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Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No.

8, pp 14-16, 2005
Copyright © 2005 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1312-1723

Original Contribution
G. Kanchev*, D. Kostandieva, S.Dimitrov

164 Secondary Spanish School, Sofia, Bulgaria

The purpose of the investigation was to create a school programme in order to sustain the green places
in the school campus, as well as healthy condition for sport, relaxation and education. Methods To
arrange the school campus as a green zone. To plan and perform a student’s self-government. Results:
Atmospheric pollution is a serious problem nowadays. It is connected with human activity in the field
of industry, energy and transport. We give some ideas in order to limit the pollution in the present
work. A green alley was worked out and students from the club ‘Ecology’ joined it. This problem
appears because of the lack of preoccupation and noticeable devaluation of human worth in relation to
the living matter and its continuous destruction.

Key words: pollution, Green Zone, environment

INTRODUCTION carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur

dioxide, and tiny solid particles - including
Pollution is contamination of earth’s
lead from gasoline additives - called
environment with materials that interfere with
particulates. Between 1900 and 1970, motor
human health or the natural functioning of
vehicle use rapidly expanded, and emissions
living organisms and their physical
of nitrogen oxides, some of the most
surroundings Though some environmental
damaging pollutants in vehicle exhaust,

pollution is a result of natural causes, many

increased 690 percent. When fuels are
others are caused by human activities.
incompletely burned, various chemicals called
volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) also enter
the air [4] Pollutants also come from other
One of many forms of pollution, air pollution, sources. For instance, decomposing garbage
occurs inside homes, schools, and offices; in in landfills and solid waste disposal sites emits
cities; across continents; and even globally. methane gas, and many household products
Air pollution makes people sick—it causes give off VOCs and their sources tend to be
breathing problems and promotes cancer - and concentrated, however, especially in cities.
it harms plants, animals, and the ecosystems Smog is intense local pollution usually
in which they live. Some air pollutants return trapped by a thermal inversion. Before the age
to Earth in the form of acid rain and snow, of the automobile, most smog came from
which corrode statues and buildings, damage burning coal. In 19th-century London, smog
crops and forests, and make lakes and streams was so severe that streetlights were turned on
unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal by noon because soot and smog darkened the
life. midday sky. Burning gasoline in motor
Most air pollution comes from one vehicles is the main source of smog in most
human activity: burning fossil fuels - natural regions today like the capital of Bulgaria.
gas, coal, and oil - to power industrial Powered by sunlight, oxides of nitrogen and
processes and motor vehicles. Among the volatile organic compounds react in the
harmful chemical compounds this burning atmosphere to produce photochemical smog.
puts into the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, Smog contains ozone, a form of oxygen gas
made up of molecules with three oxygen
Correspondence to: G. Kanchev, 47 Khan atoms rather than the normal two. Ozone in
Asparuh Str., Sofia; Tel.: +359 2 9810236; E- the lower atmosphere is a poison—it damages
14 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2005
KANCHEV G., et al.
vegetation, kills trees, irritates lung tissues, There is little disagreement, though, that
and attacks rubber. Environmental officials global warming is on its way.
measure ozone to determine the severity of Global warming will have different
smog. When the ozone level is high, other effects in different regions. A warmed world
pollutants, including carbon monoxide, are is expected to have more extreme weather,
usually present at high levels as well. with more rain during wet periods like the
Several pollutants attack the ozone unexpected rain storms and inundations of
layer. Chief among them is the class of many regions in Bulgaria and Europe this
chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons summer; can cause also longer droughts, and
(CFCs), formerly used in air conditioners, as more powerful storms. Although the effects of
agents in several manufacturing processes, future climate change are unknown, some
and as propellants in spray cans. CFC predict that exaggerated weather conditions
molecules are virtually indestructible until may translate into better agricultural yields in
they reach the stratosphere. Here, intense areas such as the western United States, where
ultraviolet radiation breaks the CFC molecules temperature and rainfall are expected to
apart, releasing the chlorine atoms they increase, while dramatic decreases in rainfall
contain. These chlorine atoms react with may lead to severe drought and plunging
ozone, breaking it down into ordinary oxygen agricultural yields in parts of Africa, for
molecules that do not absorb the UV beam. example.
The chlorine acts as a catalyst. A single Warmer temperatures are expected to
chlorine atom can destroy up to 100,000 partially melt the polar ice caps, leading to a
ozone molecules in the stratosphere. Other projected sea level rise of 9 to 100 cm (4 to 40
pollutants, including nitrous oxide from in) by the year 2100. A sea level rise at the
fertilizers and the pesticide methyl bromide, upper end of this range would flood coastal
also attack atmospheric ozone. cities, force people to abandon low-lying
Scientists are finding that under this islands, and completely inundate coastal
assault the protective ozone layer in the wetlands [5].
stratosphere is thinning. In the Antarctic
region, it vanishes almost entirely for a few RESULTS
weeks every year. Although CFC use has been
That’s why our
greatly reduced in recent years and will soon
opinion is that
be prohibited worldwide, CFC molecules
it will be better
already released into the lower atmosphere
for the
will be making their way to the stratosphere
for decades, and further ozone loss is
of our country
expected. As a result, experts anticipate an
to increase the
increase in skin cancers, more cataracts
import of
(clouding of the lens of the eye), and reduced
hybrid cars
yields of some food crops.
which utilize a
Humans are bringing about another global-
gasoline or
scale change in the atmosphere: the increase
diesel engine
in what are called greenhouse gases. Like
as electrical
glass in a greenhouse, these gases admit the
batteries in
Sun’s light but tend to reflect back downward
order to extend
the heat that is radiated from the ground
the car’s range
below, trapping heat in the Earth’s
and often to
atmosphere [3]. This process is known as the
provide additional power. Other way to
greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide is the most
protect the atmosphere is to use rail and bus
significant of these gases—there is 31 percent
transport instead of an automobile.
more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today
Sometimes pollution is unrecognised
than there was in 1750, the result of our
site - inside the homes and buildings where
burning coal and fuels derived from oil.
we spend most of our time. Indoor pollutants
Methane, nitrous oxide, and CFCs are
include tobacco smoke [3]; radon and
greenhouse gases as well.
chemicals released from synthetic carpets and
Some scientists are reluctant to say that
furniture, pesticides, and household cleaners.
global warming has actually begun because
When disturbed, asbestos sheds airborne
climate naturally varies from year to year and
fibres that can produce a lung disease called
decade to decade, and it takes many years of
asbestosis. Pollutants may accumulate to
records to be sure of a fundamental change.
reach much higher levels than they do outside,
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2005 15
KANCHEV G., et al.
where natural air currents disperse them. reducing the level of several toxic gases that
Indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2 cause the green house effect, ozone depletion
to 5 times, and occasionally more than 100 and acid rain from the air, but their full
times, higher than outdoor levels. These levels removal is impossible to attain. And that’s
of indoor air pollutants are especially harmful why these substances damage the
because people spend as much as 90 percent environment, human health, and quality of
of their time living, working, and playing life.
indoor. Inefficient or improperly vented
heaters are particularly dangerous. That’s why REFERENCES
it is very important to ventilate, to create
1. Dewey, Scott H. Don't Breathe the Air:
airflow that can decrease those levels of the
Air Pollution and U.S. Environmental
pollutants. That’s why we worked very hard
Politics, 1945-1970. Texas A&M
on the project “Green Zone” in school to
University Press, 2000. Historical
assure the relatively healthy conditions for
treatment of the emergence of air
sport and relaxation of the students. The green
pollution as an environmental issue.
alley was worked out with students from the
2. Kidd, J. S., and Renee A. Kidd. Into Thin
club ‘Ecology’ that joined us. Special
Air: The Problem of Air Pollution. 1998.
wallpapers were worked and installed in our
3. Risk factors for Myocardial Infarction,
computer laboratories (see the Figure above).
G.Kanchev, A.Gegova, D. Kostandieva
4. Liu, David H. F., and G.Liptak, eds. Air
Pollutions. Lewis Publishers, 2000.
Our investigation showed how the climate is 5. Miller, Christina G., and Louise A. Berry.
changing most of all because of the human Air Alert: Rescuing the Earth's
production, transport etc. That changes are Atmosphere. 1996.
very drastic but also can be prevented

16 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2005

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