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Marcel Levi

A variety of disorders, including infectious or inflammatory condi- and, in some cases, reduces mortality. Finally, results of clinical studies
tions and malignant disease, will lead to activation of coagulation. In also support the concept that activation of coagulation is an impor-
many cases, this activation of coagulation will not lead to clinical tant determinant of clinical outcome. DIC has been shown to be an
complications and will not even be detected by routine laboratory independent predictor of organ failure and mortality.8 In a consecu-
tests, but can only be measured with sensitive molecular markers for tive series of patients with severe sepsis, 43% of the patients with
activation of coagulation factors and pathways.1,2 However, if the DIC were compared with the 27% without DIC. In that study, the
stimulus for activation of coagulation is sufficiently strong, the severity of the coagulopathy was directly related to mortality.9
platelet count may decrease and global clotting times may become In addition to microvascular thrombosis and organ dysfunction,
prolonged. In its most extreme form, systemic activation of coagula- coagulation abnormalities may have other harmful consequences.
tion is known as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC Thrombocytopenia in patients with sepsis places them at risk of
is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of widespread (micro) bleeding. For example, critically ill patients with a platelet count of
vascular thrombosis, thereby compromising blood supply to various <50 × 109/L have a four- to fivefold higher risk for bleeding than
organs, which may contribute to organ failure.3,4 Because of ongoing those with higher platelet counts.10 Although the overall risk of
activation of the coagulation system and other factors, such as intracerebral bleeding in intensive care unit (ICU) patients is less than
impaired synthesis and increased degradation of coagulation proteins 0.5%, up to 88% of patients with this complication have platelet
and protease inhibitors, consumption of clotting factors and platelets counts below 100 × 109/L. The use of anticoagulants in patients with
may occur, resulting in bleeding from various sites. thrombocytopenia further increases the risk of bleeding. Regardless
In view of the multiple, often contrasting mechanisms that of the cause, multivariate analyses indicate that thrombocytopenia is
occur in patients with DIC, a consensual definition of DIC had an independent predictor of ICU mortality and increases the risk of
been a matter of debate. In 2001 the subcommittee on DIC of the death by 1.9- to 4.2-fold. In particular, thrombocytopenia that per-
International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis proposed a sists for more than 4 days after ICU admission, or a 50% or greater
definition that reflects the central role of the microvascular milieu, decrease in platelet count during the ICU stay, is associated with a
i.e., endothelial cells, blood cells, and the plasma protease system, in four- to sixfold increase in mortality. In fact the platelet count appears
the pathogenesis of DIC. This definition of DIC reads as follows: to be a stronger predictor of ICU mortality than composite scoring
“DIC is an acquired syndrome characterized by the intravascular systems, such as the Acute Physiology and Chronic Evaluation
activation of coagulation without a specific localization and arising (APACHE) II or Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score (MODS).
from different causes. It can originate from and cause damage to Decreased levels of coagulation factors, as reflected by prolonged
the microvasculature, which if sufficiently severe, can produce organ global coagulation times, also increase the risk of bleeding. Prolonga-
dysfunction.”5 tion of the prothrombin time (PT) or activated partial thromboplastin
The diagnosis of DIC may be hampered by the nonspecific nature time (aPTT) to over 1.5 times the control is associated with an
of many indicators of coagulation activation, although newly devel- increased risk of bleeding and mortality in critically ill patients.
oped scoring algorithms based on readily available routine laboratory
parameters show promising diagnostic accuracy.5 Owing to the
complexity of the clinical presentation, the variable and unpredictable PATHOBIOLOGY
course, and the multitude of therapies given to patients with DIC,
properly conducted clinical trials are difficult to perform and even to Traditionally, DIC was thought to be the result of activation of both
devise. Management relies on limited evidence from clinical trials in the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of coagulation. The classical
combination with small studies employing surrogate outcome end- concept was that the extrinsic pathway was initiated by a tissue-
points and experience from case series, as well as from an understand- derived component, which activated factor VII leading to the direct
ing of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms.6 conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. This process would proceed
as long as there was tissue damage from systemic infection, trauma,
circulating placental components, or malignancy. In contrast, the
EPIDEMIOLOGY intrinsic or contact pathway of coagulation was initiated by contact
activation of factor XII which, together with its cofactors, kallikrein
Activation of coagulation in concert with inflammatory activation and high molecular weight kininogen, then activated factor XI
can result in microvascular thrombosis, which contributes to multiple leading to subsequent activation of factor IX. Until recently, the
organ failure in patients with severe sepsis.7 In support of this concept, initiators of contact activation were thought to include collagen and
postmortem findings in patients with coagulation abnormalities and artificial surfaces. In recent years the molecular mechanisms of coagu-
DIC on the background of severe sepsis include diffuse bleeding, lation pathway activation have been better defined (Fig. 139.1),
hemorrhagic necrosis of tissues, microthrombi in small blood vessels, thereby providing new insight into the pathogenesis of DIC. In
and thrombi in midsize and larger arteries and veins. Ischemia and general, current thinking is that thrombin and fibrin generation in
necrosis were invariably the result of fibrin deposition in small and patients with DIC is largely driven via the extrinsic pathway; the role
midsize vessels. Importantly, intravascular thrombi appear to be the of the contact system is uncertain.
driver of the organ dysfunction. Fibrin deposition in various organs
also is a characteristic finding in animal models of DIC. Thus experi-
mental bacteremia or endotoxemia causes intra- and extravascular Tissue Factor-Factor VII(a) Pathway
fibrin deposition in the kidneys, lungs, liver, brain, and other organs.
Amelioration of the hemostatic defect with various interventions The extrinsic pathway is initiated by the tissue factor (TF)–factor
reduces fibrin deposition, improves organ function in these models, VIIa complex. TF is a membrane-bound 4.5-kDa protein that is

Chapter 139  Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 2065

Endothelial polyphosphates, and glycosaminoglycans, are potential activators of

cells the contact pathway. Studies in patients with suspected DIC have
identified elevated levels of markers of activation of the contact
Cytokines Inflammatory cells
system. In patients with meningococcal septicemia, there was a nega-
tive correlation between plasma factor XII levels and factor XIIa–C1
inhibitor complexes. Although this finding implies consumption of
factor XII, and subsequent downstream activation of factor XI, an
Tissue factor
alternative explanation is that there is a negative acute phase effect
with reduced synthesis of factor XII, in conjunction with thrombin-
mediated activation of factor XI.
Impairment of However, blockade of the contact system with a factor XIIa–
physiologic directed antibody failed to prevent DIC in a balloon model of
anticoagulant Escherichia coli sepsis, but diminished development of lethal hypoten-
sion. These findings provide reasonable support for the current view
that the contact pathway does not contribute to DIC, but may play
important roles in proinflammatory mechanisms related to vascular
Inhibition of permeability, vascular proliferation (kininogen induces smooth
fibrinolysis muscle cell proliferation), and enhancement of fibrinolysis.11
due to high
levels of PAI-1
Cytokines and Other Amplification Pathways
Activation of blood coagulation requires several cofactors. For devel-
MICROVASCULAR THROMBOSIS AND opment of DIC, the surfaces of cell remnants or intact cells, inflam-
MODULATION OF INFLAMMATION matory mediators, and coagulation proteins are required. The
stimulus for activation depends on the underlying disease and may
Fig. 139.1  PATHOGENESIS OF DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR encompass bacterial cell compounds, such as endotoxin, TF on host
COAGULATION (DIC). Pathways involved in the activation of coagulation or cancer cells, other cancer cell procoagulants, fat, or amniotic fluid
in DIC. Both perturbed endothelial cells and activated mononuclear cells emboli by unknown pathways. Each of these triggers interacts with
may produce proinflammatory cytokines that induce tissue factor expression, other mediators: TF assembles on anionic phospholipid surfaces,
thereby initiating coagulation. In addition, downregulation of physiologic which can be provided by activated platelets, leukocytes, or cancer
anticoagulant mechanisms and inhibition of fibrinolysis promotes intravas- cells; cytokines interact with receptors and induce signaling pathways
cular fibrin deposition. PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor, type 1. that induce TF expression and other proinflammatory components
via the NFκB complex.
Endotoxin is a lipopolysaccharide compound of gram-negative
constitutively expressed on cells that are mostly in tissues and not in bacteria that induces the sepsis syndrome and DIC. Gram-negative
direct contact with blood, such as the adventitial layer of larger blood bacteria liberate endotoxins from their membrane, which interact
vessels.12 Subcutaneous tissue also contains substantial amounts of with cell surfaces via various pathways. In blood, endotoxin directly
TF. When expressed on the cell surface, TF interacts with factor VII, binds to CD14 on monocytes, and binds to endothelial cells after
either in its zymogen or activated form. The TF–factor VIIa complex complexing with lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) and the
catalyzes the activation of both factor IX and factor X. Factors IXa Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR 4) complex. Through these interactions,
and Xa enhance the activation of factors X and prothrombin, respec- endotoxin induces signaling pathways that culminate in NFκB
tively. In cells in contact with the blood, TF is induced by the action activation, and initiates the expression of proinflammatory cytokines
of mediators such as cytokines, C-reactive protein and advanced and TF. Likewise, exotoxins, such as lipoteichoic acid (LTA) from
glycosylation end products. Inducible TF is predominantly expressed gram-positive bacteria can also induce proinflammatory cytokine
by monocytes and macrophages. Monocyte TF expression is enhanced expression.
in the presence of platelets and granulocytes in a P-selectin dependent The molecular mechanisms underlying endotoxin-induced activa-
fashion. This may reflect nuclear factor kappa-B (NFκB) activation tion of coagulation have been studied in nonhuman primates. In
that occurs when activated platelets bind to neutrophils or mono- endotoxin or E. coli models of sepsis, inhibition of the TF pathway
nuclear cells. These cell-cell interactions also stimulate the production abolishes the activation of coagulation, highlighting the importance
of interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-8, MCP-1, and tumor necrosis factor of TF. IL-6 is an important mediator of procoagulant effects, whereas
(TNF)-α. Under cell culture conditions, cytokines such as TNF-α, TNF-α is involved in the fibrinolytic response to endotoxin. Inhibi-
and IL-1 can induce TF expression by vascular endothelial cells, but tion of TF with tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) reduces IL-6
the in vivo relevance of this finding is uncertain. Studies in vivo levels in the baboon model, suggesting that there is extensive crosstalk
suggest that IL-6 is the dominant mediator of TF expression by between coagulation and inflammatory mediators (see later). Mono-
mononuclear cells. cytes that express TF bind factor VII(a), shed TF, or bind to the
Increased monocyte TF expression and procoagulant activity has damaged vessel wall. After interacting with platelets, circulating
been demonstrated in DIC associated with sepsis, cancer, or coronary monocytes can trigger DIC. Microvesicles may accelerate this process,
disease. Tissue expression of TF appears to be localized to certain and the complex interaction between cells, membrane fragments,
organs and vascular beds, but it is uncertain whether its expression is soluble mediators, and proteins may trigger the DIC syndrome. The
under genetic control in an organ-specific fashion. With trauma, such severity and duration of the consumptive process are mainly deter-
as extensive surgery, brain injury, or burns, it is likely that constitu- mined by the potency of the triggers and the capacity of inhibitory
tively expressed TF at the site of injury is the primary source of mechanisms.
procoagulant material, but direct support for this concept is lacking.
Cross Talk Among Coagulation Proteases Results in
The Intrinsic Pathway Proinflammatory Effects
The role of the intrinsic pathway in the pathogenesis of DIC is In addition to activating coagulation protein zymogens, coagulation
uncertain. Negatively charged substances, such as phospholipids, proteases also interact with specific cell receptors and trigger signaling
2066 Part XII  Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Protein C

Thrombomodulin +

protein C
protein C

Factor Va
Factor VIIIa
Endothelial Blocking
cell apoptosis NFκB

Tissue factor –

TFPI – TNF-α and
IL production
in monocytes

Factor Xa
Glycosaminoglycans Antiinflammatory
– cytokines (IL-10)

Increased TNF-α


LAR COAGULATION. Physiologic anticoagulant mechanisms (activated protein C system, tissue factor
pathway inhibitor (TFPI), and antithrombin) are not only involved in blocking thrombin generation and
thrombin activity but also affect inflammatory pathways.

pathways that elicit proinflammatory mediators.7 Factor Xa, throm- activity and amplify the consumptive process. Endogenous antico-
bin, and the factor VIIa–TF complex have such effects. Factor Xa agulant pathways are essential to regulate these proteases and to
injection into rats induces localized inflammation, probably as a prevent uncontrolled DIC.
result of its interaction with EPR-1 and not because of thrombin
generation. Exposure of cultured endothelial cells to factor Xa stimu-
lates the production of monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1), Endogenous Anticoagulant Pathways in Disseminated
IL-6 and IL-8, and upregulates the expression of adhesion proteins Intravascular Coagulation
that tether neutrophils to the cell surface. Further evidence for the
crosstalk between inflammation and coagulation comes from the The development of DIC is counteracted by several mechanisms.
observations that IL-6 and IL-8 elicit TF-dependent procoagulant First, coagulation inhibitors regulate the coagulation mechanism.
activity in monocytes and the fact that IL-6 has been identified as Those inhibitors include antithrombin (AT), the protein C system,
the critical mediator of procoagulant activity either on its own or after and TFPI (Fig. 139.2).7 AT, which complexes and inhibits thrombin
endotoxin challenge in vivo. Therefore cytokine production induced and factor Xa, is one of the most important inhibitors and reduced
by factor Xa may be an important driver of coagulation in DIC. AT levels are a characteristic of DIC. Reduction in AT levels reflects
In addition to its procoagulant functions, thrombin has a variety a combination of reduced protein synthesis as well as increased clear-
of noncoagulant effects. Thrombin induces the release of MCP-1 and ance through the formation of protease–AT complexes, and by deg-
IL-6 from fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and mononuclear cells in vitro. radation by neutrophil elastase. In addition, cytokines may impair
Thrombin also induces IL-6 and IL-8 production in endothelial cells. proteoglycan synthesis in the vessel wall thereby reducing the avail-
When generated in whole blood, IL-8 production has a procoagulant ability of heparan sulfate for potentiation of AT activity.
effect that is TF dependent. Cell activation by thrombin is likely In animal models of experimental bacteremia, AT concentrate
mediated by protease activated receptors (PARs). The factor VIIa–TF infusion increases survival, reduces the severity of DIC, and lowers
complex also activates cells by binding and activating PAR 2. the levels of IL-6 and IL-8. Therefore in addition to its anticoagulant
Direct evidence of the in vivo relevance of these phenomena function, AT may also have an antiinflammatory effect.
comes from a study showing that recombinant factor VIIa infusion Activated protein C and its cofactor protein S provide a second
in volunteers induces an increase in plasma levels of IL-6 and IL-8. line of defense. Thrombin binds to thrombomodulin on the endo-
Although the concentrations of factor VIIa infused far exceed those thelial cell membrane and the thrombin–thrombomodulin complex
found in patients with sepsis, it is possible that factor VIIa-induced converts protein C to its active form, activated protein C (APC).12
cytokine production is of physiologic importance. Therefore this In addition the thrombin–thrombomodulin complex converts the
information adds to the concept that several coagulation proteases latent carboxypeptidase B–like enzyme thrombin activatable fibrino-
induce proinflammatory mediators that augment procoagulant lytic inhibitor (TAFI) to its activated form. APC inactivates factors
Chapter 139  Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 2067

Va and VIIIa by proteolytic cleavage, thereby downregulating the levels of uPA. In contrast to wild-type mice challenged with endo-
coagulation cascade. Endothelial cells, primarily of large blood vessels, toxin, PAI-1 knockout mice do not develop thrombi in the kidney.
express endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) on their surface. Endotoxin administration to mice with a functionally inactive
EPCR augments protein C activation by binding protein C and thrombomodulin gene (TMProArg mutation) and defective protein
presenting it to the thrombin–thrombomodulin complex on the cell C activator cofactor function caused fibrin plugs in the pulmonary
surface. APC has antiinflammatory effects on mononuclear cells and circulation, whereas wild-type mice did not develop macroscopic
granulocytes, which may be distinct from its anticoagulant activity. fibrin. This phenomenon in thrombomodulin deficient mice proved
Administration of APC prevented thrombin-induced thromboembo- to be temporary; thrombi developed 4 hours after endotoxin admin-
lism in mice, mainly through its antithrombotic effect. istration and disappeared at 24 hours in animals killed at that time
Defects in the protein C mechanism enhance the vulnerability to point. These experiments demonstrate that the fibrinolytic system is
inflammatory reactions and DIC. In patients, reduced levels of essential for clearance of intravascular fibrin.
protein C and protein S are associated with increased mortality. Mice Fibrinolytic activity is regulated by PAI-1, the principal inhibitor
with a one-allele targeted disruption of the protein C gene, causing of this system. Previous studies have shown that a functional muta-
heterozygous protein C deficiency, developed a more severe form of tion in the PAI-1 gene, the 4G/5G polymorphism, not only influ-
DIC and associated inflammatory response compared with their ences plasma levels of PAI-1, but also affects the clinical outcome of
wild-type counterparts. Blockade of protein C activity by infusion of meningococcal septicemia. Patients with the 4G/4G genotype had
C4 binding protein converted a sublethal model of E. coli in baboons significantly higher PAI-1 concentrations in plasma and an increased
into a lethal model. In addition, blockade of EPCR with a neutral- risk of death. Further investigations demonstrated that the PAI-1
izing monoclonal antibody also increased mortality in the E. coli polymorphism did not influence the risk of contracting meningitis,
baboon model, whereas infusion of PC protected against DIC and but probably increased the likelihood of developing septic shock from
lethality. Therefore the protein C pathway is important in the host meningococcal infection. These studies provide the first evidence that
defense against sepsis and DIC. In situations associated with DIC genetically determined differences in the level of fibrinolysis influence
and systemic inflammation, cell culture experiments suggest that the risk of developing complications of gram-negative infection. In
TNF-α and IL-1 may downregulate thrombomodulin expression. other clinical studies in cohorts of patients with DIC, high plasma
However, in vivo studies suggest that EPCR is upregulated in sepsis; levels of PAI-1 were one of the best predictors of mortality. These
an effect mediated by thrombin. The generation of thrombin may data suggest that DIC contributes to mortality in this situation, but
also trigger EPCR shedding due to the activation of metalloprotein- as indicated earlier, because PAI-1 is an acute-phase protein, higher
ases by thrombin. It is presently unknown whether thrombomodulin plasma levels may also be a marker of disease rather than a causal
is also cleaved by similar mechanisms. factor.
TFPI provides a third inhibitory mechanism. TFPI exists in
several pools including endothelial cell associated and lipoprotein
bound in plasma. It inhibits the TF–factor VIIa complex by forming CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
a quaternary complex in which factor Xa is the fourth component.
Clinical studies in patients with sepsis have not provided clues as to The clinical manifestations of DIC vary depending on the underlying
its importance because in the majority of patients the TFPI levels are disorder. At the extreme end of the spectrum is acute, severe DIC,
normal. This may be explained by the lack of downregulatory effects which often occurs in the setting of sepsis, major trauma, obstetric
of inflammatory mediators on cultured endothelial cells. The relevance calamities, and severe immunologic responses. Diffuse multiorgan
of TFPI in DIC is illustrated by two lines of experimentation. First, bleeding, hemorrhagic necrosis, microthrombi in small blood vessels,
depletion of TFPI sensitizes rabbits to DIC induced with tissue factor and thrombi in medium and large blood vessels are common find-
infusion. Second, TFPI infusion protects against the harmful effects ings at autopsy, although patients with unequivocal clinical and
of E. coli in primates. TFPI not only blocks DIC in baboons given laboratory signs of DIC may not have confirmatory postmortem
lethal doses of E. coli, but improves vital functions and survival. A findings. Conversely, some patients in whom clinical and laboratory
study in human volunteers confirmed the potential of TFPI to block signs were not consistent with DIC have typical autopsy findings.
the procoagulant effects of endotoxin. Although this occasional lack of correlation among clinical, labora-
In general, normal levels and function of inhibitors is important tory, and pathologic findings can partly be explained by excessive
in the defense against DIC. It should be noted, however, that there fibrinolysis post mortem, this does not account for all cases. The
are no strong indications that patients with congenital deficiencies of organs most frequently involved by diffuse microthrombi are the
inhibitors are at increased risk of DIC, but this issue requires greater lungs and kidneys, followed by the brain, heart, liver, spleen, adrenal
exploration. In addition, the capacity of inhibitors to modify the glands, pancreas, and gut. Specific immunohistological techniques
interaction between coagulation and inflammation deserves further and ultrastructural analysis have revealed that most thrombi consist
attention. of fibrin monomers or polymers in combination with platelets. In
addition, involvement of activated mononuclear cells and other
signs of inflammation are frequently present. In cases of long-lasting
Fibrinolysis DIC, organization and endothelialization of the microthrombi are
often observed. Acute tubular necrosis is more frequent than renal
In experimental models of DIC, fibrinolysis is activated, demon- cortical necrosis. Clinically, thrombotic occlusive events occur first
strated by an initial activation of plasminogen, followed by impair- as a consequence of microvascular obstruction by microthrombi
ment caused by the release of type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor consisting of fibrin or platelets. These thrombi result from clots that
(PAI-1). This results in a net procoagulant state. The molecular basis form either in the circulation or in situ in arterioles, capillaries, or
for this procoagulant state is cytokine-mediated activation of vascular venules. Circulatory obstruction reduces organ perfusion and may
endothelial cells, thus TNF-α and IL-1 decrease tPA production and lead to ischemia, infarction, and necrosis. The process is disseminated
increase PAI-1 production. Although TNF-α increases urokinase throughout the microcirculation, therefore all organs are potentially
type plasminogen activator (uPA) production by endothelial cells, vulnerable.
endotoxin and TNF-α stimulate PAI-1 production in the liver, In contrast to acutely ill patients with severe DIC, others may
kidney, lung, and adrenals of mice. have mild or protracted clinical manifestations of consumption or
The net procoagulant state is manifested by a late rise in fibrin even subclinical disease manifested only by laboratory abnormalities.1
breakdown fragments after E. coli challenge in baboons. Experimental The clinical picture of subacute to chronic DIC generally occurs in
data also suggest that the fibrinolytic mechanism is active in clearing patients with malignancy, in particular those with mucin-producing
fibrin from organs and the circulation. Endotoxin-induced fibrin adenocarcinomas or acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). The latter
formation in the kidneys and adrenals is most dependent on decreased usually is dominated by a hemorrhagic presentation, whereas venous
2068 Part XII  Hemostasis and Thrombosis

may also complicate other types of sepsis-induced DIC and may

Clinical Conditions Most Frequently Complicated by
BOX 139.1 enhance platelet–vessel wall interactions, thereby contributing to
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
microvascular thrombosis.14
• Sepsis/severe infection Purpura fulminans is an extreme form of DIC, which is often
• Trauma/burn/heatstroke lethal. This disorder is characterized by extensive hemorrhagic necro-
• Malignancy sis of the skin over the extremities and buttocks. The disease predomi-
Solid tumors nantly affects infants and children and is rare in adults. Diffuse
Acute leukemia microthrombi in small blood vessels leads to necrosis and vasculitis
• Obstetric conditions may also be found in biopsies of skin lesions. The disorder can occur
Amniotic fluid embolism 2 to 4 weeks after mild infection, such as scarlet fever, varicella, or
Abruptio placentae
HELLP syndrome
rubella, or can occur during an acute viral or bacterial infection in
• Vascular abnormalities patients with acquired or hereditary deficiencies of protein C or
Kasabach-Merrit Syndrome protein S. The syndrome mimics neonatal homozygous protein C or
Other vascular malformations protein S deficiency where purpura fulminans, with or without
Aortic aneurysms extensive thrombosis, develops soon after birth.
• Severe allergic/toxic reactions
• Severe immunologic reactions (e.g., transfusion reaction)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Trauma,
Brain Injury, Burns, and Heat Stroke
thrombotic manifestations are more common in the former. In addi- The time interval between trauma and medical intervention correlates
tion, patients with solid tumors may develop nonbacterial thrombotic with the development and magnitude of DIC. Experience during
endocarditis with systemic arterial embolization and infarction. wars proved that fast evacuation and prompt medical care reduce the
Another cause of subacute to chronic DIC is the retained dead fetus risk of DIC. Extensive exposure of TF to the blood and hemorrhagic
syndrome. These patients have an extremely variable presentation shock are the most immediate triggers of DIC in such instances,
ranging from asymptomatic to mild or moderate skin and mucous although direct proof of this mechanism is lacking. An alternative
membrane bleeding. hypothesis is that cytokines play a pivotal role in the occurrence of
It is important to stress that DIC is not a disease in itself but is DIC in trauma patients. In fact, the changes in cytokine levels in
always secondary to an underlying disorder, which causes the activa- trauma patients are virtually identical to those in patients with
tion of coagulation. The underlying disorders most commonly known sepsis.15 The levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, PAI-1, circulating TF, neutro-
to be associated with DIC are listed in Box 139.1 and are described phil elastase, and soluble thrombomodulin can be elevated in patients
in detail below. with signs of DIC, predicting multiorgan dysfunction (adult respira-
tory distress syndrome [ARDS] included) and death. Careful moni-
toring for laboratory signs of DIC, reduced fibrinolytic activity, and
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in perhaps low AT levels may be useful to predict the outcome of such
Infectious Disease patients.
In adults and children with head injuries, mortality is high
Systemic infections are among the most common causes of DIC. when DIC occurs. A laboratory DIC score has predictive value for
Immunocompromised patients, asplenic patients whose ability to prognosis in patients with head injuries, thereby supplementing the
clear bacteria (particularly pneumococci) is impaired, and newborns Glasgow coma score. Brain injury can be associated with DIC, most
whose anticoagulant systems are immature are particularly prone to likely because the injury exposes the abundant TF of the brain to
infection-induced DIC. Infections may be superimposed on trauma blood. Specimens of contused brain, obtained during surgery in
or malignancies, which themselves are potential triggers of DIC. In patients with head injury, and of liver, lungs, kidneys, and pancreas
addition, infections can aggravate bleeding and thrombosis by directly obtained during autopsy, reveal microthrombi in arterioles and
inducing thrombocytopenia, hepatic dysfunction, and shock, which venules.
can lead to diminished blood flow in the microcirculation. Bleeding, laboratory tests indicative of DIC, and vascular micro-
Clinically overt DIC occurs in 30%–50% of patients with gram- thrombi in biopsies of undamaged skin have been described in
negative or gram-positive sepsis. Extreme examples of sepsis-related patients with extensive burns. Kinetic studies with labeled fibrinogen
DIC are streptococcus A toxic shock syndrome, which is character- and platelets suggest that in addition to systemic consumption of
ized by deep tissue infection, vascular collapse, vascular leakage, and hemostatic factors, there is significant local consumption in burned
multiple organ dysfunction. M protein released from streptococci areas. TF exposed at sites of burned tissue, the systemic inflammatory
forms complexes with fibrinogen that bind to β2 integrins on neu- response syndrome induced by the burn, and the presence of super-
trophils leading to their activation, and meningococcemia, a fulmi- imposed infections can trigger DIC. Local activation of coagulation
nant gram-negative infection characterized by extensive hemorrhagic in the bronchoalveolar compartment may contribute to acute lung
necrosis, DIC, and shock. More frequent gram-negative infections injury in these patients.
associated with DIC are caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, A severe hemorrhagic diathesis and multiple organ failure indica-
and Proteus vulgaris. Patients with these infections may only have tive of DIC can complicate heat stroke.16 Diffuse fibrin deposition
laboratory evidence of activated coagulation or they may present with and hemorrhagic infarctions are found in fatal cases. DIC associated
severe DIC. with profound fibrin(ogen) degradation is evident in such patients.
Activation of the coagulation system has also been documented Potential triggers of DIC in patients with heat stroke include endo-
with nonbacterial pathogens, such as viruses, protozoa (malaria), and thelial cell damage and TF released from heat-damaged tissues. In 18
fungi.13 Common viral infections, such as influenza, varicella, rubella, critically ill patients with heat stroke during the 2003 heat wave in
and rubeola, are rarely associated with DIC. Some viral infections Western Europe that caused numerous deaths in France,16 there were
can cause hemorrhagic fever characterized by fever, hypotension, high levels of IL-6 and IL-8. In addition, there was marked activation
bleeding, and renal failure. Laboratory evidence of DIC can accom- of white blood cells, as evidenced by β2-integrin upregulation and
pany Korean, rift valley, and dengue-related hemorrhagic fevers. increased production of reactive oxygen species. All patients had
Protozoan infections, such as cerebral malaria, may be associated with evidence of systemic activation of coagulation and DIC was present
overt DIC. In these cases, secondary deficiency of a disintegrin-like in about 35%. There was good correlation between the extent of
metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 repeats (ADAMTS13), activation of inflammation and coagulation and the clinical severity
the von Willebrand cleaving protease, may occur. Such deficiency of the heat stroke.
Chapter 139  Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 2069

which forms a complex with factor VII(a) to activate factors IX and

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in X, and a cancer procoagulant (CP), a cysteine protease with factor
Obstetric Complications X–activating properties. In breast cancer, TF is expressed by vascular
endothelial cells as well as by the tumor cells. TF also appears to be
Placental abruption is a leading cause of perinatal death.17 Older involved in tumor metastasis and angiogenesis. CP is an endopepti-
multiparous women or patients with one of the hypertensive disorders dase that can not only be found in extracts of neoplastic cells but also
of pregnancy are thought to be at highest risk. The severe hemostatic in the plasma of patients with solid tumors. The exact role of CP in
failure accompanying abruptio placentae is the result of acute DIC the pathogenesis of cancer-related DIC is unclear. Interactions of
emanating from the introduction of large amounts of TF into the P- and L-selectins with mucin from mucinous adenocarcinoma can
circulation from the damaged placenta and uterus. Amniotic fluid induce the formation of platelet microthrombi, which probably
has been shown to activate coagulation in vitro, and the degree of constitute a third mechanism of cancer-related thrombosis. Depend-
placental separation correlates with the extent of DIC, suggesting that ing on the rate and quantity of exposure or influx of shed vesicles
leakage of thromboplastin-like material from the placental system is from tumors containing TF, a covert or overt DIC develops.
responsible for the DIC. Abruptio placentae occurs in 0.2% to 0.4% There are numerous reports of DIC and excessive fibrinolysis
of pregnancies, but only 10% of these cases are associated with DIC. complicating the course of acute leukemia. In 161 consecutive
Different grades of severity are found among those who develop DIC, patients presenting with acute myeloid leukemia, DIC was diagnosed
with only the more severe forms resulting in shock and fetal death. in 52 (32%). In acute lymphoblastic leukemia, DIC was diagnosed
Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare but serious complication of in 15% to 20%.19 Some reports suggest that the incidence of DIC
pregnancy and delivery. A maternal mortality rate of 86% was in acute leukemia patients may increase even more during remission
reported in a 1979 review of 272 cases, but in a more recent induction with chemotherapy. In patients with APL, DIC is present
population-based study, the maternal mortality was 26%. Patients in more than 90% of patients at the time of diagnosis or after initia-
predisposed to amniotic fluid embolism are multiparous women tion of remission induction. The pathogenesis of hemostatic distur-
whose pregnancies are postmature with large fetuses and women bance in APL is related to properties of the malignant cells and their
undergoing a tumultuous labor after pharmacologic or surgical interaction with host endothelial cells. APL cells express TF and CP,
induction. Amniotic fluid is introduced into the maternal circulation which can initiate coagulation, and they release IL-1β and TNF-α,
through tears in the chorioamniotic membranes, rupture of the which downregulate endothelial thrombomodulin, thereby compro-
uterus, and injury of uterine veins. TF in amniotic fluid is the likely mising the protein C anticoagulant pathway. APL cells also express
trigger for DIC. Mechanical obstruction of pulmonary blood vessels increased amounts of annexin II, which binds plasminogen and tPA
by fetal debris, meconium, and other particulate matter in the and promotes plasmin generation. The net result of these processes
amniotic fluid enhances local fibrin–platelet thrombus formation and is DIC and hyperfibrinolysis, which can lead to bleeding that can be
fibrinolysis. The extensive occlusion of the pulmonary arteries and fatal. All-trans-retinoic acid, which is used for induction and main-
an acute anaphylactoid response reminiscent of severe systemic tenance therapy of APL, inhibits the deleterious effect of APL cells
inflammatory response syndrome provoke sudden dyspnea, cyanosis, in vitro and in vivo and has reduced the frequency of early hemor-
acute cor pulmonale, left ventricular dysfunction, shock, and convul- rhagic death.
sions. These symptoms are followed within minutes to several hours
by severe bleeding in 37% of patients. Hemorrhage is particularly
severe from the atonic uterus, puncture sites, gastrointestinal tract, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation With
and other organs. Vascular Disorders
Some studies provide evidence of activation of coagulation, in its
most extreme form DIC, in preeclampsia and eclampsia. In a large Rarely, vascular anomalies can trigger DIC. With some large aortic
series of patients, a good correlation was noted between the clinical aneurysms, localized consumption of platelets and fibrinogen can
severity and abnormalities in platelet counts and fibrin(ogen) degra- produce coagulation abnormalities and bleeding.20 In a series of
dation products. Also consistent with DIC were results of assays of patients with aortic aneurysms, 40% had elevated levels of fibrin(ogen)
sensitive parameters of thrombin generation and activation of fibri- degradation products, but only 4% had laboratory evidence of DIC
nolysis, such as TAT complexes, D-dimer, and fibrinopeptide Bβ1–42. or bleeding.20 Factors that predispose such patients to the develop-
Despite these observations, administration of heparin to patients with ment of DIC include large aneurysms, dissection, and expansion.
preeclampsia and eclampsia has not resulted in convincing benefits. Coagulation in these cases likely is triggered by the abundant TF in
The HELLP syndrome, which is comprised of hemolysis, elevated atherosclerotic plaques.
liver enzymes, low platelet count, and severe epigastric pain, is Kasabach and Merritt were the first to describe bleeding in associa-
another complication of pregnancy-induced hypertension. Liver tion with giant cavernous hemangiomas, benign tumors found in
biopsy findings of fibrin deposition in hepatic blood vessels and labo- newborns or children that can evolve into convoluted masses of
ratory tests consistent with DIC are found in a significant proportion abnormal vascular channels that sequester and consume platelets and
of patients suggesting that DIC plays a role in the pathogenesis of fibrinogen. Localized pain may occur, likely from thrombosis of these
the syndrome. However, according to current insights, thrombotic vascular channels and there may be bleeding after trauma or surgery
microangiopathy rather than DIC causes the coagulation abnormali- because of the consumptive process. Increased fibrinogen consump-
ties in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. tion reflects hyperfibrinolysis, which may be driven by tPA released
from the abnormal endothelium lining the tumor walls. Patients with
this syndrome exhibit accelerated platelet turnover, and accumulation
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Malignancy of labeled platelets and fibrinogen in the hemangiomas.
Hemangiomas may regress spontaneously; some respond to radia-
Patients with solid tumors are vulnerable to risk factors and additional tion or laser therapy.
triggers for DIC that can aggravate thromboembolism and bleed-
ing.18 Risk factors include advanced age, stage of the disease, and use
of chemotherapy or antiestrogen therapy. Triggers include septicemia, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation With
immobilization, and hepatic metastases, which can compromise the Liver Disease
capacity of the liver to control DIC. Microangiopathic hemolytic
anemia frequently is induced by DIC in patients with malignancies The levels of most coagulation factors, endogenous anticoagulants,
and is particularly severe in patients with widespread intravascular and major components of the fibrinolytic system are reduced in
metastases of mucin-secreting adenocarcinomas. Solid tumor cells patients with severe liver disease reflecting reduced synthesis. In addi-
can express different procoagulant molecules including tissue factor, tion, the capacity of the liver to clear factors IXa, Xa, XIa, and tPA
2070 Part XII  Hemostasis and Thrombosis

is decreased. Thrombocytopenia is common because of hypersplen- which results in high concentrations of ultralarge von Willebrand
ism and decreased hepatic production of thrombopoietin. The simi- multimers in plasma. These large multimers promote platelet-vessel
larities between the hemostatic defects of liver disease and those of wall interaction, which can lead to thrombotic microangiopathy and
DIC have evoked controversy as to the contribution of DIC to the organ dysfunction.14
coagulopathy of liver disease. Several laboratory and clinical observa- Although determination of the fibrinogen concentration has been
tions support the concept that DIC accompanies hepatic disorders. advocated as a useful tool for the diagnosis of DIC, this test is rarely
These include a reduced half-life of radiolabeled fibrinogen that is helpful.22 Fibrinogen is as an acute-phase protein whose levels increase
reversed with heparin administration; failure of replacement therapy with inflammation. Therefore the fibrinogen level may remain within
to significantly increase the levels of hemostatic factors (suggesting the normal range for a long period of time despite ongoing consump-
ongoing consumption); and increased levels of markers of activation tion. In a consecutive series of patients, the sensitivity of a low
of coagulation. All of these findings are consistent with increased fibrinogen level for the diagnosis of DIC was 28%, and hypofibrino-
thrombin generation. Against the DIC hypothesis are the observa- genemia was only found in very severe cases of DIC.
tions that microthrombi are found in only 2% of the tissues from
patients who die of liver disease, and the fact that the increased
fibrinogen turnover can be explained by extravascular accumulation. Markers of Fibrin Generation and Degradation
Current thinking is that DIC is rare in patients with liver disease, but
such patients are sensitive to the triggers of DIC because of the Plasma levels of fibrin split products are frequently used for the
decreased synthetic capacity of the diseased liver and its inability to diagnosis of DIC.23 Fibrin split products were detectable in 42% of
clear activated clotting factors. In patients who undergo peritoneove- consecutive patients in the intensive care unit, in 80% of trauma
nous shunting for ascites, those with underlying liver disease are more patients, and in 99% of patients with sepsis and DIC. The levels of
likely to develop DIC than those with normal liver function. fibrin degradation products (FDP) can be quantified by immunoas-
say. Latex agglutination assays can be used for rapid point-of-care
determination in emergency cases. None of the available FDP assays
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation With Toxic discriminate between degradation products derived from cross-linked
Reactions or Snake Bites fibrin or from fibrinogen, which may cause spuriously high levels.
Therefore the FDP assay lacks specificity because in addition to DIC,
The venom of certain snakes, particularly vipers and rattlesnakes, can high levels can be found with trauma, recent surgery, inflammation,
produce a coagulopathy similar to DIC.21 Prominent among these venous thromboembolism, and many other conditions. Because FDP
species are the Vipera, Echis (E. carinatus or E. coloratus), Aspis, are metabolized in the liver and cleared by the kidneys, FDP levels
Crotalus, Bothrops, and Agkistrodon. Venoms of these snakes contain are influenced by liver and kidney function.
enzymes or peptides that (1) release fibrinopeptide A (Agkistrodon D-dimer is a degradation product of cross-linked fibrin. Therefore
rhodostoma); (2) activate prothrombin even in the absence of calcium this test is not influenced by fibrinogen degradation products.
(E. carinatus); (3) activate factors X and V (Russell viper venom); (4) D-dimer levels are high in patients with DIC, but high levels can also
degrade fibrinogen (Agkistrodon acutus); (5) induce platelet aggrega- be found in patients with venous thromboembolism, recent surgery,
tion; (6) inhibit platelet aggregation because of the presence of or inflammatory conditions. Theoretically, soluble fibrin or fibrin
arginine-glycine-aspartic acid–containing peptides; (7) activate monomers would be useful markers of intravascular fibrin formation
protein C; and (8) damage endothelial cells which leads to bleeding, in DIC. Indeed, initial clinical studies suggest that if the soluble fibrin
tissue ischemia, and edema. Interestingly, victims of snake bites rarely concentration exceeds a threshold level, a diagnosis of DIC can be
have excessive bleeding or thromboembolism despite the abnormal made. Unfortunately there are no reliable tests to quantify plasma
coagulation tests and DIC-like picture. levels of soluble fibrin. Since plasma levels of soluble fibrin reflect
intravascular fibrin formation, the test is not influenced by extravas-
cular fibrin formation, which can occur with local inflammation or

Thrombocytopenia or a rapidly declining platelet count is an impor-

tant diagnostic hallmark of DIC. However, only 35% to 44% of Endogenous Coagulation Inhibitors
critically ill patients develop thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150
× 109/L). Consequently, the specificity of thrombocytopenia for the Plasma levels of physiologic coagulation inhibitors, such as protein
diagnosis of DIC is limited.10 A platelet count of <100 × 109/L is C or antithrombin, may be useful indicators of ongoing activation of
seen in 50% to 60% of patients with DIC, whereas 10% to 15% of coagulation.23 Reduced levels of these inhibitors are found in 40% to
patients have a platelet count <50 × 109/L. In surgical or trauma 60% of critically ill patients and in 90% of DIC patients.
patients with DIC, over 80% have platelet counts less than 100 × Levels of protein C may correlate with the severity of the DIC.
109/L. In patients with meningococcal septicemia, plasma levels of protein
Consumption of coagulation factors leads to low levels of coagula- C are markedly reduced, which likely contributes to the purpura
tion factors in patients with DIC. In addition, impaired hepatic fulminans that occurs in these patients. Downregulation of throm-
synthesis, for example due to impaired liver function or vitamin K bomodulin and reduced levels of protein S further compromise the
deficiency, and loss of coagulation proteins, due to massive bleeding, capacity to generate APC. Therefore it is not surprising the low levels
may also play a role in DIC. Although the accuracy of the measure- of protein C are a strong predictor of poor outcome in DIC patients.
ment of one-stage clotting assays in DIC has been contested (because Plasma levels of antithrombin also are reduced in patients with
of the presence of activated coagulation factors in plasma), the levels DIC. The low levels reflect consumption due to ongoing thrombin
of coagulation factors appear to correlate with the severity of the DIC. generation, decreased synthesis, and degradation by neutrophil elas-
The low levels of coagulation factors are reflected by prolonged global tase. Like protein C, low levels of antithrombin also a strong predictor
tests of coagulation, such as the PT and the aPTT. A prolonged PT of mortality in patients with sepsis and DIC.
or aPTT is found in 14% to 28% of intensive care patients but is
present in more than 95% of patients with DIC.
Plasma levels of factor VIII are paradoxically increased in most Fibrinolytic Markers
patients with DIC, probably due to massive release of von Willebrand
factor from the endothelium in combination with the acute phase Increased fibrinolytic activity in DIC can be monitored by measur-
behavior of factor VIII. Recent studies have pointed to a relative ing plasma levels of plasminogen and α2-antiplasmin. Low levels
deficiency of ADAMTS-13, the von Willebrand cleaving protease, may indicate consumption of these proteins. The concentration of
Chapter 139  Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 2071

α2-antiplasmin is a helpful test for assessing the dynamics of fibrino-

Diagnostic Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Overt
lysis. Markers of plasmin generation include plasmin–α2-antiplasmin BOX 139.2
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulationa
(PAP) complexes, which are moderately elevated in patients with
DIC. However, because the normal plasma concentration of α2- 1. Presence of an underlying disorder known to be associated with
antiplasmin is about half that of plasminogen, α2-antiplasmin is sus- disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (Table 139.2)
ceptible to consumption when there is excessive plasmin generation. (no = 0, yes = 2)
Therefore PAP levels may underestimate total fibrinolytic activity. 2. Score global coagulation test results
With α2-antiplasmin consumption, other protease inhibitors, such • Platelet count (>100 = 0; <100 = 1; <50 = 2)
as antithrombin, α2-macroglobulin, α1-antitrypsin, and C1-inhibitor • Level of fibrin markers (e.g., D-dimer, fibrin degradation
may act as plasmin inhibitors as well. Fibrinolytic activity may be products)
(no increase: 0; moderate increase: 2; strong increase: 3)b
insufficient to degrade intravascular fibrin in patients with DIC. • Prolonged prothrombin time
Fibrinolysis is suppressed by high levels of PAI-1, the major inhibitor (<3 s = 0; >3 s but <6 s = 1; >6 s = 2)
of tPA and uPA, PAI-1 levels are often elevated in patients with DIC, • Fibrinogen level
and correlate with an unfavorable outcome. A functional mutation in (>1.0 g/L = 0; <1.0 g/L = 1)
the PAI-1 gene, the 4G/5G polymorphism, is associated with high 3. Calculate score
levels of PAI-1, DIC and an increased risk of death in patients with 4. If ≥5: compatible with overt DIC; repeat scoring daily
meningococcal septicemia. If < 5: suggestive (not affirmative) for nonovert DIC; repeat next
1–2 days
According to the Scientific Standardization Committee of the International
Point of Care Tests Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.5
Strong increase, greater than 5× upper limit of normal; moderate increase,
greater than upper limit of normal but less than 5× upper limit of normal.
Although thrombelastography (TEG) was developed decades ago,
modern techniques, such as rotational thrombelastography (ROTEM),
enable bedside assessment of coagulation and fibrinolysis, which can
be helpful in acute care settings.24 A theoretical advantage of TEG
over conventional coagulation assays is that because TEG uses whole assess prognosis in critically ill patients. Similar scoring systems have
blood, it provides a global assessment of platelet function, coagula- been developed and extensively evaluated in Japan. The major differ-
tion, and fibrinolysis. Increased and decreased coagulation as dem- ence between the international and Japanese scoring systems is a
onstrated with TEG was shown to correlate with clinically relevant slightly higher sensitivity of the Japanese algorithm, which may reflect
morbidity and mortality in several studies, although the superiority differences in the patient populations because the Japanese series
of TEG over conventional tests has not been unequivocally proven. include relatively large numbers of patients with hematologic
TEG may be overly sensitive to some interventions, such as fibrinogen malignancies.
administration, which is of questionable therapeutic value. Although
there are no systematic studies on the diagnostic accuracy of TEG for
the diagnosis of DIC, the test may be useful for assessing the global DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
status of the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems in critically ill
patients. There are several other causes of coagulation abnormalities in patients
The aPTT biphasic waveform analysis is a sensitive and specific with underlying disorders known to be associated with DIC. A
test for hypercoagulability in critically ill patients. This test, which complicating factor is that patients may have multiple explanations
requires specific instrumentation, detects the presence of precipitates for their coagulopathy. For example, a patient with sepsis with DIC
of complexes of very low density lipoprotein and C-reactive protein may also have liver failure and vitamin K deficiency.
that form early in DIC. The appearance of such complexes in the The differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia in patients with
plasma of individuals with diseases known to predispose to hyperco- suspected DIC is shown in Table 139.1. Sepsis itself is a risk factor
agulability confer a greater than 90% sensitivity and specificity for for thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients and the severity of
subsequent development of DIC and fatal outcome. sepsis correlates with the extent of thrombocytopenia. The princi-
pal factors that contribute to thrombocytopenia in patients with
sepsis are decreased platelet production, increased consumption
Diagnostic Algorithm for Disseminated or destruction, or sequestration platelets in the spleen or on the
Intravascular Coagulation endothelial surface. The decreased production of platelets in the
bone marrow in patients with sepsis occurs despite high levels of
A simple scoring system for the diagnosis of overt DIC was developed proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α and IL-6, and increased
by the subcommittee on DIC of ISTH (Box 139.2).5 The score can levels of thrombopoietin. Platelet production is impaired because of
be calculated using routinely available laboratory tests including the hemophagocytosis, a pathologic process characterized by phagocyto-
platelet count, the PT, a fibrin-related marker (usually D-dimer), and sis of megakaryocytes and other hematopoietic cells by monocytes
the fibrinogen concentration. Tentatively, a score of 5 or higher is and macrophages. Hemophagocytosis may be driven by the high
compatible with DIC, whereas a score below 5 may be indicative but levels of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in patients
is not affirmative for nonovert DIC. More refined scoring systems with sepsis.
have been developed for the diagnosis of nonovert DIC. A recent Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is caused by a heparin-
study showed that the international normalized ratio (INR) can be induced antibody that binds to the heparin-platelet factor 4 (PF4)
used in place of the PT, further facilitating international exchange complex on the platelet surface (see Chapter 133). This may result
and standardization. Using receiver-operating characteristic curves, in platelet activation and consumption and arterial and venous
an optimal D-dimer cut-off was identified, thereby optimizing the thrombosis. A consecutive series of critically ill patients who received
sensitivity and the negative predictive value of the test. Prospective heparin revealed an incidence of HIT of 1%. The risk of HIT is
studies show that the sensitivity and specificity of the DIC score are higher with unfractionated heparin than with low-molecular-weight
93% and 98%, respectively. Studies in series of patients with specific heparin (LMWH). Thrombosis may occur in 25% to 50% of patients
underlying disorders causing DIC (e.g., cancer or obstetrical compli- with HIT (with fatal thrombosis in 4%–5%). The diagnosis of HIT
cations) show similar results. The severity of DIC according to this is based on detection of HIT antibodies in combination with the
scoring system is related to the mortality in patients with sepsis.9 occurrence of thrombocytopenia in a patient receiving heparin, with
Linking prognostic determinants from critical care measurement or without concomitant arterial or venous thrombosis. The immu-
scores such as APACHE-II to DIC scores is an important means to noassay for heparin-PF4 antibodies has a high negative predictive
2072 Part XII  Hemostasis and Thrombosis

TABLE Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia in TABLE Differential Diagnosis of Prolonged aPTT and/or PT in
139.1 Suspected Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 139.2 Suspected Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Differential Diagnosis Additional Diagnostic Clues Test Result Cause
DIC Prolonged aPTT and PT, increased PT prolonged, aPTT Factor VII deficiency
FDP, low levels of antithrombin or normal Mild vitamin K deficiency
protein C Mild liver insufficiency
Sepsis without DIC Positive (blood) cultures, positive Low doses of vitamin K antagonists
sepsis criteria, hematophagocytosis PT normal, aPTT Factor VIII, IX, or XI deficiency
in bone marrow prolonged Unfractionated heparin
Massive blood loss Major bleeding, low hemoglobin, Inhibitory antibody and/or antiphospholipid
prolonged aPTT and PT antibody
Factor XII or prekallikrein deficiency
Thrombotic microangiopathy Schistocytes evident on blood smear,
Coombs-negative hemolysis, fever, Both PT and aPTT Factor X, V, II, or fibrinogen deficiency
neurologic symptoms, renal prolonged Severe vitamin K deficiency
insufficiency, coagulation tests Vitamin K antagonists
usually normal, ADAMTS13 levels Global clotting factor deficiency
decreased • Decreased synthesis: liver failure
• Increased loss: massive bleeding, DIC
Heparin-induced Use of heparin, venous or arterial
aPTT, Activated partial thromboplastin time; PT, prothrombin time.
thrombocytopenia thrombosis, positive HIT test
(usually immunoassay for
heparin-platelet factor 4
antibodies), increase in platelet
count after cessation of heparin;
by cytostatic agents), or by immune-mediated mechanisms. Drug-
coagulation tests usually normal
induced thrombocytopenia is a difficult diagnosis in patients suspected
of DIC because these patients are often receiving multiple drugs and
Immune thrombocytopenia Antiplatelet antibodies, normal or have several other potential reasons for the thrombocytopenia. Drug-
increased number of induced thrombocytopenia is often diagnosed based upon the timing
megakaryocytes in bone marrow of initiation of a new agent in relationship to the development of
aspirate, normal levels of TPO thrombocytopenia, after exclusion of other causes of thrombocyto-
(TPO levels are usually normal or penia. The observation of rapid restoration of the platelet count after
slightly increased in ITP); discontinuation of the suspected agent is highly suggestive of drug-
coagulation tests usually normal induced thrombocytopenia.
Drug-induced Decreased number of megakaryocytes A prolongation of global coagulation tests may be due to a defi-
thrombocytopenia in bone marrow aspirate or ciency of one or more coagulation factors (Table 139.2). In addition,
detection of drug-induced but more rarely, the prolonged tests may be due to an inhibitory
antiplatelet antibodies, increase in antibody. Some of these antibodies may be clinically important, such
platelet count after cessation of as antibodies to factor VIII that lead to acquired hemophilia (see
drug; coagulation tests usually Chapter 136), whereas others may be less important, such as
normal antiphospholipid antibodies (see Chapter 141). However, patients
ADAMTS13, A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin 13; with antiphospholipid antibodies may have thrombocytopenia and
aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; DIC, disseminated intravascular may be at increased risk of thrombosis particularly if they also have
coagulation; FDP, fibrin degradation products; HIT, heparin-induced a lupus anticoagulant. Inhibitory antibodies and lupus anticoagulants
thrombocytopenia; PT, prothrombin time; ITP, immune thrombocytopenia; can be identified and distinguished with mixing studies (see Chapters
TPO, thrombopoietin.
136 and 141).
In general, acquired deficiencies of coagulation factors can be due
to impaired synthesis, massive loss, or increased turnover (consump-
tion). Impaired synthesis is often due to hepatic insufficiency or
value (100%) but a low positive predictive value (10%). Although vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin K deficiency may be caused by poor
the gold standard for the diagnosis of HIT is a sensitive platelet nutrition in combination with the use of antibiotics that impair
activation assay, this test is not routinely available in most hospitals. bacterial vitamin K production in the intestine. The PT is sensitive to
Normalization of the platelet count 1–3 days after discontinuation both conditions because this test is highly dependent on the plasma
of heparin may further support the diagnosis of HIT. levels of factor VII, the vitamin K–dependent coagulation factor with
The group of thrombotic microangiopathies includes thrombotic the shortest half-life. Liver failure may be differentiated from vitamin
thrombocytopenic purpura (see Chapter 134), hemolytic–uremic K deficiency by measuring the levels of factor V, which is not vitamin
syndrome (see Chapter 134), malignant hypertension, chemotherapy- K dependent. In fact, the factor V level is included in several scoring
induced microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and the HELLP syn- systems for acute liver failure. Uncompensated loss of coagulation
drome. A common pathogenic feature of these disorders is endothelial factors may occur after massive bleeding, which can occur in trauma
damage, which triggers platelet adhesion and aggregation, thrombin patients or those undergoing major surgical procedures. This is
generation, and an impaired fibrinolysis. The clinical consequences common in patients with major bleeding who receive intravascular
of extensive endothelial dysfunction include thrombocytopenia, volume replacement with crystalloids, colloids, and red cells without
mechanical fragmentation of red cells with hemolytic anemia, and simultaneous administration of coagulation factors. This results in
microvasular occlusion, which leads to multiorgan dysfunction, a dilutional coagulopathy, which can exacerbate the bleeding. In
including renal insufficiency and neurologic symptoms. Despite this addition, transfusion in these patients may lead to systemic activation
common final pathway, the various thrombotic microangiopathies of inflammatory processes and may contribute to further coagula-
have different underlying etiologies (see Chapter 134). tion derangements. In hypothermic patients (e.g., trauma patients)
Drug-induced thrombocytopenia is another frequent cause of measurement of the global coagulation tests may underestimate the
thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients (see Chapter 131). Throm- extent of the coagulopathy because these assays are performed at 37°C
bocytopenia may be caused by drug-induced myelosuppression, (e.g., to mimic normal body temperature.
Chapter 139  Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 2073

BOX 139.3 Mainstays of Supportive Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

Modality Details Expectations/Rationale

Treating the underlying Dependent on the primary diagnosis Inhibit or block the complicating pathologic mechanism of
disorder disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in parallel
with the response (if any) of the disorder
Antithrombotic agents Prophylactic heparin to prevent venous Risk of thromboembolism is increased in critically ill
thromboembolic complications patients, trauma patients, or patients with cancer
(Low dose) therapeutic heparin in case of Prevent fibrin formation; tip the balance within the
confirmed thromboembolism or if clinical microcirculation toward anticoagulant mechanisms and
picture is dominated by (micro) vascular physiologic fibrinolysis; allow reperfusion of the skin,
thrombosis and associated organ failure kidneys, and brain
Transfusion Infuse platelets, plasma and fibrinogen Bleeding should diminish and stop over the course of hours
(cryoprecipitate) if there is overt bleeding or a Platelet count, coagulation tests and fibrinogen should
high risk of bleeding return toward normal
Anticoagulant factor Recombinant human activated protein C may be Restore anticoagulation in microvascular environment and
concentrates effective in sepsis and DIC (24 µg/kg/h for 4 may have antiinflammatory activity
days); Currently withdrawn from the market Latest trials were negative.
Fibrinolytic inhibitors Tranexamic acid (e.g., 500–1000 mg q8–12 h or May be useful if there is (hyper) fibrinolysis
ε-aminocaproic acid 1000–2000 mg q8–12 h) Bleeding ceases, but there is a risk of microvascular
thrombosis and renal failure

THERAPY Cryoprecipitate (if available) can be used to rapidly raise the levels
of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and factor VIII levels in patients
Management of patients with DIC depends on vigorous treatment with DIC, particularly when there is bleeding and the fibrinogen level
of the underlying disorder to alleviate or remove the inciting injurious is less than 1 g/L. Cryoprecipitate has at least four- to fivefold more
cause. For sepsis-induced DIC, treatment includes aggressive use of fibrinogen in each milliliter than fresh-frozen plasma. Nonetheless,
intravenous organism-directed antibiotics and source control (e.g., by fresh-frozen plasma contains sufficient amounts of fibrinogen to treat
surgery or drainage). Other examples of vigorous treatment of the mild to moderate hypofibrinogenemia.
underlying condition include cancer surgery or chemotherapy, uterus
evacuation in patients with abruptio placentae, resection of aortic
aneurysm, and debridement of crushed tissue in the case of trauma. Anticoagulant Treatment
In addition to intensive support of vital functions, supportive treat-
ment aimed at the coagulopathy may be helpful (Box 139.3),6 as Heparin therapy in patients with DIC remains controversial. Experi-
outlined later. mental studies have shown that heparin can at least partly inhibit
activation of coagulation in DIC. However, clinical trials have failed
to demonstrate a beneficial effect of heparin on clinically important
Platelet and Plasma Transfusion outcome events in patients with DIC and the safety of heparin is
debatable in those at risk for bleeding. A large trial in patients with
Low levels of platelets and coagulation factors may increase the risk severe sepsis showed a small but nonsignificant benefit of low dose
of bleeding. However, plasma or platelet transfusion should not be heparin on 28-day mortality in patients and no major safety
instituted on the basis of laboratory results alone; it is only indicated concerns.25
in patients with active bleeding and in those requiring an invasive There is general consensus that administration of heparin is benefi-
procedure or at risk for bleeding complications.6 The presumed cial in some categories of DIC, such as metastatic cancer, purpura
efficacy of treatment with plasma, fibrinogen concentrate, cryopre- fulminans, and aortic aneurysm (prior to resection). Heparin also is
cipitate, or platelets is not based on the results of randomized con- indicated for treating thromboembolic complications in large vessels
trolled trials. Nonetheless, transfusion of these products is rational in and before surgery in patients with chronic DIC. Heparin administra-
bleeding patients or in patients at risk of bleeding who have significant tion may be helpful in patients with acute DIC when intensive blood
depletion of these hemostatic factors. The suggestion that administra- component replacement fails to improve excessive bleeding or when
tion of blood components might “add fuel to the fire” has never been thrombosis threatens to cause irreversible tissue injury (e.g., acute
proven in clinical or experimental studies. cortical necrosis of the kidney or digital gangrene).
Replacement therapy for thrombocytopenia consists of 5 to 10 U Heparin should be used cautiously in these conditions. In patients
platelet concentrate to raise the platelet count to 20–30 × 109/L and with chronic DIC because of metastatic cancer or aortic aneurysm,
to 50 × 109/L in patients requiring an invasive procedure. continuous infusion of unfractionated heparin (500 to 750 U/hour
One of the major challenges of infusion of fresh-frozen plasma in without a bolus) has been advocated. If no response is obtained within
patients with DIC who are bleeding is the propensity of the added 24 hours, higher dosages can be used. In hyperacute DIC cases, such
volume, which is necessary to correct the coagulation defect, to as amniotic fluid embolism, septic abortion, and purpura fulminans,
exacerbate the capillary leak syndrome. This increases the risk of intravenous bolus injection of 5000 to 10,000 U heparin may be given
causing or worsening pulmonary edema and, by extension, predis- simultaneously with replacement therapy with blood products. Some
poses to ARDS and induces ascites. Coagulation factor concentrates, experts, however, recommend against administration of a bolus dose
such as prothrombin complex concentrate, may partially overcome of heparin under these circumstances. A heparin infusion of 500 to
this obstacle, but these concentrates do not contain essential factors, 1000 U/hour may be necessary to maintain the benefit until the
such as factor V. Moreover, caution is advocated with the use of underlying disease responds to treatment. Aside from these consider-
prothrombin complex concentrates in DIC because they can contain ations, current guidelines recommend universal thromboprophylaxis
trace amounts of activated coagulation factors, which may worsen the with low doses of heparin or LMWH in critically ill patients.6
coagulopathy. Specific deficiencies of coagulation factors, such as Theoretically, the most logical anticoagulants to use in DIC would
fibrinogen, may be corrected by administration of purified coagula- be those directed against TF. Potential agents include recombinant
tion factor concentrates. TFPI, inactivated factor VIIa, and recombinant NAPc2, a potent and
2074 Part XII  Hemostasis and Thrombosis

specific inhibitor of the ternary complex of TF/factor VIIa and factor DIC. This is because these drugs block already suppress endogenous
Xa. Phase II trials of recombinant TFPI in patients with sepsis showed fibrinolysis, and may further compromise tissue perfusion. In support
promising results but phase III trials in patients with severe sepsis or of this concept there are reports of severe thrombosis in DIC patients
severe pneumonia and organ failure failed to show a survival advan- treated with these agents. However, in patients with DIC accompa-
tage with TFPI adminsitration.26 nied by primary fibrino(geno)lysis, which occurs in some cases of
Recombinant human soluble thrombomodulin binds thrombin acute promyelocytic leukemia, giant cavernous hemangioma, heat
to form a complex that blocks the coagulant activity of thrombin and stroke, and metastatic carcinoma of the prostate, the use of fibrino-
promotes its capacity to activate protein C. In a phase III randomized lytic inhibitors can be considered if the patient has profuse bleeding
double-blind clinical trial in patients with DIC, soluble thrombo- that does not respond to replacement therapy and there is evidence
modulin was superior to heparin at reducing bleeding and improving of excessive fibrino(geno)lysis. In these situations, it is important to
the coagulation parameters. A systematic review and meta-analysis of replace depleted blood components before initiating treatment with
mostly retrospective studies on the effect of recombinant human fibrinolytic inhibitors.
soluble thrombomodulin in severe sepsis demonstrated a pooled rela-
tive risk of 0.81 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.62–1.06) in three
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