Propoelix 200 Flyer (HK)

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HDI is a Social Network Marke ng organisa on that offers a wide range of premium

bee-based nutri onal and skin care products. Founded in Singapore in 1986, HDI today
is present in 7 countries and is focused on distribu ng bee products throughout South
East Asia.

“The beehive is nature’s oldest laboratory and bees are nature’s most efficient
scien sts. Apitherapy is the use of substances produced by honeybees to treat
various medical condi ons. This is the core of HDI’s business. Since its founding,
we have educated millions of people about the benefits of consuming bee

HDI has established itself as a premium, trusted, people’s brand with effec ve,
high quality and beau fully designed bee-based products. It is Asia’s leading
proponent in apitherapy and bee educa on.

Designed by Doctors, Backed by Science.

MDxCare is focused on the development of evidence-based nutri onal

supplementa on with a view to making these available specifically to doctors and
consumers interested in adop ng a more holis c approach towards medical care.

“Our approach has always been to complement drug therapy with natural
supplements to reduce the side effects of drugs and restore pa ents to complete
wellness and health.”

PROPOELIX has been painstakingly developed based on the best

available current scientific evidence to ensure optimum efficacy. We
Our are fully committed to the quality and safety of PROPOELIX. We have
also rigorously examined published scientific data available on
Commitment PROPOELIX to ensure that our recommended formulations, dosages
and indications are grounded in scientifically-proven efficacy.

HDI Hong Kong

Where to Buy Shop 322, 3/F, Worldwide Plaza,
No. 19 Des Voeux Road,
HDI Singapore Central, Hong Kong
Blk 211 Henderson Road Tel.: +852 2893 3631
#08-03 Henderson Industrial Park Fax: +852 3101 9289
Singapore 159552
Tel : 6273 9277 Shop 306, 3/F, Causeway Bay Shopping Center,
Fax: 6273 3692 15-23 Sugar Street,
Email: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel.: +852 3427 9068 Email:
What is Propolis?
Propolis is a waxy substance which bees gather from trees. Bees
use propolis to guard against infections and keep out bacteria
from their hive. In fact, the word "Propolis" originates from Greek,
PROPOELIX is the result of an extensive 20 year research program to develop a propolis extract that would address the
"pro" meaning "in front" and "polis" meaning "city". Propolis is
3 key challenges related to propolis consumption - consistency, potency and bioavailability.
also a powerful and natural antioxidant that has been used for
Continuous Multi-Stage High Total ORAC Value centuries to treat various illnesses and improve human health.
Countercurrent Extraction (CMCE) Since all the waxes and resins in the propolis have been removed, each
PROPOELIX is a super-extraction of gram of PROPOELIX is highly potent. In fact, PROPOELIX has an extremely Immune System Booster
propolis performed using a unique high total Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value. An analysis Propolis is a highly complex compound containing all vitamins
extraction process called Continuous done by Brunswick Laboratories in the USA found that it has a total ORAC (except vitamin K), all minerals needed by the body (e.g.
Multi-Stage Countercurrent Extraction value of 21,921 μmol TE per gram, more than double the amount of all magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and copper) and
(CMCE) technology. The CMCE process other propolis supplements sold in the market today. In other words, 1 at least 16 essential amino acids. It also contains many
removes all the waxes and resins in capsule of PROPOELIX has the total ORAC value of 3 cups of broccoli, and
polyphenolic compounds (caffeic acid phenethyl ester or CAPE),
propolis, leaving behind the hugely 1 bottle of PROPOELIX has the total ORAC value of 17kg of broccoli.
flavonoids (chyrsin, catechin, galangin, etc.), stilbene derivatives
beneficial active ingredients such as
Not only does PROPOELIX have an outstandingly high total ORAC value, it (reservatrol) and fatty acids. These compounds, particularly CAPE
flavonoids, flavones, polyphenols and
phenolic acid esters. These active also contains antioxidants that fight against the five common free and flavonoids, have shown potent antioxidant activity in vitro.
ingredients found in raw propolis are radicals that cause cellular damage: peroxyl, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, They neutralise free radicals and prevent cell damage.
usually diluted or leached in traditional superoxide anion and singlet oxygen. Anti-bacterial
steam distillation or solid-liquid Propolis has been shown to have
Propolis can reduce inflammation and is effective
extraction processes. Test Results Units strong anti-bacterial properties
against infections of the skin, nose ear and throat.
Antioxidant power against peroxyl radicals 5,211 μmol TE per gram and works synergistically when
Enhanced Water Solubility and Antioxidant power against hydroxyl radicals 7,256 μmol TE per gram used in combination with certain
Bioavailability Antioxidant power against peroxynitrite 464 μmol TE per gram antibiotics.
The CMCE process also gives Anti-toxic
Antioxidant power against superoxide anion 4,778 μmol TE per gram Flavonoids in propolis reduce the toxicity of
PROPOELIX is uniquely water soluble
Antioxidant power against singlet oxygen 4,212 μmol TE per gram certain chemotherapeutic agents that Anti-cancer
properties while ensuring all of its
Total ORACFN (Sum of above) 21,921 μmol TE per gram cause injury to the heart, kidneys, lungs A 2003 study showed that propolis
beneficial compounds remain intact.
This drastically improves its and other organs. They also significantly can help treat tumours and
bioavailability and makes it more easily Superblend reduce the side effects experienced by prevent the growth of cancer cells,
assimilated into the body, allowing the Propolis is a naturally occurring substance which is highly dependent on patients undergoing chemotherapy, particularly those found in the
body to receive the full potency of botanical and geographical origin. Unlike other propolis products which particularly mouth sores and fatigue. breasts, lungs, brain and prostate.
propolis with every intake. usually consist of propolis sourced from a single region, the raw propolis
used in PROPOELIX is a “superblend” of Poplar and
Baccharis propolis originating from different Who Can Take Propoelix?
geographical regions. These two types of propolis have
Anyone and everyone published in the international peer reviewed medical
similar biological properties but different active
Daily consumption of PROPOELIX can dramatically boost journal Dove Medical Press (L, Soroy, Bagus S, Yongkie IP,
ingredients. The raw propolis from each source is
overall immunity. Anyone and everyone can consume and Djoko W. "The Effect of a Unique Propolis Compound
tested to ensure it contains a chemical composition
PROPOELIX – it is especially recommended for individuals (PropoelixTM) on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with
g within a pre-determined range (measured
with a poor immune system (whether due to stress, lack of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever." Dove Medical Press Vol 7,
against a gas chromatographic mass spectral (GC-MS)
sleep, unhealthy diet, or various illnesses). PROPOELIX has no. Dec 2014 (2014): 323—329.).
analysis profile) before it is approved for use in the
no known side effects. HIV/Aids
C p
CMCE process and encapsulated. This selection and
endin process ensures that every capsule in every Case studies conducted on 71 HIV/Aids patients who
Dengue Fever were on anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs (which cause serious
batch P
tch of PROPOELIX exhibits the same, consistent,
PROPOELIX is also a clinically-proven effective support damage to the immune system) showed a significant
be cial proper
beneficial properties.
therapy for Dengue Fever as shown in a recent clinical 80% increase in their CD4 marker counts. A CD4 count is
study done on Dengue Fever patients at Gatot Soebroto a lab test that measures the number of CD4 cells in a
Central Army Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was found blood sample. It is an important indicator of how well a
that PROPOELIX shortened the average length of a Dengue patient's immune system is working.
Fever patient’s hospital stay by 25%. Patients using
PROPOELIX also experienced a significant increase in Cancer
platelet count and a rapid decrease in body temperature. PROPOELIX can benefit patients with solid-organ tumours
They experienced no unwanted side effects or clinical and is able to mitigate some of the toxicity of
deterioration. Detailed results of the clinical study were chemotherapeutic agents.

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