CM Taxation 2

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Unlimited - It is so unlimited in force and searching in extent that courts scarcely

venture to declare that it is subject to any restrictions, except those that such rests
TITLE I ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTION OF THE BIR in the discretion of the authority which exercises it.
TITLE II TAX ON INCOME 3. Plenary - It is complete.
TITLE III ESTATE AND DONOR'S TAXES 4. Supreme - It is supreme insofar as the selection of the subject of taxation is
TITLE VI EXCISE TAXES ON CERTAIN GOODS Q: What are the purposes of taxation?
1. Revenue
2. Promotion of general welfare – taxation may be used as an implement of police
power to promote the general welfare of the people.
3. Regulation of activities/industries
4. Reduction of Social inequality – a progressive system of taxation prevents the
undue concentration of wealth in the hands of few individuals.
5. Encourage economic growth – the grant of incentives or exemptions
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION 6. Protectionism – In case of foreign importations, protective tariffs and customs
are imposed to protect local industries.
Q: What is the nature of the power to tax?
A: The nature of the power to tax is two-fold:
1. inherent and Q: What are the basic principles of a sound tax system (Canons of Taxation)?
2. legislative.
1. Lifeblood theory (Necessity theory) 1. Fiscal adequacy - Revenue raised must be sufficient to meet government/public
2. Benefits-protection theory (Doctrine of Symbiotic Relationship) expenditures and other public needs.
It involves the power of the State to demand and receive taxes based on 2. Administrative feasibility - Tax laws must be clear and concise. Capable of
the reciprocal duties of support and protection between the State and its citizen. effective and efficient enforcement. Convenient as to time and manner of
The government for its part is expected to respond in the form of tangible and payment; must not obstruct business growth and economic development.
intangible benefits. Special benefits to taxpayers are not required. A person 3. Theoretical justice - Ability to Pay Theory).
cannot object to or resist the payment of taxes solely because no personal benefit
to him can be pointed out arising from the tax. POWER OF TAXATION COMPARED WITH OTHER POWERS OF THE STATE

Q: What are the distinctions among the three inherent powers of the State?
Q: What are the characteristics of the power to tax?
1. Comprehensive - It covers persons, businesses, activities, professions, rights and Purpose
privileges. To raise revenue in order Promotion of general To facilitate the taking of
to support of the welfare through private property for public
Government regulations purpose


Persons affected 2. It should be uniform;
Upon the community or Upon community or class On an individual as the 3. That either the person or property being taxed be within the jurisdiction of the
class of of owner of a particular taxing authority; and
Amount of monetary imposition 4. The tax must not impinge on the inherent and constitutional limitations on the
No ceiling except inherent Limited to the cost of No imposition, the owner power of taxation.
limitations regulation, issuance of is paid the fair market
license or surveillance value of his property
Scope of legislative power in taxation?
Benefits received
Protection of a secured Maintenance of healthy The person receives the
organized society, benefits economic standard of fair market value of the 1. The determination of: [SAP-MAKS]
received from society/ No direct benefit property taken from him/ a. Subject of Taxation
government/ No direct direct benefit results b. Amount or Rate of Tax
benefit c. Purposes
Non-Impairment of contracts d. Method of collection
Tax laws generally do not Contracts may be impaired Contracts may be impaired e. Apportionment of the tax
impair contracts, unless: f. Kind of tax to be collected
government is party to g. Situs of taxation
contract granting
exemption for a 2. The grant tax exemptions and condonations.
Note: It is incorrect to state that the 3 powers are all exercised by the legislature because
3. The power to specify or provide for administrative as well as judicial remedies.
there are other entities which can exercise the said powers.


More comprehensive than customs duty Only a kind of tax therefore limited coverage
Q: Define taxes.
A: These are enforced proportional contributions from persons and properties,
Persons, property, etc. Goods imported or exported
levied by the State by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the government
and for all its public needs. TAX PENALTY
Q: What are the characteristics of taxes? An enforced proportional contribution from Sanction imposed as a punishment for a violation
A: SLEP4 persons and property for public purpose/s. of the law or acts deemed injurious; violation of
tax laws may give rise to imposition of penalty.
1. It is levied by the State which has jurisdiction over the person or property
2. It is levied by the State through its Law-making body To raise revenue To regulate conduct
3. It is an Enforced contribution not dependent on the will of the person taxed.
4. It is generally Payable in money TAX TOLL
5. It is Proportionate in character Definition
6. It is levied on Persons and property An enforced proportional contribution from A consideration paid for the use of a road, bridge
7. It is levied for a Public purpose. persons and property for public purpose/s. or the like, of a public nature.
Demand of sovereignty Demand of proprietorship
Requisites of a valid tax - PUJI Amount
1. It should be for a public purpose;


Generally the amount is unlimited Amount is limited to the cost and maintenance
of public improvement TAX SPECIAL ASSESSMENT
Purpose Nature
For the support of the government For the use of another’s property An enforced proportional An enforced proportional
Authority contribution from contribution from owners
May be imposed by the State only May be imposed by private individuals or entities persons and property for of lands especially those
public purpose/s. who are peculiarly
TAX LICENSE FEE benefited by public
Purpose improvements
Imposed to raise revenue For regulation and control Subject
Basis Imposed on persons, Levied only on
Collected under the power of taxation Collected under police power property rights or
Amount transactions land
Generally, amount is unlimited Limited to the necessary expenses of regulation Person Liable
and control A personal liability of the Not a personal liability of
Subject taxpayer the person assessed
Imposed on persons, property, rights or Imposed on the exercise of a right or privilege Purpose
transaction For the support of the Contribution to the cost of
Effect of Non-Payment government public improvement
Non-payment does not make the business Non-payment makes the business illegal Scope
illegal Regular exaction Exceptional as to time and
Time of Payment locality
Normally paid after the start of business Normally paid before the commencement of the


Imposed to raise For regulation and control
revenue Limitations on the power to tax?
Basis 1. Inherent limitations – otherwise known as “elements or characteristics of
Collected under the Collected under police power taxation”. [SPINE]
power of taxation a. Situs or territoriality
b. Public purpose
Generally, amount is Limited to the necessary
unlimited expenses of regulation and c. International comity
control d. Non-delegability of the taxing power itself
Subject e. Exemption of the Government
Imposed on persons, Imposed on the exercise of a
property, rights or right or privilege
2. Constitutional Limitations
Effect of Non-Payment
Non-payment does not Non-payment makes the Tests in determining public purpose
make the business business illegal 1. Duty test - Whether the thing to be furthered by the appropriation of public
revenue is something which is the duty of the State as a government to provide.
Time of Payment
Normally paid after the Normally paid before the 2. Promotion of general welfare test - Whether the proceeds of the tax will
start of business commencement of the directly promote the welfare of the community in equal measure.


Q: What are the non-delegable legislative powers? A:
A: SuPuR2 1. The same:
1. Selection of Subject to be taxed a. object or property is taxed twice
2. Determination of Purposes for which taxes shall be levied b. by the same taxing authority
3. Fixing of the Rate/amount of taxation c. for the same taxing purpose
4. Situs of tax d. within the same tax period
5. Kind of Tax
2. Taxing all the objects or property for the first time without taxing all of them for
Q: What are the rules on tax exemptions of government agencies or the second time.
A: Escape from Taxation
1. If the taxing authority is the National Government:
GR: The government is exempt from tax. Q: What are the basic forms of escape from taxation?
XPN: When it chooses to tax itself.
2. If the taxing authority is the local government unit, RA 7160 expressly prohibits A: SCATE2
local government units from levyin tax on the National Government, its agencies
and instrumentalities and other LGUs. 1. Shifting
2. Capitalization
1. Agencies performing governmental functions are tax exempt unless expressly 3. Avoidance
taxed. 4. Transformation
2. Agencies performing proprietary functions are subject to tax unless expressly 5. Evasion
exempted. 6. Exemption

STAGES/ASPECTS OF TAXATION Q: What is tax avoidance?

The stages/aspects of a system of taxation are as follows: [LAcPR] aka Tax Minimization -- is the tax saving device within the means sanctioned by
1. Tax Legislation (Levy or Imposition) –enactment of a law by Congress
authorizing the imposition of tax. A: It is the scheme where the taxpayer uses legally permissible alternative
Levy=Imposition refers to the act of imposition by the legislature which method of assessing taxable property or income, in order to avoid or reduce tax
is done through the enactment of a tax law. liability.
2. Tax Administration (Assessment and Collection) – implementation of the tax
law by executive through its administrative agencies. The act of assessing and Q: What is tax evasion?
collecting taxes is administrative in character, and therefore can be delegated.
3. Payment A: It is the scheme where the taxpayer uses illegal or fraudulent means to defeat
4. Refund or lessen payment of a tax.

Note: If what is delegated is tax legislation, the delegation is invalid. If what is delegated is Q: What are the elements to be considered in determining that there is tax
tax administration, the delegation is valid. (Then there is no delegation to speak of, because evasion?
tax administration pertains to the executive or administrative agencies). Levy or the
imposition of tax cannot be delegated since it is exclusively conferred with the Congress.
1. End to be achieved - less or absence of payment
2. Accompanying State of mind - wilful or deliberate and not accidental; and
Q: What are the elements of direct double taxation?
3. Course of action which is unlawful. arising from non-payment
of taxes
Q: Distinguish tax avoidance from tax evasion? Grantee
General pardon given to A freedom from a charge or
all erring taxpayers burden to which others are
How applied
Legal and not subject to criminal penalty Illegal and subject to criminal penalty
Applied retroactively Applied prospectively
Presence of actual revenue loss
Minimization of taxes Almost always results in absence of tax
There is revenue loss None, because there was
since there was actually no actual taxes due as the
taxes due but collection person or transaction is
Exemption from Taxation was waived by the protected by tax
Tax Exemption - grant of immunity from tax, express or implied government exemption.


1. Personal in nature and covers only taxes for which the grantee is directly liable.
Note: It cannot be transferred or assigned by the person to whom it is given Nature of tax laws?
without the consent of the State. 1. Not political
2. Strictly construed against the taxpayer. 2. Civil in nature
3. Exemptions are not presumed. But when public property is involved, exemption 3. Not penal in character
is the rule, and taxation, the exception.
How are tax laws construed?
Compromise 1. Generally, no person or property is subject to tax unless within the terms or
Q: Who are the persons allowed to enter into compromise of tax obligations? plain import of a taxing statute.
A: The law allows the following persons to do compromise in behalf of the 2. Tax laws are generally prospective in nature.
government: 3. Where the language is clear and categorical, the words employed are to be given
1. BIR Commissioner, as expressly authorized by the NIRC, and subject to the their ordinary meaning.
following conditions: 4. When there is doubt, tax laws are strictly construed against the Government
a. When a reasonable doubt as to validity of the claim against the taxpayer exists; and liberally in favor of the taxpayer.
or Note: Taxes, being burdens, are not to be presumed beyond what the statute
b. The financial position of the taxpayer demonstrates a clear inability to pay the expressly and clearly provides.
assessed tax. 5. Provisions of the taxing act are not to be extended by implication.
2. Collector of Customs, with respect to customs duties limited to cases where the 6. Tax laws are special laws and prevail over general laws.
legitimate authority is specifically granted such as in the remission of duties.
3. Customs Commissioner, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Finance, in Q: What are the powers and duties of the BIR?
cases involving the imposition of fines, surcharges, and forfeitures. 1. Assessment and collection of all national internal revenue taxes, fees and
Q: Distinguish tax amnesty from tax exemption. 2. Enforcement of all forfeitures, penalties and fines;
TAX AMNESTY TAX EXEMPTION 3. Execution of judgments in all cases decided in its favor (by the CTA and regular
Scope of immunity courts);
Immunity from all Immunity from civil liability
4. Give effect and administer the supervisory and police powers conferred to it by
criminal, civil and only
administrative obligations the NIRC and other laws.


5. Recommend to the Secretary of Finance all needful rules and regulations for the
effective enforcement of the provision of the NIRC. TAX REMEDIES UNDER THE NIRC
1. Taxpayer’s Remedies
To Inquire into bank deposits of 2. Government Remedies
a. Decedent to determine his gross income;
b. A taxpayer who filed application to compromise payment of tax liability by Q: What are the remedies available to the taxpayer?
reason of financial incapacity; safeguards of the taxpayer’s rights against arbitrary action.
c. A specific taxpayer or taxpayers subject of a request for the supply of tax 1. Administrative
information from a foreign tax authority pursuant to an international convention a. Before payment of taxes:
or agreement on tax matters to which the Philippines is a signatory or a party of. a. Dispute Assessment (Protest)
Provided, that the information obtained from the banks and other financial i. Request for reconsideration
institutions may be used by the BIR for tax assessment, verification, audit and ii. Request for reinvestigation
enforcement purposes; b. Entering a compromise agreement
b. After payment of taxes:
Q: What are the powers of the BIR which cannot be delegated? a. Claim for Tax Refund
1. To Recommend promulgation of rules and regulations by the Secretary of 2. Judicial
Finance; a. Civil
2. To Issue rulings of first impression or to reverse, revoke or modify any existing b. Criminal
rule of the BIR;
3. To Compromise or abate any tax liability; 3. Substantive
XPN: The Regional Evaluation Board may compromise assessments involving a. Question validity of tax statute/ regulation
deficiency taxes of P500,000 or less and minor crime violations. b. Non-retroactivity of rulings
4. To Assign or reassign internal revenue officers to establishments where articles c. Must be informed of the legal and factual bases of assessment
subject to excise tax are kept. d. Preservation of books of accounts and examination once a year

Suspension of Business Operation Q: State the “No injunction to restrain tax collection rule.”
Q: When can the CIR suspend the business operation of a taxpayer? A:
GR: Under this rule, “No court shall have the authority to grant an injunction to
1. In the case of VAT-registered person: restrain the collection of any national internal revenue, tax, fee or charge.” (Sec.
a. Failure to issue receipts or invoices; 219, R.A. 8424)
b. Failure to file a VAT return as required under Sec. 114; or
c. Understatement of taxable sales or receipts by 30% or more of his correct XPN: The CTA can issue injunction in aid of its appellate jurisdiction if in its
taxable sales or receipts for the taxable quarter. opinion the same may jeopardize the interest of the government and/or the
taxpayer. In this instance, the court may require the taxpayer either to deposit the
2. Failure of any person to Register as required under Sec. 236: amount claimed or file a surety bond for not more than double the amount with
The temporary closure of the establishment shall be for the duration of not less the court. (RA 1125 as amended by RA 9282)
than 5 days and shall be lifted only upon compliance with whatever requirements
prescribed by the CIR in the closure order. (Sec. 115 NIRC)


Note: There is no express provision in the lg prohibiting courts from issuing an GR: only those with locus standi
injunction to restrain local givernment from collecting tax
XPN: However, the SC has discretion as to whether or not entertain a taxpayer’s
Doctrine of Equitable Recoupment suit and could brush aside the lack of locus standi where the issues are of
transcendental importance in keeping with the court’s duty to determine that
It is a principle which allows a taxpayer, whose claim for refund has been barred public offices have not abused the discretion given to them.
due to prescription, to recover said tax by setting off the prescribed refund against
a tax that may be due and collectible from him. Under this doctrine, the taxpayer The following determines the importance of transcendental importance:
is allowed to credit such refund to his existing tax liability. a. The character of the funds or other assets involved in the case;
b. The presence of a clear case of disregard of a constitutional or statutory
Note: The Supreme Court, rejected this doctrine in Collector v. UST (G.R. No. L- prohibition by the public respondent agency or instrumentality of the
11274, Nov. 28, 1958), since it may work to tempt both parties to delay and neglect government;
their respective pursuits of legal action within the period set by law. c. The lack of any other party with a more direct and specific interest in raising the
questions being raised.
Taxpayer’s suit
It is a case where the act complained of directly involves the illegal disbursement Ripeness for Judicial Determination
of public funds collected through taxation. When the government's act being challenged has a direct adverse effect on the
individual challenging it. Personal injury must be shown.
Taxpayer’s Suit Distinguished From Citizens Suit
> The act compalined of directly involves the illegal disbursement of public funds. What is the Doctrine of Ripeness for Review?
> the plaintiff is affected by the expenditure of public funds
A: This doctrine is the similar to that of exhaustion of administrative remedies
> In matter of mere public right, the people are the real partie. It is at least the except that it applies to the rule making and to administrative action which is
right, if not the duty, of every citizen to institute in protection of the general embodied neither in rules and regulations nor in adjudication or final order.
> the plaintiff is but the mere instrument of the public concern. Note: It is applicable when the Interest of the plaintiff is subjected to or
imminently threatened with substantial injury; if the statute is Self-executing;
Requisites of a taxpayer's suit, for him to establish locus standi when a party is immediately confronted with the problem of complying or
a. Public funds are disbursed by a political subdivision or instrumentality and in violating a statute and there is a risk of Criminal penalties; or when plaintiff is
doing so, a law is violated or some irregularity is committed; and harmed by the Vagueness of the statute. VICS
b. Petitioner is directly affected by the alleged ultra vires act.
Concept Of Locus Standi As Applied In Taxation
Q: What is a notice of assessment?
Q: When may a taxpayer's suit be allowed?
A: It is a written notice to a taxpayer to the effect that the amount stated therein
A: A taxpayer's suit may only be allowed when an act complained of, which may is due as tax and containing a demand for the payment. It is a finding by the taxing
include a legislative enactment, directly involves the illegal disbursement of public agency that the taxpayer has not paid his correct taxes.
funds derived from taxation
Q: What are the principles governing tax assessments?
Principle of Transcendental Importance A: PAD3


When is Assessment Made
1. Assessments:
a. Prima facie presumed correct and made in good faith; A: When it is released, mailed or sent by the collector of internal revenue to the
b. Should be based on Actual facts; (estimates can also be a basis given that it is taxpayer within the three-year or ten-year period, as the case may be. (CIR v.
not arrived at arbitrarily or capriciously) Pascor, GR 128315, June 29, 1999)
c. Discretionary on the part of the Commissioner;
d. Must be DIrected to the right party. It is the sending of the notice and not the receipt that tolls the prescriptive
period. (Basilan v. CIR, GR L-22492, Sept. 5, 1967)
2. The authority vested in the Commissioner to assess taxes may be Delegated
Q: What is Delinquency Tax and Deficiency Tax?
Q: Is the assessment made by the CIR subject to judicial review? 1. Delinquency Tax – a taxpayer is considered delinquent in the payment of taxes
A: No, for such power is discretionary. What may be the subject of a judicial review when:
is the decision of the CIR on the protest against the assessment, not the a. Self-assessed tax per return filed by the taxpayer on the prescribed
assessment itself. date was not paid at all or only partially paid; or
b. Deficiency tax assessed by the BIR becomes final and executory.
Q: What are the different ways of paying taxes? 2. Deficiency Tax –
1. Pay-as-you-file system a. The amount by which the tax imposed by law as determined by the CIR or his
2. Installment payment authorized representative exceeds the amount shown as tax by the taxpayer upon
his return; or
Requisites for Valid Assessment b. If no amount is shown as tax by the taxpayer upon his return is made by the
The assessment must: taxpayer, then the amount by which the tax as determined by the CIR or his
1. Be in writing and signed by the BIR; authorized representative exceeds the amounts previously assessed or collected
2. Contain the law and the facts on which the assessment is made; and without assessment as deficiency.
3. Contain a demand for payment within the prescribed period. (Sec. 228, NIRC)
Delinquency Tax Deficiency Tax
Constructive Method of Income Determination Collection
Can immediately be collected administratively Can be collected through administrative and/or
through the issuance of a warrant of distraint judicial remedies but has to go through the
Q: If the taxpayer’s record or methods of accounting are not reflective of his true and levy, and/or judicial action process of filling the protest by the taxpayer
income, what methods may be utilized by the CIR to determine the correct taxable against the assessment and the denial of such
income of the taxpayer? protest by the BIR
Civil Action
The filing of a civil action for the collection of the The filling of a civil action at the ordinary court
1. Net worth method delinquent tax in the ordinary court is a proper for collection during the pendency of protest
2. Cash expenditure method remedy may be the subject of a motion to dismiss. In
3. Percentage method addition to a motion to dismiss, the taxpayer
must file a petition for review with the CTA to
4. Bank deposit method
toll the running of the prescriptive period
5. Unit and value method Penalties
6. Third party information or access to records method A delinquent tax is subject to A deficiency tax is generally not subject to the
7. Surveillance and assessment method administrative penalties such as 25% surcharge, 25%
8. Such methods as in the opinion of the BIR Commissioner clearly reflect the interest, and compromise penalty surcharge, although subject to interest and
compromise penalty
Q: When is a return considered filed for purposes of prescription?
A: When the return is valid and appropriate. 5. Where the CIR is prohibited from making the assessment or beginning distraint or levy or a
1. Valid – When it has complied substantially with the requirements of law. proceeding in court for 60 days thereafter, such as where there is a Pending petition for
2. Appropriate – When it is a return for the particular tax required by law. review in the CTA from the decision on the protested assessment (Republic v. Ker & Co., GR L-
6. Where CIR and the taxpayer Agreed in writing for the extension of the assessment, the tax
may be assessed within the period so agreed upon (Sec. 222 [b], NIRC);
DATE OF FILING PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD 7. When there is an Answer filed by the BIR to the petition for review in the CTA (Hermanos v.
Filed ON due date 3 years from due date CIR, GR. No. L-24972. Sept. 30, 1969) where the court justified this by saying that in the
Filed BEFORE due date 3 years from due date answer filed by the BIR, it prayed for the collection of taxes.
Filed beyond due date 3 years from actual filing
Fraudulent filing 10 years from discovery of bad RR 18-13 Amending 12-99 re due process requirement for the issuance of a
faith/fraud Deficiency Tax Assessment
Non-filing 10 years from discovery of non-filing
Waiver by Tx: Depends on the assessment of the parties provided that the PAN – is a form of informal conference with the taxpayer and allows the BIR to
agreement to extend is executed prior to expiration of the original period of open his books of account. The taxpayer’s refusal to open books of account will
assessment cause the BIR to issue a jeopardy assessment. FAN is later issued. Mandatory;
NON-FILING v. LATE FILING otherwise assessment is void.
If the filing of return is BEYOND the taxable year = NON-FILING
If the filing is made WITHIN THE TAXABLE YEAR BUT BEYOND THE DUE Assessment = Liquidation in TCC
FAN – assessment for deficiency tax

Q: What is the effect of filing a defective return? NO PAN is REQUIRED: DREAM

A: If the return was defective, it is as if no return was filed. The corollary (i) When the finding for any deficiency tax is the result of mathematical error in
prescription will be 10 years from and after the discovery of the failure or omission the computation of the tax appearing on the face of the tax return filed by the
and not the 3 year prescriptive period. taxpayer; or
(ii) When a discrepancy has been determined between the tax withheld and the
Q: When is an amendment considered substantial? amount actually remitted by the withholding agent; or
1. There is under declaration (exceeding 30% of that declared) of taxable sales,
receipts or income; or (iii) When a taxpayer who opted to claim a refund or tax credit of excess creditable
2. There is overstatement (exceeding 30% of deductions) (Sec. 248, NIRC) withholding tax for a taxable period was determined to have carried over and
automatically applied the same amount claimed against the estimated tax
GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OF PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD OF ASSESSMENT liabilities for the taxable quarter or quarters of the succeeding taxable year; or
1. When taxpayer cannot be Located in the address given by him in the return (iv) When the excise tax due on excisable articles has not been paid; or
filed upon which a tax is being assessed or collected.
2. When the taxpayer is Out of the Philippines (Sec. 223, NIRC) (v) When an article locally purchased or imported by an exempt person, such as,
3. When the Warrant of distraint and levy is duly served upon the taxpayer and but not limited to, vehicles, capital equipment, machineries and spare parts, has
no property is located. been sold, traded or transferred to non-exempt persons.
4. When the taxpayer Requests for reinvestigation which is granted by the
Commissioner *In the above-cited cases, a FLD/FAN shall be issued outright.


Premise: Sec. 5 of the NIRC provide for powers of BIR to determine whether or It may involve a It may involve a
not the entries in the return are true and correct. When BIR exercises any or all the question of fact or law question of fact or law
powers in Sec 5-15 of NIRC and has NEGATIVE findings, an investigation will be or both. or both.
conducted. Note: It need not be in a form of a pleading and may be a letter for reinvestigation, re-
computation or motion for reconsideration. Taxpayer shall state the facts, the applicable law,
1. Letter of Authority shall first be issued.
rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on which his protest is based, otherwise, his protest
2. PAN (Preliminary Assessment Notice) for the proposed assessment. shall be void and without force and effect.
Showing in detail, the facts and the law, RRs, or jurisprudence on
which the proposed assessment is based. 2 KINDS OF PROTEST
1. Complete – the protest includes all necessary documents
2. Incomplete – the documents may be completed and within a period of
15 DAYS from receipt of PAN
time as maybe required by the BIR which period shall not exceed 60 days
NO Response Response – YES
Taxpayer – IN DEFAULT That he/it disagrees with the findings of
deficiency tax or taxes.
Within 60 DAYS from FILING of PROTEST
BIR shall issue a Formal Letter of Demand Within 15 DAYS from filing/submission of Taxpayer shall submit all Otherwise, the assessment
and Final Assessment Notice (FLD/FAN), the taxpayer’s response BIR shall issue relevant supporting shall become final.
calling for payment of the taxpayer's FLD/FAN calling for payment of documents
deficiency tax liability, inclusive of the the taxpayer's deficiency tax “Final” - shall mean the
applicable penalties. liability, inclusive of the taxpayer is barred from
applicable penalties. disputing the correctness of
the issued assessment by
introduction of newly
discovered or additional
3. FAN (Final Assessment Notice) evidence, and the FDDA shall
FLD/FAN shall be issued by the Commissioner or his duly authorized consequently be denied.
representative. Shall state the facts, the law, rules and regulations, or
jurisprudence on which the assessment is based; otherwise, the
assessment shall be void.
DENIED, in whole or in part NON-ACTION
Disputed Assessment
Within 30 DAYS (non-extendible) from receipt of FLD/FAN Within 30 Within 30 DAYS from RECON: WITHIN 180 DAYS from filing
Taxpayer may PROTEST Administratively Otherwise, the assessment shall become DAYS from receipt of decision, of protest
against FLD/FAN, he/it may file a written final, executory and demandable. receipt of OR elevate (Admin REINVESTIGATION: 180 days from
request for reconsideration or (beyond 30 days, become automatically decision, Appeal) thru date of submission of the required
reinvestigation denied) APPEAL to RECONSIDERATION to documents within sixty 60 days from
CTA Commissioner the date of filing
>Request for Within 30 DAYS Await the final
FORMS OF PROTEST reinvestigation – NOT from the decision of the
ALLOWED and expiration of REP on the
Involves re-evaluation Involves presentation
>Only issues raised in 180-day period, disputed
of assessment based of newly-discovered or
the decision of the Rep APPEAL to CTA , assessment
on existing records. additional evidence.
s/b entertained by the
It does not toll the It tolls the Statute of Comm. OR
Statute of Limitations. Limitations.

Note: NO appeal to the CIR from failure to act by the CIR's rep.


Q: What is the method used in the collection of taxes?
Protest/ADMIN Appeal_ BY THE COMM A: The legislature may adopt any reasonable method for the effective
DENIED, in whole or in part NON-ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS from enforcement of the collection of taxes, subject to:
Filing 1. The right of the person to notice; and
Within 30 days Otherwise, Within 30 DAYS Await the final 2. The opportunity to be heard.
from receipt of the assessment from the decision of the
decision, APPEAL shall become final, expiration of 180- Comm. on the
Q: How is judicial action for the collection of tax commences?
to CTA executory and day period, disputed
demandable APPEAL to CTA , assessment and 1. By the filing of a complaint with the proper court of first instance, or where the
appeal such final assessment is appealed to the CTA; or
OR decision to the CTA 2. By filing an answer to the taxpayer's petition for review wherein payment of the
within 30 days after tax is prayed for. (Fernandez Hermanos, Inc. v. CIR, GR L-21551, Sept. 30, 1969)
the receipt of a
copy of such Criminal Action
decision. Q: What are the criminal actions available for the taxpayer?
MR of the Commissioner’s denial shall **In case of inaction *Mutually exclusive A: Filing of criminal complaint against erring BIR officials and employees.
not toll the thirty (30)-day period to and the resort to one bars the application
Note: With the enactment of the new CTA law (RA 9282) amending RA No. 1125,
appeal to the CTA. of the other.
CTA now has jurisdiction over criminal cases.
**If BIR issues a decision granting/denying the protest after the 180-day period and there is
already an appeal pending in the CTA division, the appeal shall continue and the taxpayer shall
manifest before the CTA that BIR has issued a decision. Is there a need to file another appeal TAX REFUND TAX CREDIT
on the decision of the BIR? There is no need for filing of a new appeal as one already pending The taxpayer asks for The taxpayer asks
or inform CTA of BIR decision if protest is denied. If the BIR decision is in favour if the tx, tx can restitution of the that the money paid
withdraw his appeal or inform CTA of BIR decision if protest is denied. money paid as tax be applied to his
existing tax liability
Appeal is to CTA DIVISION first.
2-yr period to file the 2-yr period starts
Period to appeal to CTA en banc? Law is silent so apply the 15-day period of the RC.
claim with the CIR from the date such
starts after the credit was allowed –
CTA Jurisdiction - P 1M & above exclusive of interest, penalties, surcharges
payment of the tax or in case credit is
penalty wrongly made
What are the requisites for a tax refund or tax credit?
1. There must be a written claim with the CIR, as it would enable the CIR to correct
Return is filed on or before 3 years from due date 5 years from receipt of A
due date the errors of his subordinate and to notify the government;
Return is filed after due 3 years from the actual 5 years from receipt of A 2. Must be a categorical claim for refund or credit;
date filing 3. Must be filed within 2 years after the payment of the tax or penalty otherwise
Fraudulent filing of return 10 years from the 5 years from receipt of A no refund or credit could be taken. No suit or proceeding shall be instituted after
discovery of fraud/bad the expiration of the 2 year period regardless of any supervening cause that may
faith arise after payment; and
Non-filing 10 years from discover of 5 years from receipt of A 4. Present proof of payment of the tax.
No assessment is issued by the BIR 10 years from discovery of 2-year - admin. Claim
The BIR may opt not to issue assessment when: filing of fraudulent return
120-day waiting period (CIR decides within 120-day from submission of docs re
1. Return is filed fraudulently; or or non-filing
No return is filed
application for tax refund/credit) - MANDATORY & Jurisdictional


Q: Alyanna has a pending claim for refund with the CIR. The 2-year period is about to end and
Illegaly Collected Tax Erroneously collected tax the CIR has yet to decide on the claim. What must Alyanna do to pursue her claim for refund?
There is a violation of certain provisions of tax No violation of the law but there is a mistake in A: A claim for refund must be filed with the BIR and the commencement of the proceedings in
law or statute. collection. the CTA must be done within the 2-year period from the date of full payment of the tax or
On the part of the Taxpayer penalty regarless of any supervening event. Thus, Alyanna must commence the proceedings
The tax was paid by him under duress. The payment was made under a mistake of fact. with the CTA before the end of the 2-year period without waiting for the decision of the CIR.
On the part of the Government
The tax was collected in patent disregard of the The collection was made based on a
law. misapplication of the law.
Government Remedies

Q: Is a deficiency tax assessment a bar to a claim for tax refund or tax credit? Q: What are the administrative remedies of the government for collection of
A: Yes, the deficiency tax assessment is a bar to a tax refund or credit. delinquent taxes under the NIRC?

Q: Is the government liable for interests on tax refunds? A: CELCED

GR: There can be no interest on refund of tax. 1. Distraint of personal property
XPNs: 2. Levy of real property
1. If interest is authorized by law. 3. Enforcement of forfeiture
2. Arbitrariness in the collection of tax.
4. Enforcement of tax lien
3. Under Sec. 79 C [2] with respect to income taxes withheld on the wages of the
employees. 5. Compromise and Abatement
6. Civil penalties
Q: What should be done within the the 2-year prescriptive period for tax refund?
A: It is necessary that the: Q: Define distraint.
1. Claim for refund in the BIR; and A: It is a summary remedy whereby the collection of tax is enforced on the goods,
2. Proceeding in the CTA chattels or effects of the taxpayer (including other personal property of whatever
character as well as stocks and other securities, debts, credits, bank accounts and
Is commenced within the 2-year prescriptive period counted from the date of full payment interest in or rights to personal property.) The property may be offered in a public
of the tax or penalty regarless of any supervening event. (Sec. 229, NIRC)
sale, if taxes are not voluntarily paid.
Zero-rated (frim the close of taxable quarter)

Note: This 2-year prescriptive period applies only for the recovery of taxes or penalties Q: What are the requisites for the exercise of distraint (and levy)?
erroneously, excessively, illegally or wrongfully collected. Accordingly, an ordinary claim for
tax credit would prescribe in 10 years under Art 1144 NCC. A: DeF–DeP
1. Taxpayer is Delinquent in payment of tax;
Q: State the reckoning of the 2-year prescriptive periods for tax refunds. 2. There must be subsequent Demand to pay;
1. Tax is paid in installments – 2 years should be counted from the date of the final payment. 3. Taxpayer Failed to pay delinquent tax on time; and
2. Payments effected through the withholding tax system – It is from the end of the
4. Period within which to assess and collect the tax due has not yet prescribed.
taxable year or when the tax liability falls due that the 2 year prescriptive starts to run.
3. In corporate dissolution – The 2-year prescriptive period should be counted from 30 days
after the approval by the SEC of its plan of dissolution. Q: What are the kinds of distraint?
1. Actual – resorted to when there is actual delinquency in tax payment.
Q: Is payment under protest a requirement? 2. Constructive – a preventive remedy which aims at forestalling a possible
A: No. A suit or proceeding for tax refund may be maintained “whether or not such tax, dissipation of the taxpayer’s assets when delinquency sets in. Hence, no actual
penalty or sum has been paid under protest or duress.” delinquency in payment is necessary.


Q: Define levy. 2. Civil cases – Before litigation or at any stage of the litigation, even during appeal,
A: It is the seizure of real property and interest in or rights to such properties for although legal propriety demands that prior leave of court should be obtained.
the satisfaction of taxes due from the delinquent taxpayer.
Q: What are the requisites for Compromise:
Q: When may levy on real property be made? 1. Tax liability of the taxpayer;
A: It may be made before, simultaneously or after the distraint of personal 2. An offer of the taxpayer of an amount to be paid by him; and
property of the same taxpayer. 3. The acceptance (the CIR or the taxpayer) of the offer in the settlement of the
Q: Define forfeiture.
A: It is the divestiture of property without compensation, in consequence of a Q: What are the grounds for a compromise?
default or offense. 1. Doubtful validity of assessment; or
2. Financial incapacity
Enforcement of Tax Lien
Q: What is meant by tax lien? Q: What are the requisites in order that compromise settlement on the ground
A: It is a legal claim or charge on property, personal or real, established by law as of financial incapacity may be allowed?
a sort of security for the payment of tax obligations. 1. Clear inability to pay the tax; and
2. The taxpayer must waive in writing his privilege of the secrecy of bank deposit
Q: Is tax itself a lien? under RA 1405 or other general or special laws, which shall constitute as the CIR’s
A: Tax is not a lien even upon the property against which it is assessed, unless authority to inquire into said bank deposits (Sec. 6 [F], NIRC)
expressly made so by statute.
Q: What is meant by abatement of tax liability?
Q: What is the nature of tax lien? A: It is the cancellation of a tax liability.
A: It is enforced as payment of tax, interest, penalties, costs upon the entire
property and rights to property of the taxpayer. However, to be valid against any Q: When is the CIR authorized to abate or cancel a tax liability?
mortgagee, purchaser or judgment creditor, notice of such lien has to be filed by 1. The tax or any portion thereof appears to be unjustly or excessively assessed; or
CIR with the Registry of Deeds. (Sec. 219, NIRC) 2. The administration and collection costs involved do not justify the collection of
the amount due. (Sec. 204[B], NIRC)
Compromise and Abatement
Criminal Action
Q: What is meant by compromise? Q: What is the purpose for filing a criminal complaint?
A: It is an agreement between two or more persons who, amicably settle their A: Criminal complaint is instituted not to demand payment but to penalize
differences on such terms and conditions as they may agree on to avoid any taxpayer for the violation of the NIRC.
lawsuit between them. It implies the mutual agreement by the parties in regard to
the thing or subject matter which is to be compromised. Q: What is the nature of this remedy?
It is a contract whereby the parties, by reciprocal concessions avoid litigation or A: Criminal action is resorted to not only for collection of taxes but also for
put an end to one already commenced. enforcement of statutory penalties of all sorts.

Q: When must compromise be made? Compromise Abatement

1. Criminal cases – Compromise must be made prior to the filing of the information Involves a reduction of the taxpayer’s liability. Involves the cancellation of the entire tax
liability of a taxpayer.
in court. Officers authorized to compromise: CIR and Officer authorized to abate or cancel tax,
Regional Evaluation Board penalties and/or interest: CIR


Grounds: Grounds:
2. Reasonable doubt as to the validity of 1. The tax or any portion thereof appears to be
assessment; unjustly or excessively assessed; or
3. Financial incapacity of the taxpayer 2. The administration and collection costs
involved do not justify the collection of the
amount due.


II. National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as amended c) Source principle - a non-resident alien is subject to Philippine income
tax because he derives income from such sources within the Philippines
INCOME TAXATION such as dividend, interest, rent or royalty.

1. Income tax systems 4. Types of Philippine income tax

a) Global tax system - all income received by the taxpayer are grouped 1. Presumptive Income Tax – A scale of income taxes is imposed in
together, without any distinction as to the type or nature of the income, and after relation to a group of person’s actual expenditure and the presumed income.
deducting therefrom expenses and other allowable deductions, are subjected to 2. Composite Tax – A tax consisting of a series of separate quasi-personal
tax at a fixed rate. taxes, assessed on the particular source of income with a superimposed personal
tax on the income as a whole.
b) Schedular tax system - the various types or items of income 3. Unitary Income Tax – Incomes are arranged according to source. The
(compensation, business or professional income) are classified accordingly and separate items are added together and the rate applied to the resulting total
are accorded different tax treatments, in accordance with schedules income.
characterized by graduated tax rates. Since these types of income are treated
separately, the allowable deductions shall likewise vary for each type of income. Q: What are the different types of income taxes under the NIRC?
1. Personal Income Tax on individuals
c) Semi-schedular or semi-global tax system - A system where the 2. Regular corporate income tax on corporations
compensation, business or professional income, capital gain and passive income 3. Minimum corporate income tax on corporations
not subject to final tax, and other income are added together to arrive at the gross 4. Capital gains tax on sale of shares of stocks of a domestic corporation outside
income, and after deducting the sum of allowable deductions from business or an exchange by a person who is not a dealer in securities and capital gains tax on
professional income, capital gain and passive income not subject to final tax, and sale of real property classified as a capital asset by a person who is not a real estate
other income, in the case of corporations, as well as personal and additional dealer or developer
exemptions, in the case of individual taxpayers, the taxable income is subjected to 5. Tax on passive investment income, such as interest, dividend, and royalty;
one set of graduated tax rates; method of taxation under the law. 6. Fringe benefit tax
7. Branch profit remittance tax on Philippine branches of foreign corporations
2. Features of the Philippine income tax law 8. Tax on improperly accumulated earnings tax of corporations
a) Direct tax - tax burden is borne by the income tax receipient upon 9. Final withholding income tax on certain income from sources within the
whom the tax is imposed. Philippines payable to resident (i.e. interests on bank deposits) or non resident
b) Progressive - it provides graduated rates of income tax. persons (i.e. interests on foreign loans or management fees paid to non resident
c) Comprehensive - by using the nationality, residence, and source rules. foreign corporation), or to certain special persons (i.e. OBU, ROHQ, PEZA or
d) Semi-schedular or semi-global tax system - SMBA-registered enterprises.)

3. Criteria in imposing Philippine income tax 5. Taxable period

a) Citizenship principle - A citizen taxpayer is subject to income tax: a) Calendar period - accounting period from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.
a. On his worldwide income, if he resides in the Philippines. b. b) Fiscal period - accounting period of 12 months ending on the last day
Only on his income from sources within the Philippines, if he of any month other than Dec.
qualifies as non-resident citizen. c) Short period
b) Residence principle - a resident alien is liable to pay income tax on his
income from sources within the Philippines but exempt from tax on his
income from sources outside the Philippines.
Q: Can there be a taxable period of less than 12 months?


A: A taxpayer may have a taxable period of less than 12 months where: DiNe-ChaD (2) Not engaged in trade or business – stays = < 180 days
1. Taxpayer Dies (iii) Special class of individual employees
2. Corporation is Newly organized (a) Minimum wage earner - Exempt
3. Corporation Changes its accounting period (b) Individuals, whether Filipino or alien employed by:
4. Corporation is Dissolved a. Regional or area headquarters (RAHQ) and regional operating
headquarters (ROHQ) of multinational companies in the
6. Kinds of taxpayers Philippines (Sec. 25[C], NIRC);
b. Offshore banking units established in the Philippines (Sec.
a) Individual taxpayers 25[D], NIRC);
(i) Citizens c. Foreign service contractor or subcontractor engaged in
(a) Resident citizens petroleum operations in the Philippines (Sec. 25[D], NIRC).
(b) Non-resident citizens
a. A citizen of the Philippines who establishes to the satisfaction Q: How are the individuals in number 2 taxed?
of the CIR the fact of his physical presence abroad with a definite A: There shall be levied, collected and paid for each taxable year upon the
intention to reside therein; gross income received by these individuals employed by multinational companies,
b. A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the Philippines during a offshore banking units and petroleum service contractors and subcontractor
taxable year to reside abroad, either as an immigrant or for employment received as salaries, wages, annuities, compensation, remuneration and other
on a permanent basis; emoluments, such as honoraria and allowances, a tax equal to 15% of such gross
c. A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives income from income. (Sec. 25, NIRC)
abroad and whose employment thereat requires him to be physically
present abroad most of the time during the taxable year; Note: For other income of said individuals sourced within the Philippines,
d. A citizen who has been previously considered as NRC and who it shall be subject to the applicable income tax, that is, graduated rates, final tax
arrives in the Philippines at any time during the taxable year in which he on passive income, capital gains depending whether a citizen or an alien, as the
arrives in the Philippines with respect to his income derived from sources case may be.
abroad until the date of his arrival in the Philippines;
e. The taxpayer shall submit proof to the CIR to show his b) Estates and trusts
intention of leaving the Philippines to reside permanently abroad or to
return to and reside in the Philippines as the case may be for purposes of Q: When a person who owns property dies, what are the taxes payable under
this section. (Sec. 22 [E], NIRC) the income tax law?
1. Income tax for individuals from Jan. to the time of death. (Sec. 24 and 25, NIRC)
Q: What is the test to determine whether a citizen is a resident of the Philippines? 2. Income tax of the estate, if the estate is under administration or judicial
A: Residence is a permanent place to which a person whenever absent for settlement. (Sec. 60, NIRC)
business or pleasure has the intention to return to.
Trusts - a right to the property, whether real or personal, held by one person for
(ii) Aliens the benefit of another.
(a) Resident aliens
> He is one who is actually present in the Philippines and not a Q: What are the classifications of trust for tax purposes? TIP
mere transient or sojourner. 1. Taxable and tax-exempt trust
> Intention with regard to the length and nature of his stay. 2. Irrevocable trust and revocable trust (pass through entity)
(b) Non-resident aliens 3. Trust administered in the Philippines and trust administered in a foreign country.
(1) Engaged in trade or business – stays > 180 days


Q: What is the significance of determining whether the trust is revocable or Special -> different tax rates
irrevocable? Q: What are the special RFC?
A: The income of a revocable trust is included in computing the taxable 1. International carriers
income of the grantor without any of the deductions allowed for estates 2. Offshore banking unit
while the income of an irrevocable trust is a separate taxable entity 3. Foreign currency deposit unit
subject to tax as income of the trust after deducting the allowable 4. Regional or area headquarters of multinational corporations
deductions 5. Regional operating headquarters of multinational corporations

Q: What is the significance in determining whether the trust is a trust Q: What are the special NRFC?
administered in the Philippines or in a foreign country? 1. NR owner, lessor, distributor of cinematographic film
A: Only trusts administered in the Philippines is subject to Philippine taxes. 2. 2. NR owner or lessor of vessels chartered by Philippines nationals
Thus, there are deductions allowed for trusts administered in the Philippines 3. 3. NR owner or lessor of aircraft, machinery and equipment
which are not allowed for those administered in a foreign country.
(iii) Joint venture and consortium
Q: Define revocable and irrevocable trust.
1. Revocable Trust – a kind of trust where the power to revert (return) to d) Partnerships – tax as corporation
grantor title to any part of the corpus (body) of the trust is vested: a. In the
grantor, either alone or in conjunction with any person not having a substantial e) General professional partnerships
adverse interest in the disposition of the corpus or the income therefrom; or b. In A: GPP are not subject to income tax but are required to file information
any person not having a substantial adverse interest in the disposition of the returns for its income for the purpose of furnishing information as to the share in
corpus or the income therefrom. net income of the partnership which each partner should include in his individual
2. Irrevocable Trust – a kind of trust which cannot be altered without the return. Partners shall be liable for income tax in their separate and individual
consent of the beneficiary. capacities. The share in the partnership income is taxable to the individual
partners, whether or not the share has been distributed, because the GPP itself is
c) Corporations not taxable. Thus, there is a constructive receipt of income in case of GPPs.
(i) Domestic corporations
(ii) Foreign corporations f) Co-ownerships
(a) Resident foreign corporations – not domestic, engaged in trade/B GR: It shall not be subject to income tax if the activities of the co-owners
Note: In order that a foreign corporation may be regarded as doing are limited to the preservation of the property and the collection of income
business within a State there must be continuity of conduct and intention to therefrom. In such case, the co-owners shall be taxed individually on their
establish a continuous business, such as the appointment of a local agent and not distributive share in the income of the co-ownership.
one of a temporary character. – Principle of Habituality XPN: If the co-owners invest the income in a business for profit they
(b) Non-resident foreign corporations would constitute themselves into a partnership and such shall be taxable as a
Q: What is the test to determine whether a FC is a resident or non-resident?
A: To be a resident foreign corporation, a FC should obtain first a license from the 7. Income taxation
Philippine Government to operate business in the Philippines through a) Definition - A tax on all yearly profits arising from property, profession, trade or
establishment of a branch or a representative office, otherwise they are business, or a tax on person’s income, emoluments, profits and the like.
considered as non-resident foreign corporation.
b) Nature - It is generally regarded as an excise tax. It is not levied upon persons,
property, funds or profits but on the privilege of receiving said income or profit.


c) General principles A: Under the realization principle, revenue is generally recognized
General principles of income taxation in the Philippines under Sec. 23 of the NIRC. when both of the following conditions are met:
A: Except when otherwise provided in the NIRC: 1. The earning process is complete or virtually complete
1. A RC is taxable on all income derived from sources within and without 2. An exchange has taken place
the Philippines; *** (b) Actual vis-à-vis constructive receipt
2. A NRC is taxable only on income derived from sources within the 1. Actual receipt – income may be actual receipt or physical receipt.
Philippines; 2. Constructive receipt – occurs when money consideration or its
3. A citizen of the Philippines who is working and deriving income from equivalent is placed at the control of the person who rendered the service without
abroad as an OFW is taxable only on income derived from sources within restriction by the payor.
the Philippines: Provided, That a seaman who is a citizen of the Philippines
and who receives compensation for services rendered abroad as a (iii) Recognition of income
member of the complement of a vessel engaged exclusively in
international trade shall be treated as an OFW; Capital Income
4. An alien individual, whether a resident or not of the Philippines, is Constitutes the investment which is Any wealth which flows into the
taxable only on income derived from sources within the Philippines; the source of income taxpayer other than a mere return of
5. A DC is taxable on all income derived from sources within and without capital
the Philippines; and *** Is the wealth Is the service of wealth
6. A FC, whether engaged or not in trade or business in the Philippines, is Is the tree Is the fuit
taxable only on income derived from sources within the Philippines. Fund Flow
[Exclude: Methods of accounting]
8. Income
a) Definition - It refers to all wealth which flows into the taxpayer other than as d) Tests in determining whether income is earned for tax purposes
mere return of capital. It includes the forms of income specifically described as (i) Realization test - Unless income is deemed realized, then there is no
gains and profits, including gains derived from the sale or other disposition of taxable income.
capital assets. (ii) Claim of right doctrine or doctrine of ownership, command, or
control - A taxable gain is conditioned upon the presence of a claim of right to the
b) Nature alleged gain and the absence of a definite unconditional obligation to return or
It is generally regarded as an excise tax. It is not levied upon persons, repay.
property, funds or profits but on the privilege of receiving said income or profit. (iii) Economic benefit test, doctrine of proprietary interest - Taking into
consideration the pertinent provisions of law, income realized is taxable only to
c) When income is taxable the extent that the taxpayer is economically benefited.
Q: What are the requisites for income to be taxable? REG (iv) Severance test - Income is recognized when there is separation of
1. The gain must be Realized or received; something which is of exchangeable value.
2. The gain must not be Excluded by law or treaty from taxation; and (v) All events test –
3. There must be Gain or profit, whether in cash or its equivalent.
Flow of Wealth Test – The determining factor for the imposition of income tax is
(i) Existence of income whether or not any gain or profit was derived from the transaction.
(ii) Realization of income Net Effect Test – The substance of the whole transaction, not the form, usually
(a) Tests of realization controls the tax consequences.
Q: What are the conditions in the realization of income? Principle of Constructive Receipt of Income – Income which is credited to the
account of or set apart for a taxpayer and which may be drawn upon by him at any


time is subject to tax for the year during which so credited or set apart, although not All income not expressly excluded or exempted from the class of taxable income,
then actually reduced to possession. irrespective of the voluntary or involuntary action of the taxpayer in producing the
9. Gross income c) Gross income vis-à-vis net income vis-à-vis taxable income
a) Definition Q:What is net income taxation?
Q: What is the definition of “gross income” under the NIRC? A: It is a system of taxation where the income subject to tax may be
A: Except when otherwise provided, gross income means all income reduced by allowable deductions.
derived from whatever source, including (but not limited to) to the
following items: [CG2I- R2DAP3] Q: What is taxable income or net income?
1. Compensation for services in whatever form paid, including, but not A: All pertinent items of gross income specified in the NIRC, less the
limited to fees, salaries, wages, commissions and similar items; deductions and/or personal and additional exemptions, if any, authorized for such
2. Gross income derived from the conduct of trade or business or the types of income by the NIRC or other special laws.
exercise of a profession;
3. Gains derived from dealings in property; Q: Distinguish gross income from net income
5. Rents; Allows no deductions Allows deductions
6. Royalties; Grants no exemptions Grants exemptions
7. Dividends; Gross Income – tax base Net Income
8. Annuities
9. Prizes and winnings; d) Classification of income as to source
10. Pensions; and (i) Gross income and taxable income from sources within the Philippines
11. Partner’s distributive share from the net income of the general (ii) Gross income and taxable income from sources without the
professional partnership. Philippines
(iii) Income partly within or partly without the Philippines
The above enumeration can be simplified into 5 categories:
1. Compensation Income - income derived from rendering of services e) Sources of income subject to tax
under an employer-employee relationship. (i) Compensation income – ER-EE Relationship
2. Professional Income - fees derived from engaging in an endeavor It includes all remuneration for services rendered by an employee for his
requiring special training as professional as a means of livelihood, which employer unless specifically excluded under the NIRC.
includes, but not limited to, the fees of CPAs, lawyers, engineers and the (ii) Fringe benefits - Fringe benefit is any good, service or other benefit
like. furnished or granted by an employer in cash or in kind in addition to basic salaries,
3. Business Income - gains or profits derived from rendering services, to an individual employee, except a rank and file employee, such as but not limited
selling merchandise, manufacturing products, farming and long-term to: HEV-HIM-HEEL
contracts. 1. Housing 2. Expense account 3. Vehicle of any kind 4. Household personnel
4. Passive Income - income in which the taxpayer merely waits for the such as maid, driver and others 5. Interest on loans at less than market rate to the
amount to come in, which includes, but not limited to interest income, extent of the difference between the market rate and the actual rate granted 6.
royalty income, dividend income, prizes and winnings. Membership fees, dues and other expenses borne by the employer for the employee
5. Gains from Dealings in Property – It includes all income derived from in social and athletic clubs or other similar organizations 7. Expenses for foreign
the disposition of property whether real, personal or mixed. travel 8. Holiday and vacation expenses; 9. Educational assistance to the employee
or his dependents 10. Life or health insurance and other nonlife insurance premiums
b) Concept of income from whatever source derived or similar amounts in excess of what the law allows


Q: Is the sale of principal residence by an individual subject to capital gain tax?
(a) Special treatment of fringe benefits A: No, sale of principal residence by an individual is exempt provided the following
GR: Subject to final tax on the grossed-up monetary value of fringe benefits requisites are present:
furnished or granted to the employee to be paid by the employer. 1. Sale or disposition of the old actual principal residence;
XPN: When given to rank and file employees, it becomes part of their 2. By a citizen or resident alien;
compensation income. 3. Proceeds from which is utilized in acquiring or constructing a new principal
residence within 18 calendar months from the date of sale or disposition;
Q: Give the rule on taxation of fringe benefits received by different employees. 4. Notify the CIR within 30 days from the date of sale or disposition through a
A: A Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) is imposed on the grossed-up monetary value of the prescribed return of his intention to avail the tax exemption;
fringe benefit furnished, granted or paid by the employer to managerial and 5. Can be availed of once every 10 years;
supervisory employees. 6. The historical cost or adjusted basis of his old principal residence shall be carried
(b) Taxable and non-taxable fringe benefits over to the cost basis of his new principal residence;
Q: What are the kinds of fringe benefits that are not subject to the FBT? 7. If there is no full utilization, the portion of the gains presumed to have been
1. Fringe benefits which are authorized and exempted from tax under special laws realized shall be subject to capital gains tax; and
2. Contributions of the employer for the benefit of the employee to retirement, 8. The 6% capital gains tax due shall be deposited with an authorized agent bank
insurance and hospitalization benefit plans; subject to release upon certification by the RDO that the proceeds of the sale have
3. Benefits given to the rank and file employees, whether granted under a been utilized.
collective bargaining agreement or not;
4. De minimis benefits as defined in the rules and regulations to be promulgated What is the significance in determining whether the asset is ordinary asset or
by the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the CIR capital asset?
5. When the fringe benefit is required by the nature of, or necessary to the trade, A: They are subject to different rules. There are special rules that apply only to
business or profession of the employer capital transactions, to wit: 1. Holding period rule 2. Capital and loss limitation 3.
6. When the fringe benefit is for the convenience of the employer. This is known Net capital loss carry over (NELCO)
as Employer’s Convenience Rule. (Sec. 32, NIRC; Sec. 2.33 [C], RR 3-98)
Q: What is the holding period rule?
(iii) Professional income A: Where the capital asset sold has been held by the taxpayer for more than 12
It refers to the fees received by a professional from the practice of his profession, months, the gain derived therefrom is taxable only to the extent of 50%.
provided that there is no employer-employee relationship between him and his Consequently, if the taxpayer held the capital asset sold for a year or less, the
clients. whole gain shall be taxable. It is a form of tax avoidance
(iv) Income from business
It refers to income derived from merchandising, mining, manufacturing and Who can avail the holding period rule?
farming operations. A: Only individual taxpayers can avail. It is not allowed to corporations.
(v) Income from dealings in property
(a) Types of properties (1) Ordinary income vis-à-vis capital gain
(1) Ordinary assets (2) Actual gain vis-à-vis presumed gain
(2) Capital assets (3) Long term capital gain vis-à-vis short-term capital gain
(b) Types of gains from dealings in property (4) Net capital gain, net capital loss
Q: What transactions are covered by the “presumed” capital gains tax on real [Exclude: Computation of the amount of gain or loss]
A: It covers: 1. Sale; 2. Exchange; or 3. Other disposition, including pacto de retro (5) Income tax treatment of capital loss
and other forms of conditional sales.


(a) Capital loss limitation rule (applicable to both corporations and (6) Sale of real property
individuals) (7) Sale of personal property
(b) Net loss carry-over rule (applicable only to individuals) (8) Shares of stock of domestic corporation
(6) Dealings in real property situated in the Philippines
(7) Dealings in shares of stock of Philippine corporations (f) Situs of income taxation (see page 2 under inherent limitations, territorial)
(a) Shares listed and traded in the stock exchange
(b) Shares not listed and traded in the stock exchange (g) Exclusions from gross income
(8) Sale of principal residence Under the Constitution
(vi) Passive investment income Income Derived by the Government or its Political Subdivision
(a) Interest income Q: Is the income derived by the Government or its political subdivision exempt
(b) Dividend income from gross income?
(1) Cash dividend A: Yes, if the source of the income is from any public utility or from the exercise of
(2) Stock dividend any essential governmental functions.
(3) Property dividend
(4) Liquidating dividend Q: Are GOCCs exempt from tax?
(c) Royalty income A: GOCCs performing: 1. Governmental Function: GR: Government agencies
(d) Rental income performing governmental functions are tax exempt.
(1) Lease of personal property
(2) Lease of real property XPN: Unless expressly taxed while government agencies performing proprietary
(3) Tax treatment of functions are taxable
(a) Leasehold improvements by lessee
(b) VAT added to rental/paid by the lessee XPN to XPN: Unless expressly exempted.
(c) Advance rental/long term lease
(vii) Annuities, proceeds from life insurance or other types of insurance 2. Proprietary Functions: subject to taxation.
(viii) Prizes and awards Note: Under Sec. 27 (c) of RA 8424 the following corporations have been granted
(ix) Pensions, retirement benefit, or separation pay exemptions: 1. Government Service Insurance System 2. Social Security System 3.
(x) Income from any source whatever Philippine Health Insurance Corporation 4. Philippines Charity Sweepstakes Office
(a) Forgiveness of indebtedness
(b) Recovery of accounts previously written-off – when taxable/when Under the NIRC PAG-CIR-M
not taxable Q: What are those items that are excluded in gross income and shall be exempt
(c) Receipt of tax refunds or credit from gross income taxation?
(d) Income from any source whatever A: These are: [GLAM-RIC]
(e) Source rules in determining income from within and without 1. Gifts, bequests and devises
(1) Interests 2. Life insurance proceeds 3. Amount received by insured as return of premium
4. Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc.
5. Income exempt under treaty
6. Compensation for injuries or sickness
(2) Dividends 7. Miscellaneous items. (13P2I2G3)
(3) Services a. 13thmonth pay and other Benefits;
(4) Rentals b. Prizes and awards
(5) Royalties c. Prizes and awards in sports competitions


d. Income derived by foreign government 1. There must be Reasonable private benefit plan approved by the BIR;
e. Income derived by the government or its political subdivisions 2. He must have rendered at least 10 years of service to the employer at
f. GSIS, SSS, Medicare and other contributions the time of retirement; and
g. Gains from the sale of bonds, debentures or other certificate of indebtedness 3. The private employee or official must be at least 50 years old at the time
h. Gains from redemption of shares in mutual fund (Sec. 32 [B],NIRC) of his retirement;
4. This may be availed of only once.
(1) Rationale for the exclusions
(2) Taxpayers who may avail of the exclusions Q: What are the conditions in order that separation pay may be excluded
(3) Exclusions distinguished from deductions and tax credit from gross income?
(4) Under the Constitution 1. Amount received by an official, employee or by his heirs;
(a) Income derived by the government or its political 2. From the employer; and
subdivisions from the exercise of any essential governmental function 3. As a consequence of separation of such official or employee from the
(5) Under the Tax Code service of the employer:
(a) Proceeds of life insurance policies a. Because of death, sickness or other physical disability; or
(b) Return of premium paid b. For any cause beyond the control of the official or employee.
(c) Amounts received under life insurance, endowment or annuity
contracts Q: What are causes beyond the control of the employee?
(d) Value of property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or descent 1. Retrenchment 2. Cessation of business 3. Redundancy
(e) Amount received through accident or health insurance
(f) Income exempt under tax treaty (h) Deductions from gross income
(g) Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc. (1) General rules
(h) Winnings, prizes, and awards, including those in sports competition (a) Deductions must be paid or incurred in connection with the taxpayer’s trade,
(6) Under special laws business or profession
(a) Personal Equity and Retirement Account (b) Deductions must be supported by adequate receipts or invoices (except
Q: What are the retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc. excluded standard deduction)
from gross income? 7FRUGS2 (c) Additional requirement relating to withholding
1. Retirement benefits under RA 7641 (2) Return of capital (cost of sales or services)
2. Social security benefits, retirement gratuities, pensions and other
similar benefits received by resident or nonresident citizens or resident
alien from Foreign government agencies and other institutions, private or
public (a) Sale of inventory of goods by manufacturers and dealers of properties
3. Retirement received by officials and employees of private firms, (b) Sale of stock in trade by a real estate dealer and dealer in securities
whether individual or corporate, in accordance with a Reasonable private (c) Sale of services
benefit plan maintained by the employer (3) Itemized deductions
4. Benefits from the US Veterans Administration (a) Expenses
5. GSIS benefits (1) Requisites for deductibility
6. SSS (a) Nature: ordinary and necessary
7. Separation pay (b) Paid and incurred during taxable year
(2) Salaries, wages and other forms of compensation for personal services
Q: What are the conditions in order to avail the exemption under a RPBP? actually rendered, including the grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit
A: Approved-10-50-once subjected to fringe benefit tax which tax should have been paid


(3) Travelling/transportation expenses (a) Straight-line method
(4) Cost of materials (b) Declining-balance method
(5) Rentals and/or other payments for use or possession of property (c) Sum-of-the-years-digit method
(6) Repairs and maintenance [Exclude: Computation of depreciation allowance]
(7) Expenses under lease agreements (g) Charitable and other contributions
(8) Expenses for professionals (1) Requisites for deductibility
(9) Entertainment/Representation expenses (2) Amount that may be deducted
(10) Political campaign expenses (h) Contributions to pension trusts
(11) Training expenses (1) Requisites for deductibility
(b) Interest (i) Deductions under special laws
(1) Requisites for deductibility (4) Optional standard deduction
(2) Non-deductible interest expense (a) Individuals, except non-resident aliens
(3) Interest subject to special rules (b) Corporations, except non-resident foreign corporations
(a) Interest paid in advance (c) Partnerships
(b) Interest periodically amortized (5) Personal and additional exemption (R.A. No. 9504, Minimum
(c) Interest expense incurred to acquire property for use in Wage Earner Law)
trade/business/profession (a) Basic personal exemptions
(d) Reduction of interest expense/interest arbitrage (b) Additional exemptions for taxpayer with dependents
(c) Taxes (c) Status-at-the-end-of-the-year rule
(1) Requisites for deductibility (d) Exemptions claimed by non-resident aliens
(2) Non-deductible taxes (6) Items not deductible
(3) Treatments of surcharges/interests/fines for delinquency (a) General rules
(4) Treatment of special assessment (b) Personal, living or family expenses
(5) Tax credit vis-à-vis deduction (c) Amount paid for new buildings or for permanent improvements (capital
(d) Amount expended in restoring property (major repairs)

(d) Losses
(1) Requisites for deductibility
(2) Other types of losses (e) Premiums paid on life insurance policy covering life or any other officer or
(a) Capital losses employee financially interested
(b) Securities becoming worthless (f) Interest expense, bad debts, and losses from sales of property between
(c) Losses on wash sales of stocks or securities related parties
(d) Wagering losses (g) Losses from sales or exchange or property
(e) Net Operating Loss Carry-Over (NOLCO) (h) Non-deductible interest
(e) Bad debts (i) Non–deductible taxes
(1) Requisites for deductibility (j) Non-deductible losses
(2) Effect of recovery of bad debts (k) Losses from wash sales of stock or securities
(f) Depreciation (7) Exempt corporations
(1) Requisites for deductibility (a) Propriety educational institutions and hospitals
(2) Methods of computing depreciation allowance (b) Government-owned or controlled corporations


(c) Others (a) Shares traded and listed in the stock exchange
10. Taxation of resident citizens, non-resident citizens, and resident aliens (b) Shares not listed and traded in the stock exchange
a) General rule that resident citizens are taxable on income from all sources (ii) Income from the sale of real property situated in the Philippines
within and without the Philippines (iii) Income from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of other capital assets
(i) Non-resident citizens 11. Taxation of non-resident aliens engaged in trade or business
b) Taxation on compensation income a) General rules
(i) Inclusions b) Cash and/or property dividends
(a) Monetary compensation c) Capital gains
(1) Regular salary/wage [Exclude: non-resident aliens not engaged in trade or business]
(2) Separation pay/retirement benefit not otherwise exempt 12. Individual taxpayers exempt from income tax
(3) Bonuses, 13th month pay, and other benefits not exempt a) Senior citizens
(4) Director’s fees b) Minimum wage earners
(b) Non-monetary compensation c) Exemptions granted under international agreements
(1) Fringe benefit not subject to tax 13. Taxation of domestic corporations
(ii) Exclusions a) Tax payable
(a) Fringe benefit subject to tax (i) Regular tax
(b) De minimis benefits (ii) Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT)
(c) 13th month pay and other benefits, and payments specifically excluded from (a) Imposition of MCIT
taxable compensation income (b) Carry forward of excess minimum tax
(iii) Deductions (c) Relief from the MCIT under certain conditions
(a) Personal exemptions and additional exemptions (d) Corporations exempt from the MCIT
(b) Health and hospitalization insurance (e) Applicability of the MCIT where a corporation is governed both under the
(c) Taxation of compensation income of a minimum wage earner regular tax system and a special income tax system
(1) Definition of statutory minimum wage b) Allowable deductions
(2) Definition of minimum wage earner (i) Itemized deductions
(3) Income also subject to tax exemption: holiday pay, overtime pay, night-shift (ii) Optional standard deduction
differential, and hazard pay c) Taxation of passive income
c) Taxation of business income/income from practice of profession (i) Passive income subject to tax

d) Taxation of passive income (a) Interest from deposits and yield, or any other monetary benefit from deposit
(i) Passive income subject to final tax substitutes and from trust funds and similar arrangements and royalties
(a) Interest income (b) Capital gains from the sale of shares of stock not traded in the stock
(i) Treatment of income from long-term deposits exchange
(b) Royalties (c) Income derived under the expanded foreign currency deposit system
(c) Dividends from domestic corporations (d) Inter-corporate dividends
(d) Prizes and other winnings (e) Capital gains realized from the sale, exchange, or disposition of lands and/or
(ii) Passive income not subject to final tax buildings
e) Taxation of capital gains (ii) Passive income not subject to tax
(i) Income from sale of shares of stock of a Philippine corporation d) Taxation of capital gains


(i) Income from sale of shares of stock (i) Withholding of final tax on certain incomes
(ii) Income from the sale of real property situated in the Philippines (ii) Withholding of creditable tax at source
(iii) Income from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of other capital assets [Exclude:
e) Tax on proprietary educational institutions and hospitals Miscellaneous Items
f) Tax on government-owned or controlled corporations, agencies or Q: What are the miscellaneous items excluded from gross income? 13P2I2G3
14. Taxation of resident foreign corporations 1. 13th month pay and other Benefits
a) General rule Q: How much is the maximum amount allowed for 13th month pay and
b) With respect to their income from sources within the Philippines other benefits to be excluded from gross income?
c) Minimum Corporate Income Tax A: Gross benefits received by officials and employees of public and private
d) Tax on certain income entities may be excluded from gross income provided that the total exclusion shall
(i) Interest from deposits and yield, or any other monetary benefit from deposit not exceed P82,000. The excess would be considered as part of the compensation
substitutes, trust funds and similar arrangements and royalties income of the employee where it is subject on a scheduler rate.
(ii) Income derived under the expanded foreign currency deposit system
(iii) Capital gains from sale of shares of stock not traded in the stock exchange 2. Prizes and awards
(iv) Inter-corporate dividends Q: What are the requisites in order for prizes and awards made be
[Exclude: exempted from tax?
(i) International carrier 1. Primarily in recognition of Scientific, Civic, Artistic, Religious,
(ii) Offshore banking units Educational, Literary, or Charitable achievement [SCAR-CEL]
(iii) Branch profits remittances 2. The recipient was selected without any action on his part to join; and
(iv) Regional or area headquarters and regional operating headquarters of 3. He is not required to render substantial future services as condition to
multinational companies] receiving the prize or award.
15. Taxation of non-resident foreign corporations 3. Prizes and awards in sports competitions;
a) General rule Q: What are the requisites for the exclusion of prizes and awards in
b) Tax on certain income competition from gross income? PATS
(i) Interest on foreign loans 1. All Prizes and awards;
(ii) Inter-corporate dividends 2. Granted to Athletes;
3. In local and international sports Tournaments and competitions; and
4. Sanctioned by their national sports associations. (Sec. 32 B [7] d, NIRC)

(iii) Capital gains from sale of shares of stock not traded in the stock exchange Note: National sports associations are those duly accredited by the
[Exclude: Philippine Olympic Committee.
(i) Non-resident cinematographic film-owner, lessor or distributor 4. Income derived by foreign government
(ii) Non-resident owner or lessor of vessels chartered by Philippine nationals Q: What are the conditions in order for the income derived by foreign
(iii) Non-resident owner or lessor of aircraft machineries and other equipment] government from investments in the Philippines be exempted from tax?
16. Improperly accumulated earnings of corporations 1. It must be an income derived from investments in the Philippines;
17. Exemption from tax on corporations 2. It must be derived from BOnds, Loans or other Domestic securities,
18. Taxation of partnerships Stocks or Interests on deposits in banks; [BOLDSI] and
19. Taxation of general professional partnerships 3. The recipient of such income from investment in the Philippines must
20. Withholding tax a) Concept be a:
b) Kinds a. foreign government;


b. financing institutions owned, controlled or financed by foreign h. Charitable and other contributions;
government; or i. Ordinary and Necessary Expenses;
c. regional or international financing institutions established by j. Losses.
foreign government
2. Optional Standard Deduction (OSD)
Note: The exclusion may be premised either on the principle of comity or upon the 3. Special Deductions
principle of reciprocity.
Q: What are the requisites for deductibility in general?
5. Income derived by the government or its political subdivisions A: WaR-With-Pro2
6. GSIS, SSS, Medicare and other contributions 1. The deductions must not have been Waived;
7. Gains from the sale of bonds, debentures or other certificate of indebtedness 2. The Requirements for deductibility must be met;
Note: The bonds, debentures or other certificate of indebtedness sold, 3. The Withholding and payment of the tax required must be shown;
exchanged or retired must be with a maturity of more than five years. 4. There must be Proof of entitlement to the deductions; ("No deduction without
documentation.") and
8. Gains from redemption of shares in mutual fund. (Sec 32 [B], NIRC) 5. There must be a specific Provision of law allowing the deductions, since
Q: What is a mutual fund company? deductions do not exist by implication.
A: The term “mutual fund company” shall mean an open-end and close-
end investment company as defined under the Investment Company Act. ORDINARY AND NECESSARY EXPENSES
Q: What are the requisites for deductibility of expenses (in general)?
Q: What is the “Most Favored Nation Clause”? A: D-STROWN
A: This grants to the contracting party treatment not less favorable than which has 1. Paid or incurred During the taxable year;
been or may be granted to the most favored among other countries. It allows the 2. The expense must be Substantiated by proof; (substantation rule)
taxpayer in one state to avail of more liberal provisions granted in another tax 3. The expense must be incurred in Trade or business carried on by the taxpayer;
treaty to which the country of residence of such taxpayer is also a party; provided 4. The expense must be Reasonable;
that the subject matter of taxation is the same as that in the tax treaty under which 5. The expense must be Ordinary and necessary;
the taxpayer is liable. 6. If subject to Withholding taxes, proof of payment to BIR; and
7. Expenses must Not be against public policy, public moral or law such as bribes,
ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME kickbacks, for immoral purposes.
Q: Define deductions from gross income.
A: Deductions from gross income refer to items or amounts authorized by law to Q: What is the Cohan Rule Principle?
be subtracted from pertinent items of gross income to arrive at the taxable A: Under this principle, taxpayers may use estimates when they can show that
income. there is some factual foundation on which to base a reasonable approximation of
the expense, they can prove that they had made a deductible expenditure but just
Q: What are the kinds of allowable deductions from gross income? cannot prove how much that expenditure was. (Cohan v. Commissioner, 39 F (2d)
1. Itemized Deductions: EITL-BD-CPR 540)
a. Bad debts;
b. Depreciation; It is the use of estimates or approximations of the amount of cash and other assets
c. Depletion; where the taxpayer lacks adequate records.
d. Taxes;
e. Research and development costs; Note: If there is showing that expenses have been incurred but the exact amount
f. Interest; g. Pension trust contribution; thereof cannot be ascertained due to the absence of receipts and vouchers of the


expenditures involved, the BIR will make an estimate of deduction that may be 4. Subject to withholding tax (5%) if business property the rental must be at least
allowable in computing the taxpayer's taxable income bearing heavily against the P500 in case of non-business or residential property the rental is at least P10,000
taxpayer whose inexactitude is of his own making. That disallowance of 50% of the subject to 5% tax.
taxpayer’s claimed deduction is valid. (RMC 23-2000)
Compensation for Services. Q: When is repair expense allowed as a deduction from gross income?
Q: What are the conditions for its deductibility? A: Repairs are allowed as deduction when it is minor and ordinary. Major and
1. Services actually rendered; extraordinary repairs are capitalized and included in determining depreciation
2. Compensation is for such services rendered; and expense.
3. Reasonable.
Entertainment, Amusementand Recreation
Q: What are the conditions for deductibility of bonus? Q: What are the requisites for deductibility?
A: Although, there is no fixed test for determining the reasonableness of a bonus A: SPuNDR- B
as an additional compensation. The following conditions may be taken into 1. Substantiated with sufficient evidence;
consideration: 2. Paid or incurred in the Pursuit of trade or business ;
1. The payment must be made in good faith 3. Not contrary to laws, morals and public policy or public order;
2. The character of the taxpayer’s business 4. Paid or incurred During the taxable year;
3. The volume and amount of its net earnings 5. Reasonable; and
4. Its locality 6. Does not constitute Bribe, kickback or other similar payments.
5. The type and extent of the services rendered
6. The salary policy of the corporation Advertising and Promotional Expenses
7. The size of the particular business Q: What are the requisites for the deductibility of advertising and promotional
8. The employees’ qualification and contributions to the business venture expenses?
9. General economic conditions 1. Substantiated with sufficient evidence;
2. All payments for the purchase of promotional give-aways, contest prizes or
Travelling Expenses similar material must be properly receipted; and
Q: What are the requisites for its deductibility? RAP 3. All payments for services such as radio and TV time, print ads, talent
1. Reasonable and necessary expenses; fees,advertising expense or know-how must be subjected to withholding tax.
2. Incurred or paid while Away from home; and
3. In Pursuit of trade or business. Costs of Materials and Supplies
* It includes transportation, meals and lodging. Q: Are all materials and supplies deductible whether or not they are used?
A: No, materials and supplies are deductible only to the amount actually consumed
Rental Expense or used in the operation during the taxable year.
Q: What are the requisites for its deductibility?
1. Payment was made as a condition to the continuous use of or possession of the Interests
property; Q: How is interest as a deduction from gross income defined?
2. Taxpayer has not taken or is not taking title to the property or has no equity A: Interest shall refer to the payment for the use or forbearance or detention of
other than that of a lessee, user or possessor; money, regardless of the name it is called or denominated. It includes the amount
3. Property must be used in the trade or business; and paid for the borrower’s use of money during the term of the loan, as well as for his
detention of money after the due date for its repayment.


Q: What are the requirements under the NIRC for interest to be deductible? 3. Interest calculated for cost keeping
A: The following requirements must be met for interest to be deductible: 1. There 4. Interest paid where parties provide no stipulation in writing to pay interest
must be an indebtedness; 2. Incurred in connection with the taxpayer’s trade or 5. If the indebtedness is incurred to finance petroleum exploration
business; 3. Indebtedness must be that of the taxpayer; 4. Interest is stipulated in 6. Interest paid on indebtedness between related taxpayers
writing; and 5. Interest expense was incurred or paid during the taxable year. (1992 7. Interest on indebtedness paid in advance through discount or otherwise and the
Bar Question) taxpayer reports income on cash basis

Q: Is there any limitation on the amount of deductible interest expense? Note: Interest is allowed as a deduction in the year the indebtedness is paid, not when
A: The taxpayer’s otherwise allowable deduction for interest expense shall be the interest was paid in advance.
reduced by an amount equal to 33% of the interest income subject to final tax.
(Note: This is to safeguard from tax arbitrage schemes. This limitation on the Q: Who are related taxpayers?
deductibility of interest expense was legislated to specifically address the tax 1. Members of the same family, brothers and sisters, whether in full or half blood,
arbitrage arising from the difference between the 20% final tax on interest income spouse, ancestors and lineal descendants
and the normal corporate income tax rate under which interest expense can be 2. Stockholders and a corporation, when he holds more than 50% in value of its
claimed as a deduction. outstanding capital stock, except in case of distribution in liquidation
3. Corporation and another corporation, with interlocking stockholders
Note: The rate of interest limitation is actually the difference between the normal 4. Grantor and fiduciary in a trust
corporate income tax and the 20% final tax as a percentage of the NCIT rate, 5. Fiduciary of a trust and fiduciary in another trust, if the same person is a grantor
rounded off. Thus under the 30% NCIT, (30%-20%) / 30% = 33.33%. with respect to each trust
6. Fiduciary of a trust and beneficiary of such trust
Q: What is tax arbitrage?
A: It is a strategy which takes advantage of the difference in tax rates or tax Taxes
systems as the basis for profit. Q: Are all taxes deductible?
A: GR: Taxes paid or incurred during the taxable year in connection with trade,
Q: What are the deductible interest expenses? business or profession of the taxpayer shall be allowed as deduction.
A: Interest:
1. On taxes, such as those paid for deficiency or delinquency, since taxes are XPNs: (ISE2F2)
considered indebtedness (provided that the tax is a deductible tax.) However, 1. Income tax
fines, penalties, and surcharges on account of taxes are not deductible. The 2. Special assessments
interest on unpaid business tax shall not be subjected to the limitation on 3. Estate and donor’s taxes
deduction 4. Excess electric consumption tax
2. Paid by a corporation on scrip dividends 5. Foreign income tax, if the taxpayer makes use of tax credit
3. On deposits paid by authorized banks of the BSP to depositors, if shown that 6. Final taxes, being in the nature of income taxes
the tax on such interest was withheld
4. Paid by a corporate taxpayer, liable on a mortgage upon real property of which Q: What are the requisites for deductibility of taxes?
the said corporation is the legal or equitable owner, even though it is not directly 1. Payments must be for taxes;
liable for the indebtedness 2. Tax must be imposed by law on, and payable by the taxpayer;
3. Paid or incurred during the taxable year in connection with taxpayer’s trade,
Q: What are the non-deductible interest expenses? business or profession; and
1. Interest on preferred stock, which in reality is dividend 4. Taxes are not specifically excluded by law from being deducted from the
2. Interest on unpaid salaries and bonuses taxpayer’s gross income.


before casualty. The excess over the net book value immediately before
Q: What is foreign tax credit? the casualty should be capitalized, subject to depreciation over the
A: It is the right of an income taxpayer to deduct from income tax payable the remaining useful life of the property.
foreign income tax he has paid to a foreign country subject to certain limitations. 2. Net Operating Loss Carry-over (NOLCO)
This is to avoid the rigors of indirect double taxation, although not prohibited by 3. Capital Losses – losses from sale or exchange of capital assets. Deductible to
the Constitution for being violative of the due process, results to a tax being paid the extent of capital gains only.
twice on the same subject matter or transaction. 4. Special Losses:
a. Wagering losses – deductible only to the extent of gain or winnings
Tax Benefit Rule deemed to only apply to individuals (Sec. 34 D [6], NIRC)
A: Taxes allowed as deductions, when refunded or credited shall be included as b. Losses on wash sales of stocks – not deductible since these are
part of gross income in the year of receipt to the extent of the income tax benefit considered as artificial loss
of said deduction. c. Abandonment losses in petroleum operation – all accumulated
exploration and development expenditures pertaining thereto shall be
Losses allowed as a deduction
Q: What are considered “losses” for purposes of deductions from gross income? d. Abandonment losses in producing well – the unamortized cost thereof,
A: Losses actually sustained during the taxable year and not compensated for by as well as the undepreciated cost of equipment directly used therein, shall
insurance or other forms of indemnity. (Sec. 34 D [1], NIRC) be allowed as deduction in the year the well, equipment or facility is
Q: Give the requisites for the deductibility of a loss. e. Losses due to voluntary removal of building incident to renewal or
A: The requisites for deductibility of a loss are: TAEIE-C45 replacements – deductible expense from gross income
1. Loss belongs to the Taxpayer; f. Losses from sales or exchanges of property between related taxpayers
2. Actually sustained and charged off during the taxable year; – losses are not deductible but gains are taxable.
3. Evidenced by a closed and completed transaction; g. Losses of farmers – If incurred in the operation of farm business, it is
4. Not compensated by Insurance or other forms of indemnity; deductible h. Loss in shrinkage in value of stock – If the stock of the
5. Not claimed as a deduction for Estate tax purposes in case of individual corporation becomes worthless (not mere market fluctuations,) the cost
taxpayers; and or other basis may be deducted by the owner in the taxable year in which
6. If it is Casualty loss, it is evidenced by a declaration of loss file within 45 days the stock becomes worthless
with the BIR. (1998 Bar Question)
Bad Debts
Q: What are the types of losses? Q: What are bad debts?
1. Ordinary Losses: A: Bad debts refer to debts resulting from the worthlessness or uncollectibility, in
a. Incurred in trade or business, or practice of profession; whole or in part, of amount due to the taxpayer by others, arising from money lent
b. Of property connected with trade, business or profession, if the loss arises from or from uncollectible amounts of income from goods sold or services rendered.
storms, shipwreck, fires or other casualties, or from robbery, theft or
embezzlement. (Casualty loss) Q: What are the general requisites for deductibility of bad debts? USTCAR
i. Total Destruction – the basis of the loss is the net book value 1. The debts are Uncollectible despite diligent effort exerted by the taxpayer;
immediately preceding the casualty to be reduced by the amount of Note: To prove that the taxpayer exerted diligent efforts to collect the debts:
insurance or compensation received; 1. Sending of statement of accounts; 2. Sending of collection letters; 3.
ii. Partial Destruction – the replacement cost to restore the property to its Giving the account to a lawyer for collection; and 4. Filing a collection case in court.
normal operating condition, but in no case shall the deductible loss be 2. Existing indebtedness Subsisting due to the taxpayer which must be valid and
more than the net book value of the property as a whole, immediately legally demandable;


3. Connected with the taxpayer’s Trade, business or practice of profession; 5. The amount of charitable contribution of property other than money shall be
4. Actually Charged off in the books of accounts of the taxpayer as of the end of based on the Acquisition cost of said property.
the taxable year;
5. Actually Ascertained to be worthless and uncollectible as of the end of the Q: What contributions are deductible in full?
taxable year; and A: These are: [GAFA]
6. Must not be sustained in a transaction entered into between Related parties. 1. Donations to the Government of the Philippines, or political subdivisions
including fully-owned government corporation to be used exclusively in
Q: What factors will determine whether or not the debts are bad debts? undertaking priority activities in: [CHEESHY]
A: The factors to be considered include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Culture
1. The debtor has no property nor visible income; b. Health
2. The debtor has been adjudged bankrupt or insolvent; c. Economic Development
3. There are numerous debtors with small amounts of debts and further action on d. Education
the accounts would entail expenses exceeding the amounts sought to be e. Science
collected; f. Human Settlement
4. The debt can no longer be collected even in the future; and g. Youth and Sports development
5. Collateral shares have become worthless.
2. Donations to Foreign institutions and international organizations in compliance
Depreciation with treaties and agreements with the Government.
A: Depreciation is the gradual diminution in the useful (service) value of tangible 3. Donations to Accredited NGO’s
property used in trade, profession or business resulting from exhaustion, wear a. Exclusively for: C2HES2Y-RC
and tear and obsolescence. i. Cultural
ii. Charitable
Q: What are the requisites for its deductibility? RUCA iii. Health
1. Reasonable; iv. Educational
2. Property Used in trade, business, or exercise of a profession; v. Scientific
3. The allowance must be Charged off within the taxable year; and vi. Social welfare
4. Schedule on the allowance must be Attached to the return. vii. Character building & Youth and Sports Development
viii. Research
Depletion ix. Any Combination of the above
Q: What is depletion?
A: It is the exhaustion of natural resources like mines and oil and gas wells as a b. Donation must be utilized not later than the 15th day of the 3rd month following
result of production or severance from such mines or wells. the close of taxable year;
c. Administrative expense must not exceed 30% of the total expenses;
Charitable and Other Contributions d. Upon dissolution, assets shall be transferred to another non-profit domestic
Q: What are the requisites for its deductibility? corporation or to the State.
1. The contribution or gift must be Actually paid; 4. Donations of prizes and awards to Athletes
2. It must be paid Within the taxable year; Q: What donations are subject to limitation?
3. It must be given to the organization Specified by law; 1. Donations that are not in accordance with the priority plan.
4. It must be Evidenced by adequate receipts or records; and 2. Donations whose conditions are not complied with.


3. Donations to the Government of the Philippines or political subdivision exclusive Note: This is in lieu of the itemized deduction where the taxpayer lists down all his
for public purposes. expenses and the corresponding amounts incurred to determine the amount of
4. Donations to domestic corporations organized exclusively for: allowable deductions.
a. Scientific
b. Educational Q: How much is allowed as OSD?
c. Cultural A: The optional standard deduction is an amount not exceeding:
d. Charitable 1. 40% of the gross sales or gross receipts of a qualified individual taxpayer; or
e. Religious 2. 40% of the gross income of a qualified corporation.
f. Rehabilitation of veteran
g. Social Welfare Q: Differentiate itemized deduction from OSD.
A: Itemized Deduction must be substantiated by receipts while OSD requires no
Q: What are the limitations? proof of expenses incurred because the allowable deduction is 40% of gross sales
1. Amount deductible shall not exceed: or receipts or gross income as the case may be.
a. For individuals - 10% of taxable income before contributions;
b. For corporations - 5% of taxable income before contributions. (Sec. 34 H [1], Q: Who may not avail of the OSD?
NIRC) 1. Non-resident aliens whether or not engaged in trade or business in the
2. No part of net income of donee inures to the benefit of any private stockholders Philippines; and
or individual. 2. Non- resident foreign corporations.

Research and Development Expenditure PERSONAL AND ADDITIONAL EXEMPTIONS

Q: What are personal exemptions?
Pension Trust Contributions A: These are arbitrary amounts allowed as deductions from gross income of an
Q: What are the requisites for its deductibility? individual representing personal, living and family expenses of the taxpayer.
1. The employer must have established a Pension or retirement plan to provide for Q: What are the kinds of personal exemptions?
the payment of reasonable pensions to his employees; 1. Basic Personal Exemption – the amount subtracted from gross income which is
2. It must be Funded by the employer; allowed for the theoretical personal, family, and living expenses of an individual
3. The pension plan is Reasonable and actuarially sound; taxpayer regardless of status, whether single or married individual judicially
4. The deduction is Apportioned in equal parts over a period of 10 consecutive decreed as legally separated with no qualified dependents or head of the family.
years beginning with the year in which the transfer or payment is made;
5. The payment has Not yet been allowed as a deduction; and 2. Additional Exemptions – these are exemptions in addition to the basic personal
6. The amount contributed must no longer be subject to the Control and exemptions that are granted to certain individual who have dependents that
disposition of the employer; qualify them for this exemption.

OPTIONAL STANDARD DEDUCTION Note: RA 9504 increased the basic personal exemptions to P50,000 irrespective of
Q: What is optional standard deduction (OSD)? whether the individual is single, head of the family, or married. It also increased the
A: The OSD is a scheme whereby a taxpayer is given the option to deduct from his additional personal exemptions to P25,000 for each child provided not more than 4.
gross revenue or gross income a lump sum equivalent to a percentage of such
gross revenue or gross income for purposes of computing the net taxable income Q: Who among the individual taxpayer’s are entitled to personal and additional
on which the income tax rate will be applied. exemptions?
1. Resident citizen 2. Non-resident citizen 3. Resident alien


Items not Deductible
Q: Is a non-resident alien engaged in trade, business, or in the exercise of a Q: What items are not deductible?
profession in the Philippines (NRA-ETB) entitled to personal and additional A: In computing net income, no deduction shall in any case be allowed in respect
exemptions? to:
A: GR: No. 1. Personal, living or family expenses – these are personal expenses and not
XPN: Can be entitled to personal and additional exemption subject to the rule on related to the conduct of trade or business
1. His foreign country allows personal exemptions to citizens of the Philippines not 2. Any amount paid out for new buildings of for permanent improvements, or
residing therein; betterments made to increase the value of any property or estate – these are
2. File an accurate return of his income from all sources within the Philippines. on capital expenditures added to the cost of the property and the periodic
time; and depreciation is the amount that is considered as deductible expense
3. Amount allowable is not to exceed our maximum allowable personal
exemption. Note: Shall not apply to intangible drilling and development costs incurred in
petroleum operations which are deductible under Subsection (G) (1) of Sec. 34 of
Additional Exemptions the NIRC
Q: What are the conditions for an individual to be entitled to additional
exemptions? 3. Any amount expended in restoring property or in making good the exhaustion
A: An individual: thereof for which an allowance is or has been made
1. Whether single or married;
2. Shall be allowed an additional exemption of P 25,000; 4. Premiums paid on any life insurance policy covering the life of any officer or
3. For each qualified dependent child; employee, or of any person financially interested in any trade or business carried
4. Provided, that the total number of dependents for which additional exemptions on by the taxpayer, individual or corporate, when the taxpayer is directly or
may be claimed as long as it shall not exceed 4 dependents. (Sec. 35 [B], NIRC) indirectly a beneficiary under such policy (Sec. 36 [A], NIRC)

Q: Who are qualified dependents for purposes of additional exemption? 5. Losses from sales or exchanges of property between related parties (Sec. 36
1. A dependent means [B], NIRC)
a. Legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted child;
b. Chiefly dependent upon and living with the taxpayer; 6. Interest expense, bad debts, and losses from sales of property between related
c. If such dependent is: parties
i. Not more than 21 years old;
ii. Unmarried; 7. Non-deductible interest
iii. Not gainfully employed or 8. Non-deductible taxes
d. If such dependent: 9. Non-deductible losses
i. Regardless of age; 10. Losses form wash sales of stock or securities
ii. Is incapable of self-support; because of mental or physical defect. (Sec.
2.79 I [1] b, RR 298 as amended by RR 10-2008; Sec. 35 [b], NIRC) Q: What are de minimis benefits?
2. Under RA 7432 (Senior Citizens Law,) a senior citizen may qualify as dependents A: These are facilities or privileges furnished or offered by an employer to his
employees that are of relatively small value and are offered or furnished by the
Note: Parents, as well as brothers or sisters and other collateral relatives are not employer merely as a means of promoting the health, goodwill, contentment and
qualified dependents to be claimed as additional exemptions under RA 9504. efficiency of his employees.


Q: How de minimis benefits are taxed? Minimum Corporate Income Tax
Q: To what corporations is the minimum corporate income tax (MCIT) applicable?
GR: De minimis benefits are not taxable. A: It is applicable to domestic and resident foreign corporations which are subject
to regular income tax. Note: Under its charter, Philippine Airlines is exempt from
XPN: If the total amount of de minimis benefits exceed the P82,000 limit, the the MCIT. (CIR v. Philippine Airlines, Inc., GR 180066, July 7, 2009)
excess shall be considered as part of the compensation income.
Q: What is the treatment under the MCIT?
Premiun Payments on Health and Hospitalization A: Under the MCIT, tax is imposed on a corporation at the rate of 2% based on gross
Q: Who may avail of the deduction?
A: Only an individual taxpayer may claim said deduction. Individual taxpayers Q: What are the instances when the MCIT is imposed?
whether earning purely compensation income during the year or earning business A: The MCIT shall be imposed:
income or in practice of his profession whether availing of itemized or optional 1. When there is zero or negative taxable income; or
standard deductions during the year. 2. Whenever the amount of the minimum corporate income tax is greater than
In the case of married taxpayers, only the spouse claiming the additional the normal tax of 30% due on the taxable income due from the corporation.
exemption for dependents shall be entitled to this deduction. (Sec. 34 [M], NIRC)
Note: The reason for MCIT is to forestall the prevailing practice of corporations of
Q: How much is the amount allowed? overstating deductions, in order to reduce their income tax payments.
A: The amount of premiums not to exceed P2,400 per family or P200 a month paid
during the taxable year for health and/or hospitalization insurance taken by the Q: What are the limitations on the applicability of MCIT?
taxpayer for himself, including his family, shall be allowed as deduction from gross 1. MCIT does not apply if the domestic or resident corporation is not subject to
income. (Sec. 34 [M], NIRC) NCIT.
2. In the case of a domestic corporation whose operations or activities are partly
Q: What are the conditions in order to avail said deduction? covered by the regular income tax system and partly covered under a special
1. The health and/or hospitalization was taken by the taxpayer for himself, income tax system, the MCIT shall apply on operations covered by the regular
including his family; and 2. That said family has a gross income of not more than income tax system.
P250,000 for the taxable year. 3. For resident foreign corporation, only the gross income sources within the
Philippines shall be considered.
INCOME TAXATION ON CORPORATIONS 4. MCIT does not apply on the first 3 years of business operation of a corporation.

Normal Corporate Income Tax Q: When does MCIT commence?

Q: How are corporations treated under normal corporate income tax (NCIT)? A: MCIT is imposed beginning the fourth taxable year in which such corporation
A: Under the normal income tax, the taxable income of a corporation during each commenced its business operations, which is the year when the corporation
taxable year is multiplied with the applicable rate of 30%. registers with the BIR and not when the corporation started its commercial
operation. (Sec. 27 E [1], NIRC)
Note: The resulting amount should then be compared with the income tax payable
using the MCIT. Whichever is higher between the two shall be the tax due. Q: Can the payment of MCIT be suspended?
A: Yes. The Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the BIR, may suspend
Q: To what corporations is the NCIT applicable? the imposition of MCIT on any corporation which suffers loss on account of: [PFL]
A: It is applicable to domestic and resident foreign corporations.


1. Prolonged Labor Dispute – arising from a strike staged by the employees which Note: No authority yet has been given by the President.
lasted for more than 6 months within a taxable period and which has caused the
temporary shutdown of business operations. Q: When is it available?
A: This optional tax is available only to firms whose ratio of cost of sales to gross
2. Force Majeure – a cause due to an irresistible force as by ‘Act of God’ like sales/receipts from all sources does not exceed 55%. The election of the gross
lightning, earthquake, storm, flood and the like. It shall also include armed income tax option by the corporation shall be irrevocable for 3 consecutive
conflicts like war or insurgency. taxable years during which the corporation is qualified under the scheme. (Sec. 27
[A], NIRC)
3. Legitimate Business Reverses – include substantial losses due to fire, theft or
embezzlement or for other economic reason as determined by the Secretary of Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax
Finance. (Sec. 27 E [3], NIRC) Q: What is an improperly accumulated earnings tax (IAET)?
A: A tax equivalent to 10% of improperly accumulated income. (Sec. 29 [A], NIRC)
Q: What is the carry-forward provision under the MCIT?
A: Any excess of MCIT over normal tax (NT) may be carried forward on an annual Q: What is improperly accumulated income?
basis and be credited against the NT for the 3 immediately succeeding years A: Improperly accumulated earnings refer to profits of a corporation that are
accumulated instead of distributing it to its shareholders for the purpose of
CREBA assails the constitutionality of MCIT on the contention that it violates due avoiding the income tax with respect to its shareholders or the shareholders of
process. Is the imposition of MCIT unconstitutional? another corporation.
A: No, the imposition of MCIT is not violative of due process for the following
reasons: Note: If the earnings and profits were distributed, the shareholders would be
1. MCIT is imposed on gross income and not capital. Thus, it is not arbitrary or liable for income tax, whereas if there is no distribution, they would incur no tax
confiscatory. with respect to the undistributed earnings of the corporation. Hence, IAET is
2. It is not an additional tax imposition but is imposed in lieu of normal net income imposed:
tax and only if said tax is suspiciously low. 1. In the nature of a penalty to the corporation for the improper accumulation of
3. There is no legal objection to a broader tax base or taxable income resulting its earnings; and
from the elimination of all deductible items and, at the same time, reduction of the 2. As a form of deterrent to the avoidance of tax upon shareholders who are
applicable tax rate. In as much as deductions are a matter of legislative grace, supposed to pay dividends tax on the earning distributed to them by the
Congress has the power to condition, limit or deny deductions from gross income corporation
in order to arrive at the net that it chooses to tax.
Q: To whom is it imposed?
Gross Income Tax (Optional Corporate Income Tax) A: Upon a domestic corporation and closely-held corporations which is formed or
Q: What is “optional corporate income tax”? availed of for the purpose of avoiding the income tax with respect to its
A: The President, upon recommendation by the Secretary of Finance may, shareholders or the shareholders of any other corporation by permitting earnings
effective Jan. 1, 2000, allow domestic corporations the option to be taxed at 15% and profits to accumulate instead of dividing or distributing it.
of gross income subject to the following conditions:
1. A tax effort ratio of 20% of GNP; Note: IAET does not apply to the following:
2. A ratio of 40% of income tax to total tax revenue; 1. Publicly-held corporations (Sec. 29 B [2], NIRC)
3. A VAT tax effort of 4% of GNP; 2. Banks, other non-bank financial intermediaries
4. A 0.9% ratio of Consolidated Public Sector Finance Position to GNP. (Sec. 27 [A], 3. Insurance companies
NIRC) 4. Publicly-held corporations
5. Taxable partnerships


6. General professional partnerships A: PrInSE
7. Non- taxable joint ventures 1. Not organized and operated principally for Profit;
8. Enterprises duly registered with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority under 2. No part of the net income Inures to the benefit of any member or individual;
R.A. 7916, and enterprises registered pursuant to the Bases Conversion and 3. No capital is represented by Shares of stock; and
Development Act of 1992 under R.A. 7227, as well as other enterprises duly 4. Educational or instructive in character.
registered under special economic zones declared by law which enjoy payment of
special tax rate on their registered operations or activities in lieu of other taxes,
national or local. (Sec. 4, RR 2-2001)

Q: What are closely-held corporations?

A: A corporation where at least 50% of the outstanding capital stock in value or at
least 50% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote
is owned directly or indirectly by or for not more than 20 individuals.

Q: What is the test in determining reasonable needs which is recognized by the

A: Under the “Immediacy test” which is recognized by the BIR, the “reasonable
needs of the business” are the immediate and reasonably anticipated needs
supported by a direct correlation of anticipated needs to such accumulation of

Q: What are the prima facie instances of accumulation of profits beyond the
reasonable needs of a business?
A: 1. Investment of substantial earnings and profits of the corporation in unrelated
business or in stock or securities unrelated business.
2. Investment in bonds and other long term securities.
3. Accumulation of earnings in excess of 100% of paid up capital, not otherwise
intended for the reasonable needs of the business.

Q: What are prima facie evidence to show purpose of accumulation is tax evasion
or determination of purpose to avoid the tax?
A: The fact that:
1. Any corporation is a mere
(a) holding company or
(b) investment (mutual fund) company.

2. The earnings or profits of a corporation are permitted to accumulate beyond

the reasonable needs of the business.


Q: What are their common requisites for exemption?


EXCISE TAX or Sin Tax (3) On locally-extracted natural gas and liquefied natural gas - P0.00
Generally imposed on harmful or non-essential goods manufactured or (4) On indigenous petroleum - 3% of the fair international market price
produced in the Philippines for domestic sale, consumption or for any
other disposition including imported goods. Link: EXCISE TAX RATES:
 In addition to the VAT; To compute for the excise tax, VAT is not inc in the
tax base. To compute for VAT, excise tax is inc in the tax base Filing of Return and Payment of tax – PAY AS YOU FILE
 Indirect tax. On domestic products
Classifications  Before removal from the place of production
1. 'specific tax' - based on weight or volume capacity or any other physical On imported products
unit of measurement.  Before release from the customs' custody
2. ‘ad valorem’ - based on selling price or other specified value of the goods.

1. To curtail consumption of certain commodities which are considered
harmful to the individual as well as the community as a whole.
2. To protect domestic industries from competition caused by similar
imported products.
3. To distribute tax burden in proportion to benefit derived from a particular
government service.
4. To raise revenue.

Goods subject to Excise tax ATPM2

1. Alcohol Products
a. Distilled Spirits (Section 141)
b. Wines (Section 142)
c. Fermented Liquors (Section 143)
2. Tobacco Products (Sections 144-146)
a. Tobacco Products (Section 144)
b. Cigars & Cigarettes (Section 145)
c. Inspection Fee (Section 146)
3. Petroleum Products (Section 148)
4. Miscellaneous Articles (Section 149-150)
a. Automobiles (Section 149)
b. Non-essential Goods (Section 150) – 20%
(a) All goods commonly or commercially known as jewelry, whether real or imitation,
(b) Perfumes and toilet waters;
(c) Yachts and other vessels intended for pleasure or sports.
5. Mineral Products (Sections 151)
(1) On coal and coke- P10.00 per metric ton;
(2) On all non-metallic minerals and quarry resources - 2% based on the
actual market value of the gross output


DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX (DST)  All Debt Instruments
Is a tax on documents, instruments, loan agreements and papers  All Bills of Exchange or Drafts
evidencing the acceptance, assignment, sale or transfer of an obligation, right or  Acceptance of Bills of Exchange and Others
property incident thereto.  Foreign Bills of Exchange and Letters of Credit.
It is a charge on transactions evidenced by stamps required to be  Life Insurance Policies
attached in corresponding docs, instruments and papers.  Policies of Insurance Upon Property
Nature  Fidelity Bonds and Other Insurance Policies.
 National tax levied upon a right or privilege; excise tax  Policies of Annuities and Pre-Need Plans.
 Applicable only to transactions effected and consummated within the  Indemnity Bonds
Philippines  Certificates
 It is the transaction that is being taxed, not the document  Warehouse Receipts.
 The tax may be paid either through purchase and actual affixing to the  Jai-Alai, Horse Racing Tickets, lotto or Other Authorized Numbers Games
taxable docs OR by imprinting the stamps through a documentary stamp  Bills of Lading or Receipts
metering machine, on the taxable document.
 Powers of Attorney.
 Lease and Other Hiring Agreements
Who: Any of the parties, depending on their agreement.
 Mortgages, Pledges and Deeds of Trust
Provided, that whenever one party to the taxable document enjoys exemption
 Deeds of Sale and Conveyances of Real Property
from the tax herein imposed, the other party who is not exempt shall be the one
directly liable for the tax.
Documents/papers not subject to DST (sec. 9, RR No. 13-2004)
Effect of Failure to Stamp Taxable Document.  Certificates of oaths administered by any government official in his
 Instrument, document or paper shall not be recorded official capacity or acknowledgement by any government official in
 nor shall it or any copy thereof or any record of transfer of the same be performance of his official duty
admitted or used in evidence in any court  Bank deposit accounts without a fixed term or maturity
 No notary public or other office authorized to administer oaths shall add  All contracts, deeds, documents and transactions related to the conduct
this jurat or acknowledgment to any document subject to dst of business of the BSP
 Written appearance in any court by any government official in his official
Time for Filing and Payment of the Tax. PAY AS YOU FILE capacity
 Filed and Paid within 10 days after the close of the month when the  Papers and documents filed in court by or for the national, provincial,
taxable document was made, signed, issued, accepted, or transferred. city or municipal governments
 Affidavits of poor persons for the purpose of proving poverty
Documents Subject to DST  Sale, barter or exchange of shares of stock listed and traded through the
 Documents, Loan Agreements, Instruments and Papers. local stock exchange (R.A 9648)
 Original Issue of Shares of Stock  Policies of insurance or annuities made or granted by a fraternal or
 Sales, Agreements to Sell, Memoranda of Sales, Deliveries or Transfer of beneficiary society, order, association or cooperative company, operated
Due-bills, Certificates of Obligation, or Shares of Certificates of Stock on the lodge system or local cooperation plan and organized and
 Bonds, Debentures, Certificate of Stock or Indebtedness Issued in Foreign conducted solely by the members thereof for the exclusive benefit of
Countries. each member and not for profit
 Certificates of Profits or Interest in Property or Accumulations.  Certificates of the administration of oaths to any person as to the authenticity of any paper
required to be filed in court by any person or party thereto, whether the proceedings be civil
 Bank Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Deposit not Bearing Interest, and or criminal
Other Instruments. -


 Statements and other compulsory information required of persons or corporations by the 1. Taxation shall be Uniform in each local government unit;
rules and regulations of the national, provincial, city or municipal government exclusively 2. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall: EPUC
for statistical purposes and which are wholly for the use of the Bureau or office in which
they are filed, and not at the instance or for the use or benefit of the person filing them a. be equitable and based as far as practicable on the taxpayer's ability to
 Certified copies and other certificates placed upon documents, instruments and papers for pay;
the national, provincial, city or municipal governments b. be levied and collected only for public purposes;
 Certificates of the assessed value of lands, not exceeding P200 in value assessed, furnished c. not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory;
by the provincial, city or municipal Treasurer to applicants for registration of title to land
 Borrowing and lending of securities executed under the Securities Borrowing and Lending
d. not be contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or in the
Program of a registered exchange, or in accordance with regulations prescribed by the restraint of trade;
appropriate regulatory authority: Provided, however, That any borrowing or lending of 3. The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall in no case
securities agreement as contemplated hereof shall be duly covered by a master securities be Let to any private person;
borrowing and lending agreement acceptable to the appropriate regulatory authority, and
which agreement is duly registered and approved by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
4. The revenue collected pursuant to the provisions of the LGC shall Inure solely
 Loan agreements or promissory notes, the aggregate of which does not exceed Two to the benefit of, and be subject to the disposition by, the local government unit
hundred fifty thousand pesos (P250,000), or any such amount as may be determined by the levying the tax, fee, charge or other imposition unless otherwise specifically
Secretary of Finance, executed by an individual for his purchase on installment for his provided herein; and
personal use or that of his family and not for business or resale, barter or hire of a house,
5. Each local government unit shall, as far as practicable, evolve a Progressive
lot, motor vehicle, appliance or furniture: Provided, however, That the amount to be set by
the Secretary of Finance shall be in accordance with a relevant price index but not to exceed system of taxation. (Sec. 130, LGC)
ten percent (10%) of the current amount and shall remain in force at least for three (3) years
 Assignment or transfer of any mortgage, lease or policy of insurance, or the renewal or Q: What are the sources of local taxing power?
continuance of any agreement, contract, charter, or any evidence of obligation or
1. Art. X, Sec 5 of the 1987 Constitution - “Each local government unit shall have
indebtedness, if there is no change in the maturity date or remaining period of coverage
from that of the original instrument. the power to create their own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees and
 Fixed income and other securities traded in the secondary market or through an exchange. charges subject to such guidelines and limitations as the Congress may provide
 Derivatives: Provided, That for purposes of this exemption, repurchase agreements and consistent with the basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges
reverse repurchase agreements shall be treated similarly as derivatives shall accrue exclusively to the local government.”
 Interbranch or interdepartmental advances within the same legal entity
 All forebearances arising from sales or service contracts including credit card and trade
2. Sec. 129 of the Local Government Code (LGC) - “Each local government unit shall
receivables: Provided, That the exemption be limited to those executed by the seller or exercise its power to create its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees and
service provider itself. charges subject to the provisions herein, consistent with the basic policy of local
 Transfer of property pursuant to Section 40(C)(2) of the National Internal Revenue Code of autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges shall accrue exclusively to the local
1997, as amended
government units.”
 Interbank call loans with maturity of not more than seven (7) days to cover deficiency in
reserves against deposit liabilities, including those between or among banks and quasi-

Q: What is the “paradigm shift” in local government taxation?

LOCAL TAXATION A: The power to tax is no longer vested exclusively on Congress. Local legislative
bodies are now given direct authority to levy taxes, fees and other charges
Local Taxes - Taxes that are imposed and collected by the local government units pursuant to Art. X, Sec. 5 of the Constitution.
in order to raise revenues to enable them to perform the functions for which they
have been organized. Q: What is the nature of the taxing power of the provinces, municipalities and
Fundamental principles of local taxation/Requisites of municipal taxation A: The taxing power of the provinces, municipalities and cities is directly conferred
A: The following fundamental principles shall govern the exercise of the taxing and by the Constitution by giving them the authority to create their own sources of
other revenue-raising powers of local government units: UE-LIP revenue. The local government units do not exercise the power to tax as an


inherent power or by a valid delegation of the power by Congress, but pursuant a. May be granted in cases of natural calamities, civil disturbance, and
to a direct authority conferred by the Constitution. general failure of crops or adverse economic conditions such as
substantial decrease in prices of agricultural or agri-based products;
Q: What are the characteristics of the taxing power of LGUs? DON2G b. The grant shall be through an ordinance;
1. Not inherent – May only be exercised if delegated to them by national legislature c. Any exemption or relief granted to a type or kind of business shall apply
or conferred by the Constitution itself. to all business similarly situated;
2. Direct grant from the Constitution – While a direct grant, the same is subject to d. The same may take effect only during the calendar year not exceeding
limitations as may be set by Congress. 12 months as may be provided in the ordinance; and
3. Not absolute –Subject to limitations and guidelines as may be provided by law e. In case of shared revenues, the relief or exemption shall only extend to
such as progressivity etc. the LGU granting such.
4. Exercised by the sanggunian of the LGU concerned through an appropriate Tax incentives:
Ordinance. a. Shall be granted only to new investments in the locality and the
5. Its application is bounded by the Geographical limits of the LGU that imposes ordinance shall prescribe the terms and conditions therefore;
the tax. b. The grant shall be for a definite period not exceeding 1 calendar year;
c. The grant shall be through an ordinance passed prior to the 1st day of
Q: What are the aspects of local taxation? January of any year; and
1. Local Government Taxation (Sections 128-196, LGC) d. Tax incentive granted to a type or kind of business shall apply to all
2. Real Property Taxation (Sections 197283, LGC) businesses similarly situated.

Q: What are the powers to prescribe penalties for tax violations of the LGU? Q. What privileges were withdrawn upon the effectivity of the LGC?
1. Limited as to the amount of imposable fine as well as the length or period of GR: Tax exemptions or incentives granted to or enjoyed by all persons, whether
imprisonment; natural or juridical, including government-owned or controlled corporations are
2. The Sanggunian is authorized to prescribe fines or other penalties for violations hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of the Local Government Code.
of tax ordinances, but in no case shall fines be less than P1,000 nor more than XPNS: Those exemptions or incentives conferred to:
P5,000 nor shall the imprisonment be less than one (1) month nor more than six 1. Local water districts
(6) months; 2. Cooperatives duly registered under R.A. 6938;
3. Such fine or other penalty shall be imposed at the discretion of the court; 3. Non-stock and non-profit hospitals and educational institutions.
4. The Sangguniang Barangay may prescribe a fine of not less than P100 nor more
than P1,000. (Sec. 516, LGC) Q: Does the LGU have power to adjust local tax rates?
A: Yes, provided that the adjustment of the tax rates as prescribed herein should
not be oftener than once every five (5) years, and in no case shall such adjustment
Q: May LGUs grant exemptions? exceed ten percent (10%) of the rates fixed under the LGC. (Sec. 191, LGC)
A: Yes. Local government units may, through ordinances duly approved, grant tax
exemptions, incentives or reliefs under such terms and conditions as they may Q: What is the so-called “Residual Taxing Power of the LGU”?
deem necessary. The power to grant tax exemptions, tax incentives and tax reliefs A: LGUs may exercise the power to levy taxes, fees or charges on any base or
shall not apply to regulatory fees which are levied under the police power of the LGU. subject NOT otherwise specifically enumerated herein or taxed under the
1. LGC; 2. NIRC; or 3. Other applicable laws.
Q: What are the guidelines for granting tax exemptions, incentives and reliefs?
Tax Exemptions and Reliefs Q: Can LGUs tax the National Government?
GR: LGUs cannot impose taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National
Government, its agencies and instrumentalities.


7. Annual fixed tax for every delivery truck or van of manufacturer or producers,
XPN: When specific provisions of the LGC authorize the LGUs to impose taxes, fees wholesalers of, dealers, or retailer in certain products
or charges on the aforementioned entities
Q: Who shall exercise local taxing authority? SUBJECT TO TAX
A: The power to impose a tax, fee, or charge or to generate revenue under the LGC Tax on transfer of real property ownership
shall be exercised by the sanggunian of the local government unit concerned Sale , donation, Whichever is Not more than fifty Transfer under
through an appropriate ordinance. barter, or on any higher between: percent (50%) of CARP
other mode of the one percent
transferring consideration 2. (1%)
Q: What are the powers incidental to local taxation? ownership or title of the Fmv if the
1. Power to prescribe penalties for tax violations and limitations thereon. real property transfer is not
2. Power to adjust local tax rate substantial
3. Power to grant local exemptions
Person Liable to Pay: Seller, donor, transferor, executor, or administrator
Q: What are the requisites of a valid tax ordinance? Time of Payment: within 60 days from the date of the execution of the deed or from the
1. The procedure applicable to local government ordinances in general should be date of the decedent’s death
observed. The following procedural details must be complied with: Tax on the business of printing and publication
a. Necessity of quorum Business of printing Gross annual Not exceeding fifty School texts or
and publication of receipts for the percent (50%) of references,
b. Submission for approval by the local chief executive
books, cards, poster, preceding calendar one percent (1%) prescribed by the
c. The matter of veto and overriding the same leaflets, handbills, year. DepEd shall be
d. Publication and effectivity certificates, Capital Investment In the case of a exempt from tax.
2. Public hearings are required before any local tax ordinance is enacted (Sec. 187, receipts, pamphlets, newly started
LGC) and others of similar business, the tax
3. Within 10 days after their approval, publication in full for 3 consecutive days in a nature shall not exceed
newspaper of general circulation. In the absence of such newspaper in the one-twentieth
province, city or municipality, then the ordinance may be posted in at least two (1/20) of one
conspicuous and publicly accessible places percent (1%)
Franchise tax
Businesses enjoying Gross annual Not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of one
Note: The requirement of publication in full for 3 consecutive days is mandatory for
a franchise receipts for the percent (1%)
a tax ordinance to be valid. The tax ordinance will be null and void if it fails to comply preceding calendar
with such publication requirement. year.
Capital Investment In the case of a newly started business, the
tax shall not exceed one-twentieth (1/20)
Taxing power of provinces of one percent (1%)
Q: What are the taxes, fees and charges which a province or a city may levy? Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry resources
1. Tax on transfer of real property ownership Sand, gravel and Fair market value in Not more than ten
2. Tax on business of printing and publication other resources the locality per percent (10%)
3. Franchise extracted from cubic meter of
public lands or from ordinary stones,
4. Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry resources
the beds of seas, sand, gravel, earth,
5. Professional tax
lakes, rivers, and other quarry
6. Amusement tax streams, creeks, and resources


other public waters and collected by highly urbanized and independent component cities shall accrue
within its territorial to them and distributed in accordance with the provisions of LGC.
jurisdiction Note: The rates of taxes that the city may levy may exceed the maximum rates
Who issues permit: issued exclusively by the provincial governor pursuant to the allowed for the province or municipality by not more than fifty percent (50%)
ordinance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan
except the rates of professional and amusement taxes. Cities have the broadest
Distribution of Tax Proceeds: a. Province – 30% b. Component city or municipality – 30%
c. Barangay where resources were extracted 40%
taxing powers.
Note: the authority to impose taxes and fees for extraction of sand and gravel belongs
to the province, and not to the municipality where they are found. 3 types of cities: Component Cities, Independent Component Cities and Highly
Regalian Doctrine is not applicable. Province may not invoke the doctrine to extend the Urbanized Cities. ICCs and HUCs are independent of the province - taxes accrue
coverage of its ordinance to quarry resources extracted from private lands. solely to them.
Amusement tax
Ownership, lease or Gross receipts Not more than 10% GR: The holding of Taxing Powers of Municipalities
operation of from admission of gross receipts operas, concerts, A: Municipalities may levy taxes, fees, and charges not otherwise levied by
theatres, cinemas, fees. from admission dramas… provinces, except as otherwise provided in the LGC.
concert halls, circuses, fees XPN: Holding of
boxing stadium and pop, rock, or
other places of similar concert
Q: What are the taxes that a municipality may impose under the LGC?
amusement 1. Tax on business
Professional tax 2. Fees and charges on business and occupation
Exercise or practice At such amount Not to exceed Professionals 3. Fees for sealing and licensing of weights and measures
of profession and reasonable P300 exclusively 4. Fishery rentals, fees and charges
requiring classification employed in the
government government
Q: What are the businesses under Section 143 of the Local Government Code
examination upon which municipalities may impose business taxes? ManWhoRE-COP-B
Note: TAX TO BE PAID ONLY ONCE. Person who has paid the corresponding professional tax shall 1. On Manufacturers, assemblers, repackers, processors, brewers, distillers,
be entitled to practice his profession in any part of the Philippines without being subjected to any rectifiers, and compounders of liquors etc of any article of commerce of whatever
other national or local tax, license, or fee for the practice of such profession kind or nature;
Annual fixed tax for every delivery truck or van of manufacturer or producers, 2. On Wholesalers, distributors, or dealers in any article of commerce of whatever
wholesalers of, dealers, or retailer in certain products
Use by manufacturers,
kind or nature;
Every truck, van or Every truck, van or Exempt from tax
producers,wholesalers, vehicle vehicle on peddlers
3. On exporters, and on manufacturers, millers, producers, wholesalers,
dealers or retailers of imposed by distributors, dealers or retailers of Essential commodities;
truck, van or any 4. On Retailers;
vehicle in the delivery
5. On Contractors;
or distribution of
distilled spirits.. 6. Banks and other financial institutions; - 50% of 1%
Cigarettes, and other 7. Peddlers; - Not exceeding P50/peddler
products.. 8. Other business not specified which the sanggunian concerned my deem proper
to tax.
Taxing Powers of Cities Note: Municipalities may impose & collect reasonable fees & charges on business &
occupation and, except in case of professional tax, (w/c only provinces & cities may
Q: What is the scope of the taxing power of a city? levy) on the practice of any profession or calling commensurate w/ the cost of
A: The city, may levy the taxes, fees, and charges which the province or regulation, inspection & licensing before any person may engage in such
municipality may impose, except as otherwise provided in the LGC. Those levied business/occupation/practice of such profession or calling.


3. Toll fees or charges – for the use of any public road, pier, or wharf, waterway,
Q: What are the rates of business within the Metropolitan Manila Area? bridge, ferry or telecommunication system funded and constructed by the local
A: The municipalities in Metro Manila may levy taxes at rates which shall not government unit concerned.
exceed by 50% the maximum rates prescribed in Section 143, LGC
Q: Who are exempted from payment of tolls, fees or other charges? HOP
Taxing Powers of Barangays 1. Officers and enlisted men of the AfP and PNP on mission
2. Post office personnel delivering mail
Note: The enumeration shall accrue EXCLUSIVELY to them. 3. Physically Handicapped and disabled citizens, 65 years or older.


BARANGAY TAXES – On Gross sales receipts for Not exceeding 1% of
stores or retailers with preceding calendar year of such gross sales or Q: What is the nature of community tax?
fixed business P50,000 or less (for barangay receipts. A: The community is a poll or capitation tax imposed upon residents of a city or
establishments in the cities); and
municipality. It replaced the former residence tax.
P30,000 or less (for barangay
and municipalities
SERVICE FEES OR Services rendered in Reasonable Fees or Q: Who levies community tax?
CHARGES connection with the charges A: It may be levied by a city or municipality but not a province.
regulation or the use of
barangay-owned properties; Q: Who are liable to pay community tax?
or Service facilities such as 1. Individuals –Every inhabitant of the Philippines eighteen (18) years of age or
palay, copra, or tobacco dryers over: a. who has been regularly employed on a wage or salary basis for at least
BARANGAY CLEARNCE Reasonable Fees or thirty (30) consecutive working days during any calendar year; or
charges b. who is engaged in business or occupation;
OTHER FEES AND Reasonable Fees or
c. or who owns real property with an aggregate assessed value of P1,000.00 or
CHARGES charges
more; d. who is required by law to file an income tax return.
a. Commercial breeding
of fighting cocks, 2. Juridical Persons –Every corporation no matter how created or organized,
cockfights and cockpits whether domestic or resident foreign, engaged in or doing business in the
b. Places of recreation Philippines.
which charge admission
fees Q: How much are they liable to pay?
c. Billboards, signboards, 1. Individuals – a. Basic: P5.00 b. Additional: Additional tax of One peso (P1.00) for
neon signs and outdoor every P1,000.00 of income regardless of whether from business, exercise of
profession or from property which in no case shall exceed P5,000.00. Note: In case
of husband and wife, the additional tax shall be based on the total property, gross
receipts or earnings owned or derived by them.
2. Juridical persons – additional tax, which, in no case, shall exceed P10,000.00 in
accordance with the following schedule:
Q: What are the common revenue raising powers of LGUs?
1. Fees, service or user charges
Q: When is the payment of community tax required?
2. Public utility charges – may fix the rates for the operation of public utilities
A: Accrues on the 1st day of January of each year which shall be paid not later than
owned, operated and maintained by them within their jurisdiction.
the last day of February of each year.


13. Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine products actually exported, except
Q: Who are exempted from paying community tax? as otherwise provided in the LGC;municipalities may impose taxes on exporters)
1. Diplomatic and consular representatives 14. Taxes, fees, or charges, on Countryside and Barangay Business Enterprises and
2. Transient visitors when their stay in the Philippines does not exceed three (3) cooperatives duly registered under R.A. No. 6810 and R.A. No. 6938 otherwise
months. known as the "Cooperative Code of the Philippines" respectively; and
15. Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National Government, its agencies
Q: What is a Community Tax Certificate? and instrumentalities, and local government units. (Sec. 133, LGC)
A: It is issued to every person or corporation upon payment of the community tax.
LGUs cannot exercise taxing powers reserved to the National Government.
Q: Give the common limitations on the taxing powers of the LGUs. Q: What is the Principle of Pre-emption or Exclusionary Doctrine or reservation
A: The exercise of the taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, and rule?
barangays shall not extend to the levy of the following: IDE-C3AP3MENT A: Where the National Government elects to tax a particular area, it impliedly
withholds form the local government the delegated power to tax the same field.
1. Income tax, except when levied on banks and other financial institutions; This doctrine principally rests on the intention of the congress. Conversely, should
2. Documentary stamp tax; the Congress allow municipal corporations to cover fields of taxation it already
3. Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies and other acquisitions mortis causa, occupies then the doctrine of pre-emption will NOT apply.
except as otherwise provided under the LGC; exception: tax on transfer of real
property Q: When does the principle apply?
4. Customs duties, registration fees of vessel and wharfage on wharves, tonnage A: The principle applies to the following:
dues, and all other kinds of customs fees, charges and dues except wharfage on 1. Taxes levied under the NIRC
wharves constructed and maintained by the local government unit concerned; 2. Taxes imposed under the Tariff and Customs Code
5. Taxes, fees, and charges and other impositions upon goods carried into or out 3. Taxes under special laws.
of, or passing through, the territorial jurisdictions of local government units in the
guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for bridges or otherwise, or other taxes, fees, Q: What is the Authorization Limitation?
or charges in any form whatsoever upon such goods or merchandise; A: With the exception of cities, each local government unit could not exercise the
6. Taxes, fees or charges on agricultural and aquatic products when sold by taxing powers granted to others. Hence, a province could not exercise the powers
marginal farmers or fishermen; granted to municipality and vice-versa. However, a city could exercise the taxing
7. Taxes on business enterprises certified to by the Board of Investments as powers of both a province and a municipality.
pioneer or non-pioneer for a period of six (6) and four (4) years, respectively from
the date of registration; Q: What is tax period for the collection of taxes?
8. Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the NIRC, as amended, and taxes, A: It is based on calendar year, unless otherwise provided
fees or charges on petroleum products;
9. Percentage or value-added tax (VAT) on sales, barters or exchanges or similar Q: What is the manner of payment of the taxes?
transactions on goods or services except as otherwise provided herein; A: It may be paid in quarterly instalments
10. Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation contractors and persons Q: Who has the authority to collect such taxes, fees and charges?
engaged in the transportation of passengers or freight by hire and common A: Provincial, city, municipal, or barangay treasurer, or their duly authorized
carriers by air, land or water, except as provided in this Code; 11. Taxes on deputies.
premiums paid by way or reinsurance or retrocession; Q: Who has the authority to inspect the books of persons or association?
12. Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor vehicles and for the A: The local treasurer or his deputy duly authorized in writing, may examine the
issuance of all kinds of licenses or permits for the driving thereof, except tricycles; books, accounts and other pertinent records.


Mandatory: 5. The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be Equitable.
Within 30-day from effectivity of ordinance, assail validity with Sec of Justice.
30-day ti go to court in adverse decision of the Sec of Justice Real Property shall be classified, valued and assessed on the basis of its actual
Naction after the lapse of 60 days - go to court use regardless of where located, whoever owns it and whoever uses it. (Sec. 217,

Q: Define real property tax (RPT). Q: What are the kinds of real property tax and special levies? REAS
A: Real property tax is a direct tax on the ownership of lands and buildings or other 1. Basic Real property tax
improvements thereon not specially exempted, and is payable regardless of 2. Additional levy on real property for the Special Education Fund
whether the property is used or not, although the value may vary in accordance 3. Additional Ad valorem tax on idle lands
with such factor. 4. Special levy by local government units

Q: What are the local government units responsible for the administration of real Q: What are the characteristics of RPT?
property tax? 1. Imposed on use and not ownership
1. Provinces 2. Progressive in character pending to a certain extent on the use and value of the
2. Cities property
3. Municipalities in Metro Manila Area 3. Indivisible single obligation

Note: Whenever real property has been divided into condominium, each condominium owned The taxing power of local governments in real property taxation is a delegated
shall be separately assessed, for purposes of real property taxation and other tax purposes to power.
the owner thereof and tax on each such condominium shall constitute a lien solely thereof.
Q: What is the extent of the local taxing power in real property taxation?
DOCTRINE OF ESSENTIALITY A: Provinces, cities and municipalities do not only have the power to levy real
Q: May personal properties as defined under the Civil Code be considered as real estate taxes, but they may also fix real estate tax rates. Sec. 233 of the LGC
property for purposes of RPT? provides that they shall fix a uniform rate of basic real property tax applicable to
A: Yes. Properties considered as personal under the Civil Code may nonetheless be their respective localities.
considered as real property for tax purposes where said property is essential to Note: No public hearing shall be required before the enactment of a local tax
the conduct of business. The property to be considered as immobilized for RPT ordinance levying the basic real property tax.
must be “essential and a principal element” of an industry without which such
industry would be unable to carry on the principal industrial purpose for which it Q: What real properties are subject to tax?
was established. 1. For Basic Real Property Tax and Special Levy on Education Fund: a. Real
Property such as: b. Land c. Building d. Machinery e. Other improvements
Q: Give the fundamental principles of appraisal, assessment, levy and collection 2. For Special Levy on Idle Lands and Special Levy on Public Works (Special
of real property taxes. CAULE Assessments): a. Land only
1. Real property shall be appraised at its Current and fair market value;
2. Real property shall be classified for assessment purposes on the basis of its Q: What are the rates of levy?
Actual use; 1. In the case of a province- at the rate not exceeding 1% of the assessed value of
3. Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a Uniform classification within real property
each local government unit; or a municipality within the Metro Manila area- at the rate not exceeding 2%
4. The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real property tax shall not be of the assessed value of real property. (Sec. 233, LGC)
Let to any private person; and
1. Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its political
Q: What must an ordinance imposing special levy for public works contain? subdivisions except when the beneficial use thereof has been granted for
1. The ordinance shall consideration or otherwise to a taxable person.
a. Describe the nature, extent, and location of the project; 2. Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages, or convents appurtenant thereto,
b. State estimated cost; mosques, non-profit or religious cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and
c. Specify metes and bounds by monuments and lines improvements actually, directly and exclusively used for religious, charitable, or
2. It must state the number of annual installments, not less than 5 years nor more educational purposes. Note: the tax exemption herein rest on the premise that
than 10 years. they are actually, directly and exclusively used by said entities or institution s for
3. Notice to the owners and public hearing their stated purposes and not necessarily because they are owned by religious,
4. Owner can appeal to the LBAA and CBAA charitable or educational institutions.
3. All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and exclusively used
Q: What is the special levy or special assessment by LGUs? by local Water utilities and government owned or controlled corporations
GR: A province, city or municipality may impose a special levy on the lands within engaged in the supply and distribution of water and/or generation and
its territorial jurisdiction specially benefited by public works projects or transmission of electric power.
improvements by the LGU concerned. 4. All real property owned by duly registered Cooperatives as provided for under
XPN: It shall not apply to lands exempt from basic real property tax and the RA 6938.
remainder of the land, portions of which have been donated to the LGU 5. Machinery and equipment used for Pollution control and environmental
concerned for the construction of such projects or improvements. protection.

Q: What is the additional levy on real property for the Special Education Fund? Q: How is a real property appraised?
A: A province, city or a municipality within the Metro Manila area may levy and A: All real property, whether taxable or exempt, appraised at the current and fair
collect an annual tax of one percent (1%) on the assessed value of real property market value prevailing in the locality where the property is situated.
which shall be in addition to the basic real property tax. The proceeds thereof shall
exclusively accrue to the Special Education Fund created under R.A. 5447. taxable value = assessed value = FMV X Assessment level

Q: What is the additional ad valorem tax on idle lands? Q: Give the steps in the assessment and collection of real property tax?
A: A province or city or a municipality within the Metro Manila area may levy an
annual tax on idle lands at the rate not exceeding five percent (5%) of the assessed 1. Declaration of real property.
value of the property which shall be in addition to the basic real property tax. 2. Listing of real property in the assessment rolls.
3. Appraisal and valuation of real property.
Q: What can be considered as idle lands? uncultivated or unimproved 4. Determination of assessed value and RPT.
Q: What causes exemption from idle lands tax? 5. Payment and collection of tax.
1. Force majeure
2. Civil disturbance Declaration of Real Property
3. Natural calamity Q: Who shall declare the real property?
4. Any cause or circumstance which physically or legally prevents the owner or A: It shall be the duty of all persons, natural or juridical, owning or administering
person having legal interest from improving, utilizing or cultivating the same. real property, including the improvements therein, within a city or municipality, or
their duly authorized representative, to prepare, or cause to be prepared, and file
Q: Under the Local Government Code, what properties are exempt from real with the provincial, city or municipal assessor, a sworn statement declaring the
property taxes? RP-PWC true value of their property, whether previously declared or undeclared, taxable


or exempt, which shall be the current and fair market value of the property, as 3. Owned and used by Governmentowned or controlled corporations rendering
determined by the declarant. essential public services in the supply and distribution of water and/or generation
and transmission of electric power.
Q: When is real property declared?
A: Once every 3 years during the period from January 1 to June 30 commencing Determining the assessed value - To determine the assessed value, the fair market
with the calendar year 1992. value of the property is multiplied by the assessed level as determined from an
ordinance promulgated by the sanggunian concerned.
Listing of Real Property in Assessment Rolls Determining the real property tax - Real property tax is computed by multiplying
Q: What is an assessment roll? the with the applicable RPT rate.
A: It is a listing of all real property, whether taxable or exempt, located within the
territorial jurisdiction of the local government unit concerned prepared and Actual Use of Property as Basis of Assessment
maintained by the provincial, city or municipal assessor. Q: Define “actual use”.
Note: Real property shall be listed, valued and assessed in the name of the owner A: Actual use refers to the purpose for which the property is principally or
or administrator, or anyone having legal interest in the property. predominantly utilized by the person in possession thereof

Preparation of Schedules of Fair Market Value Q: What is the basis of real property taxation?
a. A schedule of fair market values (SMV) is prepared by the provincial, city and A: The basis of taxing real property is actual use, even if the user is not the owner.
municipal assessor of the municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila Area for Real property shall be classified, valued and assessed on the basis of its actual use
the different classes of real property situated in their respective local government regardless of where located, whoever owns it, and whoever uses it.
b. Respective sanggunians enact ordinance adopting the SMV. Q: What are the instances when the assessor oshall make classification, appraisal
c. The schedule of fair market values shall be published in a newspaper of general and assessment of real property irrespective of any previous assessment or
circulation in the province, city or municipality concerned or in the absence taxpayers’ valuation thereon?
thereof, shall be posted in the provincial capitol, city or municipal hall and in two A:1st GR
other conspicuous public places therein. 1. Real property is declared and listed for taxation purposes for the 1st time;
2. There is an ongoing General revision of property classification and assessment;
Q: What are the classes of real property for assessment purposes? 3. A Request is made by the person in whose name the property is declared
1. Residential assessor shall make a classification, appraisal and assessment or taxpayer's
2. Agricultural valuation.
3. Commercial
4. Industrial Q: What is the duty of the Assessor after assessment or reassessment?
5. Mineral A: The provincial, city or municipal assessor shall prepare and submit to the
6. Timberland treasurer of the local government unit, on or before the thirty-first (31st) day of
7. Special December each year, an assessment roll containing a list of all persons whose real
properties have been newly assessed or reassessed and the values of such
Q: What are the special classes of real property? - lower assessment level properties
A: Lands, buildings, and other improvements thereon which are:
1. Actually, directly and exclusively used for hospitals, cultural, or scientific Q: When is the time for collection of tax?
purposes; A: Treasurer shall post the notice of the dates when the tax may be paid without
2. Owned and used by local water districts; interest in a publicly accessible place at the city or municipal hall.


Q: What is the period of collection of real property tax? Appeal to CBAA within 30 days if LBAA gives and adverse decision.
GR: Within five (5) years from the date taxes become due.
XPN: In case of fraud or intent to evade payment - within ten (10) years from
discovery of fraud or intent. Q: What are the guidelines in paying tax under protest?
1. No protest shall be entertained unless the taxpayer first pays the tax. There shall
Q: When is the prescriptive period to collect suspended? PRO be annotated on the tax receipts the words "paid under protest" The protest in
1. The local treasurer is legally Prevented from collecting the tax; writing must be filed within thirty (30) days from payment of the tax to treasurer
2. The owner of the property or the person having legal interest therein Requests who shall decide the protest within sixty (60) days from receipt.
for reinvestigation and executes a waiver in writing before the expiration of the 2. The tax or a portion paid under protest shall be held in trust by the treasurer
period within which to collect; and concerned.
3. The owner of the property or the person having legal interest therein is Out of 3. In the event that the protest is finally decided in favor of the taxpayer, the
the country or otherwise cannot be located. amount or portion of the tax protested shall be refunded to the protestant, or
applied as tax credit against his existing or future tax liability.
4. In the event that the protest is denied or upon the lapse of the sixty day period,
REMEDIES OF LGUs FOR COLLECTION OF REAL PROPERTY TAX the taxpayer may avail appeal the assessment before the Local Board of
Assessment Appeals. (Sec. 252, LGC)
Issuance of Notice of Delinquency for Real Property Tax Payment 5. In case there is adverse decision by the LBAA, the taxpayer may appeal with the
Q: What happens when the taxpayer fails to pay tax on time? CBAA within 30 from receipt of the adverse decision by the LBAA.
A: When real property tax or other tax imposed becomes delinquent, the local
treasurer shall immediately cause a notice of the delinquency to be posted at the Note: The protest contemplated in Section 252 of the LGC is needed when there
main hall and in a publicly accessible and conspicuous place in each barangay of is a question as to the reasonableness of the amount assessed, not where the
the local government unit concerned. Notice of delinquency shall also be question raised is on the very authority and power of the assessor to impose the
published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general assessment and of the treasurer to collect the tax.
circulation in the province, city, or municipality.
Q: Give the rules as to the necessity of paying real property tax prior to protest.
Q: What are the remedies of the local government units for the collection of real GR: The taxpayer must pay the real property tax assessed prior to protesting a real
property tax? property tax assessment. (Sec. 252, LGC)
1. Administrative action XPN: The payment of the tax prior to protest is not necessary where the taxpayer
a. Exercise of lien on the property subject to tax questions the authority and power of the assessor to impose the assessment and
b. Levy on the real property subject of the tax of the treasurer to collect the tax.
c. Distraint of personal property
2. Judicial action What are the remedies available to the taxpayer under real property taxation?
1. Dispute assessment (Protest)
PROCEDURE FOR CLAIM FOR REFUND OR CREDIT a. Any owner or person having legal interest in the property who is not
Taxpayer files a written claim for refund or credit with the treasurer within 2 satisfied with the action of the assessor in the assessment of his property;
years from the date the taxpayer is entitled to such reduction or adjustment or
Provincial or City Treasurer should decide the claim within 60 days from receipt b. Any owner of real property affected by a special levy or any person
of the claim. having legal interest therein may PROTEST the assessment by filing an
appeal to the LBAA within 60 days from receipt of notice of the
In case of denial, appeal to the LBAA within 30 days as in protest case. assessment.
2. Claim for refund or tax credit


3. Judicial refunded or applied as tax sixty (60) days from the LBAA who shall decide
A. Court Action credit receipt the appeal within 120 days
i. Appeal to the CTA en banc within 15 days from receipt in case of adverse from receipt
decision by the CBAA ii. Appeal by certiorari with the SC within 15 days If the LBAA rejects the
protest, the owner may
from notice in case of adverse decision by the CTA.
appeal to CBAA within 30
B. Suit assailing the validity of the tax sale days from receipt of
a. Deposit of amount for which the real property was sold together with decision of the LBAA
interest of 2% per month from date of sale to the time of institution of Appeal with the CTA if the
action. taxpayer is not satisfied
with the decision of the
Q: What is the composition of the Local Board of Assessment Appeals (LBAA) ? CBAA
1. The Registrar of Deeds, as Chairman; Appeal with the Supreme
2. The provincial or city prosecutor as member; Court within 15 days.
3. The provincial or city engineer as a member.
Q: What is the jurisdiction of the LBAA?
A: Jurisdiction to hear appeals of owners or persons having legal interest of TARIFF AND CUSTOMS TAXATION
owners having legal interest in a property who are not satisfied with the action of
the assessor on an assessment. Q: What is tariff?
A: It includes:
Appeal to the Central Board of Assessment Appeals (CBAA) 1. Customs duties, toll or tribute payable upon merchandise to the
Q: What is the composition of the CBAA? general government;
A: It shall be composed of:
2. Rate of customs; or
1. A Chairman; and
2. Two (2) members.
3. List of articles liable to duties.

Q: What is the jurisdiction of the CBAA? Q: What are customs duties?

A: Jurisdiction to hear appeals from the decision of Local Board of Assessment A: It is the name given to taxes on the importation and exportation of
Appeals commodities, the tariff or tax assessed upon merchandise imported from,
or exported to, a foreign country.
Q: Does the CBAA have the authority to hear purely legal issues? No.
Q: What are the kinds of tariffs or customs duties?
Taxpayer’s Remedies Involving Collection of Real Property Tax – LGC 1. Regular tariff or customs duties - these are taxes imposed or assessed
upon merchandise from, or exported to, a foreign country for the purpose
Assessor submits assessment roll to Local Treasurer on or before the 31st of December
each year. (Sec. 248, LGC) of raising revenues.
Posting of notice of deadline for payment at a conspicuous place at the LGU once a week 2. Special tariffs or custom duties - these are additional import duties
for two consecutive weeks. (Sec. 249, LGC) imposed on specific kinds of imported articles under certain conditions.
Protest decided in favour Taxpayer pays the tax then Protest is denied or upon They are imposed for the protection of consumers and manufacturers, as
of the taxpayer, the files a protest within thirty the lapse of sixty (60) day
well as Philippine products from undue competition posed by foreign
amount or portion of the (30) days from payment of period in which the
tax protested shall be the tax with the treasurer treasurer must decide, made products.
who shall decide within taxpayer may appeal with


Q: What do you understand by the term "flexible tariff clause" as used in Q: What are the agencies of the Government tasked to enforce,
the Tariff and Customs Code? implement and administer customs law?
A: The term "flexible tariff clause" refers to the authority given to the 1. Bureau of Customs (BOC); and
President to adjust tariff rates under Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs 2. Tariff Commission (TC)
Code, which is the enabling law that made effective the delegation of the
taxing power to the President under the Constitution. Q: When are tariff and customs law applicable?
A: After importation has begun but before importation is terminated.
Q: What is provided for under Section 401 of the Tcc?
A: In the interest of national economy, general welfare and/or national Q: When does importation begin and when does it end?
security, and subject to the limitations provided in the TCC, the President, 1. Importation begins when the conveying vessel or aircraft enters the
upon recommendation of the National Economic and Development jurisdiction of the Philippines with intention to unload therein.
Authority (NEDA), is empowered to:
2. Importation is deemed terminated upon payment of duties, taxes and
1. Increase, reduce or remove existing protective rates of import duty other charges due upon the articles, or secured to be paid, at the port of
(including any necessary change in classification). The existing rates may entry; and upon grant of the legal permit for withdrawal; In case the
be increased or decreased to any level, in one or several stages but in no articles are free of duties, taxes and other charges, until they have legally
case shall the increased rate of import duty be higher than a maximum of left the jurisdiction of the customs.
one hundred (100) per cent ad valorem;
2. Establish import quota or to ban imports of any commodity, as may be Note: Intention to unload is essential. Even if the cargo is not yet unloaded
necessary; and there is unmanifested cargo, forfeiture may take place because
3. Impose an additional duty on all imports not exceeding ten (10%) per importation has already begun.
cent ad valorem whenever necessary.
Q: What is meant by the term “entry” in Customs Law?
Q: What are the limitations imposed on the flexible tariff clause? A: It has a three-fold meaning:
1. Conduct by the Tariff Commission of an investigation in a public hearing 1. The documents filed at the Customs house;
- The Commission shall also hear the views and recommendations of any 2. The submission and acceptance of the documents; and 3.
government office, agency or instrumentality concerned. The Commission Customs declaration forms or customs entry forms required to be
shall submit their findings and recommendations to the NEDA within thirty accomplished by passengers of incoming vessels or passenger
(30) days after the termination of the public hearings. The NEDA thereafter planes as envisaged under Sec. 2505 of the TCCP (Failure to declare
submits its recommendation to the PresidENT. baggage).

2. The power of the President to increase or decrease the rates of import Q: What is the classification of articles subject to tariff and customs laws?
duty within the abovementioned limits fixed in the Code shall include the 1. Articles subject to duty
modification in the form of duty. In such a case, the corresponding ad 2. Articles of prohibited importation
valorem or specific equivalents of the duty with respect to the imports 3. Articles free from duties subject to conditions prescribed by law
from the principal competing foreign country for the most recent (conditionally-free importation)
representative period shall be used as bases


4. Duty free articles- Enterprises located in special economic zones are GR: All importations by the government for its own use or that of its
allowed to import capital equipment and raw materials free from duties, subordinate branches or instrumentalities, or corporations, agencies or
taxes and other import restrictions. instrumentalities owned or controlled by the government shall be subject
to the duties, taxes, fee and other charges provided for in the Tariff and
Q: What are conditionally-free importations? Customs Code.
A: These are imported articles that are allowed to enter the Philippines free
of duties and taxes after the compliance with certain conditions as XPNs:
imposed in the Tariff and Customs Code and other Customs regulation. 1. If expressly exempted under a special law;
2. If imported as conditionally-free importations.
Q: What articles are subject to customs duty? 3. Those granted to government agencies, instrumentalities or
A: All articles imported from any country into the Philippines, shall be government-owned or controlled corporations with existing contracts,
subject to duty upon each importation, even though previously exported commitments, agreements or obligations (requiring such exemptions)
from the Philippines, except as otherwise specifically provided for in the with foreign countries.
Tariff and Customs Code or in other laws.
Q: What are the kinds of tariffs or customs duties?
Q: What is the concept of Preferential Tariffs? 1. Regular tariff or customs duties - these are imposed and collected
A: It is the imposition of high customs duties which results to making the merely as a source of revenue.
foreign goods more expensive compared with locally produced articles. 2. Special tariffs or custom duties - Those imposed in addition to the
This is to protect Philippine manufacturers from competition posed by ordinary customs duties usually to protect local industries against foreign
foreign manufacturers. competition.

Q: Are there instances where there could be exemptions from customs Q: What are the kinds of regular customs duties?
duties? 1. Ad valorem duty – Customs duties that are computed on the basis of
GR: There shall be no exemptions from the payment of customs duties. value of imported article
XPNS: 2. Specific duty – Customs duties that are computed on the basis of
1. Those provided under the Tariffs and Customs Code (e.g. conditionally- dutiable weight of goodi.e. a unit of measure such as per kilogram, per
free importations) liter, etc.
2. Those granted to government agencies, instrumentalities or 3. Compound duty – Customs duties that impose both ad valorem and
government-owned or controlled corporation with existing contracts, specific customs duties.
commitments, agreements, or obligations (requiring such exemptions) 4. Alternating duty – alternates between ad valorem and specific
with foreign countries;
3. International institutions, associations or organization entitled to Q: What are the kinds of special customs duties?
exemption pursuant to agreements or special laws; 1. Under the Tariff and Customs Code (Dump-DisCo-Mark)
4. Those that may be granted by the President of the National Economic a. Anti-Dumping duty;
Development Authority in the interest of national economic development. b. Countervailing duty;
c. Marking duty; and
Q: Is the Government exempt from customs duties, taxes, fees and other d. Discriminatory duty.
2. Additional tariff imposed as a safeguard measure under the Safeguard REASONABLE MEANS consistent with the principles and general
Measure Act provisions of the Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 1994 and of Article VII
of GATT of 1994 and on the basis of data available in the country of
Q: What is customs valuation? importation.
A: Customs valuation is a procedure for determining the customs value of
imported goods. If the rate of duty is ad valorem, the customs value is Q: What is import entry?
essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good. A: It is a declaration to the Bureau of Customs showing the description,
value, tariff classification and other particulars of the imported article to
Q: What are the methods in assessing the dutiable value of an imported enable the customs authorities to determine the correct customs duties
article subject to an ad valorem rate of duty? and internal revenue taxes due on the importation

A: 1. TRANSACTION VALUE – the dutiable value of an imported article Q: When is import entry required?
subject to an ad valorem rate of duty shall be the transaction value, which GR: All imported articles shall be subject to formal or informal entry.
shall be the PRICE ACTUALLY PAID OR PAYABLE FOR THE GOODS when XPN: Except containers for re-export subject to conditionally free-
sold for export to the Philippines importation.
2. TRANSACTION VALUE OF IDENTICAL GOODS – the dutiable value shall
be the transaction value of identical goods SOLD FOR EXPORT TO THE
GOODS BEING VALUED. Q: What are the kinds of import entry and what articles do they cover?
3. TRANSACTION VALUE OF SIMILAR GOODS – where the dutiable value 1. Informal entry – a. Articles of a commercial nature intended for sale,
cannot be determined under the preceding method, the dutiable value barter or hire, the dutiable value of which is P2,000 or less b. Personal
shall be the transaction value of similar goods SOLD FOR EXPORT TO THE household effects or articles, not in commercial quantity, imported in
PHILIPPINES AND EXPORTED AT OR ABOUT THE SAME TIME AS THE passenger’s baggage, mail or otherwise, for personal use
GOODS BEING VALUED. 2. Formal entry – The TCC does not provide for a listing of articles that are
4. DEDUCTIVE VALUE – the dutiable value of the imported goods under this required to be cleared on a formal entry. The Customs Commissioner may,
method shall be the deductive value which shall be based on the UNIT upon instruction for the protection of the Finance Secretary, for the
PRICE AT WHICH THE IMPORTED GOODS OR IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR protection of domestic industry, require articles regardless of value to be
IMPORTED GOODS ARE SOLD IN THE PHILIPPINES, in the same condition cleared by a formal entry.
as when imported, in the greatest aggregate quantity, at or about the time
of the importation of the goods being valued, to persons not related to the Customs Protest
persons from whom they buy such goods Q: In case there is a dispute between the importer and the Collector as to
5. COMPUTED VALUE – the dutiable value of this method shall be the the correct determination of duties, taxes and other charges, what is
computed value which shall be the SUM of: a. The COST OR THE VALUE OF required from the importer?
MATERIALS and fabrication of other processing employed in producing A: The law requires the importer to file a protest at the time when payment
the imported goods; b. The AMOUNT FOR PROFIT AND GENERAL of the amount claimed to be due the government is made or within 15 days
EXPENSES equal to that usually reflected in the sale of thereafter.
6. FALLBACK VALUE – if the dutiable value cannot be determined under
the preceding methods described above, it shall be determined by using Liquidation
Q: What is meant by liquidation? 5. Filed when the amount claimed is paid or within 15 days after
A: Liquidation is the final computation and ascertainment by the Collector payment;
of Customs of the duties due on imported merchandise based on official 6. Sample of goods under protest must be furnished by the
reports as to the quantity, character and value thereof, and the Collector protestant, when required.
of Customs' own finding as to the applicable rate of duty. It is akin to an
assessment of internal revenue taxes under the NIRC where the tax liability SMUGGLING
of the taxpayer is definitely determined. Q: What is smuggling?
A: Any act of a person who shall:
A liquidation is considered to have been made when the entry is officially 1. fraudulently import or bring into the Philippines, any article,
stamped “liquidated.” contrary to law; or
2. assist in so doing; or
Q: When is liquidation deemed final? 3. receive, conceal, buy, sell or in any manner facilitate the
A: An assessment or liquidation by the Bureau of Customs attains finality transportation, concealment, or sale of such article after
and conclusiveness three (3) years from the date of the final payment of importation, knowing the same to have been imported contrary to
duties except when: law.
1. There was fraud; Note: The Philippines is divided into various ports of entry. Entry in
2. There is a pending protest; or any place other than those ports will be considered smuggling.
3. The liquidation of import entry was merely tentative.

Q: When is there tentative liquidation?

A: If to determine the exact amount due under the law in part some future Q: What are the elements of smuggling or illegal importation?
action is required, the liquidation shall be deemed to be tentative as to the 1. That the merchandise must have been fraudulently or knowingly
item or items affected and shall to that extent be subject to future and final imported contrary to law;
readjustment and settlement within a six (6) months from date of 2. That the defendant, if he is not the importer himself, must have
tentative liquidation. received, concealed, bought, sold or in any manner facilitated the
transportation, concealment or sale of the merchandise; and
Q: What are the proceedings before the Bureau of Customs? 3. That the defendant must be shown to have knowledge that the
1. Customs protest; and merchandise has been illegally imported.
2. Customs seizure and forfeiture.
Q: What properties are not subject to forfeiture in the absence of prima
Q: What are the requirements for protest? facie evidence?
A: SamPoWL-15G A: The forfeiture of a vehicle, vessel or aircraft shall not be effected if it is
1. In Writing; established that the owner thereof or his agent in charge of the means of
2. Points out the particular decision or ruling by the Collector of conveyance used has no knowledge of or participation in an unlawful act.
Customs to which exception is taken or objection is made;
3. States the Grounds relied upon for relief; Q: When is there prima facie presumption of knowledge of or
4. Limited to the subject matter of a single adjustment; participation in the unlawful act?
1. If the conveyance has been used for smuggling at least twice before.
2. If the owner is not in the business for which the conveyance is generally 2. Taxpayer - within 15 days from assessment. Payment under protest is
used. necessary.
3. If the owner is financially not in the position to own such conveyance.
Q: What is duty drawback?
REMEDIES UNDER TCC A: A device resorted to for enabling a commodity affected by taxes to be
exported and sold in foreign markets upon the same terms as if it had not
Remedies of the Government been taxed at all.
Q: What are the remedies of the government?
1. Administrative a
A. Tax lien
b. Compromise/reduction of customs duties
c. Seizure, search and arrest
d. Administrative fines and forfeiture

2. Judicial
a. Civil action
b. Criminal action


Q: What are the remedies of the taxpayer?
1. Administrative
a. Protest;
b. Refund, drawback, abatement;
c. Payment of fine or redemption;
d. Abandonment
e. Appeal to the Customs Commissioner

2. Judicial
a. Appeal to the CTA;
b. Action to question the legality of seizure;

Q: Who can make a protest and how is protest made?

1. Any importer or interested party - if dissatisfied with published value
within 15 days from date of publication or within 5 days from date the
importer is entitled to refund in case payment is rendered erroneous or
illegal by events occurring after the payment.

NEW TAX RATES based on Republic Act No. 10351 Remarks
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


1) AD VALOREM TAX RATE - Based on the 15% 15% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Net Retail Price (NRP) per proof (excluding
the excise and value-added taxes);And
2) SPECIFIC TAX - Per proof liter Php20 Php20 Php20 Php20.80 Php21.63 Effective 1/1/2016, the specific tax rate shall be increased
by 4% every year thereafter
B. WINES, per liter of volume capacity
B. WINES, per liter of volume capacity
1) Sparkling wines/ champagnes, where
the NRP (excluding the excise and VAT)
per bottle of 750ml volume capacity,
regardless of proof is:
Php500.00 or less Php250 Php260 Php270.40 Php281.22 Php292.47
Effective 1/1/2014, the specific tax rate shall be
More than Php500.00 Php700 Php728 Php757.12 Php787.40 Php818.90 increased by 4% every year thereafter
2) Still wines and carbonated wines Php30.0 Php31.20 Php32.45 Php33.75 Php35.10
containing 14% of alcohol by volume or less 0
3) Still wines and carbonated wines Php60.0 Php62.40 Php64.90 Php67.50 Php70.20
containing more than 14% (of alcohol by 0
volume) but not more 25% of alcohol by
4) Fortified wines containing more than Taxed as distilled spirits
25% of alcohol by volume
C. FERMENTED LIQUORS , per liter of volume capacity
1) If the NRP (excluding excise and VAT)
per liter of volume capacity is:
Php 50.60 and below Php15.0 Php17.00 Php19.00 Php21.00 Php23.50 Effective 1/1/2018, the specific tax rate shall be
0 increased by 4% every year thereafter
More than Php 50.60 Php20.0 Php21.00 Php22.00 Php23.00 Php23.50
2) If brewed and sold at microbreweries or
Php28.0 Php29.12 Php30.28 Php31.50 Php32.76 Effective 1/1/2014, the specific tax rate shall be
small establishments such as pubs and
0 increased by 4% every year thereafter
restaurants, regardless of the NRP


NEW TAX RATES based on Republic Act No. 10351 Remarks
PARTICULARS 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
A. TOBACCO PRODUCTS, per kilogram
1. Tobacco Products
(a) Tobacco twisted by hand or reduced into a condition to be consumed in any manner Php1.75 Php1.82 Php1.89 Php1.97 Php2.05
other than the ordinary mode of drying and curing;
(b) Tobacco prepared or partially prepared with or without the use of any machine or Php1.75 Php1.82 Php1.89 Php1.97 Php2.05
instrument or without being pressed or sweetened; and
(c) Fine-cut shorts and refuse, scraps, clippings, cuttings, stems, midribs and sweepings Php1.75 Php1.82 Php1.89 Php1.97 Php2.05
of tobacco; Effective 1/1/2014,
2. Chewing tobacco unsuitable for use in any other manner Php1.50 Php1.56 Php1.62 Php1.68 Php1.75 the specific tax rate
shall be increased
B. CIGARS, per cigar by 4% every year
3. Cigars thereafter
(a) Based on the NRP per cigar (excluding the excise and value-added taxes), and 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

(b) Per cigar Php5.00 Php5.20 Php5.41 Php5.62 Php5.85

C. CIGARETTES , per pack

1. Cigarettes packed by hand Php12.00 Php15.00 Php18.00 Php21.00 Php30.00 Effective 1/1/2018,
the specific tax rate
shall be increased
by 4% every year
2. Cigarettes packed by machine, where the NRP (excluding excise and VAT) per pack is:

(a) Php11.50 and below Php12.00 Php17.00 Php21.00 Php25.00 Php30.00

(b) More than Php11.50 Php25.00 Php27 Php28 Php29 Php30

Lubricating oils and greases, including but not limited to base stock for lube oils and greases, high vacuum distillates, aromatic extracts and other similar
preparations, and additives for lubricating oils and greases, whether such additives are petroleum based or not P 4.50 per liter
Processed gas P 0.05 per liter
Waxes and petrolatum P 3.50 per kilogram
Denatured alcohol, if used for motive power [i.e. one hundred eighty (180) proof ninety percent (90%) absolute alcohol]. Provided, that unless otherwise P 0.05 per liter
provided by special laws, if the denatured alcohol is mixed with gasoline, the excise tax which has already been paid, only the alcohol content shall be subject
to tax
Naphtha, regular gasoline and other similar products of distillation P 4.35 per liter


Naphtha used as raw material in the production of petrochemical products or as replacement fuel for natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant, in lieu of P 0.00 per liter
locally-extracted natural gas during the non-availability thereof
Leaded premium gasoline P 5.35 per liter
Unleaded premium gasoline P 4.35 per liter
Aviation turbo jet fuel P 3.67 per liter
Kerosene P 0.00 per liter
Kerosene used as aviation fuel P 3.67 per liter
Diesel fuel oil, and on similar fuel oils having more or less the same generating power P 0.00 per liter
Liquefied Petroleum Gas ; Provided, that if used for motive power, it shall be taxed at the equivalent rate as the Excise Tax on diesel fuel oil P 0.00 per liter
Asphalt P 0.56 per kilogram
Bunker fuel oil, and on similar fuel oils having more or less the same generating power P 0.00 per liter


On coal and coke Ten Pesos (P10.00) per metric ton
All mineral and mineral products (non-metallic), quarry resources

Two percent (2%) bases on the actual market value, in the case of those locally-extracted or produced; and, in the
case of importation or the value used by the Bureau of Customs in determining tariff and customs duties, net of
Excise Tax and Value-Added Tax.

On locally-extracted natural gas and liquefied natural gas

On indigenous petroleum Three percent (3%) of the fair international market price thereof
In the case of mineral concentrates not traded in commodity exchanges in the Philippines or abroad, such as copper concentrate, the actual market value shall be the world price
quotations of the refined mineral products content thereof prevailing in the said commodity exchanges, after deducting the smelting, refining and other charges incurred in the process of
converting the mineral concentrates into refined metal traded in those commodity exchanges.

On minerals and mineral products sold or consigned abroad, the actual cost of ocean freight and insurance shall be deducted from the tax base.


0 P 600,000 2%
P 600,000 P 1,100,000 P 12,000 + 20% in excess of P 600,000
P 1,100,000 P 2,100,000 P112,000+ 40% in excess of P1,100,000
P 2,100,000 over P512,000 + 60% in excess of P2,100,000

Twenty percent (20%) based on the wholesale price or the value of importation used by the Bureau of Customs in determining Tariff and Customs Duties,
net of Excise and Value-Added taxes.


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