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Concept Map: Unit 4: “Banks”


large financial institutions

there are two types of banks


give similar services not to

A financial institution that accepts:
individuals but to companies

 Deposits: leave money in a bank.

 Merger (fusion): When two or more companies
 Current account: it´s is a personal bank account from which
you can take money out of at any time. It is used to make decide to combine and become one entity.
payments and usually earns little or no interest.  Takeovers (toma de control): one company
 Saving account: it´s a bank account from which earns interest on
will buy another company and assume
the money kept in it.
 Personal and mortgage loans (auto loans - business loans): A 
loan is a sum of money borrowed from the bank to assist for 
certain planned or unplanned events. The borrower is required to
 Personal and mortgage loans (auto loans - business loans): A  control of it.
loan is a sum of money borrowed from the bank to assist for  Acquisitions. When one company decides to take
certain planned or unplanned events. The borrower is required to
pay back the loan, including the interest charged over a stipulated over another one. There are two types of
period. acquisition: hostile and friendly. A hostile
 Credit card: a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods takeover is the term used when a company buys
or pay services, and then pay for them later.
another one without its consent. When both
companies agree to the terms of the acquisition, it
is referred to as a friendly takeover.
Another service is the payment of: ** Takeovers and mergers are very similar.

 Fee (fees): make a payment to someone in return for

services or for the use of something: legal fees,
University fees, an entrance/registration fee, etc.
 Salary (salaries): a fixed amount of money agreed every
year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into
his or her bank account every month.
 Wages: monetary remuneration for a day, an hour, a
week, or for a short-term work. He promised to pay us
high wages. What is the minimum wage in Australia?
His weekly wages are $20.


 (Comercio exterior): the buying and selling of goods and services among countries.

Imports: the goods The balance of trade (La

Visible trade (Comercio visible) , The balance of Export merchant
and services we buy balanza commercial): is the
in economics, exchange of payments (La house (Casa
from other countries. value of a country's exports
physically tangible goods between balanza de pagos) comercial de
minus its imports. There are
Exports: the goods countries. It is distinguished from of a country: is the exportación): it
two consequences of it:
and services we sell to invisible trade (comercio record of all consists of buying

other countries. 1. Trade surplus (Superávit invisible), which involves the international trade directly from foreign

commercial): when exports physically intangible items such as and financial producers or various

are larger than imports. services, which include freight and transactions domestic

Countries usually regard that passenger transport; banking, other between a country manufacturers for re-

as a favourable trade balance. financial services, insurance; and the rest of the packaging and

scientific-technical exchange; world in a particular ormalities and

I. Trade deficit
international tourism, etc. period (over a exchange control
(Déficit commercial):
2. Trade deficit (Déficit scientific-technical exchange; world in a particular re-selling under its own
commercial): when imports international tourism, etc. period (over a name. It is due to the
are larger than exports. quarter of a year or formalities and exchange
Countries usually regard that more commonly control approval.
as an unfavourable trade over a year). The
Governments control
balance. balance of payments
international trade through
includes all external
However, these two must tariffs and quotes. A tariff
visible and non-
always be balanced. (arancel) is a tax imposed
visible transactions
on imported goods and a
of a country.
quota is the maximum

quantity of a product that

can be imported during a


The money that a country

receives for its exports

enables it to pay for its


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