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‘SIRE? Indian Standard METHODS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COPPER (Revised ) Eighth Reprint FEBRUARY 2002 UDC 669.3 : 543, © Copyright 1964 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Gr7 March 1964 Indian Standard METHODS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COPPER ( Revised ) es Methods of Chemical Analysis Sectional Committee, SMDC 2 Chairman Representing Dr T. Baxenrer National Metallurgical Laboratory (OSIR), ‘Tamshedpur Members Ds HP. Buarracuanva ( Alternate to ‘Dr T. Banerjee) suarK.L. Baxeaine Refractories Sectional Committee, SM De Mf K"Bosn ‘Assay Department ( Sfinistry of Finan Ds G.P.Cuarrenra: Hindustan Stool Ltd,” Durgapur ‘Durgapor Smar A. C. Buowne ( Alternate) Durury Drazcron Reszaxox Research, Designa & Standards Organisation (tee) (Ministry of Railways j, Chittaranjan ‘SHRI. P. Saxew, De B.K Dora urgical Research Laboratory [Ministry of Defence (R&D) }, Ishapar ‘Sum D. N. Exomrpaxa Tualab Private Ltd, Bombay Honavan ( Alternate ) sa. Tndian Tron & Stes! Co Ltd, Barnpur J. N- Banaax ( Alternate 'B. Goin Ferro Corporstion Ltd, Tumsar (Maha. rash - SaNGAMMSHARA RAO (Alternat cam er lass & Ceramic Research Institute aleutte 1K. Acamwan. ( Alternats) Mais Director General, Ordnance Factories ( Minlatry ‘Of Defence), Csleatta N. Darra ( Alternate) Sun MM. Movport ‘in ‘lation, Cale ‘Sunt N. MAzoMDAR ( Alterncte) (Continued om page 2) OO BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHaH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 1S : 440 - 1964 (Continued from page 1) ‘Menbers ha De G.V.E.N.afuarr Tho Tata Lo Ee M MONT, (penalty a; moa oa guar Nc. Suv Gorse ernment Test, Suneb. 8. Somsananc Sesional Chomicat Labora See eee Aen) Dirsto, IST (Beofiete Memter) MBepuiy Director (8 & 31) Representing 2 & Steel Go Ltd, Jamshedpur ny (CSIR), Pons Secretary sant 8.L. Batt xtra Assistant Director ($8 M1), IST papers 1S: 440-1964 CONTENTS PAG, Foreworp .., 4 Score 3 Saueuixa 5 Quatery oF Recents... 5 Derenwinarion of Corre ay tan Etecraouyric Mernop 6 3. DETERMINATION OF Arsenic anp Antimony By THE Co- PRECIPITATION ( IopiMerRic) Mzt#op 9 DevERuiNarion oF Arsenic sy THE Hyrordospuire Iop!- merc (AurennaTe) Merion (APPLICABLE IN” ABIENCE or Se and Te) = 3 4 alld . Derensination or Brswurs By THe [opie (Pxorounraso) Marnop 4 3. DeTermination oF IRON 16 By the Dichromate ( Volumetric) Method 7 By the Ammonium Thiocyanaie (Photometric) Method 18 1. Deveruination of Leap ay tHe Cotormeraic Meraop 19 ). Dererumarion of Nicket py tar Dimeraviorvoxme (Gravieernic) MetH0D iy a Devanuimarion or Sruwrum py Tue Graviweraie Msrnop 7 a . Deverixarion oF TELLURIUM BY THE GRAVIMETRIC MerHop os a, OS . DEreruixation oF OXYGEN By THE Comsustion Mernop 23 . Devemanation or Tix sy THE Iopiweraic Metuop ... 26 . DETERMINATION oF PaospHorus sy ALKALIMETRIC MetHop 28 3

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