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MORAGA Sunrise Rotary Club, Dr.

Rochette who has opened the
ROTARY Radiance Family Wellness center
in Lafayette and Mary Caburi,
guest of Herb Wehmeyer.
NEWSLETTER Honorary members Lou
November 13, 2018 Roessler, Carol Irwin and Ann
Damaschino also attended the
Next Celebration: Nov. 20, 2018
Noon Meeting
Moraga Country Club

Program: Clunkers for Charity

Greeter/Invocator: Dave Kruegel

Nov 27 – Fidel Bafilemba, Rotarian from Goma,

**Nov 29 – Business Group Meeting – I Kind
Dec 4 – Toys for Tots (bring toys!)
Dec 18 – TBD
Dec 25 —dark
Jan 1 – dark President Ron at the Podium
*Jan 8 – TBD (at Serbian church hall)
* Dinner Meeting @ 6:00 pm – MCC
** Business Group Meeting @ 11:30AM at the
Serbian Church
Gary Irwin offered a High $5 for
the visit of Flor Huart, who was an
President Ron Mucovich rang
exchange student with the club 12
the bell to open the meeting. Alka
years ago. See the pictures
Mulakaluri offered a moment of
reflection and silence for the fire
victims throughout California. Linda May also offered $5 for the
birth of Frank and her 10th
Our guests this evening included grandchild, Sasha Rose May
our speaker, Roger Howland, earlier today.
Chris Laszez-Davis, the current
President of the Lamorinda
Dianne Wilson held up a $1000
check received from a friend as a
donation towards the Sierra Leone
orphanage project. Dianne
mentioned that we have a
remaining $5500 goal to complete
the current phase of construction Rotary Holiday Party
at the orphanage.
John Erickson announced that
Herb Wehmeyer was happy our Holiday Party will be held at
about his granddaughter getting the Claeys Lounge at St. Mary’s
married in Colorado. College on Tuesday, Dec 11.
John passed around a signup
Ron Mucovoch was ecstatic sheet for the event. Call John to
about Cal Bears win over USC make your reservation. The cost
and also Northwestern winning the is $60 per person.
Western Division of the Big Ten.
Camp Fire Disaster Donations
John Erickson is happy about the
Kansas State Wildcats win over
Gary Irwin suggested that the club
the archrival Jayhawks.
pool their donations to the
Debbie Roessler is happy about Paradise Fire Victims. He
her niece attending Disney mentioned that Aubrey Copland,
University. a former club member, had made
a donation through the club. Make
Birthdays your check out to Moraga Rotary
designating the check as a fire
Alka Mulakaluri celebrated her victim donation and Lad will send
birthday on October 25th on the a single donation to the Paradise
same day as her 25 year old Rotary Club.
60th Anniversary Celebration
Lad Lynch, under the protection
of the Fine Free Hat, celebrated An afternoon party to celebrate the
his birthday with family at the 60th Anniversary of Cliff
Blackhawk Museum and a Dochterman’s Rotary service
sumptuous dinner at the Lafayette will be held on Saturday, March
Park Hotel. 30 at the Holy Trinity Hall of the
Serbian Church, so mark your A Visit from Flor Huart
A Note About January 6th
Meeting Location

Due to kitchen renovation at

Moraga Country Club, our first
meeting of 2019 will be a dinner
meeting on Tuesday January 8,
to be held at Holy Trinity Hall of
the Serbian Church.

Nite at the Races Meeting

Frank May announced that the Flor, Carol and Gary

next Nite at the Races committee

meeting will be held on Monday, Carol & Gary Irwin recently
November 19 at Moraga Royale hosted our former 2006-2007
starting at 5:30 pm. We need exchange student from Argentina,
everyone’s help this year to make Flor Huart. After completing her
sure our largest fundraiser is a college education, she began
success. working in the high-tech industry,
and recently completed a five-year
Congratulations, Mike! stint in London for Gamesloft, a
company that makes video games
Please congratulate member Mike for smart phones. Having
McCluer on his recent election to exhausted her work visa in Great
the Moraga Town Council. Britain, she has lived in Paris for
the last three months. Her current
Help Moraga Rotary When You business trip has taken her from
Purchase from Amazon Paris to Los Angeles and Moraga,
When you buy something from and she is on her way to
Amazon sign on to Singapore, Dakar, and then home and to Paris. On the way, she will hop
select Moraga Rotary Club down to Australia for a week of
Foundation as your charity. Shop vacation. While an exchange
the site as usual and Moraga student, she lived with the Orwig
Rotary receives a small donation family (which she visits regularly),
with every purchase that you
with occasional sojourns at the
The raffle was won this week by
Gary Irwin. The “magic marble”
barely eluded him.

Our speaker today, Roger
Howland was introduced by Gary
Irwin. Roger is a member of the
Pacific Society of Mayflower and
and Mayflower. He is a graduate
of both San Francisco State and
Cal, and a distant cousin of Gary.

Flor Huart at the All-Access Playground

Some news About the Rheem


Rheem Theater movie times are

NOW back in the East Bay Times
along with all the other movie
listings. When Rheem Theater had
Roger Howland Describing the First Thanksgiving
it’s short closure, the East Bay
Times removed the Rheem
Roger began by identifying some
Theater from its listing but now it is
little-known facts about people of
the Mayflower. Half of the people
were not religious and were
Any questions please contact Bob
merchants or adventurers.
Fritzky, Moraga Community
Passengers included a murderer,
Foundation Board Member at 925-
a mutineer and a criminal wanted
899-0945 or
by the crown.
Also see the press release at the
Roger then took us back to 1607
end of this newsletter concerning
and the first unsuccessful attempt
the reinstatement of the Classic
of the Pilgrims to leave England. A
film Series at the Rheem Theater.
second attempt in 1608 was
partially successful in that the men
in the group were able to escape
to Holland. The women and
children were arrested but ~~ Cliff’s Corner ~~
eventually made their way to One Day in Africa
Holland. It is not uncommon for Rotarians to make
modest contributions to wonderful
In 1609 several ships were humanitarian projects happening in some
assembled to resupply the existing location on the other side of the world.
Unfortunately, we may never see the final
colony at Jamestown. One ship, outcome of our generosity.
the Sea Venture, after running I recall one day some Rotarians were
aground at Bermuda, and a driving me through the countryside in the
lengthy stay on the island, finally region of Lesotho, which is totally
arrived in Jamestown in 1610. surrounded by the nation of South Africa.
During the stay on Bermuda, a This area is the home of many of the Zulu
group leader emerged. His name tribal communities. As we bumped along
the dusty dirt roads, I was touched by the
was Stephen Hopkins who dismal appearance of the shacks being
eventually sailed on the Mayflower used as schools. Actually, some looked
after returning to England. more like chicken coops.
All of a sudden, we came to a clearing in
William Shakespeare utilized the the brush and there was an amazing
adventure of the Sea Venture and concrete block building with a corrugated
Stephen Hopkins as the basis for steel roof. This was a new school – clean,
sturdy and functional.
his play, The Tempest, in 1611. We stopped and walked up to the new
building. To my amazement there was a
After several false starts and a sign above the front door – “Built by the
major change of ships, the Rotarians of California and the Rotarians
Mayflower travelled to the New of Stockton and Livermore.” And, of
World in 1621. The first winter in course, there was a Rotary wheel!
the New World was a hard one My mind flashed back two or three years
earlier when several California Rotary
with half of the original settlers Districts were collecting funds for some
surviving. The “First new schools in Lesotho.
Thanksgiving” was celebrated As we were talking about the project, we
over five days late in 1622, Ninety heard some youngsters singing. Then, all
Indians attended the event. Only of a sudden, about 50 children came from
five women cooked the meal. The behind the building. They were in
initial peace treaty between the spotless white shirts and their bare feet
were stomping in the dust. I was told that
Pilgrims and the Wampanoag these youngsters had walked three or
Indian Nation lasted 50 years. four miles on a Saturday morning to sing
and say “thanks” to a Rotarian who had a
small part in building their new school. I
wished that all the Rotarians who MORAGA ROTARY DIRECTORS 2018-2019
donated their dollars could have shared
that moment.
President Ron Mucovich
Even more amazing is that every day Co-Presidents-elect Debbie Koo & Evie
hundreds of Rotarians are enhancing the Michon
lives of people they will never see or Past President Dianne Wilson
meet. Nor have they heard the voices of Co-Secretary Vickie Devlin & Evie
children singing, “Thank you, Rotarians.” Treasurer Lad Lynch
Foundation Chair John Erickson
Youth Service Chair Rich Render
Public Relations Gary Irwin
Greeter/Invocators: Newsletter Editor Frank May
Community Service Tony Schoemehl
11/20 = Dave Kruegel Co-Chair, Barbara Bruner
11/27 = Roger Gregory International
12/04 = Linda May Services
Co-Chair, Linda May
12/18 = Evie Michon Services
Membership Chair Debbie Koo
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Coming Events: Director at Large Roger Gregory
Director at Large Debbie Roessler
• November 17: Rotary Day at Golden Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Gate Fields Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman
• December 11: Rotary Holiday Party
• March 9: A Nite at the Races District Governor 5160 Jon Dwyer
• March 30: Cliff Dochterman’s 60th President, Rotary Barry Rassin
• May 17-19: District Assembly for four
districts at Peppermill Casino in Reno. Newsletter Editor – Frank May
• June 1-5: Rotary International
Convention in Hamburg, Germany
• June 25: Demotion Party

Having received numerous requests from local residents, Derek Zemrak, owner-
operator of the New Rheem Theatre, has decided to reinstate, on a trial basis, the
treasured “Classic Film Series” that local movie goers have enjoyed for the last
several years.

The showings will be on the second Wednesday of every month starting in

January, 2019, in the small upstairs theater at the Rheem Theatre. This is the
perfect venue for classic, older films. Showtime(s) will be at 4:00 PM, offering the
viewing audience an opportunity to see a film and perhaps enjoy an early dinner
at a nearby restaurant.

The movie schedule for the first quarter, 2019 is:

*January 9 “A Star is Born” (1937) starring Janet Gaynor and Frederic March
*February 13 “The Man with the Golden Arm” starring Frank Sinatra
*March 13 “The Third Man” starring Orson Welles

Derek and his Staff look forward to welcoming all movie enthusiasts from the
local communities.

Derek Zemrak
The Rheem Theatre
350 Park Street, Moraga, CA 94556
(925) 388-0751

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