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Semi-Automatic Rifle

WASR Type Sporting Rifles

Operational Manual

Manufactured In Romania

This manual is for informational purposes only. All repairs and/or

adjustments should be made by It qualified gUllsmith.
The owner of this firearm is respunsible for its safe usc and storage.

Arms Inc.
236 Bryce Boulevard· Fairfax, VT 05454
• When shooting, always be certain that the arca beyond
Introduction the target, including the backstop, is clear and safe.
The WASR semi-automatic rifle is well made, reliable, and has Also make certain that shots tired present no safety
several interesting features such as a hard chrome lined batTel, hazards for yourself, or others.
hard chrome plated piston, and can be completely taken down • Ah\'ays usc both ear and eye protection 'w hen shooting.
\vithant tools. • Always use factory loaded ammunition designed for
and intended to be used in the firearm you are
The use of reloaded. fe-manufactured, hand loaded, or other shooting. It must be the proper caliber (gauge) and type
nonstandard ammunition may result in damage to the user or for your firearm.
rifle. • Always understand the proper operation of your
firearm, and never allow the firearm to be used by
The manufacturer and importer cannot accept responsibil ity for
anyone who does not understand how to use the firearm
malfunctions resulting from the use of nonstandard defective
firearm properly and safely.
• Never pass a fi rearm to another person unless the
action is open and the firearm is in an unloaded and
Safety First safe condition. Never put your finger into the trigger
Fireanns can be dangerous and can cause serious lllJUry or guard until you are ready to shoot.
death. Proper and safe flreanns handling is the responsibility of • When not using the firearm, ensure that it is unloaded.
anyone who touches or uses a firearm. Safety has to be the
primary consideration of anyone llsing a firearm.
SAFETY WARNING: Discharging firearms in poorly
Wh en purchasing a firemm, you assume responsibility for its ventilated areas , cleaning firearms or handling ammunition may
safe use, storage, and transpOltation. Particularly, it is critical result in exposure to lead and other substances known to cause
that fireanns be kept from unauthorized use, and this includes birth defects, reproductive hann and other serious phys ical
children. Your responsibility also includes, but is not limited to, mjury. Have adequate ventilation at all times.
the need to protect yoursclf and others from injury resulting Store your fireann unloaded and in an area which is secure from
from the misuse or abuse of a firemm. unauthorized access. FurthemlOre, store ammunition separately,
• Treat firearms as though they are loaded. and in an area secure from unauthorized access.
• Always be aware of where the muzzle is pointed.
• Carry your firearm in a way that will preclude WE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR
accidental injury to yourself or others in the event you DAMAGE OR INJURY \VHATSOEVER OCCURRING IN
should stumble, fall, or drop the firearm.
• Before shooting, make certain the barrel has no HAND LOADED (RELOADED AMMUNITION). USE A SPECIAL
• Do not allow a fi rearm or ammunition to be left DISCLAIM ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR IN JURY
unattended. Secure both the firearm and ammunition WHICH RESULTS FROM ANY MODlFICATIONS OR CHANGES THAT
from access by unauthorized people, including ARE NOT A PART OF THE FIREARM AS DELIVERED FROM THE
children. FACTORY
Disassembly and Assembly
C rn.rol lnsl ruNlft D"
The: following IllSltUttiOn$ ,bould be ob.e,w,d dunng disa.sembl), and assembly_
I . Bero," the rifle II disassembled, make .u'" there ,. flO round in tho chamb ... or m.~azi",,_
2. The nfle should be disa,oembled on. table or hrnob.
3. The parts should be la,d ""I in order of disassembly.
4. Force .Ilould J\01 be u>cd 10 r<:rnO"C Or di,,,,,,,",mb lo parts, as it n.. y result in damage 10 the
S. Only acc"""";es m &ood cond"ion should be coed.
6. When l'gbteJ,ing or loosening screw., hold til<: sc,cwdri,'cr finnly '" pttvenl damage to
the .screv-' h • • ds,

Field Stripping
l'iOTE: En,u re Ihe rill. and nlaga,ine ... not load«l .
I. Remove the magazine ITom lh. Jille by holdIng tho rifle (o,e end WIth the left hand, ,Wlte
tile ,ifle a certain '!DOum. pushmg the m3g82ine away. grasp the mag.,ine "'1Ih the right
hand. and depress the mag .. mc catch with the thumb of the right hand. ,""'Ie the
mag",m" forward and remO'" " from Ihe receiver bole (Fig. I).
2. Take th~ "fle off ""f.ty. RoIate tM safety icHr do"''IIwanj a$ f.r .. pO<Sible with the
thumb of the righl hand.
3. ChC'Ck 10 "'"" thai Ih .... i. no round in Ihe ch.mber. Pull tk bolt carTi...- 10 Ih. ttar and
,",,,,,,,Ithe chamber and bolt f"" •.

Fig. 1

4. Remove lite cleaning rod from the ,,110. PIa<:<: the siock OIl Ik ground and bold Ihis
posi!1OD by the righl hand and, bending il slig htl y, remove lhe cleaning rod head
from the 8t"l' in the bou of the fronl .'ght, mo". the cleaning rod up"ord"" that ill head
I...,.. lhe forward f.c. on tht front sight, relnO". the cleaning rod with the roght hand
(Fig.2) . You nw.y use a punch 10 remove the de.fIIng rod,
j Remov. the receiv .... CO" ..... !.eM the "fle _galn,t a t.ble and hold Ille forw.rd part of the
bUll willl the ri&ht hand. dcpn:ss Ille guid e face willl t,hc Ihmnb into the cov .... bold .od
ra~ the roVe! with tho l~fi hand W,gJ).

6 . Re"",",'. the return mechanism fron, the rifle, Holding the riflo by Ille fo....."&I'd portion of
,he re\:ci"., with tho lell haod. move the return spnng guuk forward unltl its rear fxe
le~ves the &100'" in the receiv.... rear pl . tc. lift the lrlIidc rtar fae. and temo"c the return
""", from the bolt c.mer channol (Fig.4).

Fig. 4

7. Remo," Ille bolt ooarrier wi,h bolt from recc,ver, Holding the rifie by the fOl'\<';ml portIon
of th. recei,·tr "~th the left hond, and the cocking h.,.,dle .,..uh the nght hand. bring the
bolt camer w,lb bolt to tho rear as for a, pos>iblc, . nd moving the bolt conier forw.rd I
distance of 1 to 2 mm. L1ft tho rear ",,"ion of the boll c:tmcr and """ov<: it togeth .... "'ith
the bolt from ,h. recei,·o..
8 , R..-mo"c Ibc bolt from th. bolt cam ..... Take tht bolt c.rri .... In Ibe left hand with 'he cam
' f"",ug up .... rd. and rotate the bolt a small amount with the right hand SO that the
gu,de lug lea"eli the wide pan ofthc "ariable groo"c in the bolt carrie, .nd ,hen move the
real as far as ""ssible. rotatmg the bolt , ..emo". its lug from the vori.ble groove or Ibe
bolt carTi .... and remove the bolt cam ..... Remov. tile bolt f,om the bolt <:nn~r I:>y IDO,·,ng
it for"md (ft. 5).
Fig. 5
9. Ron",,"o the gas tu~ ",' It!> ,ho h.and guard from the barr.1 Iioluto, th. fI ne by the forward
pom"" of the f«C,,'cr w\tll [110 Idt hand. rotale !he lod leve, UPWllni wnll 1"" nglll hand.
rotOle the.llb lub.: "!ll.illfd by means of !he reat end "f!he: f«e,ver and ,.move it fflllll1hc
p. cylinder

Assembly After Stripping

I. Altot:h !hc: ps rube: ..~tb !hc: haJ>d guard to tilt: bam!. lIo1J"" !he: nlk by the fONo"anl
portion of !he: m::civ .... "'nll the ItfI hand. imu.1I the ps rube: on the ps <ylmder ""Ilh !he:
n&llt Iw!d mel dcprHt.!hc: rnr tnd oflht: IU tube"' m""lI", po.,,,ble, roul. th. p" tuItc
=- .n lilt: n&hl ",.. U of !he: rur oigh!
Ioc:k downward 50 1h:ot !he Ie.'.... Ioc:k ernelll !he

2, AIUtch th. boll to lhe bolt cam.:. <imp the bolt carner ""nll!hc: left lund wllh !he: cam
surl"occd upward. and w,th lilt: n&ltt hand 'nstalllhe boll In lhe boh carrier lug, ",talc !he
bolt ;iIJ ,he
bolt forward.
""de cdge ..,leIl[ lhe vanablc ifOOvC m Ih. boh camc •• and "'= I.""" ,he

3 In,ull the boll comer with bolt in the f~civcr. 110ld the "n. by [he r"""'ard pon;"" oflfle
rece,vcr ",·"h lilt: Ic:ft ""od. and w"h the thumb of "'_ rigll' h.nd. hoold tile bolt io the
forward !""l1ion. then 1!\S<!I1 ,Ilt JltStOII ;n,o lhe gal tube: and ,o~ lhc: bolt camer with !he:
bol, ,nto the ....:e,,·c( 100 [""[ tho .IIuKlc lug of lb. bolt cam.. and ,he lugs of Ihc boll arc
"""",110 the noIchcs U1 the: euitk on the ....:.,,'er. doproJl !he ",or pon''''' of Ihe bol'
Its gu,do VOO'''" caine. wnh !he guides of !he m::elver. and mo,.., !hc:
boll camer 10 lhe otn:me f.........-d lion (F;,.6).

Fig. 6
4, In't.1I me fC(um mechamsm m the bolt carrier. Hold the rifle by the fOl'Waro porIlOil of
the 1tt,,;\"Or ",ith thc left hand, and wilh Ihe right hand Insert the return mechanism inlO
Ih. bolt camer eh""""l. move lhe return """,h~;'m rear face fornmd and ploc ing its
gUIde lugs opposilc the groo"cs in Ihc rccclVcr rear plate. dcpres< the return rne.:han"m
rear f~". in this pos,tion. the rea, f"" .. oJtould enl.". the gnlO"c in lhe receIver ", ar plale.
S. In,I.lithe co>..,r on Ihe recCIVCf. Hold the "ftc by the fo,,,,:on! portiO/l orlhe .eceive. w,m
lhe left han<l and with Ihe right hand m"'" the cover 50 thaI i1S forwJro face enters 10
scmi."cul •• gr<lO'' ',n lhe rcar .,iJlt bas< and mo'c Ihe COVer fom'art! as fJr a, possible.
press the reat potlion of the co.'or fom'a,d and downward, thus completing Ihe
mstall. tion.
6 l"'I.lIlhe cle. ning rod in the "fle.

Fig, 7

7. Install the magazine in lhe nfle. 1I0ld tho: nflc by the fore ""d wtth the left hand. ""d
' Qtal. the riOc • lX'rtain arnoonl. inS<!rt tho opwa,d fO""ard portion o f the magazine inlo
t1>< open'ng ," the ",,,,,,,et "'''h the ngh! hand 50 IMI the ~g.~Jnc from ,top enters the
nOlch in Ihe receiver. rotale the magazine to the rear 50 tha t lne magozine catch .. engaged
by the mag"",i"e rear stop (Fig 7),
8. Release me hammer from the semiautomatic sea,.and tum on m. ,.f<1y, ro13hng u,.,
selector k"cr upwJrd.

c.," c r ~1 PrO)C ed u ~ f~r r .... "~nl ;n~ and E!i m in~t ;o R of Stoppa get:
With proper m.intenaoce. >!ora~ and handling; the ,iOe is .. liable in use I lowever, as • result
of carekos handling. dirty part>, low-grade rounds, and &150 lIS • result o f wear of Ihe parts
¢;IUSe<! by extmSiw ule. !IOffi\01 OpCr1ttiO<! ofl~e rille can be affe<:led. eaUSlnll stoppages during
fire. The majori t)" o f St"l'1"8e, can be cas,ly c],m",,,lcd Slmply by cocking the riOe Ihat is by
bring,ng 10 the """ lhe boll carrier onJ releasong ,I.
To P .. " ~nl SIOpP"~";
1 Prepare me rifle for firing proptrly.
2 Inspcel . clean. and lubricale the 'il1e
3. C ... fully obse",e Ihe cl.anl;n .... and operaliO<! of boll carner, bolt. gas channels. and
4. Perform ti"",ly tn);ntenance,
S. Carefully in>~t .",mumhon before finng.
6. F,re only new'.........·'e.abl. and de. n ammumtion.
7. D'SIISsen,blc and cle," the rifle ,,'hene,·., " IS d,rty If 11>< ri fle i$ u!eti in e..lremely cold
we. thet a considerable period of lime. before loading il is n,""e>Sat)' 10 move tlte bolt
carrier rDf" and ,.",ward sewral limos manually, If a sloppage occur< w ha = "
chambered round fail. to fir •. cootinue 10 poinl the nfle in a sar. d,,..,.I;,,,, and wail
approximately 30 scroDd •. Th is ;, to ",'o id pos,ible del. y detonation of • "hang firc"
type malfunctioning cartridge Rccock Ihe rifle immc<Ji.tcly m. Dually and .""tinue firing.
If r.-cockmg Ih. nfle doe. 1101 dunntat. the stoppage. it is n<Cell""'Y to asa ....;n the cause
and e<>n=1 it.
Parts Identification



1 Hammer 11 Trigger
2. Boll 12 . Disconnector
3. Firi ng Pin 13. Rear Sight leaf
4. Boll Carrier 14. Front Sight
5. Return Spring 15 Hand Guard
6. Piston 16. Fore End
7. Gas Cylinder 17. Accessories Case
8. Magazine 18. Cleaning Red
9. Magazine Catch 19. Barrel
10. Hammer & Trigger Spring 20. Safety Lever

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