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Bronx Masquerade Study Guide

1. Explain what “open mike poetry is.

2. What makes Tyrone the main character?

3. How are Diondra and Devon similar as far as the character traits? (How are they alike?)

4. Why does Lupe want a baby?

5. How does Janelle like to be seen? P.47

6. What affect does Judianne’s step-father have on her?

7. What does Leslie mean when she says, “Dead is dead, and lonely is lonely, and they both stink”?
p. 53

8. Two themes in the students’ poetry are loneliness and insecurity about appearance. Write the
feelings Janelle, Leslie, Judianne and Lupe express about these topics? (put into a T-chart labeled
loneliness and insecurity)

9. Raul tells Steve, “If a dream is in your heart, you never lose it.” What does this mean? P.116

10. Students are changing because of “open mike Fridays”. List four students and how they now feel
about themselves or their future.

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