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DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.

2, 2017


Kalana Maduwage

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya,, Sri Lanka.

Correspondence: Dr. Kalana Maduwage,,

Prof. Senaka Bibile Professor Bibile was the founder of Sri

Lanka's national drugs policy, which was
used as a model for development of policies
on rational pharmaceutical use in other
countries as well. He played the leading role
in developing a rational pharmaceutical
policy which ensured drugs at an affordable
cost to impoverished people.

The content of this oration focuses on snake

envenoming and antivenoms, particularly in
relation to Sri Lanka. It will highlight the
Professor Senaka William Bibile irrational use of pharmaceutical products
related to snake envenoming without proper
Senaka William Bibile was born on the 13th scientific evidence and key shortcomings of
of February 1920, 97 years ago at the pharmaceutical policy in our country.
Kathaluwa, in the Southern Province. Prof
Bibile received his primary and secondary Burden of snakebite
education at Trinity College, Kandy and
graduated from the University of Colombo Approximately 400 thousand to 1.8 million
with first class honours at the final MBBS people are bitten by snakes worldwide each
with distinctions and gold medals in year 1. The highest burden has been reported
Medicine and Surgery. He obtained his in south Asia and south-east Asia followed
Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh for by sub-Saharan Africa. Over 100 thousand
research on steroid hormones. On his return snakebites are reported from the south and
to Sri Lanka, he was appointed as the south east Asian region. Annual, global
Professor of Pharmacology at the Colombo snakebite death toll is over 100,000 1. India
Medical Faculty. has the highest number of deaths due to
snake envenoming, which exceeds 10,000
He was the first Dean of the Faculty of per year. Until recently, the World Health
Medicine at Peradeniya from 1967 to 1970. Organization classified snakebites as a
Prof Bibile was also instrumental in neglected tropical disease. This suggests that
initiating the idea of building the Peradeniya snake envenoming is among the most
Teaching Hospital and played a key role in neglected of tropical diseases.
establishing the State Pharmaceuticals
Corporation. Perhaps most notably, As a tropical country with an agricultural

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38 Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY)
DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

economy, Sri Lanka has a significant burden cascade react immediately after they reach
of snake envenoming. Based on hospital the circulation5 . Therefore, coagulopathy
data, Sri Lanka’s annual health bulletin starts sooner than later following a
reports an average of 40,000 snakebites and snakebite. Similarly, toxins acting on the
100 deaths in the island annually 2,3. vascular endothelium also begin their
However, a recent community based study hemorrhagic effects immediately. Based on
reported over 80,000 snakebites, 40,000 these factors, antivenom should be
envenomings and 500 fatalities per year4. administered within the first few minutes
The discrepancy between the two data after envenoming in order to prevent
sources highlights the neglected nature of coagulopathy and hemorrhagic effects. In
this tropical disease and the intensity of the contrast, the development of other peripheral
burden. toxic effects such as myotoxicity, renal
injury and neurotoxicity, takes time. Toxins
Pathophysiology of snake envenoming have to be distributed to these peripheral
sites and the timing depends on many other
Snakebite can manifest as a number of regional tissue factors.
different clinical syndromes. Coagulopathy
is the commonest, and also the leading cause Snake antivenom
of death following any snakebite in the
world5. Snake venom acts on the human Snake antivenom was first discovered in
clotting cascade, and either activates or 1894 in France, by Albert Calmette. Even
inhibits a specific reaction in the pathway. after a century of its first clinical use,
Secondly, snake venom blocks neuro antivenom is considered as the mainstay of
transmission at synapses, leading to treating snake envenoming. Antivenoms are
neurotoxicity6,7 . Hemorrhagic effects of polyclonal immunoglobulins raised against
venom are expressed as a result of one or more species of snake venom. They
increasing vascular permeability by are produced by a host animal, commonly
hemorrhagic toxins. Some venoms destroy horses. There are three-forms of
skeletal muscle membrane, leading to immunoglobulins used as antivenoms:
myotoxicity8,9. Renal injury occurs due to whole IgG, (Fab’)2 fragments and small Fab
either direct renal damage by the toxins or fragments12 . All three-forms have their own
secondarily due to myotoxicity8. Local pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics
effects of envenoming are common and properties. Mechanism of action of
sometimes life threatening. These vary from antivenom against snake venom is simple,
mild local pain to extensive tissue necrosis, an antigen-antibody binding reaction,
which could lead to amputations10 . preventing the active-site interaction of the
antigen with target tissue.
When a person is bitten by a snake, venom
is injected either subcutaneously or deep Controversies on coagulopathy following
intra-muscularly. The local effects of venom snake envenoming
around the site of bite begin immediately.
Venom is absorbed into the central Many controversies exist on the events
compartment and enters the circulation via following snake envenoming, particularly on
lymphatics. Blockage of lymphatics, coagulopathy. Identity of some of the
delaying venom absorption, is a novel venomous snakes is indistinct and
approach in the field of envenoming understanding of snake-venom induced
research11 . The toxins that act on the clotting coagulopathy is not well established.

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

Clinical and hematological spectrums of When the human clotting cascade is exposed
some Sri Lankan snake envenoming are to toxins, toxins activate the clotting
poorly understood. Diagnosis of cascade. Activation of the clotting pathway
envenoming and coagulopathy are essential utilizes the clotting factors and consumes
for the management. However, there is no them5. The actions of the anti-clotting
well-established scientific basis for the pathway, fibrinolytic pathway and other
diagnosis and monitoring of coagulopathy. factors in live humans prevent extensive clot
Sri Lanka has used Indian-snake antivenoms formation within the vasculature. Utilization
for more than 4 decades without establishing of clotting factors ends with little or no
their efficacy or effectiveness. Some clotting factors in the circulation. Therefore,
clinicians use fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) for snake envenoming leads to consumption
coagulopathy following snake coagulopathy, correctly termed as venom-
envenoming . It is important to search for induced consumption coagulopathy or
scientific evidence to use FFP for snakebite VICC15,16. Even-though the venom activates
coagulopathy. Many books and research the clotting pathway, the end result looks
papers have described disseminated like anti-clotting in nature.
intravascular coagulation following snake
envenoming14, but there is a notable lack of Russell’s viper venom is well known to
evidence for this concept. Therefore contain factor X and V activators.
accurate, bedside diagnosis of envenoming Activation of factors X and V converts pro-
is critical to decide antivenom treatment and thrombin in to thrombin and fibrinogen in to
prevent systemic envenoming. Lack of such fibrin5. Generation of thrombin activates
tests has worsened the outcomes of many positive feedback loops and
envenoming. subsequently triggers all clotting factors.
Saw-scaled viper venom is known for
Snakebite coagulopathy activation of prothrombin15. Activation of
prothrombin triggers the clotting pathway.
Snake venom has two types of coagulant Our current experiments indicate that hump-
toxins. Pro-coagulant toxins activate the nosed viper venom contains thrombin-like
clotting cascade, and anti-coagulant toxins enzymes. Toxins cleave fibrinogen into
inhibit the clotting cascade. Pro-coagulant fibrinopeptides and make an unstable fibrin
toxicity is far more common than anti- clot. The action of toxin on a single reaction
coagulant toxicity5 . All Sri Lankan viper in a clotting cascade triggers the
venoms are composed of pro-coagulant consumption of all clotting factors, leading
toxins. The action of pro-coagulant toxins to coagulopathy5.
on the clotting cascade is different inside a
test tube and within the circulation of When factor consumption occurs within the
humans. When snake venom is added to a vasculature, the patient expresses a wide
sample of blood in a test tube, it clots range of clinical features. Frequently,
immediately. In contrast to that, when a patients do not express clinically detectable
person is bitten by a snake, there is no bleeding or hemorrhages. Lack of clinical
extensive clot formation within the signs could also be possible even with no
circulation15. Otherwise, patients should detectable fibrinogen in the
frequently present to the hospital with circulation . Venom-induced
ischemic strokes, myocardial infractions, consumption coagulopathy is clinically
massive pulmonary embolism and multiple expressed as gum bleeding, hematemesis,
thrombotic events. But this does not happen. hemoptysis, hematuria, and bleeding per

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

rectum or bleeding in to internal organs such A study about the in-vivo effects of hump-
as brain17,20,21. nosed viper venom using a mice model was
helpful to understand the venom induced
Hump-nosed viper envenoming is the organ damage. The study confirmed closely
leading cause of snake bite in Sri Lanka1. related lethal, hemorrhagic and necrotic
Although the bites frequently cause no effects in all three venoms. Further, the
systemic effects, coagulopathy is the same study explained many organ-specific
commonest systemic effect10. A descriptive toxic effects of hump-nosed viper venom,
study was conducted to explore the including the kidney, liver, lung and gastro-
concentrations of clotting factors following intestinal tract25.
hump-nosed viper envenoming. All cases
were confirmed by the detection of hump- No toxins have been isolated from hump-
nosed viper venom in the circulation. Of 80 nosed viper venom. The results of initial
patients, none exhibited clinical features of experiments reveal that this venom acts like
coagulopathy. PT/INR and aPTT were thrombin, and hence is classified as snake-
slightly elevated and close to the values of a venom thrombin-like enzymes that cleave
patients who were being treated with fibrinogen into fibrinopetides. Isolation and
warfarin. Further, hump-nosed viper characterization of the coagulant toxin of
envenoming led to reduced levels of factors hump-nosed viper venom is particularly
V, VIII and fibrinogen22 . The 20 minute important. The Malayan pit viper,
Whole blood clotting time is the Calloselasma rhodostoma, which inhabits
commonest test that is used to detect the Malayasian peninsula, is genetically the
coagulopathy of snake envenoming. closest species to hump-nosed vipers.
However, mild coagulopathy following Ancrod, a fibrinolytic toxin26, has been
hump-nosed viper envenoming cannot be isolated from Malayan pit viper venom.
detected by Whole blood clotting time 2022. Phase III clinical trials are now in progress
to establish the effect of Ancrod for the
Investigating the venoms and clinical treatment for ischemic stroke and other
characterization of three species of hump- thromboembolic diseases. The coagulant
nosed vipers was critically important. A toxin in Sri Lankan hump-nosed viper
fatal case of Hypnale zara envenoming venom is expected to have closely similar
reported that the patient had developed biochemical properties to Ancrod.
severe coagulopathy and acute kidney
injury, which led to death23. This case report Details of Sri Lankan saw scaled viper
was directed for further investigation of the coagulopathy has not been well documented.
species-specific toxic effects of hump-nosed Saw scaled vipers are widely distributed in
viper venom. Analysis of hundreds of the Asian and African continents, and are
confirmed cases revealed that all three the leading cause of snake bite induced
species of hump-nosed vipers can cause deaths in the world. Research on saw scaled
similar fatal envenoming. Investigation of viper envenoming in Sri Lanka was actually
venoms from all three species showed hindered by the war due to inaccessibility to
closely similar venom profiles and toxic this area. The study showed that 92% of
effects which concluded that envenoming by confirmed saw scaled viper bites led to
all three species of hump-nosed viper could coagulopathy, with a few cases of
lead to similar and severe clinical spontaneous bleeding20.

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

Russell’s viper is the challenge of Asian confirmed the importance of abdominal pain
snake envenoming. Coagulopathy is the as a predictor of development of
commonest, and also the leading, cause of coagulopathy21.
death in Russell’s viper envenoming.
Effectiveness of antivenom for snakebite
Table 1. The median, interquartile range (IQR) and range of the minimum (Factors I, II, V,
VII, VIII, IX, X) or maximum (PT/INR, aPTT, D-Dimer) factor concentrations/clotting times
measured for the 147 patients during their hospital admission.

Factor Concentration or Normal Median Interquartile Range

Clotting times Range range

Prothrombin time (PT) sec 9-14 69 36 – 180 12 – 180

INR 0.9 – 1.3 6.8 3.7 – >13 1.3 – >13

aPTT (s) 25 – 35 180 91.3 – 180 29 – 180

Fibrinogen (g/L) 2–4 < 0.01 <0.01 – 0.9 <0.01 – 3

Factor II (%) 70 – 120 60 49 – 74 10 – 120

Factor V (%) 70 – 120 <5 <5 – 4 <5 – 61

Factor VII (%) 70 – 120 63 43 – 123 15 – 1203

Factor VIII (%) 70 – 120 24 10 – 41 1 – 335

Factor IX (%) 70 – 120 88 66 – 109 2 – 860

Factor X (%) 70 – 120 48 29 – 67 <0.01 –

coagulopathy 152
In these Antigen
bites(%) V – 160
potent factor X and 50 Nature 100 – 245
176 of clotting times and39 – 523
D-dimer toxins,
(mg/L)activate and consume< 0.5 concentrations
134 following
20 – 450 Russell’s viper
1 – 905
almost all clotting factors in the circulation, envenoming have not yet been studied in
resulting in factor deficiency15,19. detail. The key question is how depleted
clotting factors recover after antivenom
Not all patients develop systemic effects treatment. Patients with Russell’s viper
after Russell’s viper bites. Exploring the envenoming (147 proven cases) were
prediction of development of coagulopathy recruited for the study. Serial serum and
based on some non-specific clinical features plasma samples were collected and analyzed
at an early stage is important. A study for venom concentrations, clotting time tests
explored the correlation between abdominal and factor levels (Table 1)19.
pain and the future development of
coagulopathy and renal injury. The Russell’s viper envenoming causes
association between abdominal pain and prolonged PT/INR and aPTT. The reason of
coagulopathy was strong, and the study prolonged clotting time could be simply

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

explained by the long time taken to make a doses of antivenom. Importantly, patients
clot in these two tests. The reason for taking may be in coagulopathic situations such as
a long time is explained by the results in the no fibrinogen and factor levels, for up to 48
latter part of the table 1. These patients have hours after the initial dose of antivenom.
no fibrinogen, no factor V, and low factors
X and VIII. The lack of many important Diagnosis and monitoring of
factors in the clotting pathway has led to coagulopathy
prolonged clotting times. The lack of
clotting factors is due to consumption of Current guidelines discourage treatment
factors after the activation of the clotting until the patient develops clinical features of
pathway by pro-coagulant toxins in coagulopathy. Two factors suggest this may
Russell’s viper venom. The excessive d- be unwise. First, many patients have
dimer levels reflect massive fibrinolysis19 . coagulopathy in their circulation despite
lacking clinically detectable signs and
After the initial dose of antivenom, the symptoms18,22. Secondly, delaying
venom concentration has dropped to zero antivenom treatment might worsen the
and remained almost undetectable. The outcomes of all systemic effects including
minimum fibrinogen concentration was coagulopathy. The Whole Blood Clotting
reported immediately before antivenom Test 20 (WBCT20) is used in many parts of
administration. Even-though the venom is the world to diagnose coagulopathy. The
not present after antivenom administration, sensitivity and specificity of WBCT20 has
the recovery of fibrinogen took more than been debated over many decades. Based on
24 hours. The recovery of INR and aPTT the results of clotting parameters, as you
has taken over 48 hours. Similarly, factors X have seen, the appropriate tests to diagnose
and V have taken 24 and 48 hours to return coagulopathy include PT/ INR, aPTT,
to normal. The recovery of clotting fibrinogen, and Factor X or V. Point of care
parameters takes 24-48 hours even after the PT/INR devices have no place in the
sufficient neutralization of venom in the detection of envenoming-induced
circulation19. coagulopathy due to false positive results
produced by snake venom toxins in the
This explains the potential and limitations of patient’s blood. Not all hospitals are
antivenom administration for coagulopathy. equipped with PT/INR, aPTT or fibrinogen
Antivenom remains in the central assays. As envenoming is prevalent in rural
circulation, binds with venom and settings, developing an inexpensive simple
neutralizes its toxic effects. But antivenom test is important.
plays no role in the restoration of depleted
fibrinogen and other clotting factors. A study was conducted to explore the
Restoration of clotting factors depends on sensitivity and specificity of WBCT20 for
the synthesis of these factors by the liver5. It Russell’s viper envenoming. WBCT20 was
takes time, and administration of massive performed by routine hospital staff and
doses of antivenom is not justifiable and PT/INR assessed using the same blood
does not present a scientific basis. sample to explore correlation. Patients who
Antivenom is critical to neutralise the free had normal INR had positive WBCT20 and
venom in the circulation and stop the an approximately equal number of patients
ongoing factor consumption. But recovery who had very high INR had negative
of clotting parameters should not be WBCT20. This study explained the low
expected by administration of repeated sensitivity and specify of WBCT20 in the

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

detection of Russell’s viper coagulopathy. Over one hundred different antivenoms are
Not only that, false negative WBCT20 had used for coagulopathic snake envenoming
also delayed administration of anitivenom27. worldwide. Despite its therapeutic potential,
antivenom can cause life-threatening
In the ward, WBCT20 is usually performed anaphylaxis29 . Many deaths still occur due
by hospital staff without a standard to antivenom, but are poorly reported for a
procedure. Most of the time, the test is variety of reasons. Therefore, exploring the
performed in a used penicillin bottle, with available evidence to establish the effect of
the bottle being shaken every few minutes to antivenom is crucial.
check whether the sample is clotted. For this
reason, another study was conducted after According to the pyramid of evidence-based
standardisation of WBCT20 by trained practice of medicine, expert opinions and
research assistants, using specialised glass case reports are considered as the basic level
tubes. The results showed that the majority of evidence that support the practice.
of patients with positive WBCT20 also had However, in certain locations management
elevated INR. The study indicated good of snakebite is based on expert opinions than
sensitivity of WBCT20 in the detection of recommendations. On the other side of the
Russell’s viper coagulopathy, but with the spectrum, randomized controlled trials,
standardized test procedure, using a clean, systematics reviews, especially Cochrane
previously unused glass test tube, 2 ml of Systematic reviews, provide collective
venous blood, kept at room temperature for evidence for or against specific clinical
20 minutes with no disturbance28. interventions. Cochrane systematic reviews
explore all studies published on a particular
Snake antivenom for coagulopathy intervention for a specific disease and
summarize the collective effect of the
Antivenom is considered the gold standard intervention.
treatment for snakebite. However, a detailed
mechanism of action of snake antivenom is Cochrane Systematic Review was conducted
essential to understand its potential and its to explore the published evidence of
limitations. Intravenously administered antivenom for venom-induced consumption
polyclonal immunoglobulins bind with coagulopathy. All published and ongoing
snake venom in the circulation. placebo-controlled randomized trials of
Binding of antibodies blocks the active site antivenom for venom induced consumption
interactions between the toxins and target coagulopathy (VICC) in the cited databases
tissues. Secondly, antivenom-venom from 1947 onwards were screened. After
complexes remain in the circulation due to screening over 6000 abstracts, 35 full-texts
massive molecular mass and block the were selected to check eligibility. Except for
distribution of toxins to the peripheral one ongoing study, all 34 other studies were
tissues. Thirdly, the production of excluded with valid reasons. There is one
antivenom-venom complexes enhances the ongoing placebo randomized trial of
elimination of toxins from the circulation antivenom for North American copperhead
through the reticular-endothelial system12. envenoming. Due to a lack of placebo
Early administration of antivenom is thus controlled randomized evidence; no studies
important to stop the distribution of venom were available to conduct a meta-analysis.
to peripheral sites. Cochrane reviews concluded that there is a
lack of placebo controlled randomized
evidence to give antivenom for VICC5.

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

Exploration of the results published in time after 6 hours of the bite. The recovery
randomized comparative trials on antivenom of INR showed no difference between the
for VICC is important in clinical practice. two groups15. The effectiveness of
There were 25 randomized comparative antivenom for VICC thus appears to vary
trials published on antivenoms for VICC. among different snake species, and this
These trials compared 2 or 3 antivenoms, needs to be taken into account when
two or more different doses of antivenoms, planning treatment.
and antivenom with heparin for snake
coagulopathy. Conclusions from the studies Indian antivenom used in Sri Lankan
are 2 or 3 antivenoms are equally effective snake envenoming
for VICC, different doses of antivenom are
nearly equally effective for VICC, Indian Polyvalent antivenom have been used
antivenom alone and antivenom plus heparin for Sri Lankan snake envenoming over the
are equally effective for VICC5,30. Equal past 50 years or so, manufactured mainly by
effectiveness of all different tests arms could the companies VINS and BHARAT. These
be interpreted as equal ineffectiveness due to polyvalent antivenoms have been developed
lack of a control group. against the four major venomous snakes in
India: Cobra, Indian krait, saw scaled viper
Therefore, randomized comparative trials and Russell’s viper. These antivenoms are
were insufficient to establish the used in Sri Lanka based on the assumption
effectiveness of antivenom for VICC. Due that the venoms of the Indian snakes are
to strong belief of the effectiveness of identical to those of the Sri Lankan snakes
antivenom for VICC, no study has that bear the same scientific names. But in
investigated the effect with placebo. fact the taxonomy of these snakes is still at a
fairly primitive stage, lacking robust
Two interesting observational studies molecular studies.
provided useful evidence on the use of
antivenom for VICC. A group of saw-scaled There are many differences in the venom
viper bite patients had been treated with the and clinical profiles of envenoming between
appropriate antivenom, while another group the Indian and Sri Lankan snakes bearing
had not received antivenom treatment for the same name. No laboratory or properly
various reasons. Researchers analyzed the designed clinical trials have been conducted
recovery of fibrinogen in the two groups. to explore the efficacy and effectiveness of
The results clearly showed that fibrinogen Indian antivenoms for Sri Lankan snake
recovers within 48 hours when antivenom envenoming. The extremely high rate of
has been administered but remains low for reactions, between 43 and 81%, is the key
weeks in the absence of antivenom. This issue in Indian antivenoms32,33,34,35. Indeed,
observational study provides valuable piece it appears that a substantial proportion of Sri
of evidence to support the effectiveness of Lankan snakebite fatalities are caused by
antivenom for VICC for saw-scaled viper reactions to the antivenom rather than to the
envenoming31. effects of the venom itself. Based on all the
known facts, there is an urgent need to
The other study was on Australian Elapid develop antivenoms for Sri Lankan’s
snake envenoming. Recovery of INR was venomous snakes, including hump-nosed
compared in two groups of patients, one of vipers, which account for over half of all
which had received antivenom during the reported bites. As a result, Peradeniya
first 6 hours after the bite and other at some medical faculty has developed a polyvelant

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

snake antivenom for Sri Lankan snakes Table 2 shows the variation of dry powder
including hump-nosed vipers. This weight, and the quantity of proteins in each
collaborative project is being led by Prof. vial of antivenom. The fraction of proteins
Indika Gawarammara and the Institute of indicates the active ingredient,
Clodomiro Picado in Costa-Rica. Currently, immunoglobulins. It is obvious that, the
a clinical trial is in progress to establish the protein content varies widely between
clinical effectiveness and safety of this new batches. The effect of antivenom depends on
antivenom. the dose of proteins injected into the patient.
The administration of 10 vials from the
As the efficacy of Indian antivenom not VINS 2012 batch delivers 5g of proteins to
valuated in Sri Lanka, several batches of the patient. But the administration of 10
VINS and BHARAT antivenom were vials from the BHARAT 2011 batch delivers
investigated to explore inter-batch variation only 1 g of protein to the patient. The
and several vials from each batch were difference is 5 times between two
analyzed to examine variation within each manufacturers and even between two
batch (Table 2). batches from the same manufacturer. Both
antivenoms bind to all four Sri Lankan
Table 2. The dry powder weight of venoms, but their binding abilities vary
antivenom, the percentage of proteins per grossly between manufacturers, batches and
mg of antivenom and the amount of protein even within the same batch. Both
per vial in VINS and BHARAT antivenoms. antivenoms neutralize the coagulant an
effect of Russell’s and saw scaled viper
Vial Type Dry Protein Protein venoms, but their efficacies show a very
powder % content/ wide variation36.
wt. vial (mg)
(mg/vial) The efficacy of VINS and BHARAT
antivenoms for various toxic effects are
VINS2000 800 30.7% 246 shown in the table 3. In general, the study
VINS2008 614 26.4% 162
highlighted that BHARAT antivenom is less
effective for coagulopathy of Sri Lankan
VINS2010* 658 31.6% 201 Russell’s and saw-scaled viper venoms.
(535 – 815) (23 – 36) (157 – 238) After many decades, this is the first time a
detailed investigation has been conducted on
VINS2011 801 40.9% 328
Indian antivenoms for Sri Lankan snake
VINS2012 798 62.7% 500 venom. There are numerous brands for a
given generic preparation. The actual facts
BHARAT2 433 25.2% 109 about the efficacies and effectiveness of
011* (155 – 510) (23 – 27) (39 – 125) each one do not get published in journals.

This is a single example for what Prof Bibile

understood 45 years ago. Having a scientific
pharmaceutical testing institute is an urgent
* The median value and range is reported for need for Sri Lanka. However, this is a
VINS2010 and BHARAT2011 based on routine practice in many developed
testing 10 vials from each batch. countries before they use drugs in clinical

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

Table 3. Efficacy and venom binding of VINS and BHARAT antivenoms for various toxic

Toxic effect Snake venom VINS antivenom BHARAT antivenom

Neurotoxicity Common krait Efficacious Not efficacious

Cobra Less efficacious Less efficacious

Russell’s viper Not efficacious Not efficacious

Coagulopathy Russell’s viper Efficacious Less efficacious
Saw scaled viper Efficacious Less efficacious
Venom-antivenom binding Russell’s viper Good binding Poor binding

Saw scaled viper Good binding Good binding

Cobra Poor binding Good binding
Common krait Good binding Poor binding

Consumption of clotting factors by venom is between the two groups. The study
the key pathology in snake envenoming. But concluded lack of any difference in the
it is very clear that antivenom plays no role recovery of coagulopathy in the two groups
on the restoration of depleted clotting factors .
in the circulation. Whether FFP can restore
the clotting factors in snake coagulopathy Snakebite is listed as a cause for
remains a doubt. Introducing additional disseminated intravascular coagulation
clotting factors that can be consumed by the (DIC) in many textbooks and research
unneutralized venom in the circulation may papers. Recently published this study
worsen the coagulopathy. This resembles uncovered the difference between DIC and
pouring fuel on the fire5 . VICC on snake envenoming.

This hypothesis was checked on Australian Snake envenoming does not cause DIC. The
Elapid envenoming and it was concluded differences are, there is no microthrombi
that FFP speeds up the recovery of VICC37. formation, end organ failure, and other
However, there is no evidence to support the system involvement in VICC, but all these
use FFP for Russell’s viper envenoming. A are associated with DIC. Snake envenoming
randomized controlled trial to test the effect is a rapid-onset process that spontaneously
of adding FFP was conducted. One group recovers within 24 hours and initiated by
received 20 vials of antivenom and other activation of any reaction of clotting
group had 10 vials of antivenom and 4 packs cascade16. But DIC is a relatively long
of FFP. The time to recover INR < 2 was the process. It takes many days to recover and is
primary outcome of the study. There were triggered by activation of tissue factor
no differences of recovery of fibrinogen, pathway. Therefore pathological process
factor V, factor X and d-dimer concentration

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

termed DIC does not occur in snake well41. When the patient does have
envenoming. antivenom, the venom molecules are fully
covered. Completely bound venom cannot
Reappearance of venom in the circulation bind to the ELISA plate and hence expresses
after its initial neutralization is a as no venom in the circulation. When the
phenomenon described in many studies over venom molecules are partially covered by
past 4 decades39,40. the antivenom, probably at small doses of
antivenom, partially bound venom can still
The phenomenon has been explained by bind to the ELISA plate and express as
many hypotheses including slow absorption positive venom. Series of different
of venom from the bite site, dissociation of immunological experiments confirmed this
venom-antivenom complexes, and the venom recurrence phenomenon as detection
mismatch of venom and antivenom of partially bound venom in ELISA42. This
pharmacokinetics. The question was partially bound venom in not biologically
whether this recurrence of venom actually active: its active epitopes are blocked by the
worsens the coagulopathy and other toxic antivenom, which is why the recurrence of
effects. So we designed a study to explore venom is not associated with the worsening
the association of venom recurrence and the of coaguopathy.
worsening of coagulopathy.
Pharmacokinetics of antivenom
Recovery of fibrinogen and INR between a
group of Russell’s viper envenomed patients True recurrence of coagulopathy is,
with no venom recurrence and patients with however, reported from North American
venom recurrence were compared. There Rattlesnake envenoming. True recurrence of
was no difference in the recovery of coagulopathy, is explained by the mismatch
fibrinogen in these two groups41. The study of venom- antivenom pharmacokinetics.
concluded that the recurrence of venom in Rattlesnake antivenom is aFab antivenom,
the circulation was not associated with which is the smallest-sized antivenom, and
worsening of coagulopathy. This raised hence undergoes rapid renal clearance. After
many queries on the mechanism and the the lapse of 7 days no antivenom remains in
purpose of venom recurrence in the the circulation, but venom can be slowly
circulation. What then, is this recurrence? absorbed to the circulation from the bite site
How is the venom reappearing in the once the antivenom is completely cleared.
circulation? Why is the recurrence of venom Therefore, investigation of the
not toxic, worsening the coagulopathy? pharmacokinetics of antivenom is crucial to
determine the initial dose and the repetition
The results of the experiments demonstrated of the doses 12.
that recurrence of venom in the circulation
was not in fact free Russell’s viper venom, The Indian antivenoms used for Sri Lankan
but that the Enzyme immuno assay detects snake envenoming involve Fab2 antibodies,
antivenom-bound venom as free venom in which are larger than Rattlesnake
the circulation. Detection of venom in antivenom. Detailed studies of antivenom
patients’ blood is achieved by binding of pharmacokinetics have not been conducted
venom to the coated antibodies in an ELISA globally. The very few studies published are
plate. Bound venom is detected by enzyme- based on fewer than 10 patients. I carried
linked secondary antibodies and finally by out a study on Indian antivenom
the development of color in the positive pharmacokinetics to analyze all basic and

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

derived pharmacokinetic parameters and, for activity in patients’ blood could indicate the
the first time, data were mathematically presence of venom. The detection PLA2
modelled to apply to the population to activity in the early period of envenoming
predict the exact behavior of antivenom would be sufficient to decide antivenom
following intravenous administration. The administration to prevent peripheral toxic
study concluded that Fab2 antivenoms have effects.
a bi-exponential disposition in the tissue
compartments, with rapid initial half-life and Samples from 5 major venomous snakes
prolonged elimination half-life 43 . were investigated. All envenomed patients
had significantly higher PLA2 activity
Diagnosis of envenoming compared to non-envenomed patients. Not
only that, PLA2 activity correlated well
Many snakebites are ‘dry’, involving no with the actually measured snake venom
venom, and the treatment of a dry bite with concentrations. The study concluded that
antivenom can carry its own risks. PLA2 activity mirrored the presence of
Therefore, when a patient presents with venom in the circulation 44 . With the
snakebite it is vital to know whether he or availability of polyvalent antivenom, the
she has actually been envenomed. Currently, identity of the assailant snake becomes less
envenoming is diagnosed based on the important: what we need to know is whether
patient’s history, the availability of the the patient has been envenomed. The
specimen that is suspected of causing the confirmation of venom in the circulation is
bite, clinical features of envenoming, and sufficient to administer antivenom.
abnormal laboratory results. Following the publication of this work in the
Journal Nature Scientific Reports in 2014,
The early detection of venom in the studies to identify the possibility of using
circulation is important for the this test to detect envenoming by other types
administration of antivenom to prevent the of snakes has been initiated by several other
development of irreversible peripheral countries.
effects such as neurotoxicity. Detection of
snake venom in patients’ blood is difficult, The second phase of the clinical study is
complex, time consuming and not available currently underway. The target is to develop
except in few laboratories in the world44. a rapid, sensitive, affordable, venom-
But the confirmation of envenomation is detection device for bedside use. This would
critical for prompt diagnosis and treatment. be in the form of a lateral flow immune
The time between venom entering into the chromatographic device similar to the
circulation and development of peripheral commonly used urine hCG strip. But the
toxic effects is the available narrow window development of such test will clearly
for venom detection. Administration of indicate envenoming at the bed side and
antivenom during that time traps the venom facilitate the early administration of
in circulation and stop further toxic effects. antivenom, hopefully even before the patient
develops clinical features, thus preventing
There is a common snake-venom toxin unnecessary antivenom treatment and all the
found in almost all venomous snakes, which reactions and deaths induced by the
is called phospholipase 2 or PLA2 . The antivenoms.
detection of PLA2 is not complex: it is quite
similar to our pancreatic PLA2, though not Conclusions
identical. Detection of elevated PLA2

DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 26 No.2, 2017

Recovery from coagulopathy following option of treatment for envenoming. But as

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hours. Therefore, repeated doses of raised in 1971. “Provide correct scientific
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sensitivity for the detection of Russell’s pity that, we have to this day, failed to heed
viper coagulopathy. The efficacy of Indian his advice.
antivenoms vary widely and doubtful for
envenoming by Sri Lankan snakes. The References
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