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Appraisal Planner: Setting Goals

School: Malfroy Primary School Appraiser: Jo Jenkins

Year: 5,6 Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau
Think about …

Relevant school-wide goals or targets Learning (theirs and yours!) – Have you
included goals both for improved learning
1. Improve outcomes for all students; Accelerate progress of students identified from “Numbers/Names/Needs” and
“Rotorua Central Community of Learning” cluster. for Māori students and for what you, the
teacher, need to learn and be able to do
2. At least 85% of Maori and Pasifika students identified at below in Writing will achieve success by 2018. in order to facilitate this learning?
3. All students identified in target groups will make more than one year’s progress by the end of the year and/or meet the
individual learning goals. The Rotorua Central CoL will aim to reduce the number of students in specific target groups Priorities – Are your goals the most
or achieve 85% or greater success by 2018. important ones to focus on? How have
you used data to determine them? Do
4. Target group are 5 students. 2 in year 6 and 3 in year 5. Focus is writing using the accelerated literacy learning (ALL)
they take account of what your Māori
students and their whānau value?
Focus Māori students or groups
1. Year 6 Well Below (2) Challenge – Do your goals provide a
real sense of challenge? (They should
Child A 2B, Child B 2B,
be realistic, but not lacking in challenge.)

2. Year 5 Well Below Specificity – Are your goals specific

enough that you and others will really
Child E 2B, Child C 2B, Child D 2B
know if they are achieved? Be specific
Term 3
1. Year 6  Which Māori learner/s

Child A 2B, Child B 2P  What aspect of learning

2. Year 5
 How much improvement is sought
Child E 3B, Child C 2A, Child D 2P
 When you anticipate the goal will
be achieved
Term 4
1. Year 6  How you will measure achievement
Child A 2P, Child B 2P of the goal (What would success
2. Year 5 look like, exactly?)
Child E 3B, Child C 3B, Child D 2P Timeframes – Have you considered the
possibility of multiple, sequential short-
term goals (as opposed to goals lasting a
full year)?

GOALS Criteria for meeting the goals

Student learning and achievement
1. Surface features – To use capital letters, full stops, * Students to set term personal goals (Passports)
commas, question marks and speech marks with some
consistency. * Use real life context to support the learning. (Shopping,
EOTC, cooking, sport)

*Focus group to meet teacher at least 3 days a week.

1. Planning for writing Effective writing instruction – Alison Davis page 42

2. To understand the purpose and success criteria for Effective writing instruction – Alison Davis page 26
writing lessons

Teacher learning and practice

1.Progression of students learning  Identifying where your students are in relation to
curriculum expectations;
 Setting broad achievement goals for where they need
to be;
 Developing specific learning goals with them;
 Encouraging their decision making;
 Talking with and listening to them.

2. To scaffold student self-regulation  Discussing texts with them and making the links
between reading and writing explicit;
 Co-constructing an authentic purpose for writing;
 Finding connections across settings so that students
can build on what they know;
 Providing time for your students to share their writing
and receive feedback from peers.

3. Use effective instructional Strategies  Know what effective teaching practice looks like.
Effective teachers:
 Use planned instructional approaches;
 Design engaging, challenging tasks across the

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 Use deliberate acts of teaching to enable students to
set goals for themselves;
 Respond to students’ contributions with descriptive
 Develop students’ metacognition, especially through
opportunities for self- and peer assessment;
 Monitor the impact of their teaching;
 Deliberately plan opportunities for students to practise
what they have learned and to write independently.
4. Accelerated Learning Literacy - ALL  Building my own knowledge to understand how I can
support students who are not meeting curriculum
 Meeting the needs of learners by engaging them in
meaningful, purposeful, rich and real life
opportunities for reading and writing and therefore
closely aligning their learning to the learning areas of
the curriculum
 Deliberate in my acts of teaching – scaffolding,
modelling, building vocabulary, providing oral
language opportunities, shared, guided and
independent learning opportunities, providing models
of expected work, rich texts, choice

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Appraisal Planner: Planning Professional Learning
Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau Year:5,6

GOALS Associated professional learning

(Individual or group)
Student learning and achievement
5. Ensure learning is relevant to the needs of students *Classroom
Writing support with Sarah Francis
6. Record their responses to and analyses of a range of

7. Create short descriptive paragraphs (quick writes) on

a variety of familiar topics so that they could discuss
the differences in their language choices.

8. Reflect on and describe the strategies they used to

provide more detail in their writing, as well as the
effect of this detail.
*Inquiry learning focus group

5. Ensure that students successes are celebrated and *Classroom

challengers are discussed with others for peer support
*Inquiry Learning focus group


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*Peer sharing, class discussions

Teacher learning and practice

1.Identify the learning opportunities – relate these *Classroom
opportunities to the skills and learning I want from the *Success for boys in writing - http://success-for-

*Promote writing through video -

*Encourage imagination and love for writing -

Teaching writing across the curriculum – Year 4-6 (PDF),

Ministry of Education 2012

2. Ensure that the relevant information gained from the *Classroom

learning is utilised
*At risk students
*Inquiry learning group

3. Accelerated Literacy Learning *Explicitly teaching to what the students need at the time
and at their cognitive level to enable them to access the
curriculum (Principles of acceleration are being applied)
*Front loading the ALL group to allow them to learn ahead of
others in the class which provides them the opportunity to
lead the rest of the class
*Knowledgeable about progressions of literacy learning and
therefore able to support students with their next learning

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steps, provide appropriate feedback, and ensure students
lead their own learning using a visible pathway of progress

Think about …

Will the planned professional learning

examine how your teaching impacts on
your Māori students’ learning?

Will it do so systematically using


Will it engage you with data about your

Māori students?

Will the planned learning connect you

with opportunities to build your
professional knowledge?

Will it enable you to learn from and with

your colleagues?

Does the planned learning explicitly link

to your goals?

Will it support and challenge you in

ways that will help you achieve your

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Appraisal Planner: Observation
Appraiser: Jo Jenkins Date: Term 2 – Nicky Term 3 - Jo
Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau Context: Writing
Relevant goals: Building my own knowledge to understand how I can support students who are not meeting curriculum
expectation through the ALL Programme.
Focus students: 2 Year 6 students, 3 Year 5 students
Teaching focus: Implementation of ALL Programme
Think about …

Data to be collected about teaching Data to be collected about learning When will observations be most timely to
support improving teaching and learning
Term 2- Nicky Brell (Writing) for Māori students?
Term 2 – NPEW – Ruth Professional Partnership (Writing) Will the planned observations enable data
Term 4 – NPEW – Ruth Professional Partnership (Writing to be gathered about your goals?

Have you specified the kinds of data to be

gathered? For example:

 photographs or video of teaching and

Observer’s summary learning

* Engagement  verbatim records – what exactly did

* Inclusiveness you and your Māori students say?

* Next steps  participation records – what exactly

* Participation did you and your Māori students do?
* Walt’s and Success Criteria  data specific to the learning goals for
* Assessment you and your Māori students – for
example, work samples,
Discussion points / questions achievement data, students’ answers
to questions about the lesson

Are there plans to gather the same kind of

information at different times so that
comparisons can be made?

Have you identified both formal

opportunities for observations and informal
opportunities that might arise?

Have you and the observer arranged to

meet very soon after each observation?

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Appraisal Planner: Self-appraisal

Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau

GOALS Date Progress towards goals (with evidence)

Student learning and achievement
1.Incorporate ICT technologies and strategies * Year long
for information and motivation * *



2.Students are able to reflect on the teaching * Year long * Consolidation of learning
and learning happening in class * * Engaged learners
* Reflection on term goals in writing
3. Visible Learning - * Display learning goals and success criteria
(Modelling book, wall display, google classroom)

Teacher learning and practice

1.Ensure planning is maintained * Year long * Support from Senior Team
2.Establish and maintain a strong delivery in * Year long * Professional Development Courses Attended
3.Create an environment that fosters student * Year long * Connecting the learning to their own experiences
desire and confidence * Year long * Open communication
4.Continuous reflection on teaching * Foster students confidence to explore
and learning
5.Understanding PaCT Writing (CoL) Year long *Working with the CoL and school wide PD
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Rotorua Boys High School - CoL
Lorraine Taylor Lynmore School - PD

Think about …
Have you ensured that self-appraisal is not
a one-off, that it is ongoing and regular?

What strategies are in place to make sure

you concentrate on your goals and focus
Māori students throughout the year?

Do your plans for self-appraisal ensure you

can rigorously examine the relationship
between what you do and your Māori
students’ learning?

What data will you use?

Have you considered your own cultural

location and how it might be affecting your
assumptions and beliefs about teaching,
learning, and your Māori students?

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Appraisal Planner: Discussion

Appraiser: Jo Jenkins Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau Date:

Discussion focus (e.g., particular goals, an observation):

Discussions points / questions Decisions / conclusions

Think about …
A.L.L Programme Shared discussions
Do discussions use evidence and data to
focus on your teaching and its impact on
Māori students’ learning?

Are they informed by data gathered during

1. Do they incorporate self-appraisal,
including your assessment of your progress
towards your goals?

Do discussions emphasise individual

responsibility and accountability?

Are they “open-to-learning” conversations?

* *
Do both parties contribute on an equal
basis (while recognising the different roles
they have)?

Are discussions serious and rigorous in the

way they examine goal achievement?

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Appraisal Planner: Final Report (page 1 of 2)

School: Malfroy Primary School Appraiser: Jo Jenkins

Year: 5,6 Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau
Self-appraisal completed? Yes / No
(see attached)
Think about …
Professional learning (see full records attached)
Are interim records (e.g., from
ALL Professional Development All Documentation observations, self-appraisal, discussions)
and reports honest and specific about
which aspects of the goals have been

 What was the impact on each of the

Māori learners targeted in the goal?

 What aspects of learning were

Observations (see full records attached) improved or not?
In class support – Nicky Brell Jo – ALL Programme  How much improvement was seen?
NPEW – Ruth Sarah Term 2-4  Was the way of measuring
NPEW - Ruth achievement of the goal rigorous?
What did success/lack of success
Discussions (see full records attached)
look like, exactly?
NPEW Folder
Do interim records and reports draw on
ALL Programme Folder and include data?
ALL Minutes Folder – Shared discussions Do they signal areas for future

Do they capture the richness of


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Appraisal Planner: Final Report (page 2 of 2)

GOALS Achievement Comments and evidence

Minimal Partial Full
Student learning and achievement

1 Year 5’s

2.Year 6’s

Teacher learning and practice



Summary (with reference to focus Māori students and teachers)

Students have a pathway of progress that looks ahead to what they will need next rather than back to what they haven’t learnt.
Front loading students in preparation for what will occur in the class programme during the week so that they will be able to lead others in the class
Vocabulary teaching is explicit and focusses on building the academic vocabulary of students.
Implications for future goals
Support others on the ALL programme for 2018.
Learn more about visible learning in 2018.

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