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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018

Student: Shayla Parrish School: Allen Elementary

IWU Supervisor: Dr. Karr Co-op Teacher: Mrs. Conner
Teaching Date: November 14th Grade Level: 2nd

Social studies is an important subject in the elementary classroom because it scopes history, economics, psychology, social skills, and more.
This lesson is important for students to learn in order to understand how to read maps, but also to provide an understanding for how to read
and use modern GPS technology.
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal: Students will use cardinal directions to better understand how to navigate their community.
B. Objective: Students will be able to find and describe a location on a map using cardinal directions.
C. Standards: 2.3.1 Use a compass to identify cardinal and intermediate directions and to locate places on maps and places in the
classroom, school and community.
• Cardinal directions: north, south, east and west • Intermediate directions: northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest
NCSS: 3 People, Places, and Environments
II. Management Plan
 Materials- anchor chart, NSEW letters to hang around the room, my cell phone with the compass app open, Compass
Shuffle video ready to Airplay, teacher iPad, students will need their iPads open to the Seesaw app
 Time (see each section)
 Space- Students will start off at their desks, they will move to the carpet for direct instruction, and for independent
practice they will be able to sit at various locations throughout the room.
 Behavior- I will use call and response to gain student attention. Students will be reminded to maintain a level 1 voice
during work time. As students are working I will also be walking around and conferencing with students about what they
are working on.
III. Anticipatory Set- 5 minutes
• Good morning, Doodlebugs! Students will be sitting at their desks to start. We are going to start our morning off with a game! It is
called Follow the Leader. Have any of you played this game before? The directions are pretty simple. I am going to do an action or say a
phrase and you will mimic, or copy, me, okay? We are going to move fluidly from one thing to the next so when you see me doing it, you
start. Let’s try it. First, I will stand at the front of the room and then I will have them walk around the room before having them
follow me to their seated positions on the carpet. What did you think of the game? What were you doing during the game? (Hopefully
an answer similar to ‘watching you’ or ‘following directions’ will be said). Right. You had to follow the directions that I was giving
you. There a many different ways of giving directions and today we are going to learn a type that is important when reading a map.
(This last statement is followed up by my purpose statement.)
Purpose Statement
 These types of directions are called Cardinal Directions and we are going to talk about them because you need to understand
them so you can avoid getting lost when traveling from place to place.


IV. Adaptations
 Students who need assistance with reading: The students who need assistance with their reading can be moved to the back table
for small group help or will be paired with a higher level student to read the questions together as they go.
 Students who cannot sit for long periods of time: Students can move to sit at alternate places around the room during independent
work time.
V. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) – 15 minutes
 Okay class, class (echo yes yes)! This important thing is called the Cardinal Directions. Here I will flip to a premade anchor chart
displaying a drawn compass, a picture of a compass, and the words ‘north, south, east, and west’. Touch your nose if you have seen or
used a compass before. Okay, good. Let’s look at the one I have drawn on this chart. Notice that over on this side, I have written a few
words. Let’s read them together. North, south, east, west. Good. Sometimes you will only see the letter (points to one of the letters on
the compass) and not the whole word, but they mean the same thing. North and south are opposites of each other just like east and
west are opposites of each other. Something that can be tricky about a compass is that the words or letters have to go in a certain
order to be right. One way to help us remember that is saying ‘Never Eat Slimy Worms’. Practice saying that with me. I will point at the
letter on the compass as I read the mnemonic. We will practice reading through the mnemonic a few times. You might have heard of
other ways to remember these directions. Does anyone know any? We can also double check by looking here where it says ‘west and
east’. It should read ‘we’ across the middle here. How are we feeling? Does anyone have any questions about what is on the chart here?
If not, I will move on. So the next thing I wanted to show you was a modern day compass. Most smart phones today have a compass
predownloaded onto it. It shows me all 4 cardinal directions on it and more in depth information. One thing I want you to notice is that
north is not always on top. People will also tell you that we need to go true north or are looking true north which helps us understand
the difference between the actual direction and how we write it on the compass. That can be confusing because of how I drew my
compass, but on a real compass the direction we are heading is the one that is on top. Here I will walk through the group letting each
child see the compass on my phone. Wasn’t that cool? Now, I want you to look around the room, don’t say anything, but point if you
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
see these letter or words that are written on our chart. Students will be given about 30 seconds to look around the classroom and
point. Eyes back on me. Nod your head if you found at least one. Okay, good. Using those letters, I want you to help me answer some
questions. First, what wall is Mrs. Conner’s desk near? Can someone tell me something that is close to the south wall? How about the
west wall? Good. Now, if I started walking toward the south wall, what would I bump into? Nice. Now I have something extra fun for us
to do to help you all remember the cardinal directions. Here I will turn on the Compass Shuffle video
( Everyone stand up and listen to what the video tells you to do! I will play the
video through AirPlay. Wow, you guys did awesome. Everyone sit back down now. I have one more activity for you to do. I am going to
tell you the directions right now so listen. When I tell you to go, you are going to go and get your iPad and open your Seesaw app. I will
show them what they need to turn to on their iPad. Look for the assignment that looks like a map. For this activity you are going to
read the directions written under the map. After you follow those ones, I want you to look at the ones I wrote which tell you to record
yourself telling me what you did and were the berry bushes and animal pen are using the cardinal directions. Does anyone have any

VI. Check for understanding- Will be occurring throughout the

 I will ask for questions in the middle of the lesson to clear up confusion early.
 I will ask higher level thinking questions were students must identify which wall I am asking about and then what is near
it. (EX: First, what wall is Mrs. Conner’s desk near? Can someone tell me something that is close to the south wall? How
about the west wall? Now, if I started walking toward the south wall, what would I bump into?
 As students are working independently, I will walk around and answer questions as needed.
VII. Review learning outcomes / Closure- 10 minutes
 When you are finished recording yourself on Seesaw, come to the back table and pick up the paper that has pots of gold on it.
Do this paper first. If you finish with that then you may get the compass coloring sheet.
 Macaroni and Cheese! *Everybody freeze!* You guys did awesome listening today. Let’s list the four cardinal directions
together *north, south, east, west*. Okay, now point to them as you say them *north, south, east, west*. I would like you to turn
and face the south wall. Now turn and face the east wall. Good. Face the west wall. Can you face the north wall? I am really
proud of how hard you worked. If you got either of the papers from back here you may put them in your red folder to go home.

PLAN FOR ASSESSMENT -10- 15 minutes (Summative Assessment)

Formative Assessment: I will ask students questions periodically throughout the instruction portion.
Summative Assessment: Students will complete an activity on the Seesaw app on their IPads. Students will get 5 points for coloring each
place correctly, 2 points for telling me where to find the animal pen and berry bushes, 4 points for using each cardinal direction, and 4 points
for using each directional term correctly.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. What activities could be added to strengthen student understanding?
8. Did my assessment meet the objective of my lesson?
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

Student: School:
IWU Supervisor: Co-op Teacher:
Teaching Date:_____or IDK Grade Level:


Heading Student uses the provided template for Social

Studies content. Student includes all of the
Template information in the template heading.
Statement of rational for the learning
Rationale experience and environment in this lesson.

Goals The lesson plan contains objectives that

connect goals and standards with lesson
activities and assessments.
Each objective should include the
following: Conditions; Desired learning;
Observable behavior; and Accuracy (as


Management Plan A. Materials:
B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as appropriate)
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and direct and
focuses students’ attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly connected

to the content of the lesson and is presented
in terms that are easily understood by

Plan For Instruction

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are provided in

Individual Differences this lesson. The opportunities are
and Diverse Learners developmentally appropriate and/or are
adapted to diverse students.

Remediation –
Enrichment –
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Presentation Candidates demonstrate understandings,
for Social Studies capabilities and practices associated with
the central concepts and tools in Civics,
Economics, Geography, and /or History
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
within a framework of inquiry.

Lesson Presentation The candidate’s lesson demonstrates an

understanding of developmentally
appropriate practice.

The candidate’s lesson includes both

modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes relevant

activities that encourage student
participation and critical thinking.

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and the means
Understanding to check for student understanding of the
lesson. A provision is included to reteach all
or part of the lesson to all or part of the class.

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the lesson

Outcomes and/ or purpose and/or objective.

Plan for
Competent 3

Formal and Informal A plan for formal and informal assessment

Assessment throughout the lesson is included. The
assessment strategies are uniquely designed
for the students.

ACEI 4.0

Reflection and Post- The lesson plan includes all required self-
Lesson Analysis answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements A competent lesson plan earns An outstanding lesson plan
that do to meet the a score of 37-39/40. earns a score of 40/40.
competent level will receive
a score of 36 /40 or lower

Additional Comments:

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