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FORENSIC DIMENSIONS [MBICAL DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES-ORLANDO 1630 BRIDGEWATER DRIVE ‘MEATHROW, FLORA 32746 (407 3393512 tam R Anderson MD : MA. Raven, RO PYT-13, Autopsy Examination RARORT OF FORENSIC DIAGNOSTIC CONSULTATION, PATIENT: JOHNSON, KENDRICK AGE: 17 sex M. DATEDEAT: — ov/13 FOUND TMBEKAM: 1130 DATEEXAM:: ois REQUESTIBY: JACQUELYN JORNSON DATEREPORT: —OM/183 (ADDENDUNO921/18) NGS: 1. Blunt Force Trauma, Right Neck ‘a. acute hemorrhage soft tissues of upper nec 1, seule periosteal bemorthage, posterior body, ight mandible ©. areas of acute hemorrhage involving carotid artery bifircation, and carotid body 2, Blunt Force Trauma, Right Thorax* acute hemorrhage, sft issues and intercostal musculature 3, Review of intial autopsy: MBO1984 4000101-13 1. pulmonary findings cw rapid onsct death by findings not consistent with positional sspayxia CAUSE OF DEATH: [BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA, RIGHT NECK, INVOLVING RIGHT. ‘MANDIBLE, AND SOFT TISSUES, INCLUDING THE AREA OF THE CAROTID BODY, CONSISTENT WITH INFLICTED INJURY “BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA, RIGHT ANTERO-LATERAL THORAX ‘NOTE: UNEXPLAINED, APPARENT NON-ACCIDENTAL, BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA: FURTHER INVESTIGATION IS INDICATED TO ‘DETERMINE THE ETIOLOGY OF THE INJURIES. WILLIAMR. ANDERSONMD, PATHOLOGIST ‘Johnson, Kendrick PVT ‘Page? [REPORT OF FORENSIC DIAGNOSTIC CONSULTATION GROSS ANATOMICAL EXAMINATION: ‘The autopsy is performed at the request of Jacquelyn & Kenneth Johnson in the Robert Bryant Funeral Home, prosector: Dr. Wiliam R Anderson, assisted by: Mi, ILynetta Oxendine. (*Second Brown Funeral Home ) IDENTIFICATIO? ‘The identification of the body is made by funeral home identification tags. CLOTHING & PERSONAL EFFECTS: ‘The body is received in a siver metal casket and dressed in redshirt, under shir, black slacks, sport shoes, wristwatch, and plastic undergarment. ‘SCARS, TATTOOS, & SPECIAL FEATURES: ‘Examination of the vietim shows no sigtioant areas of searrng or the presence of tattoos. There are no needle tracks or other cutaneous needle puncture sites other than those associated with medical therepy. GENERAL STATEMENT: ‘The body is that of a normaly developed. moderately wellsnaurished Flack male ‘pearing the sated age of 17 yeas, measuring 70” in length, and weighing approximately 160 lbs. The body bas been previously embalmed and a prior autopay has been performed, ‘Evidence of moderste decomposition is noted, most prominent inthe facil area. Areas of skin slippage are identfed on the chest, abdomen and exiremites, bilaterally, chy post ‘mortem artifact. There is good preservation of the sol tissues of the musctlo-skletal system, ‘EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: °° ‘The hairs black; the eyes are autolyzed The conjunctival membranes exbiit no pllor, petechiae or icterus. The i no periorbital trauma or edema, ‘The dentition is naturel, There is no trauma to the lips or frenulae (Seo Deserption of ‘njries) ‘The necks normally formed, with no deformities. (See Description of juries.) ‘The chest is bilaterally symmetrical with no increase ia the AP diameter, o width of ‘the intercostal spaces. The breasts are noma male, with no masses or trauma, ‘The abdomen shows a moderate amount of subeutaneous ft, with no distention. Genitals are normal adult male, with no trauma, ‘The extremities are normaly formed, with no evidence of muscle wasting, or edema. ‘The skin shows no diffuse or diseret lesions, end no areas of abnoralpigmenation, olunson, Kendrick PVELS Page3 ‘SPECIAL PROCEDURES: ‘The following, special procedures are performed: Toxicology: Nove; Forensic Analysis: None; Hematology: Noae; Microbiology: None; Histology: Representative tissue sections are submitted. DESCRIPTION OF INJURIES: “Examination of the head and-aeck shows an ares of contusion injary involving the Fight mandibular area, with moderate discoloration of the skin, Examination of the previously undisected area and sectioning of the skin reveals evidence of full-thickness ‘taneous hemorrhage, extending into the subcutaneous ft, ‘Further dissection into the deep soft tissue reveals hemorrhage into the musculature ‘vith extension to the pet-osteal region ofthe inferior aspect ofthe posterior body ofthe right mandible. Focally, an ares of itra-osseous hemomage is identified in an are of ‘moderately prominent per-ostal and soft tissue hemorshage. ‘Examination of the right upper-neck reveals hemorthage in the deep soft tisoue and ‘musculature adjacent to the bifiestion of the right common carotid artery and carotid body. ‘Examination of the soft tissues ofthe left neck area reveals no grossly-evident artas of hemorrhage ‘ ‘Examination ofthe area of discoloration involving the right anterior thorax reveals eas of possible hemorrhage into the sof tisues and intercostal musculature. ““Examnation of tho skin and sof Gaause of the anterior lett lower mendible eee reveals areas of possible hemorrhage into the museulature. INTERNAL EXAMINATION: “VISCERA REMOVED AT INITIAL AUTOPSY 1S NOT PRESENT WITE THE BODY MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION: ‘TISSUE SAMPLES COLLECTED 063072018 SOFT TISSUES: NECK Microscopic examination of the soft tissues reveals areas of extravastted RBCs in specimens “A” and “B” taken from the right nek, as well as sections of mandible and soft tissues ofthe right neck. THC stain for Hembglobin B-chain, decorates the areas of extravasation in tissues showing moderate autolyic changes secondary to prolonged postmortem interval. Specimen "C” taken ffom the sof tissues of the left nec show a ‘ew foci of extrevasated RBC’s, wth no areas of significant aggregation of blood. ‘SOFT TISSUES: RIGHT THORAX * ‘Microscopic examination of the sof issues reveals aras of extavasated RBC’s in 2 of 3 specimens obtained ftom the right thoracic area. (Muscle adjacent 10 these areas ‘reveals no hemorrhages °

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