Evaluation Report Clap-Week Rio Maior 8 To 12 May

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Evaluation Report CLAP-week

Rio Maior
May 2017

Compiled by:
João Correia
EB Marinhas do Sal
Rio Maior, Portugal

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Evaluation of activities during CLAP-week in Rio Maior:

Students: 4

English Class- knowing each other

Visit to “Herbas” Company (organic farming)

Experimental activities with food

Sowing maps interpretation

Nest box workshop

Healthy food workshop

Traditional Games

Visit to “Planície Verde” Company

(conventional farming, stocking and packing of fruits and vegetables)

Lesson in CIDAC about fair trade

Experimental activities with seaweeds and other sea organisms at Peniche Polytechnic

Visit do CETEMARES Research Center

Pastery workshop

Surf Class

Visit to Cooperative Terra Chã

Teachers- 18


Evaluation questions (students):

The students that has participated in the activity have answered a form (google GSFT) with
the following questions.

1. Name and class

2. What have you done during the activity?
3. How informative have the activity been? *
4. What did you learn?
5. How good was the activity? *
6. What was good?
7. How difficult was the activity? *
8. What was difficult?
9. Other comments.

The questions mark with * was answered on a scale of 1 to 5.

The number of student that participated was about 80 from three different grades (grades 7,
8 and 9), and not every student participated in every activity.

Area of improvement, would be how to get a higher response rate. Since some of the
activities have a low response rate in this evaluation.

Evaluation questions (Teachers):

The teachers responsible for the execution of the activities, and other that participate,
answered a different set of questions.


A summary of the activities

Based on the 3 questions where the students answered on a scale, with the results
represented on absolut frequency graphs (X axis- evaluation categories; Y axis- number of

1- less difficult
5- more difficult

English Class- knowing each other

Number of answers: 19

How informative has the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Visit to “Herbas” Company (organic farming)

Number of answers: 18

How informative has the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Experimental activities with food

Number of answers: 29

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Sowing maps interpretation

Number of answers: 37

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Nest box workshop

Number of answers: 39

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Healthy food workshop

Number of answers: 33

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Traditional Games

Number of answers: 30

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Visit to “Planície Verde” Company (conventional farming, stocking

and packing of fruits and vegetables)

Number of answers: 13

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Lesson in CIDAC about fair trade

Number of answers: 10

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Experimental activities with seaweeds and other sea organisms at

Peniche Polytechnic School

Number of answers: 5

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Visit do CETEMARES Research Center

Number of answers: 3

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Pastery workshop

Number of answers: 20

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Surf Class

Number of answers: 16

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?

Visit to Cooperative Terra Chã

Number of answers: 3

How informative have the activity been?

How good was the activity?

How difficult was the activity?


Number of answers: 10

1- Regarding the organization of the meeting, consider it:

1- Regarding the activities carried out, regarding the theme of the
project (food and health) considers them:

3- With regard to the activities you have prepared, energized or

participated in, mention some strengths and weaknesses.



- exchange of cultural experiences;

- the sharing of knowledge, the conviviality, commitment and involvement of
- the experimental activities were very interesting and motivating for the students;
- good articulation and participation of all;
- very good time management; no excessive stress; impact / adequacy of sites
visited / workshops developed;
- interpersonal relationship with foreign partners and colleagues involved;
- group dynamics and interaction between students and teachers.
- quite relevant experimental activities


- difficulty in using the English language.

4- Regarding the team involved in the preparation and

dynamization of the meeting's activities, it considers that:

5- Regarding the learning related to interdisciplinary competences,

consider the activities carried out:

6- Use the space below for a comment, including criticisms and

“This type of project is, in my opinion, fundamental to open up the horizons and the
mentalities of the students, in what concerns to know other realities and cultures.”

“Activities of great value for the theme of the project and with an excellent distribution of the
tasks that each employee should do.”

“Congratulations on your excellent activities, both at school and out of school.”


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