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March 23, 2018 Pinedale Roundup Page 5


What’s your opinion? MARY BRODIE

Most folks have opinions about one thing to sour, vinegary foods. This includes pick- what was intended for me. nouncer whispers), or infomercials. Years
or another. One source defines opinion as les, relish and sauerkraut. Admittedly, I do It is also my opinion that every household ago, I enjoyed “Maverick,” “Paladin,” “The
a judgment, viewpoint or statement about a mince a pickle into my potato salad. Hot should have a full-length mirror, and not Ponderosa,” and “Wagon Train,” in which
matter commonly considered subjective. I spicy foods keep sour stuff company on my hidden on the back of the door that’s never young Clint Eastwood played the scout
think “subjective” here means it’s a thought “do not eat” list. Taco seasoning and mild open. I was so happy when those hiphug- Rowdy. We could watch all of these as a
or feeling you hold about a topic. chili are acceptable. ger jeans bit the dust. Only gals weighing family – no foul language, nudity or vio-
Some people take the stand that their There is a jar of crunchy peanut but- 110 pounds or less looked halfway decent in lence. The outlaw or Indian knew to simply
opinion is based on fact. Mine are based on ter in my fridge; it’s for my bird friends, them. Most, once they got them zipped up, fall off his horse or cliff without the bloody
me. Those folks can be wrong if they like. not me. I didn’t care for peanut butter as walked around with those unsightly muffin stuff. If the stallion reared in the corral or
My opinions are well thought-out, consid- a child, but having to inhale peanut butter rolls above the waistband. A full-length mir- the light went out in the ranch house, you
ered and designed to show others the error breath from all students eating school lunch ror would have cured that. knew what was going on ­– and hopefully
of their ways. I do not take this responsibil- clinched that opinion. I sometimes believe I Movies and television follow my prefer- the kids didn’t.
ity lightly. should receive a medal from the bird world ences in reading. I do not read chick lit, sci- My opinion is that many scientific “facts”
Take food, for example. We all enjoy a for faithfully refilling the PB feeders every ence fiction, romance, fantasy or horror. My are based on theories. If there are no writ-
wide range of edible choices. However, I do week. Are you chickadees and woodpeckers apologies to Stephen King. I live alone and ten records or eyewitness accounts, how can
take exception to a few. The first would be reading this? don’t like to be afraid of the dark or those something be fact? Many will disagree with
cucumbers. My neighbor Roger and I agree It should not be a surprise that I have thumps in the night. I do enjoy biographies, me on this. That’s okay. We can agree to
on that so questioning the taste of cucum- opinions on clothing – comfort and color. historical fiction, a good sleuth adventure or disagree and still be friends.
bers must be more fact than opinion. My late I will never understand why people choose mystery (preferably one I solve myself be- I have formed my opinions over a lifetime
rancher husband would not allow one in the black, brown or gray when there are such fore the last page). The book is always better of experience, and I’m comfortable with
house. His family had all been Italian farm- gorgeous colors out there. I do make an ef- than the movie, although a few movies come them. And, I know you have your own opin-
ers in the Reno area. He claimed that even fort to coordinate my appearance, which close. ions. Watch whatever television that pleases
the hogs they raised refused cucumbers –so gives me an excuse to wear what jewelry I Television has never ranked very high on you, wear black if you like, but, please do
don’t expect him to eat them. These vege- own. I must admit, though, that my sister my list and is so dreadful now that I can- not bring me peanut butter cookies. n
tables carry a strong taste and smell. To me gets a lot of credit for decorating me. She celled satellite service several years ago. Mary Louise Routh Brodie is a free-
they will taint an entire green salad. You are did tell me that she often buys something for You do not want to know my opinion re- lance writer and Pinedale resident. Her
welcome to my share of cucumbers. me, then goes back and gets herself the same garding sit coms, game shows, sports TV column appears in the Roundup every
I might as well admit that I don’t cater item. I’m glad she does – or I might not get (especially bowling and golf where the an- other week.

Hey Phoenix Zoo, those ferrets are from Meeteetse
By Bill Sniffin
Wyoming’s black-footed ferret is a rock ing a pesky dog and some folks who thought two animals are not related. It has a close yon. As Wyoming Game and Fish was able
star at the Phoenix Zoo. In fact, you might they had found a really odd-looking ani- relative in Europe called the polecat, not to to breed more and more ferrets, other places
think the elusive little critter was native to mal. Thankfully that taxidermist was alert be confused with the expression “doggone around the country got involved, including
Arizona. Not so. enough to contact the Wyoming Game and polecat” to describe a bad guy in old-time Colorado facilities and the Phoenix Zoo.
An obscure place in our state was the host Fish. Wyoming. Today, ferrets have been re-released to
of one of the most impressive recovery sto- Our local newspaper in Lander along with Bob Oakleaf and Andrea Orabona, non- the outdoors. A big event was conducted in
ries of an extinct animal that has occurred in most newspapers in Wyoming ran news sto- game biologists for Wyoming Game and Meeteetse on July 26, 2016, where the crit-
America over the last several decades. ries and ads in the late 1970s trying to locate Fish, worked on the project, which is fea- ters were reintroduced to their original home
In 1979, the black-footed ferret was de- any colonies of the elusive nocturnal animal. tured in a video on YouTube. area. There are now more than 1,500 ferrets
clared extinct in the world. The famous nat- None were found. Back in the 1980s, Wyoming Game running loose and they seem to be thriving.
uralist and artist John James Audubon first Ferrets are common in America as pets. and Fish staff tried to locate the rest of the Not good news for prairie dogs, though.
painted and published reports of the critter But these are not native. These are origi- pack of ferrets, using an old-style trap and Meanwhile, I even bought a tee shirt at
around 1846. nally from Europe. The only local ferret in then some huge hand-held antennas. They the Phoenix Zoo, which was emblazoned
In 1981, Lucille Hogg’s pet dog Shep America is the black-footed ferret, which walked around trying to track the ferrets, with the big photos of the black-footed fer-
dragged home a carcass of an unusual ani- originally roamed all over North America. which had radio collars installed on them. ret and a big logo for the zoo.
mal at their ranch home near Meeteetse. In a recent column, I wrote about how Ultimately they found more than 50 of I cannot blame Arizonans for wanting to
Lucille was a fixture in Meeteetse at her reliant the American Indians were on the the ferrets and the small colony seemed to take some credit for this amazing survival
Lucille’s Café. She and husband John took buffalo. Well, in this case, the prairie dog be doing well. success story. But in the brief information
the odd critter to a local taxidermist to talk is the buffalo to the black-footed ferret. The But this did not last long. piece about the ferret, Wyoming was hardly
about possibly getting it mounted. latter’s entire existence is based on killing The reason the black-footed ferret was mentioned and the location where they were
The taxidermist took one look at it and and eating prairie dogs. declared extinct in 1979 was because of a found was spelled “Meteetse,” rather than
after a long pause said he needed to make One Game and Fish biologist described disease called plague, which had been wip- the correct spelling of Meeteetse. Oh well.
a phone call. When he returned he said this the relationship as the prairie dog providing ing out prairie dogs and killing ferrets at the The zoo has provided more than 400
animal was not only an endangered species, “room and board” for the ferrets, since the same time. black-footed ferrets, which have been rein-
but it was extinct. ferrets also live in abandoned prairie dog By 1985, the number of Meeteetse ferrets troduced into the wild. So, I grudgingly have
Wyoming Game and Fish officials de- towns. One study showed that an adult fe- was down to 18 and the decision was made to give them a little bit of credit after all.
scended en masse on Meeteetse and the male black-footed ferret and her litter of kits to capture all of them and put them into a Not sure I will wear that tee shirt back in
Hogg home. The hunt was on for the rest of killed and ate more than 1,000 prairie dogs a captive facility to prevent further deaths Wyoming, though. n
the animals. year for their diet. leading to extinction.  Check out additional columns at www.
This was an amazing coincidence involv- This ferret looks a lot like a mink but the The initial facility was in Sybille Can- billsniffin.com. 

P. O. Box 100, Pinedale, WY 82941

email: editor@pinedaleroundup.com
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Volume 114, Number 12 ©2018 In
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