Morse Et Al-2000-Letters in Applied Microbiology

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Letters in Applied Microbiology 2000, 30, 375ÿ378

Secondary structure analysis of the dissimilatory sulphite

reductase in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
R. Morse, G.R. Gibson and M.D. Collins
Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Reading, UK

78/1/2000: received 4 January 2000 and accepted 28 January 2000

The complete sequences of the dsrA and dsrB

R . M O R S E , G . R . G I B S O N A N D M . D . C O L L I N S . 2000.
genes coding for the aÿ and bÿsubunits, respectively, of the sulphite reductase enzyme in
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were determined. Analyses of the amino acid sequences indicated a
number of serohaem/Fe4S4 binding consensus sequences whilst predictive secondary structure
analysis revealed a similar pattern of aÿhelix and bÿstrand structures between the two
subunits which was indicative of gene duplication.

INTRODUCTION and sequenced the two genes (dsrA and dsrB) coding for the
aÿ and bÿsubunits of sulphite reductase.
Sulphite reductase catalyses the reduction of bisulphite to
sulphide and forms part of the dissimilatory sulphate reduc-
tion pathway. The enzyme from the sulphate-reducing bac- MATERIALS AND METHODS
teria (SRB) of the Desulfovibrio genus is a hexamer consisting
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans wild type strain Essex 6 (ATCC
of three di¡erent subunits (a2b2g2). Sulphate-reducing bac-
29577) was used in this study and cultured in lactate-sulphate
teria occur in the gut £ora of about 50 % of healthy persons
medium as previously described (Rapp and Wall 1987). DNA
where they metabolize H2 and low molecular weight organic
preparation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA
compounds (Gibson et al. 1991). The production of highly
sequencing and computational analysis were all carried out as
toxic sulphide from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans has been
previously described (Morse et al. 1996). Two primers
implicated in the onset of a chronic in£ammatory large bowel
disease, ulcerative colitis (Babidge et al. 1998), patients with
ATTNCCA/GCAA/GTACATA/GCA) were used to gener-
this disease showing elevated levels of sulphide production
ate a PCR fragment that included parts of the dsrA and dsrB
and a universal carriage rate of SRB (Gibson et al. 1991).This
genes. The DNA sequence of this fragment was determined
species is also now being increasingly used for the removal of
and further primers were designed and used in inverse
sulphate and organic substances from industrial wastewater
PCR to generate fragments containing the 50 end of the
(Kosinska and Miskiewicz 1999) as well as for the selective
removal of uranium contamination by reductive precipitation
CACCCGCACCATGTCCATCAC) and the 30 end of the
(Ganesh et al. 1999). Therefore, it would be desirable to be
able to both reduce and enhance the activity of this enzyme
by biochemical and/or genetic means which require a
DNA sequencing was performed by using the dideoxynu-
detailed knowledge of the enzyme structure. However, only
cleotide chain termination method on both positive and
limited polypeptide sequences for the N-terminals of the aÿ
negative strands of each cloned PCR product. Four indepen-
and bÿsubunits of the sulphite reductase from this species
dent PCR products were sequenced for each gene to check
have been determined (Steuber et al. 1995) and even the cel-
Ampli2Taq (Perkin Elmer, Warrington, UK) polymerase
lular location of the enzyme complex is in doubt (Steuber
¢delity. The sequence data reported in this paper have been
et al. 1994; Molitor et al. 1998).Therefore, in the course of an
submitted to the EMBL/GenBank Libraries under the
investigation of dissimilatory sulphate reduction in D. desul-
accession number AJ249777.
furicans and its involvement in the aetiology and/or mainte-
nance of the debilitating ulcerative colitis, we have cloned
The dsrA and dsrB genes code for proteins of molecular
Correspondence to: R. Morse, Department of Food Science and Technology,
weight 49 and 43  kDa, respectively, which are in approximate
The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, agreement with previously determined values of 50 and 45  
UK (e-mail: kDa, respectively, for gel-puri¢ed subunits (Steuber et al.
= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology
376 R . M O R S E E T A L .

Fig.  1 Comparison of the amino acid sequences and secondary structures of the aÿ (Dda) and bÿ (Ddb) subunits of sulphite reductase
from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. (a) Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the a- and b-subunits showing identical residues (H) and
those of comparison values of 05 and above (:) or of 01^05 (.). Gaps (-  -) have been introduced into the sequences to aid alignment.
Predictions for both a-helix (a) and b-strand (b) secondary structures are indicated above and below the sequences (ö) and are numbered to
highlight their duplication between the two subunits in a manner previously employed for the assimilatory sulphite reductase haemoprotein
from Escherichia coli (Crane et al.1995). (b) Schematic diagram showing the secondary structure predictions for the a- and b-subunits
arranged to highlight their duplication between the two subunits

1994). The deduced N-terminal sequence for the DsrA pro- sulphur clusters of the type Fe4S4, as found in other sulphite
tein is in full accordance with that determined by N-terminal reductases (Dahl et al. 1993). The aÿsubunit contains a
polypeptide sequencing of puri¢ed DsrA protein although sequence (amino acids 177^225) matching the sirohaem-
the deduced N-terminal sequence of the DsrB protein binding consensus C-X5 -C-Xn -C-X3 -C (Dahl et al. 1993)
(AFISSGYNP) di¡ers from that determined by N-terminal whilst an equivalent sequence in the b-subunit (145^193) has
polypeptide sequencing (AFIPTGYNP) (Steuber et al.1995). the initial cysteine residue missing, indicating that only the
The sulphite reductase from D. desulfuricans is known to con- a-subunit may bind sirohaem (Fig. 1  a). Both subunits contain
tain 24  þ  3 Fe atoms and 18  þ  3 labile sulphide ions per hex- close approximations (a, 220^236; b, 188^203) to the iron/
amer (Steuber et al. 1995) in the form of sirohaem and iron^ sulphur binding site consensus GC-X3 -C-X6 -D/E-L/I/V/
= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 30, 375ÿ378

M/F-G/A/T-L/I/V/M/F (Prosite document PDOC00314; the role it plays in the aetiology of ulcerative colitis, as well as
Bairoch et al. 1997) with the initial G being replaced by a C in optimizing sulphite reduction for industrial processes.
DsvB whilst the second spacer in DsvA is X7 rather than X6.
The aÿsubunit contains an Fe4S4 binding site of consensus
CP-Xn -C-X2 -C-X2 -C (284^309) and the bÿsubunit one of
consensus C-X2 -C-X2 -C-X3 -CP (258^269) (Dahl et al.
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= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 30, 375ÿ378

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