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Obesity Among Adults

Joshua Jones

Brigham Young University – Idaho


Part 1: Defining the Population

There is an abundance of programs discussed on a daily basis in modern society which

focus on improving the health of the American population. Many programs focus on children,

advocating for more activity on a daily basis, spending more time outside, and providing

healthier meals at school. This may be due to the belief that teaching healthy habits early in life

may lead to healthier lifestyles and decreased health risks for many Americans. However, despite

these programs, there continues to be an alarming number of obese individuals in America,

which led the American Medical Association to classify obesity as a disease in 2013 (Lewis et

al., 2017, p. 874).

Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index of 30 or greater (Lewis et al., 2017, p. 874).

Obesity is associated with increased rates of many different adverse health complications

including “diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoarthritis, major depression, adverse

pregnancy outcomes, and infertility” (Bonde & Viikari-Juntura, 2013, p. 217). Healthcare costs

for treating obese individuals are extremely high. According to Wang et al., state Medicaid

programs in the United States of America spent almost eight billion dollars on treating severely

obese individuals in 2013 alone (2015). In order to lower the number of health risks for the

population, as well as decrease health care costs, the problem of obesity must be addressed.

Healthy People Goals

Healthy People is an organization that focuses on improving the overall health of the

American population. In order to accomplish this, they develop ten year measurable health goals

and work with a variety of different organizations to try and reach those goals. The goal the

Healthy People organization has put forth for this decade is NWS-9: “Reduce the proportion of

adults who are obese” (Healthy People 2020, 2018). They further define the goal by stating that

the starting percentage of obese adults over 20 years of age, which was measured from 2005-

2008, was 33.9 percent, and the target percentage they are aiming to reach by 2020 is 30.5

percent (Healthy People 2020, 2018). The Healthy People website provides updates for each goal

the organization sets. The data provided for obesity is as follows:

(Healthy People 2020, 2018).

The data for age disparities in obesity percentages is as follows:


(Healthy People 2020, 2018).

As shown above, the percentage of obese adults has increased consistently over the last

30 years. This trend has continued over the last 8 years, regardless of the goal set by Healthy

People 2020, increasing from 33.9 percent to 38.6 percent. This data shows that obesity is a

nationwide problem that spans all adult age groups, although some age groups are affected more

than others. It also shows that the problem is getting worse rather than better.


The population being assessed are married, 45 to 64 year old, Caucasian, employed Latter

Day Saint adults living in Bonneville County, Id. There are a total of 114, 595 residents of

Bonneville County (United States Census Bureau, 2017b). Bonneville County is located in

Southeast Idaho.

Age. The median age for Bonneville County is 32.6 years old (United States Census

Bureau, 2017a). 31 percent of Bonneville County residents are under 18 years old, 56 percent are

adults between the ages of 18 and 65, and 13 percent are adults who are 65 years old or older

(United States Census Bureau, 2017b).

Gender. 50.2 percent of Bonneville County residents are female, 49.8 percent are male

(United States Census Bureau, 2017b).

Education. 91.1 percent of Bonneville County residents are high school graduates, and

27.8 percent have attained a bachelor’s degree or higher level of education (United States Census

Bureau, 2017b).

Income. The median income in Bonneville County is 52,831 dollars a year, with the per

capita income being 24,889 dollars (United States Census Bureau, 2017b). Only 12.7 percent of

Bonneville County residents live in poverty (United States Census Bureau, 2017a).

Race/Ethnicity. 83.1 percent of Bonneville County residents are Caucasian, 13.1 percent

are Hispanic or Latino, with the remaining 3.8 percent being made up of residents of Native

American, African American, Asian, or mixed decent (United States Census Bureau, 2017b).

Religion. 73 percent of Bonneville County residents adhere to some religion, while only

27 percent claim no religious affiliation (City-Data, 2018). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter

Day Saints is the most common religious affiliation, with 56.9 percent of residents claiming

membership (City-Data, 2018).

Marriage. There are 27,181 married couples in Bonneville County (City-Data, 2018).

This means there are 54,362 married residents, which equals approximately 47 percent of the

total population of Bonneville County.


Person. Idaho is predominantly white as shown in the graph below, with the white

population being 93.2 percent, which is above the national average, being 76.6 percent (United

States Census Bureau, 2017c). Bonneville County follows this trend with 94.7 percent of the

population being white (United States Census Bureau, 2017c). Bonneville County only has 5.6

percent of the population that is foreign born, which is well below the national average of 13.2

percent (United States Census Bureau, 2017c).


(United States Census Bureau, 2017c).

Place. Bonneville County city limits are represented by the highlighted section in the

following image.

(Google Maps, 2018).

According to the United States Census Bureau, Bonneville County contains approximately

42,815 housing units (2017c). Approximately 37,138 of these are considered households, with

the majority containing an average of 3 people (United States Census Bureau, 2017c).

Bonneville County also experiences hot summers and cold winters due to its geographic location,

with temperatures ranging from the 90s to single digits (Visit Idaho, 2018).

Function. Bonneville County was named for B. L. E. Bonneville, a captain of the United

States Army who explored the region in the 1830s (, 2018). The first settlement in the

area was established in 1864, which was later named Idaho Falls, and Bonneville County was

established on February 7, 1911 (, 2018). Bonneville County has continued to develop

and now contains many different economic assets. Economic information for Bonneville County

is as follows:

(United States Census Bureau, 2017c).


Informant interviews and direct observation will be used during the assessment phase of

this research. A registered nurse, one adult male, and one adult female who are both between the

ages of 45 and 64 will be contacted in order to attain key informant information. All of these

individuals will live within the boundaries of Bonneville County.

A windshield survey will be conducted in order to note the number of parks and gyms in

Bonneville County, as well as the number of people using those services during certain times of

the day. Direct observation will also be performed at Walmart and Albertsons in order to note the

types and amounts of food being purchased.

The websites that will be used for gathering information will come from the following

organizations: Healthy People 2020, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Idaho Health

and Welfare, and Community Health Status Indicators.


Part 2: Assessment

Primary Data

Key informant. As part of the information gathering steps, a registered nurse was

interviewed in order to gain knowledge about obese individuals in Bonneville County, as well as

challenges to lowering obesity rates in the community.

Registered Nurse at Mountain View Hospital.

What percentage of your patients are obese? I would say that around 50 percent of my

patients are obese.

How many of your patients fall within the Around 30 percent of my patients, maybe

age group of 45-64 years old? slightly more. I would guess that I see more

patients of this age group than any others.

What percentage of your patients don’t I think at least 50 percent really just don’t

know how to eat healthy? know how to eat right. They may have

learned at some point, but they don’t

remember or never really understood how.

What types of food do your obese patients They tend to eat a lot of prepackaged and

generally eat? preserved food. A lot of them eat out a

majority of the time. A lot of them also seem

to eat a lot of empty calories and junk food.

How does this compare with your non-obese I think that my patients who are a healthy

patients? weight are a lot more active in preparing

their own meals. They eat more fruits and


vegetables, and seem to make a lot more

homemade meals than my obese patients.

How many days a week do your obese Generally I don’t think that my obese

patients exercise? How does this compare patients work out at all. At least not

with your patients who are a healthy weight? consistently. My patients who are a healthy

weight generally work out three to four days

a week, sometimes more.

What resources are there in your community WIC and Food Stamps both have education

for individuals struggling with obesity? available for people who need those

services. Also, we have a registered dietitian

at the hospital that is available for patients to

contact. There are also dietitians and

personal trainers available in the community

if patients are willing to pay for those

services themselves.

What challenges do obese individuals face Sometimes people don’t realize that a lot of

when attempting to return to a healthy these patients have to deal with pain. Not

weight? only pain from underlying health issues, but

they may have joint pain and soreness that

they are not used to. Many of them also do

not have support from family and friends

because many of them are also obese, their

lifestyles may make it hard to lose weight.


If you could give an obese patient one piece Prepare more meals at home. There are a lot

of advice, what would it be? of people who try to eat healthy, even when

eating fast food, but they don’t realize that

there are so many preservatives in their food

that even the healthier options are not that

healthy. It is really hard to get a balanced

diet when eating out all the time. Preparing

more meals at home with fresh ingredients

can really help you to be healthier all


Interviews. One male and one female adult, both between the age of 45 to 64 years old

who live in Bonneville County, were interviewed in order to gain their perspective of the obesity

issue in their community.

Male adult.

Is maintaining a healthy weight important to Yes. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers

you? Why? your chances for heart and cardiovascular


How important do you feel maintaining a It depends on the person. A lot of people I

healthy weight is to those around you? interact with feel it is really important.

Others seem to be really self-conscious

about themselves and act like it isn’t very


Do you feel like your health goals are Yes. Even people who don’t seem to care

supported by those around you? about their own weight support my health


What are challenges you face with trying to Eating too much, and I really like chocolate.

maintain a healthy weight?

How easily accessible are resources for Very accessible, if you want to find them,

maintaining a healthy weight in your you can.


Do you use any resources that help you I work out at home because I have bought

either achieve or maintain a healthy weight? most of the equipment I want to use. But,

some of my kids do work out at different

places in the community.

What one thing would be a good incentive to To age less. Obviously the clock doesn’t

help you want to maintain a healthy weight? stop because we work out, but it does seem

to slow down the effects.

Female adult.

Is maintaining a healthy weight important to Maintaining a healthy weight is very

you? Why? important. You can’t be healthy without

being a healthy weight.

How important do you feel maintaining a My family members have all tried really

healthy weight is to those around you? hard to stay healthy by eating healthy and

working out.

Do you feel like your health goals are Absolutely. Like I said before, my whole

supported by those around you? family is really health conscious.

What are challenges you face with trying to Being around people who try to get you to

maintain a healthy weight? eat more and break your healthy diet. Sugar

is a weakness for me and so I try not to buy

it. But, it seems like other people always try

to get me to eat it with them if they have it.

How easily accessible are resources for From 1 to 10, I would say 10. There are

maintaining a healthy weight in your health food stores, tons of gyms, and a lot of

community? different companies that can help people to

lose weight.

Do you use any resources that help you Yes. I love doing Zumba, and so I have

either achieve or maintain a healthy weight? joined a local group that does it at the school


What one thing would be a good incentive to As I get older, I have started having

help you want to maintain a healthy weight? grandkids. I now just want to be around long

enough for them to remember me as they get


Windshield survey. As part of the windshield survey, several different parks were

visited throughout Bonneville County. At each park, the total number of park visitors were

noted. It is important to note that there was a wide range of visitors at different parks. The parks

with the most visitors each had different sporting events going on when visited. The park

information is included in the following table:


Park Name Number of Visitors

Reinhart Park 2
Esquire Acres Park 0
Old Butte Park 227
Freeman Park 12
Civitan Park 6
Rollandet Park 0
Tauphaus Park 49
Mel Erickson Sunnyside Park 32
Central Park 0
Community Park 2

Next, several different gyms, including Anytime Fitness, World Gym, Planet Fitness, and

Apple Athletic Club were visited in Bonneville County and the number of gym visitors were

noted. Each gym was visited between 5 and 7 pm. According to gym personnel at Anytime

Fitness, this is generally a high volume time with many visitors at gyms. The gym information is

included in the following table:

Gym Name Number of Visitors

Anytime Fitness (Broadway) 7
Anytime Fitness (17th) 10
World Gym 2
Planet Fitness 17
Gold’s Gym 8
Apple Athletic Club 26

Other observations. Walmart and Albertson’s, two large grocery stores in Idaho Falls,

were visited. Shopping habits of customers were observed. The number of costumers shopping in

fresh food sections was noted, as well as the number of costumers shopping in the preserved

food sections. The information from these observations is included in the following table:

Name of Store Customers in Fresh Food Customers in Preserved

Sections Food Sections
Walmart 42 90
Albertson’s 27 48

Secondary Data

Demographics. The median age for Bonneville County is 32.6 years old (United States

Census Bureau, 2017a) which is lower than the median age for the state of Idaho which is 35.7

years old (United States Census Bureau, 2017a). The median age for the entire United States of

America is 37.7 years old (United States Census Bureau, 2017a). 56 percent of all Bonneville

County residents fall between the ages of 18 to 65, which is lower than the percentage for the

state of Idaho, which is 58.8, and the percentage for the United States, which is 61.8 (United

States Census Bureau, 2017c).

In Bonneville County, 94.7 percent of residents are white, which is close to the total

percentage of whites in Idaho, which is 93.2 percent (United States Census Bureau, 2017c).

However, both of these percentages are well above the national average for white residents,

which is 76.6 percent of the United States population (United States Census Bureau, 2017c).

The number of residents in Bonneville County living in poverty is 11.7 percent (United

States Census Bureau, 2017c). This is lower than both Idaho’s average, 12.8 percent, and the

average in the United States, which is 12.3 percent (United States Census Bureau, 2017c). The

percentage of people in the workforce who are 16 year old or older is pretty similar for

Bonneville County, the state of Idaho, and the United States, being 63.7 percent, 62.3 percent,

and 63.1 percent respectively (United States Census Bureau, 2017c).

Government agencies. According to Healthy People 2020, the national average of obese

adults is 38.6 percent (2018). However, according to the CDC, only 27.4 percent of adults in

Idaho are obese (2018). This means Idaho is ranked 23rd in the United States for most obese

residents (Idaho Health and Welfare, 2013). The goal that Healthy People 2020 has set is to

reach an obesity percentage of 30.5 percent, which Idaho is already meeting (2018).

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some groups are

more affected by the obesity issue than others (2018). The groups most affected by the obesity

issue are first Hispanics, then blacks, then whites (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

2018). According to Idaho Health and Welfare, Hispanics have the highest incidence of obesity,

followed by whites (2013). The CDC also stated that middle aged Americans are the most

affected age group (2018). This is true in Idaho as well, with 33.1 percent of adults age 45-64

being obese (Idaho Health and Welfare, 2013).

Also, according to the CDC, college graduates have a lower incidence of obesity than

other groups, and middle income households have the highest incidence of obesity, beating out

both lower and higher income groups (2018). Only 27.8 percent of Bonneville County residents

are college graduates, which is slightly higher than the Idaho average of 26.2 percent, but is

lower than the national average of 30.3 percent (United States Census Bureau, 2017c). Also,

Bonneville County has a median income that is lower than the national average, being 52,831

dollars where the national median income is 55,322 dollars (United States Census Bureau,

2017c). Idaho’s mean income is lower than both of these, being 49,174 dollars (United States

Census Bureau, 2017c).

Other data. There are approximately 20 gyms and health clubs in Bonneville County

(, 2018). That means there is 1 gym for every 5,730 residents. According to, there are a total 38,477 gyms in the United States (2018). Meaning, there is one

gym for every 8,465 residents in the United States.


Part 3: Data Interpretation


The first similarity noted in the collected data is related to the diet of obese individuals.

The Registered Nurse interviewed as the key informant for this research stated that most of her

obese patients ate a lot of prepackaged and preserved foods rather than fresh foods (C. Cook,

personal communication, 2018). This is supported by the data gathered in the windshield survey,

where the majority of customers at both Walmart and Albertson’s were shopping in the

preserved food sections. This could be seen as correlating with the high obesity rate in Idaho

(27.4%) reported by the CDC (2018).

Another similarity in the data relates to the amount of exercise obese individuals get each

week. According to, there is only one gym for every 8,465 residents in the United

States, which shows that demand for places to exercise is low (2018). The windshield survey

revealed that, at the time of observation, the 6 gyms visited only averaged 12 visitors each. This

low number supports the key informant’s statement that most of her obese patients don’t exercise

on a consistent basis (C. Cook, personal communication, 2018).

The third similarity in the data relates to the greatest at risk age range for obesity.

According to the CDC, adults ranging from 45 to 64 years of age are at the greatest risk for being

obese (2018). Idaho Health and Welfare supports this, stating that 33.1 percent of adults in that

age range are obese in Idaho (2013). The key informant interview was similar to both of these

points, noting that most of the informant’s patients are in this age range, and she estimated

around 50 percent of all of her patients are obese (C. Cook, personal communication, 2018).


The collected data also differed in several ways. The first difference noted is related to

the percentage of obese adults. According to the CDC, only 27.4 percent of individuals in Idaho

are obese (2018). However, according to the key informant, around 50 percent of her patients are

obese (C. Cook, personal communication, 2018). Although the key informant’s patients are only

those individuals seeking health care, this is still a significant difference in percentages.

Another difference in the primary vs. secondary data is ethnicity’s effect on obesity rates.

According to the CDC, obesity most effects Hispanics, then blacks, then whites (2018). But the

windshield survey revealed mainly white obese individuals. However, this may be affected by

the fact that Bonneville County is 94.7 percent white (United States Census Bureau, 2017c).

The third difference in the collected data relates to the education level of individuals.

According to the CDC, college graduates have a lower incidence of obesity than other groups

(2018). Only 27.8 percent of in Bonneville County are college graduates, which is lower than the

national average of 30.3 percent (United States Census Bureau, 2017c). However, Bonneville

County still has a much lower obesity rate than the national average, which was supported by the

low number of individuals who appeared to be obese during the windshield survey.

Strengths of the Population

Bonneville County has many strengths related to combating obesity rates. One strength of

the community is the amount of educational services available to obese individuals. There are

dietitians in both the private sector, as well as dietitians available for contact through the hospital

for patients who are struggling with obesity, or who have questions regarding nutrition (C. Cook,

personal communication, 2018). There are also educational services through WIC and Food

Stamps through the Idaho Department of Public Health for individuals who qualify for those


Another strength of the community is the amount of places available for residents to

exercise. There are many different parks in Bonneville County, and many different activities

available which help to encourage physical activity. There are many different sport leagues

available through the city of Idaho Falls. There are also many different recreation areas including

skate parks, jogging tracks, and frisbee golf courses available that are free to the public.

A third strength of the community is the availability of fresh foods. Bonneville County

both contains, and is surrounded by, many different farms and ranches. There are many different

local food stands, butcher shops that offer locally raised meat products, and programs that make

fresh fruits and vegetables easily accessible to residents, such as bountiful baskets. There are also

many natural resources including rivers and other public land that allows residents to harvest

much of their own foods if they choose to fish, hunt, or gather other food items such as berries

when they are in season.

Challenges of the Population

There are several challenges this population faces in regards to combating obesity.

Although there are programs available in the community for nutritional education and healthy

living education, they can be costly. Some programs are provided for low income individuals,

like those through WIC and Food Stamps, however many programs require participants to pay

for them. Residents of Bonneville County have an average income of 52,831 dollars, which is

below the national average (United States Census Bureau, 2017b). This may make it harder for

residents to afford these educational services.


A second challenge that this population faces is the weather. Bonneville County is

located in Southeast Idaho and can be very cold and snowy in the winter, even hitting the single

digits or lower in terms of temperature (Visit Idaho, 2018). As mentioned above, a strength of

this population is the access to parks and recreational leagues. However, these low temperatures

and snow can make using these resources difficult for much of the year.

A third challenge this population faces, a challenge that is definitely not limited to

Bonneville County alone, is the easy access to unhealthy food options. The windshield survey

revealed that two of the major grocery stores in the area had a large supply of preserved food

options. There are also a large amount of fast food and other convenience food options in the

county. This ease of access to less healthy food choices may make it more difficult for residents

to stick to a healthy food regime in today’s busy society.

Validating Information

One piece of information that validates obesity as a problem in Bonneville County is the

mean age of residents. Healthy People 2020 recognized the ages of 45 to 64 as being the age

group most at risk of being obese (2018). According to our key informant interview, this age

group is the group most often seen by this registered nurse seeking health care at Mountain View

Hospital (C. Cook, personal communication, 2018). The mean age for residents of Bonneville

County is 32.6 years, which also falls into this at-risk age group (United States Census Bureau,


Another piece of information that validates this research is the percentage of adults

seeking medical treatment who are obese. As stated above, the percentage of obese individuals in

Bonneville County is 27.4 percent which is well below the national average (Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, 2018). However, the key informant interview revealed that

approximately 50 percent of patients seen by this registered nurse are obese (C. Cook, personal

communication, 2018). Meaning that obesity may still be a large factor in overall health of the


Another important data point to consider for this research is the predominant race of

Bonneville County residents. 94.7 percent of Bonneville County residents are white (United

States Census Bureau, 2017c). Because the high proportion of white Bonneville County

residents, ethnicity was found to be a significant factor in assessing this community. Due to this

information, this specific population was chosen as a focus of this research.


Part 4: Population Health Plan


Area for improvement. There appears to be a knowledge deficit in the community

regarding healthy eating habits. The key informant interview revealed that a large portion of

obese individuals may not know how to eat healthy (C. Cook, personal communication, 2018).

More education needs to be provided regarding healthy eating habits, as well as healthy life

habits to maintain healthy body weights. This education should also include teaching on what

resources are available in the community.

Recommendations. There are several ways that this educational deficit could be

addressed in the community. First, hospitalized patients could have increased access to the

dietitian. Although some education may be given to hospitalized obese individuals, many go to

the hospital for things not related to obesity. It may be beneficial to have all obese individuals in

the hospital meet with the dietitian, regardless of why they are there.

Another way to address this educational deficit could be to offer free classes to the

community. Offering classes for free could help many people in the community to attend

regardless of economic status. Offering classes more often could allow more people to attend

regardless of varying schedules as well. Although providing these classes would cost the county

a small amount of money, the possibility of lowering obesity rates may save the healthcare

system enough money to more than make up for these costs.

Evaluation. Attendance could be taken at classes offered in the community. Also, the

total number of consultations that the dietitian at the hospital has could be collected. If there are

more people attending classes, and more consults at the hospital, it is possible that more people

in the community have a better understanding of healthy diet and life practices.

Access to Services

Area for improvement. As stated above, one of the challenges this community faces is

the weather. The winter months can reach low temperatures and can contain large amounts of

snow. This community has many different parks and city recreation leagues, however much of

this is unusable in these winter months. There are some recreation leagues available in the

winter, but these are very limited in comparison to the services available during the warm


Recommendations. First, increasing community awareness of provided services

including city indoor gyms could increase community use during the cold months. Second,

providing more variety or programs at city gyms, for example exercise classes or indoor walking

classes, could help more people in the community to remain active during these months. Third,

opening city gyms for longer hours could help to allow more individuals to use them due to

varying schedules. All of these together could significantly increase community member’s

activity level during the winter.

Evaluation. Attendance logs could be kept to see how many community members are

attending indoor gyms during the winter. Also, the number of recreation leagues and classes

provided could be tracked. An increased number of gym attendees, leagues, and classes could

indicate a more active community population.


Area for improvement. It was discovered during the key informant interview that an

estimated 50 percent of patients of the Registered Nurse were obese (C. Cook, personal

communication, 2018). It was also noted that most of the Registered Nurse’s patients who were

obese did not exercise consistently. This lack of exercise could be contributing to the number of

obese individuals in this community.

Recommendations. One possible way to increase the amount of exercise of members of

the community is to create different types of exercise groups. Having a variety of groups with

different overall health goals available to the community could help a wide variety of community

members to feel more comfortable attending. Having workout buddies may also help individuals

feel more responsible to exercise because they have someone else to be accountable to.

Assigning workout buddies in some of the exercise groups could increase consistent attendance.

Lastly, creating free exercise groups could allow more individuals to attend. Meeting in public

places, such as parks or community recreation centers, could lower costs and allow more free

programs to exist in the community.

Evaluation. Tracking attendance at each exercise group is very important in evaluating

these interventions. Increasing numbers of attendance can indicate an increasingly active

population. Also, tracking the attendance of individuals through sign-in sheets can assist in better

understanding of exercise trends. Consistency is important in an exercise routine and better

understanding of the population’s routines may help in developing future interventions to

continue improvement.


Obesity is a large problem in modern society. Leading to increased disease morbidity and

mortality, it is a problem that needs to continue to be addressed in the public health setting.

Although Bonneville County has met the goal set by Healthy People 2020 for obesity, there is

still room for improvement. Lowering obesity rates in vulnerable populations as well as

decreasing overall obesity rates in the community can go a long way toward increasing overall

public health.


The learning I attained through this project is very valuable for me in the medical field.

Obesity is a large problem in America. It can increase the chances of having many different

health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Learning the specifics of

the community I am going to be practicing in can help me to better serve my future patients who

are suffering from obesity.

There are many people in Bonneville County who are suffering from obesity. I now have

a much larger knowledge base to fall back on when planning interventions, answering questions,

and providing teaching to these obese patients. Being able to provide individualized teaching

plans for people in this community that include specific interventions for what is available in this

community, could be the difference between them giving up and them overcoming obesity.

My thought process has changed during this project in a few ways. I never really

understood all of the different aspects that need to be considered when planning community

interventions for a population before this project. Seeing how not only resources available, but

also how the environment itself can pose specific problems for public health has really increased

my appreciation for those who are responsible for helping to maintain this community’s health.

Also, my pride in my community has definitely increased during this project. I am from

Bonneville County and am proud that this community has already met the Healthy People 2020

goals for obesity. Although there is still a long way to go for my community in meeting all of the

health needs of the Bonneville County population, the community seems to be involved in

working toward those goals. I hope to take a greater role in the future in assisting the community

toward meeting more of these goals as both a nurse and a community member.

Reflection Word Count (303)



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