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Page 4 Pinedale Roundup March 23, 2018

On the final day of the eight-week lessons students and volunteers went to the top of the mountain and came down the ‘Big Hill’ as a group.

Preschool children finish ski classes

From the Children’s Discovery Center
PINEDALE –The Children’s Discovery Center finished an eight-week ski program at White Pine Ski
Resort on Monday, March 12, with a pizza and ice cream party.
The program began Jan. 8, with 19 participants, ages 3 to 5 years old. Commonly referred to by White
Pine employees as “penguins,” more than half the children had not skied prior to the lessons.
Parents, volunteers, White Pine staff and CDC staff donated time every Monday for the lessons. The
Children’s Discovery Center pays a reduced rate for the lessons and White Pine donates the skiing to
volunteers who help with lessons. Nearly all of the children celebrated with a run down the big hill on
the final day of class.
Students begin their next adventure at the Pinedale Aquatic Center with swimming lessons.n

Photos by
Jackson Crump, 3, practices on the short-
Tara Bolgiano ened skis.

Paige Kannier, 4, is decked out in pink during one of the lessons. About
half the children had ski gear for the lessons and White Pine Resort outfit-
ted the remaining students Nathan Anderson, 4, gets a helping hand from his father Lars Anderson.

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