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Christina Savoth

Part 4 Protein:
1. How many grams of protein did you consume?
52.54 g
2. How many kilocalories does this represent (c)? Calculate manually and compare to DA
52.54 x 4 = 210.16 kcals
3. What percentage of your total kilocalories was contributed by protein (c)? Calculate
manually and compare to DA results.
210.16 kcals / 1,343.84 = 16%
4. Calculate your individualized RDA for protein [pg 185 in 10th ed.; pg 189 in 11th ed.] (c).
125/2.2= 56.8 x .8 = 45.5 grams
5. What percent of this individualized RDA was your average daily protein intake (c)?
How did your protein intake compare with this individualized RDA and discuss possible
consequences of this level of consumption? If it is too high or too low, evaluate your Daily Food
Log reports and answer the following question: What specific foods should you consider cutting
down on, eliminating, or consuming more of? If your protein intake is acceptable, what specific
foods did you consume (according to your Daily Food Log reports) that contributed to your
protein intake and therefore should continue to consume?
45.36 / 45.5 = 99%. My protein intake is right where it needs to be. I also weight lift daily
so there are no consequences.
1. How many grams of alcohol did you consume? If none, indicate “0.” 0
2. How many kilocalories does this represent (c)? 0
3. What percentage of your total kilocalories was contributed by alcohol (c)? Calculate
manually and compare to computer results. Discuss possible consequences of this level of
consumption. 0
Part 5 Energy (Kilocalorie) Needs:
Estimate your energy (kilocalorie) needs using the method explained on page 240 in the 10th ed.
of your text OR on page 245 in the 11th ed. of your text (c). [This is your individualized EER -
Estimated Energy Requirement]
The DA program provides an energy recommendation based on the information you inputted
into your profile, while the figure you have arrived at here is your "individualized RDA" for
1. What is your individualized Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) per day according to
your calculations (c)? Show your calculations (typed).
[354-(6.91x19)] + 1.27x [(9.36x56.82)+(726x1.65)]
222.71 + 1.27 x 1251.7
222.71 + 1589.7
1812 kcals
2. According to the DA program, what was your five-day average kilocalorie intake?
1,343.85 kcals
3. Using your calculated individualized EER, what percentage of your estimated daily
requirement did you meet (c)[Intake/EER * 100 = __%]?
1,343.85/1812= .742 x 100 = 74%
4. What percentage of your recommended energy needs did you meet according to the DA
5. Indicate which EER (your calculated individualized EER or the energy needs the DA
program calculated for you) you think is more appropriate for you and discuss your rationale.
I believe the EER I calculated is more appropriate for me because I do not each as much
as the diet analysis recommend for me. I eat different amounts a day and could have either low
or high calorie intake and that is why a lower EER is better for me.
6. Based on the EER you think is more appropriate for you: is your kilocalorie intake
adequate, too little, or excessive? Discuss this briefly and include possible consequences of this
intake level.
I think it is adequate but it could be a little too low which could cause unhealthy weight
loss and fatigue, especially if I work out daily.

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