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1. Name the following:

a) The organ which produces urea.
b) The tuft of capillaries inside the Bowman’s capsule.
c) The hormone controlling concentration of urine by water reabsorption.
d) The process of urine expulsion.
e) Part of the excretory system, where urine is stored temporarily.
f) The vein in which urea concentration is maximum.
g) The part of the nephron where some absorption of water and sodium ions occur.

2. Study the diagram and answer the following:

a) Name the organ system that can be seen wholly or partially in the above diagram.
b) Label the parts 1-5.
c) What units make up 1?
d) Name the two organic constituents of the fluid that flows down 3.
e) What are the three major steps involved in the formation of the fluid that flows
down 3.
3. Give reasons:
a) The renal cortex appears dotted and renal medulla appears stripped.
b) We urinate fewer times in summer than in winter.

3. Study the given diagram and answer the following:

a) Name the region in the kidney where the above structure is seen.
b) Label the parts 1- 4.
c) Name the stages involved in the formation of urine.
d) Why does 1 and 4 have different diameters?
e) In which part of the kidney do we find the above drawn part?
Circulatory System
Name the following:
1.The mineral element required for blood clotting.
2.The chamber of the heart receiving deoxygenated blood from entire body.
3.The organ which is not supplied by oxygenated blood from heart.
5. Theblood vessel without any muscular wall.
6. The blood vessel that begins and ends with capillaries.
7.The chamber of the heart that has thickest wall.
8.The portion of the plasma without fibrinogen.
9. The soluble protein in plasma.
10.Deadening of heart muscles.
11. Chest pain due to insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscles.
12.The artery carrying deoxygenated blood.
13. The contraction phase of heart chambers.
14. The substance released by platelets at the site of injury.

Differentiate between:
1.Erythrocytes and Leucocytes (Shape)
2. Artery and Vein (Structure)
3. LUBB and DUP (The time of occurrence)
4. Monocyte and Lymhocyte (Shape of Nucleus)
5. Blood and Lymph (Composition)
6. Blood Group AB and Blood Group O (Type of antigen present)

State the exact location of:

2.Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
3. Bicuspid Valve
4. Papillary Muscles
5. Bundle of HIS
6. Septum
7. Purkinje Fibres
8. AVN

State the exact function of:

1.Hepatic portal Vein
3. Tricuspid Valve
4. Aortic Semilunar Valve

Explain The Terms:

2. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
4. Blood Transfusion
6. Blood Pressure
7. Pulse

State the biological reasons:

1.The left ventricle has thickest wall.
2.Valves are present in the inner lining of veins and not in the arteries.
3.Blood group must be checked before blood transfusion.
4.Blood from the intestine is not poured into the venacava directly but passes to liver.
5.Human blood circulation is called double circulation.

Diagram Based Questions:

1.A specific phenomenon is shown in the diagram. Answer the questions related to it.

i)Name the blood vessel shown in A.

ii)Name the two blood cells in A. Mention any one point of difference between them.
iii)Name the processes taking place in A and B. Define both the processes.

2. Draw the section through three different kinds of Blood vessels and Label the layers in
their wall.

3.Study the diagram and answer the following:

i) Name the blood vessels labeled 1 and 2.
ii) State the function of blood vessels labeled 5 and 8.
iii) What is the importance of the blood vessel labeled 6?
iv) Which blood vessel will contain a high amount of glucose and aminoacids after meal?
v) Draw a diagram of the different blood cells as seen smear of human blood.

4. Study the diagram given below and answer the related questions:

i)Identify the phase.

ii) Name the valves that remain open and the ones which are closed. What are the reasons behind
such opening and closing.
iii)Draw and label the very next phase that will occur.
iv)What is the duration of the phase shown and the duration of the phase drawn by you?
v)Why is there difference in their duration?

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