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The DLSL Musikalista conducted a community involvement activity entitled “Harana

kina Lola” which was held last February 21, 2015, Saturday, in Altura Bata, Tanauan.
The activity was aimed to pay the elders a visit for the second time and give them
entertainment through music. It was participated by fifteen (15) Musikalista members,
including three (3) officers. The adviser of the organization was also present in the said
event. Few members performed a number of songs while the other participants meet
and interact with the elders. The members also conducted a BINGO game for them,
with respective prizes for the winners. After playing few rounds, the participants
provided food for the Lolas. Some of them helped in preparing the meals, some
assisted the elders with disabilities in eating their food, and some performed some
songs while the elders eat. Another few rounds of BINGO were played after they eat
their meals. The elders enjoyed the game and they even requested to play a few rounds
more. The members also had the chance to socialize with them through exchanging
stories and experiences. By joining in this activity, the members were able to give
happiness to the elders of Altura Bata simply through interacting with them, showing
them care and respect, and showcasing their talents. Hence, the organization was
planning to visit them again and take it as their annual community involvement activity.

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