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Environmental science is a branch of science which has interdisciplinary

fields like physical, biological and information science including plant
science, physics, biology, ecology, geology, social science, zoology,
atmospheric science and physical geography to the study of the
Environment and the solution of the Environmental problems.

Some Important components of the Environment:

1. Atmospheric Sciences:

It deals with the Earth’s atmosphere that focuses on interrelation to the

other components. Atmospheric science can also include green house gas
phenomena, meteorology, and atmospheric dispersion modeling of airborne
contaminants, sound propagation phenomena related to noise pollution,
and even light pollution. For Example

Global warming, infrared radiation transmission, inventory of atmospheric

chemicals and their reactions, carbon dioxide fluxes.
2. Geo sciences:

It focuses on evolution earth’s crust like environmental soil science,

environmental geology and volcanic phenomena. In some types of systems
it can also include oceanography and hydrology. For example

Soil erosion, It is the main disadvantage of the environment. It is one of the

problem refers to the wearing a way of fields topsoil by the natural physical
forces by the water.

3. Ecology:
It is the study of inter reactions between organisms and their
environment. It tries to study about relation between population of
organisms and some physical characteristics of their environment.
Such as concentration of a chemical or investigate the interaction
between two population organisms through competitive relationship.
For example analysis of an ecological system which has been
impacting by the one or more stressors might include different types
of environmental science fields.
Organizations of Environmental Sciences:
These are the major international organizations in the world.
1. Earth System Governance Project(ESGP):
It is started in 2010 by the developing countries which are most
affected by environment and climate change. These countries are
located around the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean and some
around Africa. But lack of interest of mentioned nations didn’t
come to effect into the project.

2. Global Environmental Facility(GEF):

It was established I 1991 as partnership of among 183 nations,
international institutes, civil organizations, private businesses. This
organization works on projects concerning climate change,
international water, biodiversity, land degradation and the ozone
layer. Currently it is the largest funder of these types of projects in
this world. Together, these funds have contributed to 3,690
projects in 165 countries.
3. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC):
IPCC works in UN as scientific and intergovernmental organization.
It was established in 1988 by the world meteorological
organization. It’s bases for offer the world and biased, scientific
assessment and climate change and its effects.
4. International Union of Conservation Nature(IUCN):
It was established in 1948 and is comprised 1,200 governmental
and non-governmental members. Its promotion is to promote
sustainable nature resources and nature conservation of the
natural resources around the globe. It also deals with the issues
such as gender equality, poverty and sustainable business practices
in order to achieve its objective.
5. World Nature Organization (WNO):
Planning for world nature organization was started in 2010 by the
countries which were developing at that time affected by the
climate change. It works on the climate situations and the climate
related problems worldwide.

Major Problems of Environment science:

These are the major environmental problems in the world.

1. Climate change
2. Deforestation
3. Waste Disposal
4. Loss of Biodiversity
5. Pollution
1. Climate change:
Climate change is a change that refers to the statistical distribution of
weather patterns when the weather remains that change for a long
period of time sometimes it would be decades to million years. It
changes in an average weather conditions or within the longer term
average conditions. Climate change has become a problem to the
Environment that it can be led to the global warming.
2. Deforestation:
In the world greenhouse gas emission don’t come from factories and
cars at least 15 percent. They come from Deforestation. Environment
organizations decided that by 2030 there will be only 10 percent of
rainforest left; remaining forests will be cut for agriculture uses.
3. Waste of disposal:
Waste is generating in the society is bigger and very fast. It is to put or
throw waste in the trash but there is a long process to disable or
decrease the waste in the large amount. It has also become a big
environmental problem in the world. By the organizational statistics
there is every person is producing 4.6 percent of waste around the
4. Pollution:
The most popular pollution problems in the environment are land, air,
water and sound pollution. Pollution has become a big problem that
has to be solved only by the people and the government. These types
of pollution like soil irrigation and the water pollution have massive
pollution situations in the world.
5. Loss of Biodiversity:
Biodiversity is the variety life in the world that too in particular
ecosystem is declining. Loss of biodiversity that is a major problem in
the society. Environment that has to cross many problems to set a
natural environment in the world.

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