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гр. София 1505, бул. "Мадрид", № 18, ет. 1,

Състезание „Аз общувам с Европа”

ІІІ клас
Училище: ............................................................ клас:.......................
Име, презиме, фамилия: .....................................................................

1. Write the numbers.

The dress costs thirty-five leva.

1. The snake is ________________ cm long.

2. The dolphin weighs ____________________ kg.

3. Andy is _________________cm tall.

4. She is _______________ years old.

5. There are ______________ leva in the piggy bank.

2. Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

Model: the boys/ football/ playing/ are/ The boys are playing football.

1. letter/ you/ writing/ are/ a ? _______________________________________

2. reading/ Magdalena/ is/ book/ a ____________________________________

3. riding/ a/ he/ bike/ is _____________________________________________

4. pizza/ making/ a/ mum/ is ? ________________________________________

5. sleeping/ the children/ the/ are/ moment/ at


3. Label the rooms.

Model: Living room

1. __________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

4. Put the letters in the correct order to make a word.

rcato actor

1. nigsre

2. erscatrye

3. arfemr

4. cordto

5. ectahre

5. Circle the correct word.
Emil is tall / short.

1. Tanya is small / big.

2. Molly is old / young.

3. Reny is strong / weak.

6. Complete the sentences with there is, there are, have got, has got.
Hello! My name is Jack. I (1) have got new shorts. (2) __________ five pencils
on my desk. This is my sister Bianca. She (3) ___________ a new dress.
(4) __________ a doll on the bed. I (5) ______ a ball. (6) __________ a picture on
the wall.

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