Master Stroke

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand


Anuj Bobby Anand

Page 1 7/14/2008
Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Tina &
My Personal Thanks to

Prashant for edits and there

time for some valuable inputs.

Master-stroke would not have been possible

without you both.

Page 2 7/14/2008
Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Master stroke- The collection of quotes

Over the last one year, while traveling to office via Public
Transport System, I have come across so many things in terms of
ground realities that a common man faces in his day to day life.

These minuscule level of problems might be a big uphill task for a

common man.

Waiting at the bus stop, someone asking, when his destination’s

bus comes, because of his illiteracy, did send a chill down my spine
for the first time.

People bargaining with call centre taxi driver for as small as Rs

2.00 for 10- 15 minutes.

Whereas on the uphill side an incident which really mesmerized

me, was about a blind person knowing when to get down of the
bus, without any help and through-out the journey, the person had
a smile on his face, which reflected as a sense of contentment with

It all did affect me personally in a way that, I somewhere lost my

arrogance, ego and hatred among all these happening.

The thought of writing this quote book, came when a few friends
said to me that the quotes that I write in my “Good morning India
mail” need to be complied in a book, hence I just have complied a
few of those quotes.

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Go the extra mile, it will never be crowded, go on a little

more and you will be alone there along with the sun and
world far behind you.-

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

See from the eyes of the enemy, you will find your weakness
and start working towards making your weakness into your

Winning is a contagious habit

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

We make our character and then character makes us

Life is nothing more than a riddle wrapped in a mystery

inside an enigma

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

I lost my innocence in the race to succeed in life, now it's

time to regain my lost innocence in race against time

Methodical madness, passion to succeed and never die

attitude is required to achieve one's goal

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake

Empires Fall, Hearts break, Vision Fails, Determinations

Sink, but Attitudes and Mindsets Don’t Change–

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Friends are like Oxygen

I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted fat

paychecks, the need of hour is to re-invent myself again

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Just don't look back unless you want to go that way

If everything seems to be going right, you obviously don't

know what the hell is going on-

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

It should be the inner world in you (Ur soul, mind,) that

should control you, not the outside world and people in it,
and then only you accomplish your dreams unlimited

Every one loses many worlds, before one world is created

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

For every 10 ‘No’ , you surely at least 1 ‘Yes’ , HENCE

every time you get a ‘No’ , just remember that you are
moving closer to a much needed Yes .

RAW means different to different people, but for me it is

Ruthless, Ambitious, Workaholic

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

A world of imperfect understanding does lend itself to

perfect generalization

Any Girl is always known by her innocence and Boy by his


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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Emotions might not hold any ground for hardliners, but one
emotion just fades to die off for any one in this world, that
emotion is Hope, the world lives on this single emotion.

The two most important things to succeed in life, that are

learnt from my mom were simplicity and common sense

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

The problem with people is not with the fear of uncertainty

of future, but the deep fear of failure to cope up with that

1000 dreams can come true, but after the death of millions of
dreams, that is what life has taught me

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

When you’re successful your well wishers know who you are;
when you are unsuccessful you know who your well wishers
are –

The most common rules of simplicity, end up in life as the

most un-used principles in life

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Luck is marriage of preparedness & opportunity.-

Never expect things to happen. Struggle and make them

happen. Never expect yourself to be given a good value, Go
create a value of your own.-

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

The most complicated puzzles have the simplest solutions;

the mind could ever think-

Life is nothing more than a game of numbers. All the

important things salary, assets, liabilities, age, telephone no,
net worth. Numerology ......anything you think, excepts mom
and dad and off course good friends are in numbers and these
number always have some thing to tell

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never,

that is really strange

I don’t want to be the product of the environment, but want

the environment to be a product of my imagination and

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

The Determination in oneself should be so much, that the

moment you take the first step towards your ultimate dream
destination, you shall find that the journey towards success
has started



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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

Wishing will not bring success, but planning, persistence and

a burning desire will

Committed player, don’t play by the rules of the game, but

create their own game and other have to follow it

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

The threat of fear is always more than the Threat itself

There are no rules, no logics in life , Just the mind has to

mesmerize them , so that these so called rules and logic start
acting the way we want them to act, in the gallery of life
and we end up becoming a darling of the crowds

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

When you develop yourself going forward to the point

where-in your self belief is so strong that you know you can
accomplish anything you put your mind to, your future will
be unlimited

There is no language of success, but you have to script your

language of success to succeed in this world

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Master Stroke Anuj Bobby Anand

You can write to me at



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