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1) Direct Vs Indirect Taxes:


Direct Taxes Indirect Taxes

I) Income Tax, Wealth Tax I) Central Excise, Customs, Service tax
Central Sales Tax, VAT, State Excise Tax
Ii) Paid directly by person concerned ii) Paid by one person but he records the same
from other person
iii) Tax payer pays directly from his iii) Tax payer pays while purchasing goods
Income or wealth and / or services
IV) Paid after income reaches hands of IV) Paid before goods/ services reach the
Tax payer tax payer

2) Advantages of Indirect Taxes

• Psychological advantage to tax payer
• Easier to collect
• Less tax evasion
• Lower collection cost
• Control over wasteful expenditure
• Channelise industrial growth
• Support local industry [ High Customs Duty low Excise Duty]
• High revenue [ 71% of tax revenue ]

3) Disadvantages of Indirect Taxes:

• Tax is uniform whether purchased by rich or poor
• Reduces demand of goods
• Increases project cost
• Shield to inefficient local industries
• Cost of modern imported m/c & technology
• Smuggling / tax evasion
• Inflationary

4) Laws Relating to Central Excise

• Central excise Act 1944
• Central excise rules
• Central excise valuation rules (2000)
• Central excise tariff Act (CETA) 1985
• Additional duties on goods of SP. Importance Act. 1957
• Customs excise & service tax appellate tribunal (CESTAT ) procedure rules 1982
• Notifications issued by central excise Deptt.
• Circulars issued by central excise Deptt.

5) Important features of Excise Duty (E.D.)

• Power to impose E.D. is given by constitution to Central Govt.
• Power to impose E.D. on liquor, opium & narcotics to S. Govt.
• Any article can be levied C.E. duty if all following conditions are satisfied :
a) Duty is on goods [movable & Marketable
b) Goods must be excisable i.e. mentioned in schedule to CETA 1985
c) Goods must be manufactured or produced
d) Such mfg. or production must be in India
• Goods manufactured in SEZ are “excluded excisable gods”& no E.D. is livable on
such goods
• Taxable event is manufacture or production in India
• Once duty liability is fixed, it can be collected from a person at time & place found
administratively most convenient for collection
• Liability to pay E.D. is on manufacturer or producer of excisable goods.
• When goods are stored in a warehouse without payment of duty the liability to pay
duty is on person who stores goods i.e. warehouse keeper.
• Duty payable is as applicable on date of removal
• Duty is payable even when
- Goods are used within factory
- Goods are captivity consumed within factory for further manufacture
- Goods given as free samples
- Goods given as free replacement
• Duty can be levied on Govt. undertaking also
•E.D. should be considered as manufacturing expenses & should be considered as
an element of cost for inventory valuation
•Goods manufactured or produced in SEZ are excisable goods’ but no duty is
leviable on these goods

6) Types of Excise Duty

i) Basic Excise Duty : (BED)
- Also termed as CENVAT
- Levied as per rates specified in Sch. I of CETA 1985
- General rate is 16%
- There is partial exemption to few products

ii) Special Excise Duty. (SED)

- Charged on items given in Sch. II of CETA 1985
- At present there is no SED on any product

iii) National calamity contingent duty (N.C.C.D)

- In additional to BED
- Imposed only on specified goods
- Various for different goods from 10% to 45%
- If goods are exempted from Excise duty they are

Exempted from N.C.C.D. also.

iv) Additional Excise Duty on Pan Masala & Tobaco products:

- Introduced w.e.f. 1-3-2005

- Imposed by way of surcharge
- Payable @10% of aggregate of normal rate of Excise duties
- For Pan Masala mfd. / unmfd. Tobaco, Cigars, Cigarettes

v) Education Cess:

- Payable on C.E., Customs, Service Tax, Income Tax

- Calculated on all duties of Excise @ 3% on duty payable. Thus if duty rate
is 16% education cess is 0.48%

vi) Duties payable under other Acts:

- Medical & Toilet preparations

- Additional duty on mineral products
- Cess on certain products such as automobiles, Beedis, Jute sugar, Coffee,
Tea, etc.

7) Important Definitions:

i) Goods

To levy Excise Duty article is considered as goods if it satisfies following two

a) It must be movable
b) Must be marketable i.e. capable of being bought or sold

ii) Excisable goods :

These are the goods specified in schedule to CETA 1985. Only these goods
can be levied Excise Duty as per the rates specified in the schedule

iii) Produced

The word produced covers

a) Items like coffee, Tea, Tobaco, dairy products etc. which are
b) Live products like horse, flower, fish etc. which are produced.
c) By products, scrap etc. which are not manufactured buy they get
d) It also covers manufactured goods.

iv) Manufacture:

a) Includes any process incidental or ancillary to the completion of

manufactured product
b) Any process specified in schedule I of CETA 1985 as amounting to
manufacture [ 35 process given in CETA 1985 ]
c) In case of goods specified in 3rd schedule to CETA repacking, re-
labeling, putting or altering M.R.P. is treated as manufacture [Both
above are deemed mfg.]
d) As per various courts decisions manufacture takes place only when
process results in a commercially different article or commodity
e) Following are instances when mfg. has taken place
- Mfg. of table from wood
- Conversion of pulp into base paper
- Conversion of sugarcane to sugar

v) Manufacturer:

a) The liability to pay duty is on manufacturer

b) Duty cannot be recover from his purchaser
c) Demands for Excise Duty are raised & recovered form manufacturer
d) Manufacturer is a person who actually manufactures or produces
excisable goods.
e) Thus person who transforms commodity into another commodity
having distinct name & character is the manufacturer.

vi) Job Worker

The manufacturer can send inputs for job work. Following are eligible to send
materials for job work (a) Manufactures (b) Exporters (c) Units in SEZ,
FOU, and EHTP & STP (d) who are supplying final products to United
Nations or international organization for their official use or to project
funded by them.
If job worker is actual manufacturer, he cannot avoid duty liability even if there is
agreement with principal that principal would meet all duty liabilities of
Duty liability is of the job worker who actually manufacturer the goods, unless the
raw materials supplier undertakes the responsibility of paying duty


1) Once the liability of payment of excise duty / customs duty is established, the next
question is what the amount of duty payable is. The two step process is (a)
Correctly classify the goods, to find out rate of excise /customs duty (b) Find its
assessable value to which the rate of duty is to be applied for calculating amount of
duty payable.
The rate of duty is found out by classifying the product in its appropriate heading
under central excise tariff / customs tariff.

2) The Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985(CETA) classifies all the goods under 96
chapters and specific code is assigned to each item. There are over 1,000 tariff
headings and 2,000 subheadings. This classification forms basis for classifying the
goods under particular chapter head and sub-head to prescribed duty to be charged
on that particular product.

3) Central Excise Act (CEA) and Central Excise Tariff Act. (CETA) are linked
together as follows – (a) Section 2 of CETA states that rate at which duties of
excise shall be levied under CEA are as specified in schedule to CETA (b) Section
3(1) of CEA specifies that duty shall be levied and collected on all excisable goods
which are produced or manufactured in India as, and at the rates, set forth in the
schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act (CETA). Thus both Acts are linked to
each other.

4) Both Excise and customs Tariffs contains schedules.

Schedules to Central Excise Tariff – Central Excise Tariff consists of three
schedules –the first schedule gives basic excise duties (i.e. Cenvat duty) leviable on
various products, while second schedule gives list of items on which special excise
duty is payable. Items included in second schedule are already covered and included
in first schedule. (The second schedule has lost relevance contains item covered
under MRP valuation provision, which are covered under ‘deemed manufacture’

5) Central Excise Tariff is divided in 20 sections, while there are 21 sections in case of
customs tariff.

6) A ‘section’ is a grouping of a number of chapters which codify a particular class of

goods. Each of the sections is related to a broader class of goods e.g. Section I is
‘Animal Products’ Section VII is ‘Plastics and Articles thereof’ Section XI is
Taxtile and Textile Articles’, section XVII is ‘Vehicles, Aircrafts, Vessels and
associated transport equipment’, etc. Section Notes are given at the beginning of
each Section, which govern entries is that Section. These notes are applicable to all
Chapters in that section.
Each of the sections is divided into various chapters and each chapter contains
goods of one class. For example, section XI related to Textile and Textile Articles
and within that section, chapter 50 is Silk, Chapter 51 is wool, Chapter 52 is cotton,

and Chapter 53 is other vegetable textile fabrics, Chapter 61is articles of Apparel
and so on.
There are 96 chapters in Central Excise Tariff out of which Chapter 77 is blank. In
customs Tariff, there are 99 chapters out of which chapter 77 is blank, which is kept
reserved for future use.
Some chapters are divided into sub-chapters e.g. chapter 72 (Iron and steel) is
divided into I primary materials, II – Iron and Non-Alloy Steel, III – Stainless Steel
and IV –Other Alloy steel.

7) Each chapter and sub-chapter is further divided into various headings depending on
different types of goods belonging to same class of products.
For instance, Chapter 50 relating to silk is further divided into 5 headings. 500 1
relates to silk worm cocoons, 5002 relates to raw silk, 50.03 relates to silk waste
etc. The headings are sometimes divided into further sub-headings. For example
5003 10 means ‘silk waste not carded or combed’ while 5003 90 means ‘other silk
waste’. These are preceded by single dash. 5003 90 is further classified as 5003 90
10 (Mulberry silk waste), 5003 90 20 (Tussar Waste) and 5003 90 90 (other).

8) All goods are classified using 4 digit system. These are called ‘headings’. Further 2
digits are added for sub-classification, which are termed as ‘sub-headings’. Further
2 digits are added for sub-sub-classification, which is termed as ‘tariff item’ Rate of
duty is indicated against each ‘Tariff item’ and against heading or sub-heading.

9) Central Excise Tariff has four columns –

(1) Tariff Item (2) Description of goods
(3) Unit and (4) Rate of Duty in Customs Tariff,
There are five columns –
(1) Tariff Item (2) Description of goods
(3) Unit (4) Standard Rate of Duty
(5) Rate of duty for preferential Area.

10) A Sample Chapter from Tariff

Coffee, Tea & Spices

1. In heading No. 0901, ‘Coffee’ means the seed of the coffee tree (coffee), but
does not include the seed while still attached to tree. This heading includes
coffee in powder form.

2. In case of tea or tea waste blending, sorting packing or re-packing into

smaller containers shall amount to ‘manufacturer’

Tariff Item Description Unit Basic Rate of

0901 - Coffee, whether or not roasted or
decaffeinated: Coffee husks and
skins: coffee substitutes
containing coffee in any
Coffee Not roasted.
0901 11 -- Not decaffeinated
--- Arabica plantation
0901 11 11 ---- A Grade Kg. 16%
0901 11 12 ---- B Grade Kg.
--- Arabica cherry
0901 11 21 ---- AB Grade Kg. 16%
0901 11 22 ---- PB Grade Kg. 16%
0901 12 00 -- Decaffeinated Kg. 16%
- Coffee roasted
0901 21 -- Not decaffeinate
0901 21 10 --- In bulk packing Kg. Nil
--- Other 8%
0901 22 -- Decaffeinated
0901 21 10 --- In bulk packing Kg. 16%
0901 21 90 --- Other Kg. 16%
0901 90 - Other
0901 90 10 --- Coffee husks and skins Kg. 16%
0901 90 00 --- Other Kg. 16%

It can be seen from the extract from tariff that ‘Coffee’ is classified under ‘0901’ It
is further classified as (a) coffee, Not Roasted (b) Coffee Roasted and (c) Other.
These are preceded by single dash (-) Coffee not roasted is further sub-classified as
(a) not decaffeinated (b) Decaffeinated. These are preceded by two dashes (--) ‘Not
decaffeinated’ is further classified as Arabica plantation and Arabic cherry. These
are preceded by three dashes. Arabica plantation is classified as a grade and B
grade. These are preceded by four dashes.
Thus, 0901 90 00 ‘other’ covers all items covered in 0901, except those covered in
roasted and not roasted coffee.


Excise Duty is calculated with reference to value determined as per provisions of

this Act. This value s known as assessable value (A.V.) Following are the methods
to determine A.V. of any article:

1) Specific Duty
• Payable on basis of certain unit like weight, length, volume etc.
• At present specific rates have been announced for :
- Cigarette (length basis)
- Matches (Per 100 boxes)
- Sugar (Per quintal)
- Marble slabs (Sq. meter)
- Colour T.V. (Screen size cm.)
- Cement (Per Ton)
- Molasses (Per Ton)

2) Tariff Value
• Fixed by central Govt.
• It is a notional value for calculating duty
• Duty is payable as % of tariff value
• At present tariff value is fixed for
- Pan Masala packed in retail packs of 10 gm or less
- Specified readymade garments.
• Tariff value fixed = 60% of M.R.P.

3) Compounded Levy Scheme

• Central Govt. can specify goods for which assessee has option to pay E.D.
on basis of factors relevant to production of such goods & at specified rates.
This is known as compounded levy scheme.
• Scheme is optional i.e. either normal rules or this method.
• At present applicable to stainless steel pattas /patties & aluminum circles.
• Manufacture has to pay prescribed duty for prescribed period. After making
lump sum periodic payment manufacturer does not have to follow any
excise procedure regarding storage & clearance of goods.

4) Value Based on Retail Sale Price

• Goods must be covered under provisions of standards of weights &
measures Act.
• Central Govt. notifies goods covered by this method and also notifies
abatement of duty applicable to each goods
• M.R.P. is the price at which goods are sold to ultimately customer
• If more than one retail sale price is primted on the same packing
mixm. Price is considered.

• Example : For cosmetics abatement is 40%

M.R.P. = 200
A.V. = 200 - 40% (200) = 120
Duty @ 16% = 19.20 + E.C. (3%) = 19.776%
• So far 98 articles have been covered under this scheme Exs:
Chocolates (35%), Biscuits (40%), Ice-Cream (45%), and Toothpaste (35%)

5) Duty as % of A.V. fixed u/s 4 (Ad valorem duty)

• Majority of goods are covered by this method
• Duty is payable on basis of value known as A.V.
• A.V. is determined as per provisions u/s 4 of C.E. Act.
• As per sec. 4 E.D. is payable on basis of “ transaction value”
if following conditions are satisfied :
- Goods should be sold at time & place of removal
- Buyer & seller not be related
- Price should be the sole consideration for sale
- Each removal will be treated as a separate transaction & value for
each removal will be separately fixed.
• Transaction Value is
- Price actually paid or payable
- Price is for goods
- Price includes any amount that the buyer is liable to pay to or on
behalf of assessee.
- Payment should be by reason of or in connection with the sale
- Amount may be payable at time of sale, before sale or after sale
Following items are included in transaction value
Any amount charged by assessee to buyer or to make provision for
following items by buyer:
- Advt. or publicity
- Marketing & selling organization expenses
- Storage
- Outward handling
- Servicing
- Warranty
- Commission
- Any other matter
Above items are included only if
- Buyer is liable to pay assessee
- Buyer pays on behalf of assessee
- It is in connection with sale
In addition following items are also included
- Packing charges
- Design & Engineering charges
- Consultancy charges relating to mfg.

- Loading & handling within factory

- Royalty charges to use brand name
- Advance license surrendered in favour of seller
- Free after sales service / warranty
- Pre-delivery inspection charges.

• Following items are not included :

- Trade discount
- Cash discount if actually passed to buyer
- Installation & erection expenses incurred after the goods are
removed from the factory
- Notional interest on security deposit or advance received by assessee
form buyer
- Interest recovered on receivables
- Bank charges for collection of sale proceeds.
• If A.V. cannot be determined u/s 4 then valuation rules are applied to
determine A.V. following are the rules.

Rule 4:
This rule states that if goods are not sold at the time of removed, then value
is basis on value of such goods sold by assessee at any other time nearest to
the time of removal subject to reasonable adjustments
This rule is applicable in following cases
- Removal of samples
- Free replacement under warranty claims.

Rule 5:
Sometimes goods may be sold at place other than place of removal. In such
case actual cost of transportation from place of removal up to place of
delivery of excisable goods is allowed as deduction.
This rule is applied in case of F.O.R. delivery contract

Rule 6:
If Price is not the sole consideration for sale then

A.V. = Price charged (+) Money value of addl. Consideration received

Buyer may supply any of following free or at reduced cost

I) Materials, Components, Parts & Similar items

ii) Tools, Dies, moulds, Drawings, Blue prints, Technical maps &
iii) Material consumed including packing material
iv) Engineering design & development work. In above cases value of
such additional consideration will be added to the price to arrive at
transaction value.

Rule 7:

When goods are sold through depot there is no sale at the time of removal from
factory in such case price prevailing at depot is the basis of A.V. but time of
removal from factory is relevant.
Ex: Assessee transfers paper consignment from Delhi to Agra Depot on 5-7-2005&
is sold to unrelated buyer for Rs. 15,000 / Ton. Then consignment will be
assessed at mfg. point in Delhi for Rs. 15,000 / 7 ton.

Rule 8:

When excisable goods are not sold but used in manufacture of other articles it is
known as captive consumption.

In this case A.V. = (Cost of production) + 10% of C.O.P.)

Rule 9:

If assessee sells goods to related person, price relevant for valuation is a normal
transaction value at which related buyer sales to unrelated buyer. If related
person does not sell goods but uses or consumes then in production

Or mfg. of articles, A.V. = C.O.P. + 10% (C.O.P.)

Rule 10:

When goods are sold through interconnected undertaking the A. Value is

determined as per rule no. 9

Rule 11:

If assessment is not possible under any of the foregoing rules value shall be
determined using reasonable means consistent with principles and general
provisions of these rules & provisions of Sec. 4


1) CENVAT Credit
It is the credit of duty paid on
(a) Inputs & raw materials, capital goods
(b) Services
Used in or in relation to manufacture of excisable goods or in relation to receded
services provided on which service tax is payable. How to avail this credit & how
much credit can be availed by company is given in CENVAT credit rules – 2004.

2) Features of Scheme
A) Following inputs are eligible for cenvat credit by both manufacturer as well as
service provider.
I) Goods used as inputs
ii) Lubricating its
iii) Grease
iv) Cutting oil
v) Coolants
vi) Paints
vii) Packing material
viii) Accessories cleared along with final product
ix) However following I/Ps are not eligible
- Light diesel oil
- High speed diesel
- Petrol.
Credit can be taken as soon as I/P are recd. in factory I/Ps must be used in or in
relation to manufacture of excisable goods. It may or may not present in final
product. & one to one correlation is not necessary

B) CENVAT credit of input services is allowed.

I/P service must be used for:
i) Mfg. of excisable goods
ii) For providing taxable O/P service

Following Services are eligible:

i) Setting up, modernization, renovation or repairs of factory / office
ii) Advt. or sales promotion
iii) Market research
iv) Storage up to place of removal
v) Procurement of inputs
vi) Activities relating to business – Accounting, Auditing, Financing
recruitment, Quality control, training, Computer networking, Credit rating,
Share registration, Inward Transportation of I/Ps & Capital goods & O/W
transportation up to place of removal.

vii) If common inputs, inputs services are used then credit can be availed only to
the extend of 20% of tax payable on taxable output service.
D) CENVAT credit is allowed on capital goods which are used in factory.
Purpose is not Imp. Following capital goods are eligible
a) Tools falling u/ch. 82
b) Machinery u/ch. 84
c) Elec. Machinery u/ch. 85
d) Measuring testing equipments u/ch. 90
e) Grinding wheels & goods falling u/ch. 6801.10
f) Abrasive powder u/ch. 68.02
g) Pollution central equipment
h) Spares & accessories of above (a to g)
i) Moulds & dies
j) Refractory material
k) Tubes, Pipes, & fittings there of
l) Storage tank.
50% credit this year balance in next year.
Depreciation cannot be claimed on Excise Duty portion of value of capital goods

E) Following are similar requirements for CENVAT on inputs & capital goods:
I) Credit of BED, SED, CVD, NCCD, AED, E.C. is available
ii) Input or capital should be used in factory, but can be sent out for job work

iii) Credit can be used for

- Payment of any duty on final product
- Service tax on final service
- Payment of any duty on input or capital goods if they are removed
without any processing

iv) E.C., N.C.C.D. AED (Tobacco) can be utilized for payment of

corresponding duty on final products or inputs only & not for payment of
any other duty

v) BED, SED, AED (GSI) are interchangeable

vi) Inputs & capital goods can be sent outside as such or after processing to a
job worker for further processing, repairs, reconditioning or any other
purpose, but these should be brought back within 180 days.

vii) CENVAT credit not allowed if final product is exempted

viii) For taking credit following documents are essential
- Invoice
- Bill of entry
- Supplementary invoice

ix) In of credit in case of merger, Sale, Lease or transfer of whole factory is


F) Following are some peculiar requirements

I) Credit of capital goods cannot be refunded if final product is exported but

can be used for clearing other final products

ii) Credit of inputs can be refunded if final product is exported & no drawback
is claimed

iii) Inputs can be sent directly to place of job worker from supplier. But capital
goods have to be first brought in factory & then sent to job worker.

G) Sometimes goods are purchased from Depot / Consignment agent of

manufacturer or from wholesale or dealer who is retailer.

1st stage & 2nd stage declare can issue cenvatable invoice provide he is regd. Under
C.E. Act



Purchase 1st stage Purchase 2nd stage

Consignment From dealer From dealer

Premises from
where goods sold
on behalf of mfrer

Importer, his depot

or agent


1) Administrative Setup of Central Excise Department

A) C.B.E. & C Board: (Central Board of Excise & Customs)
I) H.Q. New Delhi
ii) Consists of 6 to 7 members
iii) Board appoints officers & exercise following powers:
a) To issue instructions & direction to C.E. officers
b) To ensure uniformity in classification of goods
c) To ensure uniformity in levy of E.D.

B) Chief commissioner of Central Excise

Country is divided into 34 zones. Each zone is under supervision & control of chief
commissioners & commissioners (Appeals) within his zone.

C) Commissioner of Central Excise :

Each zone covers various commission rates & he is
In-charge of “the commissionorate”
At present there are 92 commissioners & 71 commissioner (Appeals) they have
unlimited powers of adjudication

D) Additional commissioner of Central Excise

There can be one or more & they report to commissioners.
They have limited powers of adjudication

E) Joint / Deputy / Assistant commissioner:

They have same power
Each commissioner ate is divided into divisions & he is in change of one division.

F) Superintendent: (Gazetted)
Each division is divided into several ranges & he is in-charge of one range.

G) Inspector: (Non-gazetted)
Lowest in rank. He reports to superintendent.
Appeal against commissioner’s order lie with CESTAT.
Appeal against order by officer up to rank additional commissioner – lie with
commissioner (Appeals)

2) Registration:

i) Every person who- Produces, Manufactures, Carries on trade, holds private

store room or warehouse must be registered under C.E. Act.
ii) Dealers or importers can issue excise invoice only if they having excise
Regn. No.
iii) Following are prescribed forms for application:
A1 - For manufacturer / Producer / Dealer / Warehouse
A2 - Power loom weavers, Hand processors, Dealers of yarm & fabrics,
manufacturers of readymade garments
A3 - Manufacturers of hand rolled cheroots of tobaco.

iv) Application submitted to A.C. / D.C.

v) 15 digit regn. No is allotted to assessee / Co. [E.C.C.] within 7 days
vi) Separate reg. for separate premises
vii) Regn. No. is non-transferable. It business is transferred, Nero regn. No.
should be obtained by transferee.
viii) Reg. certificate is issued in prescribed form ‘RC’
ix) In case of change in constitution of business no fresh registration is required
but change should be intimated to A.C. / D.C. within 30 days.
x) Reg. is cancelled if assessee does not follow provisions of C.E. Act.
xi) If Manufacturer stops his operations, he has to apply for de-registration
xii) Any changes regarding business its constitution etc. should be informed to
deptt in form A1 only.

3) Storage & Accounting of Goods:

I) Goods cannot be removed from the place they are produced or manufactured
without payment of duty
ii) Finished goods can be stored in place of manufacture without payment of
iii) There is no time limit within which goods must be removed.
iv) Duty is payable only when goods are removed
v) Goods stored without payment of duty must be recovered on daily basis.
This is known as Daily Stock Amount. (DSA)
vi) DSA should contain following details
- Opening balance
- Mfd. Quantity
- Quantity removed
- Closing balance
- A.V.
- Duty payable
- Duty Paid

vii) For each product separate DSA is to be maintained.

viii) First & last paid of DSA should be authenticated by manufacturer or his
ix) DSA must be preserved for 5 years

x) If goods stored in stock room are damaged / destroyed duty can be waived
off or remitted by deptt.
xi) If DSA is not maintained: Penalty is up to duty payable and goods can be

4) Removal of Goods:
I) Excisable goods can be removed from factory only under an invoice.
ii) Excise invoice must contain following details:
a) E.C.C. No.
b) Name of consignee / customer
c) Description & classification of goods
d) Time & date of removal
e) Mode of Transport & Vehicle reg. no.
f) Rate of duty
g) Quantity & value of goods
h) Duty payable on goods.

iii) Invoices should be serially numbered. Sr. Nos. can be printed, Franked or
type written but cannot be hand written. Serial no. should start from 1st April
& continue for whole financial year.
iv) Invoice should be in triplicate
Original marked in “original for buyer”
Duplicate marked in “Duplicate for transporter”
Triplicate market in “Triplicate for Assessee”
Additional Copy market in “Not for CENVAT Purpose”
v) Before making use of invoice book serial Nos. should be informed to range
vi) There should be only one invoice book in use at a time. However separate
sets of invoices can be maintained with different serial nos. with permission
of A.C. / D.C.
General permission has been granted to use 2 different invoice books – one
for home consumption one for export.
vii) Each foil of invoice shall be pre-authenticated by assessee or his duly
authorized person.
viii) In case invoice is cancelled information should be sent to range supdt. On
same day.
ix) Invoice must be prepared for captive consumption. Date of removal is date
on which goods are issued for such use.
x) Duty is payable at rate & valuation as applicable at the time of actual
removal from factory or warehouse.

5) Manner & Payment of Duty

I) Duty is payable on monthly basis by 5th of following month
ii) Duty can be paid through PLA & or CENVAT credit

iii) SSI units availing SSI exemption are required to pay duty by 15th of
following month. For other SSI 5th is deadline.
iv) Only for March, duty payable for month to be paid by 31st of March.
v) If 5th /15th is holiday then it is payable on next day of working.
vi) If duty is not paid on due date assessee is liable to pay outstanding amount
along with interest @ 13% P.A.
vii) P.L.A. : Personal Ledger A/C
When duty is paid by TR-6 challan in Bank PLA is credited. At end of
month when duty is payable PLA is debited.
viii) PLA & CENVAT or can be used duty for duty payment & not for other
payments like fines, penalties etc.
ix) TR-6 Challan:
Payment of duty is made in designated bank for which this challan is used.
It contains following details.
- Name of Co.
- E.C.C. No.
- Code no of commissioner rate / Division / Range / Bank
Challans should be serially numbered from 1st April onwards. Proper A/C
code should be used for different duties.

6) Returns :

Following returns are to be filed periodically

Form No. Details who should file Time Limit

ER - 1 Monthly returns Mfrers. Who are not 10th of following

By large units eligible for SSI Month

ER – 2 Returns by EOU EOU units 10th of following


ER - 3 Quarterly returns Assessee veiling 20th of following

By SSI SSI concessions Quarter.

7) Exports Procedure
A) Export incentives
WTO stipulates free & fair global trade hence export incentives are not
allowed under WTO

B) Export Priority
I) Movement of export consignment will not be interrupted & will not
be withheld of any reason whatsoever by any agency of central /

state Govt. In case of any doubt deptt. Can ask undertaking from
assessee that export is on sole responsibility of exporter
ii) No seizure shall be made by any agency which will disrupt
manufacturing & schedule of exports
iii) In exceptional cases stock can be seized on prima facie evidence, but
seizure should be lifted within 7 days.

C) Benefits to Exporter
I) Exports of almost excisable goods except hides, Skin, leather & salt
to all countries except Nepal & Bhutan are exempted from C.E.
ii) Even inputs can be exported without payment of duty. CENVAT
credit availed on such inputs need not be reversed. This credit can be
utilized for payment of duty on products cleared for home
iii) SEZ can import without payment of duty and finished goods can be
iv) Concession to EOU on similar basis.
v) Refund of duty if CENVAT credit cannot be used
vi) Schemes such as DBK Advance license, DEPB etc.
8) Show Cause Notice
• When duty is
- Not levied
- Not paid
- Short levied
- Short paid
- Erroneously refunded
Notice is issued by C.E. officer demanding duty specified in notice
• This may happen due to :
- Classification / exemption notifications claimed by assessee not
acceptable to Dept.
- A.V. not acceptable to assessee / Dept.
- Duty paid at concessional rate though concession was not available
- Clandestine removal of goods
- Non accounting of goods
- Clearance in name of dummy units
- Duty erroneously refunded
- Any other reason
• Notice demanding duty is known as “Show cause notice” (SCN)
Following are Imp. Features of SCN
- Mandatory requirement
- To be served within one year from “Relevant Date”
- Period is extended to 5 years is short payment by reason of
 Fraud
 Collusion

 Willful misstatement
 Suppression of facts
 Contravention of provisions of excise act or rules
- Relevant date is considered as under
Filing monthly returns – date of filing (10th of next months)
(If returns filed on 4th August - It is relevant)
If return filed on 18th August – it is relevant
If return not filed - 10th of next month
Provisional assessment of duty
Date on which assessment is finalized and amount paid is adjusted
Erroneous refund
Date on which refund has been made
- SCN should be approved & signed by officer empowered to
adjudicate cases
Demand of Duty Adjudicating Officer
Without limit commissioner
> 20-50 lakhs. Addl. Commissioner
> 5 – 20 lakhs Joint commissioner
Up to 5 lakhs A.C. / D.C.
Supdt. Cannot issue S.C.N.
In case of fraud etc. S.C.N. must be issued by commissioner / Addl.
- SCN must give following details
 Essential Particulars
 Nature of contravention
 Provisions contravened
 Charges
 Grounds
- It should not be vague, confusing or self contradictory
- If SCN is given on one ground demand cannot be confirmed on other

a) Means to hear & decide judicially
b) Departmental adjudication means various powers given to excise officers
c) Uncontrolled authority may cause damage to assessee. Act has provided
opportunity to appeal against order passed by an authority
d) Following are original jurisdiction
Authority Jurisdiction
I) Supdt. - Remission of duty up to Rs. 1,000 for loss of goods
ii) AC/DC - Remission up to Rs. 2,500
- Duty / CENVAT credit - up to 5 laths
- Refund claims under valuation

iii) JT. Commission - Duty / CENVAT Cr. 5 – 20 lakhs.

- Remission – upto Rs. 5,000
- Export under bond
Claim of rebate
Loss of goods in transit to warehouse without limit

iv) Addl. Commission - Duty / CENVAT Cr. 20 -50 lakhs.

- Others (same as above)
v) Commissioner - All above without limit
vi) Appeal against - Lies with
AC/DC/JT/Addl. Commissioner (appeals)
vii) Appeal against - Lies with CESTAT
Commissioner (appeals)
viii) In limited cases appeals can be made to HC/SC
ix) Writ petition can be filed in HC/SC irrespective of any provisions in the Act

10) Interest
I) If duty is not paid when it ought to have been paid, Interest payable at the
rates. The actual rate of interest is of 13% for delayed no. of days
ii) The date on which payment of duty is made is to be included for purpose of
calculation of interest
iii) Assesse may agree to abide by the order of board and pay duty voluntarily
on his own. If he pays full amount of duty within 45 days from such order,
without reserving right of appeal against such payment at any subsequent
stage, he is exempted from payment of interest even if the duty was due
earlier. However, if he makes payment under protest the interest is payable
from the month following the month in which the duty ought to have been
v) This relaxation does not apply if assessee pays duty on receipt of a show
cause notice to him
vi) In many cases, Tribunal has held that interest is not payable if duty is paid
before show cause notice
11) Penalty
a) Excise authorities are empowered to impose penalties like fines,
confiscation of goods, etc. which are provided in Central Excise Rules.

b) Excise officers can impose (a) penalty for violation of law (b) Confiscate the
goods (c) Give option to pay fine in lieu of confiscation

c) Court of low can impose fine, imprisonment as well as confiscation of goods.


d) Rule 25 of Central Excise Rules provide general provisions for

breach of various rules

e) Rule 25 is applicable only to manufacturer, producer, registered

person of a warehouse or registered dealer

f) Under rule 25(1) of Central Excise Rules, following are offences :

i) Removing excisable goods in contravention of excise rules or
notifications issued under the rules
ii) Not accounting for excisable goods manufactured, produced or
iii) Engaging in manufacture, production or storage of excisable
goods without applying for registration certificate u/s 6 CE Act.
iv) Contravening any provision of Central Excise Rules or
notifications issued under these rules with intent to evade
payment of duty

g) Penalty for violations prescribed in rule 25 is

(I) Confiscation of contravening goods
(ii) Penalty up to duty payable on such contravening goods or Rs.
2,000 whichever is higher. The Central Excise Officer will follow
principle of natural justice while issuing the order.

h) Rule 27 of Central Excise Rules is a residual penalty, which is that

for breach of any excise rule, if no penalty has been prescribed, the penalty
would be Rs. 5,000 plus confiscation of goods in respect of which offences
has been committed.

i) A mandatory penalty equal to the duty short paid or not paid or

erroneously refunded is payable if such non-payment or short payment or
suppression of facts etc.

j) If the duty, interest and penalty is paid within 30 days from

communication of order, mandatory penalty payable will be reduced to 25%

k) If duty is paid within 30 days of confirmation, penalty is reduced to

l) Even in cases where notice alleges suppression of facts, fraud willful
misstatement or collusion, if assessee pays duty and interest within 30 days,
penalty will be reduced to 25%

m) Principles in imposition of Penalty

- No penalty if show cause notice is held invalid or demand dropped
- Lenient view in case of bona fide belief or technical lapses
- No penalty if party had bona fide belief
- No penalty if appellant had nothing to gain by evading duty

- No penalty for difference in interpretation

- Mere claiming benefit or classification is not an offence

n) Normally, penalty is imposed on the company/firm who has committed an

offence. The penalty under rule 25(1) is on the company or firm.
Though company is an independent legal person, it works through managing
directors, directors and employees. In case of firms, it works through
partners and employees. Hence, in addition to penalty that may be imposed
on the company / firm, personal penalty can be imposed on the person who
was actually involved in committing the offence.

o) Personal penalty can be imposed only on persons who deal with goods by
acquiring possession r dealing with them. Auditors, Legal advisers or
auditors do not deal with excisable goods as contemplated u/s 9(1) (bbb) of
CEA or rule 209A (now rule 26) and no penalty can be imposed on them.

p) Any person who issues (I) an excise duty invoice without delivery or goods
mentioned therein or abates in making such invoice or (ii) any other
document or abates in making such has taken any ineligible benefit under
the Act or the rules made there under like claiming of Cenvat credit or
refund shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding the amount of such benefit
or Rs. 5,000 whichever is greater.

12) Confiscation & Seizure

A) Seizure’ means goods are taken in custody by the department.

‘Confiscation’ means the goods become property of Government and
Government can deal with it as it wants. On the other hand ‘seizure’ means
goods are in custody of Government, but the property of goods remains with
the owner.

b) Under rule 25 of CE, following goods are liable to confiscation

I) Excisable goods removed in contravention of Central Excise rules,
ii) Excisable goods not accounted for
iii) Excisable goods manufactured without registration of the factory.

c) Following conveyances are liable to confiscation under section 115(1) of

Customs Act, which is also made applicable to Central Excise.
I) any conveyance from which goods are thrown overhead or destroyed
to prevent seizure by officer of customs.
ii) Conveyance which is required by Excise / Customs officer to land or
stop for inspection but fails to do so.
iii) Conveyance by which warehoused goods are cleared for export, but
goods are unloaded without permission.
iv) Conveyance carrying imported goods which has entered India and is
afterwards found with the whole or substantial portion of such goods

missing, unless the master of vessel is able to account for the loss of
or deficiency in goods.
d) When the goods are liable for confiscation, the packages in which
contravening excisable goods are packed, such packages are also liable for

e) Goods used for concealing contravening excisable goods are liable

for confiscation.

f) If the contravening goods are found to have been sold, sale proceeds
of such sale are liable to confiscation

g) If the goods are confiscated and are not redeemed, they become
property of central Government. In that case, no duty liability arises on
assessee whose goods are confiscated.

h) Before confiscating goods, show cause notice must be issued to

owner of goods giving grounds for confiscation and he should be given
opportunity to make representation and being heard.

13) Duty of Payment under Protest

a) When classification & A.V. not acceptable to assessee he can file appeal &
in mean while can pay duty under protest

b) Following procedure is required

I) Write letter to AC / DC indicating. Intention to pay duty under
ii) Obtain dated acknowledgement
iii) Duty then can be paid under protest only till his appeal or revision is
iv) There must be endorsement “Duty paid under protest” on all invoice
& monthly returns.
v) No. of invoices on which duty is paid under protest must be indicated in
monthly ER-1 returns.

14) Refund
a) Due to mistake or urgency manufacturer may pay higher duty than required. In such
case he can file refund claim
b) Refund can also be claimed when appeal has been decided in favour of an assessee.
c) Refund claim should be
- Lodged within one year from relevant date
- In prescribed form
- Lodged by manufacturer (if not passed on to buyer )
- Lodged with AC/DC
d) Doctrine of “Unjust enrichment “

- If manufacturer had charged E.D. to his buyer, it means he has recovered duty from
- If refund is paid to manufacturer there will be excess & undeserved profit. To him –
Once from customers & again from Govt. – This is called “Unjust Enrichment”
- Refund should be paid to customer however many times it is not possible to locate
individual customer & refund him duty.
- Also duty illegally collected by Govt. cannot be retained by Deptt.
- Refund due is therefore transferred to “Consumer Welfare Fund”
This fund is utilized for protection & benefit of consumers.

15) Excise Audit

Audit Features
I) Departmental - To cheek whether assessee is paying duty &
Following requirements of Act/ Rules
- Carried out by Excise Deptt.

ii) Central Revenue - Carried out by C. & Ag.

Audit (CERA) - Conduced under authority of constitution
- Report submitted to president & the laid
Before parliament

iii) Valuation / - Ordered by chief commissioner

CENVAT Audit - To assess valuation and CENVAT credit
- Carried out by practicising cost accountant

16) Concession for SSI Units.

I) All industries irrespective of their investment or number of employees are
eligible for concession. In fact, even a large industry will be eligible for the
concession if its annual turnover is less than Rs. 4 crores.
ii) A unit is entitled for exemption only if its turnover is previous year was less
that Rs. 4 crores. Units whose turnover was over Rs. 4 crores in 2006-07 are
not eligible to any SSI concession in 2007-08. They have to pay full normal
duty from 1st April, 2007.
iii) SSI units have been given two types of exemption-
a) SSI unit can avail full exemption up to Rs. 150 lakhs and pay normal
duty thereafter. Such units can avail CENVAT credit on inputs only
after reaching turnover of Rs. 150 lakhs. In the financial year.
b) SSI unit can also pay full 100% duty and avail CENVAT credit
c) The first option, i.e. nil duty up to Rs. 150 lakhs.

• The first option, i.e. nil duty up to Rs. 150 lakhs. And normal
duty for subsequent clearance is automatic. However, if assessee
wants to pay normal duty, he must inform option to department. He
should inform in writing to assistant commissioner with a copy to
superintendent of Central Excise, the following.

a) Name and address of manufacturer

b) Location / locations of factory / factories
c) Description of specified goods produced
d) Date from which option under the SSI exemption notification
has been exercised.
e) Aggregate value of clearances of specified goods(excluding
the value of clearances not covered under SSI exemption
notification e.g. goods exempted under any other notification,
goods with brand name of other, intermediate products and
strips of plastics used for manufacturer of sacks or bags.
The option of paying normal duty is available any time
during the year, but the option once availed cannot be
withdrawn during the financial year.

• Once assessee exercises option to pay full duty, he cannot

withdraw during remaining part of financial year.

• If the manufacturer has more than one factories (even at different

places), the turnover of all factories (belonging to same
manufacturer) have to be clubbed together for calculating the SSI
exemption limits of Rs. 150 or 400 lakhs.

• Sometimes, a manufacturer may use the factory for part of the

year and then another manufacturer may use the same factory for
remaining part of the year. In such cases, the turnover of different
manufacturer has to be clubbed for calculating the SSI exemption
limits of 150 or 400 lakhs, if it is from the same factory.

• It is possible that more than one manufacturer may clear the

same factory e.g. part of factory may be used by one manufacturer
and another part of same factory may be used by another
manufacturer. In such cases, all clearances from the factory has to be
considered even if the clearance is of different manufacturer for
calculating the SSI exemption limits of 150 or 400 lakhs
• While calculating limit of Rs. 400 lakhs. Following is to be
excluded. a) Export turnover except export to Nepal Bhutan.
b) Export under bond through merchant exporter
c) Deemed exports
d) Turnover of non-excisable goods
e) Goods manufactured with other’s brand name cleared on
payment of duty

f) Intermediate products when final product eligible for SSI


g) Job work amounting to manufacture done under specified


h) Job work or any process which does not amount to


I) Clearance of strips of plastics used within factory of

production for weaving of fabrics or manufacture of sacks or
bags made of polymers of ethylene or propylene are exempt.
There are not to be included for calculating exemption limit
of Rs. 400 lakhs.

• While calculating limit of Rs. 150/400 lakhs, following is to

be included –
a) Turnover of goods exempted under other notification
b) Goods manufactured in rural area with other’s brand name
c) Captive consumption not exempt if used in manufacture of
final product which is exempt under any other notification.

d) Export to Nepal and Bhutan


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