Car is neither SX4 nor Optra. E does not like Monday and his
favourite Car is Beat. The favourite car of the one who likes Friday is Boleno. The one whose
favourite car is Estillo likes Tuesday. D likes Saturday and D’s favourite car is not SX4. G’s favourite
car is S-cross. F likes Thursday. B does not like Estillo.

On which day of the week is liked by the one who owns Boleno?

A. Tuesday

B. Thursday

C. Friday

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D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Friday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A,B,C,D,E,F and G are the seven members of a club. Each of them likes one day of the week viz.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, not necessarily in the
same order. Each of them owns a di៛�erent car viz. Swift, S-cross, Boleno, Beat, SX4, Estillo and
Optra not necessarily in the same order.
C likes Wednesday and his favourite Car is neither SX4 nor Optra. E does not like Monday and his
favourite Car is Beat. The favourite car of the one who likes Friday is Boleno. The one whose
favourite car is Estillo likes Tuesday. D likes Saturday and D’s favourite car is not SX4. G’s favourite
car is S-cross. F likes Thursday. B does not like Estillo.

Which of the following combination of person-Car is correct?

A. C- Boleno

B. D-Beat

C. C-Estillo

D. D-Optra

E. All are correct

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. D-Optra


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A,B,C,D,E,F and G are the seven members of a club. Each of them likes one day of the week viz.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, not necessarily in the
same order. Each of them owns a di៛�erent car viz. Swift, S-cross, Boleno, Beat, SX4, Estillo and
Optra not necessarily in the same order.
C likes Wednesday and his favourite Car is neither SX4 nor Optra. E does not like Monday and his
favourite Car is Beat. The favourite car of the one who likes Friday is Boleno. The one whose
favourite car is Estillo likes Tuesday. D likes Saturday and D’s favourite car is not SX4. G’s favourite
car is S-cross. F likes Thursday. B does not like Estillo.

Who among the following likes Optra?

A. D

B. G

C. A

D. C

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. D


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A,B,C,D,E,F and G are the seven members of a club. Each of them likes one day of the week viz.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, not necessarily in the
same order. Each of them owns a di៛�erent car viz. Swift, S-cross, Boleno, Beat, SX4, Estillo and
Optra not necessarily in the same order.
C likes Wednesday and his favourite Car is neither SX4 nor Optra. E does not like Monday and his
favourite Car is Beat. The favourite car of the one who likes Friday is Boleno. The one whose
favourite car is Estillo likes Tuesday. D likes Saturday and D’s favourite car is not SX4. G’s favourite
car is S-cross. F likes Thursday. B does not like Estillo.

Which day of the week is liked by F?

A. Sunday

B. Saturday

C. Monday

D. Friday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six lectures- A, B, C, D, E and F are to be delivered from Monday to Sunday, one lecture every day.
(a) Lecture C cannot be delivered on Friday.
(b) Lecture A is delivered immediately after lecture D.
(c) There should be gap of two days between the lectures B and F.
(d) There is one holiday except Saturday. Lecture F is delivered on the next day of holiday.
(e) Lecture E is delivered on Wednesday and it is not immediately followed by lecture F.

On which day was lecture D delivered?

A. Friday

B. Saturday

C. Sunday

D. Thursday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Saturday

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six lectures- A, B, C, D, E and F are to be delivered from Monday to Sunday, one lecture every day.
(a) Lecture C cannot be delivered on Friday.
(b) Lecture A is delivered immediately after lecture D.
(c) There should be gap of two days between the lectures B and F.
(d) There is one holiday except Saturday. Lecture F is delivered on the next day of holiday.
(e) Lecture E is delivered on Wednesday and it is not immediately followed by lecture F.

On which day was holiday?

A. Sunday

B. Friday

C. Monday

D. Thursday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Thursday

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six lectures- A, B, C, D, E and F are to be delivered from Monday to Sunday, one lecture every day.
(a) Lecture C cannot be delivered on Friday.
(b) Lecture A is delivered immediately after lecture D.
(c) There should be gap of two days between the lectures B and F.
(d) There is one holiday except Saturday. Lecture F is delivered on the next day of holiday.
(e) Lecture E is delivered on Wednesday and it is not immediately followed by lecture F.

How many lectures are delivered between F and D?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. None

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six lectures- A, B, C, D, E and F are to be delivered from Monday to Sunday, one lecture every day.
(a) Lecture C cannot be delivered on Friday.
(b) Lecture A is delivered immediately after lecture D.
(c) There should be gap of two days between the lectures B and F.
(d) There is one holiday except Saturday. Lecture F is delivered on the next day of holiday.
(e) Lecture E is delivered on Wednesday and it is not immediately followed by lecture F.

Which of the following was the last lecture?

A. A

B. C

C. B

D. Can’t be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Six lectures- A, B, C, D, E and F are to be delivered from Monday to Sunday, one lecture every day.
(a) Lecture C cannot be delivered on Friday.
(b) Lecture A is delivered immediately after lecture D.
(c) There should be gap of two days between the lectures B and F.
(d) There is one holiday except Saturday. Lecture F is delivered on the next day of holiday.
(e) Lecture E is delivered on Wednesday and it is not immediately followed by lecture F.

Which of the following statements is not necessary to determine the order of lectures?

A. CBE Holiday FDA

B. ABCDEF Holiday

C. CDEFAB Holiday

D. None

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. CBE Holiday FDA

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T attend seminar on di៛�erent days of the week. Only two
persons attend seminar on a day in the morning and in the evening. There are two times on a day
in which seminars are organized i.e. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The days are starting from Monday to
A attend seminar above P but not immediate above and he does not attend seminar on 4p.m. C
does not attend seminar on Tuesday. T does not attend seminar on 4p.m. Only four persons
attend seminar between C and R. C attends seminar above R. Only three persons attend seminar
between Q and C. Q attends seminar in the morning. There are only four seminar are held
between T and D. D does not attend seminar on Monday. P attend seminar on Wednesday on
4p.m. There are two days gap between S and E . S attends seminar in the evening.

Who attend seminar on the Tuesday evening?

A. D

B. T

C. A

D. None of these

E. B

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T attend seminar on di៛�erent days of the week. Only two
persons attend seminar on a day in the morning and in the evening. There are two times on a day
in which seminars are organized i.e. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The days are starting from Monday to
A attend seminar above P but not immediate above and he does not attend seminar on 4p.m. C
does not attend seminar on Tuesday. T does not attend seminar on 4p.m. Only four persons
attend seminar between C and R. C attends seminar above R. Only three persons attend seminar
between Q and C. Q attends seminar in the morning. There are only four seminar are held
between T and D. D does not attend seminar on Monday. P attend seminar on Wednesday on
4p.m. There are two days gap between S and E . S attends seminar in the evening.

How many seminars are held between Monday evening seminar and Thursday evening seminar?

A. Two

B. Five

C. Four

D. Six

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Five

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T attend seminar on di៛�erent days of the week. Only two
persons attend seminar on a day in the morning and in the evening. There are two times on a day
in which seminars are organized i.e. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The days are starting from Monday to
A attend seminar above P but not immediate above and he does not attend seminar on 4p.m. C
does not attend seminar on Tuesday. T does not attend seminar on 4p.m. Only four persons
attend seminar between C and R. C attends seminar above R. Only three persons attend seminar
between Q and C. Q attends seminar in the morning. There are only four seminar are held
between T and D. D does not attend seminar on Monday. P attend seminar on Wednesday on
4p.m. There are two days gap between S and E . S attends seminar in the evening.

If Q is related to D in the same way as C is related to B. then which of the following is T related to,
following the same pattern?

A. E

B. P

C. A

D. S

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. S

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T attend seminar on di៛�erent days of the week. Only two
persons attend seminar on a day in the morning and in the evening. There are two times on a day
in which seminars are organized i.e. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The days are starting from Monday to
A attend seminar above P but not immediate above and he does not attend seminar on 4p.m. C
does not attend seminar on Tuesday. T does not attend seminar on 4p.m. Only four persons
attend seminar between C and R. C attends seminar above R. Only three persons attend seminar
between Q and C. Q attends seminar in the morning. There are only four seminar are held
between T and D. D does not attend seminar on Monday. P attend seminar on Wednesday on
4p.m. There are two days gap between S and E . S attends seminar in the evening.

How many days are there between A’s seminar and D’s seminar?

A. Two

B. Five

C. Four

D. Three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Two

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T attend seminar on di៛�erent days of the week. Only two
persons attend seminar on a day in the morning and in the evening. There are two times on a day
in which seminars are organized i.e. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The days are starting from Monday to
A attend seminar above P but not immediate above and he does not attend seminar on 4p.m. C
does not attend seminar on Tuesday. T does not attend seminar on 4p.m. Only four persons
attend seminar between C and R. C attends seminar above R. Only three persons attend seminar
between Q and C. Q attends seminar in the morning. There are only four seminar are held
between T and D. D does not attend seminar on Monday. P attend seminar on Wednesday on
4p.m. There are two days gap between S and E . S attends seminar in the evening.

Four of the following ៯�ve are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. TC

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T attend seminar on di៛�erent days of the week. Only two
persons attend seminar on a day in the morning and in the evening. There are two times on a day
in which seminars are organized i.e. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The days are starting from Monday to
A attend seminar above P but not immediate above and he does not attend seminar on 4p.m. C
does not attend seminar on Tuesday. T does not attend seminar on 4p.m. Only four persons
attend seminar between C and R. C attends seminar above R. Only three persons attend seminar
between Q and C. Q attends seminar in the morning. There are only four seminar are held
between T and D. D does not attend seminar on Monday. P attend seminar on Wednesday on
4p.m. There are two days gap between S and E . S attends seminar in the evening.

Who attend seminar on the Wednesday Morning ?

A. S

B. C

C. R

D. Q

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. C

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S have an Essay competition on seven di៛�erent days, from
Monday to Sunday of the same week. Each friend also studied in di៛�erent standard namely, First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who studies in the ៯�rst standard has a competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second
standard and has a competition on Wednesday. N has a competition immediately before Q. N
does not have a competition on any of the days after S. the one who studies in the seventh
standarddoes not have a competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies
in the third standard has a competition immediately after O. Q does not study in the ៯�fth
standard. The one who studies in the sixth standard does not have a competition immediately
after or immediately before S. R does not have any competition on Sunday and does not study in
the third standard. P does not have any competition on any of the days before M.

Which of the days standards does R study in ?

A. Seventh

B. Fifth

C. First

D. Second

E. Fourth

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. First


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S have an Essay competition on seven di៛�erent days, from
Monday to Sunday of the same week. Each friend also studied in di៛�erent standard namely, First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who studies in the ៯�rst standard has a competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second
standard and has a competition on Wednesday. N has a competition immediately before Q. N
does not have a competition on any of the days after S. the one who studies in the seventh
standarddoes not have a competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies
in the third standard has a competition immediately after O. Q does not study in the ៯�fth
standard. The one who studies in the sixth standard does not have a competition immediately
after or immediately before S. R does not have any competition on Sunday and does not study in
the third standard. P does not have any competition on any of the days before M.

Four of the following ៯�ve form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does
not belong to that group?

A. O-Tuesday

B. M-Wednesday

C. P-Saturday

D. S-Monday

E. R-Thursday

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. P-Saturday


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S have an Essay competition on seven di៛�erent days, from
Monday to Sunday of the same week. Each friend also studied in di៛�erent standard namely, First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who studies in the ៯�rst standard has a competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second
standard and has a competition on Wednesday. N has a competition immediately before Q. N
does not have a competition on any of the days after S. the one who studies in the seventh
standarddoes not have a competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies
in the third standard has a competition immediately after O. Q does not study in the ៯�fth
standard. The one who studies in the sixth standard does not have a competition immediately
after or immediately before S. R does not have any competition on Sunday and does not study in
the third standard. P does not have any competition on any of the days before M.

Based on the given arrangement, which of the following is true ?

A. M has a competition on Saturday.

B. Q studies in the sixth standard.

C. P studies in second standard.

D. R has a competition on Tuesday

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S have an Essay competition on seven di៛�erent days, from
Monday to Sunday of the same week. Each friend also studied in di៛�erent standard namely, First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who studies in the ៯�rst standard has a competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second
standard and has a competition on Wednesday. N has a competition immediately before Q. N
does not have a competition on any of the days after S. the one who studies in the seventh
standarddoes not have a competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies
in the third standard has a competition immediately after O. Q does not study in the ៯�fth
standard. The one who studies in the sixth standard does not have a competition immediately
after or immediately before S. R does not have any competition on Sunday and does not study in
the third standard. P does not have any competition on any of the days before M.

On which day of the week R studies?

A. Monday

B. Sunday

C. Saturday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Saturday


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S have an Essay competition on seven di៛�erent days, from
Monday to Sunday of the same week. Each friend also studied in di៛�erent standard namely, First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who studies in the ៯�rst standard has a competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second
standard and has a competition on Wednesday. N has a competition immediately before Q. N
does not have a competition on any of the days after S. the one who studies in the seventh
standarddoes not have a competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies
in the third standard has a competition immediately after O. Q does not study in the ៯�fth
standard. The one who studies in the sixth standard does not have a competition immediately
after or immediately before S. R does not have any competition on Sunday and does not study in
the third standard. P does not have any competition on any of the days before M.

Which of the following standard belongs to M?

A. First

B. Second

C. Fifth

D. seventh

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S have an Essay competition on seven di៛�erent days, from
Monday to Sunday of the same week. Each friend also studied in di៛�erent standard namely, First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who studies in the ៯�rst standard has a competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second
standard and has a competition on Wednesday. N has a competition immediately before Q. N
does not have a competition on any of the days after S. the one who studies in the seventh
standarddoes not have a competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies
in the third standard has a competition immediately after O. Q does not study in the ៯�fth
standard. The one who studies in the sixth standard does not have a competition immediately
after or immediately before S. R does not have any competition on Sunday and does not study in
the third standard. P does not have any competition on any of the days before M.

On which day of the week Q studies?

A. Monday

B. Sunday

C. Saturday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S have an Essay competition on seven di៛�erent days, from
Monday to Sunday of the same week. Each friend also studied in di៛�erent standard namely, First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who studies in the ៯�rst standard has a competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second
standard and has a competition on Wednesday. N has a competition immediately before Q. N
does not have a competition on any of the days after S. the one who studies in the seventh
standarddoes not have a competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies
in the third standard has a competition immediately after O. Q does not study in the ៯�fth
standard. The one who studies in the sixth standard does not have a competition immediately
after or immediately before S. R does not have any competition on Sunday and does not study in
the third standard. P does not have any competition on any of the days before M.

Which of the following standard belongs to O?

A. First

B. Second

C. Fifth

D. seventh

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Fifth


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons R,J,M,Q,L,T and K conduct workshop on Developing Managerial Skills in seven
di៛�erent companies A,B,C,D,E,F, and G on a di៛�erent day of the week from Monday to Sunday. The
order of persons, companies and days of the week are not necessarily the same. J organizes
workshop in company D on Wednesday. Q does not conduct workshop for company A or C and
conducts on the next day of L who conducts the workshop for Company F. T conducts workshop
for company E on Friday. K conducts workshop on Monday but not for company C or G. M
conducts workshop for company A but not on Tuesday.

On which day of the week K conduct the workshop?

A. Sunday

B. Saturday

C. Monday

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Monday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons R,J,M,Q,L,T and K conduct workshop on Developing Managerial Skills in seven
di៛�erent companies A,B,C,D,E,F, and G on a di៛�erent day of the week from Monday to Sunday. The
order of persons, companies and days of the week are not necessarily the same. J organizes
workshop in company D on Wednesday. Q does not conduct workshop for company A or C and
conducts on the next day of L who conducts the workshop for Company F. T conducts workshop
for company E on Friday. K conducts workshop on Monday but not for company C or G. M
conducts workshop for company A but not on Tuesday.

Who works for company E?

A. T

B. R

C. M

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. T


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons R,J,M,Q,L,T and K conduct workshop on Developing Managerial Skills in seven
di៛�erent companies A,B,C,D,E,F, and G on a di៛�erent day of the week from Monday to Sunday. The
order of persons, companies and days of the week are not necessarily the same. J organizes
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workshop in company D on Wednesday. Q does not conduct workshop for company A or C and
conducts on the next day of L who conducts the workshop for Company F. T conducts workshop
for company E on Friday. K conducts workshop on Monday but not for company C or G. M
conducts workshop for company A but not on Tuesday.

On which day of the week did T conduct the workshop?

A. Tuesday

B. Thursday

C. Sunday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons R,J,M,Q,L,T and K conduct workshop on Developing Managerial Skills in seven
di៛�erent companies A,B,C,D,E,F, and G on a di៛�erent day of the week from Monday to Sunday. The
order of persons, companies and days of the week are not necessarily the same. J organizes
workshop in company D on Wednesday. Q does not conduct workshop for company A or C and
conducts on the next day of L who conducts the workshop for Company F. T conducts workshop
for company E on Friday. K conducts workshop on Monday but not for company C or G. M
conducts workshop for company A but not on Tuesday.
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Which of the following combination of person-company is not correct?

A. K-B

B. J-D

C. T-E

D. R-C

E. All are correct

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. All are correct


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons R,J,M,Q,L,T and K conduct workshop on Developing Managerial Skills in seven
di៛�erent companies A,B,C,D,E,F, and G on a di៛�erent day of the week from Monday to Sunday. The
order of persons, companies and days of the week are not necessarily the same. J organizes
workshop in company D on Wednesday. Q does not conduct workshop for company A or C and
conducts on the next day of L who conducts the workshop for Company F. T conducts workshop
for company E on Friday. K conducts workshop on Monday but not for company C or G. M
conducts workshop for company A but not on Tuesday.

Who Conducts the workshop on Tuesday?

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A. K

B. R

C. J

D. Q

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons R,J,M,Q,L,T and K conduct workshop on Developing Managerial Skills in seven
di៛�erent companies A,B,C,D,E,F, and G on a di៛�erent day of the week from Monday to Sunday. The
order of persons, companies and days of the week are not necessarily the same. J organizes
workshop in company D on Wednesday. Q does not conduct workshop for company A or C and
conducts on the next day of L who conducts the workshop for Company F. T conducts workshop
for company E on Friday. K conducts workshop on Monday but not for company C or G. M
conducts workshop for company A but not on Tuesday.

Who works for company A?

A. J

B. R

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C. Q

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven specialist doctors Beatrix Orny, Katrin Salzmann, Peter Chaloupka, Eva Arndt, Marie Beer,
Armin Scholz and Barbara Veit visit a polyclinic on four days–Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday–in a week. At least one doctor but not more than two doctors visits the polyclinic on each
of these days. Each of them is a specialist in di៛�erent ៯�elds–ENT, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics,
Neurology, Ophthalmology, Radiology and Onchology.
(i) Eva Arndt visits on Friday with Radiologist.
(ii) The Paediatrician does not visit on Saturday nor with Marie Beer and Barbara Veit.
(iii) The Oncologist Armin Scholz visits alone on Tuesday.
(iv) Katrin Salzmann visits on Wednesday and he is not Paediatrician.
(v) Peter Chaloupka visits on Wednesday. Barbara Veit is not Radiologist.
(vi) The Paediatrician visits with the ENT specialist.
(vii) The Neurologist visits on Friday.
(viii) Beatrix Orny is neither Orthopaedician nor Radiologist.

What is the speciality of Beatrix Orny?

A. Ophthalmology

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C. Paediatrics

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Ophthalmology


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven specialist doctors Beatrix Orny, Katrin Salzmann, Peter Chaloupka, Eva Arndt, Marie Beer,
Armin Scholz and Barbara Veit visit a polyclinic on four days–Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday–in a week. At least one doctor but not more than two doctors visits the polyclinic on each
of these days. Each of them is a specialist in di៛�erent ៯�elds–ENT, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics,
Neurology, Ophthalmology, Radiology and Onchology.
(i) Eva Arndt visits on Friday with Radiologist.
(ii) The Paediatrician does not visit on Saturday nor with Marie Beer and Barbara Veit.
(iii) The Oncologist Armin Scholz visits alone on Tuesday.
(iv) Katrin Salzmann visits on Wednesday and he is not Paediatrician.
(v) Peter Chaloupka visits on Wednesday. Barbara Veit is not Radiologist.
(vi) The Paediatrician visits with the ENT specialist.
(vii) The Neurologist visits on Friday.
(viii) Beatrix Orny is neither Orthopaedician nor Radiologist.

On which day of the week does Marie Beer and ENT specialist visit?

A. Wednesday

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B. Saturday

C. Wednesday and Saturday

D. Friday and saturday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven specialist doctors Beatrix Orny, Katrin Salzmann, Peter Chaloupka, Eva Arndt, Marie Beer,
Armin Scholz and Barbara Veit visit a polyclinic on four days–Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday–in a week. At least one doctor but not more than two doctors visits the polyclinic on each
of these days. Each of them is a specialist in di៛�erent ៯�elds–ENT, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics,
Neurology, Ophthalmology, Radiology and Onchology.
(i) Eva Arndt visits on Friday with Radiologist.
(ii) The Paediatrician does not visit on Saturday nor with Marie Beer and Barbara Veit.
(iii) The Oncologist Armin Scholz visits alone on Tuesday.
(iv) Katrin Salzmann visits on Wednesday and he is not Paediatrician.
(v) Peter Chaloupka visits on Wednesday. Barbara Veit is not Radiologist.
(vi) The Paediatrician visits with the ENT specialist.
(vii) The Neurologist visits on Friday.
(viii) Beatrix Orny is neither Orthopaedician nor Radiologist.

Who among them visits the polyclinic along with Beatrix Orny?

A. None

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B. Barbara Veit

C. Marie Beer

D. Eva Arndt

E. Either Barbara Veit or Eva Arndt

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Barbara Veit


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven specialist doctors Beatrix Orny, Katrin Salzmann, Peter Chaloupka, Eva Arndt, Marie Beer,
Armin Scholz and Barbara Veit visit a polyclinic on four days–Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday–in a week. At least one doctor but not more than two doctors visits the polyclinic on each
of these days. Each of them is a specialist in di៛�erent ៯�elds–ENT, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics,
Neurology, Ophthalmology, Radiology and Onchology.
(i) Eva Arndt visits on Friday with Radiologist.
(ii) The Paediatrician does not visit on Saturday nor with Marie Beer and Barbara Veit.
(iii) The Oncologist Armin Scholz visits alone on Tuesday.
(iv) Katrin Salzmann visits on Wednesday and he is not Paediatrician.
(v) Peter Chaloupka visits on Wednesday. Barbara Veit is not Radiologist.
(vi) The Paediatrician visits with the ENT specialist.
(vii) The Neurologist visits on Friday.
(viii) Beatrix Orny is neither Orthopaedician nor Radiologist.

On which of the following days do the specialists in Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology visit?

A. Tuesday

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B. Wednesday

C. Saturday

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Saturday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven specialist doctors Beatrix Orny, Katrin Salzmann, Peter Chaloupka, Eva Arndt, Marie Beer,
Armin Scholz and Barbara Veit visit a polyclinic on four days–Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday–in a week. At least one doctor but not more than two doctors visits the polyclinic on each
of these days. Each of them is a specialist in di៛�erent ៯�elds–ENT, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics,
Neurology, Ophthalmology, Radiology and Onchology.
(i) Eva Arndt visits on Friday with Radiologist.
(ii) The Paediatrician does not visit on Saturday nor with Marie Beer and Barbara Veit.
(iii) The Oncologist Armin Scholz visits alone on Tuesday.
(iv) Katrin Salzmann visits on Wednesday and he is not Paediatrician.
(v) Peter Chaloupka visits on Wednesday. Barbara Veit is not Radiologist.
(vi) The Paediatrician visits with the ENT specialist.
(vii) The Neurologist visits on Friday.
(viii) Beatrix Orny is neither Orthopaedician nor Radiologist.

What is Eva Arndt’s profession?

A. Paediatricis

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C. Ophthalmology

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven Representatives of a company- Anshu, Pintu, Rinku, Chintu, Arjun, Misha and Vishu-
travelled to three di៛�erent countries i.e. England, Australia, and France. Each of them travelled on
di៛�erent days of the week (No two persons travelled on the same day), starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday. Minimum two persons travelled on the same day) starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday ( of the same week). Minimum two people travelled to each country to which
three people travelled.
Anshu travelled to England on Monday. Misha travelled to Australia but neither on Tuesday nor on
Saturday. Vishu travelled on Sunday but not to France. The one who travelled to Australia travelled
on Tuesday and the one who travelled to France travelled on Saturday. Arjun travelled on
Wednesday. Rinku travelled to England but not on Thursday. Pintu did not travel to France. On the
last day of the week person did not travel to Australia.

If anyone's trip is postponed by one day, who will be travelling on Wednesday?

A. Misha

B. Rinku

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C. Pintu

D. Arjun

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Pintu


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven Representatives of a company- Anshu, Pintu, Rinku, Chintu, Arjun, Misha and Vishu-
travelled to three di៛�erent countries i.e. England, Australia, and France. Each of them travelled on
di៛�erent days of the week (No two persons travelled on the same day), starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday. Minimum two persons travelled on the same day) starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday ( of the same week). Minimum two people travelled to each country to which
three people travelled.
Anshu travelled to England on Monday. Misha travelled to Australia but neither on Tuesday nor on
Saturday. Vishu travelled on Sunday but not to France. The one who travelled to Australia travelled
on Tuesday and the one who travelled to France travelled on Saturday. Arjun travelled on
Wednesday. Rinku travelled to England but not on Thursday. Pintu did not travel to France. On the
last day of the week person did not travel to Australia.

Who amongst the seven representatives travelled on Saturday ?

A. Chintu

B. Pintu

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C. Rinku


E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Chintu


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven Representatives of a company- Anshu, Pintu, Rinku, Chintu, Arjun, Misha and Vishu-
travelled to three di៛�erent countries i.e. England, Australia, and France. Each of them travelled on
di៛�erent days of the week (No two persons travelled on the same day), starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday. Minimum two persons travelled on the same day) starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday ( of the same week). Minimum two people travelled to each country to which
three people travelled.
Anshu travelled to England on Monday. Misha travelled to Australia but neither on Tuesday nor on
Saturday. Vishu travelled on Sunday but not to France. The one who travelled to Australia travelled
on Tuesday and the one who travelled to France travelled on Saturday. Arjun travelled on
Wednesday. Rinku travelled to England but not on Thursday. Pintu did not travel to France. On the
last day of the week person did not travel to Australia.

Which of the following combinations is true?

A. Nishu- Thursday- England

B. Chintu- Wednesday- Frances

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C. Vishu- Monday- England

D. Rinku- Friday- Australia

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven Representatives of a company- Anshu, Pintu, Rinku, Chintu, Arjun, Misha and Vishu-
travelled to three di៛�erent countries i.e. England, Australia, and France. Each of them travelled on
di៛�erent days of the week (No two persons travelled on the same day), starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday. Minimum two persons travelled on the same day) starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday ( of the same week). Minimum two people travelled to each country to which
three people travelled.
Anshu travelled to England on Monday. Misha travelled to Australia but neither on Tuesday nor on
Saturday. Vishu travelled on Sunday but not to France. The one who travelled to Australia travelled
on Tuesday and the one who travelled to France travelled on Saturday. Arjun travelled on
Wednesday. Rinku travelled to England but not on Thursday. Pintu did not travel to France. On the
last day of the week person did not travel to Australia.

To Which Country and on which day did Pintu travel?

A. Wednesday, England

B. Friday, Australia

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C. Thursday, Australia

D. Tuesday, Australia

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Tuesday, Australia


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven Representatives of a company- Anshu, Pintu, Rinku, Chintu, Arjun, Misha and Vishu-
travelled to three di៛�erent countries i.e. England, Australia, and France. Each of them travelled on
di៛�erent days of the week (No two persons travelled on the same day), starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday. Minimum two persons travelled on the same day) starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday ( of the same week). Minimum two people travelled to each country to which
three people travelled.
Anshu travelled to England on Monday. Misha travelled to Australia but neither on Tuesday nor on
Saturday. Vishu travelled on Sunday but not to France. The one who travelled to Australia travelled
on Tuesday and the one who travelled to France travelled on Saturday. Arjun travelled on
Wednesday. Rinku travelled to England but not on Thursday. Pintu did not travel to France. On the
last day of the week person did not travel to Australia.

Who travelled to France?

A. Anshu

B. Rinku

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C. Vishu

D. Chintu and Arjun

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Chintu and Arjun


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven Representatives of a company- Anshu, Pintu, Rinku, Chintu, Arjun, Misha and Vishu-
travelled to three di៛�erent countries i.e. England, Australia, and France. Each of them travelled on
di៛�erent days of the week (No two persons travelled on the same day), starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday. Minimum two persons travelled on the same day) starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday ( of the same week). Minimum two people travelled to each country to which
three people travelled.
Anshu travelled to England on Monday. Misha travelled to Australia but neither on Tuesday nor on
Saturday. Vishu travelled on Sunday but not to France. The one who travelled to Australia travelled
on Tuesday and the one who travelled to France travelled on Saturday. Arjun travelled on
Wednesday. Rinku travelled to England but not on Thursday. Pintu did not travel to France. On the
last day of the week person did not travel to Australia.

On which day of the week does Pintu travel?

A. Saturday

B. Friday

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C. Sunday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven Representatives of a company- Anshu, Pintu, Rinku, Chintu, Arjun, Misha and Vishu-
travelled to three di៛�erent countries i.e. England, Australia, and France. Each of them travelled on
di៛�erent days of the week (No two persons travelled on the same day), starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday. Minimum two persons travelled on the same day) starting on Monday and
ending on Sunday ( of the same week). Minimum two people travelled to each country to which
three people travelled.
Anshu travelled to England on Monday. Misha travelled to Australia but neither on Tuesday nor on
Saturday. Vishu travelled on Sunday but not to France. The one who travelled to Australia travelled
on Tuesday and the one who travelled to France travelled on Saturday. Arjun travelled on
Wednesday. Rinku travelled to England but not on Thursday. Pintu did not travel to France. On the
last day of the week person did not travel to Australia.

Who was the last one to travel?

A. Anshu

B. Rinku

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C. Vishu

D. Chintu

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Vishu


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, R, S, T, V and W are seven friends who left for seven di៛�erent destinations- Delhi, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chandigarh and Faridabad, each one on a di៛�erent day of week.
R left for Faridabad on Monday. On the last day of the week the person left for Bangalore. T left
the next day of A, who left for Chandigarh and on the previous day of W. S left for Calcutta on
Friday. B did not leave for either Hyderabad or Bangalore and W left for Delhi.

On which day of the week did B leave?

A. Sunday

B. Saturday

C. Wednesday

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Saturday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, R, S, T, V and W are seven friends who left for seven di៛�erent destinations- Delhi, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chandigarh and Faridabad, each one on a di៛�erent day of week.
R left for Faridabad on Monday. On the last day of the week the person left for Bangalore. T left
the next day of A, who left for Chandigarh and on the previous day of W. S left for Calcutta on
Friday. B did not leave for either Hyderabad or Bangalore and W left for Delhi.

Who left for Bangalore?

A. T

B. A

C. V

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. V

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, R, S, T, V and W are seven friends who left for seven di៛�erent destinations- Delhi, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chandigarh and Faridabad, each one on a di៛�erent day of week.
R left for Faridabad on Monday. On the last day of the week the person left for Bangalore. T left
the next day of A, who left for Chandigarh and on the previous day of W. S left for Calcutta on
Friday. B did not leave for either Hyderabad or Bangalore and W left for Delhi.

On which day of the week did T leave?

A. Tuesday

B. Thursday

C. Sunday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Wednesday

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, R, S, T, V and W are seven friends who left for seven di៛�erent destinations- Delhi, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chandigarh and Faridabad, each one on a di៛�erent day of week.
R left for Faridabad on Monday. On the last day of the week the person left for Bangalore. T left
the next day of A, who left for Chandigarh and on the previous day of W. S left for Calcutta on
Friday. B did not leave for either Hyderabad or Bangalore and W left for Delhi.

Which of the following combination of person-place is not correct?

A. R-Faridabad

B. A-Chandigarh

C. T-Hyderabad

D. V-Bangalore

E. All are correct

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. All are correct

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, R, S, T, V and W are seven friends who left for seven di៛�erent destinations- Delhi, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chandigarh and Faridabad, each one on a di៛�erent day of week.
R left for Faridabad on Monday. On the last day of the week the person left for Bangalore. T left
the next day of A, who left for Chandigarh and on the previous day of W. S left for Calcutta on
Friday. B did not leave for either Hyderabad or Bangalore and W left for Delhi.

Who left on Tuesday?

A. A

B. W

C. B

D. V

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully to answer the given question:
Seven persons, namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R will appear for a di�erent exam but not necessarily
in the same order, in seven di�erent months (of the same year) namely January, February, April,
May, July, September and December. Each of them also likes a di�erent genre of TV shows namely
Family, Action, Comedy, Reality, Animated, History and Thriller but not necessarily in the same
O will appear for an exam in a month which has only 30 days. Only one person will appear
between the one who likes animated shows and O. the one who likes Action will appear for an
exam immediately before the one who likes Animated Shows. The one who likes Thriller will
appear for an exam neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days.
Only two persons will appear for an exam between the one who likes Thriller and Q. M will appear
for an exam immediately after Q and does not likes Action Shows. R will appear for an exam
immediately before N. P likes History shows and appear for exam in December. The one who likes
Family shows will appear for an exam in a month which has 31 days. O does not like Comedy

Which of the following genres of TV shows does O like?

A. History

B. Thriller

C. Family

D. Action

E. Reality

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Reality

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the given information carefully to answer the given question:
Seven persons, namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R will appear for a di�erent exam but not necessarily
in the same order, in seven di�erent months (of the same year) namely January, February, April,
May, July, September and December. Each of them also likes a di�erent genre of TV shows namely
Family, Action, Comedy, Reality, Animated, History and Thriller but not necessarily in the same
O will appear for an exam in a month which has only 30 days. Only one person will appear
between the one who likes animated shows and O. the one who likes Action will appear for an
exam immediately before the one who likes Animated Shows. The one who likes Thriller will
appear for an exam neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days.
Only two persons will appear for an exam between the one who likes Thriller and Q. M will appear
for an exam immediately after Q and does not likes Action Shows. R will appear for an exam
immediately before N. P likes History shows and appear for exam in December. The one who likes
Family shows will appear for an exam in a month which has 31 days. O does not like Comedy

How many persons will appear for an exam between the months on which N and L will appear for
an exam?

A. One

B. None

C. Three

D. Two

E. More than three

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. One


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully to answer the given question:
Seven persons, namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R will appear for a di�erent exam but not necessarily
in the same order, in seven di�erent months (of the same year) namely January, February, April,
May, July, September and December. Each of them also likes a di�erent genre of TV shows namely
Family, Action, Comedy, Reality, Animated, History and Thriller but not necessarily in the same
O will appear for an exam in a month which has only 30 days. Only one person will appear
between the one who likes animated shows and O. the one who likes Action will appear for an
exam immediately before the one who likes Animated Shows. The one who likes Thriller will
appear for an exam neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days.
Only two persons will appear for an exam between the one who likes Thriller and Q. M will appear
for an exam immediately after Q and does not likes Action Shows. R will appear for an exam
immediately before N. P likes History shows and appear for exam in December. The one who likes
Family shows will appear for an exam in a month which has 31 days. O does not like Comedy

As per the given arrangement, January is related to Reality shows and February is related to Action
shows following a certain pattern, with which of the following is July related to following the same

A. Family shows

B. Thriller shows

C. Comedy shows

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D. History shows

E. Animated shows

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. History shows


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the given information carefully to answer the given question:
Seven persons, namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R will appear for a di�erent exam but not necessarily
in the same order, in seven di�erent months (of the same year) namely January, February, April,
May, July, September and December. Each of them also likes a di�erent genre of TV shows namely
Family, Action, Comedy, Reality, Animated, History and Thriller but not necessarily in the same
O will appear for an exam in a month which has only 30 days. Only one person will appear
between the one who likes animated shows and O. the one who likes Action will appear for an
exam immediately before the one who likes Animated Shows. The one who likes Thriller will
appear for an exam neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days.
Only two persons will appear for an exam between the one who likes Thriller and Q. M will appear
for an exam immediately after Q and does not likes Action Shows. R will appear for an exam
immediately before N. P likes History shows and appear for exam in December. The one who likes
Family shows will appear for an exam in a month which has 31 days. O does not like Comedy

Which of the following represents the month in which L will appear for an exam?

A. December

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B. May

C. July

D. September

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. May


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully to answer the given question:
Seven persons, namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R will appear for a di�erent exam but not necessarily
in the same order, in seven di�erent months (of the same year) namely January, February, April,
May, July, September and December. Each of them also likes a di�erent genre of TV shows namely
Family, Action, Comedy, Reality, Animated, History and Thriller but not necessarily in the same
O will appear for an exam in a month which has only 30 days. Only one person will appear
between the one who likes animated shows and O. the one who likes Action will appear for an
exam immediately before the one who likes Animated Shows. The one who likes Thriller will
appear for an exam neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days.
Only two persons will appear for an exam between the one who likes Thriller and Q. M will appear
for an exam immediately after Q and does not likes Action Shows. R will appear for an exam
immediately before N. P likes History shows and appear for exam in December. The one who likes
Family shows will appear for an exam in a month which has 31 days. O does not like Comedy

Which of the following represents the persons who will appear for an exam in January and
December respectively?

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A. N, P

B. N, M

C. R, P

D. R, M

E. M, P

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. R, P


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are seven persons–Sugam Pokharel, Nihira Joshi, Palak Muchhel, Sadhna Sargam, Sugam
Kaushik, Palak Nandini and Shubha Mudgal–who participated in a singing competition which
started on 25th May and ended on 31st May. In the 敍�rst round of the competition, each of them
performed regional songs, viz Nepali, English, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Punjabi and Bhojpuri,
but not necessarily in the same order. They like di�erent colours, viz White, Yellow, Red, Black,
Brown, Green and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Shubha Mudgal, who likes Green, performed on the fourth day of the competition but performed
neither Nepali nor English song. Two performances were held between the performance of
Shubha Mudgal and Palak Nandini, neither of whom performed on the 1st day of the week. There
was one performance between the performance of Sadhna Sargam and Palak Muchhel. But Palak
Muchhel’s performance did not happen either on 1st or on 3rd day of the competition. Palak
Muchhel likes Yellow colour and performed Nepali song. The one who performed Marathi song on
the last day of competition, likes Red colour. Nihira Joshi did not perform on the day either

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immediately before or immediately after the performance of Sadhna Sargam, who does not like
either Brown or White or Black colour. Sugam Kaushik performed immediately after Palak
Muchhel and he likes White colour. Sugam Pokharel does not like Brown colour and performed a
Bengali song. Sadhna Sargam did not perform either Bhojpuri or Punjabi song. The one who
performed in Kannada was scheduled immediately after the performance of the Nepali singer.

Which of the following combinations is de敍�nitely false regarding their schedule?

A. Palak Muchhel -Yellow-Nepali

B. Sadhna Sargam-Pink-English

C. Sugam Pokharel-Black-Bengali

D. Shubha Mudgal -Green-Marathi

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Shubha Mudgal -Green-Marathi


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are seven persons–Sugam Pokharel, Nihira Joshi, Palak Muchhel, Sadhna Sargam, Sugam
Kaushik, Palak Nandini and Shubha Mudgal–who participated in a singing competition which
started on 25th May and ended on 31st May. In the 敍�rst round of the competition, each of them
performed regional songs, viz Nepali, English, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Punjabi and Bhojpuri,
but not necessarily in the same order. They like di�erent colours, viz White, Yellow, Red, Black,
Brown, Green and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Shubha Mudgal, who likes Green, performed on the fourth day of the competition but performed
neither Nepali nor English song. Two performances were held between the performance of
Shubha Mudgal and Palak Nandini, neither of whom performed on the 1st day of the week. There
was one performance between the performance of Sadhna Sargam and Palak Muchhel. But Palak
Muchhel’s performance did not happen either on 1st or on 3rd day of the competition. Palak
Muchhel likes Yellow colour and performed Nepali song. The one who performed Marathi song on
the last day of competition, likes Red colour. Nihira Joshi did not perform on the day either
immediately before or immediately after the performance of Sadhna Sargam, who does not like
either Brown or White or Black colour. Sugam Kaushik performed immediately after Palak
Muchhel and he likes White colour. Sugam Pokharel does not like Brown colour and performed a
Bengali song. Sadhna Sargam did not perform either Bhojpuri or Punjabi song. The one who
performed in Kannada was scheduled immediately after the performance of the Nepali singer.

Who among the following performed on the day before the performance of Nihira Joshi?

A. The person who performed Marathi song

B. The person who likes Black colour

C. The person who likes Yellow colour

D. The person who likes White colour

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are seven persons–Sugam Pokharel, Nihira Joshi, Palak Muchhel, Sadhna Sargam, Sugam
Kaushik, Palak Nandini and Shubha Mudgal–who participated in a singing competition which
started on 25th May and ended on 31st May. In the 敍�rst round of the competition, each of them
performed regional songs, viz Nepali, English, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Punjabi and Bhojpuri,
but not necessarily in the same order. They like di�erent colours, viz White, Yellow, Red, Black,
Brown, Green and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Shubha Mudgal, who likes Green, performed on the fourth day of the competition but performed
neither Nepali nor English song. Two performances were held between the performance of
Shubha Mudgal and Palak Nandini, neither of whom performed on the 1st day of the week. There
was one performance between the performance of Sadhna Sargam and Palak Muchhel. But Palak
Muchhel’s performance did not happen either on 1st or on 3rd day of the competition. Palak
Muchhel likes Yellow colour and performed Nepali song. The one who performed Marathi song on
the last day of competition, likes Red colour. Nihira Joshi did not perform on the day either
immediately before or immediately after the performance of Sadhna Sargam, who does not like
either Brown or White or Black colour. Sugam Kaushik performed immediately after Palak
Muchhel and he likes White colour. Sugam Pokharel does not like Brown colour and performed a
Bengali song. Sadhna Sargam did not perform either Bhojpuri or Punjabi song. The one who
performed in Kannada was scheduled immediately after the performance of the Nepali singer.

Who sings Punjabi song?

A. Shubha Mudgal

B. Sadhna Sargam

C. Nihira Joshi

D. Either Nihira Joshi or Shubha Mudgal

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Either Nihira Joshi or Shubha Mudgal

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are seven persons–Sugam Pokharel, Nihira Joshi, Palak Muchhel, Sadhna Sargam, Sugam
Kaushik, Palak Nandini and Shubha Mudgal–who participated in a singing competition which
started on 25th May and ended on 31st May. In the 敍�rst round of the competition, each of them
performed regional songs, viz Nepali, English, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Punjabi and Bhojpuri,
but not necessarily in the same order. They like di�erent colours, viz White, Yellow, Red, Black,
Brown, Green and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Shubha Mudgal, who likes Green, performed on the fourth day of the competition but performed
neither Nepali nor English song. Two performances were held between the performance of
Shubha Mudgal and Palak Nandini, neither of whom performed on the 1st day of the week. There
was one performance between the performance of Sadhna Sargam and Palak Muchhel. But Palak
Muchhel’s performance did not happen either on 1st or on 3rd day of the competition. Palak
Muchhel likes Yellow colour and performed Nepali song. The one who performed Marathi song on
the last day of competition, likes Red colour. Nihira Joshi did not perform on the day either
immediately before or immediately after the performance of Sadhna Sargam, who does not like
either Brown or White or Black colour. Sugam Kaushik performed immediately after Palak
Muchhel and he likes White colour. Sugam Pokharel does not like Brown colour and performed a
Bengali song. Sadhna Sargam did not perform either Bhojpuri or Punjabi song. The one who
performed in Kannada was scheduled immediately after the performance of the Nepali singer.

If ‘ Shubha Mudgal’ is related to ‘ Yellow’, ‘ Sugam Kaushik’ is related to ‘ Red’, then which of the
following is ‘ Sadhna Sargam’ related to?

A. Brown

B. Green

C. Black

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D. Pink

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Green


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are seven persons–Sugam Pokharel, Nihira Joshi, Palak Muchhel, Sadhna Sargam, Sugam
Kaushik, Palak Nandini and Shubha Mudgal–who participated in a singing competition which
started on 25th May and ended on 31st May. In the 敍�rst round of the competition, each of them
performed regional songs, viz Nepali, English, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Punjabi and Bhojpuri,
but not necessarily in the same order. They like di�erent colours, viz White, Yellow, Red, Black,
Brown, Green and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.
Shubha Mudgal, who likes Green, performed on the fourth day of the competition but performed
neither Nepali nor English song. Two performances were held between the performance of
Shubha Mudgal and Palak Nandini, neither of whom performed on the 1st day of the week. There
was one performance between the performance of Sadhna Sargam and Palak Muchhel. But Palak
Muchhel’s performance did not happen either on 1st or on 3rd day of the competition. Palak
Muchhel likes Yellow colour and performed Nepali song. The one who performed Marathi song on
the last day of competition, likes Red colour. Nihira Joshi did not perform on the day either
immediately before or immediately after the performance of Sadhna Sargam, who does not like
either Brown or White or Black colour. Sugam Kaushik performed immediately after Palak
Muchhel and he likes White colour. Sugam Pokharel does not like Brown colour and performed a
Bengali song. Sadhna Sargam did not perform either Bhojpuri or Punjabi song. The one who
performed in Kannada was scheduled immediately after the performance of the Nepali singer.

Which of the following combinations is true?

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A. Sugam Pokharel’s performance was held on the 敍�fth day of the week.

B. Sugam Kaushik likes Green colour.

C. Sadhna Sargam sings Nepali song.

D. Sugam Kaushik’s performance was scheduled before Palak Muchhel but after Palak Nandini.

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
Six Test paper Maths, Reasoning, History, Economics, English and Hindi are to be scheduled in a
week (starting from 2nd July on Monday and ending on 8th July with Sunday being an o� day), not
necessarily in the same order. Each of the test paper has di�erent time duration: 20 mins, 50
mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 85 mins and 100 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
8th July is Sunday. A test paper of 20 mins is scheduled before Wednesday. Maths test paper is for
less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before English test paper. There are two test
paper scheduled between Hindi test paper which is for 100 mins and History test paper which is
for 60 mins. English test paper is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and
Maths test paper. Economics test paper which is for 75 mins is not scheduled on 2ndJuly. The test
paper schedules on Saturday is of 100 mins.

How many test papers are scheduled before Sunday?

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A. Two

B. One

C. Five

D. Three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
Six Test paper Maths, Reasoning, History, Economics, English and Hindi are to be scheduled in a
week (starting from 2nd July on Monday and ending on 8th July with Sunday being an o� day), not
necessarily in the same order. Each of the test paper has di�erent time duration: 20 mins, 50
mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 85 mins and 100 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
8th July is Sunday. A test paper of 20 mins is scheduled before Wednesday. Maths test paper is for
less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before English test paper. There are two test
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paper scheduled between Hindi test paper which is for 100 mins and History test paper which is
for 60 mins. English test paper is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and
Maths test paper. Economics test paper which is for 75 mins is not scheduled on 2ndJuly. The test
paper schedules on Saturday is of 100 mins.

Which of the following combinations of test paper - Day - Time Duration is correct ?

A. English - Wednesday - 75 mins

B. Maths - Thursday - 50 mins

C. History - Thursday – 60 mins

D. Hindi - Tuesday - 100 mins

E. None is correct

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Maths - Thursday - 50 mins


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
Six Test paper Maths, Reasoning, History, Economics, English and Hindi are to be scheduled in a
week (starting from 2nd July on Monday and ending on 8th July with Sunday being an o� day), not
necessarily in the same order. Each of the test paper has di�erent time duration: 20 mins, 50
mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 85 mins and 100 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
8th July is Sunday. A test paper of 20 mins is scheduled before Wednesday. Maths test paper is for
less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before English test paper. There are two test
paper scheduled between Hindi test paper which is for 100 mins and History test paper which is
for 60 mins. English test paper is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and
Maths test paper. Economics test paper which is for 75 mins is not scheduled on 2ndJuly. The test
paper schedules on Saturday is of 100 mins.

What is the time duration of Reasoning test paper?

A. 85 mins

B. 75 mins

C. 50 mins

D. 20 mins

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 20 mins

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
Six Test paper Maths, Reasoning, History, Economics, English and Hindi are to be scheduled in a
week (starting from 2nd July on Monday and ending on 8th July with Sunday being an o� day), not
necessarily in the same order. Each of the test paper has di�erent time duration: 20 mins, 50
mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 85 mins and 100 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
8th July is Sunday. A test paper of 20 mins is scheduled before Wednesday. Maths test paper is for
less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before English test paper. There are two test
paper scheduled between Hindi test paper which is for 100 mins and History test paper which is
for 60 mins. English test paper is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and
Maths test paper. Economics test paper which is for 75 mins is not scheduled on 2ndJuly. The test
paper schedules on Saturday is of 100 mins.

On which day is Economics test paper scheduled?

A. Monday

B. Saturday

C. Tuesday

D. Friday

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E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Tuesday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
Six Test paper Maths, Reasoning, History, Economics, English and Hindi are to be scheduled in a
week (starting from 2nd July on Monday and ending on 8th July with Sunday being an o� day), not
necessarily in the same order. Each of the test paper has di�erent time duration: 20 mins, 50
mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 85 mins and 100 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
8th July is Sunday. A test paper of 20 mins is scheduled before Wednesday. Maths test paper is for
less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before English test paper. There are two test
paper scheduled between Hindi test paper which is for 100 mins and History test paper which is
for 60 mins. English test paper is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and
Maths test paper. Economics test paper which is for 75 mins is not scheduled on 2ndJuly. The test
paper schedules on Saturday is of 100 mins.

Which of the following subjects is of 100 minutes?

A. Hindi

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B. English

C. Maths

D. History

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Hindi


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
Six Test paper Maths, Reasoning, History, Economics, English and Hindi are to be scheduled in a
week (starting from 2nd July on Monday and ending on 8th July with Sunday being an o� day), not
necessarily in the same order. Each of the test paper has di�erent time duration: 20 mins, 50
mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 85 mins and 100 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
8th July is Sunday. A test paper of 20 mins is scheduled before Wednesday. Maths test paper is for
less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before English test paper. There are two test
paper scheduled between Hindi test paper which is for 100 mins and History test paper which is
for 60 mins. English test paper is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and
Maths test paper. Economics test paper which is for 75 mins is not scheduled on 2ndJuly. The test
paper schedules on Saturday is of 100 mins.
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On which day is English test paper scheduled?

A. Monday

B. Saturday

C. Tuesday

D. Friday

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Friday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
Six Test paper Maths, Reasoning, History, Economics, English and Hindi are to be scheduled in a
week (starting from 2nd July on Monday and ending on 8th July with Sunday being an o� day), not
necessarily in the same order. Each of the test paper has di�erent time duration: 20 mins, 50
mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 85 mins and 100 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
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8th July is Sunday. A test paper of 20 mins is scheduled before Wednesday. Maths test paper is for
less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before English test paper. There are two test
paper scheduled between Hindi test paper which is for 100 mins and History test paper which is
for 60 mins. English test paper is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and
Maths test paper. Economics test paper which is for 75 mins is not scheduled on 2ndJuly. The test
paper schedules on Saturday is of 100 mins.

What is the duration of Maths test paper?

A. 20 minutes

B. 50 minutes

C. Either 20 or 50 minutes

D. None of these

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. 50 minutes


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
An organization decided to distribute seven types of laptops on week days starting from Monday
to Sunday. The seven laptops are to be distributed are of Sony, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Dell, Hp and
HCL but not necessarily in the same order. Dell laptops are to be given on Saturday. Lenovo
laptops are given just after Asus laptop and Asus laptops are not given on Wednesday. Hp laptops
are given two days after the distribution of Asus laptop. Acer laptops are distributed just after
Sony laptop. HCL laptops are distributed before Acer laptops. Hp laptops are distributed after dell

On which day of the week Lenovo laptops are distributed?

A. Tuesday

B. Wednesday

C. Friday

D. Sunday

E. Monday

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Friday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
An organization decided to distribute seven types of laptops on week days starting from Monday
to Sunday. The seven laptops are to be distributed are of Sony, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Dell, Hp and
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HCL but not necessarily in the same order. Dell laptops are to be given on Saturday. Lenovo
laptops are given just after Asus laptop and Asus laptops are not given on Wednesday. Hp laptops
are given two days after the distribution of Asus laptop. Acer laptops are distributed just after
Sony laptop. HCL laptops are distributed before Acer laptops. Hp laptops are distributed after dell

Which laptops are distributed just between the days when Lenovo and Hp are distributed?

A. Asus

B. Dell

C. Sony


E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Dell


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
An organization decided to distribute seven types of laptops on week days starting from Monday
to Sunday. The seven laptops are to be distributed are of Sony, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Dell, Hp and
HCL but not necessarily in the same order. Dell laptops are to be given on Saturday. Lenovo
laptops are given just after Asus laptop and Asus laptops are not given on Wednesday. Hp laptops
are given two days after the distribution of Asus laptop. Acer laptops are distributed just after

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Sony laptop. HCL laptops are distributed before Acer laptops. Hp laptops are distributed after dell

Which laptops are distributed on Wednesday?

A. Acer

B. Lenovo


D. Hp

E. Sony

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Acer


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
An organization decided to distribute seven types of laptops on week days starting from Monday
to Sunday. The seven laptops are to be distributed are of Sony, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Dell, Hp and
HCL but not necessarily in the same order. Dell laptops are to be given on Saturday. Lenovo
laptops are given just after Asus laptop and Asus laptops are not given on Wednesday. Hp laptops
are given two days after the distribution of Asus laptop. Acer laptops are distributed just after
Sony laptop. HCL laptops are distributed before Acer laptops. Hp laptops are distributed after dell

On which day of the week Asus laptops are distributed?

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A. Monday

B. Sunday

C. Tuesday

D. Wednesday

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
An organization decided to distribute seven types of laptops on week days starting from Monday
to Sunday. The seven laptops are to be distributed are of Sony, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Dell, Hp and
HCL but not necessarily in the same order. Dell laptops are to be given on Saturday. Lenovo
laptops are given just after Asus laptop and Asus laptops are not given on Wednesday. Hp laptops
are given two days after the distribution of Asus laptop. Acer laptops are distributed just after
Sony laptop. HCL laptops are distributed before Acer laptops. Hp laptops are distributed after dell

If HCL is related with Tuesday, Sony is related with Wednesday, similarly Lenovo is related with
which day?

A. Thursday
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B. Friday

C. Saturday

D. Sunday

E. None of the above

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Saturday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
An organization decided to distribute seven types of laptops on week days starting from Monday
to Sunday. The seven laptops are to be distributed are of Sony, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Dell, Hp and
HCL but not necessarily in the same order. Dell laptops are to be given on Saturday. Lenovo
laptops are given just after Asus laptop and Asus laptops are not given on Wednesday. Hp laptops
are given two days after the distribution of Asus laptop. Acer laptops are distributed just after
Sony laptop. HCL laptops are distributed before Acer laptops. Hp laptops are distributed after dell

Which laptops are distributed in the middle of the week?

A. Acer

B. Asus

C. Lenovo
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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Asus


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are teaching seven subjects History, Geography, Physics, Hindi,
Maths, Biology and English from Monday to Friday. Each person teaches a di�erent subject and
not more than two subjects are taught on any one of the days.
Hindi is taught by B on Tuesday.
D teaches on Friday but neither Geography nor Physics.
F teaches History but neither on Thursday nor on Friday.
A teaches English on the day on which History is taught.
C teaches Maths on Monday.
Geography and Hindi are taught on the same day.
G teaches on Thursday.

English is taught on which day?

A. Wednesday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

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D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Wednesday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are teaching seven subjects History, Geography, Physics, Hindi,
Maths, Biology and English from Monday to Friday. Each person teaches a di�erent subject and
not more than two subjects are taught on any one of the days.
Hindi is taught by B on Tuesday.
D teaches on Friday but neither Geography nor Physics.
F teaches History but neither on Thursday nor on Friday.
A teaches English on the day on which History is taught.
C teaches Maths on Monday.
Geography and Hindi are taught on the same day.
G teaches on Thursday.

Which of the following subjects is taught by G?

A. Biology

B. Geography

C. Physics

D. Hindi
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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Physics


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are teaching seven subjects History, Geography, Physics, Hindi,
Maths, Biology and English from Monday to Friday. Each person teaches a di�erent subject and
not more than two subjects are taught on any one of the days.
Hindi is taught by B on Tuesday.
D teaches on Friday but neither Geography nor Physics.
F teaches History but neither on Thursday nor on Friday.
A teaches English on the day on which History is taught.
C teaches Maths on Monday.
Geography and Hindi are taught on the same day.
G teaches on Thursday.

Geography is taught on which day?

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

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E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Tuesday


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are teaching seven subjects History, Geography, Physics, Hindi,
Maths, Biology and English from Monday to Friday. Each person teaches a di�erent subject and
not more than two subjects are taught on any one of the days.
Hindi is taught by B on Tuesday.
D teaches on Friday but neither Geography nor Physics.
F teaches History but neither on Thursday nor on Friday.
A teaches English on the day on which History is taught.
C teaches Maths on Monday.
Geography and Hindi are taught on the same day.
G teaches on Thursday.

Which subject is taught on Friday?

A. Physics

B. History

C. Geography

D. Biology

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Biology


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are teaching seven subjects History, Geography, Physics, Hindi,
Maths, Biology and English from Monday to Friday. Each person teaches a di�erent subject and
not more than two subjects are taught on any one of the days.
Hindi is taught by B on Tuesday.
D teaches on Friday but neither Geography nor Physics.
F teaches History but neither on Thursday nor on Friday.
A teaches English on the day on which History is taught.
C teaches Maths on Monday.
Geography and Hindi are taught on the same day.
G teaches on Thursday.

Which of the following pairs of persons teaches on Tuesday?

A. B and D

B. A and B

C. B and F

D. B and E

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. B and E


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

Which of the following is true regarding A?

A. The person from UCO bank faces A.

B. The person from Bank of Maharashtra is an immediate neighbor of A.

C. A faces the person who sits second to the right of R.

D. A is from Oriental bank of Commerce.

E. A sits at one of the extreme ends of the line.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. The person from Bank of Maharashtra is an immediate neighbor of A.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

Who is seated between R and the person from PNB?

A. The person from Oriental bank of Commerce

B. P

C. Q

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D. The person from Syndicate bank

E. S

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. S


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?

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A. D and the person from PNB.

B. The person from Indian bank and UCO bank.

C. The person from Dena bank and P.

D. The person from Syndicate bank and D.

E. C, Q.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. The person from Syndicate bank and D.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

Who amongst the following facing the person from Bank of Maharashtra?

A. The person from Indian bank.

B. P

C. R

D. The person from Syndicate bank.

E. The person from Canara bank.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. The person from Indian bank.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

P is related to Dena bank in the same way as B is related to PNB based on the given arrangement.
To whom amongst the following is D related to, following the same pattern?

A. Syndicate bank

B. Canara bank

C. Bank of Maharashtra

D. Indian bank

E. Oriental bank of Commerce

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Indian bank

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

Four of the following ퟖve are alike in certain way and thus formed a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?

A. Canara bank

B. R

C. Syndicate bank
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D. Q

E. Oriental bank of Commerce

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

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Who amongst the following is from Syndicate bank?

A. C

B. R

C. P

D. D

E. A

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. P


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight persons from di㙕�erent banks viz., UCO bank, Syndicate bank, Canara bank, PNB, Dena bank,
Oriental bank of commerce, Indian bank and bank of Maharashtra are sitting in two parallel rows
containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S
are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
C sits second to the right of person from Bank of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbor of the
person who faces the person from bank of Maharashtra.
Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person
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from PNB faces the person from Canara bank.
The person from UCO bank faces the person from Oriental bank of commerce. R is not from
oriental bank of commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not face the person from Bank of
Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from bank of Maharashtra does
not face the person from Syndicate bank.

C is from which of the following banks?

A. Dena bank

B. Oriental bank of Commerce

C. UCO bank

D. Syndicate bank

E. Canara bank

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Canara bank


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ퟖve people each in such a way that there is
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equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Radhey , Krishna, Shyam, Hari and Yuvi are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Manju,
Jai, lalu, Nagi and Kumar are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Radhey sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only one people sit between Yuvi and Shyam
,who sits immediate left of krishna. Manju sits third to the left of the person who faces Hari.
Kumar and Radhey sit diagonally. Nagi sits immediate right of the person who faces shyam. Jai
does not face Shyam.

Who among the following is facing Manju?

A. Radhey

B. Krishna

C. Shyam

D. Yuvi

E. Hari

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Radhey


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Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ퟖve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Radhey , Krishna, Shyam, Hari and Yuvi are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Manju,
Jai, lalu, Nagi and Kumar are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Radhey sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only one people sit between Yuvi and Shyam
,who sits immediate left of krishna. Manju sits third to the left of the person who faces Hari.
Kumar and Radhey sit diagonally. Nagi sits immediate right of the person who faces shyam. Jai
does not face Shyam.

Four of the following ퟖve are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence
form a group. Who among the following does not belong to that group?

A. Nagi, Kumar

B. Jai, Lalu

C. Manju, Lalu

D. krishna, Radhey

E. Hari, Shyam

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Manju, Lalu

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ퟖve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Radhey , Krishna, Shyam, Hari and Yuvi are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Manju,
Jai, lalu, Nagi and Kumar are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Radhey sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only one people sit between Yuvi and Shyam
,who sits immediate left of krishna. Manju sits third to the left of the person who faces Hari.
Kumar and Radhey sit diagonally. Nagi sits immediate right of the person who faces shyam. Jai
does not face Shyam.

What is the position of Radhey with respect to Hari?

A. Third to the right

B. Immediate left

C. Second to the left

D. Second to the right

E. Immediate right

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. Third to the right


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ퟖve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Radhey , Krishna, Shyam, Hari and Yuvi are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Manju,
Jai, lalu, Nagi and Kumar are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Radhey sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only one people sit between Yuvi and Shyam
,who sits immediate left of krishna. Manju sits third to the left of the person who faces Hari.
Kumar and Radhey sit diagonally. Nagi sits immediate right of the person who faces shyam. Jai
does not face Shyam.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Nagi?

A. Only two persons sit between Nagi and Manju.

B. Nagi sits at an extreme end of the row -1

C. Nagi faces one of the immediate neighbours of Krishna.

D. None of the given statements is true

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E. Lalu sits on the immediate right of Nagi.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Only two persons sit between Nagi and Manju.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ퟖve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Radhey , Krishna, Shyam, Hari and Yuvi are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Manju,
Jai, lalu, Nagi and Kumar are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Radhey sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only one people sit between Yuvi and Shyam
,who sits immediate left of krishna. Manju sits third to the left of the person who faces Hari.
Kumar and Radhey sit diagonally. Nagi sits immediate right of the person who faces shyam. Jai
does not face Shyam.

Who among the following is facing Shyam?

A. Nagi

B. Manju

C. Kumar
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D. Jai

E. Lalu

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Lalu


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ퟖve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Radhey , Krishna, Shyam, Hari and Yuvi are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Manju,
Jai, lalu, Nagi and Kumar are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Radhey sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only one people sit between Yuvi and Shyam
,who sits immediate left of krishna. Manju sits third to the left of the person who faces Hari.
Kumar and Radhey sit diagonally. Nagi sits immediate right of the person who faces shyam. Jai
does not face Shyam.

Who among the following is facing Kumar?

A. Nagi

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B. Manju

C. Other than given options

D. Jai

E. Lalu

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Other than given options


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information to answer the given questions.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
the are facing south while some are facing North.(NOTE: Same direction means that if one person
is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other
person also faces south. Opposite direction means thet if one person is facing north then the
other person facer south and vice versa.)
V faces south. Q sits immediate left of P, who sits at one of the extreme end. Only two people sit
between T and Q. U sits third to the right of W. W is an immediate neighbour of neither T nor Q.
Both the immediate neighbours of S face north. S is not immediate neighbours of W. T faces the
opposite direction that of Q. the immediate neighbours of Q face opposite direction (ie if one
neighbour faces north then the other faces south and vice versa). Persons sitting at extreme ends
face same directions. R faces a direction opposite that of S.P is not near to U.Both the immediate
neighbor of U face opposite direction. V is not seated next to T.

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How many persons are seated between T and P?

A. Four

B. More than four

C. One

D. Three

E. Two

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Three


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
the are facing south while some are facing North.(NOTE: Same direction means that if one person
is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other
person also faces south. Opposite direction means thet if one person is facing north then the
other person facer south and vice versa.)
V faces south. Q sits immediate left of P, who sits at one of the extreme end. Only two people sit
between T and Q. U sits third to the right of W. W is an immediate neighbour of neither T nor Q.
Both the immediate neighbours of S face north. S is not immediate neighbours of W. T faces the
opposite direction that of Q. the immediate neighbours of Q face opposite direction (ie if one
neighbour faces north then the other faces south and vice versa). Persons sitting at extreme ends
face same directions. R faces a direction opposite that of S.P is not near to U.Both the immediate
neighbor of U face opposite direction. V is not seated next to T.

Which of the following pairs represents persons seated at the two extreme ends of the line?

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A. R,T

B. P,V

C. P.U

D. O,R

E. R,S

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. P,V


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
the are facing south while some are facing North.(NOTE: Same direction means that if one person
is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other
person also faces south. Opposite direction means thet if one person is facing north then the
other person facer south and vice versa.)
V faces south. Q sits immediate left of P, who sits at one of the extreme end. Only two people sit
between T and Q. U sits third to the right of W. W is an immediate neighbour of neither T nor Q.
Both the immediate neighbours of S face north. S is not immediate neighbours of W. T faces the
opposite direction that of Q. the immediate neighbours of Q face opposite direction (ie if one
neighbour faces north then the other faces south and vice versa). Persons sitting at extreme ends
face same directions. R faces a direction opposite that of S.P is not near to U.Both the immediate
neighbor of U face opposite direction. V is not seated next to T.

Four of the following ퟖve are a like in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a
group.which is the one that does not belong to that group?

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A. R

B. U

C. P

D. W

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. U


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
the are facing south while some are facing North.(NOTE: Same direction means that if one person
is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other
person also faces south. Opposite direction means thet if one person is facing north then the
other person facer south and vice versa.)
V faces south. Q sits immediate left of P, who sits at one of the extreme end. Only two people sit
between T and Q. U sits third to the right of W. W is an immediate neighbour of neither T nor Q.
Both the immediate neighbours of S face north. S is not immediate neighbours of W. T faces the
opposite direction that of Q. the immediate neighbours of Q face opposite direction (ie if one
neighbour faces north then the other faces south and vice versa). Persons sitting at extreme ends
face same directions. R faces a direction opposite that of S.P is not near to U.Both the immediate
neighbor of U face opposite direction. V is not seated next to T.

Which of the following is true about V with respect to the given arrangement?

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A. Only two people sits between V and Q.

B. Only one person sits to the right of V.

C. None of the given option is true.

D. U is one of the immediate neighbours of V.

E. T sits second to the right of V.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. None of the given option is true.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
the are facing south while some are facing North.(NOTE: Same direction means that if one person
is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other
person also faces south. Opposite direction means thet if one person is facing north then the
other person facer south and vice versa.)
V faces south. Q sits immediate left of P, who sits at one of the extreme end. Only two people sit
between T and Q. U sits third to the right of W. W is an immediate neighbour of neither T nor Q.
Both the immediate neighbours of S face north. S is not immediate neighbours of W. T faces the
opposite direction that of Q. the immediate neighbours of Q face opposite direction (ie if one
neighbour faces north then the other faces south and vice versa). Persons sitting at extreme ends
face same directions. R faces a direction opposite that of S.P is not near to U.Both the immediate
neighbor of U face opposite direction. V is not seated next to T.

What is the position of U with respect to Q?

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A. Second to the right

B. Fifth to the left

C. Second to the left

D. Fourth to the right

E. Third to the left

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Second to the right


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
A, Q, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting in a straight line but not facing south. Three of them are not
males. Two females sit adjacent to each other. Q is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the
right of C, who is not the immediate neighbour of A. F is fourth to the right of C and second to the
left of K. D is not a male. One of the person sitting on the extreme ends is a female. E is not a
immediate neighbour og either G or F. No female is an immediate neighbour of F. H does not sit
second to the left of A. The immediate neighbours of D are male.

In which of the following combination is the third person sitting between the ퟖrst and second

A. F, G, A

B. C, G, E

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C. A, G, D

D. H, K, Q

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. F, G, A


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
A, Q, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting in a straight line but not facing south. Three of them are not
males. Two females sit adjacent to each other. Q is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the
right of C, who is not the immediate neighbour of A. F is fourth to the right of C and second to the
left of K. D is not a male. One of the person sitting on the extreme ends is a female. E is not a
immediate neighbour og either G or F. No female is an immediate neighbour of F. H does not sit
second to the left of A. The immediate neighbours of D are male.

Who among the following sis ퟖfth to the right of E?

A. F

B. H

C. A

D. Can’t be determined

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
A, Q, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting in a straight line but not facing south. Three of them are not
males. Two females sit adjacent to each other. Q is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the
right of C, who is not the immediate neighbour of A. F is fourth to the right of C and second to the
left of K. D is not a male. One of the person sitting on the extreme ends is a female. E is not a
immediate neighbour og either G or F. No female is an immediate neighbour of F. H does not sit
second to the left of A. The immediate neighbours of D are male.

Which the following is a group of females?

A. C, E, D

B. E, Q, D

C. G, A, C

D. C, G

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
A, Q, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting in a straight line but not facing south. Three of them are not
males. Two females sit adjacent to each other. Q is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the
right of C, who is not the immediate neighbour of A. F is fourth to the right of C and second to the
left of K. D is not a male. One of the person sitting on the extreme ends is a female. E is not a
immediate neighbour og either G or F. No female is an immediate neighbour of F. H does not sit
second to the left of A. The immediate neighbours of D are male.

Which of the following is the group of immediate neighbours of D?

A. G, A

B. F, C

C. K, Q

D. C, G

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. C, G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
A, Q, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting in a straight line but not facing south. Three of them are not
males. Two females sit adjacent to each other. Q is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the
right of C, who is not the immediate neighbour of A. F is fourth to the right of C and second to the
left of K. D is not a male. One of the person sitting on the extreme ends is a female. E is not a
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immediate neighbour og either G or F. No female is an immediate neighbour of F. H does not sit
second to the left of A. The immediate neighbours of D are male.

If Q and C, and G and F interchange their places then how many persons are sitting between C and

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

E. Six

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Five


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
A, Q, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting in a straight line but not facing south. Three of them are not
males. Two females sit adjacent to each other. Q is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the
right of C, who is not the immediate neighbour of A. F is fourth to the right of C and second to the
left of K. D is not a male. One of the person sitting on the extreme ends is a female. E is not a
immediate neighbour og either G or F. No female is an immediate neighbour of F. H does not sit
second to the left of A. The immediate neighbours of D are male.

Which of the following is the group of immediate neighbours of G?

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A. G, A

B. F, C

C. K, Q

D. C, D

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U and immediate left of P who sits at one of the extreme end. Two
persons sit between P and Q. R is not an immediate neighbor of U. A does not face U.
F sits third to the right of D who sits immediate left of C . One person sits between B and D. F is
not an immediate neighbor of B .

Who amongst the following are sitting at the extreme ends of the rows?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. TB


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U and immediate left of P who sits at one of the extreme end. Two
persons sit between P and Q. R is not an immediate neighbor of U. A does not face U.
F sits third to the right of D who sits immediate left of C . One person sits between B and D. F is
not an immediate neighbor of B .

What is the position of S with respect to R?

A. Immediate right

B. Second to the right

C. Third to the left

D. Second to the left

E. Fourth to the right

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Immediate right


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
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them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U and immediate left of P who sits at one of the extreme end. Two
persons sit between P and Q. R is not an immediate neighbor of U. A does not face U.
F sits third to the right of D who sits immediate left of C . One person sits between B and D. F is
not an immediate neighbor of B .

Four of the following ꏌ�ve are alike in certain way and thus formed a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. FT


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
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of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U and immediate left of P who sits at one of the extreme end. Two
persons sit between P and Q. R is not an immediate neighbor of U. A does not face U.
F sits third to the right of D who sits immediate left of C . One person sits between B and D. F is
not an immediate neighbor of B .

What is the position of A with respect to E?

A. Second to the right

B. Second to the left

C. Third to the left

D. Third to the right

E. Immediate left

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Third to the left


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U and immediate left of P who sits at one of the extreme end. Two
persons sit between P and Q. R is not an immediate neighbor of U. A does not face U.
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F sits third to the right of D who sits immediate left of C . One person sits between B and D. F is
not an immediate neighbor of B .

If all the six persons of row 1 are asked to sit in a alphabetically order from left to right, the
positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to their original sitting position?

A. None

B. Two

C. Three

D. One

E. More than three

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Two


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Six people C, D, E, F, G and H are standing in a straight line facing north not necessarily in the
same order. D is standing second to the right of F. C is standing fourth to the left of H and H is not
standing on the extreme end of the line. E is standing second to the right of D.

What is the position of G with respect to E?

A. Immediate left

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B. Second to the left

C. Third to the left

D. Third to the right

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Third to the left


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Six people C, D, E, F, G and H are standing in a straight line facing north not necessarily in the
same order. D is standing second to the right of F. C is standing fourth to the left of H and H is not
standing on the extreme end of the line. E is standing second to the right of D.

Which of the following pairs represents the people standing at the extreme end of the line?





E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. CE


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Six people C, D, E, F, G and H are standing in a straight line facing north not necessarily in the
same order. D is standing second to the right of F. C is standing fourth to the left of H and H is not
standing on the extreme end of the line. E is standing second to the right of D.

Who is standing second to the right of C?

A. F

B. D

C. G

D. E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Six people C, D, E, F, G and H are standing in a straight line facing north not necessarily in the
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same order. D is standing second to the right of F. C is standing fourth to the left of H and H is not
standing on the extreme end of the line. E is standing second to the right of D.

Four of the ꏌ�ve are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and
so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. GE


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Six people C, D, E, F, G and H are standing in a straight line facing north not necessarily in the
same order. D is standing second to the right of F. C is standing fourth to the left of H and H is not
standing on the extreme end of the line. E is standing second to the right of D.

If all the people are asked to stand in an alphabetical order from left to right, the positions of how
many will remain unchanged?

A. One

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B. Two

C. Three

D. None

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. One


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven persons A,B,C,D,E,F, and G- are standing in a straight line facing North at equal distances
but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is a dĩerent professional viz. Actor, Reporter,
Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher and Painter but not necessarily in the same order.
G is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to the left of C. Reporter is standing at the third position to the
right of G. F is standing at the fourth position to the right of G. F is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to
the right of A. E is standing second to the left of B. Engineer is standing at the second position to
the left of D. Three persons are sitting between Engineer and Painter. Doctor is to the immediate
left of Engineer. Lawyer is to the immediate right of Teacher.

How many persons are there to the left of the reporter?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

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E. More than three

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. More than three


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven persons A,B,C,D,E,F, and G- are standing in a straight line facing North at equal distances
but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is a dĩerent professional viz. Actor, Reporter,
Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher and Painter but not necessarily in the same order.
G is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to the left of C. Reporter is standing at the third position to the
right of G. F is standing at the fourth position to the right of G. F is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to
the right of A. E is standing second to the left of B. Engineer is standing at the second position to
the left of D. Three persons are sitting between Engineer and Painter. Doctor is to the immediate
left of Engineer. Lawyer is to the immediate right of Teacher.

Which of the following pairs of persons are sitting at the extreme ends?

A. A and Actor

B. Engineer and C

C. Doctor and F

D. F and Lawyer

E. Teacher and Doctor.

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A and Actor


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven persons A,B,C,D,E,F, and G- are standing in a straight line facing North at equal distances
but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is a dĩerent professional viz. Actor, Reporter,
Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher and Painter but not necessarily in the same order.
G is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to the left of C. Reporter is standing at the third position to the
right of G. F is standing at the fourth position to the right of G. F is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to
the right of A. E is standing second to the left of B. Engineer is standing at the second position to
the left of D. Three persons are sitting between Engineer and Painter. Doctor is to the immediate
left of Engineer. Lawyer is to the immediate right of Teacher.

Who among the following is sitting exactly in the middle of the row?

A. Doctor

B. F

C. Lawyer

D. B

E. Teacher

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Lawyer

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven persons A,B,C,D,E,F, and G- are standing in a straight line facing North at equal distances
but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is a dĩerent professional viz. Actor, Reporter,
Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher and Painter but not necessarily in the same order.
G is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to the left of C. Reporter is standing at the third position to the
right of G. F is standing at the fourth position to the right of G. F is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to
the right of A. E is standing second to the left of B. Engineer is standing at the second position to
the left of D. Three persons are sitting between Engineer and Painter. Doctor is to the immediate
left of Engineer. Lawyer is to the immediate right of Teacher.

Who among the following is sitting second to the right of teacher?

A. Painter

B. B

C. A

D. Actor

E. Lawyer.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven persons A,B,C,D,E,F, and G- are standing in a straight line facing North at equal distances
but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is a dĩerent professional viz. Actor, Reporter,
Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher and Painter but not necessarily in the same order.
G is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to the left of C. Reporter is standing at the third position to the
right of G. F is standing at the fourth position to the right of G. F is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to
the right of A. E is standing second to the left of B. Engineer is standing at the second position to
the left of D. Three persons are sitting between Engineer and Painter. Doctor is to the immediate
left of Engineer. Lawyer is to the immediate right of Teacher.

Who among the followings are the immediate neighbours of Teacher?

A. Actor and Painter

B. B and Lawyer

C. B and Engineer

D. None of these

E. Doctor and Lawyer.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven persons A,B,C,D,E,F, and G- are standing in a straight line facing North at equal distances
but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is a dĩerent professional viz. Actor, Reporter,
Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher and Painter but not necessarily in the same order.
G is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to the left of C. Reporter is standing at the third position to the
right of G. F is standing at the fourth position to the right of G. F is standing at the ꏌ�fth position to
the right of A. E is standing second to the left of B. Engineer is standing at the second position to
the left of D. Three persons are sitting between Engineer and Painter. Doctor is to the immediate
left of Engineer. Lawyer is to the immediate right of Teacher.

Who among the following is sitting third to the left of Painter?

A. None of these

B. B

C. A

D. Actor

E. Lawyer.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people B, C, D, E,F,G,H and I are sitting in a straight line equidistant from each other (but not
necessarily in the same order). Some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Facing the same direction means, if one is facing north than other is also facing north and vice
versa. Facing the opposite direction means, if one is facing north then other is facing south and
vice versa.)
B sits third to the left of D. I faces north. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. E is not an
immediate neighbor of D. C is an immediate neighbor of H. B sits third to the right of H. H and B
faces opposite Direction. C does not sits any of the extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits
between E and G. H sits second to the left of G. F sits second to the right of C . Both the immediate
neighbours of B face the opposite directions. F faces the same direction as C. D faces the same
direction as I.

Who is sitting second to the right of B?

A. C

B. D

C. E

D. A

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. C

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people B, C, D, E,F,G,H and I are sitting in a straight line equidistant from each other (but not
necessarily in the same order). Some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Facing the same direction means, if one is facing north than other is also facing north and vice
versa. Facing the opposite direction means, if one is facing north then other is facing south and
vice versa.)
B sits third to the left of D. I faces north. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. E is not an
immediate neighbor of D. C is an immediate neighbor of H. B sits third to the right of H. H and B
faces opposite Direction. C does not sits any of the extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits
between E and G. H sits second to the left of G. F sits second to the right of C . Both the immediate
neighbours of B face the opposite directions. F faces the same direction as C. D faces the same
direction as I.

Which two people are sitting at the extreme end of the row?

A. A, E

B. E, D

C. A, F

D. B, C

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people B, C, D, E,F,G,H and I are sitting in a straight line equidistant from each other (but not
necessarily in the same order). Some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Facing the same direction means, if one is facing north than other is also facing north and vice
versa. Facing the opposite direction means, if one is facing north then other is facing south and
vice versa.)
B sits third to the left of D. I faces north. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. E is not an
immediate neighbor of D. C is an immediate neighbor of H. B sits third to the right of H. H and B
faces opposite Direction. C does not sits any of the extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits
between E and G. H sits second to the left of G. F sits second to the right of C . Both the immediate
neighbours of B face the opposite directions. F faces the same direction as C. D faces the same
direction as I.

Which of the following are immediate neighbour of H?

A. F and C

B. D and A

C. A and C

D. A and F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. F and C

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people B, C, D, E,F,G,H and I are sitting in a straight line equidistant from each other (but not
necessarily in the same order). Some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Facing the same direction means, if one is facing north than other is also facing north and vice
versa. Facing the opposite direction means, if one is facing north then other is facing south and
vice versa.)
B sits third to the left of D. I faces north. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. E is not an
immediate neighbor of D. C is an immediate neighbor of H. B sits third to the right of H. H and B
faces opposite Direction. C does not sits any of the extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits
between E and G. H sits second to the left of G. F sits second to the right of C . Both the immediate
neighbours of B face the opposite directions. F faces the same direction as C. D faces the same
direction as I.

If D goes to E’s place then who are the neighbours of D?

A. A and C

B. I and B

C. Only B

D. Only A

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. I and B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people B, C, D, E,F,G,H and I are sitting in a straight line equidistant from each other (but not
necessarily in the same order). Some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Facing the same direction means, if one is facing north than other is also facing north and vice
versa. Facing the opposite direction means, if one is facing north then other is facing south and
vice versa.)
B sits third to the left of D. I faces north. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. E is not an
immediate neighbor of D. C is an immediate neighbor of H. B sits third to the right of H. H and B
faces opposite Direction. C does not sits any of the extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits
between E and G. H sits second to the left of G. F sits second to the right of C . Both the immediate
neighbours of B face the opposite directions. F faces the same direction as C. D faces the same
direction as I.

Who is the immediate left of F?

A. D

B. B

C. H

D. E

E. C

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. H

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people B, C, D, E,F,G,H and I are sitting in a straight line equidistant from each other (but not
necessarily in the same order). Some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Facing the same direction means, if one is facing north than other is also facing north and vice
versa. Facing the opposite direction means, if one is facing north then other is facing south and
vice versa.)
B sits third to the left of D. I faces north. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. E is not an
immediate neighbor of D. C is an immediate neighbor of H. B sits third to the right of H. H and B
faces opposite Direction. C does not sits any of the extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits
between E and G. H sits second to the left of G. F sits second to the right of C . Both the immediate
neighbours of B face the opposite directions. F faces the same direction as C. D faces the same
direction as I.

Who is the immediate right of G?

A. D

B. B

C. Other than given options.

D. E

E. C

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends A,B,C,D,P,Q,R and S are sitting in two opposite rows facing each other . in row 1,
P,Q,R,S are sitting and all of them facing south while in row 2, A,B,C,D are sitting ,facing north.All of
them belong to dĩerent cities such as, Delhi , Kolkata,Mumbai,Ranchi,patna, goa, Chennai, agra.
A sits second to the right of the person who faces P. Only one person sits between A and the
person from Goa.Only one person sits between R and the person from delhi. P is not from
Kolkata.The person from Ranchi sits immediate left of the person from Chennai. C face the person
from Kolkata.The person from Mumbai sits immediate left of P. B faces the person who sits
second to the left of Q. The person from Chennai does not face the person from Agra.

Which of the following is true regarding A?

A. Faces the person who is from Patna.

B. D is one of the immediate neighbour.

C. A faces the person who sits second to the right of R.

D. A is from Ranchi.

E. A sits immediate left of C.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Faces the person who is from Patna.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends A,B,C,D,P,Q,R and S are sitting in two opposite rows facing each other . in row 1,
P,Q,R,S are sitting and all of them facing south while in row 2, A,B,C,D are sitting ,facing north.All of
them belong to dĩerent cities such as, Delhi , Kolkata,Mumbai,Ranchi,patna, goa, Chennai, agra.
A sits second to the right of the person who faces P. Only one person sits between A and the
person from Goa.Only one person sits between R and the person from delhi. P is not from
Kolkata.The person from Ranchi sits immediate left of the person from Chennai. C face the person
from Kolkata.The person from Mumbai sits immediate left of P. B faces the person who sits
second to the left of Q. The person from Chennai does not face the person from Agra.

Who is seated between R and the person from Delhi?

A. The person who is from Kolkata

B. P

C. Q

D. The person from Goa

E. S

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. S
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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends A,B,C,D,P,Q,R and S are sitting in two opposite rows facing each other . in row 1,
P,Q,R,S are sitting and all of them facing south while in row 2, A,B,C,D are sitting ,facing north.All of
them belong to dĩerent cities such as, Delhi , Kolkata,Mumbai,Ranchi,patna, goa, Chennai, agra.
A sits second to the right of the person who faces P. Only one person sits between A and the
person from Goa.Only one person sits between R and the person from delhi. P is not from
Kolkata.The person from Ranchi sits immediate left of the person from Chennai. C face the person
from Kolkata.The person from Mumbai sits immediate left of P. B faces the person who sits
second to the left of Q. The person from Chennai does not face the person from Agra.

Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?

A. C and B

B. Q and A.

C. The person from Patna and P.

D. The person from Agra and D.

E. C and S.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. Q and A.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends A,B,C,D,P,Q,R and S are sitting in two opposite rows facing each other . in row 1,
P,Q,R,S are sitting and all of them facing south while in row 2, A,B,C,D are sitting ,facing north.All of
them belong to dĩerent cities such as, Delhi , Kolkata,Mumbai,Ranchi,patna, goa, Chennai, agra.
A sits second to the right of the person who faces P. Only one person sits between A and the
person from Goa.Only one person sits between R and the person from delhi. P is not from
Kolkata.The person from Ranchi sits immediate left of the person from Chennai. C face the person
from Kolkata.The person from Mumbai sits immediate left of P. B faces the person who sits
second to the left of Q. The person from Chennai does not face the person from Agra.

Who amongst the following facing the person who is from Ranchi?

A. The person who is from Delhi.

B. P

C. S

D. R.

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. S


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends A,B,C,D,P,Q,R and S are sitting in two opposite rows facing each other . in row 1,
P,Q,R,S are sitting and all of them facing south while in row 2, A,B,C,D are sitting ,facing north.All of
them belong to dĩerent cities such as, Delhi , Kolkata,Mumbai,Ranchi,patna, goa, Chennai, agra.
A sits second to the right of the person who faces P. Only one person sits between A and the
person from Goa.Only one person sits between R and the person from delhi. P is not from
Kolkata.The person from Ranchi sits immediate left of the person from Chennai. C face the person
from Kolkata.The person from Mumbai sits immediate left of P. B faces the person who sits
second to the left of Q. The person from Chennai does not face the person from Agra.

P is related to Agra in the same way as B is related to Patna based on the given arrangement. To
whom amongst the following is D related to, following the same pattern?

A. Mumbai

B. Delhi

C. Ranchi

D. Kolkata

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Mumbai


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends A,B,C,D,P,Q,R and S are sitting in two opposite rows facing each other . in row 1,
P,Q,R,S are sitting and all of them facing south while in row 2, A,B,C,D are sitting ,facing north.All of
them belong to dĩerent cities such as, Delhi , Kolkata,Mumbai,Ranchi,patna, goa, Chennai, agra.
A sits second to the right of the person who faces P. Only one person sits between A and the
person from Goa.Only one person sits between R and the person from delhi. P is not from
Kolkata.The person from Ranchi sits immediate left of the person from Chennai. C face the person
from Kolkata.The person from Mumbai sits immediate left of P. B faces the person who sits
second to the left of Q. The person from Chennai does not face the person from Agra.

Four of the following ꏌ�ve are alike in certain way and thus formed a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?

A. C

B. R

C. D

D. B
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E. A

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. R


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Parry, Lucky, Ronald, Steven, Teresa, Velar and William are sitting in a straight line facing North.
Each one of them lives in diᲠerent Რoors numbered one to seven. Top Რoor is seven.
Lucky sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th Რoor. The person who living on the sixth
Რoor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
Only one person sits between Lucky and William. William lives on the third Რoor. The person living
on the ᲈrst Რoor sits third to the right of Steven. Steven is not an immediate neighbor of William.
Only one person lives between the Რoor where Teresa lives and the person who lived on the
second Რoor.
Parry and Ronald are the immediate neighbours of each other. Parry sits second to the right of the
person who lives on the 1st Რoor. One who lives on the ᲈfth Რoor sits third to the right of the one
who lives on the topmost Რoor.

How many persons are there to the left of the Parry?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. More than three

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. More than three


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Parry, Lucky, Ronald, Steven, Teresa, Velar and William are sitting in a straight line facing North.
Each one of them lives in diᲠerent Რoors numbered one to seven. Top Რoor is seven.
Lucky sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th Რoor. The person who living on the sixth
Რoor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
Only one person sits between Lucky and William. William lives on the third Რoor. The person living
on the ᲈrst Რoor sits third to the right of Steven. Steven is not an immediate neighbor of William.
Only one person lives between the Რoor where Teresa lives and the person who lived on the
second Რoor.
Parry and Ronald are the immediate neighbours of each other. Parry sits second to the right of the
person who lives on the 1st Რoor. One who lives on the ᲈfth Რoor sits third to the right of the one
who lives on the topmost Რoor.

Which of the following pairs of persons are sitting at the extreme ends?

A. Parry and Ronald

B. Steven and Ronald

C. Lucky and Stevan

D. William and Teresa

E. Teresa and Velar.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Steven and Ronald


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Parry, Lucky, Ronald, Steven, Teresa, Velar and William are sitting in a straight line facing North.
Each one of them lives in diᲠerent Რoors numbered one to seven. Top Რoor is seven.
Lucky sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th Რoor. The person who living on the sixth
Რoor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
Only one person sits between Lucky and William. William lives on the third Რoor. The person living
on the ᲈrst Რoor sits third to the right of Steven. Steven is not an immediate neighbor of William.
Only one person lives between the Რoor where Teresa lives and the person who lived on the
second Რoor.
Parry and Ronald are the immediate neighbours of each other. Parry sits second to the right of the
person who lives on the 1st Რoor. One who lives on the ᲈfth Რoor sits third to the right of the one
who lives on the topmost Რoor.

Who among the following is sitting exactly in the middle of the row?

A. Velar

B. Ronald

C. Steven

D. Lucky

E. Teresa

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Velar


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Parry, Lucky, Ronald, Steven, Teresa, Velar and William are sitting in a straight line facing North.
Each one of them lives in diᲠerent Რoors numbered one to seven. Top Რoor is seven.
Lucky sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th Რoor. The person who living on the sixth
Რoor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
Only one person sits between Lucky and William. William lives on the third Რoor. The person living
on the ᲈrst Რoor sits third to the right of Steven. Steven is not an immediate neighbor of William.
Only one person lives between the Რoor where Teresa lives and the person who lived on the
second Რoor.
Parry and Ronald are the immediate neighbours of each other. Parry sits second to the right of the
person who lives on the 1st Რoor. One who lives on the ᲈfth Რoor sits third to the right of the one
who lives on the topmost Რoor.

Who among the following is sitting second to the right of the one who lives on Რoor no. 7th?

A. Teresa

B. Steven

C. Ronald

D. Parry

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these.


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Parry, Lucky, Ronald, Steven, Teresa, Velar and William are sitting in a straight line facing North.
Each one of them lives in diᲠerent Რoors numbered one to seven. Top Რoor is seven.
Lucky sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th Რoor. The person who living on the sixth
Რoor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
Only one person sits between Lucky and William. William lives on the third Რoor. The person living
on the ᲈrst Რoor sits third to the right of Steven. Steven is not an immediate neighbor of William.
Only one person lives between the Რoor where Teresa lives and the person who lived on the
second Რoor.
Parry and Ronald are the immediate neighbours of each other. Parry sits second to the right of the
person who lives on the 1st Რoor. One who lives on the ᲈfth Რoor sits third to the right of the one
who lives on the topmost Რoor.

Who among the followings lives on the 3rd Რoor?

A. Ronald

B. William

C. Teressa

D. Velar

E. Steven

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. William


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Parry, Lucky, Ronald, Steven, Teresa, Velar and William are sitting in a straight line facing North.
Each one of them lives in diᲠerent Რoors numbered one to seven. Top Რoor is seven.
Lucky sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th Რoor. The person who living on the sixth
Რoor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
Only one person sits between Lucky and William. William lives on the third Რoor. The person living
on the ᲈrst Რoor sits third to the right of Steven. Steven is not an immediate neighbor of William.
Only one person lives between the Რoor where Teresa lives and the person who lived on the
second Რoor.
Parry and Ronald are the immediate neighbours of each other. Parry sits second to the right of the
person who lives on the 1st Რoor. One who lives on the ᲈfth Რoor sits third to the right of the one
who lives on the topmost Რoor.

Who among the followings lives on the topmost Რoor?

A. Ronald

B. William

C. None of these.

D. Velan

E. Steven

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. None of these.


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight friends A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting in a straight line (but not necessarily in the same
order).some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Note : facing the same direction means .If one is facing north then the other also faces north and
vice versa. Facing opposite directions means .If one is facing North then the other faces south and
vice versa).
H faces north .C sits at one of the extreme ends of the line .A sits third to the left of C. D is not an
immediate neighbour of C. G sits third to the right of A. B sits to the immediate right of G. B does
not sits at any of the extreme end of the line .only one person sits between F and D.G sits second
to the left of F. E sits second to the right of B. Both the immediate neighbours of G face the same
direction.Both the immediate neighbours of A face the opposite directions . E faces the direction
as B. H faces the direction as F.

Who is sitting third to the left of B?

A. C

B. D

C. E

D. A

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. D


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight friends A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting in a straight line (but not necessarily in the same

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
order).some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Note : facing the same direction means .If one is facing north then the other also faces north and
vice versa. Facing opposite directions means .If one is facing North then the other faces south and
vice versa).
H faces north .C sits at one of the extreme ends of the line .A sits third to the left of C. D is not an
immediate neighbour of C. G sits third to the right of A. B sits to the immediate right of G. B does
not sits at any of the extreme end of the line .only one person sits between F and D.G sits second
to the left of F. E sits second to the right of B. Both the immediate neighbours of G face the same
direction.Both the immediate neighbours of A face the opposite directions . E faces the direction
as B. H faces the direction as F.

Which two people are sitting between G and A?

A. B, E

B. E, D

C. B, F

D. B, C

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. B, F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight friends A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting in a straight line (but not necessarily in the same
order).some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Note : facing the same direction means .If one is facing north then the other also faces north and

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vice versa. Facing opposite directions means .If one is facing North then the other faces south and
vice versa).
H faces north .C sits at one of the extreme ends of the line .A sits third to the left of C. D is not an
immediate neighbour of C. G sits third to the right of A. B sits to the immediate right of G. B does
not sits at any of the extreme end of the line .only one person sits between F and D.G sits second
to the left of F. E sits second to the right of B. Both the immediate neighbours of G face the same
direction.Both the immediate neighbours of A face the opposite directions . E faces the direction
as B. H faces the direction as F.

Which two friends are sitting extreme end of the row?

A. F and C

B. D and A

C. A and C

D. A and F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight friends A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting in a straight line (but not necessarily in the same
order).some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Note : facing the same direction means .If one is facing north then the other also faces north and
vice versa. Facing opposite directions means .If one is facing North then the other faces south and
vice versa).

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
H faces north .C sits at one of the extreme ends of the line .A sits third to the left of C. D is not an
immediate neighbour of C. G sits third to the right of A. B sits to the immediate right of G. B does
not sits at any of the extreme end of the line .only one person sits between F and D.G sits second
to the left of F. E sits second to the right of B. Both the immediate neighbours of G face the same
direction.Both the immediate neighbours of A face the opposite directions . E faces the direction
as B. H faces the direction as F.

If D goes to E’s place then who are the neighbours of D?

A. A and C

B. F and B

C. Only G

D. Only A

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Only G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight friends A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting in a straight line (but not necessarily in the same
order).some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Note : facing the same direction means .If one is facing north then the other also faces north and
vice versa. Facing opposite directions means .If one is facing North then the other faces south and
vice versa).
H faces north .C sits at one of the extreme ends of the line .A sits third to the left of C. D is not an
immediate neighbour of C. G sits third to the right of A. B sits to the immediate right of G. B does

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not sits at any of the extreme end of the line .only one person sits between F and D.G sits second
to the left of F. E sits second to the right of B. Both the immediate neighbours of G face the same
direction.Both the immediate neighbours of A face the opposite directions . E faces the direction
as B. H faces the direction as F.

Who is the immediate left of F?

A. D

B. B

C. A

D. E

E. C

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them
are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in
the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other
R sits second to the left of person who faces A. S is an immediate neighbor of R. Only one person
sits between A and D. One of the immediate neighbours of C faces Q. B does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.

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Who amongst the following sits second to the right of person who faces P?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. Can’t be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them
are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in
the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other
R sits second to the left of person who faces A. S is an immediate neighbor of R. Only one person
sits between A and D. One of the immediate neighbours of C faces Q. B does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.

Four of the following ᲈve are alike in certain way and thus formed a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?
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A. C

B. R

C. Q

D. P

E. D

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them
are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in
the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other
R sits second to the left of person who faces A. S is an immediate neighbor of R. Only one person
sits between A and D. One of the immediate neighbours of C faces Q. B does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.

Which of the following is true regarding C?

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A. C sits second to the right of D

B. A sits to the immediate right of C

C. S faces C

D. D is an immediate neighbor of C

E. The person who faces C is an immediate neighbor of R

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. A sits to the immediate right of C


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them
are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in
the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other
R sits second to the left of person who faces A. S is an immediate neighbor of R. Only one person
sits between A and D. One of the immediate neighbours of C faces Q. B does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.

Who amongst the following faces R?

A. A

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B. B

C. C

D. D

E. Can’t be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. D


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eight people are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C and D are seated and all of them
are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in
the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other
R sits second to the left of person who faces A. S is an immediate neighbor of R. Only one person
sits between A and D. One of the immediate neighbours of C faces Q. B does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.

Who amongst the following faces B?

A. P

B. Q

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C. R

D. Can’t be determined

E. S

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. S


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eleven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K sit in a row facing south. The number of persons to
the left of A is the same as the number of persons to the right of I. C is equidistant from F and J. D
is to the immediate right of B, who is at one of the extremes of the row. H has equal number of
persons on either side. There are three persons between H and F. E and G are not immediate
neighbours of each other. K is an immediate neighbor of F. A is an immediate neighbor neighbor
of D

Who is the immediate right of A?

A. F

B. C

C. K

D. J

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E. B

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. J


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eleven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K sit in a row facing south. The number of persons to
the left of A is the same as the number of persons to the right of I. C is equidistant from F and J. D
is to the immediate right of B, who is at one of the extremes of the row. H has equal number of
persons on either side. There are three persons between H and F. E and G are not immediate
neighbours of each other. K is an immediate neighbor of F. A is an immediate neighbor neighbor
of D

Who is standing second to the right of C?

A. F

B. D

C. G

D. E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eleven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K sit in a row facing south. The number of persons to
the left of A is the same as the number of persons to the right of I. C is equidistant from F and J. D
is to the immediate right of B, who is at one of the extremes of the row. H has equal number of
persons on either side. There are three persons between H and F. E and G are not immediate
neighbours of each other. K is an immediate neighbor of F. A is an immediate neighbor neighbor
of D

What is the position of B with respect to I?

A. Immediate left

B. Second to the left

C. Third to the left

D. Third to the right

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eleven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K sit in a row facing south. The number of persons to
the left of A is the same as the number of persons to the right of I. C is equidistant from F and J. D
is to the immediate right of B, who is at one of the extremes of the row. H has equal number of
persons on either side. There are three persons between H and F. E and G are not immediate
neighbours of each other. K is an immediate neighbor of F. A is an immediate neighbor neighbor
of D

Which of the following pairs represents the people sitting at the extreme end of the line?





E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. KB


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eleven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K sit in a row facing south. The number of persons to
the left of A is the same as the number of persons to the right of I. C is equidistant from F and J. D
is to the immediate right of B, who is at one of the extremes of the row. H has equal number of
persons on either side. There are three persons between H and F. E and G are not immediate
neighbours of each other. K is an immediate neighbor of F. A is an immediate neighbor neighbor
of D
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Who is the immediate left of K?

A. F

B. C

C. Other than given options.

D. H

E. B

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eleven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K sit in a row facing south. The number of persons to
the left of A is the same as the number of persons to the right of I. C is equidistant from F and J. D
is to the immediate right of B, who is at one of the extremes of the row. H has equal number of
persons on either side. There are three persons between H and F. E and G are not immediate
neighbours of each other. K is an immediate neighbor of F. A is an immediate neighbor neighbor
of D

Who is standing third to the left of G?

A. F

B. D
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C. B

D. E

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Eleven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K sit in a row facing south. The number of persons to
the left of A is the same as the number of persons to the right of I. C is equidistant from F and J. D
is to the immediate right of B, who is at one of the extremes of the row. H has equal number of
persons on either side. There are three persons between H and F. E and G are not immediate
neighbours of each other. K is an immediate neighbor of F. A is an immediate neighbor neighbor
of D

What is the position of G with respect to F?

A. Immediate left

B. Second to the left

C. Third to the left

D. Third to the right

E. None of these

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ᲈve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Jack, Kunal, Lalit, Monty and Nathan are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Ricky,
Smith, Tret, Uber and Vivian are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Vivian sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between Vivian and Ricky.
The one who faces Ricky sits on the immediate left of Lalit. Only one person sits between Lalit and
Kunal. The one who faces Kunal sits on the immediate left of Smith. Nathan sits second to the
right of Jack. Neither Kunal nor Lalit faces Uber.

Who among the following is facing Monty?

A. Uber

B. Ricky

C. Tret

D. Vivian

E. Smith

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Uber

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ᲈve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Jack, Kunal, Lalit, Monty and Nathan are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Ricky,
Smith, Tret, Uber and Vivian are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Vivian sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between Vivian and Ricky.
The one who faces Ricky sits on the immediate left of Lalit. Only one person sits between Lalit and
Kunal. The one who faces Kunal sits on the immediate left of Smith. Nathan sits second to the
right of Jack. Neither Kunal nor Lalit faces Uber.

Four of the following ᲈve are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence
form a group. Who among the following does not belong to that group?

A. Nathan, Kunal

B. Jack, Lalit

C. Monty, Lalit

D. Ricky, Uber

E. Smith, Tret

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. Monty, Lalit


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ᲈve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Jack, Kunal, Lalit, Monty and Nathan are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Ricky,
Smith, Tret, Uber and Vivian are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Vivian sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between Vivian and Ricky.
The one who faces Ricky sits on the immediate left of Lalit. Only one person sits between Lalit and
Kunal. The one who faces Kunal sits on the immediate left of Smith. Nathan sits second to the
right of Jack. Neither Kunal nor Lalit faces Uber.

What is the position of Uber with respect to Smith?

A. Third to the right

B. Immediate left

C. Second to the left

D. Second to the right

E. Immediate right

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Third to the right


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ᲈve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Jack, Kunal, Lalit, Monty and Nathan are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Ricky,
Smith, Tret, Uber and Vivian are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Vivian sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between Vivian and Ricky.
The one who faces Ricky sits on the immediate left of Lalit. Only one person sits between Lalit and
Kunal. The one who faces Kunal sits on the immediate left of Smith. Nathan sits second to the
right of Jack. Neither Kunal nor Lalit faces Uber.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Nathan?

A. Only two persons sit between Nathan and Monty.

B. Nathan sits at an extreme end of the row -1

C. Nathan faces one of the immediate neighbours of Ricky.

D. None of the given statements is true

E. Lalit sits on the immediate right of Nathan.

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Only two persons sit between Nathan and Monty.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ᲈve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Jack, Kunal, Lalit, Monty and Nathan are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Ricky,
Smith, Tret, Uber and Vivian are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Vivian sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between Vivian and Ricky.
The one who faces Ricky sits on the immediate left of Lalit. Only one person sits between Lalit and
Kunal. The one who faces Kunal sits on the immediate left of Smith. Nathan sits second to the
right of Jack. Neither Kunal nor Lalit faces Uber.

Who among the following is facing Tret?

A. Nathan

B. Monty

C. Kunal

D. Jack

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E. Lalit

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Lalit


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing ᲈve people each in such a way that there is
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Jack, Kunal, Lalit, Monty and Nathan are
seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Ricky,
Smith, Tret, Uber and Vivian are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces
another member of the other row.
Vivian sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between Vivian and Ricky.
The one who faces Ricky sits on the immediate left of Lalit. Only one person sits between Lalit and
Kunal. The one who faces Kunal sits on the immediate left of Smith. Nathan sits second to the
right of Jack. Neither Kunal nor Lalit faces Uber.

Who among the following is facing Kunal?

A. Nathan

B. Monty

C. Other than given options

D. Jack
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E. Lalit

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Other than given options


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends P,Q,R,S,T,U and V are sitting in a straight line facing North at equal distances but not
necessarily in the same order. All of them study in a di᪜erent school, viz. St Francis, Bal Bhawan,
DAV, Bal Vidya, Saint Mary, Gyan Niketan and Gurukul but not necessarily in the same order.
Q sits fourth to the right of the person who studies in Gyan Niketan. Only One person sits between
Q and V. V studies in Dav. Either Q or the one who studies in Gyan Niketan sits at the extreme end
of the row. The person who studies in St. Francis school is third to the left of S, who is not an
immediate neighbour of V. Only one person sits between T and the one who studies in Bal
Bhawan. P and R are immediate neighbours. P does not study in Gyan Niketan. The person who
studies in Saint Mary sits third to the left of the one who studies in Gurukul.

Who among the following studies in Bal Vidhya school?

A. P

B. V

C. S

D. T

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. S


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends P,Q,R,S,T,U and V are sitting in a straight line facing North at equal distances but not
necessarily in the same order. All of them study in a di᪜erent school, viz. St Francis, Bal Bhawan,
DAV, Bal Vidya, Saint Mary, Gyan Niketan and Gurukul but not necessarily in the same order.
Q sits fourth to the right of the person who studies in Gyan Niketan. Only One person sits between
Q and V. V studies in Dav. Either Q or the one who studies in Gyan Niketan sits at the extreme end
of the row. The person who studies in St. Francis school is third to the left of S, who is not an
immediate neighbour of V. Only one person sits between T and the one who studies in Bal
Bhawan. P and R are immediate neighbours. P does not study in Gyan Niketan. The person who
studies in Saint Mary sits third to the left of the one who studies in Gurukul.

Who among the following is sitting at the extreme right end of the row?

A. R

B. P

C. U

D. Q

E. None of the above.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of the above.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends P,Q,R,S,T,U and V are sitting in a straight line facing North at equal distances but not
necessarily in the same order. All of them study in a di᪜erent school, viz. St Francis, Bal Bhawan,
DAV, Bal Vidya, Saint Mary, Gyan Niketan and Gurukul but not necessarily in the same order.
Q sits fourth to the right of the person who studies in Gyan Niketan. Only One person sits between
Q and V. V studies in Dav. Either Q or the one who studies in Gyan Niketan sits at the extreme end
of the row. The person who studies in St. Francis school is third to the left of S, who is not an
immediate neighbour of V. Only one person sits between T and the one who studies in Bal
Bhawan. P and R are immediate neighbours. P does not study in Gyan Niketan. The person who
studies in Saint Mary sits third to the left of the one who studies in Gurukul.

Which of the following schools does P study in?

A. Gyan Niketan

B. St. Francis

C. Saint Mary


E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Saint Mary


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends P,Q,R,S,T,U and V are sitting in a straight line facing North at equal distances but not
necessarily in the same order. All of them study in a di᪜erent school, viz. St Francis, Bal Bhawan,
DAV, Bal Vidya, Saint Mary, Gyan Niketan and Gurukul but not necessarily in the same order.
Q sits fourth to the right of the person who studies in Gyan Niketan. Only One person sits between
Q and V. V studies in Dav. Either Q or the one who studies in Gyan Niketan sits at the extreme end
of the row. The person who studies in St. Francis school is third to the left of S, who is not an
immediate neighbour of V. Only one person sits between T and the one who studies in Bal
Bhawan. P and R are immediate neighbours. P does not study in Gyan Niketan. The person who
studies in Saint Mary sits third to the left of the one who studies in Gurukul.

Who among the following is sitting second to the right of R?

A. Q

B. P

C. T

D. V

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. V


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends P,Q,R,S,T,U and V are sitting in a straight line facing North at equal distances but not
necessarily in the same order. All of them study in a di᪜erent school, viz. St Francis, Bal Bhawan,
DAV, Bal Vidya, Saint Mary, Gyan Niketan and Gurukul but not necessarily in the same order.
Q sits fourth to the right of the person who studies in Gyan Niketan. Only One person sits between
Q and V. V studies in Dav. Either Q or the one who studies in Gyan Niketan sits at the extreme end
of the row. The person who studies in St. Francis school is third to the left of S, who is not an
immediate neighbour of V. Only one person sits between T and the one who studies in Bal
Bhawan. P and R are immediate neighbours. P does not study in Gyan Niketan. The person who
studies in Saint Mary sits third to the left of the one who studies in Gurukul.

Which of the following combinations is true?


B. T- St. Francis

C. U- Bal Vidhya

D. All are true

E. None of the above.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. T- St. Francis


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D
sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P.B and P do not sit
at the extreme end of the line. T is not an immediate neighbor of V and A is not an immediate
neighbor of C.

Who amongst the following faces D?

A. T

B. P

C. Q

D. R

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. T


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D
sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P.B and P do not sit
at the extreme end of the line. T is not an immediate neighbor of V and A is not an immediate
neighbor of C.

Who amongst the following represents the people sitting at the extreme ends of the rows?

A. R, F

B. T, A

C. D, R

D. C, Q

E. S, A

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. T, A


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them facing north.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D
sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P.B and P do not sit
at the extreme end of the line. T is not an immediate neighbor of V and A is not an immediate
neighbor of C.

Four of the following ᪜ve are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?

A. B-T

B. A-Q

C. C-S

D. F-P

E. D-R

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. D-R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
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of the other row.
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D
sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P.B and P do not sit
at the extreme end of the line. T is not an immediate neighbor of V and A is not an immediate
neighbor of C.

Four of the following ᪜ve are alike in certain way and thus formed a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?

A. D

B. S

C. V

D. T

E. A

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. S


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D
sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P.B and P do not sit
at the extreme end of the line. T is not an immediate neighbor of V and A is not an immediate
neighbor of C.

How many persons are seated between R and T?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

E. None

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Two


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D
sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P.B and P do not sit
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at the extreme end of the line. T is not an immediate neighbor of V and A is not an immediate
neighbor of C.

Who amongst the following faces Q?

A. D

B. B

C. E

D. A

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. E


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D
sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P.B and P do not sit
at the extreme end of the line. T is not an immediate neighbor of V and A is not an immediate
neighbor of C.
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Which of the following is true regarding B?

A. B sits to the immediate left of C

B. B faces Q

C. B sits fourth from the extreme left end of the line

D. D and F are immediate neighbours of B

E. None is true

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. D and F are immediate neighbours of B


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. W sits ᪜fth to the right
of T. W does not sit at any of the extreme ends. Two people sit between Z and X. Y sits third to the
left of U. Y sits exactly in the middle. Z is not an immediate neighbor of Y.

What is Z’s position with respect to W?

A. Second to the left

B. Third to the right

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C. Fourth to the left

D. Third to the left

E. Fourth to the right

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Fourth to the left


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. W sits ᪜fth to the right
of T. W does not sit at any of the extreme ends. Two people sit between Z and X. Y sits third to the
left of U. Y sits exactly in the middle. Z is not an immediate neighbor of Y.

Who is second to the right of T?

A. Y

B. X

C. U

D. V

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. V

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. W sits ᪜fth to the right
of T. W does not sit at any of the extreme ends. Two people sit between Z and X. Y sits third to the
left of U. Y sits exactly in the middle. Z is not an immediate neighbor of Y.

Four of the following ᪜ve are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above
line and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. XV


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. W sits ᪜fth to the right

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of T. W does not sit at any of the extreme ends. Two people sit between Z and X. Y sits third to the
left of U. Y sits exactly in the middle. Z is not an immediate neighbor of Y.

If all the seven friends are made to sit alphabetically from right to left. Positions of how many will
remain unchanged?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. Four

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. None


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. W sits ᪜fth to the right
of T. W does not sit at any of the extreme ends. Two people sit between Z and X. Y sits third to the
left of U. Y sits exactly in the middle. Z is not an immediate neighbor of Y.

Who is the immediate left of V?

A. Y

B. X

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C. U

D. T

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing south while some of them are facing north.
E faces south. Only three people sit to the left of E. only two people sit between E and B. F sits
third to the right of H. H is an immediate neighbor of neither E nor B. H does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.
Both the immediate neighbours of D face north. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. only one
person sit between D and A. A faces the same direction as H. the immediate neighbours of B face
opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbor faces north then the other faces south and vice versa).
Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. C faces a direction opposite that of D. A
is not an immediate neighbor of F

How many persons are seated between E and A?

A. Four

B. More than four

C. One

D. Three

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E. Two

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Three


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing south while some of them are facing north.
E faces south. Only three people sit to the left of E. only two people sit between E and B. F sits
third to the right of H. H is an immediate neighbor of neither E nor B. H does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.
Both the immediate neighbours of D face north. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. only one
person sit between D and A. A faces the same direction as H. the immediate neighbours of B face
opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbor faces north then the other faces south and vice versa).
Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. C faces a direction opposite that of D. A
is not an immediate neighbor of F

Which of the following pairs represents the persons seated at the two extreme ends of the line?

A. C, E

B. A, G

C. A, F

D. B, C

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: B. A, G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing south while some of them are facing north.
E faces south. Only three people sit to the left of E. only two people sit between E and B. F sits
third to the right of H. H is an immediate neighbor of neither E nor B. H does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.
Both the immediate neighbours of D face north. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. only one
person sit between D and A. A faces the same direction as H. the immediate neighbours of B face
opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbor faces north then the other faces south and vice versa).
Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. C faces a direction opposite that of D. A
is not an immediate neighbor of F

What is the position of A with respect to E?

A. Second to the right

B. Second to the left

C. Third to the left

D. Third to the right

E. Fourth to the right

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Fourth to the right

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing south while some of them are facing north.
E faces south. Only three people sit to the left of E. only two people sit between E and B. F sits
third to the right of H. H is an immediate neighbor of neither E nor B. H does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.
Both the immediate neighbours of D face north. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. only one
person sit between D and A. A faces the same direction as H. the immediate neighbours of B face
opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbor faces north then the other faces south and vice versa).
Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. C faces a direction opposite that of D. A
is not an immediate neighbor of F

How many persons are seated between F and G?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

E. None

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Three

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing south while some of them are facing north.
E faces south. Only three people sit to the left of E. only two people sit between E and B. F sits
third to the right of H. H is an immediate neighbor of neither E nor B. H does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.
Both the immediate neighbours of D face north. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. only one
person sit between D and A. A faces the same direction as H. the immediate neighbours of B face
opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbor faces north then the other faces south and vice versa).
Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. C faces a direction opposite that of D. A
is not an immediate neighbor of F

Who is the immediate right of F?

A. D

B. B

C. A

D. E

E. C

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. E

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing south while some of them are facing north.
E faces south. Only three people sit to the left of E. only two people sit between E and B. F sits
third to the right of H. H is an immediate neighbor of neither E nor B. H does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.
Both the immediate neighbours of D face north. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. only one
person sit between D and A. A faces the same direction as H. the immediate neighbours of B face
opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbor faces north then the other faces south and vice versa).
Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. C faces a direction opposite that of D. A
is not an immediate neighbor of F

Who sits exactly between B and F?

A. E

B. C

C. D

D. F

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. D

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing south while some of them are facing north.
E faces south. Only three people sit to the left of E. only two people sit between E and B. F sits
third to the right of H. H is an immediate neighbor of neither E nor B. H does not sit at any of the
extreme end of the line.
Both the immediate neighbours of D face north. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. only one
person sit between D and A. A faces the same direction as H. the immediate neighbours of B face
opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbor faces north then the other faces south and vice versa).
Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. C faces a direction opposite that of D. A
is not an immediate neighbor of F

How many persons are there between C and F ?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. More than three

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. One

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U. S does not sit at any extreme end. Two persons sit between P and Q. T
sits immediate left of U. P is not an immediate neighbor of U.
F sits third to the right of D. C does not sit at any extreme end. One person sits between B and D.
D is on immediate left of C. C is not an immediate neighbor of B and A.

Who amongst the following are sitting at the extreme ends of the rows?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. FB

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U. S does not sit at any extreme end. Two persons sit between P and Q. T
sits immediate left of U. P is not an immediate neighbor of U.
F sits third to the right of D. C does not sit at any extreme end. One person sits between B and D.
D is on immediate left of C. C is not an immediate neighbor of B and A.

What is the position of S with respect to R?

A. Immediate right

B. Second to the right

C. Third to the left

D. Second to the left

E. Fourth to the right

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Immediate right

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U. S does not sit at any extreme end. Two persons sit between P and Q. T
sits immediate left of U. P is not an immediate neighbor of U.
F sits third to the right of D. C does not sit at any extreme end. One person sits between B and D.
D is on immediate left of C. C is not an immediate neighbor of B and A.

Four of the following ᪜ve are alike in certain way and thus formed a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?






Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. FT

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U. S does not sit at any extreme end. Two persons sit between P and Q. T
sits immediate left of U. P is not an immediate neighbor of U.
F sits third to the right of D. C does not sit at any extreme end. One person sits between B and D.
D is on immediate left of C. C is not an immediate neighbor of B and A.

What is the position of A with respect to E?

A. Second to the right

B. Second to the left

C. Third to the left

D. Third to the right

E. Immediate left

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Third to the left

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row 2- P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them facing north.
Therefore in the given sitting arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
S sits third to the right of U. S does not sit at any extreme end. Two persons sit between P and Q. T
sits immediate left of U. P is not an immediate neighbor of U.
F sits third to the right of D. C does not sit at any extreme end. One person sits between B and D.
D is on immediate left of C. C is not an immediate neighbor of B and A.

If all the six persons of row 1 are asked to sit in a alphabetically order from left to right, the
positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to their original sitting position?

A. None

B. Two

C. Three

D. One

E. More than three

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Two

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons G,P,M,R,Q,A,D
and C are staying each on one of these ៯�oors. A is staying on immediately above P’s ៯�oor. . There
is a gap of three persons between G and R. C is staying on the topmost ៯�oor. Neither P nor M is
staying on the ៯�oor no. 5. Q is staying exactly in the middle of P and M. R is staying on the ៯�oor 1.
M is not an immediate neighbor of G.

Which of the following is the ៯�oor on which P lives?

A. I





Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. VI


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
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៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons G,P,M,R,Q,A,D
and C are staying each on one of these ៯�oors. A is staying on immediately above P’s ៯�oor. . There
is a gap of three persons between G and R. C is staying on the topmost ៯�oor. Neither P nor M is
staying on the ៯�oor no. 5. Q is staying exactly in the middle of P and M. R is staying on the ៯�oor 1.
M is not an immediate neighbor of G.

Which of the following statement is true regarding M as per the given information?

A. lives on ៯�oor no.7.

B. M lives immediately below D.

C. M lives on ៯�oor no. 5.

D. M lives on lowermost ៯�oor.

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. M lives immediately below D.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons G,P,M,R,Q,A,D
and C are staying each on one of these ៯�oors. A is staying on immediately above P’s ៯�oor. . There
is a gap of three persons between G and R. C is staying on the topmost ៯�oor. Neither P nor M is

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staying on the ៯�oor no. 5. Q is staying exactly in the middle of P and M. R is staying on the ៯�oor 1.
M is not an immediate neighbor of G.

Which of the following combination is true?

A. Q- V

B. A- II




Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. Q-IV


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons G,P,M,R,Q,A,D
and C are staying each on one of these ៯�oors. A is staying on immediately above P’s ៯�oor. . There
is a gap of three persons between G and R. C is staying on the topmost ៯�oor. Neither P nor M is
staying on the ៯�oor no. 5. Q is staying exactly in the middle of P and M. R is staying on the ៯�oor 1.
M is not an immediate neighbor of G.

Which of the following person lives on the ៯�oor exactly between the ៯�oors on which Q and M live?
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A. P

B. R

C. D

D. C

E. G

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. D


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons G,P,M,R,Q,A,D
and C are staying each on one of these ៯�oors. A is staying on immediately above P’s ៯�oor. . There
is a gap of three persons between G and R. C is staying on the topmost ៯�oor. Neither P nor M is
staying on the ៯�oor no. 5. Q is staying exactly in the middle of P and M. R is staying on the ៯�oor 1.
M is not an immediate neighbor of G.

Four of ៯�ve are alike in a certain way so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to
that group?

A. R
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B. M

C. Q

D. P

E. C

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on a separate ៯�oor each of an 8-៯�oor building but not
necessarily in the same order. The ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the ៯�rst ៯�oor is numbered 2 and
so on until the topmost ៯�oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the ៯�oor on which G lives. Only one person lives between G and A.
H lives on an odd-numbered ៯�oor but not on ៯�oor no. 7. Only two persons live between H and B.
B does not live on the topmost ៯�oor.
A does not live on the lowermost ៯�oor.
D lives immediately below C. Neither C nor E lives on ៯�oor no. 6. D lives on even numbered ៯�oor.

How many persons live between the ៯�oor on which A and D live?

A. Three

B. More than three

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C. None

D. Two

E. One

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. None


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on a separate ៯�oor each of an 8-៯�oor building but not
necessarily in the same order. The ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the ៯�rst ៯�oor is numbered 2 and
so on until the topmost ៯�oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the ៯�oor on which G lives. Only one person lives between G and A.
H lives on an odd-numbered ៯�oor but not on ៯�oor no. 7. Only two persons live between H and B.
B does not live on the topmost ៯�oor.
A does not live on the lowermost ៯�oor.
D lives immediately below C. Neither C nor E lives on ៯�oor no. 6. D lives on even numbered ៯�oor.

Who lives on the ៯�oor immediately below G?

A. F

B. E

C. D
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D. E/F

E. C

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. E/F


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on a separate ៯�oor each of an 8-៯�oor building but not
necessarily in the same order. The ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the ៯�rst ៯�oor is numbered 2 and
so on until the topmost ៯�oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the ៯�oor on which G lives. Only one person lives between G and A.
H lives on an odd-numbered ៯�oor but not on ៯�oor no. 7. Only two persons live between H and B.
B does not live on the topmost ៯�oor.
A does not live on the lowermost ៯�oor.
D lives immediately below C. Neither C nor E lives on ៯�oor no. 6. D lives on even numbered ៯�oor.

On which of the following ៯�oor numbers does D live?

A. Four

B. One

C. Eight

D. Five
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E. Six

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Six


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on a separate ៯�oor each of an 8-៯�oor building but not
necessarily in the same order. The ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the ៯�rst ៯�oor is numbered 2 and
so on until the topmost ៯�oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the ៯�oor on which G lives. Only one person lives between G and A.
H lives on an odd-numbered ៯�oor but not on ៯�oor no. 7. Only two persons live between H and B.
B does not live on the topmost ៯�oor.
A does not live on the lowermost ៯�oor.
D lives immediately below C. Neither C nor E lives on ៯�oor no. 6. D lives on even numbered ៯�oor.

Which of the following is true with respect to F as per the given arrangement?

A. Only three person live between F and B.

B. Only three person live above F.

C. F lives on the ៯�oor no. 6.

D. None of the given option is true.

E. F lives immediately above D.

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. None of the given option is true.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on a separate ៯�oor each of an 8-៯�oor building but not
necessarily in the same order. The ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the ៯�rst ៯�oor is numbered 2 and
so on until the topmost ៯�oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the ៯�oor on which G lives. Only one person lives between G and A.
H lives on an odd-numbered ៯�oor but not on ៯�oor no. 7. Only two persons live between H and B.
B does not live on the topmost ៯�oor.
A does not live on the lowermost ៯�oor.
D lives immediately below C. Neither C nor E lives on ៯�oor no. 6. D lives on even numbered ៯�oor.

Who among the following lives on ៯�oor no. 5?

A. D

B. C

C. E

D. B

E. A

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: E. A


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons P, Q,R,S,W,X,Y and
Z live on di៛�erent ៯�oors. They like di៛�erent colours such as : Violet, Pink, Orange, Blue, grey
,green, yellow and purple.
W lives on an odd numbered ៯�oor. There are four ៯�oors between W’s and P’s ៯�oor. P likes yellow
colour . there are two ៯�oors between Q and W’s ៯�oor. The one who likes grey colour lives on the
immediate above the ៯�oor on which P lives. R lives immediate above Y. the one who likes Violet
colour lives on the ៯�oor numbered one. There is no ៯�oor between Q’s and Z’s ៯�oor.S does not live
immediately above or below W’s ៯�oor. Only one person lives between the person who likes yellow
and purple colours. The one who likes pink colour lives immediately above the ៯�oor on which the
person who likes grey colour. Z likes blue colour but does not live below to Q. X likes green

Who amongst the following live on the ៯�oors exactly between the ៯�oors on which P and Q live?

A. Z

B. S

C. R

D. W

E. Cannot be determined

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Z


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons P, Q,R,S,W,X,Y and
Z live on di៛�erent ៯�oors. They like di៛�erent colours such as : Violet, Pink, Orange, Blue, grey
,green, yellow and purple.
W lives on an odd numbered ៯�oor. There are four ៯�oors between W’s and P’s ៯�oor. P likes yellow
colour . there are two ៯�oors between Q and W’s ៯�oor. The one who likes grey colour lives on the
immediate above the ៯�oor on which P lives. R lives immediate above Y. the one who likes Violet
colour lives on the ៯�oor numbered one. There is no ៯�oor between Q’s and Z’s ៯�oor.S does not live
immediately above or below W’s ៯�oor. Only one person lives between the person who likes yellow
and purple colours. The one who likes pink colour lives immediately above the ៯�oor on which the
person who likes grey colour. Z likes blue colour but does not live below to Q. X likes green

Who amongst the following lives on ៯�oor number 6th ?

A. Q

B. P

C. S

D. X

E. Cannot be determined
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. P


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons P, Q,R,S,W,X,Y and
Z live on di៛�erent ៯�oors. They like di៛�erent colours such as : Violet, Pink, Orange, Blue, grey
,green, yellow and purple.
W lives on an odd numbered ៯�oor. There are four ៯�oors between W’s and P’s ៯�oor. P likes yellow
colour . there are two ៯�oors between Q and W’s ៯�oor. The one who likes grey colour lives on the
immediate above the ៯�oor on which P lives. R lives immediate above Y. the one who likes Violet
colour lives on the ៯�oor numbered one. There is no ៯�oor between Q’s and Z’s ៯�oor.S does not live
immediately above or below W’s ៯�oor. Only one person lives between the person who likes yellow
and purple colours. The one who likes pink colour lives immediately above the ៯�oor on which the
person who likes grey colour. Z likes blue colour but does not live below to Q. X likes green

On which of the following ៯�oors does the one who likes yellow colour lives?

A. 3rd

B. 5th

C. 6th

D. 4th

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E. 7th

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 6th


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

A building has eight ៯�oors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground ៯�oor is numbered 1, the above
៯�oor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most ៯�oor is numbered 8. Eight persons P, Q,R,S,W,X,Y and
Z live on di៛�erent ៯�oors. They like di៛�erent colours such as : Violet, Pink, Orange, Blue, grey
,green, yellow and purple.
W lives on an odd numbered ៯�oor. There are four ៯�oors between W’s and P’s ៯�oor. P likes yellow
colour . there are two ៯�oors between Q and W’s ៯�oor. The one who likes grey colour lives on the
immediate above the ៯�oor on which P lives. R lives immediate above Y. the one who likes Violet
colour lives on the ៯�oor numbered one. There is no ៯�oor between Q’s and Z’s ៯�oor.S does not live
immediately above or below W’s ៯�oor. Only one person lives between the person who likes yellow
and purple colours. The one who likes pink colour lives immediately above the ៯�oor on which the
person who likes grey colour. Z likes blue colour but does not live below to Q. X likes green

How many people live on the ៯�oors above the ៯�oor on which Q lives?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three
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E. More than three.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. More than three.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a six storey building the ground ៯�oor is numbered one, the ៯�oor above it is numbered two and
so on such that the top most ៯�oor is numbered six. One out of six people viz. A, B, C, D, E and F.
lives on each ៯�oor. No one lives between C and F. there are two ៯�oors between the ៯�oors on
which A and D live. A lives on ៯�oor above the ៯�oor on which D lives. E lives on odd numbered
៯�oor. B does not live on a ៯�oor immediately above or below E’s Floor.

Who lives on the ground ៯�oor?

A. E

B. B

C. D

D. A

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. E


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a six storey building the ground ៯�oor is numbered one, the ៯�oor above it is numbered two and
so on such that the top most ៯�oor is numbered six. One out of six people viz. A, B, C, D, E and F.
lives on each ៯�oor. No one lives between C and F. there are two ៯�oors between the ៯�oors on
which A and D live. A lives on ៯�oor above the ៯�oor on which D lives. E lives on odd numbered
៯�oor. B does not live on a ៯�oor immediately above or below E’s Floor.

Where does A live?

A. Numbered 2

B. Numbered 3

C. Numbered 4

D. Numbered 5

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Numbered 5

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a six storey building the ground ៯�oor is numbered one, the ៯�oor above it is numbered two and
so on such that the top most ៯�oor is numbered six. One out of six people viz. A, B, C, D, E and F.
lives on each ៯�oor. No one lives between C and F. there are two ៯�oors between the ៯�oors on
which A and D live. A lives on ៯�oor above the ៯�oor on which D lives. E lives on odd numbered
៯�oor. B does not live on a ៯�oor immediately above or below E’s Floor.

Who lives immediately above D’s ៯�oor?

A. A

B. C

C. F

D. B

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Cannot be determined

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a six storey building the ground ៯�oor is numbered one, the ៯�oor above it is numbered two and
so on such that the top most ៯�oor is numbered six. One out of six people viz. A, B, C, D, E and F.
lives on each ៯�oor. No one lives between C and F. there are two ៯�oors between the ៯�oors on
which A and D live. A lives on ៯�oor above the ៯�oor on which D lives. E lives on odd numbered
៯�oor. B does not live on a ៯�oor immediately above or below E’s Floor.

Where does F live?

A. Numbered 2

B. Numbered 3

C. Numbered 4

D. Numbered 5

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a six storey building the ground ៯�oor is numbered one, the ៯�oor above it is numbered two and
so on such that the top most ៯�oor is numbered six. One out of six people viz. A, B, C, D, E and F.
lives on each ៯�oor. No one lives between C and F. there are two ៯�oors between the ៯�oors on
which A and D live. A lives on ៯�oor above the ៯�oor on which D lives. E lives on odd numbered
៯�oor. B does not live on a ៯�oor immediately above or below E’s Floor.

Who lives immediately below A’s ៯�oor?

A. Other than given options

B. C

C. F

D. B

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Cannot be determined

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Seven people P,Q,R,S,T,U and V live on separate ៯�oors of a 7- ៯�oor building. The ground ៯�oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered seven. Each of them travelling to a di៛�erent City viz.
Delhi, Faridabad, Meerut, Mathura, Kanpur, Lucknow and Agra but not necessarily in the same
Only three people live above the ៯�oor on which P lives. Only one person lives between the one
travelling to Agra and P. U lives immediately below the One travelling to Faridabad. The one
travelling to Faridabad lives on an even numbered ៯�oor. Only three persons live between the one
travelling to Agra and Meerut.
T lives immediately above R. T is not travelling to Meerut. Only two person live between Q and the
one travelling to Kanpur the one travelling to Kanpur lives below the ៯�oor on which Q lives. The
one travelling to Delhi does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live
immediately above or immediately below P. V does not travel to Mathura.

Which of the following is the ៯�oor on which P lives?

A. I





Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. IV

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Seven people P,Q,R,S,T,U and V live on separate ៯�oors of a 7- ៯�oor building. The ground ៯�oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered seven. Each of them travelling to a di៛�erent City viz.
Delhi, Faridabad, Meerut, Mathura, Kanpur, Lucknow and Agra but not necessarily in the same
Only three people live above the ៯�oor on which P lives. Only one person lives between the one
travelling to Agra and P. U lives immediately below the One travelling to Faridabad. The one
travelling to Faridabad lives on an even numbered ៯�oor. Only three persons live between the one
travelling to Agra and Meerut.
T lives immediately above R. T is not travelling to Meerut. Only two person live between Q and the
one travelling to Kanpur the one travelling to Kanpur lives below the ៯�oor on which Q lives. The
one travelling to Delhi does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live
immediately above or immediately below P. V does not travel to Mathura.

Which of the following statement is true regarding V as per the given information?

A. V lives on ៯�oor no.7.

B. V lives immediately below T.

C. V lives on ៯�oor no. 5.

D. V lives on lowermost ៯�oor.

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. V lives on ៯�oor no. 5.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Seven people P,Q,R,S,T,U and V live on separate ៯�oors of a 7- ៯�oor building. The ground ៯�oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered seven. Each of them travelling to a di៛�erent City viz.
Delhi, Faridabad, Meerut, Mathura, Kanpur, Lucknow and Agra but not necessarily in the same
Only three people live above the ៯�oor on which P lives. Only one person lives between the one
travelling to Agra and P. U lives immediately below the One travelling to Faridabad. The one
travelling to Faridabad lives on an even numbered ៯�oor. Only three persons live between the one
travelling to Agra and Meerut.
T lives immediately above R. T is not travelling to Meerut. Only two person live between Q and the
one travelling to Kanpur the one travelling to Kanpur lives below the ៯�oor on which Q lives. The
one travelling to Delhi does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live
immediately above or immediately below P. V does not travel to Mathura.

Which of the following combination is true?

A. Q- V- Meerut

B. V- II- Lucknow

C. P-IV-Faridabad

D. R- III- Lucknow

E. S- VII- Agra

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. P-IV-Faridabad


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Seven people P,Q,R,S,T,U and V live on separate ៯�oors of a 7- ៯�oor building. The ground ៯�oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered seven. Each of them travelling to a di៛�erent City viz.
Delhi, Faridabad, Meerut, Mathura, Kanpur, Lucknow and Agra but not necessarily in the same
Only three people live above the ៯�oor on which P lives. Only one person lives between the one
travelling to Agra and P. U lives immediately below the One travelling to Faridabad. The one
travelling to Faridabad lives on an even numbered ៯�oor. Only three persons live between the one
travelling to Agra and Meerut.
T lives immediately above R. T is not travelling to Meerut. Only two person live between Q and the
one travelling to Kanpur the one travelling to Kanpur lives below the ៯�oor on which Q lives. The
one travelling to Delhi does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live
immediately above or immediately below P. V does not travel to Mathura.

Which of the following person lives on the ៯�oor exactly between the ៯�oors on which person
belongs to Lucknow and Kanpur live?

A. P

B. R

C. S

D. V

E. Q
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. P


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Seven people P,Q,R,S,T,U and V live on separate ៯�oors of a 7- ៯�oor building. The ground ៯�oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered seven. Each of them travelling to a di៛�erent City viz.
Delhi, Faridabad, Meerut, Mathura, Kanpur, Lucknow and Agra but not necessarily in the same
Only three people live above the ៯�oor on which P lives. Only one person lives between the one
travelling to Agra and P. U lives immediately below the One travelling to Faridabad. The one
travelling to Faridabad lives on an even numbered ៯�oor. Only three persons live between the one
travelling to Agra and Meerut.
T lives immediately above R. T is not travelling to Meerut. Only two person live between Q and the
one travelling to Kanpur the one travelling to Kanpur lives below the ៯�oor on which Q lives. The
one travelling to Delhi does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live
immediately above or immediately below P. V does not travel to Mathura.

Four of ៯�ve are alike in a certain way so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to
that group?

A. R

B. V

C. S

D. P
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E. U

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. P


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A building has seven oors numbered 1 to 7, in such a way that the ground oor is numbered one,
the oor above it numbered two and so on such that the topmost oor is numbered seven. One
out of seven people viz., P, Q, R, D, E, F and G lives on each oor. P lives on fourth oor. E lives on
the oor immediately below F’s oor. F does not live on the second or seventh oor.
R does not live on an odd numbered oor. Q does not live on a oor immediately above or below
R’s oor. D does not live on the topmost oor. G does not live on any oor below E’s oor.

Who lives on the topmost oor?

A. Q

B. R

C. E

D. G

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. G


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A building has seven oors numbered 1 to 7, in such a way that the ground oor is numbered one,
the oor above it numbered two and so on such that the topmost oor is numbered seven. One
out of seven people viz., P, Q, R, D, E, F and G lives on each oor. P lives on fourth oor. E lives on
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the oor immediately below F’s oor. F does not live on the second or seventh oor.
R does not live on an odd numbered oor. Q does not live on a oor immediately above or below
R’s oor. D does not live on the topmost oor. G does not live on any oor below E’s oor.

Who lives immediately above D’s oor?

A. P

B. Q

C. R

D. F

E. G

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A building has seven oors numbered 1 to 7, in such a way that the ground oor is numbered one,
the oor above it numbered two and so on such that the topmost oor is numbered seven. One
out of seven people viz., P, Q, R, D, E, F and G lives on each oor. P lives on fourth oor. E lives on
the oor immediately below F’s oor. F does not live on the second or seventh oor.
R does not live on an odd numbered oor. Q does not live on a oor immediately above or below
R’s oor. D does not live on the topmost oor. G does not live on any oor below E’s oor.

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Four of the ve are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
belong to that group?

A. F

B. D

C. Q

D. G

E. R

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A building has seven oors numbered 1 to 7, in such a way that the ground oor is numbered one,
the oor above it numbered two and so on such that the topmost oor is numbered seven. One
out of seven people viz., P, Q, R, D, E, F and G lives on each oor. P lives on fourth oor. E lives on
the oor immediately below F’s oor. F does not live on the second or seventh oor.
R does not live on an odd numbered oor. Q does not live on a oor immediately above or below
R’s oor. D does not live on the topmost oor. G does not live on any oor below E’s oor.

Who lives on the lowermost oor?

A. Q

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B. R

C. E

D. None of these

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. Q


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A building has seven oors numbered 1 to 7, in such a way that the ground oor is numbered one,
the oor above it numbered two and so on such that the topmost oor is numbered seven. One
out of seven people viz., P, Q, R, D, E, F and G lives on each oor. P lives on fourth oor. E lives on
the oor immediately below F’s oor. F does not live on the second or seventh oor.
R does not live on an odd numbered oor. Q does not live on a oor immediately above or below
R’s oor. D does not live on the topmost oor. G does not live on any oor below E’s oor.

Who lives immediately above G’s oor?

A. P

B. Q

C. R

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D. F

E. No one

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. No one


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight Friends K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and R live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent Bollywood
Actors namely Akshay, ShahRukh, Salman, Ranbir, Shahid, Ritesh, Amitabh and Tushar but not
necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Ranbir lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only three
persons live between the one who likes Ranbir and M. Only two persons live between M and N. N
does not live on the lowermost oor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes
O lives immediately above K.O lives on an even numbered oor. K does not like Shahid. K lives
neither on the oor numbered 3 nor on 5.
Only two person lives between K and the one who likes Amitabh. Only one person lives between
the one who likes Amitabh and Tushar. The one who likes Tushar lives below the one who likes
Amitabh. L lives immediately above Q, who lives on an odd numbered oor. Only one person lives
between the one who likes Salman and Q.
The one who likes Ritesh lives immediately above the one who likes Akshay. P does not like Ranbir.
K does not like ShahRukh.

Which of the following statement is true regarding L?

A. L lives on the lowermost oor.

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B. L lives exactly between the oors on which Ranbir and ShahRukh lives.

C. L lives immediately above the oor on which ShahRukh.

D. L lives on an odd numbered oor.

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. L lives immediately above the oor on which ShahRukh.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight Friends K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and R live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent Bollywood
Actors namely Akshay, ShahRukh, Salman, Ranbir, Shahid, Ritesh, Amitabh and Tushar but not
necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Ranbir lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only three
persons live between the one who likes Ranbir and M. Only two persons live between M and N. N
does not live on the lowermost oor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes
O lives immediately above K.O lives on an even numbered oor. K does not like Shahid. K lives
neither on the oor numbered 3 nor on 5.
Only two person lives between K and the one who likes Amitabh. Only one person lives between
the one who likes Amitabh and Tushar. The one who likes Tushar lives below the one who likes
Amitabh. L lives immediately above Q, who lives on an odd numbered oor. Only one person lives
between the one who likes Salman and Q.

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The one who likes Ritesh lives immediately above the one who likes Akshay. P does not like Ranbir.
K does not like ShahRukh.

Which of the following Person lives on the topmost oor?

A. The one who likes Amitabh

B. The one who likes Ritesh

C. The one who likes Salman

D. The one who likes Tushar

E. The one who likes Shahid

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. The one who likes Ritesh


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight Friends K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and R live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent Bollywood
Actors namely Akshay, ShahRukh, Salman, Ranbir, Shahid, Ritesh, Amitabh and Tushar but not
necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Ranbir lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only three
persons live between the one who likes Ranbir and M. Only two persons live between M and N. N
does not live on the lowermost oor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes
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O lives immediately above K.O lives on an even numbered oor. K does not like Shahid. K lives
neither on the oor numbered 3 nor on 5.
Only two person lives between K and the one who likes Amitabh. Only one person lives between
the one who likes Amitabh and Tushar. The one who likes Tushar lives below the one who likes
Amitabh. L lives immediately above Q, who lives on an odd numbered oor. Only one person lives
between the one who likes Salman and Q.
The one who likes Ritesh lives immediately above the one who likes Akshay. P does not like Ranbir.
K does not like ShahRukh.

Four of ve are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong
to that group?

A. P

B. R

C. Q

D. K

E. N

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight Friends K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and R live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
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numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent Bollywood
Actors namely Akshay, ShahRukh, Salman, Ranbir, Shahid, Ritesh, Amitabh and Tushar but not
necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Ranbir lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only three
persons live between the one who likes Ranbir and M. Only two persons live between M and N. N
does not live on the lowermost oor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes
O lives immediately above K.O lives on an even numbered oor. K does not like Shahid. K lives
neither on the oor numbered 3 nor on 5.
Only two person lives between K and the one who likes Amitabh. Only one person lives between
the one who likes Amitabh and Tushar. The one who likes Tushar lives below the one who likes
Amitabh. L lives immediately above Q, who lives on an odd numbered oor. Only one person lives
between the one who likes Salman and Q.
The one who likes Ritesh lives immediately above the one who likes Akshay. P does not like Ranbir.
K does not like ShahRukh.

Which of the following person lives exactly between the oors on which Ranbir and Tushar likers

A. The one who likes Shahid

B. The one who likes Ritesh

C. The one who likes Amitabh

D. The one who likes Akshay

E. The one who likes Salman

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. The one who likes Amitabh

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight Friends K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and R live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent Bollywood
Actors namely Akshay, ShahRukh, Salman, Ranbir, Shahid, Ritesh, Amitabh and Tushar but not
necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Ranbir lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only three
persons live between the one who likes Ranbir and M. Only two persons live between M and N. N
does not live on the lowermost oor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes
O lives immediately above K.O lives on an even numbered oor. K does not like Shahid. K lives
neither on the oor numbered 3 nor on 5.
Only two person lives between K and the one who likes Amitabh. Only one person lives between
the one who likes Amitabh and Tushar. The one who likes Tushar lives below the one who likes
Amitabh. L lives immediately above Q, who lives on an odd numbered oor. Only one person lives
between the one who likes Salman and Q.
The one who likes Ritesh lives immediately above the one who likes Akshay. P does not like Ranbir.
K does not like ShahRukh.

Which of the following is the oor on which L lives?

A. I




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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. IV


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight Friends K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and R live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent Bollywood
Actors namely Akshay, ShahRukh, Salman, Ranbir, Shahid, Ritesh, Amitabh and Tushar but not
necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Ranbir lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only three
persons live between the one who likes Ranbir and M. Only two persons live between M and N. N
does not live on the lowermost oor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes
O lives immediately above K.O lives on an even numbered oor. K does not like Shahid. K lives
neither on the oor numbered 3 nor on 5.
Only two person lives between K and the one who likes Amitabh. Only one person lives between
the one who likes Amitabh and Tushar. The one who likes Tushar lives below the one who likes
Amitabh. L lives immediately above Q, who lives on an odd numbered oor. Only one person lives
between the one who likes Salman and Q.
The one who likes Ritesh lives immediately above the one who likes Akshay. P does not like Ranbir.
K does not like ShahRukh.

Which of the following Person lives on the lowermost oor?

A. K

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B. M

C. N

D. L

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight Friends K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and R live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent Bollywood
Actors namely Akshay, ShahRukh, Salman, Ranbir, Shahid, Ritesh, Amitabh and Tushar but not
necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Ranbir lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only three
persons live between the one who likes Ranbir and M. Only two persons live between M and N. N
does not live on the lowermost oor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes
O lives immediately above K.O lives on an even numbered oor. K does not like Shahid. K lives
neither on the oor numbered 3 nor on 5.
Only two person lives between K and the one who likes Amitabh. Only one person lives between
the one who likes Amitabh and Tushar. The one who likes Tushar lives below the one who likes
Amitabh. L lives immediately above Q, who lives on an odd numbered oor. Only one person lives
between the one who likes Salman and Q.
The one who likes Ritesh lives immediately above the one who likes Akshay. P does not like Ranbir.
K does not like ShahRukh.
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Which of the following is the oor on which P lives?

A. I




E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. I


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information I answer the given questions:
Eight persons Radhey, Lucky, Manju, Lovely, Swati, Anjali, Tuika, Rajiv live on a separate oor each
of an 8- oor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground oor is numbered 1, the
rst oor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the oor on which Tulika lives. Only one person lives between Tulika
and Radhey.
Rajiv lives on an odd-numbered oor but not on oor no. 7.
Only two persons live between Rajiv and Luvky. Lucky does not live on the topmost oor. Radhey
does not live on the lowermost oor. Lovely lives immediately below Manju. Neither Manju nor
Swati live on oor no 6. Anjali lives immediately above Radhey.

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How many persons live between the oors on which Radhey and Lovely live?

A. Three

B. More than three

C. None

D. Two

E. One

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. One


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information I answer the given questions:
Eight persons Radhey, Lucky, Manju, Lovely, Swati, Anjali, Tuika, Rajiv live on a separate oor each
of an 8- oor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground oor is numbered 1, the
rst oor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the oor on which Tulika lives. Only one person lives between Tulika
and Radhey.
Rajiv lives on an odd-numbered oor but not on oor no. 7.
Only two persons live between Rajiv and Luvky. Lucky does not live on the topmost oor. Radhey
does not live on the lowermost oor. Lovely lives immediately below Manju. Neither Manju nor
Swati live on oor no 6. Anjali lives immediately above Radhey.

Who lives on the oor immediately below Tulika?

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A. Anjali

B. Swati

C. Lovely

D. Lucky

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. Swati


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information I answer the given questions:
Eight persons Radhey, Lucky, Manju, Lovely, Swati, Anjali, Tuika, Rajiv live on a separate oor each
of an 8- oor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground oor is numbered 1, the
rst oor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the oor on which Tulika lives. Only one person lives between Tulika
and Radhey.
Rajiv lives on an odd-numbered oor but not on oor no. 7.
Only two persons live between Rajiv and Luvky. Lucky does not live on the topmost oor. Radhey
does not live on the lowermost oor. Lovely lives immediately below Manju. Neither Manju nor
Swati live on oor no 6. Anjali lives immediately above Radhey.

On which of the following oor numbers does Lovely live?

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A. Four

B. One

C. Eight

D. Five

E. Seven

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Seven


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information I answer the given questions:
Eight persons Radhey, Lucky, Manju, Lovely, Swati, Anjali, Tuika, Rajiv live on a separate oor each
of an 8- oor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground oor is numbered 1, the
rst oor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the oor on which Tulika lives. Only one person lives between Tulika
and Radhey.
Rajiv lives on an odd-numbered oor but not on oor no. 7.
Only two persons live between Rajiv and Luvky. Lucky does not live on the topmost oor. Radhey
does not live on the lowermost oor. Lovely lives immediately below Manju. Neither Manju nor
Swati live on oor no 6. Anjali lives immediately above Radhey.

Which of the following is true with respect to Anjali as per the given arrangement?

A. Only three persons live between Anjali and Lucky

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B. Only three persons live above Anjali.

C. Only one person sits betyween Anjali and Lovely.

D. Anjali sits on even numbered oor.

E. None of these.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Anjali sits on even numbered oor.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information I answer the given questions:
Eight persons Radhey, Lucky, Manju, Lovely, Swati, Anjali, Tuika, Rajiv live on a separate oor each
of an 8- oor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground oor is numbered 1, the
rst oor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost oor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the oor on which Tulika lives. Only one person lives between Tulika
and Radhey.
Rajiv lives on an odd-numbered oor but not on oor no. 7.
Only two persons live between Rajiv and Luvky. Lucky does not live on the topmost oor. Radhey
does not live on the lowermost oor. Lovely lives immediately below Manju. Neither Manju nor
Swati live on oor no 6. Anjali lives immediately above Radhey.

Who lives on the oor numbered 5?

A. Anjali

B. Lucky

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C. Lovely

D. Radhey

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Radhey


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, C, D, E and F live on di erent oors in the same building having six oors numbered one to
six (the ground oor is numbered 1, the oor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
oor is numbered 6).
A lives on an even numbered oor. There are two oors between the oor on which D and F live, F
live on a oor above D’s oor. D does not live on oor number 2. B does not live on an odd
numbered oor. C does not live on any of the oors below F’s oor. E does not live on a oor
immediately above or immediately below the oor on which B lives.

Who amongst the following live on the oors between D and F?

A. E, B

B. C, B

C. E, C

D. A, E

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E. B, A

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. A, E


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, C, D, E and F live on di erent oors in the same building having six oors numbered one to
six (the ground oor is numbered 1, the oor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
oor is numbered 6).
A lives on an even numbered oor. There are two oors between the oor on which D and F live, F
live on a oor above D’s oor. D does not live on oor number 2. B does not live on an odd
numbered oor. C does not live on any of the oors below F’s oor. E does not live on a oor
immediately above or immediately below the oor on which B lives.

On which of the following oors does B live?

A. 6th

B. 4th

C. 2nd

D. 5th

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. 6th

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, C, D, E and F live on di erent oors in the same building having six oors numbered one to
six (the ground oor is numbered 1, the oor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
oor is numbered 6).
A lives on an even numbered oor. There are two oors between the oor on which D and F live, F
live on a oor above D’s oor. D does not live on oor number 2. B does not live on an odd
numbered oor. C does not live on any of the oors below F’s oor. E does not live on a oor
immediately above or immediately below the oor on which B lives.

Who among the following lives on topmost oor?

A. B

B. C

C. D

D. None of these

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. B

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, C, D, E and F live on di erent oors in the same building having six oors numbered one to
six (the ground oor is numbered 1, the oor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
oor is numbered 6).
A lives on an even numbered oor. There are two oors between the oor on which D and F live, F
live on a oor above D’s oor. D does not live on oor number 2. B does not live on an odd
numbered oor. C does not live on any of the oors below F’s oor. E does not live on a oor
immediately above or immediately below the oor on which B lives.

Who among the following lives on oor numbered 6?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. Other than given options

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: B. B


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
A, B, C, D, E and F live on di erent oors in the same building having six oors numbered one to
six (the ground oor is numbered 1, the oor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
oor is numbered 6).
A lives on an even numbered oor. There are two oors between the oor on which D and F live, F
live on a oor above D’s oor. D does not live on oor number 2. B does not live on an odd
numbered oor. C does not live on any of the oors below F’s oor. E does not live on a oor
immediately above or immediately below the oor on which B lives.

On which of the following oors does E live?

A. 6th

B. 4th

C. 2nd

D. None of these.

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is

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numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent games i.e.
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Rugby, Chess and Kabaddi.
The one who likes Football lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Football. Only one person lives between U and the
one who likes Chess. Neither R nor T lives on oor numbered 1.
Only one person lives between R and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U, who
lives on an odd numbered oor.
Only two persons live between P and T. the one who likes chess does not live on oor numbered
1st . Q lives on an even numbered oor and immediately above R. The one who likes Kabaddi lives
on an even numbered oor and lives immediately above the person who likes Rugby.
W lives just below the one who likes Rugby.R does not like Chess or Rugby.Only two person live
between the one who likes Badminton and the one who likes Hockey.
The one who likes Badminton does not live on an odd numbered oor.S does not live on an odd
numbered oor.

Which of the following person lives on the topmost oor?

A. W

B. S

C. V

D. P

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. P


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent games i.e.
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Rugby, Chess and Kabaddi.
The one who likes Football lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Football. Only one person lives between U and the
one who likes Chess. Neither R nor T lives on oor numbered 1.
Only one person lives between R and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U, who
lives on an odd numbered oor.
Only two persons live between P and T. the one who likes chess does not live on oor numbered
1st . Q lives on an even numbered oor and immediately above R. The one who likes Kabaddi lives
on an even numbered oor and lives immediately above the person who likes Rugby.
W lives just below the one who likes Rugby.R does not like Chess or Rugby.Only two person live
between the one who likes Badminton and the one who likes Hockey.
The one who likes Badminton does not live on an odd numbered oor.S does not live on an odd
numbered oor.

Which of the following is the oor on which Q lives?





E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. IV

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent games i.e.
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Rugby, Chess and Kabaddi.
The one who likes Football lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Football. Only one person lives between U and the
one who likes Chess. Neither R nor T lives on oor numbered 1.
Only one person lives between R and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U, who
lives on an odd numbered oor.
Only two persons live between P and T. the one who likes chess does not live on oor numbered
1st . Q lives on an even numbered oor and immediately above R. The one who likes Kabaddi lives
on an even numbered oor and lives immediately above the person who likes Rugby.
W lives just below the one who likes Rugby.R does not like Chess or Rugby.Only two person live
between the one who likes Badminton and the one who likes Hockey.
The one who likes Badminton does not live on an odd numbered oor.S does not live on an odd
numbered oor.

Which of the following combination is true?

A. U- Badminton

B. R- Chess

C. V- Cricket

D. P- Rugby

E. None of these
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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. V- Cricket


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent games i.e.
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Rugby, Chess and Kabaddi.
The one who likes Football lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Football. Only one person lives between U and the
one who likes Chess. Neither R nor T lives on oor numbered 1.
Only one person lives between R and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U, who
lives on an odd numbered oor.
Only two persons live between P and T. the one who likes chess does not live on oor numbered
1st . Q lives on an even numbered oor and immediately above R. The one who likes Kabaddi lives
on an even numbered oor and lives immediately above the person who likes Rugby.
W lives just below the one who likes Rugby.R does not like Chess or Rugby.Only two person live
between the one who likes Badminton and the one who likes Hockey.
The one who likes Badminton does not live on an odd numbered oor.S does not live on an odd
numbered oor.

Who lives between the oors on which Q and S live?

A. R

B. W

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C. P

D. T

E. none of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. R


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent games i.e.
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Rugby, Chess and Kabaddi.
The one who likes Football lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Football. Only one person lives between U and the
one who likes Chess. Neither R nor T lives on oor numbered 1.
Only one person lives between R and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U, who
lives on an odd numbered oor.
Only two persons live between P and T. the one who likes chess does not live on oor numbered
1st . Q lives on an even numbered oor and immediately above R. The one who likes Kabaddi lives
on an even numbered oor and lives immediately above the person who likes Rugby.
W lives just below the one who likes Rugby.R does not like Chess or Rugby.Only two person live
between the one who likes Badminton and the one who likes Hockey.
The one who likes Badminton does not live on an odd numbered oor.S does not live on an odd
numbered oor.

Which of the following combination is false?

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A. U-Rugby

B. R-Hockey

C. W-Hockey

D. P- Kabaddi

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. W-Hockey


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent games i.e.
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Rugby, Chess and Kabaddi.
The one who likes Football lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Football. Only one person lives between U and the
one who likes Chess. Neither R nor T lives on oor numbered 1.
Only one person lives between R and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U, who
lives on an odd numbered oor.
Only two persons live between P and T. the one who likes chess does not live on oor numbered
1st . Q lives on an even numbered oor and immediately above R. The one who likes Kabaddi lives
on an even numbered oor and lives immediately above the person who likes Rugby.
W lives just below the one who likes Rugby.R does not like Chess or Rugby.Only two person live
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between the one who likes Badminton and the one who likes Hockey.
The one who likes Badminton does not live on an odd numbered oor.S does not live on an odd
numbered oor.

How many persons lives between the oors on which W and S live?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. More than three.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Three


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
Eight persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W live on eight di erent oors of a building. The ground oor is
numbered one and the topmost is numbered eight. Each of them likes a di erent games i.e.
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Rugby, Chess and Kabaddi.
The one who likes Football lives on an even numbered oor but not on oor no. 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Football. Only one person lives between U and the
one who likes Chess. Neither R nor T lives on oor numbered 1.
Only one person lives between R and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U, who
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lives on an odd numbered oor.
Only two persons live between P and T. the one who likes chess does not live on oor numbered
1st . Q lives on an even numbered oor and immediately above R. The one who likes Kabaddi lives
on an even numbered oor and lives immediately above the person who likes Rugby.
W lives just below the one who likes Rugby.R does not like Chess or Rugby.Only two person live
between the one who likes Badminton and the one who likes Hockey.
The one who likes Badminton does not live on an odd numbered oor.S does not live on an odd
numbered oor.

Who among the following lives on Lowermost oor?

A. U

B. R

C. W

D. P

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and J stay in a building. The building has nine ͨoors and only one
person stays on one ͨoor. All of them own one bus each and each bus is of a diͨerent colour-
blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green, red, orange and pink (ͨoors from one to nine).
K owns a black bus and stays on a even number ͨoor. A stays on any even number ͨoor below the
ͨoor on which K stays. The person who own an orange bus stay on fourth ͨoor. E stays on the
second ͨoor and own a white bus.
The person who own pink bus stay on third ͨoor. A does not own green bus. There are two ͨoors
between red and black bus. C owns a grey bus. There are three ͨoors between C and G. D stays
immediately above J’s ͨoor. There is one ͨoor between F and G. F does not own pink bus. The
person who owns blue bus stays on the top most ͨoor. F does not stay on the ground ͨoor.

Who amongst the following live on the ͨoors between the ͨoors on which J and A live?

A. K, C

B. C, D

C. K, B

D. G, D

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. G, D


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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and J stay in a building. The building has nine ͨoors and only one
person stays on one ͨoor. All of them own one bus each and each bus is of a diͨerent colour-
blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green, red, orange and pink (ͨoors from one to nine).
K owns a black bus and stays on a even number ͨoor. A stays on any even number ͨoor below the
ͨoor on which K stays. The person who own an orange bus stay on fourth ͨoor. E stays on the
second ͨoor and own a white bus.
The person who own pink bus stay on third ͨoor. A does not own green bus. There are two ͨoors
between red and black bus. C owns a grey bus. There are three ͨoors between C and G. D stays
immediately above J’s ͨoor. There is one ͨoor between F and G. F does not own pink bus. The
person who owns blue bus stays on the top most ͨoor. F does not stay on the ground ͨoor.

Who amongst the following lives on ͨoor number 6th ?

A. G

B. K

C. B

D. A

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. A

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and J stay in a building. The building has nine ͨoors and only one
person stays on one ͨoor. All of them own one bus each and each bus is of a diͨerent colour-
blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green, red, orange and pink (ͨoors from one to nine).
K owns a black bus and stays on a even number ͨoor. A stays on any even number ͨoor below the
ͨoor on which K stays. The person who own an orange bus stay on fourth ͨoor. E stays on the
second ͨoor and own a white bus.
The person who own pink bus stay on third ͨoor. A does not own green bus. There are two ͨoors
between red and black bus. C owns a grey bus. There are three ͨoors between C and G. D stays
immediately above J’s ͨoor. There is one ͨoor between F and G. F does not own pink bus. The
person who owns blue bus stays on the top most ͨoor. F does not stay on the ground ͨoor.

On which of the following ͨoors does the one who likes yellow colour lives?

A. 3rd

B. 5th

C. 6th t

D. 4th

E. 7th

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 6th t

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and J stay in a building. The building has nine ͨoors and only one
person stays on one ͨoor. All of them own one bus each and each bus is of a diͨerent colour-
blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green, red, orange and pink (ͨoors from one to nine).
K owns a black bus and stays on a even number ͨoor. A stays on any even number ͨoor below the
ͨoor on which K stays. The person who own an orange bus stay on fourth ͨoor. E stays on the
second ͨoor and own a white bus.
The person who own pink bus stay on third ͨoor. A does not own green bus. There are two ͨoors
between red and black bus. C owns a grey bus. There are three ͨoors between C and G. D stays
immediately above J’s ͨoor. There is one ͨoor between F and G. F does not own pink bus. The
person who owns blue bus stays on the top most ͨoor. F does not stay on the ground ͨoor.

How many people live on the ͨoors above the ͨoor on which J lives?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. More than three.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: E. More than three.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and J stay in a building. The building has nine ͨoors and only one
person stays on one ͨoor. All of them own one bus each and each bus is of a diͨerent colour-
blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green, red, orange and pink (ͨoors from one to nine).
K owns a black bus and stays on a even number ͨoor. A stays on any even number ͨoor below the
ͨoor on which K stays. The person who own an orange bus stay on fourth ͨoor. E stays on the
second ͨoor and own a white bus.
The person who own pink bus stay on third ͨoor. A does not own green bus. There are two ͨoors
between red and black bus. C owns a grey bus. There are three ͨoors between C and G. D stays
immediately above J’s ͨoor. There is one ͨoor between F and G. F does not own pink bus. The
person who owns blue bus stays on the top most ͨoor. F does not stay on the ground ͨoor.

Who amongst the following lives on Topmost Floor?

A. B

B. A

C. D

D. J

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. B


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and J stay in a building. The building has nine ͨoors and only one
person stays on one ͨoor. All of them own one bus each and each bus is of a diͨerent colour-
blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green, red, orange and pink (ͨoors from one to nine).
K owns a black bus and stays on a even number ͨoor. A stays on any even number ͨoor below the
ͨoor on which K stays. The person who own an orange bus stay on fourth ͨoor. E stays on the
second ͨoor and own a white bus.
The person who own pink bus stay on third ͨoor. A does not own green bus. There are two ͨoors
between red and black bus. C owns a grey bus. There are three ͨoors between C and G. D stays
immediately above J’s ͨoor. There is one ͨoor between F and G. F does not own pink bus. The
person who owns blue bus stays on the top most ͨoor. F does not stay on the ground ͨoor.

Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. D- Pink- VI

B. F- Yellow- VII

C. A- Green- III

D. J- Pink- III

E. Both (B) and (D) is true.

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. J- Pink- III


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K and J stay in a building. The building has nine ͨoors and only one
person stays on one ͨoor. All of them own one bus each and each bus is of a diͨerent colour-
blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green, red, orange and pink (ͨoors from one to nine).
K owns a black bus and stays on a even number ͨoor. A stays on any even number ͨoor below the
ͨoor on which K stays. The person who own an orange bus stay on fourth ͨoor. E stays on the
second ͨoor and own a white bus.
The person who own pink bus stay on third ͨoor. A does not own green bus. There are two ͨoors
between red and black bus. C owns a grey bus. There are three ͨoors between C and G. D stays
immediately above J’s ͨoor. There is one ͨoor between F and G. F does not own pink bus. The
person who owns blue bus stays on the top most ͨoor. F does not stay on the ground ͨoor.

Who lives on the exactly middle of the ͨoors on which E and D lives?

A. J

B. A

C. C

D. B

E. F

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. J


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and V live on diͨerent ͨoors in the same building having six ͨoors numbered one to
six (the ground ͨoor is numbered 1, the ͨoor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
ͨoor is numbered 6).
Q lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Only two people live between the ͨoors on which Q and V live.
S lives on a ͨoor immediately above the ͨoor on which R lives. S does not live on an odd
numbered ͨoor. P does not live on a ͨoor which is immediately above or immediately below the
ͨoor on which T lives. P does not live on the lower most ͨoor i.e. ͨoor no.1.

Who amongst the following live on the ͨoors between the ͨoors on which Q and V live?

A. R, S

B. P, R

C. S, T

D. P, T

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: A. R, S


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and V live on diͨerent ͨoors in the same building having six ͨoors numbered one to
six (the ground ͨoor is numbered 1, the ͨoor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
ͨoor is numbered 6).
Q lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Only two people live between the ͨoors on which Q and V live.
S lives on a ͨoor immediately above the ͨoor on which R lives. S does not live on an odd
numbered ͨoor. P does not live on a ͨoor which is immediately above or immediately below the
ͨoor on which T lives. P does not live on the lower most ͨoor i.e. ͨoor no.1.

Who amongst the following lives on ͨoor number 5?

A. P

B. Q

C. T

D. V

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. V

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and V live on diͨerent ͨoors in the same building having six ͨoors numbered one to
six (the ground ͨoor is numbered 1, the ͨoor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
ͨoor is numbered 6).
Q lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Only two people live between the ͨoors on which Q and V live.
S lives on a ͨoor immediately above the ͨoor on which R lives. S does not live on an odd
numbered ͨoor. P does not live on a ͨoor which is immediately above or immediately below the
ͨoor on which T lives. P does not live on the lower most ͨoor i.e. ͨoor no.1.

On which of the following ͨoors does T live?

A. 3rd

B. 5th

C. 1st

D. 4th

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. 1st

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and V live on diͨerent ͨoors in the same building having six ͨoors numbered one to
six (the ground ͨoor is numbered 1, the ͨoor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
ͨoor is numbered 6).
Q lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Only two people live between the ͨoors on which Q and V live.
S lives on a ͨoor immediately above the ͨoor on which R lives. S does not live on an odd
numbered ͨoor. P does not live on a ͨoor which is immediately above or immediately below the
ͨoor on which T lives. P does not live on the lower most ͨoor i.e. ͨoor no.1.

How many people live on the ͨoors above the ͨoor on which Q lives?

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. More than three.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. More than three.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
P, Q, R, S, T and V live on diͨerent ͨoors in the same building having six ͨoors numbered one to
six (the ground ͨoor is numbered 1, the ͨoor above it numbered 2 and so on and the topmost
ͨoor is numbered 6).
Q lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Only two people live between the ͨoors on which Q and V live.
S lives on a ͨoor immediately above the ͨoor on which R lives. S does not live on an odd
numbered ͨoor. P does not live on a ͨoor which is immediately above or immediately below the
ͨoor on which T lives. P does not live on the lower most ͨoor i.e. ͨoor no.1.

Who amongst the following lives on ͨoor number 3?

A. P

B. Q

C. T

D. None of these.

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. None of these.

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
In a seven storey building having ͨoors from one to seven A, B, C, D, E and G living on diͨerent
ͨoors. One of the ͨoors in the building is vacant. A lives on the ͨfth ͨoor. No ͨoor below ͨfth ͨoor
is vacant, also no odd numbered ͨoor is vacant. Only D lives between E and G. E Does not sit on
the odd numbered ͨoor. E does not live immediately above C .B does not live on the bottom-most

Who amongst the following live on the ͨoors between the ͨoors on which B and A live?

A. C, G

B. G, C

C. C, E

D. G, E

E. Vacant

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. Vacant


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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
In a seven storey building having ͨoors from one to seven A, B, C, D, E and G living on diͨerent
ͨoors. One of the ͨoors in the building is vacant. A lives on the ͨfth ͨoor. No ͨoor below ͨfth ͨoor
is vacant, also no odd numbered ͨoor is vacant. Only D lives between E and G. E Does not sit on
the odd numbered ͨoor. E does not live immediately above C .B does not live on the bottom-most

Who amongst the following lives on ͨoor number 5?

A. A

B. B

C. E

D. G

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. A


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
In a seven storey building having ͨoors from one to seven A, B, C, D, E and G living on diͨerent
ͨoors. One of the ͨoors in the building is vacant. A lives on the ͨfth ͨoor. No ͨoor below ͨfth ͨoor
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is vacant, also no odd numbered ͨoor is vacant. Only D lives between E and G. E Does not sit on
the odd numbered ͨoor. E does not live immediately above C .B does not live on the bottom-most

On which of the following ͨoors does E live?

A. 3rd

B. 5th

C. 1st

D. 4th

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. 4th


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
In a seven storey building having ͨoors from one to seven A, B, C, D, E and G living on diͨerent
ͨoors. One of the ͨoors in the building is vacant. A lives on the ͨfth ͨoor. No ͨoor below ͨfth ͨoor
is vacant, also no odd numbered ͨoor is vacant. Only D lives between E and G. E Does not sit on
the odd numbered ͨoor. E does not live immediately above C .B does not live on the bottom-most

How many people live on the ͨoors above the ͨoor on which B lives?

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A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. More than three.

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. None


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
In a seven storey building having ͨoors from one to seven A, B, C, D, E and G living on diͨerent
ͨoors. One of the ͨoors in the building is vacant. A lives on the ͨfth ͨoor. No ͨoor below ͨfth ͨoor
is vacant, also no odd numbered ͨoor is vacant. Only D lives between E and G. E Does not sit on
the odd numbered ͨoor. E does not live immediately above C .B does not live on the bottom-most

Who amongst the following lives on ͨoor number 3?

A. A

B. B

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C. E

D. None of these.

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. None of these.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has seven ͨoors numbered one to seven, in such a way that the ground ͨoor is
numbered one, the ͨoor above it is numbered two and so on. Such that the topmost ͨoor
numbered seven. One out of seven people viz. P,Q,R,S,T,U, and V lives on each ͨoor. The person
who has even place value according to alphabet increasing order, lives on even numbered ͨoor. T
does not lives on the ͨoor immediately above or below U’s ͨoor. U lives on the Second or Seventh
ͨoor. R does not lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Q lives on ͨoor immediately above or below R’s
ͨoor who does not live on seventh ͨoor. S does not live on the second topmost ͨoor. V does not
live on seventh ͨoor. There are two persons live between P and S.

Which of the following is the ͨoor on which P lives?

A. I



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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. I


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has seven ͨoors numbered one to seven, in such a way that the ground ͨoor is
numbered one, the ͨoor above it is numbered two and so on. Such that the topmost ͨoor
numbered seven. One out of seven people viz. P,Q,R,S,T,U, and V lives on each ͨoor. The person
who has even place value according to alphabet increasing order, lives on even numbered ͨoor. T
does not lives on the ͨoor immediately above or below U’s ͨoor. U lives on the Second or Seventh
ͨoor. R does not lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Q lives on ͨoor immediately above or below R’s
ͨoor who does not live on seventh ͨoor. S does not live on the second topmost ͨoor. V does not
live on seventh ͨoor. There are two persons live between P and S.

Which of the following statement is true regarding V as per the given information?

A. V lives on ͨoor no.7.

B. V lives immediately below T.

C. V lives on ͨoor no. 3.

D. V lives on lowermost ͨoor.

E. None of these.

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Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. V lives on ͨoor no. 3.


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has seven ͨoors numbered one to seven, in such a way that the ground ͨoor is
numbered one, the ͨoor above it is numbered two and so on. Such that the topmost ͨoor
numbered seven. One out of seven people viz. P,Q,R,S,T,U, and V lives on each ͨoor. The person
who has even place value according to alphabet increasing order, lives on even numbered ͨoor. T
does not lives on the ͨoor immediately above or below U’s ͨoor. U lives on the Second or Seventh
ͨoor. R does not lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Q lives on ͨoor immediately above or below R’s
ͨoor who does not live on seventh ͨoor. S does not live on the second topmost ͨoor. V does not
live on seventh ͨoor. There are two persons live between P and S.

Which of the following combination is true?

A. I-T

B. II- R




Your Answer: Not Attempted

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Correct Answer: C. IV-S


Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has seven ͨoors numbered one to seven, in such a way that the ground ͨoor is
numbered one, the ͨoor above it is numbered two and so on. Such that the topmost ͨoor
numbered seven. One out of seven people viz. P,Q,R,S,T,U, and V lives on each ͨoor. The person
who has even place value according to alphabet increasing order, lives on even numbered ͨoor. T
does not lives on the ͨoor immediately above or below U’s ͨoor. U lives on the Second or Seventh
ͨoor. R does not lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Q lives on ͨoor immediately above or below R’s
ͨoor who does not live on seventh ͨoor. S does not live on the second topmost ͨoor. V does not
live on seventh ͨoor. There are two persons live between P and S.

Which of the following person lives on the ͨoor exactly between the ͨoors on which P and V live?

A. Q

B. R

C. S

D. U

E. Q

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. U

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Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions-
A building has seven ͨoors numbered one to seven, in such a way that the ground ͨoor is
numbered one, the ͨoor above it is numbered two and so on. Such that the topmost ͨoor
numbered seven. One out of seven people viz. P,Q,R,S,T,U, and V lives on each ͨoor. The person
who has even place value according to alphabet increasing order, lives on even numbered ͨoor. T
does not lives on the ͨoor immediately above or below U’s ͨoor. U lives on the Second or Seventh
ͨoor. R does not lives on an even numbered ͨoor. Q lives on ͨoor immediately above or below R’s
ͨoor who does not live on seventh ͨoor. S does not live on the second topmost ͨoor. V does not
live on seventh ͨoor. There are two persons live between P and S.

Four of ͨve are alike in a certain way so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to
that group?

A. R

B. V

C. S

D. P

E. T

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: C. S

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Eight people T,S,A,D,F,G,H and K are living in a building of seven ͨoors. Ground ͨoor of that
building is numbered 1, First ͨoor is numbered 2, and so on and the top ͨoor is seven . Except one
ͨoor, all other ͨoors have only person but not necessarily in the same order.
T lives on 6th ͨoor but he is not the neighbor of A and F. G lives immediately above the K’s ͨoor.
There are two persons on 5th ͨoor. Neither G nor D lives on 5th ͨoor. K does not live on 2nd and
3rd ͨoors. H’s ͨoor is not near to K’s ͨoor.

Who lives on the topmost ͨoor?

A. T

B. S

C. A

D. D

E. Cannot be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. D

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Eight people T,S,A,D,F,G,H and K are living in a building of seven ͨoors. Ground ͨoor of that
building is numbered 1, First ͨoor is numbered 2, and so on and the top ͨoor is seven . Except one
ͨoor, all other ͨoors have only person but not necessarily in the same order.
T lives on 6th ͨoor but he is not the neighbor of A and F. G lives immediately above the K’s ͨoor.
There are two persons on 5th ͨoor. Neither G nor D lives on 5th ͨoor. K does not live on 2nd and
3rd ͨoors. H’s ͨoor is not near to K’s ͨoor.

Who lives immediately below D’s ͨoor?

A. S

B. H

C. K

D. A

E. None of these

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: E. None of these

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Eight people T,S,A,D,F,G,H and K are living in a building of seven ͨoors. Ground ͨoor of that
building is numbered 1, First ͨoor is numbered 2, and so on and the top ͨoor is seven . Except one
ͨoor, all other ͨoors have only person but not necessarily in the same order.
T lives on 6th ͨoor but he is not the neighbor of A and F. G lives immediately above the K’s ͨoor.
There are two persons on 5th ͨoor. Neither G nor D lives on 5th ͨoor. K does not live on 2nd and
3rd ͨoors. H’s ͨoor is not near to K’s ͨoor.

Four of the ͨve are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
belong to that group?

A. S

B. H

C. K

D. G

E. D

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. G

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Eight people T,S,A,D,F,G,H and K are living in a building of seven ͨoors. Ground ͨoor of that
building is numbered 1, First ͨoor is numbered 2, and so on and the top ͨoor is seven . Except one
ͨoor, all other ͨoors have only person but not necessarily in the same order.
T lives on 6th ͨoor but he is not the neighbor of A and F. G lives immediately above the K’s ͨoor.
There are two persons on 5th ͨoor. Neither G nor D lives on 5th ͨoor. K does not live on 2nd and
3rd ͨoors. H’s ͨoor is not near to K’s ͨoor.

Which of the following person lives on the ͨoor exactly between the ͨoors on which D and K live?

A. T

B. G

C. S

D. Either A or F

E. Can not be determined

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: D. Either A or F

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2/14/2017 Online Banking Test Series for SBI PO, Clerk & IBPS PO Clerk Exams

Purchased by vprabhat51@gmail.com
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions-
Eight people T,S,A,D,F,G,H and K are living in a building of seven ͨoors. Ground ͨoor of that
building is numbered 1, First ͨoor is numbered 2, and so on and the top ͨoor is seven . Except one
ͨoor, all other ͨoors have only person but not necessarily in the same order.
T lives on 6th ͨoor but he is not the neighbor of A and F. G lives immediately above the K’s ͨoor.
There are two persons on 5th ͨoor. Neither G nor D lives on 5th ͨoor. K does not live on 2nd and
3rd ͨoors. H’s ͨoor is not near to K’s ͨoor.

Who among the following lives on the lowermost ͨoor?

A. K

B. G

C. S

D. A

E. F

Your Answer: Not Attempted

Correct Answer: A. K

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