Basic I Workbook Unit 1

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Basic 1 Unit 1

Unit 1
Meet A Rock Star

a. What can you do? Mark the sentences that are true for you.

Yes, I can.
1. I can play the guitar. ______
No, I can't.
2. I can write rock songs. ______
No, I can't.
3. I can speak English. ______
No, can't.
4. I can play the piano. ______
No, I can't.
5. I can dance. ______

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Basic 1 Unit 1

b. Write three more sentences about what you can do.

fix computers.
1. I can ___________________________________________________.
configure access point.
2. I can ___________________________________________________.
make web sites.
3. I can ___________________________________________________.

c. Linda Chavez is reporting on another rock concert to radio announcer, Bill Winter.
Which sentences are NOT part of their conversation?

1. Can you hear me, Linda?

2. Yes, I can, Bill.
3. Are you a reporter?
4. Are there a lot of people at the concert?
5. Yes, there are.
6. Who can you see, Linda?
7. I can play the guitar.
8. I can see the rock star, Maxi.

d. Imagine you are a radio reporter reporting on a rock concert. Write a dialogue between
yourself and the radio announcer. Use the sentences from activity c. to help you.

Radio announcer: Let’s go to our reporter now at the jazz/classical/rock concert

in Tokyo/London/San Francisco. Who can you see at the

You: I can see the band vocalist.


Radio announcer: Are there a lot of people at the concert?

You: No, there are not. It is not full yet.


Radio announcer: Is everyone having a good time?

You: Yes, everyone is having a good time.


e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Basic 1 Unit 1

Meet Me!
a. Match these personals ads to the pictures of the people who wrote them.

A My name is María.
I am 22 years old. I’m English, but I live in Paris.
I am an artist. I speak Italian, French, and English. I like
classical music, watching movies, and traveling. I am
B (Elena) looking for a boyfriend.
1. _________
Write: P. O. Box 93048, Paris, France

B My name is Elena.
I live in New York. I am 27 years old. I am a
radio reporter. I speak English and Italian. I like rock music
and dancing. I love junk food! I am looking for a boyfriend.

A (María)
Write: P. O. Box 456, New York, N.Y.
2. _________

b. Mark the information that corresponds to María and Elena.

María Elena
1. She lives in New York. x
2. She is an artist. x
3. She is from England. x

4. She likes rock music. x

5. She is looking for a boyfriend. x x

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Basic 1 Unit 1

c. Josh is looking for a girlfriend. Read his personal ad and decide who Josh should
meet – María or Elena? Why?

My name is Josh. I am 31 years old.

I speak English and French. I am looking for
a girlfriend. I love movies and classical music.
I love healthy food and I like to travel.
Write: P.O. Box 789, London.

Josh should meet ______________________ she also speaks English and French
because _____________________
and they like similar things.

d. Read the sentences below about Josh. Mark if they are true or false.

True False
1. Josh loves to watch movies. x
2. Josh likes rock and roll music. x
3. Josh loves junk food. x
4. Josh likes to travel. x
5. Josh has a girlfriend. x

e. Write your own personal ad. Use the words and phrases from activities a. and c.

My name is Jairo. I am 35 years old.

I only speak Spanish, I want to learn speaking English so i am looking for a friend.
I love metal music and terror movies.
Write:, Quito, EC

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Basic 1 Unit 1

Maxi’s Room
a. Match the words in column B to the words in column A to make phrases from this
1. hotel ____ a. star
2. rock ____ b. hall
3. concert ____ c. story
4. newspaper ____ d. room
5. radio ____ e. station

b. How well do you remember the dialogue, “Maxi’s Room”. Match the answers below to
the right questions.

Questions Answers
1. Is this the right hotel? ____ a. I don’t know. That isn’t in the newspaper story.
2. How do you know? ____ c b. Yes. Maxi is staying here.
3. What room is she in? ____ c. There’s a story about her in the newspaper.

c. Imagine you and your friend are looking for someone famous. Complete the
dialogue below:

You: Is this the right cinema/theater/concert hall?

Your friend: Yes, he is here.
You: Is he/she? How do you know?
Your friend: I read a newspaper report.
You: Well, when does he/she arrive?
Your friend: I guess he is already here.

d. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Basic 1 Unit 1

Be: Affirmative, Yes/No Questions, Contractions

a. Debbie is telling her friend, Linda, about her new boyfriend. Complete their dialogue
by matching the answers to the questions.

Questions Answers
1. So, how’s your new boyfriend? ____ a. He’s the same age as me – 28.
2. What does he do? ____ b. Yes, he is. He’s from New York.
3. Wow! Is he famous? ____ c. Yes, he’s very good-looking.
4. Is he good-looking? ____ d. He’s great.
5. How old is he? ____ e. He’s a rock and roll singer.
6. Is he American? ____ f. No, he’s not.

b. Describe your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend. Answer the questions below.

No, she isn't. She is older than me.

1. Is he/she the same age as you? _______________________________________

Yes, she is.

2. Is he/she good looking? ____________________________________________

No, she doesn't.

3. Does he/she speak English? _________________________________________

She is a nurse.
4. What does he/she do? _____________________________________________

c. Tell your partner about your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend.

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