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Telephone Etiquette
a. Always identify yourself at the beginning of all calls.
b. Be sensitive to the tone of your voice.
c. Think through exactly what you plan to say and discuss BEFORE you place a call.
d. Do not allow interruptions to occur during conversations
e. Especially when leaving messages, speak clearly and slowly.
f. Always speak into the telephone receiver with an even and low tone of voice.
g. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by other activities while speaking on the telephone
2. Handshake - Handshake is the place where students, career centers, and recruiters come to
meet, talk, and share opportunities.
3. Email Etiquette
a. Do have a clear subject line
b. Don’t forget signature
c. Do use professional salutation
d. Don’t use humor
e. Do proofread your message
f. Do reply to all emails
g. Do keep confidentiality
h. Don’t overuse exclamation point
4. Manners in table etiquette
a. Handling utensils
b. Napkin
c. The table setting
d. When to start eating
e. Resting utensils
f. Passing food
g. Soup Etiquette
h. Seating manner
i. Meals end
5. Office Etiquette
a. Be punctual
b. Pay attention
c. Discourage gossip
d. Be mindful and courteous
e. Communicate with class
f. Show respect
6. Meeting Etiquette
a. Be on time
b. Bring business cards
c. Be prepared
d. Silent all devices
e. Positive attitude
f. Be confident
g. Never eat during meeting
7. Business Card etiquette
a. Make it professionally
b. Keep them clean and crispy
c. Present it with two hands
8. Dress Etiquette - It is essential to dress appropriately at the workplace for an everlasting
impression. Individuals who dress shabbily are never taken seriously at work.

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