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Module one Lesson three : Generation gap

I/Let’s get ready

1) Complete the Venn diagram with the differences and similarities between you and your
parents regarding looks, clothes, music, pastimes, friends, education, future…..

2)Which of these differences create problems between you ?

3)What’s your parents’ opinion about them?

II/Reading comprehension
1-Read the text on p 16 and tick the right option
Jane speaks about: a-her loving parents.
b-going out with friends.
c-the conflict between her and her parents.
2-Read the text and circle right alternative:
Jane was embarrassed because: a-she couldn’t stay late in the party.
b-her father was going to pick her up.
c-because her parents didn’t let her wear a short dress

How did Jane react? a- She was obedient and respectful

b- She was disobedient and broke the rules
c- She was very demanding and always wanted more

3)Do you agree with such behaviour?. Why or why not?

4)Do you think that her parents use the best way to solve
their teenager’s problem?
5)Does Jane choose the best solution to solve the problem?
6)Find words meaning the same as:
a-To be ashamed or uncomfortable (P1):…………………………………………............................
b-Go out secretly (P3):………………………………………………………………….....................
c-Disagreement, discussion (P4):…………………………………………………............................
d-Stubborn, disobedient, don’t listen to other’s advice(P3):………………………………..................................
Rewrite the phrases in brackets using a compound adjective.
Mrs. Benetton is a (woman who works very hard) …………………………………………….. that’s why she never wears
(shoes with high heels ) …………………………………………………….. She lives in the suburbs of Leeds in a
( house painted in white) …………………………………………………………… She doesn’t like spending money but she
always spends her holidays in a ( hotel with 5 stars ) ………………………………………………………

III-Writing. Who is to blame for the bad relationship between Jane and her parents? Match
sentences in box A with the right ones in b to make a coherent paragraph.


1)It’s not necessary to get nuts at your parents a-and explain calmly that things have changed
and leave the house. b-to take care of yourself
2)I don’t think you are making the right choice c-they really love you and want the best for you
3)I think you have to speak to them d-when you break the rules
4)You are old enough e-don’t argue or fight with them
5)You should convince them that new rules must be f-I would rather ask them to give me enough
set freedom to do things by myself.
6)Your parents really care for you, g-You are more responsible now.
7)You mustn’t be rude to them; h-They seem overprotective.
8)Now, if I were you, I wouldn’t run away i-If you apologize and ask them to give you a
9)I am sure your parents will be understanding chance to lead a more independent life.

1 + …… 2 + ……… 3 + …… 4 + …… 5 + ….. 6 + ……. 7 + ….. 8 + …. 9 + ……

Now write a letter of advice to help Jane solve her problem and be
on good terms with her parents. Use linkers : First, second, besides,
However, that’s why, since, because…

Dear Jane,
I’ve just read your letter and I understand how you feel. So, here are some pieces of advice for

Yours …………………………

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