Lesson 5 Rubric

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Lesson 5: Creative Poem Research and Writing Rubric

Requirement 1 2 4 5
Student must work Student stays with Student stays with Student is willing to Student has gone
with group to group but does not group, but only work with group, above-and-beyond
research assigned contribute to the contributes 1-2 and contributes to work in the
poetry type: online research, ideas or discoveries more than 2 ideas, group to organize
Acrostic, Shape, discussion, or to the research, discoveries, or ideas and research
Limerick, Auto-bio visual/spoken discussion, or helps with the class to create a visual
explanation; causes visual/spoken explanation explanation to
disruption to group explanation share with the class
Each group must Student observes Student adds 1-2 Student is willing Student is willing
create a visual group work but elements to the and productive in and productive in
explanation (poster does not visual or class creating a unique creating a unique
or power point) participate in presentation visual and helps visual and helps
that includes a creating or sharing group explain group explain
definition of the the visual poetry type to class poetry to class; has
poetry type, explanation played a vital role in
explanation of what making the visual
it does, and a work and
creative example explanation come
together in a timely

Poem must be one Student has written Student has chosen

of the following: a poem, but it is to write one of the
Acrostic, Shape, not one of the assigned options
Limerick, Auto-bio assigned options

The chosen poetry The poem type is The poem type is The poem type is The poem type is
form must be recognizable, but recognizable, using clear but misses 1-2 clear and
followed according only uses one 2-3 distinguishing elements incorporates all the
to the guidelines distinguishing factors discussed
shared by each factor guidelines
group with the class

Total: /18 Points

*Of the 20 points possible, a total of 18 points will be taken as the highest score. Students who
go above and beyond with the group work and/or their final poem should be acknowledged for
their hard work. The possible earning of a 3 will be given to those who seem to be willing to
work, but do not contribute as much as they could be considering the situation and group

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