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An Explanation of Homework 6 -

Question 2
L. Traktman
November 3, 2018

I have given credit on this exercise if your answer accounted either for the
angles of φ or the radius ρ based on the plane z = 1. Here is a full solution
of the problem.

z = ρcos(φ).

First we can find the azimuthal angles by solving for φ at ρ = 10, the
boundary of the sphere itself.

1= 10cos(φ) → φ = cos−1 ( √110 ) so 0 ≤ φ ≤ cos−1 ( √110 )

We can do the same with ρ for varying φ (our ρ starts at the plane z = 1,
which is φ-dependent )

1 = ρcos(φ), ρ = sec(φ) so sec(φ) ≤ ρ ≤ 10
All told:
R 2π R cos−1 ( √110 ) R √10
0 0 sec(φ)
ρ2 sin(φ)dρdφdθ

My sincerest apologies for any confusion.

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