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Kabar Itah

Edition 56 : April - June 2018

Editorial Developing Gunung Mas’s MSMEs Master Plan

This issue of Kabar Itah presents quite a to contribute to the RPJMD
good picture of the variety of activities we
are engaged with this year in our many
different locations in Central Kalimantan.
To cover all of the demands, we have been
recruiting new field staff and are preparing
an intensive training program for when they
start in July.
The process of developing the curriculum
and training materials in itself has been very
challenging because previously we relied almost
exclusively on in-the-field mentoring and
learning. We will still continue to do the latter, but
interlaced with classroom training sessions
to provide a solid foundation for the practical
work the new recruits will do in the field.
This process is also helping us codify all the
learning we have acquired over the past two Small discussion between Gunung Mas District Regional Secretary and YTS team
(Left to right: Drs. Yansiterson, M.Si., Dian Anggraeni, Mokhamad Ikhsan, Bardolf Paul)
decades. It will also help us prepare for a
potential large expansion once our founding
parent, the mineral development company
Kalimantan Surya Kencana, moves into
YTS initiated a project on Micro, and attended by the Head of
mining one of its copper prospects within
Small and Medium Enteprises the Planning Agency, BP3D, Drs.
the next two years. When this happens, YTS
will have to broaden and deepen its capacity (MSMEs) Master Plan 2018-2022 Salampak, as well as Department
and outreach to include basic health and in partnership with Gunung Mas Heads and Section Heads for
education, and other social issues. So far, we District government. First, we relevant government agencies, and
have been focusing almost exclusively on gathered data, had discussions, the Director of YTS, Bardolf Paul.
economic and institutional development. and did analysis in April towards
developing the master plan. Mokhamad Ikhsan and Dian
Another twist in this tale, is our decision to
Anggreani from YTS presented
recruit fresh graduates from local universities,
as we feel it will be much easier to hire At the end of May, we carried out the results of the analysis and
locally and provide our own training to new two activities. First, a focus group the review study of MSMEs data,
people who wish to enter the development discussion to verify the data and facilitated discussions, and collected
field. More often than not, they will have the initial MSMEs Master Plan recommendations for the MSMEs
local language abilities, which will enable together with primary resource development plan.
them to communicate more easily and more persons from the Gunung Mas
effectively in the Dayak communities where government. On the next day, we Yansiterson said, ”The MSMEs Master
we mainly work. conducted a workshop which was Plan is not only completed in its
This and other stories are contained in this aimed at sharpening the analysis preparation stage, but it also will
issue. We hope you find them all interesting. and gathering consensus and inputs be incorporated into the RPJMD
Have a great summer and fall. regarding compulsory elements and applied in program activities
for MSMEs development. The so that it can be useful and become
workshop was officially opened by the basis for a follow-up plan in the
Bardolf Paul the Regional Secretary of Gunung near future.”
Executive Director Mas District, Drs. Yansiterson,
Studying the fish value chain in Bukit Batu with Bappeda

YTS team interviewing fish seller in Kahayan market

In April, in collaboration with Palangka Raya Municipality This study also provided recommendations for a multi-
Regional Development Planning Agency or Bappeda, YTS stakeholder participatory planning process which is aimed
initiated a Value Chain Analysis study with a special focus at improving the fishery supply chain, fishery technology,
in Bukit Batu subdistrict, Palangka Raya. We conducted innovation for fish cultivation, product processing,
surveys and documentation to analyse the value chain for transportation, and the information system.
fish cultivation and marketing. Through interviews with
relevant stakeholders, such as producers, buyers, traders, In the next quarter, YTS and Bappeda will conduct a
suppliers, the study examined the mapping of value chain workshop to follow up the study results with the hope that
flow, economic analysis of fishery business, added value key players in the fishery sector can develop a Strategic
and competition in the fishery business. Development Plan for the industry.

Meeting between Palangka Raya Planning Department (Bappeda) and YTS Visiting fisherman and processor in Patuk Katimpun village, Jekan Raya subdistrict

Interviewing Akidah Wahyuni from MEFs Food and Snacks, a fish processing
Field visit to fishery business of Farchan, a fishery businessman
business group

2 Kabar Itah - Edition 56

Training communities on organic vegetable cultivation
Continuing our last year’s collaboration with
BP3D Gunung Mas on Community-based
Economic Empowerment program specifically
on Training of Trainers (ToT) on chicken
farming, this year we conducted ToT on
vegetable cultivation in the same three villages
in Gunung Mas district: Rabauh, Tumbang
Tambirah, and Tumbang Jutuh.

Held in April at Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) Bukit

Batu, the training was officially opened by YTS’s
Director, Bardolf Paul. Representatives from BP3D
Gunung Mas also came to observe the training.

Through in-class and practice sessions, an

Training participants together with representatives from BP3D, the Planning Agency in Gunung Mas,
expert from YUM shared materials regarding and the YTS and YUM team

seedlings, fertilizing, organic fertilizer

production, planting techniques, plant
nursery, land and plant relations, pest control,
harvesting, and marketing.

Six community representatives participated in

the three-day training. They engaged actively
and received answers to questions on the issue
of vegetable cultivation in their villages.

Luni from Tumbang Tambirah said, “We did

not know about organic fertilizer production.
We all used chemicals before. Now that we
know and have practiced it, we will apply in
the village and it is more economical.” While
Elin commented on her new knowledge, “Now
I know that we have things around us that can
Several women trainees practice seedling and planting techniques
be used for organic fertilizer.”

Bardolf Paul officially closed the event. He

appreciated the enthusiasm of the participants
during the training.

Having been equipped to become trainers,

the six participants then served as trainers and
passed on their knowledge to their respective
village communities. This program was jointly
organized by YTS, BP3D Gunung Mas, and YUM,
and we monitored and assisted them in applying
their technical training for chicken farming and
vegetable cultivation in the three villages.

In Tumbang Jutuh, the training was conducted

with funding from the Village Fund. The
training participants for chicken farming
Women trainees actively engage in a classroom session
received funding from the People’s
Economic Fund.

Kabar Itah - Edition 56 3

Supporting communities to manage their forests over the next 35 years
From April to June, we conducted the
training in 3 different villages: Tumbang
Marikoi, Tumbang Posu and Tumbang Anoi.

With facilitation from YTS and resource

persons from Central Kalimantan Provincial
Forestry Agency and Production Forest
Management Unit XVI, the three-day
training strengthened the capacity of the
Village Forest Management Institution and
Community Forest groups.

Participants of CBFM training in Tumbang Posu discussing Social Forestry livelihood options in small groups Eleven men and women in Tumbang
Marikoi, 12 in Tumbang Posu, and 16 in
Tumbang Anoi participated in the training.
In supporting communities to manage their forests over On the third day of training in each village, the participants
the next 35 years through a Social Forestry scheme, YTS is formed Interest Groups for further training, such as growing
collaborating with USAID LESTARI to conduct training for chili, red ginger, corn, and rubber cultivation, as well as
Community Based Forest Management groups in 8 villages in cattle farming.
Damang Batu subdistrict, Gunung Mas district.

Assistance to improve the future of the community economy and forest

In collaboration with USAID LESTARI, YTS is assisting
community members in eight villages in Gunung
Mas to prepare and submit proposals for forest
management permits.

During the second quarter of the year, YTS assisted

Karetau Sarian village to proceed with its proposal
under the Village Forest scheme for a Limited
Production Forest area; and Lawang Kanji village under
the Village Forest umbrella in a Production Forest area.
Some members of the community in Karetau Sarian village discuss their proposal
under the Village Forest scheme
Following up in June, YTS and relevant government
agencies conducted technical verification of the forest
area. The result was that both village applications met
the requirements and there was no reduction on the
forest area. The villages are waiting for the Minister of
Environment and Forestry to issue their Village Forest
Management Rights.

In May, Tumbang Marikoi and Tumbang Posu vilages

obtained their Decree on Social Forestry. In Palangka Raya,
village representatives and USAID LESTARI did the handover.

YTS continues to assist communities in Gunung Mas

YTS team assists the community in Lawang Kanji village with their Village Forest with their permit proposals aimed at improving their
permit that is in a Production Forest area
economy, accelerating equitable access to forest
resources, and resolving tenurial forest land conflict.

4 Kabar Itah - Edition 56

YTS goes to campus: UPR, Muhammadiyah, IAIN

Recruiting session where we introduced YTS through presentation and discussion to students at English Department at Palangka Raya University

In three different universities, YTS undertook a series of 23 students from Agriculture and Forestry, as well as
‘YTS goes to campus’ seminars. The seminars presented English education departments participating. The English
employment opportunities for newly graduating and Department at Palangka Raya University hosted the second
graduated students to get involved in our community one and 83 students turned out. It also hosted the third
development program, and was intended to support our plan seminar in the Agriculture and Forestry department, with 15
to expand working sites to more villages in Central Kalimantan. students. In June, IAIN, the State Islamic Institute of Palangka
Raya, organised the last one, with 31 students and faculty
Through presentation and discussion, we introduced YTS
from the English Department attending.
and our programs on community empowerment, regional
development, environmental protection, and education, as Students were very active in the discussion sessions, asking
well as relevant matters in recruiting Program Officers. various questions regarding language, empowerment, YTS’s
assistance, and recruitment-related matters.
The first three seminars were held in May. Muhammadiyah
University of Palangka Raya hosted the first one with

KKC Profile: Yullya Monica

Yullya Monica, from Tumbang Korik village, Gunung Mas She said that it enabled her to meet and interact with
district, received Kalimantan Kids Club scholarships funded new people.
by Susila Dharma Canada for six years, starting in Junior
High school until she graduated from Senior High school For three-month engagement in the internship, Yullya said
in 2017. Regarding the scholarship funds, she said, ”It was that she wants to keep gaining new experiences and lessons.
really helpful for me to cover the costs to buy and photocopy
books, school fees, etc.”

Her plan to pursue higher education in law or informatics and

computer is currently on hold, as she wants to work first for a
few years.

In May, she joined the YTS internship program for KKC

students, which will continue in August and September.
She expressed her motivation to pursue the internship
program, “I wanted to get experience and learning at the
Yullya Monica, a YTS intern from Kalimantan Kids Club
same time. And this experience has given me an increased
understanding of the world of work and office affairs.”

Kabar Itah - Edition 56 5

Newsflash: Agenda

YTS’s involvement in Pre-Musrenbang and Musrenbang meetings July

In April, YTS attended both Pre-Musrenbang and Musrenbang meetings Governance
at the provincial level to follow up on the district planning outputs. The Coordination with relevant local governments
Pre-Musrenbang synchronized all proposed plans to match the provincial Capacity building for village government

budget. Proposals from the districts were sharpened and harmonized to fit Community Development
within the 2019 provincial development work plan. LESTARI: CBFM training in Damang Batu
Vegetable cultivation training in Damang Batu
Guidelines development meeting on impacts of mercury Bukit Batu: KUB Forum at subdistrict level
Socialization on RTRW map and area status
YTS and Pure Earth attended the first of a series of workshops undertaken by Training on mapping and computer use
the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, Artisanal & Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
to assist in formulating a set of guidelines for local health centers to control CIRDI: Focus group discussions in Jamparan
the environmental health impacts of mercury use in the ASGM sector. Sharing on sluicebox making in Tewang Pajangan
Pure Earth: Miners to miners training in Tewang Pajangan
Mercury awareness campaign in Sumur Mas village
In April, our YTS ASGM team conducted an awareness raising campaign in
Sumur Mas village, Tewah subdistrict on mercury. Twenty-five men and ten Coordination with relevant local governments
women - local miners and farmers, attended. In this collaboration project Capacity building for village government
with the Pure Earth/ Blacksmith Institute, we also distributed brochures, Community Development
stickers and height charts to raise understanding in the community. Kahayan: LESTARI: CBFM training in Damang Batu
Vegetable cultivation training Phase-I and Phase-II
Trial of sluicebox with women gold panners Survey on rubber market
Bukit Batu: Value Chain Analysis workshop in Palangka Raya
At the end of June, the YTS ASGM team and women gold panners in
Training on fish processing
Tewang Pajangan conducted a trial and demonstration on using a Monitoring KUBs and assisting fish cultivation businesses
sluicebox – Gold Cube and Blue Bowl. By using the sluicebox the women
Artisanal & Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
can expect to increase their gold recovery. In the next quarter, we will
CIRDI: Assist legality of women panners group in T. Pajangan
carry out another trial, share the results to all women gold panners in the
Life-history interviews in Jamparan
village, and assist the Women Panners Working Group with formalization Pure Earth: Awareness raising on mercury in Sepang & Kurun
and group management. ACIAR: Scoping visit to Tumbang Nusa

National Action Plan to protect people from the dangers of mercury September
In May, YTS participated in a focus group discussion on the “Development
Coordination with relevant local governments
of Minamata Initial Assessment and National Action Plan (MIA-NAP) Capacity building for village government
for ASGM in Indonesia” program. We made a presentation on Mercury
Community Development
Emissions from ASGM activities. The event was held by the Ministry
Kahayan: Assisting farmer group formalization in Tb Tajungan
of Environment and Forestry/BCRC-SEA in collaboration with the UN Revitalization of village community institutions
Environment agency. Participants discussed preparation of the MIA-NAP LESTARI: Vegetable cultivation training
and identified roles for each stakeholder. Company CSR meeting on Public-Private Partnership
Bukit Batu: Training on entrepreneurship and
financial management
Four students engaged in the internship program at YTS Assisting KUB legality

From April to May, four students and graduates attended an internship Artisanal & Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
program at YTS after going through a selection and recruitment process. Visual story-telling workshop in Jamparan
They assisted our Information and Communication unit on transcribing and Transfer of panning activity from the river to land in
Tewang Pajangan
translating dialogue from a video on Community-Led Analysis and Planning.

Kabar Itah
Adminstrative and technical verification for social forestry proposals Kabar Itah is the quarterly newsletter of Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta (YTS), an affiliate of
PT. Kalimantan Surya Kencana (KSK), a mineral exploration company.

As part of the USAID LESTARI and YTS collaborative project, we

assisted the Social Forestry Acceleration Working Group in carrying Published by: Bank Accounts:
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
out administrative and technical field verification for the social forestry Jl. Rajawali VII, Srikandi III No. 100 BCA - Branch Rajawali
Bukit Tunggal Palangka Raya 73112 Palangka Raya Branch
proposals of Tumbang Anoi, Tumbang Mahuroi and Tumbang Maraya Kalimantan Tengah-Indonesia Central Kalimantan
Telp. +62 (0536) 3237184 INDONESIA
villages in May. In June, Lawang Kanji and Karetau Sarian villages also Fax. +62 (0536) 3229187 Number 657-5333-633
Email: Swift: CENAIDJA
went through the verification. Website:

6 Kabar Itah - Edition 56

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