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Dexter Patrick S.

E-14 | CEAT
NASC 4 [Conception-Birth Reaction paper]
Upon watching the medical visualization of the Image-maker Alexander Tsiaras entitled
Conception to birth, I became aware now on the answer to the question of "When does life begin?"
Conception begins at the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell in the process known as fertilization.
Life really is a mystery and how I appreciate the human design or blueprint that from the single living
cell, growing and now comprising a complex human being composed of millions and billions of living

Also, I have to appreciate God for the gift of life he has given me. With the single living cell He
designed for me, the dot of life became a complex human person equipped with His given talents and

The documentary made me more appreciative to the pains and burdens my mother has in
bearing, rearing me to become who I am now. It is incomparable to anything.

Also, I realized that I really have to know how to value my life. It is being valuable from the
beginning until the end. A life valuable from the start of the union of two living cells and in the end
valuable in its complex form. Life is of great value, hence, I will take care of this life given to me by
God through the sacrifices of my mother and father.

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