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1. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below:

grain, evolution, famine, devised, multitude, mundane, attributed, wicked, traced, memorial.
1. Alexander Graham Bell 6. The detective ………… …………….the
………………………… the telephone. thief to his hiding place. (traced down)
(invented) 7. If it there is no rain for the next 3 years, it
2. A lot of people do not believe in the may be a …………………… . (shortage of
………………………….. of mankind. food)
(gradual development) 8. The animals are usually fed with different
3. This piece of writing was types of ……………….. : corn, wheat, etc
…………………… to Dickens (credited). (cereal)
4. My brother was fed up with that 9. A large ……………. took part in the
……………………… book, so he decided Christmas party last year. (large crowd)
to read another one. (boring). 10. The mayor decided to put a ………….. in
5. This world is full of ……………….. people the city centre to commemorate the heroes.
who think only of themselves. (morally bad) (commemorative monument).
2. Fill in the appropriate word from the list below. Use the word only once.
appointed, significant, to lead, speculative, doubt, to capture, to underestimate, widely, master’s, to bring,
deceased, to foresee, skilled, archaeological.
1. …………………… the future 8. ……………………….agreed
2. ……………………. Stone workers 9. …………………… a sad life
3. ………………….. theories 10. …………………as architects
4. a…………………….event 11. A …………………….. monument
5. ……………………deceased 12. ………………….the ability
6. ……………………..attention 13. Beyond …………………
7. ……………………….an end to sth 14. Under the ……………….. whip
3. Using the cues below compare and contrasts the two pictures.

The Statue of Liberty Trajan’s Column

Location New York, the USA Rome, Italy
Build October 28, 1886. 113 AD
Building material copper statue 20 colossal Carrara marble drums
Architect Gustave Eiffel Appolodorus of Damascus
FAMOUS FOR a figure of a robed woman representing Libertas,. its spiral bas relief, which artistically
A Roman liberty goddess holds a torch above her represents the wars between the
head with her right hand, and in her left hand carries Romans and Dacians (101–102 and
a tabula ansata inscribed in Roman numerals with 105–106). Its design has inspired
"JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" (July 4, 1776), the date of numerous victory columns, both
the U.S. Declaration of Independence. A broken chain ancient and modern.
lies at her feet as she walks forward.

Purpose an icon of freedom and of the United States, a commemorates Roman

welcoming sight to immigrants arriving from abroad. emperorTrajan's victory in the Dacian

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